Actor Brendan Gleeson reveals he was molested by a Christian Brother in primary school

Irish Mirror

Aug 12, 2014 By Claire Healy

Veteran Irish actor made the startling revelation during a US radio interview alongside Calvary director John McDonagh

Actor Brendan Gleeson has revealed that he was molested by a Christian Brother as a child.

Promoting his latest flick Calvary – which is on a limited US release – Gleeson appeared on NPR’s Bob Edwards Weekend alongside director John Michael McDonagh to chat about the film.

In the film Gleeson plays a good priest who is confronted by one of his parishioners about sexual abuse he suffered at the hands of a Catholic priest when he was a child.

The radio presenter then asked the pair did either of them know anyone who had been abused by priests during their childhood.

Gleeson revealed: “Yeah, it’s odd. I remember a particular Christian Brother dropped the hand on me at one point.

“And it wasn’t very traumatic and it wasn’t at all sustained – it was just one of these things where something odd happened.”

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