Sexual abuse and the godly: two priests booked in separate cases of molestation and rape

The Freethinker


A CATHOLIC priest, found in a car on a college campus in Pennsylvania with a boy aged 15 who was not wearing pants, has been charged with one felony count of involuntary deviate sexual intercourse and one felony count of unlawful contact with a minor.

The Rev W Jeffrey Paulish’s arrest comes days after a 53-year-old associate pastor at a Riverside County Church was arrested by Los Angeles County sheriff’s officials and charged with six felony counts of rape, oral copulation and penetration with a foreign object.

Police nabbed Paulish, 56, was nabbed at the Worthington Scranton campus of Penn State. He is also charged with three misdemeanor counts ­– indecent contact with a person under 16, indecent exposure, and corruption of a minor. He is being held at the Lackawanna County jail on $50,000 bail.

Paulish allegedly told police he was at the campus working on his homily when he met the teen, who he said was in emotional distress, and began “counselling him”.

According to the affidavit, he later admitted to police that he had arranged the meeting with the teen through the “casual encounters” section of Craigslist. Paulish told investigators that he had asked the boy three times if he was over the age of 18, the affidavit said.

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