Below is the text of a letter written by priest, Fr. Pablo Perez, who ministered in Playa del Carmen, part of the Catholic diocese (Prelature) of Chetumal-Cancun, Mexico. This is the Legion of Christ’s one and only Mission
, an assignment which has helped them call themselves missionaries
since 1970 and greatly enhanced their fundraising capacity. Here is the testimony of a priest who has worked there for decades and was recently given the boot
by the bishop because of his involvement with the poor.
In order to understand the manifesto one has to understand that the remote slice of the Yucatan Peninsula once called The Lost World of Quintana Roo
was placed under the pastoral care of the budding Legion of Christ in 1970. At that time the Maryknoll Missionaries were withdrawing from all of the Yucatan Peninsula, including Quintana Roo, headed for more demanding missions
. Quintana Roo, named after its first governor, Andres Quintana Roo, was considered a territory
in the Mexican socio-political sphere. In the ecclesiastical sphere there were not enough clergy to staff it or enough church structures to call it a fully-fledged organized diocese
. Designated a prelature
-something between a mission and a diocese- the Legion, which Pope Paul VI may have thought was a regular missionary order,
had to begin staffing it with priests as the Maryknollers left and some native priests working in Q. Roo withdrew to Campeche, their diocese of origin. The first Legionaries sent down were Legion-founding native-born Irish, and Mexicans -the latter being the superiors for the most part.
The translator and blogger do not personally endorse any of the statements or accusations made in the following manifesto. English translation if followed by corresponding original Spanish paragraph.
Fr. Pablo Perez Guajardo’s Letter to Bishop Pedro Pablo Elizondo, Prelate of Quintana Roo, Mexico,/B.
(Interestingly, Father Pablo sent copies of his letter to Fr. Corcuera, LC, then acting Legionary Director General, Fr. Mayagoitia, LC, territorial director for Mexico and Central America and Vatican appointed Monsignor Ghirlanda who was guiding the Regnum Christi consecrated men through the reform process).
Thy Kingdom Come
Mexico City, September 24, 2012
Bishop Pedro Pablo Elizondo Cordenas, Legionary of Christ
As you requested in your Saturday, September 8, 2012 letter to the territorial director of the Legionaries of Christ I handed over (my commission) to Irish-born Fr. Bernard Quinn, LC, and celebrated Holy Mass for the last time at the San Jose Santa Palapa in Playa del Carmen’s poor La Guadalupana neighborhood around 6:00 pm; at exactly 8 p.m. I celebrated Mass at the Villas del Sol community.
As you have chosen not to dialog with me, I am sending you a few considerations in writing that may contribute to your pastoral care.
Conforme usted indic? al director territorial de los Legionarios de Cristo, el sabado 8 de septiembre 2012, hice entrega al padre irlandes Bernard Quinn (Legionario de Cristo) y celebre por ultima vez la Santa Misa en la Santa Palapa de San Jose en la colonia popular La Guadalupana de Playa del Carmen hacia las seis de la tarde; al filo de las ocho de la noche celebre por ultima vez a la comunidad de Villas del Sol. Ya que usted no dialoge conmigo, le hago llegar por escrito algunas consideraciones.
You Ordered It
Your orders have been followed.
In the name of truth I must stress the decision (to dismiss me) was taken by you as stated in the letter that you sent to the regional director of the Legionaries of Christ in Mexico, Fr. Rodolfo Mayagoitia. And it was executed with an e-mail that told me the date to hand over the parish, and the name of my successor, Australian Fr. Gregory Woodword, LC.
I have not received any official order from Legion superiors to leave Playa del Carmen or Quintana Roo state.
Sus ordenes han sido cumplidas. Por amor a la verdad quiero subrayar
que la decision ha sido tomada por usted como consta en la carta que
usted dirigie al director territorial de los Legionarios de Cristo en
Mexico, padre Rodolfo Mayagoitia. Y que ultime con el correo
electronico en que me indice fecha de entrega recepcion y el nombre de
mi sucesor, el australiano padre Gregory Woodword (Legionario de
Por parte de los superiores legionarios no he recibido ninguna indicacion de
abandonar Playa del Carmen o el Estado de Quintana Roo.
Case Closed
For me the case is closed. I depart with the satisfaction of having sowed the good seed lavishly and leaving high over Playa del Carmen a cross mounted on the bell tower in the poorest area of this business city that refuses to be ruled by village chiefs. The Church is the people, not the buildings, or the properties, or the mass events and photo opportunities.
I leave you with some considerations in case you want to take some advice to better serve the Church in Quintana Roo.
Caso Cerrado
En cuanto a mi persona el caso esta cerrado, me voy contento por
cuanto sembre a manos llenas dejando en lo mis alto de Playa del
Carmen la Cruz que campea sobre el campanario del area mes pobre de
esa ciudad empresarial que se resiste a ser gobernada por caciques
La Iglesia es la gente, no los templos ni los terrenos ni los eventos
masivos o fotogenicos. Le hago llegar algunos comentarios por si desea
tomar algo para el mejor servicio de la Iglesia en Quintana Roo.
Fundamental Law
The fundamental law of the Prelature of Cancun-Chetumal is everyone for himself!
For five years you never worried about me or the course of my work among the poor. During these five years no Legion superior ever celebrated Mass for my proletarian communities. During the last retreat we had at the Anahuac University I asked to talk with you and you ignored me. In the process of banishing me as a Legionary priest from Quintana Roo, you never called me; to this day I have not heard from your lips what the reason was; you never showed your face but merely sent a letter to Father Mayagoitia, a copy of which appeared underneath my door on August 15; the only Personal
communication I received was your email of August 28 giving me until September 8 to clear out.
Ley Fundamental
La ley fundamental de la Prelatura de Cancun-Chetumal es cada quien
con sus propias uas. En cinco anos usted nunca se ha preocupado por
mi persona ni por la marcha de la labor entre la gente pobre. En cinco
anos ningun superior legionario celebre a mis comunidades proletarias.
En el ultimo retiro que tuvimos en la Universidad Anahuac le solicita
hablar y no me atendi?. En el proceso para desterrarme de Quintana
Roo, usted nunca me llam?, hasta el d?a de hoy no s? por labios de
usted cu?l ha sido el motivo, nunca dio la cara, se limit? a enviar
una carta al padre Mayagoitia, cuya copia apareci? por debajo de la
puerta de mi cuarto el 15 de agosto; y por ?nica comunicaci?n
?personal? recib? su correo electr?nico del 28 de agosto poniendo como
fecha final el 8 de septiembre.
Bishop, I suggest you attend to the priests; listen and worry about them.
You are just like a face in a photograph or an actor who has to be photographed.
Personally you have not done anything for Quintana Roo; everything that has been done is the work of the priests.
A priest is a mediator between God and men; not someone lording it over his brothers as if he were the incarnation of divine will. The priest mediates like a waiter serving at the table where the Father and his children are seated; the priest is the servant that facilitates a filial relationship. The priesthood is a great debt with a high interest rate, freely accepted, and paid for with free benefits for the children of God.
It is robbery to charge, trade or profit from the Gospel and sacraments. Serving freely we pay back a small part of that infinite debt that increases over time.
Los Sacerdotes
Senor Obispo, le sugiero que atienda a los sacerdotes, que los escuche
y se preocupe por ellos. Da la impresion de que usted es un personaje
de fotografia y para fotografas. En primera persona usted no ha hecho
nada por Quintana Roo, lo que hay es obra de los sacerdotes.
El sacerdote media entre Dios y los hombres, no como un ser superior a
sus hermanos, como si fuera la encarnacion de la voluntad divina. El
sacerdote media como la sirvienta que atiende a la mesa a la que se
sienta el Padre y sus hijos, el sacerdote es el mesero que facilita la
relacion filial.
El sacerdocio es una deuda cara, con alta tasa de interos, libremente
aceptada que se paga con prestaciones gratuitas a los hijos de Dios.
Es un robo cobrar, comerciar o lucrar con el Evangelio y los
sacramentos. Al servir gratuitamente restituimos una pequena parte de
esa infinita deuda que crece con el tiempo.
Bishop, Thanks to Maciel
You came to this land and were chosen by pedophile Father Marcial Maciel, founder of the Legionaries of Christ, to succeed Bishop Jorge Bernal, LC. You were always a favorite of Father Maciel; he gave you constantly higher positions in the Congregation; and Maciel wanted his bishop to be called Peter and Paul; because your original Baptismal name is Rosalio.
By the efforts and grace of Maciel you became Bishop, and during this time you have not been able to build a cathedral in Cancun or a bishop’s residence but continue to live in the priest’s house. Your present flight of imagination is to build Our Lady of the Sea cathedral on the Cancun seafront. You, the bishop, still live in a house of the Legionaries of Christ. With imagination, now talk about building the Basilica of Santa Maria Malecon del Mar in Cancun.
Rightly, a fellow priest compared your pastoral activity to someone who begins to paint a wall, then suddenly changes brushes; later he changes the color of the paint, then changes which wall, and finally changes painter… Add to this are your frequent and prolonged absences from the pastoral care of the Cancun diocese.
Obispo Gracias A Maciel
Llege usted a estas tierras ya marcado por el pedifilo padre Marcial
Maciel, fundador de los Legionarios de Cristo, para suceder al obispo
Jorge Bernal (Legionario de Cristo).
Usted siempre fue uno de los preferidos del padre Maciel, a l le debe
haber sido constantemente superior en la Congregacion, y a Maciel le
debe el ser obispo y el nombre de Pedro Pablo, porque su nombre de
bautismo es Rosalio.
Por obra y gracia de Maciel usted llege a obispo y en estos anos no ha
podido levantar la catedral de Cancun ni construir la casa para el
obispo, sigue viviendo en la casa de los Legionarios de Cristo. Con
gran imaginacion, ahora habla de construir la Basilica de Santa Maria
del Mar en Malecon Cancun.
Con acierto, un sacerdote ha descrito su actividad pastoral como quien
pinta una pared y de pronto cambia de brocha, luego de pintura y de
pared y hasta de pintor. A esto se suman sus frecuentes y prolongadas
ausencias de su residencia pastoral que es Quintana Roo.
The Cause of the People
Your lack of personal contact with the lower classes and Legion modus operandi prevent you from seeing the natural union between the Gospel and popular causes. Hence you or one of those close to you easily label as political activism or liberation theology any work in favor of the most needy. The peculiar pastoral style of the Legion is helping the poor
, whereby it keeps people acting like (Tr. passive and docile) children instead of making them protagonists of their own destinies.
Take for example the Mega Mission of Holy Week which is a kind of Yuppie Mission
a variant of religious tourism, a pious safari which is always very profitable. If we look at the numbers, registration costs a thousand pesos, and with ten thousand young people participating that makes ten million pesos.
The registration is so high supposedly because it involves medical insurance; however, the Legion already has such insurance coverage for its schools, colleges and missions.
With this type of action it is virtually impossible to think of social action that meets priority needs such as public transport, cellular antennas for cell phones, permanent posts of health services, mobilization to update voter credentials, finding ways to facilitate up to date birth certificates for children and young people … Such activities are called by you: expressions that damage ecclesial communion.
Causas Populares
Su falta de contacto personal con la gente de abajo y la praxis
legionaria le impiden ver la natural union del Evangelio con las
causas populares. De ahi que con facilidad, sea usted o sus allegados,
tilden de activismo politico o teologia de la liberacion el trabajo a
favor de los mis necesitados. El estilo propio de los legionarios es
el asistencial, es un estilo que procura a las personas como infantes
y no en convertirlos en protagonistas de la solucion de sus problemas.
Tenemos el ejemplo de la Mega Mision de la Semana Santa, que a fin de
cuentas es una Fresa Mision, una variante de turismo religioso, una
suerte de safari piadoso que como siempre es muy rentable. Si nos
atenemos a los numeros, la inscripcion cuesta mil pesos y participan
diez mil juvenes, da diez millones de pesos.
Con este tipo de acciones resulta practicamente imposible pensar en
una ayuda social que resuelva necesidades prioritarias como el
transporte publico, las antenas para que los celulares reciban senal,
puestos permanentes de servicios de salud, movilizaci?n para que
actualicen sus credenciales de electores, buscar el modo de poner al
dias la obtencion de actas de nacimiento de ninos y juvenes estas son
para usted expresiones que lesionan la comunion eclesiale
In his Pastoral Rule, Pope Gregory the Great, referring to pastors, applies the words of the prophet Isaiah (56.10) they are mute dogs unable to bark.
He stresses the obligation of the pastor to oppose the powerful of this world with free speech in defense of the flock.
Christ was indeed no friend of Pilate nor did he frequent the palace of Herod. The powerful silence pastors with gifts and benefits; they know that dog with bone does not bite or bark; it is a silenced dog.
One of the Legionaries from the Playa del Carmen community once told me:
The problem is that you are a demagogue
. Well, as a priest I consider it a compliment to be demagogue, if that means leading the people to the Word (of God). In the case of the politician it is an insult to be called a demagogue, because they move the people with words and promises without actual results. Very different it is move the will to the freedom of the Word. It is true I have not given people anything but neither have I promised anything; my strength has been in the truth of the words in defense of the flock.
Saying my actions are expressions that damage ecclesial unity
really means that I damage the material and economic interests of the Legion of Christ Prelature.
En la Regla Pastoral, Gregorio Magno refiriendose a los pastores glosa
la frase del profeta Isaias (56,10) son perros mudos incapaces de
ladrar?. Subraya la obligacion del pastor de oponerse a los potentes
de este mundo con libertad de palabra en defensa de la grey?. En
efecto Cristo no fue amigo de Pilato ni frecuentaba el palacio de
Herodes. Los poderosos silencian a los pastores con regalos y
beneficios, saben que perro con hueso ni ladra ni muerde, es un perro
Uno de los legionarios de la comunidad de Playa del Carmen me dijo lo
que pasa es que usted es un demagogo, pues bien, como sacerdote
considero un cumplido ser demagogo, es decir guiar al pueblo con la
Palabra; en el caso del politico es un insulto llamarlo demagogo,
porque mueve al pueblo con palabras de promesas sin llegar a
resultados. Muy diverso es mover las voluntades con la libertad de
palabra, es verdad no he dado nada porque no he prometido nada, la
fuerza ha estado en la verdad de las palabras en defensa de la grey.
Esas palabras que para usted son expresiones que lesionan la unidad
eclesial porque dayan los intereses economicos o materiales de la
Prelatura Legionaria.
Principal Defect (Vice
The principal defect of your government is abuse of authority, the classic defect the Legion inherited from Maciel. Hopefully you will take the People of God into account: it is not enough for your decisions to be based on canon law: legal is not the same as legitimate or right.
Consider objectively how many tears were shed as a result of your unreasonable decision to banish me from Quintana Roo because you refused to dialog with the parishioners. You need to be in contact with the faithful; do not continue to be guided by advisers who give primacy to the economy and the laws of marketing.
The feast of faith is celebrated with unleavened bread of transparency and truth (1 Cor 5:8). The Legion Prelature has to remove the yeast that ferments, inflates, and distorts reality. It is urgent to cast away the yeast of Maciel and his accomplices, end abuses of authority, and the lack of dialogue and respect for the people.
In the Prelature there does not exist, in reality, a priests’ council. There are no meetings where priests can truly express their concerns and points of view. Everything is handed down from above
and differences of opinion are considered acts of disobedience.
El Vicio Principal
El vicio principal de su gobierno es el abuso de autoridad. El clasico
defecto que la Legion de Cristo ha heredado de Maciel. Ojal tenga en
cuenta al Pueblo de Dios, no basta que sus determinaciones sean
conforme a derecho, no por ser legales son legitimas o correctas.
Considere con objetividad cuantas lagrimas se han seguido de la
desatinada determinacion de desterrarme de Quintana Roo por no
dialogar con la gente. Es preciso estar en contacto con los fieles, no
siga dejendose guiar por consejeros que dan el primado a la economia y
a las leyes de la mercadotecnia.
La fiesta de la fe se celebra con panes cimos de transparencia y
verdad (1 Cor 5,8). La Prelatura Legionaria tiene que quitar la
levadura que fermenta, infla y deforma la realidad. Urge arrojar fuera
la levadura de Maciel y sus c?mplices, terminar con los abusos de
autoridad y falta de diologo y de respeto por el pueblo.
En la Prelatura no existe, en realidad, un consejo presbiteral. No se
cuenta con asambleas donde los sacerdotes, de verdad, puedan expresar
sus preocupaciones y puntos de vista. Todo viene de arriba y los
comentarios alternos son considerados desacatos.
Sunday Masses
Check the schedule of Sunday Masses in Cancun at noon and you will see how many masses there are in the Hotel Zone and how few in poor areas. Check and see how many glamorous weddings are held in the chapels of the hotels and compare it to how many poor communities instead of Mass have a simple celebration of the Word. Naturally, every hotel wedding means two thousand dollars for the Prelature. In my opinion, finances cannot be the engine of Evangelization. Look back over history and you will that POVERTY HAS NEVER HARMED THE CHURCH. On the other hand, the pursuit of riches, influence and power has caused serious damage.
Misas Dominicales
Revise los horarios de las misas dominicales en Cancun y constatare al
medioda cuantas misas hay en la zona hotelera y que pocas en las zona
hotolera, en las regiones pobres.
Verifique cuantas bodas glamour se celebran en las capillas de los
hoteles y a esas horas cuantas comunidades pobres en vez de Misa
tienen una simple celebracion de la Palabra. Cierto que cada boda
hotelera representa un ingreso de dos mil pesos para la Prelatura.
Para mi no hay duda, la econom?a no es el motor de la evangelizacion.
Repase la historia y constatar que LA POBREZA NUNCA HA HECHO DANO A
LA IGLESIA, en cambio el afin de riquezas, influencias y poder han
sido la causa de ingentes males.
Masses in Hotels
Let it be known that the multiplicity of weddings and acts of worship in Hotels breaks one of Christianity’s basic principles: make no exception of persons. For the liturgical celebrations in hotel chapels are reserved solely and exclusively for guests and their friends; it is strictly prohibited for hotel workers to attend Mass in the hotel chapel.
These are private masses, behind closed doors, reserved only to those who have
paid for the service.
Misas En Hoteles
Tenga bien sabido que la multiplicidad de bodas y celebraciones
lit?rgicas en los hoteles rompe con uno de los principios esenciales
del cristianismo de no acepcion de personas. Las liturgias en las
capillas de los hoteles estan reservadas solo y exclusivamente para
los hu spedes y sus invitados, de forma estricta est? prohibido que
los trabajadores del hotel asistan a la misa en la capilla del hotel.
Son misas privadas, a puerta cerrada,
The Administration of Confirmation
Months previously, confirmations had been scheduled for you to celebrate on July 14, 2012, in the poor La Guadalupana neighborhood of Playa del Carmen. You suddenly cancelled and delegated the celebration of these confirmations to me. On the other hand you have scheduled confirmations in Saltillo [Coahuila State -not your diocese] for November 2012. In other words, you did not have the time to confirm your commitment to your own faithful in the Legion Prelature but you did have the time to confirm you attendance for elitist groups in another part of the country. Authentic gospel transformation has to begin at the head of the Prelature; otherwise, there can be no reform.
Meses antes quedaron agendadas las confirmaciones que usted celebrara
el 14 de julio 2012, en la colonia proletaria La Guadalupana de Playa
del Carmen, de forma repentina cancel y me delege las confirmaciones.
Resulta que ya tiene usted previstas confirmaciones en Saltillo para
noviembre 2012. De modo que usted no ha tenido tiempo para confirmar a
los fieles de su propia Prelatura Legionaria y s le alcanza el tiempo
para confirmar a grupos elitistas en el otro extremo del Pa s. Una
autentica conversion evangelica ha de partir de la cabeza de la
Prelatura, de otro modo no habr? reforma.
The Prelature – Legion of Christ Relationship
The Prelature of Cancun-Chetumal replicates the structures of the Legion’s economic and centralized management, the aforementioned defect of abuse of authority, giving priority to the institution over persons. For the Legion and the Prelature persons have to be sacrificed for the higher good of the institution. Pope Paul VI entrusted the State of Quintana Roo to the Legionaries of Christ as mission territory. Soon after, Father Maciel with the full consent of the first Legion bishop, Monsignor Jorge Bernal, organized large fundraising campaigns for the Quintana Roo Missions.
It has been over forty years of collections in the U.S. and Europe and that money has never reached the Mission.
The Legion has not invested in churches in the Maya Region and most poor neighborhoods do not have Catholic-run dispensaries, parochial schools, churches and social services.
Prelatura Y Legion
La Prelatura de Canc?n-Chetumal copia de la Legi?n las estructuras
econ?micas y de administraci?n centralizada, el ya mencionado vicio
del abuso de autoridad y el conceder el primado de la instituci?n
sobre las personas.
Para la Legi?n y para la Prelatura hay que sacrificar a las personas
con tal de conseguir un bien superior para la instituci?n. El Papa
Pablo VI confi? el Estado de Quintana Roo a los Legionarios de Cristo
como tierra de misi?n. Pronto el padre Maciel con el pleno
consentimiento del primer obispo legionario, Monse?or Jorge Bernal,
organiz? amplias campa?as de recaudaci?n de fondos para ?las Misiones
de Quintana Roo?.
Han pasado m?s de cuarenta a?os de colectas en Estados Unidos y Europa
y nunca ha llegado dinero, la prueba es que no existen templos en la
zona maya, la inmensa mayor?a de las regiones o colonias pobres
carecen de dispensarios cat?licos, escuelas parroquiales, templos y
servicios sociales.
Both Bishop Bernal and you have allowed top Legion superiors to use the name of the Prelature and Missions
for fundraising and have never respected the intention of the donors. It has been the practice to use the pretext that the money was sent to Rome to train future missionaries.
The building of churches and other facilities has NOT been due to contributions from the General Headquarters or the Territorial (Provincial) headquarters. These have been built with the personal efforts of Legionary priests authentically dedicated to their evangelizing mission.
There is permanent blurring of the lines between the Legion of Christ and the Chetumal-Cancun Prelature. This is symbolized by the fact that the bishop lives in one of the religious houses of the Legionaries of Christ. When a problem arises the ball goes back and forth and nothing is resolved because the bishop defers to the Legion superior heading the house and he sends it back.
The constant blurring of boundaries between Legion and Cancun-Chetumal Prelature is emblematic expression that Bishop lives in the home of the Legionaries of Christ. When a problem or difficulty the ball is in the air because it goes to the Bishop Legionnaire superior and he returns. Sometimes the bishop exercises his authority as bishop and at other times he exercises as superior of the Legion of Christ.
Tanto el obispo Bernal como usted han consentido que los superiores de
la Legi?n usen el nombre de la Prelatura y las Misiones y no se cumpla
con la intenci?n de los donantes. La pr?ctica ha sido pretextar que el
dinero se ha enviado a Roma para la formaci?n de futuros misioneros.
La construcci?n de iglesias y otras obras NO ha sido por las
aportaciones de la Direcci?n General o Direcci?n Territorial de los
legionarios de Cristo. Han sido fruto del esfuerzo personal de
sacerdotes legionarios aut?nticamente entregados a la misi?n
Se da una confusi?n permanente entre Legi?n de Cristo y Prelatura de
Canc?n-Chetumal su expresi?n emblem?tica es que el Obispo vive en la
casa de los Legionarios de Cristo. Cuando surge un problema o
dificultad la pelota queda en el aire porque el Obispo lo pasa al
superior legionario y ?l lo regresa. El Obispo exige unas veces como
Ordinario del Lugar y otras con motivos de Congregaci?n Religiosa
Undesirables (Translation: A Haven for Criminals)
Since its inception in 1970, the Prelature of the Legionaries of Christ has been the destination of undesirables. Those who did not fit Father Maciel’s mold, like the Irish-born priests opposed to working in the schools of the rich because they entered the Legion to be missionaries in Latin America – missionaries in the conventional sense of the word and not missionaries for the rich, powerful and wealthy. In my case what has been unacceptable to my Legion superiors has been my habit of thinking for myself.
For the Legion, Quintana Roo has been the green Siberia where Legionaries with sexual abuse problems are lost sight of. This would include some of the priests abused by Father Maciel himself, whose names appear in books and letters on the subject mentioned by Juan Jose Vaca. Or priests who disagreed with their superiors, as well as those who learned about the double or triple life of Fr. Maciel.
So the clergy of the Legion Prelature, as you well know, is a mixed bag composed of a fraction of hard working missionaries and another section of smart free-loaders a la Maciel. With the result that Quintana Roo is, according to data from INEGI which you provided, the Mexican state with fewest Catholics per capita, at 60%. The irresponsibility of the Legion in complicity with the two Legionary bishops is reflected in a higher advance of (non-Catholic) sects here more than in the rest of the country.
Desde sus or?genes, en 1970, la Prelatura de los Legionarios de Cristo
ha sido el destino de los INDESEABLES. Los que no cuadraban con la
l?nea marcada por el padre Maciel, como los sacerdotes irlandeses que
se opusieron a trabajar en los colegios de los ricos porque hab?an
entrado a la Legi?n con el fin de ser misioneros en Am?rica Latina,
pero misioneros en el sentido convencional de la palabra y no
misioneros con los ricos, poderosos y acomodados. Para los superiores
legionarios, lo insufrible de mi persona ha sido el defecto de
atreverme a pensar.
Para la Legi?n Quintana Roo ha sido la Siberia verde en la que se le
pierde la pista a los sacerdotes con problemas sexuales. Como por
ejemplo varios de los sacerdotes que fueron abusados sexualmente por
Maciel y cuyos nombres aparecen en libros y cartas como la del padre
Juan Jos? Vaca. O sacerdotes que discrepaban con sus superiores; como
tambi?n de aquellos que se enteraron de la doble o triple vida de
De modo que el clero legionario de la Prelatura, como usted bien sabe,
se compone de una fracci?n de misioneros trabajadores y una secci?n de
astutos vividores que como Maciel comercializan la fe. El resultado es
que Quintana Roo, seg?n los datos del INEGI que usted mismo nos
proporcion?, es la entidad del Pa?s con menos cat?licos declarados, un
60%. La irresponsabilidad de la Legi?n en complicidad con los dos
obispos legionarios se refleja en un avance de las sectas que no
encuentra par en toda la Rep?blica.
When you sent me to Playa del Carmen you warned me that Protestant pastors had decided that Playa would be the first non-Catholic city in Mexico. I gave myself the task of fulfilling your order to tackle this project. With great pleasure, thank God, the pastoral area I covered I can now hand over to you as predominantly Catholic, with people who are proud to be Mexicans and Catholics. This tough community stopped being the hot spot for public safety and first in suicides in Quintana Roo. I worked with people committed to catechesis, worship, social services, education, health and mutual aid out of love for Christ and neighbor, not for payment, wage or profit No mercenaries work for me; they are all XXI Century Cristeros (Tr. referring to the brave Mexicans who fought for freedom during times of religious persecution in Mexico in the 1930s).
Cuando usted me envi? a Playa del Carmen me advirti? que los pastores
protestantes hab?an decidido que Playa ser?a la primera ciudad no
cat?lica de M?xico. Me entregu? la tarea de cumplir su indicaci?n de
hacer frente a ese proyecto. Con enorme satisfacci?n, gracias a Dios,
el ?rea pastoral que cubr? se la entrego siendo abrumadoramente
cat?lica, con gente orgullosamente mexicana y cat?lica.
Esta dif?cil comunidad dej? foco rojo para la seguridad p?blica y de
ocupar el primer lugar en suicidios en Quintana Roo. Trabaj? con
personas comprometidas en la catequesis, la liturgia, los servicios
sociales, de educaci?n, de salud y ayuda mutua movidos por el amor a
Cristo y al pr?jimo y no por un pago, salario o beneficio econ?mico.
No he tenido mercenarios, todos han sido Cristeros del siglo XXI.
(Abuse) Cover-up
Abuse of power is one of the main roots of the pedophilia. To this vice of the Prelature Legionaria we add the fact that the two bishops have accepted undesirables, it is not surprising that cases arise like those at the Mano Amiga school.
Recently, Father Raul Leblanc, LC, Mano Amiga chaplain in the City of Joy (Ciudad de la Alegr?a) in Cancun, sexually abused a female student. Following the custom of Legion superiors, the child’s family was given a large sum (Tr. of hush money; while the offender) Father Raul Leblanc was sent back to his native Canada, left the priesthood, and was given a job together with psychological help. With this justice was obstructed, a criminal who should be in prison was concealed. These actions fall directly under your responsibility as bishop Prelate of Cancun-Chetumal. Let me remind you that all of us, with no exceptions, are obligated to respect human rights; there is no canon law which exempts bishops from the law or allows them to harbor criminals.
El abuso de autoridad es una de las principales ra?ces de la
pedofilia. Si a ese vicio de la Prelatura Legionaria sumamos que los
dos obispos han aceptado a los indeseables, no es de extra?ar que se
presenten casos como el de la escuela Mano Amiga.
En fechas recientes el padre Raul Leblanc (legionario de Cristo)
capell?n de Mano Amiga en la Ciudad de la Alegr?a de Canc?n, abus?
sexualmente de una alumna. Conforme a la pr?ctica de los superiores
legionarios, la familia recibi? una fuerte suma, el padre Raul Leblanc
fue enviado a su Canad? natal, se le retir? del sacerdocio y se le
consigui? un trabajo y una ayuda psicol?gica. Con esto se ha obstruido
la justicia y encubierto a un delincuente que deber?a estar en la
c?rcel. Estos hechos caen directamente bajo su responsabilidad como
Obispo prelado de Canc?n-Chetumal. Me permito comentarle que todos,
absolutamente a todos nos obliga el respeto de los derechos humanos,
no existe canon alguno que exima a los obispos del cumplimiento de la
ley o les permita encubrir a los delincuentes.
A few years ago, not many, around 1999, you learned through Fr. Fernando Martinez Rodr?guez, LC, of the perpetration of sexual abuse by a young Legionary priest, one the first Australians, Brendan Hurley. He was at that time chaplain at the Oxford Institute of Mexico City and used to spend his holidays in Cancun. He frequented the (now defunct) Rancho Loma Bonita Centro Equinotur?stico, Street Sm. 15 Mza. 32 A (77,505) Benito Juarez,
Father Brendan Hurley would arrive at Rancho Loma Bonita accompanied by two lower-income children (twelve years of age), and different children every time. Rancho employees, after a long time dared to tell the director of the company that, in their words, el Padre era maric?n
(Father was gay?), and gave details of what he did to the children. The case was brought to the attention of Fr. Fernando Rodriguez, LC, (presently pastor of the Church of Carmen in the hotel zone of Playa; he had previously been pastor of Risen Christ church in Cancun’s hotel zone). Fr. Fernando Rodriguez rebuked the accusers reminding them of the Legionary principle not to defame people and much less priests. I do not know if there have been more cases of concealment, I can only remind you that pedophilia is a crime and not just a sin. For my part, as soon as I’ve heard of such cases I have reported them in due course to my superiors.
Hace algunos a?os, no muchos, hacia 1999 le informaron a usted por
medio del padre Fernando Rodr?guez Mart?nez legionario de Cristo del
caso de abuso sexual por parte de un joven sacerdote legionario, uno
de los primeros procedentes de Australia Brendan Hurley. Era capell?n
en el Instituto Oxford de la Ciudad de M?xico y pasaba sus vacaciones
en Canc?n y frecuentaba el Centro Recreativo Equinotur?stico Rancho
Loma Bonita (Compa?ia Equinoturistica, S.A. De C.V. ? Rancho Loma
Bonita. Servicio De Transporte A Caballo ? Calle Sm. 15 Mza. 3 2 A
(77505) Benito Juarez,
? empresa hoy desaparecida). El padre Brendan Hurley llegaba al Rancho
Loma Bonita con dos ni?os pobres (de unos doce a?os), cada vez
diversos ni?os. Los empleados del Rancho, despu?s de mucho se
atrevieron a decirle a la directora de la empresa que el padrecito era
maric?n y detallaron lo que hac?a a los ni?os.
El caso lo llevaron al padre Fernando Rodr?guez legionario de Cristo
(hoy p?rroco de la iglesia del Carmen en la zona hotelera de Playa,
antes p?rroco en Cristo Resucitado zona hotelera de Canc?n). El padre
Fernando Rodr?guez reprendi? a los acusadores record?ndoles el
principio legionario de no difamar a la gente y menos a los
Ignoro si se han dado m?s casos de encubrimiento, s?lo le recuerdo que
la pedofilia es un delito y no un simple pecado. Por mi parte, en
cuanto he sabido de estos casos he informado en su debido momento a
mis superiores.
Poor and Afflicted
The poor and the afflicted, those who cannot or will not say thanks, can either be a pastoral priority or may simple good business. In the Legion Prelature they are considered a cost-effective investment because the Legion of Christ owns Banco Compartamos, Telethon hospitals, the A Kilo of Help’ organization, Mano Amiga
schools, organization and the Lazos organization, as well as the Missions of Quintana Roo.
There exist confusion between Caritas Quintana Roo, the City of Joy Foundation, and the Mano Amiga school which are constantly running fundraisers, tithes, and rondeos
. The City of Joy Cancun complex causes a positive first impression. A closer analysis, however, reveals that the area in which the City of Joy is located is not a bedrock of Catholicism. In other words, the City of Joy has no real evangelizing function; it is for the most part the machine producing tax deductible receipts for hotels and businesses (e.g., Best Day) owned by Fernando Garc?a Zalvidea.
Los Pobres Y Atribulados
Los pobres y los atribulados, los que no pueden o no quieren darnos
las gracias son una prioridad, o tambi?n convertirse en un gran
negocio. En la Prelatura Legionaria son considerados una rentable
inversi?n, tal como lo ha hecho la Legi?n de Cristo que cuenta con el
Banco Compartamos, los hospitales del Telet?n, la organizaci?n ?Kilo
de ayuda?, las escuelas Mano Amiga, la organizaci?n Lazos y las
Misiones de Quintana Roo.
La peculiar confusi?n de C?ritas de Quintana Roo, la Fundaci?n Ciudad
de la Alegr?a y la escuela Mano Amiga aparecen constantemente para
recaudar fondos, diezmos, redondeos. El conjunto Ciudad de la Alegr?a
en Canc?n, causa una positiva impresi?n a primera vista. Un an?lisis
m?s detenido permite constatar que la zona en que est? ubicada la
Ciudad de la Alegr?a NO ES la roca fuerte del catolicismo. Dicho en
otras palabras la Ciudad de la Alegr?a no tiene una funci?n
evangelizadora, es en buena medida, la confeccionadora de recibos
deducibles de impuestos para los hoteles y empresas (Best Day) de
Fernando Garc?a Zalvidea.
I worked five years in one of the poorest areas of Playa del Carmen; in all this time I did not receive any systematic support from Caritas. I know CARITAS Quintana Roo does not evangelize. Its work in Playa del Carmen is at the best merely philanthropic and it is often crooked. I know that the LALA Company donated to Caritas products very close to expiration to distribute to the needy. I asked LALA to confirm my suspicions because people from Caritas were trading the products with small shops; when the product expired they would ask LALA for a new product. What ended up happening was that LALA suspended donations to Caritas in Playa del Carmen. The last I knew was Caritas Playa del Carmen was administered by Fr. Fernando Rodriguez’ niece.
In Ciudad de la Alegr?a (City of Joy
), the nuns who care for the elderly have seen their funds cut because you ordered they be paid only the minimum wage. The religious who serve AIDS patients have told several people they disagreed with the way fundraising is carried out and have complained about the misuse of their acronym (PAIPID, by the Prelature).
He trabajado cinco a?os en una de las zonas m?s pobres de Playa del Carmen, en todo este tiempo no recib? ning?n apoyo sistem?tico por parte de C?ritas. Me consta que CARITAS Quintana Roo NO EVANGELIZA, su labor en Playa del Carmen es el mejor de los casos meramente filantr?pica, pues muchas veces es de negocio desleal.
Me consta, que la empresa LALA donaba a Caritas productos muy pr?ximosa caducar para que regalar a la gente necesitada. Yo le ped? a LALA que confirmara mis observaciones porque la gente de Caritas negociaba con las tienditas el producto y si caducaba le ped?an a LALA que se lo cambiara por material fresco. El resultado fue que LALA suspendi? las donaciones a Caritas Playa del Carmen. La ?ltima noticia que tuve es que C?ritas Playa del Carmen esta dirigida por la sobrina del padre Fernando Rodr?guez.
En la Ciudad de la Alegr?a, Las religiosas que atienden a los ancianos han visto recortados sus ingresos porque usted indic? que se les pagara s?lo un salario m?nimo al d?a. La religiosas que atienden a los enfermos de sida han manifestado a diversas personas su desacuerdo por el modo en que se lleva la b?squeda de fondos y el modo en que se usa el nombre y la acci?n de PAIPID (siglas por las que se conoce la obra de estas religiosas).
Let me conclude in the same terms with which I closed my report and advice for my successor, Father Gregory Woodword.
The children, the poor, the sick and afflicted, those who cannot and do not gives thanks, are the
treasure of the Church.
Try with all the heart that mothers from the time they are pregnant yearn to baptize their children
before they are eight days old.
May your religious education (catequesis)
be serious and demanding, adjusted to the limitations of
each place. Be not too easy to admit to the sacraments as the things of God are serious. Reason
must be used in praising the Lord clearly; and strong convictions must be reached as these are
necessary to overcome the natural adversities of life with grace and strength, always ready to give a
reason for the faith in a resilient spirit.
Encourage what is harmonious, clean and natural as these promote faith, remembering that a
joyful faith creates beauty.
Strongly urge people to read, at least half an hour a day; tell them unequivocally:
Dare to Think!
Freedom lies in thinking and this makes us God-like.
Insist they overcome laziness and fearlessly pursue science, technology, art, and history
– knowing that where there is some truth there is Christ.
Out of respect for the dignity of persons avoid any form of proselytism;
be like an open book that invites reading without harassing the reader.
Give without asking to what denomination the person belongs.
Remember the evangelical maxim you have received freely; give therefore freely.
Let not money be an obstacle for people to seek the services of the priest.
No matter what, our beloved Pope and Bishop are the vicars of
Christ to whom we owe an obedience that is neither blind nor silent; they
can make mistakes but when having the final word they are to be obeyed,
leaving them the burden of the consequences.
In your preaching never forget Our Mother Help of Christians.
You will lift up souls just by exclaiming:
Look at the star, call out to Mary!
Viva Recomendacion
Deseo concluir con los mismos t?rminos que cerr? mi reporte y
recomendaciones para mi sucesor el padre Gregory Woodword.
Los ni?os, los m?s pobres, los enfermos y atribulados, los que no
pueden ni dar las gracias son el tesoro de la Iglesia. Busque con todo
el coraz?n que las madres de familia, desde el embarazo, anhelen
bautizar a sus hijos antes de cumplir los ocho d?as de nacidos.
Sea la catequesis seria y exigente. Acomodada a las limitaciones de
cada lugar. Pero no ser f?ciles para admitir a los sacramentos pues
las cosas de Dios son serias. Es preciso ejercitar la raz?n para
alabar al Se?or con lucidez y llegar a fuertes convicciones tan
necesarias para afrontar las naturales adversidades de la vida con
garbo y entereza, siempre prontos a dar raz?n de la fe con un esp?ritu
indoblegable. Promueva lo armonioso, limpio y natural que tanto ayuda a la fe,
recordando que como la fe es alegr?a crea belleza. Exhorte con vigor a la
gente que lea ?al menos-media hora diaria, diga sin ambages
Atr?vete A Pensar
la libertad est? en el pensamiento que nos hace semejantes a Dios.
Insista que superen la pereza y sin miedo se lancen a la ciencia, la
t?cnica, el arte y la historia sabiendo que donde hay algo de verdad
ah? est? Cristo.
Por respeto a la dignidad de las personas evite cualquier forma de
proselitismo, sea como un libro abierto que invita a la lectura sin
acosar. D? sin preguntar a qu? religi?n pertenece la persona. Recuerde
la m?xima evang?lica ?gratis los has recibido, dalo gratis?; no sea el
dinero obst?culo para que la gente solicite los servicios del
Pase lo que pase nuestro amado Papa y el obispo son los vicarios de
Cristo a los que debemos una obediencia que no es ni ciega ni muda,
pueden equivocarse pero cuando definen la ?ltima palabra se acata
dejando a ellos el peso de las consecuencias.
En su predicaci?n nunca falte nuestra Madre Auxilio de los cristianos,
levantar? las almas con s?lo exclamar ?Mira la estrella, invoca a Mar?a!
Summary Phrase
As a summary of the series of teachings (catequesis
) and homilies,
as a farewell to the communities,
I wanted to summarize the coherence of Christ Word made Flesh for the service of others,
by proclaiming:
Freedom lies in thought.
Democracy lies in action.
Silence is the power of tyrants.
Join us!
Express yourself!
Your Excellency,
Just as the last time we met, I kneel before you and implore your blessing
as successor of the Apostles.
Your servant in Christ the Priest,
Pablo Perez Guajardo, LC
984-10-00-637 mobile
padre.pablo @
Frase Compendio
Como resumen de la serie de catequesis y homil?as, al despedirme de
las comunidades, quise resumir la coherencia de Cristo Palabra hecha
carne al servicio de los dem?s, afirmando: ?La libertad est? en el
pensamiento. La democracia en la acci?n. El silencio es la fuerza del
tirano ??nete! ?expr?sate!?
Al igual que la ?ltima vez que nos vimos, me arrodillo ante usted y le
pido su bendici?n de sucesor de los Ap?stoles.
Servidor en Cristo sacerdote,
Pablo Perez Guajardo, L.C.
celular 984-10-00-637
correo y
Copyright this translation: J. Paul Lennon
Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.