Preparations finalized for meeting between Pope Francis and eight Cardinal commission

Rome Reports

[with video]

September 29, 2013. ( Six months after Pope Francis’ election, his approach and the focus of his pontificate are becoming clearer. One of the most significant events will be the first meeting between the Pope and the eight Cardinals that will advise him on changes to the governance of the Church and the Roman Curia.

In the past few months leading to this meeting, each Cardinal has been gathering information from the bishops in their region. Between October 1st and 3rd, they will meet inside the Vatican. And on October 4th, the Cardinals will travel with Pope Francis for his firs visit to Assisi.

But who are these eight Cardinals?

Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga, Archbishop of Tegucigalpa, Honduras, is the group’s coordinator. He speaks various languages and has worked numerous times with Pope Francis, most tellingly, when they drafted the Aparecida Document in 2007.

The same goes for Cardinal Francisco Javier Errazuriz, from Chile. He just turned 80 years old, and has extensive experience leading the Church in Latin America.

Indian Cardinal Oswald Gracias will represent Catholics in Asia. He is 68 years old and serves as the Archbishop of Bombay.

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