In Baltimore, The Church Comes Home

Whispers in the Loggia

So, here we go again – greetings from Baltimore and, for the 95th time, another edition of American Catholicism’s Fall Classic.

Under Benjamin Latrobe’s stupendous and resonant dome, this USCCB Plenary will open with a 7am Mass this Monday in the Basilica of the Assumption – the nation’s first cathedral, the holy shrine built upon the tomb of John Carroll: cousin of the lone Catholic signer of the Declaration of Independence, founding shepherd of these shores, and the preeminent visionary of this faith’s meaning and role in a society unbound to the old Continent’s alliances of altar and throne.

Even if its complete agenda remains to be released, the meeting’s public sessions are slated to get underway at 10am Eastern. The morning business headlined by Cardinal Timothy Dolan’s farewell address from the conference presidency and the customary remarks from the Nuncio, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, full coverage in video and text will be on-tap here all through.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.