Wisconsin State Journal
DOUG ERICKSON | Wisconsin State Journal | derickson@madison.com | 608-252-6149
When Madison Catholic Bishop Robert Morlino was a parish priest in Kalamazoo, Mich., he handled the issue of altar servers by using all girls one weekend, then all boys the next, he said. The alternating schedule helped eliminate “distractions,” he said.
That was just one of many items I didn’t have space for in Sunday’s article on Morlino’s 10-year tenure. A few others:
On how he’ll mark his 10-year anniversary Thursday. “I’m not so much into celebrating myself, although I’m totally grateful for the 10 years I’ve had here. Only God knows how truly grateful I am.” He’s more inclined to have a little gathering next year upon his 40th anniversary as a priest, he said.
On how he handles criticism: “I’ve certainly grown in my ability to deal with that aspect of my life here. If God gives you the call, he also gives you the grace to handle the call, and the Lord has been very generous to me in his grace.”
On how Catholics should approach worship: “Some people were going to Mass to be entertained — ‘I go to St. So-and-So because I like the music,’ or ‘I go to St. So-and-So because I like the priest.’ I like, I like, I like. The reason Catholics go to Mass is to offer sacrifice. It’s not to be entertained or to do what they like.”
Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.