Melbourne’s Jewish sex abuse scandal – what happened next

The Age

August 10, 2014

Konrad Marshall
Senior Reporter for The Age

Manny Waks knows all too well the backlash the coming week will bring, but he is ready.

Since Waks first went public in 2011 with personal accusations of repeated sexual abuse and cover up from his time as a young boy at Yeshivah College, he has become all too familiar with the pattern of fallout.

In the three years since his bombshell, as other survivors came forward, as government inquiries listened to the list of crimes, as abusers were exposed and jailed, Waks continued to face a fate known well to whistleblowers.

First came shunning from some segments of the ultra-orthodox Chabad community in which he was raised. Then the bullying and outright ostracism of his parents, Zephaniah and Chaya, who uprooted their lives and moved to Israel to escape harassment and isolation. And finally the no-less-painful suggestions that Waks, 38, simply “move on” and leave his pain behind.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.