Attorney General in Dominican Republic over child abuse cases

The News

Attorney General Andrzej Seremet has visited the Dominican Republic in connection with two child abuse cases involving Polish clergymen.

Seremet spoke with victims of Father Wojciech G. (full name witheld under Polish privacy laws), who was sentenced by a Polish court to seven years in prison in March 2015 for abusing children in both the Dominican Republic and Poland.

Besides the prison sentence, the clergyman has been ordered to pay a combined sum of PLN 155,000 damages to the victims, divided between six minors in the Dominican Republic and two in Poland. Seremet’s counterpart Attorney General Francisco Dominquez Brito had visited Poland in December 2014 prior to the trial.

He commented then “that we expect a just, high sentence which will satisfy public opinion in the Dominican Republic.”

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.