Attorney seeks community service, no prison time for D.C. rabbi

Washington Post

[prosecutors 25-page memo]

By Keith L. Alexander and Michelle Boorstein May 11

The attorney for Barry Freundel, the once-influential Orthodox rabbi who secretly videotaped dozens of nude women as they prepared for a ritual bath, has asked a D.C. Superior Court judge to spare his client any prison time and instead impose a sentence of community service.

The 12-page memo was filed after prosecutors Friday sent their own memo to the judge requesting that Freundel, 64, be sentenced to 17 years in prison.

In the defense memo, attorney Jeffrey Harris stressed that Freundel has lost his livelihood and asked Senior Judge Geoffrey M. Alprin to sentence Freundel to work with the community.

Alprin can either adopt or reject the sentences suggested by the prosecutors or the defense, or craft another punishment.

“He has already been punished in that he has lost his employment as a rabbi and is never likely to be so employed again,” Harris wrote. “He has been publicly humiliated and his prior reputation as a Judaic scholar, teacher and counselor have been destroyed.”

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