Accused headmistress fled: Vic court

The Australian


A COMMITTEE linked to an orthodox Jewish school organised for a “manipulative” headmistress accused of sexually abusing female students to fly overseas, a Melbourne court has heard.

FORMER committee member Mair Ernst admits his wife Hadassa arranged plane tickets for then Adass Israel School headmistress Malka Leifer, so she could leave for Israel in 2008.

“We had accusations only and very, very little information that Mrs Leifer had molested girls,” he told the Supreme Court of Victoria on Friday.

The school and Ms Leifer are being sued by an ex-student who says she was sexually abused up to several times a week from age 15.

Last August Ms Leifer was arrested in Israel and is facing extradition to Australia.

Mr Ernst said the committee met urgently when the allegations surfaced in 2008, and a “collective” decision was made to arrange flights for Ms Leifer and her family.

“She was manipulative and we wanted to do everything possible to protect these poor girls,” he said.

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