Father Horne looked like Johnny Carson, first clue for dad the molestation did affect me after all

City of Angels

Kay Ebeling

(Putting together Chapter 2, this sidebar produced itself)

For a time in 1961 every day after school I ran in the house panting straight to the TV, not wanting to miss a second of Johnny Carson. I had such a crush at age twelve on the comedian, it was more than a crush, it was an obsession. One afternoon my dad was home from work for some reason when I ran in the door, and he stared in awe as I gazed in adoration at the TV set. “Every day after school she does this?” he asked, and my mom nodded. She was as shocked seeing it then again as my dad was seeing it for the first time. They stared at me, and I was aroused.

The other day I still wondered why I had such an extreme crush on Johnny Carson when I was so young, so I took a moment to track down pictures from the time he was doing Who Do You Trust 1956-63, and I GOt ChILLs when I saw him and compared pictures of the two men.

My perp priest Father Thomas Barry Horne and Johnny Carson looked almost exactly alike. Now decades later I realized, that resemblance must have been one of my dad’s first clues that the priest molesting his two little girls in the early 1950s might have an effect on us as we got older after all. See for yourself how much Carson looked like Horne-y in the pics below.

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