Bart Hester, Arkansas lawmaker, wants police chief fired over release of Josh Duggar report

Washington Times

By Jessica Chasmar – The Washington Times – Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Arkansas state Sen. Bart Hester wants Springdale Police Chief Kathy O’Kelley fired over the recent release of a 2006 police report that contained allegations that Josh Duggar as a teen molested five underage girls, including his sisters.

Mr. Hester, a Republican, said Ms. O’Kelley acted recklessly in releasing the report and accused her of re-victimizing the girls by making the allegations public, a local CBS affiliate reported.

“The law to protect minors’ identities is not a suggestion,” Mr. Hester said Saturday. “So sad to see the person charged with protecting the community being so reckless and irresponsible. I believe it is unavoidable that the Springdale police chief should be terminated. She has re-victimized these young ladies.”

The Springdale police report was obtained by In Touch Weekly magazine and posted online this week with the names redacted, CBS reported. On Thursday, Washington County Juvenile Judge Stacey Zimmerman issued a court order that the police report be destroyed and expunged from the public record, CBS reported.

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