The Kansas City Star
September 2
The Kansas City Star
He didn’t know that Beethoven proclaimed centuries ago that the trombone was “God’s Instrument” because its sound was the closest to the human voice.
“God’s instrument? Really?” asks the 60-year-old trombone student, Bishop Robert Finn. He smiles at this holy connection to the silver Conn trombone now perched on its stand.
Or maybe he is musing that his own efforts to make a joyful noise are perhaps less Godly, more worldly.
“You could say I’m definitely not ready for prime time,” he says. But he’s learning. …
Maybe the bishop’s life has felt like an opera, too.
He knows well that he will be remembered as the first American Catholic bishop convicted of failing to report a pedophile priest.
Painful memories for all.
“It was a very, very difficult time,” he says, his body slumping at its mention. “But when you are the leader and you make mistakes, the target is on your back.”
He hopes the hate mail won’t rain down again.
Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.