Abuse survivors stand vigil at BJU

Greenville News

[with video]

Lyn Riddle, lnriddle@greenvillenews.com

Five abuse survivors held a silent vigil outside the main gate of Bob Jones University Thursday protesting what they called the university’s tepid response to a report that criticized the way faculty and staff counseled students who had been sexually abused or assaulted.

They said their biggest concern was that no action had been taken against Jim Berg, the former dean of students who handled most of the counseling, and Bob Jones III, who was president during the time most of the situations occurred.

Godly Response to Abuse in the Christian Environment, a non-profit independent organization that BJU contracted with to conduct the investigation, recommended personnel action against both men.

BJU President Steve Pettit said earlier this year that all of Berg’s writings had been studied and found to be biblically correct. He remains on the faculty; Jones remains chancellor, said university spokesman Randy Page.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.