At Christmas “Greeting,” Pope Talks When the Curia “Hinders the Spirit”… And the Church

Whispers in the Loggia


Over the pontificate of Benedict XVI, the traditional “Christmas greeting” to the Roman Curia became one of the year’s most anticipated speeches as the now Pope-emeritus both recapped the closing cycle and mused on topics of his interest. Among the group, perhaps the emblematic talks are 2005’s watershed address on the interpretation of Vatican II, which aimed to lay the groundwork for one of his most controversial projects – the reintegration of the SSPX – and 2010’s reflection on clergy sex-abuse in the wake of that year’s European outbreak of the scandals, which a media frenzy attempted to drive right up to Joseph Ratzinger’s doorstep.

Like so much else this time around, it was unclear what Pope Francis would do with his first turn at the speech today… but given the Argentine pontiff’s habit for dropping rhetorical bombs at any time – especially when top officials are present – most observers went into this morning’s appointment expecting more, not less. While the result was much briefer than Benedict’s elegant, detail-rich meditations in years past, the new Pope’s usual “three words” on this occasion still packed a considerable punch. (Above, Francis is shown high-fiving young members of Italy’s influential Catholic Action, who he received in an audience last night.)

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.