Baby-murdering ‘satanic cult’ allegations in north London dismissed by judge

London 24

Claims a ‘satanic cult’ in north London where peadophiles abused and murdered babies, drank their blood and wore shoes made from their skin have been dismissed by a High Court judge as ‘baseless’.

Mrs Justice Pauffley, who had been asked to investigate by Barnet social services, said detail of the claims has been circulating on the internet.

She said: “Specifically, it was said that babies were supplied from all over the world.

“They were bought, injected with drugs and then sent by TNT or DHL to London. The assertions were that babies had been abused, tortured and then sacrificed.

“Their throats were slit, blood was drunk and cult members would then dance wearing babies’ skulls (sometimes with blood and hair still attached”) on their bodies. …

Barnet Council had begun care proceedings in relation to the youngsters but Justice Pauffley said last September ‘lurid allegations of the most serious kind’ were drawn to the attention of police.

The two children, their mother and her partner said the father was the ‘cult leader’ – and other members included a headteacher, a priest, social workers and police.

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