MYTHS of Archdiocesan MASS of ATONEMENT& Healing

Pope Francis the CON Christ.

Updated March 22, 2014

Paris Arrow

See the faces of rapists-priests whom Archbishop Chaput covered-up in Philadelphia here

Archbishop Charles Chaput today celebrates the “Mass for Healing… to promote healing through prayer for the victims of clergy sexual abuse.” Archbishop Jerome E. Listecki announced that he will celebrate the “Mass of Atonement that will acknowledge the wrongs of archdiocesan clergy and laity, both past and present” in April. Hollow holy words. The Mass of Atonement has always been the Vatican Catholic Church’s (band-aid) remedy and solution (not jail time) for thousands of bestial pedophile priests whom those arrogant “Prince of the Church” Bishops covered-up – for decades. If all criminals simply offered the Mass of Atonement as reparation to their victims, whom they raped, stole from or murdered, our jails would be empty and our courts of law would not need judges and lawyers.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.