Minnesota Public Radio
[with video]
Eric Ringham, Tom Scheck · St. Paul, Minn. · Jan 29, 2014
Ramsey County Attorney John Choi announced Wednesday that authorities would file no further charges in the case of the Rev. Curtis Wehmeyer, now serving a prison sentence on charges of child sex abuse.
Choi said authorities had investigated whether officials of the Twin Cities archdiocese had failed to report suspicions of abuse in a timely way. He said that while he continued to be troubled by the church’s communication practices, he had found no evidence that might persuade a jury.
“We expect all mandated reporters to report instances of child sex abuse as required by law, but more importantly to err on the side of victims,” Choi said. “The law is the lowest common denominator of acceptable behavior. Mandated reporters should never, ever make conclusions [about the law] … or make determinations about the credibility of victims. That is the job of law enforcement, prosecution, and our courts, not private parties.”
Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.