Judge orders ex-vicar general to answer more questions

Star Tribune

Article by: JEAN HOPFENSPERGER , Star Tribune Updated: June 25, 2014

Judge rules that the Rev. Kevin McDonough must testify again, but not Archbishop John Nienstedt.

A Ramsey County District judge Wednesday ordered that the former vicar general of the Twin Cities Archdiocese, the Rev. Kevin McDonough, submit to another round of questioning on the church’s handling of clergy sex abuse.

However, Judge John Van de North rejected a move to require Archbishop John Nienstedt to return for further questioning.

The order came during a hearing in which attorneys for the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis asked the judge to halt further demands for information from attorney Jeff Anderson. Anderson’s St. Paul firm represents a man whose lawsuit prompted the first round of depositions this spring.

Tom Weiser, attorney for the archdiocese, said the church welcomes the opportunity for McDonough to return to testify, “while it wasn’t our first choice.”

Anderson said the ruling will allow him to continue to unearth information on how the archdiocese has handled abusive priests.

“We’re comforted to know that more information that needs to be revealed is going to be,” he said.

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