Flannery heresy case ‘is shaky’

Irish Independent

Sarah MacDonald
PUBLISHED 12/08/2014

The Vatican’s heresy case against Irish priest Fr Tony Flannery is built on shaky ground, according to a new book by a leading Irish theologian, who also accuses the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith of being “tyrannical”.

‘The Church: Always in Need of Reform’, by Augustinian Fr Gabriel Daly, is due to be published by Dominican Publications before Christmas.

It deals with the need for reform of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF), Rome’s doctrinal watchdog which was formerly known as the Inquisition.

Discussing the plight of Redemptorist priest Fr Tony Flannery, who was silenced by the Vatican in 2012 and threatened with excommunication, as well as the treatment of three other censured Irish priests, Fr Daly accuses the CDF of being “theologically inept”.

He focuses on an article Fr Flannery wrote for the journal ‘Reality’ which was cited by the CDF as one of the reasons for its decision to censure the Redemptorist.

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