Sunday World
I’VE lost count of the number of people who were shocked when Pope Francis said that one in fifty priests were child abusers.
I’ve done nothing to alleviate their shock by telling them that it’s much more than 2%.
Studies across the world repeatedly show that paedophiles in the priesthood make up between 3% and 5% of all priests. If you ask me, it’s even higher because not all abuse is reported.
When you add it all up I wouldn’t be surprised if the real number of paedophiles within the priesthood is nearer 8%.
Priest abusers are only part of the story.
The vast majority of abuse takes place within families or by neighbours. What I want to concentrate on today is the devastating and lasting effects sexual abuse has on a child.
Unless you’ve been abused yourself it is impossible to understand the devastation that happens in your life. Personally I am convinced that it’s almost impossible to live a normal life after you’ve been sexually abused.
Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.