David Mellor says Tory ‘rent boy parties’ claim is improbable tittle-tattle…

Daily Mail

David Mellor says Tory ‘rent boy parties’ claim is improbable tittle-tattle: Former minister hits back at claims made by political activist


A former political activist triggered a furious response yesterday by claiming Tory grandees attended rent boy parties in the 1980s.

Anthony Gilberthorpe alleged he witnessed top Conservatives having sex with boys at cocaine-fuelled romps in private rooms at seaside conferences.

He named four senior figures, all now deceased, among those he says were at the sordid parties. But his allegations were denounced as ‘improbable tittle-tattle’ by former minister David Mellor who accused Mr Gilberthorpe of smearing the dead.

The 52-year-old was an aspiring politician when he attended Tory party conferences, starting in 1978 when he was 17.

He claimed he was ‘manipulated and groomed’ to procure underage rent boys for private sex parties on the orders of senior figures in Margaret Thatcher’s government.

He alleged boys as young as 15 were plied with alcohol and cocaine before they had sex with powerful politicians.

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