EDITORIAL: For the sake of our children…

Courier Mail

EDITORIAL: For the sake of our children, truth must emerge from Royal Comission into institutional child sex abuse

IT’S now almost 11 months since former prime minister Julia Gillard announced a far-reaching Royal Commission into institutional child sex abuse.

In that time the Commission has heard hundreds of stories, both horrifying and heartbreaking.

More than a thousand survivors are yet to give their own evidence.

As Commissioner Peter McClellan recently said, the personal accounts confirm the devastating effects of abuse, and prove any exploitation has “catastrophic consequences” for survivors who are then likely to lead “a life which is seriously compromised from what it might otherwise have been”.

Tragically, abuse robs not just the child but also the woman or man who grows from that point.

Allegations of child abuse in institutional settings have long plagued organisations, some with proud histories.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.