A digest of links to media coverage of clergy abuse. For recent coverage listed in this blog, read the full article in the newspaper or other media source by clicking “Read original article.” For earlier coverage, click the title to read the original article.

March 31, 2014

Memories of Better Days Persist

Santa Barbara Independent [Santa Barbara CA]

March 31, 2014

By Paul Fericano

Read original article

Clergy Sexual Abuse and the Healing Process 

When I first arrived in Santa Barbara in 2003, and began working on reconciliation issues, many former students of Saint Anthony’s Seminary contacted me with specific requests. Most of these inquiries came from men who had suffered harm during their time at the school and who felt the need to speak with another survivor about what had happened to them. As one former seminarian explained, it was about sharing “a common wound.”

Some called or emailed me, curious about their offender, where he was living, and how he was being monitored. Others asked if I could visit a particular spot on the grounds that held certain memories for them. Many had not set foot on the property since their student days decades before, and most were reluctant or unable to return to the school.

The ghosts of our past were everywhere on that campus. But some survivors realized they could still walk the halls again, see the places and objects that haunted their lives, and revisit the past through me, another survivor, if I was willing and able. And I was. Their requests represented a deep longing to find the missing parts of a puzzle that I myself was just beginning to piece together.

Finding a Safe Haven

Although the seminary had officially closed in 1987, it was still an active campus in 2003, home to both the Waldorf and Santa Barbara Middle schools. It would eventually be sold to the San Roque Charitable Trust in 2005, and resurrected in its present incarnation as the Garden Street Academy. But for two brief years, the seminary grounds were still relatively open. Thanks to the understanding of two friars in charge at the time, who were former alumni of Saint Anthony’s Seminary themselves and supporters of my work, I was given unprecedented access to the main building, chapel and tower. I would eventually visit every locked room in that ancient three-story structure, including the basement, the attic, and the old cloister area where the friars had once slept.

Much of the same furniture, books, files, wall hangings, and objects of various kinds — from kitchen utensils to biology lab jars — could be found there intact. It was like slipping through a small crack in time. And it was during this period that my visits became part of my own healing journey.

I took advantage of a rare opportunity to reclaim integral parts of my broken past. I slept in the single beds that still occupied the cavernous freshman dorm on the top floor; I sat at the heavy plank dining room tables where hundreds of us shared meals; I played the grand piano that still occupied the music room; and I even spent considerable time in the very room of my offender where I and so many other boys were abused.

No one ever asked me to take any photographs of the places I was visiting, and I never offered. I sensed it was my personal observations and feelings that mattered more than any fixed snapshot. My voice over the phone or my words in an email helped describe what others had replayed so many times in their own minds. I made numerous trips to offenders’ rooms and to other areas on the campus where abuse was known or alleged to have occurred. It was an intense and humbling experience, visiting the dark places that others could not. Memories pursued me as I sat alone in the chapel, climbed the iron stairs to the top of the 140-foot tower, or stepped onto a once noisy and crowded baseball field.

I also spent days in the old freshman study hall reviewing past issues of the Antonian, the student magazine first published in the ’20s, searching for traces of information buried in obscure articles that someone hoped I might locate.

It was on just such an occasion that my notions of healing were tested and transformed. It occurred one morning when I was asked to pay a visit to the student barbershop in the basement of the seminary. The unexpected rush of memories that day forever altered my perception of suffering and helped to boost my tired spirit.

I had been asked by a survivor to determine if a particular “mark” that he once made was still on one of the walls there. He spoke about how his offender had physically beaten him one day in the basement laundry room for talking back and defying him. Immediately afterward, he walked alone to the barbershop which he considered his safe haven. Once there, he sat on the floor and used a pocket knife to carve the initials “M.G.” deep into the bottom of a corner wall near the door. Now, and after all these years, he wanted to find out if those initials were still there. “I know it sounds weird,” he told me, “but I need to know if I was ever in that room.”

He didn’t explain anything more about it, and I didn’t ask. I had known this survivor, somewhat, when we were both students. He was in the class ahead of me. I was aware that his name didn’t match the initials he said he carved into the barbershop wall, but this was none of my business. Like all the other requests I received, this one was deeply personal, and I never questioned it.

I don’t know how or why I had missed exploring the barbershop until that day. Looking back, I believe I was so focused on the seminary shadows that I felt drawn to the dark areas. The pull I sensed as I walked the grounds of Saint Anthony’s and wandered from room to room had more to do with the bad things that had happened and little or nothing to do with anything good I may have experienced. It was as if I couldn’t possibly risk betraying my own pain.

The seminary basement was a long, dark subterranean room deep beneath the seminary. Its wide center hallway stretched the entire length of the main building with several locked rooms on either side, most of which were used for storage. But along with the student barbershop and laundry room, the basement was also where the weight room, the biology labs, and the main bathrooms were located. When I opened the door to the barbershop that morning, I remember being startled by the distinct and pungent smell of hair tonics and soaps long gone from this place.

I quickly found the general area by the door that the survivor had spoken of. Getting down on my knees, and with the aid of a flashlight, I looked for and felt with my fingers the spot he described. It was obvious that the walls had been painted more than once over the years. But not nearly enough to obscure the deep grooves I found there that clearly revealed the initials “M.G.” exactly where the survivor said they’d be. As I marveled at this discovery, a peculiar sensation surged through my body as if I had been jolted with tiny needles. I sat upright, smiling, and knew right then and there who “M.G.” referred to.

Staying in Touch

Marius (Martin) Gates, OFM, was the new Spanish teacher at Saint Anthony’s who joined the faculty in 1965, the same year I arrived my freshman year. (He would later reclaim his baptismal name and be known as “Marty.”). He was not just my ideal of a true Franciscan but someone I hoped to emulate if I ever became a priest.

I wasn’t the only one who felt this way. Every boy at the seminary recognized the goodness in this man. That quality couldn’t be mistaken for anything else. But he was a particular friend and inspiration to my class.

We were the youngest students in the school, and he was the youngest teacher on the staff. St. Anthony’s was his first assignment since being ordained two years before, and our class claimed him as one of its own. Marty did nothing to discourage the adoption.

He was young, handsome and energetic. Moreover, he was kind and understanding and could relate to young boys, most of us homesick half the time, in ways that few other friars could. He had a quick sense of humor and even joked how he could pass for one of us, being just five feet, six inches tall. If I loved the Franciscans in those days, and I did, it was because I loved Marty.

The barbershop felt like a safe haven for many of us because of this simple friar. It was often referred to as his barbershop after he single-handedly restored it to its previous glory, applying fresh paint, a black-and-white tile floor, bright curtains, and two newly upholstered barber chairs. He even installed a radio so we could listen to Dodger games.

Marty was a 1956 graduate of Saint Anthony’s who learned to cut hair in this same room. Sitting on the floor now, it was easy for me to recall the day he cut my hair, a cigarette dangling from his lips, explaining how he needed to train a couple of freshmen to be student barbers and asking if I would be interested. He was quick to mention that it was the only job that paid students a small stipend each month. I jumped at the chance. Although I didn’t know it at the time, Marty knew my parents were struggling to pay my tuition each month and that I had very little spending money. It wasn’t until years later that I discovered he was born into poverty and raised by a single mother who, according to a family member, possessed a “servant heart.” It was no surprise that Marty would end up devoting his life to serving the poorest people in this country and in Mexico.

Marty left teaching after that first year and became the pastor of Sacred Heart Parish in Phoenix, Arizona, a tiny church in one of the city’s most disadvantaged neighborhoods. He was faithful about staying in touch with me, especially after I left the seminary during my sophomore year. In the summer of 1968 before the start of my senior year in high school, he invited me to come to Phoenix for six weeks and help run a summer school program for the children of Hispanic and Native American families. He was in his element doing what he loved.

When I arrived he told me how he always enjoyed being a student at Saint Anthony’s but that he never felt comfortable as a teacher. It was here, he said, among the poorest of the poor, that he felt like a teacher who had returned as a student. When I left Phoenix that year, I was reinvigorated by Marty’s vision and commitment.

When he died in 2000 at the age of 64 after suffering a stroke, Marty Gates had been living and working for more than 30 years at Casa Franciscana in Guaymas, Mexico, a Franciscan center for the poor that he helped establish. This simple follower of Saint Francis of Assisi was the real deal. In 1992, several years before his death, I wrote to tell him about my abuse. He was devastated by the news. His letter back to me was the most compassionate pastoral response I ever received from any member of the clergy. In it, Marty spoke of his deep sorrow for what had happened to me and attempted to mask his anger for my offender, Mario Cimmarrusti. In one part he revealed the following:

The irony does not escape me. I once took the name of ‘Marius’ and happily served side by side with my brother who took the similar name of ‘Mario.’ Together we were the same. Separately we couldn’t have been more different. I am struggling with the crime he has committed and wish to offer you what I can to help you find some peace.

Sitting on the floor of the barbershop that day, I came to realize how necessary it was for me to remember all the good I had taken away with me from the seminary. It was a mistake not to acknowledge the healthy relationships I had developed and natural interactions I had encountered. By denying and even ignoring them, I had become a threat to my own healing and was allowing any good experiences I might have had to be overrun by the bad. It wasn’t about having it one way or the other. All of it needed to be embraced.

When I finally spoke again with the survivor who carved those initials in the barbershop wall so long ago in 1965, he sounded relieved to learn that his secret handiwork had survived all those years. “Memories of better days persist,” he said, knowing that some things in our past are not impossible to retrieve and hold on to.

A Room with a Pew reflects the experiences, observations, and opinions of a survivor of clergy abuse who attended St. Anthony’s Seminary in the 1960s. Author Paul Fericano helped cofound SafeNet in 2003 and returned to Santa Barbara that year to assist the community in recovery. As a poet, writer, and activist engaged in the healing process, the author often challenges survivors (and others) to look for humor in the shadows.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

East Windsor priest facing sexual assault charges


[with video]

By Joseph Wenzel IV, News Editor
By Kate Rayner

A priest, who is currently on leave from his church, was arraigned Monday afternoon on multiple charges of sexual assault.

Father Paul Gotta, 55, was arrested and charged with two counts of fourth-degree sexual assault and five counts of fourth-degree sexual assault.

According to court documents, the alleged assaults involved a minor and took place in South Windsor over the course of about a year. The assaults started in January 2012.

Gotta is the same priest connected to an investigation into an alleged threat against a school by a local teenager.

Gotta was connected to 18-year-old Kyle Bass, who allegedly made threats against the Metropolitan Learning Center in Bloomfield.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Judge: Lawsuit alleging abuse at St. Ignatius Catholic school can proceed

Ravalli Republic

By MATT VOLZ Associated Press

HELENA – A federal judge ruled that 95 people can pursue sex abuse claims in state court against an order of nuns during bankruptcy proceedings involving the Roman Catholic Diocese of Helena.

The Ursuline Sisters of the Western Province aren’t covered by an automatic stay in civil proceedings that was granted to the diocese when it filed for Chapter 11 protection, U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Terry Myers said in a Friday order.

A combined 362 plaintiffs filed two lawsuits claiming abuse by the diocese and the Ursulines between the 1940s and 1970s, when the plaintiffs were children.

The lawsuit against the order alleges that nuns and priests at the Ursuline Academy in St. Ignatius abused dozens of Native American children. The diocese is accused of covering up widespread abuse across its territory.

The diocese filed for bankruptcy protection as part of a settlement with most of the plaintiffs, which prompted the automatic stay in state court.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Bill Gothard and Bob Jones University Abuse Scandal Connections: protecting leadership, silencing victims

Watch Keep

The Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests held a media event last week at Bob Jones University in Greenville, South Carolina urging BJU officials to release the identities of all sex offenders (proven, admitted and credibly accused) who have worked at or attended the university and post them permanently on the school’s web page. This would help prevent future crimes.

Statement by Cathy Winterfield of SNAP:

We are urging Bob Jones University officials to
–launch an independent investigation into alleged cover-ups of child sex crimes and/or sexual harassment accusations that have surfaced recently against a nationally-known minister, and
–permanently post the names of proven, admitted and credibly accused sex offenders who are or have been at the university on the school’s website.

Earlier this month, a prominent Illinois-based Protestant minister, Rev. Bill Gothard, was put on administrative leave after as many as 34 women said that he sexually harassed them. At least four women said that he molested them as youngsters. And Gothard also allegedly hid sexual harassment by his brother, along with Bob Jones officials, according to a recent Washington Post article.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

The Religion of the Humble? Cardinal Pell and the Peril of Institutional Atheism

ABC – Religion and Ethics

Scott Stephens

Prior to entering the conclave that would elect him as Bishop of Rome, Jorge Mario Bergoglio took the opportunity to warn his brother Cardinals against succumbing to an “evil which is so grave” – that of spiritual worldliness. This admittedly strange term was not Bergoglio’s at all, but rather comes from the remarkable final meditation of Henri de Lubac’s book, The Splendour of the Church.

In his chapter on “The Church and Our Lady,” de Lubac points to Mary as “the perfect worshipper,” as the “consummation of the religion of the humble” and, as such, she is “the ideal figure of the Church” and “the mirror in which the whole Church is reflected.” What makes her such is that, in her humility, she directs all people toward the glory of God: “Soli Deo gloria – everything in Mary proclaims that.” For de Lubac, the opposite of this Marian disposition – a disposition which, he insists, belongs to the Church’s “very principle” – is the tendency of the Church to conduct its affairs in a manner that effectively renders it opaque, that arrogates glory to itself by becoming the focus and end of its own activities.

This, according to de Lubac, is a form of “spiritual worldliness” which feigns the appearance of a kind of “other-worldly” orientation but behaves as though God did not exist. De Lubac is here deeply indebted to the English Benedictine Anscar Vonier, Abbot of Buckfast Abbey, who writes in his book, The Spirit and the Bride:

“To become worldly is a peril that is never absent; when we say that worldliness is [the Church’s] snare we mean by worldliness a more subtle thing than is usually meant by this expression. We generally understand by worldliness the love of wealth and luxury amongst the Church’s dignitaries; this is, of course, an evil, but it is not the principal evil. Worldliness of the mind, if it were ever to overtake her, would be much more disastrous for the Church than worldliness of apparel. By worldliness of mind we understand the practical relinquishing of other-worldliness, so that moral and even spiritual standards should be based, not on what is the glory of the Lord, but on what is the profit of man …”

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Former diocese of Winona priest to be deported after admitting to fondling girl

Winona Daily News

A former Diocese of Winona priest will be deported after admitting he fondled a girl while attending dinner at her grandmother’s home.

The Rev. Leo Koppala was taken into custody by the Department of Homeland Security after his sentencing Monday and will be held until his deportation proceedings, according to the diocese.

Online court records show Koppala was sentenced to 25 years of supervised probation and ordered to register as a sex offender. He pleaded guilty March 17 to second-degree criminal sexual conduct involving a victim younger than 13. He fondled a girl while he was attending dinner at her grandmother’s home, according to court records.

The 47-year-old Koppala was assigned in 2009 to the Catholic Church of Saints Peter and Paul in Blue Earth and to St. Mary’s in Winnebago. He did not serve in the Winona area.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Catholic Church pays abuse compensation from grant interest

The Australian


CHILD sex abuse victims are being compensated out of interest the Catholic Church earns from investing the billions of dollars it receives in government grants for schools.

The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse has received evidence from a church whistleblower suggesting at least one Catholic diocese ultimately profits from interest received on state and commonwealth government education grants.

The Australian has also confirmed that the practice, under which the grants are compulsorily invested in accounts held within each diocese’s “internal treasury” or development fund, also takes place elsewhere across NSW, Victoria and Queensland.

Each diocese’s development fund acts like a bank, repaying an agreed rate of interest on the education funds they hold to the schools. They also pool this money with other assets invested with commercial banks at a higher rate of interest, often generating multi-million-dollar, tax-free surpluses each year.

Part of this money is, in turn, transferred to special funds under the direct control of each bishop and at least one regional diocese is understood to have transferred more than $1 million in this way last year. In some dioceses, these discretionary funds are then used to pay for the lawyers and compensation payments involved in abuse cases brought against the church. Details of the church’s ­finances are rarely made public and the existence of this money trail has been criticised, including by those who have received compensation payments for such

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

UPDATE: Blue Earth Priest Sentenced In Sexual Conduct Case


By Ashley Hanley, Reporter

A Blue Earth priest has been sentenced after pleading guilty to criminal sexual conduct with an 11 year old girl.

In a packed courtroom in the Faribault County Courthouse, Father Leo Charles Koppala, formerly of Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Church in Blue Earth, was sentenced to a 36–month probationary period with credit for time served after entering a guilty plea for second–degree criminal sexual conduct with an 11–year–old female.

Faribault County Attorney Troy Timmerman says, “Basically that means that given his criminal history and the severity of the offense, he will be placed on probation with a prison sentence hanging over his head so if he violates his probationary terms then the prison sentence could be imposed.”

Some of those conditions include registering as a predatory offender and not having contact with females under the age of 18, among others.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Reply from Peter Farthing to Yesterday’s Email & My Reply


Posted on March 31, 2014 by lewisblayse


Peter Farthing from the Salvation Army has replied to my request for a meeting, but is attempting to have me agree to have this meeting after the current Case Study 10 hearings are over and at my home.

This is not acceptable.

I hope my email reply just sent to Mr Farthing demonstrates why. If it doesn’t, I’m happy to elaborate upon my reasons and to explain further why I insist on meeting when and how I have specified – this week, in Sydney, with my representatives (who are in Sydney) present.

“Nice try, Peter.

I’m not as bright as my father was, but I’m not that stupid.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

… Fr William Marks: PEDOPHILE…

Minnesota SNAP

This page is dedicated to those that have died from the injuries and soul murder inflicted by Marks. Shame on the people, organizations, and institutions that repeatedly put him in locations without warnings to families and children.

The courthouse doors are now open to those injured with lifelong damages and burdens from childhood sexual abuse. The Minnesota Child Victims Act was established for those previously denied civil justice.

This open, honest, and transparent presentation displays how I can easily walk through courthouse doors not as a victim but as a ‘Victor’ with head raised and not burdened with shame, guilt or other confusions.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Diocese: Former Blue Earth priest to be deported over fondling of girl

Pioneer Press

Associated Press
POSTED: 03/31/2014

WINONA, Minn. — A Minnesota priest was taken into custody at his Monday sentencing and will be deported after admitting he fondled a girl while attending dinner at her grandmother’s home.

The Rev. Leo Koppala will be held by the Department of Homeland Security until his deportation proceedings and likely sent back to his native India, according to a statement from the Diocese of Winona said.

Koppala pleaded guilty March 17 to second-degree criminal sexual conduct involving a victim younger than 13. He was sentenced to 25 years of supervised probation and ordered to register as a sex offender.

The Diocese of Winona said the 47-year-old Koppala was assigned in 2009 to the Catholic Church of Saints Peter and Paul in Blue Earth and to St. Mary’s in Winnebago.

He was placed on leave in June 2013. The diocese said it had permanently removed Koppala from ministry and dismissed him from employment as of Monday.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

East Windsor Priest Accused Of Sexual Abuse

The Hartford Courant

BY HILDA MUÑOZ, hmunoz@courant.com
The Hartford Courant
4:22 p.m. EDT, March 31, 2014

ENFIELD — An East Windsor priest who was indicted on federal firearms charges in February is now facing sexual assault charges.

Rev. Paul Gotta, 55, was arraigned Monday at Superior Court in Enfield on two counts of second-degree sexual assault and five counts of fourth-degree sexual assault.

His bail was set at $100,000. His next court date is scheduled on April 14.

Gotta’s arrest warrant is sealed and details of the sexual assault case are not being released at this time, police said.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Sodomy trial of priest moves to jury selection phase


By Charles Gazaway

LOUISVILLE, KY (WAVE) – Jury selection has begun in the trial of a Louisville priest charged with sexually abusing two teens more than 30 years ago.

Rev. James Schook, 65, is charged with sodomy after being indicted in 2011.

Schook, who has terminal skin cancer, was deemed fit to stand trial after he was examined by a state doctor.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Local Group Questions The Need For Delegation’s Trip To Rome

CBS Philly

By Mark Abrams

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) — A local church reform group is criticizing last week’s trip to Rome by a Philadelphia delegation hoping to get Pope Francis to come to the city for a world families event in 2015.

Catholics 4 Change claim the expense was extravagant and unnecessary.

Susan Matthews of Philadelphia-based Catholics 4 Change says there’s been a lot of activity among local Catholics on social media about last week’s trip.

“There’s a lot of questions about the cost. There’s a lot of questions about was it necessary for this? Is this a publicity stunt to distract us away from the clergy sex abuse scandal? Is this a publicity stunt to distract us away from the financial difficulties?” Matthews says even though the trip was paid by funds raised by a separate non-profit organization set up for the World Families meeting, it doesn’t fit the example Pope Francis is trying to set for the church.

“This isn’t a pope of politicians and wealthy delegates. This a pope of the people and he’s made that clear,” Matthews says she and others would love to see the pope come here. But a more austere approach for a local church still in crisis would have been better.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Are bicyclists the new king of the road?

Philippine Star [Manila, Philippines]

March 31, 2014

By SHOOTING STRAIGHT - Bobit S. Avila - The Freeman

Read original article

For our special presentation on Straight from the Sky, we bring you a talk on how to make a proper observation of the Lenten Season. The beauty of the Catholic Church is that it covers every aspect of the life and times of our Lord Jesus Christ. When he was born, we rejoiced and celebrated Christmas. But during his passion and death on the cross, we too join our suffering Lord all the way to Calvary and we all rejoice on Easter Sunday when our Lord conquers death and rise again to take his kingdom in heaven.

To help me bring you up to speed for your Lenten reflection, we have with us my dear friend Fr. Joseph Skelton, Jr. of the Santa Monica Parish in Albuquerque, Bohol. I don’t know if it is divine providence that the Santa Monica Parish was spared from the devastating earthquake last Oct.15th when its neighboring parishes crumbled to the ground.

We thank Fr. Joseph Skelton for making time to be with us on this show in order to help you make a proper observation of Lent. Please watch this interesting show on SkyCable’s channel 61 at 8:00PM with replays on Wednesday and Saturday and replays can be seen on MyTV channel 30 M-W-F at 7:00AM and 9:00PM.

*  *  *

Last Saturday was “Earth Hour” where environmentalists all over the world had another one full hour of people turning off their lights to show to the world that we are part of this global thought that we must reduce our carbon emissions. I have no quarrel with that. But look at the jeepneys and light trucks and their drivers travelling around Metro Cebu City. These are the people who don’t give a damn about the world, as if we owed them their living.

But what gets my gall is that the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) cannot even stop these violators from plying our roads. When our regulatory agencies fail in their job then more and more violators will emerge. I challenged the LTFRB three years ago to apprehend jeepneys that didn’t put up their lights during the night and stop the illegal parking in front of their eyes at the barangay hall in Lahug. But they are still there; proving to the world how incompetent the LTFRB is!

Speaking of violators. I was going out of Escario Street corner Juana Osmeña Street last Saturday night and was pleasantly surprised to see a great number of bicycle riders enjoying Earth Hour. But when the traffic light went green on our side, those bicyclists, thinking that they were above the law, totally disregarded the green light and other traffic rules.

When we got into the corner of Escario Street and Gorordo Avenue, those bicyclists stopped again the light turned red. I wanted to go down my car to tell those bicyclists why they stopped? If they had the gall to violate the traffic light in Juana Osmeña Street why not violate the traffic light in Gorordo Avenue? But then I thought, we’d probably have a rumble and I was alone.

Mind you, I was one of the first to ride a mountain bike in Cebu but our bike group was a law-abiding bunch. The bikers of today are a different bunch. They believe that because they have the support of environmental lawyer Tony Oposa, they think they have become the new king of the road replacing those hard-core, hard-headed jeepney drivers. Many of these bicycle riders want a bike lane and I’m supportive of this. However, how can the ordinary motorist support their call when they show to us that they do not care about the traffic rules? Let’s make one thing very clear. Everyone that uses the road only has a privilege given by the state. This is why when one operates a motor vehicle, one needs to procure a driver’s license. The fees used to pay for the license is used to pave or fix our roads. That is the deal with the government and the people.

So where does this put bicyclists? Maybe it is time for the city of Cebu to consider passing a law where bicycle owners must get a bicycle license.

Call it an unpopular move. But for as long as bicycle riders show their defiance by violating our traffic rules, then the citizenry must work for a way to regulate them. I met my nephew Niconics Ybañez that evening who was also on his bicycle but he wasn’t in that crowd and he too complained about those bicyclists that violated traffic laws. So you guys out there ought to start thinking what we should do about these traffic violators that CITOM cannot arrest because they have no driver’s license to confiscate?

*  *  *

The Sulu Sultanate Warns of War was the headline of Manila Times last Saturday. Whatever happened to “Give Peace a Chance?” On the other hand, if your feet are on the ground, you can immediately tell that whatever the Aquino regime signed last Thursday with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) would lead to peace or not? As I’ve pointed out so many times already, for as long as those cooks in the Philippine government do not put in the right ingredients, peace will never come to Mindanao. 

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Email: vsbobita@gmail.com.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Tebartz’ Umbauten



Bischof Franz-Peter Tebartz-van Elst ist vergangene Woche zurückgetreten und kehrt nicht zurück nach Limburg. Er hatte die Baukosten für den neuen Bischofssitz durch teils seltsame Umbauten massiv überzogen. Wie seltsam, sehen Sie hier in einer langen Liste:

Nachdem der Mariengarten fertiggestellt war, wurde er wieder abgebrochen und zum sogenannten Garten der Stille wieder aufgebaut. Mehrkosten brutto: ca. 667.000 Euro.

Anfang 2013 war bereits die Mehrzahl aller elektrischen Schalter im Projekt eingebaut. Diese wurden durch ein anderes Modell (Sensortaster) ausgetauscht. Hierbei entstanden Elektroarbeiten, die brutto etwa 20.000 Euro gekostet haben.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Former Priest Charged With Sexual Assault

NBC Connecticut

A Connecticut priest who was suspended last year has been arrested on several sexual assault charges.

Rev. Paul Gotta, 55, of Bridgeport, was charged with five counts of fourth-degree sexual assault and two counts of second-degree sexual assault.

Police said Gotta has been accused of sexual misconduct and the arrest comes after a joint investigation by the East Windsor Police Department and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.

Gotta had been the administrator of St. Philip Church in East Windsor and St. Catherine Church in Broad Brook but was placed on administrative leave after being accused of sexual abuse, according to the Archdiocese of Hartford.

In July, officials from the Archdiocese of Hartford said the Department of Children and Families was investigating a complaint of sexual abuse of a minor against Rev. Paul Gotta.

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Review payments to abuse victims: commissioner

The Australian


INSTITUTIONS should review all payments made to children in their care that had been sexually abused, according to the head of the royal commission examining the organisations’ responses.

Judge Peter McClellan, who is chairing the royal commission, yesterday told a child protection workers’ conference that the question of whether a national redress scheme should be set up for abuse survivors was challenging but some institutions had already taken “significant” steps.

He pointed to a Salvation Army commitment to review all payments made to abuse victims to ensure they were fair, and a similar “opinion” from Cardinal George Pell regarding people abused within the Sydney Archdiocese.

“I suspect, and the Commissioners are hopeful, that as a result of the Royal Commission’s focus on this issue other institutions will respond in a similar manner,” Justice McClellan said.

“It is apparent from the work we have already undertaken that designing a fair redress scheme, assuming that one should be created, raises significant and difficult questions.

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Child sex abuse inquiry barely scratches the surface of complaints


ALMOST 150 paedophiles have been reported to police by the royal commission into child sex abuse as it investigates 13 ­institutions and more than 30 victims have come forward.

The commission has been so overwhelmed with reports of sexual abuse that it will be impossible to look into all of them, commission chair Justice Peter McClellan said yesterday.

There are 168 institutions, including orphanages and residential schools, where five or more victims have spoken to the commission. It said 62 per cent of complaints involved abuse in a religious ­institution, most of them Catholic.

“Although the royal commission has been given significant resources they could never be sufficient to allow the examination of more than a relatively small selection of the institutions in which we are aware there have been problems,” Justice McClellan said. “I am sorry many people will be disappointed their particular institution and their own story will not be publicly examined.”

The commission has referred 141 matters to police throughout Australia, including the former superintendent of Parramatta Girls Training School, Frank Valentine, who was accused of raping a girl, 13, in the school’s “dungeon” in the early 1970s. He vehemently denies the claims.

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Why pop culture won’t lay a finger on paedophile priests, despite years of abuse scandals

New Statesman


Heroic bankers and altruistic politicians are – for obvious recent reasons – rarely to be found as characters in modern culture. And, given the scale of the revelations of the occurrence and covering-up of sexual abuse by priests, you might assume that the same would be true of sincere and celibate Roman Catholic clergy.

Yet, in these bad times for the Vatican, good priests are surprisingly in evidence on-screen. Father James Lavelle, played by Brendan Gleeson in Calvary (released on 11 April), is as unimpeachably true to his vocation as that other high-profile representative of the Catholic priesthood in BBC1’s recent Father Brown, adapted from G K Chesterton’s ecclesiastical detective stories.

As Father Brown is a period piece, set before the paedophile scandals, the ordained investigator is free from suspicion. But, in Calvary, the writer-director John Michael McDonagh employs a deliberate strategy of tempting the audience to think the worst of Gleeson’s character. When Father Lavelle is alone with an altar boy or chats to a young girl in a country lane, we are ready to damn him but his intentions are always innocent.

Admittedly, the character is a compromised compliment to Catholicism. McDonagh’s motivation is more artistic than propagandistic. Such is the reputation of Roman Catholic clergy that a good priest – like a good Nazi in war films – wrong-foots the audience. There is also the advantage of putting clear holy water between his work and that of his brother, Martin McDonagh, whose In Bruges (2008) begins with the botched murder, in a confession box, of a paedophile priest.

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„Das Volk spricht hier eine klare Sprache“


Die Politik tut nicht genug, um sexualisierte Gewalt an Minderjährigen zu verhindern, sagt Norbert Denef. Der Gründer von netzwerkB bezeichnet es als „unerträglich“, dass der Unabhängige Beauftragte der Bundesregierung zum Thema im Amt bestätigt wurde. Aus seiner Sicht steht für den Gesetzgeber weiterhin der Täterschutz im Vordergrund.

Montag, 31. März 2014

Herr Denef, am vergangenen Montag hat die Katholische Kirche ein zweites Forschungsprojekt zum Thema „Sexueller Missbrauch an Minderjährigen durch katholische Priester, Diakone und männliche Ordensangehörige im Bereich der Deutschen Bischofskonferenz“ vorgestellt. Was halten Sie davon?

Ein Narr ist, wer daran glaubt, dass nach vier Jahren Akten-Aufräumzeit wissenschaftliche Forschungsarbeit noch möglich sei.

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Zum Abschied eine Entschuldigung

Neue Zurcher Zeitung

Heidi Gmür, Sydney Heute, 31. März 2014

Der australische Kardinal George Pell tritt im Vatikan seine neue Stelle als Präfekt des neuen Wirtschaftsministerium an. Vor der Abreise nach Rom hatte er noch eine letzte, bittere Pflicht in Sydney zu erfüllen.

Mit drei Verhören und zwei öffentlichen Entschuldigungen hat Kardinal George Pells 13-jährige Amtszeit als Erzbischof von Sydney geendet, bevor er am Montag im Vatikan seine neue Stelle als Präfekt des neu geschaffenen Wirtschaftsministeriums angetreten hat. An drei Tagen musste er als Zeuge vor der Royal Commission erscheinen. Die Kommission war Ende 2012 einberufen worden und ist mit Sonderbefugnissen ähnlich einem Gericht ausgestattet, um landesweit den Kindsmissbrauch in kirchlichen, staatlichen und privaten Institutionen zu untersuchen.

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Protection of minors a priority for Pope, commission member says

Catholic News Agency

by Elise Harris

Vatican City, Mar 31, 2014 / 06:28 am (CNA/Europa Press).- A German psychologist recently appointed to the new Vatican commission for the protection of minors has stated that the initiative demonstrates Pope Francis’ concern regarding the immediacy of the issue.

“I believe that people realize that this is an issue that Pope Francis has put on his agenda and with a priority” Fr. Hans Zollner J.S. told CNA in a March 25 interview.

Fr. Zollner is psychologist and professor at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome, and was recently named one of the initial eight members of the new Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors.

According to Fr. Zollner, “the Commission is…an initial group of eight people who are named to find out who else could be members of a larger commission, including other members from other continents and countries.”

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Child sexual abuse Royal Commission focuses on WA’s Kimberley region

WA Today

March 31, 2014

Aleisha Orr

Survivors of institutional child sexual abuse in the Kimberley region who wish to share their story with the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse will be encouraged to come forward this week.

Staff from the Royal Commission are in the region this week.

In its second visit to the Kimberley, Royal Commission staff are meeting with Aboriginal and other community organisations and service providers in Broome and Kununurra from March 31 to April 11.

Royal Commission chief executive Janette Dines said the visit would provide an opportunity to share information about the work of the Royal Commission.

“We strongly encourage all survivors who wish to share their story, particularly in a private session with a Commissioner, to register their interest with the Royal Commission,” Ms Dines said.

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Poll: Should the Newark Archdiocese be allowed to sell headstones and mausoleums?

By The Jersey Journal
on March 31, 2014

John Burns Jr., the owner of Burns Brothers Memorials on Tonnelle Avenue in Jersey City, has filed a lawsuit against the Archdiocese of Newark, in his capacity as president of the monument builders trade association.

At issue is the archdiocese’s decision to get into the lucrative headstone and mausoleum business, according a story in yesterday’s Star-Ledger.

A New Jersey law prohibits cemeteries from selling the objects. The Garden State is one of few states in the nation with such a ban.

The archdiocese claims however that it is not selling the objects, but rather leasing to families the right to use the space and the objects, and selling “inscription rights” to allow buyers to personalize them.

“Here’s what’s going to happen,” Burns told The Ledger. “As time goes on, they’re going to perfect this. Their sales force is going to be better educated. They will monopolize the industry. And we will cease to exist.”

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Savage, Minn., children’s pastor arrested on suspicion of soliciting minor

Fox 9

[with video]

video report by Jonathan Choe

SAVAGE, Minn. (KMSP) –
A children’s pastor serving at a church in Savage, Minn., has been arrested on suspicion of soliciting a minor through electronic communication to engage in sexual conduct.

According to the Pope County Sheriff’s Department, 24-year-old Matthew Boos was arrested on Friday afternoon. Boos remains in custody at the Douglas County Jail awaiting formal charges.

More information on the arrest is expected to be released on Monday, but the pastor of River Valley Church insisted that the case does not involve a child from the congregation there.

Executive Pastor Darin Poli only agreed to speak with Fox 9 News by phone until he has all the facts, but he said the church is cooperating with authorities and has placed Boos on indefinite administrative leave pending the investigation.

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Shock as cleared priest Eugene Boland quits just days after return

Belfast Telegraph


A priest acquitted of child sex abuse has shocked parishioners after stepping down from his post days after returning to ministry.

Fr Eugene Boland resumed his role as parish priest of Cappagh in the Diocese of Derry on March 15 after being found not guilty of indecent assault in 2012.

There were jubilant scenes in St Mary’s Chapel as more than 900 parishioners applauded Fr Boland as he made an emotional return to public life just days after being granted permission from the Vatican.

The smiling priest appeared delighted to be back with his flock.

“What I have missed most was not being able to celebrate Holy Mass or administer the sacraments,” he said.

“My priestly ministry has been on hold since 2010.

“Tonight is like a new dawn, a new beginning; it’s like a day of resurrection.”

As he spoke applause rang out and there were cheers in the balconies.

But there was surprise at Saturday night mass when it emerged that the Donegal-born priest had now resigned.

It is thought the stress of the last few years has taken its toll.

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Where does the buck stop in the Church?

UCA News

Michael Kelly SJ, Bangkok

March 31, 2014

You could be forgiven for not knowing where the buck stops in the Catholic Church these days. In any society, organization or Church community, it is important to know who is ultimately responsible in decision making; otherwise, chaos or worse would prevail.

In an unprecedented (for a cardinal) cross examination in court last week, Cardinal George Pell of Sydney seemed confused about responsibility in the Sydney Church. He was speaking for the Archdiocese of Sydney which he led from 2001 until his transfer to a job at the Vatican, appearing before the Royal Commission into child sex abuse in institutions, including the Church’s, across Australia.

The Cardinal blamed various mistakes on his hand-picked lieutenants, “couldn’t recall” the details of instructions being given on his behalf to his lawyers and claimed his legal representatives had gone beyond what was acceptable to any Christian in defending a case brought against the archdiocese by a child abuse victim, John Ellis.

The same was true at a global level in February when the Vatican’s chief spokesman, Father Federico Lombardi, ducked criticism from the United Nations committee investigating the Church’s compliance with a UN protocol it signed on the rights of children.

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Preventing child abuse must outweigh fears about Catholic Church

Irish Times

Marie Collins

Mon, Mar 31, 2014

I have been disappointed and let down often in my hopes for change in the way the Catholic Church handles the child abuse issue. At times I have despaired to the point where I wanted nothing more to do with the church. This was particularly true after my participation in the church’s failed Lynnott Committee, tasked with writing child protection guidelines in Ireland in 2003. Why then accept the appointment to the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors?

I have asked myself the same question. Am I an incurable optimist or a fool? I hope I am neither. I have accepted for the same reason I decided to take up the invitation to speak at the Vatican’s Towards Healing and Renewal seminar on child abuse in Rome in 2012 – saving children from abuse is more important than any personal fear of hurt or humiliation. If there is the slightest chance that this commission can bring in change within the church that will lead to children being better protected and survivors being better treated then I cannot turn my back on it.

I have no doubt there will be many who will criticise my participation. Those who feel the commission is just a smoke screen or that the church is incapable of sincerity on this issue. They may feel I am, by participating, letting survivors down, colluding and betraying their fight for justice. I understand the feelings and respect those people’s right to their views. Since the day I reported my priest abuser I have followed my heart and instincts on how to fight the fight for justice. I have adhered to my principles and have always spoken the truth. I have accepted this appointment not to hurt anyone but to take the opportunity to carry forward the fight to the heart of the church itself. If I am wrong and in the future it is shown to have been a mistake I will not try to hide the fact: I will come forward and admit it.

Destructive treatment

At the Vatican symposium two years ago I spoke to bishops and congregational leaders from around the world. I spoke in clear terms of my personal experience of clerical sexual abuse. I talked also of the devastating effect it had on my life and family and of the destructive treatment later by the servants of the church, when trying to bring my abuser to justice. I spoke of what I felt was needed in the church in change of attitude and in practical terms to ensure others did not have the same experiences. My hope was that if even a small percentage learned something from my words and it influenced their child protection policies or how they interacted with survivors it was worth doing.

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Abuse scandal’s total cost: $2.74 billion since 2004

Catholic Culture

The clerical abuse scandal cost American dioceses $108,954,109 in 2013, according to a report released on March 28 by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB).

Only 62% of those funds were allotted to settlements ($61.1 million) and therapy for abuse victims ($6.1 million). The remaining funds were spent on attorneys’ fees ($28.9 million), support for offenders ($10.4 million), and other costs ($2.4 million), according to the 2013 “Report on the Implementation of the Charter for Protection of Children and Young People.”

The clerical abuse scandal cost religious institutes an additional $14,411,168 in 2013. These expenses brought the total cost of the clerical abuse scandal to American dioceses and religious institutes between 2004 and 2012 to $2,744,881,843: $2,351,903,157 for dioceses and eparchies, and $392,978,686 for religious institutes.

The report added that dioceses, eparchies, and religious orders spent $41,721,675 for child protection efforts in 2013.

During the 2013 audit period, “370 new credible allegations of sexual abuse of a minor” were lodged by 365 persons– nine of them minors, the rest of them adults who said they were abused when they were minors. “These allegations were made by 365 individuals against 290 priests or deacons,” the report stated. 56% of them “had already been identified in prior allegations,” and 73% “are deceased, already removed from ministry, already laicized, or missing.”

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Vatican: Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco says Keeping Quiet on Sex Abuse Can Protect Victims

International Business Times

By Ludovica Iaccino March 31, 2014

A leading Italian cleric says the Vatican’s decision to exempt bishops from being required to report cases of suspected child sex abuse is partly to protect victims.

Angelo Bagnasco, head of the Italian Bishops’ Conference and once considered as a future pope, told reporters that although the Vatican requires national laws to be respected, the decision to adopt the policy has been taken in part to protect victims who may not want to press charges.

“What is important is to respect the will of the victims and their relatives, who may not want to report the abuse, for personal reasons,” he said. “We need to be careful that we, in the clergy, do not undermine the right to privacy, discretion and confidentiality, and the right of the victims to not be ‘exposed’ in the public square.”

According to the new guidelines, clergy are under no obligation to inform the authorities about suspected abuse but have a “moral duty” to act to protect the vulnerable and “contribute to the common good”.

The new policy has sparked fury among victim support groups, which condemned the “stunning, depressing and irresponsible contradiction between what Vatican officials say about abuse, and do about abuse,” AFP reported.

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Priest cleared of sex assault allegations quits two weeks after return

The Journal

A PARISH PRIEST who was cleared in 2012 of allegations of child sex abuse has resigned just two weeks after he returned to public ministry in his Omagh parish.

Father Eugene Boland returned to his parish in Cappagh, Omagh on 15 March after a three and a half year leave of absence following the allegations. He had been accused of assaulting a 14-year-old girl but was cleared of all charges by a jury in 2012.

A statement about the priest’s resignation today said he engaged in therapy to “help him cope with what he was experiencing and to prepare him properly for a return to public ministry and interaction with the people again”.

His return to ministry followed professional advice that he was ready for this. All too quickly, however, it has become clear to Father Boland and diocesan authorities that he is not ready. For that reason, Father Boland now needs more time for help and guidance in this regard and has been granted leave of absence from ministry.

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Derry priest resigns from ministry

Derry Journal

A local priest acquitted of sexual assault charges two years ago has resigned from ministry in the Diocese of Derry.

Moville-born Fr Eugene Boland, a parish priest in Cappagh, County Tyrone, stepped aside four years ago while allegations were investigated.

He had resumed his duties just two weeks ago after it was confirmed legal proceedings and church processes had been completed.

The priest’s resignation was announced in a statement issued by the Diocese at the weekend.

The statement said Fr Boland had offered his resignation and that a new parish priest would be appointed in “due course”.

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March 30, 2014

Cardinal George Pell and Catholic bishops…

Canberra Times

Cardinal George Pell and Catholic bishops have seriously overdrawn their moral credit

March 29, 2014

Jack Waterford
Editor-at-large, The Canberra Times

Cardinal George Pell, former archbishop of Sydney, has departed for Rome to take charge of Vatican finances. His last acts in Sydney involved rationalising the contradictions in his leadership style caused by the chasm between moral and spiritual leadership of his community, and legal and fiduciary management of its assets and finances. For 30 years his has been the authoritarian, cold, unfeeling, and arrogant face of the church corporate in Australia.

His brother bishops, and the heads of most Australian religious orders, will be glad to see him go. He has never been very popular with his brothers – something exemplified by the fact few have ever voted for him to be chairman of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference. Colleagues think the negative publicity he engenders has been disastrous for the reputation of the church.

But a good many of those bishops rose from the ranks by exactly the same processes as Pell, and are themselves distant from their flocks for having chosen, primarily out of ambition, to be the local representatives of Rome, rather than to Rome.

Pell is on a tough management job in Rome. In business terms he may do it well, but, if he does, it will be by behaving in much the same manner that has made him so ineffective as a pastor, but so powerful as a cleric, in Australia. He will not be preaching, or exemplifying a gospel of love, but being autocratic, driven and unaccountable to those below him.

This week he copied that strange, modern ministerial style of accepting responsibility – as the person at the top – while blaming everyone else and refusing to be actually accountable.

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Italian bishops defends sex abuse guidelines on privacy grounds

Irish Times

Paddy Agnew

Mon, Mar 31, 2014

Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, president of the Italian Bishops’ Conference, this weekend defended conference guidelines on child protection which state an Italian bishop has “no juridical obligation” to report “illegal doings” to the state judiciary.

The guidelines, called for by the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith in May 2011, were issued last week in a revised version which stated: “Given that in the Italian penal code, a bishop is neither a public official nor is he in charge of a public entity, then he has no juridical obligation to report to state judicial authorities any information he may have with regard to illegal doings”.

Victims’ rights

Speaking in Genoa on Saturday, Cardinal Bagnasco argued the guidelines did not represent a “no” to mandatory reporting; rather they were the expression of concern for the victims’ right to privacy, adding:

“We priests have to be very careful to respect the privacy, discretion and sense of reserve [of victims], we’ve got to be sensitive to the trauma of victims who do not want to be thrust into the public eye . . .”

Cardinal Bagnasco said the church’s moral obligation towards victims counts for much more than its juridical obligations. The guidelines were criticised by clerical sex abuse victims’ lobbies, such as US group Snap, which have always called for “mandatory reporting” of clerical sex offenders.

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Trial of Reverend Schook expected to begin Monday


Updated: Mar 30, 2014
By Dalton Main

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WDRB) — The trial of a local priest, charged in connection with the sexual abuse of two teens in the 1970’s, is expected to begin Monday.

Reverend James Schook is charged with sodomy. The 65-year-old has terminal skin cancer, but was deemed fit to stand trial by a state doctor.

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Abuse victims ‘only get help in emergencies’

Yorkshire Post

Cash-strapped child protection agencies are now acting as little more than an emergency service following a surge of reports of abuse in the wake of the Jimmy Savile scandal, the NSPCC has warned.

The charity said in its annual report on child safety that record numbers of people coming forward coupled with tough economic times meant struggling children’s social services are only able to focus on the worst cases.

To tackle the problem, it called for all professionals who come into contact with children to take responsibility for detecting and preventing abuse and neglect.

The number of sexual abuse victims calling charity helplines has increased dramatically since the abuse carried out by Leeds-born DJ Savile over 40 years emerged in 2012.

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Suspenden en Córdoba a un sacerdote acusado de pedófilo

Clarín [Buenos Aires, Argentina]

March 30, 2014


Read original article

El arzobispo de Córdoba, monseñor Carlos Ñáñez, suspendió durante una década a un sacerdote acusado de pedófilo, por expresa orden del Vaticano.

Luis Alberto Bergliaffa, cura de la parroquia Nuestra Señora de Fátima de barrio Matienzo de esta Capital, seguirá siendo sacerdote, pero tiene prohibido ejercer durante diez años: “No puede celebrar misa públicamente”, detallaron fuentes del Arzobispado cordobés.

El caso se conoció por el periódico católico “Encuentro”, que reveló que “el hecho fue denunciado ante las autoridades eclesiásticas”, y que a raíz de allí comenzó una investigación canónica que duró tres años. Sin embargo, el hecho no fue investigado por la Justicia ordinaria. Es que este tipo de delitos sólo pueden ser denunciados por la víctima, sus padres o tutores, según establece el artículo 72 del Código Penal.

En un escueto comunicado, el Arzobispado de Córdoba señala: “El pasado 10 de enero del corriente año 2014, la Congregación para la Doctrina de la Fe ha confirmado con certeza moral suficiente, en segunda instancia, la sentencia que ha encontrado culpable al Pbro. Luis Alberto Bergliaffa del delito de abuso sexual de una menor”.

Y termina: “Por tal motivo, se hace saber, para los fines que hubiere lugar, que al Presbítero antes mencionado se le prohíbe todo ejercicio público del ministerio sacerdotal por 10 años”.

Dante Simón, vicario judicial del Arzobispado de Córdoba, indicó que “es una noticia muy dolorosa para nosotros los cristianos. Hay una víctima de por medio, una familia que sufre”.

Fuentes eclesiásticas cordobesas confiaron a Clarín que “durante la investigación se reunieron numerosos testimonios, bajo estricto secreto pontificio; y se le aplicó al padre Bergliaffa una medida cautelar de no ejercer el público ministerio”.

El sacerdote apeló la medida, pero en segunda instancia la Congregación para la Doctrina de la Fe confirmó la sanción.

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The Fight to Reveal Abuses by Catholic Priests

The New York Times

Retro Report

Cardinal Edward M. Egan, the former Roman Catholic archbishop of New York, is in no way the principal face of the sexual abuse scandals that have buffeted the church and its priesthood almost without pause for three decades. But he embodies a certain mind-set among some in the highest clerical ranks. It is an attitude that has led critics, who of late include the authors of a scathing United Nations committee report, to wonder about the depth of the church’s commitment to atone for past predations and to ensure that those sins of the fathers are visited on no one else.

In 2002, with the scandal in crescendo and the American Catholic Church knocked back on its heels, Cardinal Egan reacted with obvious ambivalence to accounts of priestly abuses that occurred in the Diocese of Bridgeport, Conn., which he had led before moving to New York. “If in hindsight we also discover that mistakes may have been made as regards prompt removal of priests and assistance to victims, I am deeply sorry,” he said in a letter to parishioners.

The conditional nature of the apology, a style favored by innumerable politicians caught with hands in the till, was not lost on many listeners. Nor was the cardinal’s use of “mistakes” to describe a pattern routinely described by district attorneys as a cover-up. As if that were not enough, the reluctant penitent turned thoroughly unrepentant a decade later. By then retired, he withdrew his apology. “I never should have said that,” the cardinal told Connecticut magazine in 2012. “I did say if we did anything wrong, I’m sorry, but I don’t think we did anything wrong.”

That sort of unyielding stance amid institutional promises of change continues to bedevil the American church, the Holy See in Rome and, no doubt, many among the faithful. This issue shapes the latest installment of Retro Report, a weekly series of documentary videos, with this one reaching back to the mid-1980s to explore clergymen who prey.

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Shock as Fr Eugene Boland resigns as Parish Priest of Cappagh

Ulster Herald

PARISHIONERS in Cappagh have been left shocked following news that Fr Eugene Boland has resigned as Parish Priest and is to take leave of absence from ministry.

It is just two weeks since Fr Boland returned to work in the parish after an absence of four years. He was acquitted of charges of indecent assault in 2012. The announcement was made at Masses in the parish yesterday by Fr Kevin McElhennon.

In a statement, Fr Francis Bradley, the Diocesan Administrator for the Derry Diocese said that Fr Boland ‘needed more time’ for help and guidance in returning to ministry and that his resignation had been accepted.

“Over a protacted period of time, Fr Boland engaged in therapy to help him cope with what he was experiencing and to prepare him properly for a return to public ministry and interaction with the people again,” Fr Bradley said.

“However, it has all too quickly become clear to Fr Boland and diocesan authorities that he is not ready.

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Commission hearings into residential schools wrap up

CBC News

The commission delving into the sordid legacy of Canada’s residential schools was wrapping up nearly four years of public hearings Sunday, where thousands of victims recounted stories of cruelty and abuse at the hands of those entrusted with their care.

The heart-breaking accounts — almost all videotaped — will now form part of a lasting record of one of the darkest chapters in the country’s history.

For many, being able to tell their stories was at once cathartic and a validation.

“Many times, I was hearing my own story being told in front of me and that became very emotionally challenging because I need to deal with that personally,” Chief Willie Littlechild, a commissioner and himself a residential school survivor, told The Canadian Press.

“At the same time, I think it helped on my own healing journey.”

Vicki Crowchild, 80, of the Tsuu T’ina Nation outside Calgary who attended a school as a child, agreed that the opportunity to talk of her past after her abuser told her no one would ever believe her was hugely beneficial.

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Minnesota Diocese to sue diocese of Clogher as they claim they knew priest was a child abuser

Highland Radio

It’s emerged a diocese in Minnesota is suing the diocese of Clogher, alleging it sent a priest to Minnesota knowing he was a child abuser.

Irish Central reports the New Ulm diocese has filed a lawsuit against the diocese, which encompasses parts of Monaghan, Fermanagh, Tyrone and Donegal.

The lawsuit alleges that Clogher sent a pedophile priest, Father Francis Markey, to Minnesota in 1981 without revealing his past. The lawsuit also names the the Servants of the Paraclete religious order.

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Priest acquitted of sexual assault resigns

Donegal Democrat

Fr Eugene Boland, the Donegal priest who was cleared of sexual assault charges in 2012, has resigned.

The Diocese of Derry confirmed that he has stepped down from his work in the parish of Cappagh, Co. Tyrone and a new parish priest will be appointed in “due course”.

Fr Boland, a native of Moville, was charged with five counts of indecent assault on a 14-year-old girl in St Joseph’s parochial house, Galliagh, Derry on dates between June 1990 and June 1992.

When he was charged in 2010, he relinquished his duties until the case was finalised.

He was acquitted of all charges last June and had only returned to parish work a fortnight ago.

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Email to Peter Farthing and James Condon, Salvation Army Australia


Posted on March 29, 2014 by lewisblayse

A while ago, when I sent out an email about the availability of my father’s memorial film, including to representatives from the Salvation Army, I received a reply from Peter Farthing, of the Salvation Army, in which he said,

“Thank you Aletha, it is clear that your father’s memorial was a fittingly weighty event which will contribute to the ongoing quest for justice in this crucial area.”

I have just written back to Mr Farthing and James Condon, of the Salvation Army Australia, with an invitation for them to speak with me about why I have taken the stance I have taken, and why I am angry about how my father, Lewis Blayse, and his family were treated, on the very slim chance that they may actually want to know. On the slim chance that they may actually want to understand why I am doing what I am doing.

I wrote:

“Dear Mr Farthing and Mr Condon,

Yes, this is a “crucial” area. Really, I have no idea why you have written to me referring, in an apparently approving tone, to my quest for justice when it is your organisation that is blocking my and others’ quests for justice.

I am trying to secure the safety of my family and to help others avoid going through what I’ve gone through and what my father has gone through and make sure that they don’t live in the pain they do anymore, because no-one should have to endure what my father and his family have had to endure. No-one should have to live as I now have to live, never having gotten to see the person they loved more than anyone else in the world in a good and safe place and with peace of mind after decades of suffering.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Priest who was found innocent of sexual assault charges resigns ministry

Beaking News

A priest who was acquitted in 2012 of sexual assault charges has resigned from ministry in the Diocese of Derry.

Fr Eugene Boland, a parish priest in Cappagh, County Tyrone, stepped aside four years ago while allegations were being investigated.

He had resumed his duties just two weeks ago, after it was confirmed legal proceedings and Church processes had been completed.

The Donegal-born priest’s resignation was announced in a statement issued by the Diocese.

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With such a faulty memory, how can George Pell rise so high?

The Age

March 28, 2014

Peter FitzSimons

The Cardinal George Pell’s testimony at the royal commission? I just don’t get it. Not simply the staggering lack of genuine contrition from one who has presided over an era that has seen the widespread sexual abuse of children at the hands and worse of priests whose care they were entrusted to. And not only because so much of his testimony seemed to contradict the sworn testimony of so many of his underlings. No, most amazing was his use of the ‘‘I can’t recall,’’ answer when it came time to discuss financial transactions to compensate victims as recently as 2007. What I don’t get is – all put together – how someone so totally exposed as being at best incompetent and always so very vague, can rise to the third most powerful position in the worldwide Catholic Church?

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Prof. Dr. Lüdecke über entscheidende Fragen und das Kernproblem der neuen Missbrauchsstudie


[Summary: Prof. Dr. Liidicke, a canonist, said one of the problems the researchers face is that crucial material is in the secret archives but much of this material is destroyed or in Rome.]

„Sexueller Missbrauch an Minderjährigen durch katholische Priester, Diakone und männliche Ordensangehörige im Bereich der Deutschen Bischofskonferenz“ – Das ist der Titel des neuen Forschungsprojekts, das am Montag vorgestellt wurde. Ein Forschungskonsortium von sieben Professoren soll dazu in den nächsten drei Jahren entscheidendes herausfinden. Ein erstes Projekt dieser Art sollte der Hannoveraner Kriminologe Dr. Christian Pfeiffer vor drei Jahren starten: Er hatte sich aber letztes Jahr im Streit mit der Bischofskonferenz getrennt. Verbunden bin ich jetzt mit dem katholischen Kirchenrechtler Norbert Lüdecke von der Universität Bonn. Herr Lüdecke, dass Pfeiffer die Forschung in den Kirchenarchiven aufgegeben hat, das hing mit bestimmten kirchenrechtlichen Regelungen zusammen. Worum ging es da?”

Prof. Dr. Lüdecke: “Also, es kam mehreres zusammen, dass das Projekt gescheitert ist. Ein Hauptgrund war dafür, dass Pfeiffer zugesichert worden war, dass er alle erreichbaren Quellen bekommt. Er hat das verstanden, in dem Sinne, dass er das, was es tatsächlich gibt, einsehen und bearbeiten kann. Die Bischöfe hatten aber von vornherein gemeint, was „rechtlich“ erreichbar ist. Und da gehört – nun ganz entscheidend – ihr Geheimarchiv nicht dazu!

Das Problem: die entscheidenden Materialien müssen aber im Geheimarchiv sein – nämlich alle Verfahren über Sittlichkeitsdelikte. Alles, was es da vor 2000 gibt, muss dort sein, soweit es nicht zehn Jahre nach einem Urteil oder nach dem Tod des Täters vernichtet worden ist, auftragsgemäß. Nach 2000 ist es auch da nicht mehr, sondern in Rom.”

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Law triggered after Muswellbrook priest abuse claims

Newcastle Herald


THE Office of the Children’s Guardian is conducting a risk assessment of a Muswellbrook Catholic priest over historic child abuse allegations.

Father John Alexander stood aside from parish ministry in November last year after the allegations triggered the need for a risk assessment under new child protection legislation.

He will remain on leave until the office provides a risk assessment for his ‘‘working with children’’ check, Maitland-Newcastle Diocese vicar-general Brian Mascord said.

Muswellbrook parishioners were advised of the priest’s status in a statement by Bishop Bill Wright.

The priest was the subject of ‘‘third-party accusations relating to incidents that were alleged to have occurred almost 30 years ago, prior to his becoming a priest’’, Father Mascord said.

The allegations had been investigated before and finalised.

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Fr Eugene Boland steps down from County Tyrone ministry

BBC News

A priest who was acquitted in 2012 of sexual assault charges has resigned from ministry in the Diocese of Derry.

Fr Eugene Boland, a parish priest in Cappagh, County Tyrone, stepped aside four years ago while allegations were investigated.

He had resumed his duties just two weeks ago, after it was confirmed legal proceedings and church processes had been completed.

The priest’s resignation was announced in a statement issued by the Diocese.


The statement said Fr Boland had offered his resignation and that a new parish priest would be appointed in “due course”.

Fr Boland, of Killyclogher Road in Omagh, was acquitted of indecently assaulting a teenage girl in June 2012 following an eight-day trial at Londonderry Crown Court.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Archdiocese could close 3 more Lower Bucks parishes

Bucks County Courier Times

By Elizabeth Fisher Correspondent

Three more Lower Bucks County parishes have been targeted for closing by the Philadelphia Archdiocesan Strategic Planning Commission. This is the second round of announcements released by the commission this week.

St. Ann Parish in Bristol, Our Lady of Fatima and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton parishes — both in Bensalem — will close if Archbishop Charles Chaput approves the panel’s recommendations. A final decision will be announced May 30.

The news came a week after officials announced that other churches in Lower Bucks could close. Immaculate Conception in Bristol Township could merge with Queen of the Universe in Middletown and St. Joseph the Worker in Falls could merge with St. Frances Cabrini in Falls.

“The SS St. Ann is in turbulent waters, but remember that Jesus is with us on the ship,” the Rev. Gerard Lynch, parochial vicar of the parish, told his congregation at the 5:30 p.m. Mass on Saturday Night. He also urged the worshipers to pray for all the affected parishes.

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Newark Archdiocese fails to pay state taxes in for-profit headstone, mausoleum business

The Star-Ledger


Read the Monument Builders lawsuit against the Archdiocese of Newark
Read the Newark Archdiocese’s response
Read the email from Andrew Schafer to Msgr. Michael Andreano
Read an excerpt of Andrew Schafer’s deposition

By Mark Mueller/The Star-Ledger
on March 30, 2014

Looking to wring more revenue out of its Catholic cemeteries, the Archdiocese of Newark in recent years quietly entered the headstone and mausoleum business, a lucrative venture for which the archdiocese acknowledges it must pay a particular state tax.

Yet over the past eight years, it hasn’t paid a penny, The Star-Ledger found.

According to court records and the plaintiffs in a legal fight that could reshape New Jersey’s funeral industry, the archdiocese owes the state tens of thousands of dollars — if not more than $100,000 — in so-called use taxes, which are based on the wholesale prices of monuments and private mausoleums.

The disclosure could create new public relations difficulties for Archbishop John J. Myers, who has faced a torrent of criticism from inside and outside the archdiocese since The Star-Ledger revealed last month he is building a lavish extension on his future retirement home in Hunterdon County.

Legal papers connected to the case also show how the archdiocese has transformed its burial grounds into a source of enormous income, with millions of dollars flowing into the Newark chancery each year, possibly in violation of a state law that restricts the use of cemetery revenue.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Cardinal defends sex abuse policy

The Local

A leading Italian cleric has defended the decision to adopt a Vatican-approved policy which exempts bishops from having to report cases of suspected child sex abuse to the police.

“The Vatican requires national laws to be respected, and we know that there is no such duty (to report abuse) under Italian law,” Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, head of the Italian Bishops’ Conference, told reporters on the sidelines of a meeting in Genoa.

The conference published guidelines on Friday which stipulated that clergy are under no obligation to inform the authorities about suspected abuse but have a “moral duty” to act to protect the vulnerable and “contribute to the common good”.

The guidelines sparked fury among victim support groups, with the US-based Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (SNAP) deploring the “stunning, depressing and irresponsible contradiction between what Vatican officials say about abuse, and do about abuse.”

The Church has repeatedly been accused by victims of covering up abuse by priests and simply moving predator clerics from one diocese to another rather than reporting them, thereby putting other children at risk.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Youth pastor arrested on suspicion of soliciting a minor

Shakopee Valley News

A man with ties to a church in Savage was arrested by Pope County police Friday on suspicion of soliciting a minor with an electronic device.

Matthew Thomas Boos, 24, is a youth pastor at River Valley Church in Savage, and is currently in custody at Douglas County Jail. Pope County does not have its own jail.

Additional details will be reported as they become available.

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Men ‘deposit bonds’ in Vatican bank

Sky News (Australia)

Vatican police have apprehended a US man and a Dutch man trying to deposit billions of euros and US dollars in fake bonds in the Vatican bank.

The men were stopped by the police when they approached one of the guarded gates at the Vatican and asked to be let through to the Institute for Religious Works (IOR) as the bank is formally known, Vatican spokesman Federico Lombardi said.

The bonds were discovered in a briefcase they were carrying and the men were handed over to Italy’s financial police, who found false passports and other fake documents in their hotel rooms.

The haul came a day after Italian prosecutors said two former top executives at the Vatican bank will go on trial for money laundering in a case that led to the seizure of 23 million euros ($A34.37 million).

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Police stop men with bilions of fake bonds

The Local

Vatican police on Saturday apprehended an American and a Dutch man who were trying to deposit billions of euros and US dollars in fake bonds in the Vatican bank.

The men were stopped by the police when they approached one of the guarded gates at the Vatican and asked to be let through to the Institute for Religious Works (IOR) as the bank is formally known, Vatican spokesman Federico Lombardi told AFP.

The bonds were discovered in a briefcase they were carrying and the men were handed over to Italy’s financial police, who found false passports and other fake documents in their hotel rooms.

The haul came a day after Italian prosecutors said two former top executives at the Vatican bank will go on trial for money laundering in a case that led to the seizure of €23 million ($32 million).

IOR press officer Max Hohenberg said the American and Dutch man “are neither clients of the bank, nor were they expected”.

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Suspected Fraud Plot At Vatican Bank Foiled

Huffington Post

Posted: 03/29/2014

ROME (AP) — Italian finance police say a suspected plot to swindle the Vatican bank was foiled after Vatican guards became suspicious of two foreigners who tried to enter the bank with a briefcase filled with false financial certificates.

The Finance Guard official leading the Italian probe was not available early Sunday for details. But the police operations center confirmed a report Saturday night by the Italian news agency ANSA that a Dutchman and a U.S. man were stopped after they tried to convince Vatican security officers they had business at the bank, which is not open to the general public. Police wouldn’t say when the incident occurred. ANSA said the pair aimed to fraudulently obtain lines of credit.

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Leslie Hittner: Church should be ashamed of cover-up

Winona Daily News

Leslie Hittner

Since the First Sunday of Advent, 2013, there have been at least 10 stories in the Winona Daily News about the Diocese of Winona’s involvement in the Catholic Church cover-up of priestly sexual abuse.

Indeed, the Church’s “shepherds” seemed to have been shepherding teams of lawyers who graze in courtrooms instead of “the flock.”

Ten stories about the Diocese of Winona and the cover-up.

Zero stories about the Diocese of Winona and the season of Advent.

When I was working for my brother, who owned and operated our family’s trucking business, he used to say, “Watch what a business advertises. That will be an area where it is weak. That will be what it does not do right. That will be an area where that business struggles.” That’s why nearly every forced release of information about the priestly sexual abuse cover-up is accompanied by official statements that review the policies and procedures that the church has set in place “to protect the children.”

It’s not because the church does these things that such statements are released. It’s because the church didn’t do these things.

Remember also, that throughout all of this, few if any bishops have been held accountable by the church. The church continues to deflect the public’s attention about its sexual abuse issues by pointing to sexual abuse and sexual abuse cover-ups elsewhere — as if that makes some sort of a difference.

Well, gentlemen, it doesn’t.

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March 29, 2014

Separan en Córdoba a un cura acusado de abusar sexualmente de una menor

Diario El Sol Mendoza  [Mendoza, Argentina]

March 29, 2014

By Unknown

Read original article

La decisión la tomó ayer el arzobispo de la Provincia, monseñor Carlos Núñez. el caso comenzó a ser investigado hace tres años.

El Arzobispado de Córdoba apartó de su cargo al sacerdote Luis Alberto Bergliaffa, quien está acusado de abusar sexualmente de una menor de edad.

La decisión la tomó ayer el arzobispo de la Provincia, monseñor Carlos Núñez, en nombre de la Santa Sede, e implica la prohibición del cura sancionado de todo ejercicio público del ministerio sacerdotal durante 10 años.

Pese a la suspensión, Bergliaffa no afronta ningún proceso judicial, ya que la Iglesia no se constituyó en denunciante porque se trata de un delito que sólo puede ser denunciado por el agraviado, sus padres o tutores.

Según publica el sitio web de La Voz del Interior, desde el arzobispado de Córdoba informaron que Bergliaffa “sigue siendo cura, pero no puede celebrar misa públicamente”.

Bergliaffa se desempeñaba en la parroquia Nuestra Señora de Fátima, en el barrio Matienzo de la ciudad de Córdoba, y el caso comenzó a ser investigado hace tres años.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Suspenden a un cura en Córdoba acusado de abusar sexualmente de una menor

Diario El Litoral Santa Fe [Santa Fe, Argentina]

March 29, 2014

Read original article

Lo decidió el Arzobispado de Córdoba. El sacerdote apartado de su cargo es Luis Alberto Bergliaffa. Se desepeñaba en la parroquia Nuestra Señora de Fátima, del barrio Matienzo.

El Arzobispado de Córdoba apartó de su cargo al sacerdote Luis Alberto Bergliaffa, quien está acusado de abusar sexualmente de una menor de edad. 

La decisión la tomó este viernes el arzobispo de la Provincia, monseñor Carlos Núñez, en nombre de la Santa Sede, e implica la prohibición del cura sancionado de todo ejercicio público del ministerio sacerdotal durante 10 años. 

Pese a la suspensión, Bergliaffa no afronta ningún proceso judicial, ya que la Iglesia no se constituyó en denunciante porque se trata de un delito que sólo puede ser denunciado por el agraviado, sus padres o tutores. 

Según publica el sitio web de La Voz del Interior, desde el arzobispado de Córdoba informaron que Bergliaffa “sigue siendo cura, pero no puede celebrar misa públicamente”. 

Bergliaffa se desempeñaba en la parroquia Nuestra Señora de Fátima, en el barrio Matienzo de la ciudad de Córdoba, y el caso comenzó a ser investigado hace tres años. (DyN)

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Suspenden a un cura abusador

Extremo Diario [Arroyo Seco, Argentina]

March 29, 2014

Read original article

El Arzobispado de Córdoba apartó por diez años de su cargo al sacerdote Luis Alberto Bergliaffa luego de que fuera “confirmado con certeza moral suficiente” que atacó sexualmente a una niña.

Córdoba.- La decisión la tomó el arzobispo de la Provincia, monseñor Carlos Ñañez, en nombre de la Santa Sede, e implica la prohibición del cura sancionado de todo ejercicio público del ministerio sacerdotal durante 10 años.

El Arzobispado de Córdoba informó que fue “confirmada con certeza moral suficiente la sentencia que ha encontrado culpable al Pbro. Luis Alberto Bergliaffa del delito de abuso sexual de una menor”. La condena es del 10 de enero pero trascendió estos días.

Pese a la suspensión, Bergliaffa no afronta ningún proceso judicial, ya que la Iglesia no se constituyó en denunciante porque se trata de un delito que sólo puede ser denunciado por el agraviado, sus padres o tutores. “Hasta ahora no tenemos noticia de que la familia de la víctima haya hecho la denuncia penal ante el Estado”, explicó el vicario judicial del Arzobispado provincial, el padre Dante Simón.

La Iglesia cordobesa reiteró que “el hecho fue denunciado ante las autoridades eclesiásticas, pero como los delitos de estas características sólo pueden ser denunciados por el agraviado o sus padres o tutores, según establece el artículo 72 del Código Penal de la Nación, la Iglesia no se constituyó en denunciante ante ese fuero judicial, sí lo hizo de acuerdo con la ley de la Iglesia contenida en el Código del Derecho Canónico”.

El padre Dante Simón responde preguntas sobre el caso

Simón, además destacó que la sentencia “es definitiva” y está “dentro del proceso canónico iniciado hace tres años por Arzobispado de Córdoba”.

El vicario judicial además destacó que Bergliaffa había apelado la decisión, pero “ante la apelación, la Santa Sede se expidió y le prohibió el ejercicio público del ministerio sacerdotal”.

Según publica el sitio web de La Voz del Interior, desde el arzobispado de Córdoba informaron que Bergliaffa “sigue siendo cura, pero no puede celebrar misa públicamente”.

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Church fought abuse claimants tooth and nail

Sydney Morning Herald

March 29, 2014

Catherine Armitage
Senior Writer

The now infamous case of the brilliant lawyer and sex abuse survivor John Ellis before the child sex abuse royal commission has laid bare for the first time not just the Sydney Catholic archdiocese’s wealth but the cold, dark heart of its handling of child sex abuse complaints.

The three-week hearing before Justice Peter McClellan has demonstrated in excruciating detail the exercise of power, against a vulnerable man, at the highest levels of the church and of the law in Sydney.

Cardinal George Pell, who on evidence before the commission called all the shots in the Ellis case, takes up a new job running the Vatican’s finances on Monday.

McClellan has instructed his people to secure the cardinal’s return to the witness box in Melbourne later in the year, when the commission will inquire into the ”Melbourne Response” set up by Pell in 1996 to deal with sex abuse complaints.

Until then we have learnt:

Accounts tendered in evidence sensationally revealed for the first time the financial position of what is likely Australia’s richest archdiocese. It is open for McClellan to conclude that it made low payouts to sex abuse victims because it chose to prioritise other uses, such as saving.

The archdiocese’s assets have nearly doubled since 2004, to over $1 billion at the end of 2013. While liabilities and expenses grew similarly, the net position is a healthy one: net assets grew from $103 million in 2000 to $192 million in 2013.

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Ottawa to cut healing program for residential school survivors: Sinclair


John Cotter, The Canadian Press
Published Friday, March 28, 2014

EDMONTON — The man heading the commission into the trauma caused by Indian residential schools says Ottawa plans to cut a program that helps survivors of the system to heal.

Justice Murray Sinclair said the program is for people who have told their stories of abuse at Truth and Reconciliation Commission hearings across the country.

Sinclair said the federal government is also balking at recommendations to improve mental health services that would help the extended families of these victims, especially in remote rural and Northern communities.

“Health Canada has decided on its own, without consultation with us or any other entity engaged in the Indian residential school settlement agreement, that effective this year, they are going to be terminating the Resolution Health Support Program, and leaving survivors who continue to experience personal difficulties after this event to essentially leave them on their own to find their own form of treatment,” Sinclair told The Canadian Press.

“Our point is you can’t expect people to heal immediately or to be able to overcome the personal difficulties they feel as a result of feeling those experiences again. And that healing is going to take some time.”

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President Obama – as puppet of Pope Francis – says script by Opus Dei PR Deceits Team and stoops to Vatican Mammon Beast


Updated March 29, 2014

Paris Arrow

President Obama should return his Nobel Peace Prize which he never worked for and does not deserve. Obama mocked the Nobel Peace Prize when he went to the Vatican and praised Pope Francis the Pretender and Impostor of Jesus with pre-scripted statements prepared by the Opus Dei PR Deceits Squad: “The Holy Father has inspired the peoples of the entire world – and me too – with his commitment to social justice… especially for people who are the poorest and most vulnerable among us.” WTF**k? “His commitment to social justice” – really, in what planet? From his hundred billion Euros Vatican Palace throne out-of-touch with reality –preaching what his Opus Dei PR Deceits Team concoct pathological lies day after day – while he and they do the opposite? Where are the “poorest and most vulnerable” in the planet betwen the Vatican Bank and Secret Vatican Swiss Banks?

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Cardinal defends Vatican abuse policy

SBS (Australia)


Italy’s Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco has defended a Vatican policy exempting bishops from having to report suspected child sex abuse to the police.

A leading Italian cleric has defended a decision to adopt a Vatican-approved policy exempting bishops from having to report suspected child sex abuse to the police.

“The Vatican requires national laws to be respected, and we know that there is no such duty (to report abuse) under Italian law,” Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, head of the Italian Bishops’ Conference, told reporters on the sidelines of a meeting in Genoa on Saturday.

A day earlier, the conference published guidelines stipulating that clergy are under no obligation to inform authorities about suspected abuse but have a “moral duty” to act to protect the vulnerable and “contribute to the common good”.

The guidelines sparked fury among victim support groups, with the US-based Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (SNAP) deploring the “stunning, depressing and irresponsible contradiction between what Vatican officials say about abuse, and do about abuse”.

The Church has repeatedly been accused by victims of covering up abuse by priests and moving predator clerics from one diocese to another rather than reporting them, thereby putting other children at risk.

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Our reporter on how paedo priest gained her family’s trust

Sunday World

By Niamh O’ Connor

I went to court this week to tell a priest I had known and trusted that he was the last person I expected to see there on paedophile charges.

I just wanted to look Fr Denis Nolan in the eye. I also asked him if it was true, though he had already pleaded guilty to all charges.

“I’ll tell you sometime over a cup of tea,” he said, lying through his teeth. Again.

Brave teenager John Paul Hunter was the sex victim of predator Nolan from the ago of 12.

Now 19, John Paul waived his right to anonymity to name and shame the parish priest, from the small town of Rathnew in Co. Wicklow, who was jailed for seven years for repeatedly sexually abusing him.

Wiping away tears, John Paul told me after the hearing: “I’m just so happy it’s over. He ruined my life.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Italy cardinal defends controversial sex abuse policy

Deccan Herald

AFP | March 29, 2014

Rome: A leading Italian cleric on Saturday defended the decision to adopt a Vatican-approved policy which exempts bishops from having to report cases of suspected child sex abuse to the police.

“The Vatican requires national laws to be respected, and we know that there is no such duty (to report abuse) under Italian law,” Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, head of the Italian Bishops’ Conference, told reporters on the sidelines of a meeting in Genoa.

The conference published guidelines on Friday which stipulated that clergy are under no obligation to inform the authorities about suspected abuse but have a “moral duty” to act to protect the vulnerable and “contribute to the common good”.

The guidelines sparked fury among victim support groups, with the US-based Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (SNAP) deploring the “stunning, depressing and irresponsible contradiction between what Vatican officials say about abuse, and do about abuse.”

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

‘We are still dealing with it’: Dr Kenny laments church abuse of children

Royal Gazette

By Jessie Moniz Hardy

After being involved in a groundbreaking Canadian commission to look at child sex abuse within the Catholic Church, Dr Nuala Kenny, paediatrician and Catholic Sister of Charity, was confident the problem was on its way to being solved. That was back in the 1990s.

Since then she has often been left wondering ‘have we learned nothing’ as church sex scandal after scandal has erupted worldwide.

Dr Kenny was on the island this week to speak about child sex abuse within the church, and other issues related to bioethics.

She is the author of ‘Healing the Church: Diagnosing and Treating the Clergy Sexual Abuse Scandal’.

She served on the Newfoundland Archdiocese of St John’s Commission of Inquiry following the Mount Cashel revelations of the 1980s. This scandal involved the widespread abuse of children in the Mount Cashel orphanage in St John’s, Newfoundland. In 1988 she became a professor and head of the paediatrics department at Dalhousie University and chief of paediatrics at the Izaak Walton Killam Children’s Hospital (now the IWK Health Centre) and later, deputy health minister for Nova Scotia.

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Twin Cities archdiocese will begin rolling out files on abusive priests

Star Tribune

Article by: JEAN HOPFENSPERGER , Star Tribune Updated: March 27, 2014

Officials also sought an extension for turning over some documents.

The Twin Cities archdiocese will begin releasing its files on clergy child sex offenders to the court next week, but it is unlikely to include the entire 60,000 documents.

Facing a deadline next Tuesday for releasing the mountain of paperwork, the archdiocese on Thursday asked Ramsey County District Judge John Van de North for an extension.

Van de North said that if the church cannot produce all of the documents by Monday, the church should — for starters — provide those most relevant to the deposition of Archbishop John Nienstedt, which is scheduled for April 2.

But the delayed rollout could prompt another legal problem for the church. If documents released later require further questioning of Nienstedt, there will be a request for another deposition of the archbishop, said Jeff Anderson, attorney for the alleged victim whose case has prompted the document release.

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Provinces hand over aboriginal death records from residential school period

Edmonton Journal


VANCOUVER – The death records of tens of thousands of First Nations children who died during the time residential schools were operating in Canada have been handed over to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

Several provincial governments gave up the records to the commission, which will now cross-reference the information with student lists to determine who among the children died while in the care of the church-run schools and where they might be buried.

“We hear from the survivors about having lost loved ones in the schools and not knowing what their fate was, what happened to them, whether they died and, if they died, where they’re buried,” said Kimberley Murray, executive director of the commission. “It’s an important truth they need to have before they can move forward to reconciliation.”

British Columbia opened the floodgates with the release of 4,900 death records for children aged 4 to 19 — the first batch a few months ago and the latest on Friday.

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Sacked Vatican Bank Head’s Lawyers Threaten Lawsuit Over ‘Unfair’ Dismissal

International Business Times

By Jerin Mathew March 29, 2014

The lawyers for Ettore Gotti Tedeschi, the former head of the Vatican bank who has been sacked after receiving a unanimous vote of no-confidence from his board, has threatened to sue the bank over his “unfair” dismissal.

Gotti Tedeschi was ousted by its lay board in the wake of the “Vatileaks” scandal, in which former Pope Benedict’s butler leaked the Vatican’s secret papers to the media.

While voting to fire him, the board claimed Gotti Tedeschi was an ineffective and divisive manager.

Gotti Tedeschi said he was ousted because he wanted to bring more transparency to the bank’s dealings – an issue that embarrassed the bank for decades.

Gotti Tedeschi had been under investigation over alleged money laundering, but the case against him was shelved after a court ruling, which said he had nothing to do with the day to day operations of the bank and was working to bring it in line with international anti-money-laundering standards.

Gotti Tedeschi’s lawyers said in a five-page statement entitled “The Rehabilitation of Ettore Gotti Tedeschi” the judgment proved he was a capable manager who acted in the best interests of the bank and encouraged him to take legal action to clear his name.

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‘It’s important to have a survivor at the heart of the Vatican’ says Marie Collins

The Journal

ABUSE SURVIVOR MARIE Collins received a call last week offering her a seat on the the Vatican’s new Pontifical Council for the Protection of Minors.

Speaking to TheJournal.ie, she said that she was hopeful that the new council will bring about much needed and long over due change within the Vatican.

“I had no idea I was even being considered for the role until I received a call on Friday offering me the position. It was a complete surprise to me,” she said.

Voice on the council

When asked was it something she jumped at or had to think about she said that when she heard about the establishment of the council in December she thought it was very important to have a survivors voice on the council.

“I knew that it was vital that a voice of a survivor be in that discussion,” she said, adding she could not turn down an opportunity where she would be a voice to those that were abused.

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Ex-Vatican bank chiefs in money laundering trial

The Local

Paolo Cipriani, the former director general of the bank formally known as the Institute for Religious Works, and his deputy Massimo Tulli are accused in a case that led to the seizure of €23 million ($32 million).

Italian media reported prosecutors as saying that Cipriani and Tulli had signed off on the suspicious payment and former president Ettore Gotti Tedeschi had instead tried to enforce money laundering laws.

The two were forced to resign last year, three days after a senior Vatican accountant — Monsignor Nunzio Scarano — who held accounts at the bank was arrested in Italy for suspicious cash transfers.

Tedeschi, who was himself ousted in 2012 in an unusually public showdown with the bank’s board, was instead entirely cleared by the investigation and
threatened legal action for damage to his reputation.

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Pope Francis summons ‘Bishop Bling’ to the Vatican for private talks

National Catholic Reporter

Eric J. Lyman Religion News Service | Mar. 28, 2014

VATICAN CITY Pope Francis met Friday in a closed-door meeting with the German churchman known as “Bishop Bling,” Franz-Peter Tebartz-van Elst, whose extravagant and expensive lifestyle cost him his job.

Tebartz-van Elst, 54, spent more than $40 million of church money renovating his home in Limburg, Germany. He became a worldwide phenomenon, in part because his lifestyle clashed so sharply with that of Francis, known for living in spartan and humble surroundings and for preaching restraint and austerity.

Vatican sources confirmed Tebartz-van Elst met with the pontiff at the Apostolic Palace in the Vatican. But there was no information about what the two men discussed or what conclusions were drawn.

Among the expenses from the refurbishment of the residence: $300,000 for an ornamental fish tank, $2.4 million on bronze window frames, and $240,000 on a spiral staircase. Tebartz-van Elst blamed the expense on a deputy who failed to keep track of cost overruns.

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Cardinal George Pell — the man of God we know

Sunday Herald


TALL George Pell might have been anything other than a priest. That’s what most of his classmates expected. A teacher. A footballer for Richmond. A lawyer, maybe.

So when he lined up for the priesthood at the Werribee Corpus Christi seminary in the summer of 1960, it surprised many of his school friends.

Young George hit 6 ft 3 (1.9m) by the time he was 15. He was commanding and jovial, the centre of boarding house social life. The boys at St Patricks College, Ballarat, thought they had him worked out. But with a devout Irish Catholic mother and a priest uncle, the jump to the seminary may not have been so hard to fathom.

It emerged during his training years that he was a stickler for church-ordained truth and tradition. He loved a debate, particularly so because, as a former colleague says, he was “always right”. He was “dismissive” of those who didn’t agree with him.

His liturgical accent would have been at home in the wooden panels of a courtroom. At least two of his former classmates could more easily see a black lawyer’s gown billowing about his broad shoulders, a white wig on his head, not a cross hanging by a chain around his neck.

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Cops: Lake church deacon sexually abused girl

Orlando Sentinel

By Erica Rodriguez, Orlando Sentinel
6:36 p.m. EDT, March 28, 2014

A Lake County church deacon turned himself into authorities Friday after a girl younger than 10 years old told investigators that he sexually battered her in a tree house behind his home.

Lake County sheriff’s investigators believe 65-year-old Thomas Warren Halsey sexually battered the girl at his Leesburg home.

Halsey had been a deacon with First Baptist Church of Leesburg for the last two years, said Art Ayris, the church’s executive pastor, but is now being removed from that position.

In an interview with investigators, the girl said Halsey told her to inappropriately touch him in the tree house and under the sheets while she was on his bed. The girl also told investigators Halsey exposed himself to her in the tree house. She detailed much of the abuse then stopped short by telling investigators the incident was “creepy” and she did not want to further discuss it, according to an arrest report.

Halsey told investigators in an interview that the girl more than once touched him inappropriately without his consent, once under the covers in his bed and another time while he was holding her baby sister. Halsey also told investigators the girl once asked him to take off his clothes and she would runaway if he did not agree. Halsey said after every incident he made the girl’s mother aware of the behavior, which she denied.

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Leesburg deacon accused of sexual battery of child in treehouse

Daily Commercial

Millard K. Ives | Staff Writer millardives@dailycommercial.com

A deacon at a Leesburg church was arrested Friday on charges that he forced a child to perform sex acts in a treehouse at his home.

Thomas Halsey, 65, with First Baptist Church in Leesburg, turned himself in at the Lake County jail, according to Lake County Sheriff’s Office. He was charged with two counts of sexual battery on a child under 12 and was held without bail.

The brown-colored brick, two-garage home is nestled in a residential neighborhood in the 6000 block of Sunnyside Drive in Leesburg. In the back yard is a three-story green tree house with a deck swing and chairs visible on the second floor.

Sgt. James Vachon called it an elaborate treehouse which could fit beds inside.

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First Baptist Church deacon accused of sex battery of child


[with video]

LEESBURG, Fla. —A deacon at the First Baptist Church in Leesburg was arrested Friday in a child sex case.

Lake County Sheriff’s Office deputies said Thomas Halsey sexually abused a young girl for two years.

Halsey is accused of sexual battery on a child under 10 years old. Investigators said the young girl said Halsey forced the child to perform sexual acts on him inside his home and his tree house, located in his backyard.

Deputies said Halsey denied the accusations and claimed the child initiated the sexual acts. According to the arrest report, Halsey told investigators the child “asked him to take off his clothes and lay on top her while she was naked.”

As a deacon, Halsey worked with widows, but never with children, investigators said.

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Bischof Tebartz-van Elst: „Ich bitte um Vergebung“

Radio Vatikan

[Summary: Bishop Emeritus Franz-Peter Tebartz van Elst said he now realizes he made mistakes and he has asked for forgiveness. He issued a statement after his audience Friday with Pope Francis.]

„Mit dem Wissen von heute erkenne ich, dass ich Fehler gemacht habe. Auch wenn sie niemals aus Absicht entstanden, haben sie Vertrauen zerstört.“ Das schreibt der emeritierte Bischof von Limburg, Franz-Peter Tebartz-van Elst, in einer Erklärung, die er nach seiner Audienz bei Papst Franziskus an diesem Freitag veröffentlicht hat. Er bitte alle um Vergebung, die unter seinen Versäumnissen gelitten hätten oder immer noch litten, so der Bischof.

In der Entscheidung des Papstes, seinen im Oktober angebotenen Rücktritt anzunehmen, sehe er die Chance für einen Neubeginn, „nicht nur für das Bistum Limburg, sondern auch für mich.“ Er bitte darum, seine Stellungnahme zum Prüfbericht als Episode zu betrachten und nicht als Beginn einer neuen Auseinandersetzung. In den Medien war diese Stellungnahme als nachträgliche Rechtfertigung des Bischofs gelesen und als Zeichen seiner Uneinsichtigkeit gedeutet worden.

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Bishop asks any victims of cleric to report abuse


March 29. 2014

SCRANTON — In recent weeks, officials of the Diocese of Scranton were notified that the Rev. Carlos Urrutigoity is exercising priestly ministry and was recently named the Vicar General of the Diocese of Ciudad del Este, Paraguay.

Urrutigoity served within the territory of the Diocese of Scranton as a member of the Society of St. John from 1998 until 2002, when he was suspended from ministry following accusations of misconduct. The society was suppressed in 2004 by then Bishop Joseph Martino.

Despite Martino’s consistent expression of grave reservations about the cleric’s suitability for priestly ministry, Urrutigoity was incardinated into the Diocese of Ciudad del Este in 2008.

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No place to call home: Abuse in a Christian community

Religion News Service

Boz Tchividjian | Mar 28, 2014

A few months ago I was told about a new film that documents the sexual abuse perpetrated upon children at a place called Jesus People USA. At the time, I had never heard of Jesus People USA. So I made contact with Jamie Prater, a former resident of Jesus People USA, who has spent the past years pouring his life into making this eye-opening documentary. After watching No Place to Call Home, I learned that Jesus People USA is a Christian community on the north side of Chicago. It is a place that holds wonderful childhood memories for many of its former members. It is also a place where the bodies and souls of dozens and dozens of precious children were eviscerated through systemic sexual abuse. A place where sexual offenders roamed freely and had easy access to vulnerable little ones, who were often outside the care and supervision of their parents. This was no place to call home.

As I watched this film and listened to the many heartbreaking interviews, I found myself overwhelmed. If we are honest, I wonder how many other Christian environments may be No Place to Call Home for His little ones?

Below is my exclusive interview with Jamie Prater:

Boz: Thanks so much for taking the time to speak with me. What is No Place To Call Home about?

Jamie: No Place To Call Home chronicles the lives of several people born and raised in Jesus People USA Evangelical Covenant Church. The film begins in 2008 when I’m living in Asheville, North Carolina and follows my journey back to Chicago and through my discovery of what would be dozens upon dozens of cases of child sexual abuse.

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Lake County deacon arrested on charges he molested young girl


[with video]

LEESBURG, Fla. — A deacon at First Baptist Church in Leesburg is accused of sexual battery on a girl under 10-years-old.

Thomas Halsey, 65, turned himself in to authorities Friday afternoon after investigators obtained his arrest warrant.

The victim’s mother reported that Halsey had been sexually abusing her daughter over a course of two years, but the victim told her mother about the alleged abuse this month.

In the arrest affidavit, the victim said she performed a sex act on Halsey on March 21 inside a large treehouse in Halsey’s backyard.

The treehouse is multi-level and contains bunk beds on the top level.

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Police: Teen Says She Suffered Abuse As Many As 50 Times At Hands Of Pastor


A teen says her suburban Denver pastor sexually assaulted her as many as 50 times over three years.

KUSA-TV reports that an arrest affidavit for 51-year-old Gerald Clark says the alleged abuse began in 2009. It said the teen recently confronted Clark because she was worried about others in the church youth group.

Clark was arrested Wednesday on one count of sexual assault on a child by someone in a position of trust. He’s been released on bond. It’s not clear if he has a lawyer and telephone numbers for his home and Jericho Ministries International have been disconnected.

The affidavit says the alleged victim is 17 and lived with Clark and his wife during summers.

Clark is due to appear in court next week.

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Two St. Thomas More Elementary School teachers fired

Fox 4

[with video]

March 28, 2014, by Melissa Stern

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Two south Kansas City Catholic Elementary school band teachers have been fired. The two teachers were placed on leave earlier in March. The school principal sent a letter home to parents Thursday with the news that they have been let go.

“It’s very important that the protection of children is a top priority in all instances, and I think this decision best protects children,” said Jenifer Valenti, the ombudsman for the Catholic Diocese for Kansas City and St. Joseph. She says the firing of St. Thomas More Elementary school band teachers Gregg Briggs and Tod Barnard was for the best.

“The investigation in Independence stemmed from Mr. Briggs offering a ride to a student in Independence,” said Valenti.

No charges have been filed against Briggs, but the letter to parents states he was terminated after a review by the school’s independent review board.

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Sexual abuse victim launches $3.1-million lawsuit

Our Windsor

Brant News
By Natalie Paddon

Chris Morrison is seeking accountability and compensation for the suffering he endured.

The victim of sexual assault at the hands of Rev. George Ferris announced during a Friday media conference that he has filed a $3.1-million lawsuit against both the retired Anglican church minister and the Anglican Diocese of Huron.

The 43-year-old Paris resident filed a statement of claim on Jan. 24.

In November, the 66-year-old Ferris was convicted of two counts of sexual assault and one count of sexual exploitation against Morrison.

In January, Ferris was sentenced to four years in prison.

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Bishop Bambera taking worries to pope


Published: March 29, 2014

The bishop of the Diocese of Scranton agreed to pen a letter to Pope Francis warning about a priest accused of child molestation who has risen to second-in-command in a Paraguayan diocese.

At the request of the Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests, the Most Rev. Joseph C. Bambera said he shared their “outrage” at the ascension of Monsignor Carlos Urrutigoity, defended the actions of his predecessor, Bishop James Martino, but ignored the group’s other far-reaching requests.

SNAP reproduced the bishop’s letter on its website. Diocese of Scranton spokesman William Genello confirmed the reproduction of the letter is accurate and declined to comment further.

Bishop Bambera said he has no jurisdiction in another diocese, but he would express his personal concerns about Monsignor Urrutigoity to Vatican administrators.

“I have begun the process of bringing this dire situation to the attention of the Holy See in the hopes that the matter will immediately be examined further by those with competency over it,” he wrote. “My intention is to do all I can to make sure this matter is addressed appropriately and expeditiously.”

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March 28, 2014

Judge Dismisses Probe of Former Vatican Bank Chairman


By Dow Jones Business News, March 28, 2014

ROME–An Italian judge dismissed prosecutors’ investigation into the former chairman of the Vatican’s bank over possible noncompliance of money laundering rules, his lawyers said on Friday, accusing the bank’s board of damaging the Holy See after it fired him two years ago.

The ruling stated that Ettore Gotti Tedeschi wasn’t involved in the 2010 financial transaction that is being probed by local prosecutors for alleged violations as he wasn’t involved in the day-to-day running of the bank, said his lawyers in a statement, which includes a copy of Rome Criminal Court Judge Flavia Costantini’s order dated Feb. 19.

Rome prosecutors had agreed with the dismissal request of Mr. Gotti Tedeschi being removed from formal investigation, according to the judge’s order.

Pope Francis, who was elected just over one year ago, has set as a priority an overhaul of the Vatican’s finances and its scandal-probe bank. In January, Pope Francis replaced all but one of the five cardinals in the commission that oversees the bank as he placed a firmer hold on the financial institution.

In September 2010, Rome’s prosecutors had placed Mr. Gotti Tedeschi and the then-director general Paolo Cipriani of the Institute for the Works of Religion, or IOR, as the Vatican bank is officially called, under investigation for alleged irregularities in a request of transfer of money from an IOR account at an Italian bank.

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Former Vatican bank head’s lawyers threaten to sue to clear name


VATICAN CITY Fri Mar 28, 2014

(Reuters) – In a new blow for the troubled Vatican bank, lawyers for its former head who was abruptly fired in 2012 threatened legal action on Friday to clear his name and show that he was unfairly dismissed.

The surprise move by lawyers for Ettore Gotti Tedeschi came after months of relative calm for the Vatican bank under its new president, German Ernst Von Freyberg.

Gotti Tedeschi was ousted after a no confidence vote by its lay board on May 24 at the height of the “Vatileaks” scandal, in which former Pope Benedict’s butler leaked the pontiff’s personal papers to the media.

The board said Gotti Tedeschi was fired because he was an ineffective and divisive manager. He said he was ousted because he wanted to introduce more transparency to the bank, which has been an embarrassment for the Vatican for decades.

Gotti Tedeschi had been under investigation by Rome magistrates on suspicion of money laundering, but last month a judge ruled that the case against him be shelved.

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Melbourne Archbishop to discuss removing abuse victim payment cap


ELIZABETH JACKSON: The parents of two abuse victims say they want the Catholic Church to act urgently to remove a cap on payment to abuse victims.

Anthony and Chrissie Foster say Australia’s most senior Catholic, Cardinal George Pell, this week personally promised them that the $75,000 cap would be abolished.

But the couple say they have heard nothing from the Archbishop of Melbourne, the man responsible for actually making the change.

Cardinal Pell this week publicly apologised to a victim of child sexual abuse, saying the Catholic Church failed in its moral and pastoral responsibilities.

Alison Caldwell reports.

ALISON CALDWELL: It was the news Anthony and Chrissie Foster had been waiting for for 18 years; that the Catholic Church would remove the cap on payments to victims of child sexual abuse.

It now stands at $75,000.

Anthony Foster says he got a commitment from Cardinal George Pell during a meeting on Thursday night.

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Church faces two dangers on safeguarding children

Irish Times

Breda O’Brien

Sat, Mar 29, 2014

The appointment of Marie Collins to the new Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors is highly significant. It is a tribute to Marie Collins herself, who has been an articulate and dedicated campaigner on issues of child sexual abuse.

She made an impressive presentation at a major international summit on child abuse in 2012 at Rome’s Jesuit-run Gregorian University, which was co-sponsored by several Vatican departments.

Some 100 representatives of bishops’ conferences and 30 religious superiors attended the conference, and some were visibly shaken and moved by hearing what a victim had to say.

Other members of the new commission include Rev Hans Zollner, the vice-rector of the Gregorian University, a psychologist who organised the 2012 seminar, and Baroness Sheila Hollins, a British psychiatrist and former president of the Royal College of Psychiatrists.

Half the current commission’s members are women, and they are all heavy-hitters, including a former prime minister of Poland, Hannah Suchocka, who was appointed as prime minister under Lech Walesa, because she was highly regarded by politicians from many different parts of the political spectrum.

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What to Do About Sex Abuse in the Church?

Catholic World Report

March 28, 2014

By Dr. Adam A. J. DeVille

I confess that I really don’t want to talk about sex abuse in the Church again. But Pope Francis does, so perhaps we might help him and his newly appointed commission by taking a trip through some unexpected and ancient terrain.

I was at work on an article several summers ago about the vexed question of “canonical territory,” especially regarding Catholic-Orthodox relations in Ukraine and Russia. I never finished that article, in part because I am constitutionally prone to the sins of sloth and gluttony and decided that martinis and cigars in my backyard while reading books on totally unrelated topics were much more interesting activities, and so I fled from my computer to my chaise longue. But all was not lost: in my research for that article, and as penance for my sins of the flesh, I had forced myself to slog through every canon I could lay my hands on from local, provincial, regional, national, and ecumenical councils in both East and West. I was looking to see what, if anything, they said about questions of territory and jurisdiction.

I was not, in other words, looking for canons dealing with clerical discipline, but in my reading it quickly emerged that I could not avoid them, since it seems that almost every council ever held had to deal with clerical malfeasance in one form or other. Naughty priests are not new! Council after council seemed to have something to say about priests or bishops who commit offenses, especially those of the flesh—adultery, sodomy, and the abuse of minors. Again and again one thing was clear: clerics of any rank (including those in minor orders) who were guilty of any sexual sin at all were to be removed from office and never again allowed to hold any clerical office anywhere in the Church. This was a life sentence.

Another discovery staggered me: this penalty of permanent deposition was to be applied even to consensual sins involving adults. Thus if a priest was having a consensual affair with a woman in his parish, which both freely entered and willingly consummated, he was to be removed forever. Even if the woman did not want him punished—even if she had confessedly seduced him—he was still to be removed.

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A cup of tea with the cardinal: what George Pell did in the Ellis case

The Guardian (UK)

David Marr
theguardian.com, Friday 28 March 2014

St Mary’s was not overflowing at Cardinal George Pell’s farewell. The music was magnificent and 20 bishops followed the candles and banners in procession. But the governor general, prime minister and premier were somewhere else for the night. Rows of stack-away chairs stood empty.

Pell looked weary but cheerful. Less than four hours before appearing in cope and mitre under the arc lights of the cathedral, he had been in the witness box of the royal commission into institutional responses to child abuse delivering one last apology to John Ellis. Some of the time since had been spent praying at the shrine of St Mary MacKillop.

Officials last seen in the witness box gave readings and led prayers. Not among the familiar faces at the celebrations was Ellis, once a devout Catholic who came three times a week to mass is in this building. That life is behind him now.

Though they have faced each other at the commission over the past week, they’ve met only once. In a sense, the meeting was routine. It’s what victims of priests are offered when their battles with the church are done, every last detail settled, money paid and apologies made. As Pell’s chancellor Brian Rayner explained to the commission: “I would offer the person a discussion with the cardinal, a cup of tea, where he would then personally continue that apology.”

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Italy’s bishops pass Vatican-backed rule…

The Independent (UK)

Italy’s bishops pass Vatican-backed rule that child molestation does not have to be reported

The rule was passed at a conference on Friday

KASHMIRA GANDER Author Biography Friday 28 March 2014

The Italian Bishops’ Conference said the guidelines published on Friday reflected suggestions from the Vatican’s office that handles sex abuse investigations.

Victims have denounced how bishops systematically covered up abuse by moving priests while keeping prosecutors in the dark.

Only in 2010 did the Vatican instruct bishops to report abuse to police — but only where required by law.

Italian guidelines cite a 1985 treaty between the Vatican and Italy stipulating that clergy aren’t obliged to tell magistrates about information obtained through their religious ministry. The guidelines remind bishops, however, they have a ”moral duty“ to contribute to the common good.

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Novel offers raw depiction of priest’s dark history

The Chronicle-Herald

Published March 28, 2014

Writing and researching Petitot must have been a journey of constant discovery for author Susan Haley.

The weighty tome is the product of almost a decade of work, and tells the story of Emile Petitot, a man historically known in Canada for his work as a priest, a missionary, a writer and an ethnographer.

But it just takes a quick flutter of fingers on a keyboard to learn that he has a remarkably dark history. According to a variety of interviews with Haley, including one with the Northern Journal, she was surprised to discover that the Canadian explorer was also a pedophile and subject to symptoms of a bipolar disorder.

This could be why she chose to tell the story the way she did. Her storytelling is fluid, bouncing back and forth from the 1800s to modern day, and it’s told through the eyes of a few different characters, each one affected in their own way by the mad priest. Luckily, the plot has the main character, Marcus, to keep it on track.

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Former Chabad youth leader accused of sex crimes found dead

Haaretz (Israel)

SYDNEY – A former Chabad-Lubavitch youth leader in Melbourne accused of child sex crimes has been found dead in a suspected suicide on Thursday, triggering acrimonious accusations that “community vigilantes,” “thugs” and those who conducted “trial by media” have “blood on their hands.”

The body of Aron “Ezzy” Kestecher, 28, was found in his apartment on Thursday.

Kestecher was accused of multiple allegations of child sex abuse against minors and was due to face court in June, police confirmed on Friday.

Rabbi Meir Shlomo Kluwgant visited family and friends on Thursday. “I provided a measure of support and comfort to his family members and his close friends, as well as the first responders to this most tragic of events.”

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Australia Chabad Sex Abuse Suspect Aron Kestecher Kills Self

Jewish Daily Forward


Aron “Ezzy” Kestecher, a former Chabad-Lubavitch youth leader in Melbourne who was accused of child sex crimes, died in a suspected suicide.

Kestecher, 28, was found dead in his apartment Thursday. He was accused of multiple allegations of child sex abuse against minors and was due to face court in June, police confirmed Friday.

Rabbi Meir Shlomo Kluwgant, president of the Rabbinical Council of Victoria, said he visited the family on Thursday.

“I provided a measure of support and comfort to his family members and his close friends, as well as the first responders to this most tragic of events,” he said. “The deceased was a very special young man, but he was also deeply troubled.”

The Lubavitch websites Crownheights.info and shmais.com both posted death notices expressing their “profound sadness, deep pain and shock.”

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‘I can’t think of a better choice’ says local abuse survivor

The Pilot


BRAINTREE — A local clergy abuse survivor and playwright welcomed the news that Pope Francis had tapped Cardinal Seán P. O’Malley to serve as one of the first members of the new Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors.

Michael Mack, creator and performer of the one-man play “Conversations with My Molester: A Journey of Faith,” said a Vatican announcement, March 22, that the pope had established the new Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors came as welcome news to the survivor of clerical sex abuse.

“I think it was an important step,” said Michael Mack, creator and performer of the one-man play “Conversations with My Molester: A Journey of Faith.”

“I am especially excited by the makeup of the commission, because there are actually more laypeople than clergy on it — five laypeople, three clergy,” he said. “I was really pleased to see that one of those laypeople is a sexual abuse survivor herself.”

Mack said that aspect of the commission gave him hope because the commission will include the voice of a survivor — Marie Collins, a native of Ireland who survived abuse as a 13-year-old girl.

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National- Bishops praise themselves on child sex abuse again, SNAP responds

Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests

For immediate release: Friday, March 28, 2014

Statement by Barbara Dorris of St. Louis, outreach director of SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (314-862-7688 home, 314-503-0003 cell, SNAPdorris@gmail.com)

We have three objections to these new claims by US bishops.

[U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops]

First, if over a decade, my car tires become bald and I buy new ones, they’ll likely cost more than the old ones did. It’s silly – or even deceitful – for me to brag that my spending on “safety” has gone up. But that’s what bishops are doing today.

It’s painful to watch them stretch and distort the truth for another public relations ‘win.’

Second, Bishops desperately keep trying to pretend this on-going crisis is somehow “in the past.” They do this in a range of ways, but among their most popular is to claim or suggest that most cases happened decades ago.

The truth is we simply cannot know. That’s because it nearly always takes victims decades to come forward and report the crimes they’ve suffered. So at best, it’s disingenuous and at worst it’s deceptive for Catholic officials to claim the rate of clergy sex crimes is declining.

Bishops and their public relations professionals aren’t dumb. They know delayed reporting is almost always the norm but they misrepresent what this means time and time again. By doing so, they are recklessly endangering kids by encouraging complacency when vigilance is required.

Finally, since it was adopted a decade ago, the bishops’ extremely vague, weak and rarely-enforced abuse policy has been consistently weakened and sporadically followed. So these alleged “audits” are nearly meaningless.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Privacy watchdog examines possible breach in residential school survivors’ claims

CBC News

Canada’s privacy watchdog is looking into a possible breach of personal information belonging to residential school survivors, after an adjudicator working for the agency handling their compensation claims filed a police report citing blackmail.

The Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat is the administrative body that manages the claims made by residential school survivors. It is an independent, quasi-judicial tribunal established in 2007 under the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement.

Indian residential school survivors can seek compensation for suffering “sexual or serious physical abuse or another wrongful act” through an independent assessment process managed by the agency.

A spokesperson for the agency told CBC News on Wednesday that “an individual contacted the Secretariat earlier this month” claiming to have information relating to claims made by residential school survivors.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Truth and Reconciliation Commission to compile estimate …

Edmonton Journal

Truth and Reconciliation Commission to compile estimate of how many students died at residential schools


EDMONTON – Some are a mix of good and bad times. Others have been dulled into resignation and resentment. Some are just a few words.

Survivor stories were front and centre Friday on the second day of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission national event, running four days at the Shaw Conference Centre.

The words spoken are as different as the settings. For those preferring to make private statements, there’s a room behind a curtain. On the same floor, others tell their stories before hundreds of listeners.

More than 21,000 people are expected at the four-day event, the seventh and final event of the $60-million Truth and Reconciliation Commission, formed in the aftermath of a $5-billion settlement between the federal government, Canadian churches and aboriginals in 2007.

Between the 1870s and 1996, more than 150,000 aboriginal children were placed in 139 federally funded, church-run schools, mostly in the northern and western portions of the country. The schools were plagued by abuses and poor conditions. Alberta had 25 schools recognized under the settlement, more than any other province or territory.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

NE- Diocese refuses to participate in church abuse program

Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests

For immediate release: Friday, March 28, 2014

Statement by David Clohessy of St. Louis, Director of SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests ( 314-566-9790 cell, SNAPclohessy@aol.com )

A Catholic panel has released a report on whether and how bishops are abiding by the vague, weak and virtually never enforced “Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People.”

The Diocese of Lincoln is once again in violation of the Charter. The diocese did not allow church ‘auditors’ to come in and do their jobs.

[U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops]

Bishop James Conley had only been the bishop of Lincoln for a month in 2012, but that was plenty of time to make a positive change. We are disappointed that he is following in his predecessor’s footsteps and not honoring their commitment to protect children.

We hoped Bishop Conley would have made a difference. We hope he honors his pledge and his duty and complies with the Charter for the 2014 review though we doubt he will.

We also hope that every single person who sees, suspects or suffers clergy sex crimes in Nebraska to call police officials, not Catholic officials.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.