Jimmy Savile: pressure grows for full inquiry into historic child abuse


By Robert Mendick, and Eileen Fairweather 29 Jun 2014

The Government is under mounting pressure to hold a comprehensive nationwide inquiry into historic child abuse following the latest disclosures over Jimmy Savile’s prolific sex offending.

Almost 120 MPs from all parties have joined forces to call on Theresa May, the Home Secretary, to set up an overarching investigation into a series of cases.

It comes as Jeremy Hunt, the Health Secretary, warned that the culture that helped Savile to abuse hundreds of children and adults without being caught still existed. The campaign for a nationwide inquiry has been orchestrated by seven MPs, including Zac Goldsmith, the Conservative backbencher, and Tim Loughton, the former children’s minister, but has snowballed with support from more than a sixth of all MPs.

They have written to the Home Secretary to demand an investigation similar to the independent inquiry into the Hillsborough disaster. It would examine failures by police and other authorities to properly investigate a number of high-profile cases.

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