Daily Mail (UK)
Police hunt former head teacher of Florida Islamic school accused of raping students and leaving one needing ‘surgical repair’
Police are hunting the former head teacher of a private Islamic school accused of the sexual abuse and rape of two middle school female students.
Tariq Ahmad, 35, who worked at Nur-Ul-Islam Academy, Florida, has been charged with five first degree counts after the alleged abuse which left one student needing ‘substantial surgical repair’.
The girls were aged 14 and 15 when Ahmad allegedly forced them into sexual relationships, according to a lawsuit.
Their attorneys said Ahmed would use text messages, social media and even code on the chalk boards in the classroom to set up meetings with the girls.
They also claim the Academy officials knew of Ahmed’s illegal conduct for years and did nothing until now.
Pembroke Pines police said the alleged incidents occurred between 2006 and 2008, but the pupils only came forward after years of therapy.
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