A digest of links to media coverage of clergy abuse. For recent coverage listed in this blog, read the full article in the newspaper or other media source by clicking “Read original article.” For earlier coverage, click the title to read the original article.

March 31, 2013

Bishop says sorry to sexual abuse victims

Daily Monitor


Posted Monday, April 1 2013

Some Catholic priests in Uganda are involved in sexual liaisons contrary to their celibacy vow and others have in the process secretly begotten children, a senior church official has admitted.

Speaking on Holy Saturday, Kampala Archbishop Cyprian Lwanga, who about a fortnight ago suspended Fr Anthony Musaala for expressing similar sentiments, unequivocally apologised to the victims.

“It’s sad that there has been some misbehaving by some as alleged,” he said, “we apologise to [those] who may have fallen victims of what happened, but I assure you that the church is doing its duty and don’t give up hope.”

The otherwise controversial subject of sexual shenanigans by priests, most of them allegedly clothed from sanction by their superiors, has rattled the Catholic Church in the West, resulting in a plethora of lawsuits and public apologies.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Wauwatosa Parishioners Learn Their Priest is Under Investigation

58 News

by Elizabeth Fay

Story Created: Mar 31, 2013

WAUWATOSA — On one of the most attended Sunday services of the year, parishioners at St. Pius X Catholic Church in Wauwatosa were told their priest is under a police investigation.

“I was shocked when I found out,” said Ryan Kennedy who attended mass.

Father Bob Marsicek is at the center of allegations. He leads mass at St. Pius X and Mother of Good Counsel Churches in Wauwatosa but today, another priest led Easter mass in his place.

That’s because Marsicek is suspended from his roles at the churches and Wauwatosa Catholic School.

A spokesperson for the Archdioices of Milwaukee says removal of pastoral duties is standard policy while an investigatigation unfolds.

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Un sacerdote y el consuegro de un expresidente, entre los más buscados

SIPSE.com [Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico]

March 31, 2013

By Redacción SIPSE

Read original article

Hace unos años esta lista fue encabezada por Napoleón Gómez Urrutia y El JJ.

José Antonio Belmont/Milenio
MÉXICO, D.F.- Son los más buscados en el Distrito Federal. Mataron, secuestraron, violaron, defraudaron, fueron cómplices de asesinos seriales… Muchos estuvieron detenidos, pero fueron dejados en libertad por las autoridades y hoy forman parte de esta lista que asciende a 19.

Hace unos años esta lista fue encabezada por Napoleón Gómez Urrutia(algo no explicado por la PGJDF) y El JJ, agresor del futbolista Salvador Cabañas. Hoy está un líder sindical, un sacerdote, un menor e incluso un pariente político del ex presidente Ernesto Zedillo.

Estos son cinco retratos de dichos personajes. Algunos llevan hasta 10 años prófugos. Su historial incluye abuso de menores, asesinato de algún funcionario, familias y hasta de sus propios cómplices…

Manuel Jorge Villalón

“Manuel entró a mi casa. Me atacó con un cuchillo, hiriéndome seriamente, y me creyó muerta”, recuerda su víctima. El 1 de noviembre de 2009 Manuel Jorge Villalón la apuñaló en 16 ocasiones tras enterarse de que ya no lo respaldaría económicamente.

“Posteriormente atacó sin piedad a mi hijo Pablo, de 13 años, quitándole la vida; hirió también a mi otro hijo, de 10”, continúa la mujer, quien en un correo electrónico reconstruye los hechos, al tiempo que pide justicia y apoyo para localizar y detener al agresor, de nacionalidad cubana.

La averiguación previa FCJ/CUJ-2/T2/0089809-11 fue iniciada por los delitos de homicidio calificado, homicidio calificado en grado de tentativa y robo agravado.

El cubano también atacó a una mujer de 65 años, quien al igual que el menor de 13 murió a consecuencia de las heridas.

A la fecha, la Procuraduría General de Justicia del Distrito Federal desconoce el paradero de este sujeto, quien en su país tiene antecedentes por robo y lesiones. Mientras tanto, la víctima sigue pidiendo justicia: “No podemos permitir que continúe libre”.

Miguel Ángel Galindo Zea

Lizbeth no pudo realizar el doctorado planeado en Inglaterra: tres personas la asaltaron cuando viajaba a bordo de un taxi; la golpearon y la arrojaron del vehículo en movimiento. El informe forense reveló que el crimen como “extraordinariamente violento, una verdadera obscenidad criminal, elocuente expresión de las peores formas de vileza y de crueldad”.

Lizbeth Itzel Salinas Maciel, de 26 años, presentaba fractura de cráneo, fémur y cadera, además de contusiones y hematomas en casi todo el cuerpo, que generaron su muerte cuatro días después en el Hospital Metropolitano.

Rafael Muñiz López

Lobo Siberiano fue detenido el 17 de abril de 2009 por pertenecer a una red de pornografía infantil, en la que también estaba involucrado su hermano. La historia no tendría mayor relevancia si no fuera porque se trata de Rafael Muñiz López, responsable de la Parroquia de San Pedro Apóstol de Xalapa, Veracruz.

En sus computadoras de la iglesia y de la Universidad de Xalapa almacenaba imágenes de menores desnudos o en sexo explícito, material que Muñiz López distribuía posteriormente por la red en colusión con otras personas que también enfrentan proceso penal.

El presidente del Tribunal Superior de Justicia del Distrito Federal, Édgar Elías Azar, se refirió al caso en estos términos: “Es un acto de resultados perversos, pervertidos, que nos indignan a todos”.

Sin embargo, en noviembre del mismo año el sacerdote obtuvo un amparo y alcanzó su libertad bajo fianza. La resolución fue impugnada en enero de 2010 por la Procuraduría General de Justicia del Distrito Federal, que ganó el recurso. Enseguida se ordenó la reaprehensión de Lobo Siberiano. Se enviaron oficios a las 32 procuradurías del país y a Interpol para localizar al sacerdote, pero hasta la fecha sigue prófugo.

Ramón Salvador Gámez Martínez

El líder de la Federación Sindical Coordinadora Nacional de Trabajadores tuvo la suerte de ser juzgado cuando la responsable de hacerlo estaba de vacaciones… y recibió una sentencia absolutoria.

En abril de 2005 Ramón Salvador Gámez Martínez fue acusado por tres niñas de entre 12 y 15 años de corrupción de menores.

Margarita Vázquez, entonces Fiscal de Delitos Sexuales de la procuraduría del DF, informó: “Les pagaba entre 600 y 2 mil pesos por cada relación sexual que tenían con él; las llevaba a sitios caros, les daba regalos e incluso una de ellas manifestó que hasta trabajo les consiguió a sus familiares”.

El representante de 350 mil trabajadores de 11 ramas de la industria y los servicios en el país fue detenido y acusado de corrupción de menores agravada. Días después fue consignado al Reclusorio Oriente, pero el 23 de diciembre de 2005 el secretario encargado del juzgado 15 penal, Miguel Pérez Camacho, en ausencia de la juzgadora titular, quien se encontraba de vacaciones, lo dejó libre.

César Alberto Díaz Martínez, El Cesarín

“El Banda las enamoraba y les decía a quién secuestrar. El Cesarín las ejecutaba después de recibir el rescate”, revelaron integrantes de esa banda de secuestradores, casi todos menores de 18 años, ligados a siete asesinatos y cuatro secuestros en el Distrito Federal y Estado de México, entidad donde fueron capturados en 2007.

César Alberto Díaz Martínez, El Cesarín, y Omar Banda Cruz, El Banda, líderes de la organización, tuvieron antes otro negocio en León, Guanajuato. Cada semana robaban dos vehículos y los vendían en 10 mil pesos cada uno, pero en algún momento ya no les pareció suficiente, así que decidieron dedicarse al secuestro.

Las víctimas fueron las compañeras de escuela de El Banda, pero antes de iniciar el nuevo negocio ejecutaron a tres personas, entre ellas a un piloto aviador, a quien sin motivo aparante dispararon. A los otros los mataron porque tenían problemas con Banda Cruz.

En 18 días asesinaron a cuatro adolescentes de la Secundaria 40 de Coyoacán, previo secuestro y pago de rescate. Los cuerpos fueron tirados en diversos puntos del Estado de México y de la capital. En ese periodo intentaron plagiar a cuatro jóvenes más.

La información de las víctimas era proporcionada por las mismas compañeras de secundaria, que El Banda enamoraba y El Cesarín mataba después para no dejar testigos ni evidencias. El 27 de mayo de 2007 la PGJDF informó de la detención de 10 miembros de esta organización, incluido El Banda, pero no El Cesarín, quien sigue prófugo. A los 15 años comenzó a delinquir y hoy está libre.

Los casos del consuegro y Publi XIII

Esta lista la completan Guillermo Campos Andapia, consuegro del ex presidente Ernesto Zedillo, acusado de fraude genérico continuado, y David Colorado Lobato, involucrado en el asesinato de Carmen Gutiérrez de Velasco, Mujer del Año 1997.

Juan Enrique Madrid Manuel, cómplice de Raúl Osiel Marroquín Reyes, El Sádico, asesino de tres homosexuales, además de Cristopher Leyva Cortés y José Ramón Moreno Navarro, ligados al fraude de la empresa Publi XIII.

Alejandro Michel Alva Ogarrio y Ramón Ángeles Ríos, secuestradores; Ulises Mauricio Ortiz Vázquez, José Alberto Ochoa González y Miguel Alberto Rey Gil, homicidas, y José Antonio Sánchez Ponce, ladrón.

Además, Miguel Ángel Galindo Zea y Óscar Ricardo Gordoa Rodríguez, El Gudy o El Calavera, acusado de homicidio calificado; Jorge Ignacio Cervantes Rodríguez, El Zuki, de lesiones calificadas, y Luis Héctor García Carrillo, de abuso sexual agravado.

MILENIO buscó en reiteradas ocasiones a funcionarios de la Procuraduría General de Justicia del DF para abundar de estos casos, pero no hubo respuesta.

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Easter commemoration held outside closed church


Sunday, 31 Mar 2013

Sy Becker

HOLYOKE, Mass. – Parishioners who want Holyoke’s Mater Dolorosa Church to re-open, hope that Pope Francis will agree to overturn the decision that closed Mater Dolorosa two years ago.

Parishioners who now attend other churches held a commemoration of Easter Sunday morning on the street outside of the church.

The Vatican had ordered them to leave the building after their round the clock prayer vigils at the closed church.

Attorney Victor Anop, chairman of the Friends of Mater Dolorosa told 22News, their appeal to the Vatican Supreme Court is still pending.

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Pastor …

SNAP Wisconsin

Pastor under police investigation in Wauwatosa illustrates archdiocese control over religious orders

March 31, 2013

Statement by John Pilmaier, SNAP Wisconsin Director
CONTACT: 414.336.8575

The removal from ministry Friday of Fr. Bob Marsicek, Pastor of Pius X parish in Wauwatosa, by Milwaukee Archbishop Jerome Listecki illustrates perfectly and conclusively that the archdiocese has control over religious order clerics. Marsicek, a member of the Salvatorians, is under a current police investigation and has been ordered to stay away from Pius X parish and its school. The Salvatorians have their international headquarters in Milwaukee.

Why is this important?

Because over half the clerics working in archdiocesan parishes, schools and ministries are members of religious orders like the one to which Marsicek belongs. In fact, three of Marsicek’s fellow Salvatorians have been convicted of child sex crimes in Milwaukee: Fr. Dennis Pecore, Fr. Simon Palanthingal and Br. John Rice.

The Milwaukee Archdiocese has traditionally been a sanctuary for religious order sex offender clerics, actively concealing their criminal histories. A particularly glaring example was the notorious pedophile nun, Sr. Norma Giannini, a Sister of Mercy, who was convicted in Milwaukee of child sex crimes in 2008, even though the archdiocese had investigated and determined Giannini had committed multiple acts of child sex assault against several boys years earlier as the principal of St. Patrick’s Catholic Grade School on the South Side.

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St. Pius X Priest Removed From Duty As Police Investigate Allegations


The Rev. Bob Marsicek has suspended from his duties at St. Pius X Church in Wauwatosa as police investigate an allegation against him, according to Patch’s media partner WISN 12 News.

Marsicek’s superior, the Rev. Joe Rodrigues, told 12 News that the suspension is part of church protocol when there is an investigation.

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Pope Francis takes over ‘sexophobic Church’

Buenos Aires Herald

Bergoglio expected to tackle negative attitude to sexuality, women

by Mario Osava

RIO DE JANEIRO — Jorge Mario Bergoglio begins his papacy as Francis facing the challenge of a Catholic Church caught up in a burdensome contradiction with modern society, because of its negative attitude to sexuality and women.

“There would be much more common sense, efficiency and tenderness in the Church, rather than that immense wave of paedophilia and paederasty in the hierarchy and the Catholic schools” if the Catholic Church had incorporated women into the priesthood and the different leadership roles in the institution, said João Tavares, a married former priest living in São Luis, in northeastern Brazil.

Women, who are “the real pillar of Christian communities,” can no longer remain without equal rights within the Church, “as if they were second-class human beings,” he said.

As well as being excluded from the hierarchy, a woman cannot even become the partner of a priest without invalidating his ministry, unless they both live a secret, hypocritical life. In practice, women are depicted by the Church as a contagious source of sin.

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Ilonggo priest out on probation


By Florence F. Hibionada

Sunday, March 31, 2013

CALIFORNIA, USA — Ilonggo Catholic priest Fr. Lowe Dongor is “enjoying” his temporary liberty after a US court recently granted an earlier plea for probation.

Albeit with travel restrictions and faced with possible deportation, Dongor faces up to his plight. Or so he said he tries to do every day.

Originally charged in 2011 with theft and possession of child pornography in Worcester, Massachusetts, he was additionally charged with one felony count of Unlawful Flight to Avoid Prosecution (UFAP).

Dongor surrendered to the Philippine’s National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) Western Visayas in December 2012. He is a native of Barotac Nuevo, Iloilo.

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REFLECTIONS: What if Father Musaala is right?

Sunday Monitor

By Ivan Okuda

Posted Sunday, March 31 2013

Not many desire to try out Fr Anthony Musala’s shoes right now. How one writes a stinging letter while the Pope assumes office, laying bare facts on the filth in the church and goes ahead to call for radical reforms is a reality too huge for the throat. You can describe him by any adjective in your mind. You can agree or disagree with him and you have the choice to either love or hate him. But perhaps, after a moment of reflection and soul searching, you and I might ask the question: What if this man is right?

The first time I came face to face with issues of clerical celibacy, particularly in the Catholic Church, I was a student of Julius Ocwinyo’s Fate of Banished, which is arguably the most authoritative Ugandan fiction voice on the same, especially having been written by a former seminarian. In there, I came face to face with a one Santo Dila, a Catholic priest entangled in an affair with a married woman. But that was only fiction.

Hardly a year after I shelved Ocwinyo’s novel, Musaala drops a bombshell and earns himself instant suspension. What follows? Testimonies by the public of priests and bishops siring children. One caller actually had to be stopped by a moderator when he called in Kfm’s Hot Seat show on Thursday and made sweeping allegations of a tycoon fathered by a deceased cardinal. During the same show, Ethics Minister, Rev Fr Simon Lokodo admitted he had, “heard of but not seen,” priests with children.

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Make the Catholic church pay for its shameful silence

The Guardian

Kevin McKenna
The Observer, Saturday 30 March 2013

The campaign by some in the Catholic church to limit the damage following Cardinal Keith O’Brien’s downfall was sadly inevitable. What could not have been foreseen, though, was how nasty and ham-fisted it would turn out to be. Catherine Deveney’s revelations in the Observer last month that three Scottish priests and a former priest had complained to the Vatican of being victims of inappropriate conduct by O’Brien exposed what many of us had long feared: that the leadership of the church in Scotland is rotten to the core and no longer fit for purpose.

The response by what passes for the church authorities since Deveney’s game-changing story only lends credence to this assertion. No pastoral outreach to these four men, each of whom believes they have a God-given vocation to serve His church, has been forthcoming. Instead, they have been subjected to a whispering campaign of innuendo and half-baked supposition. Incredibly, several influential Catholics, who really ought to have known better, have made shrill calls for the priests to “out” themselves. Last week it was suggested that they were motivated by little more than personal malice against O’Brien and that their claims amounted to a conspiracy to bring him down.

Nowhere has there been an acknowledgment of what would have happened had these four men not come forward: that O’Brien would have joined his 115 brother cardinals in Rome for the conclave to elect a new pope and that, as such, he would have been a not unreasonable each-way bet for the ultimate elevation. This despite the fact that Vatican authorities were by then aware of at least five complaints made against him. Informed sources to whom I’ve spoken recently have stated that O’Brien had been viewed as a viable compromise candidate during the conclave which elected Benedict XVI in 2005.

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Priest who claimed Catholic Church in Scotland has covered up gay sexual bullying fears he made be stripped of priesthood

Daily Record

THE priest who made explosive claims about gay sexual bullying in the Catholic Church fears he could be stripped of his priesthood, claim friends.

They say details Father Matthew Despard, 48, exposed in his bombshell book Priesthood in Crisis have left senior clerics reeling.

The whistleblower – who said sexual misconduct had been rife in junior seminaries for years – believes the church could turn its back on him. A friend said: “Bishop Joe Devine called diocesan advisers to an emergency meeting to discuss Fr Depard’s claims.

“They told him he must ask the priest to attend a private meeting and explain his actions.

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What do we expect of Pope Francis?

LaCrosse Tribune

By Mike Tighe | mtighe@lacrossetribune.com

Easter signals a new beginning unlike any other, and it takes on additional meaning this year, as the Catholic Church enters the season with a new leader.

Much has been said about the firsts for the cardinal from Argentina: the first pope from the Western Hemisphere, the first Jesuit, the first Francis.

As speculation swirls about what Pope Francis’ first actions might be as he settles into the Vatican, the Tribune surveyed some Coulee Region residents on what they expect from the new pontiff.

The theologians

Pope Francis must address the Vatican’s sexual abuse and financial scandals to restore people’s faith in the Catholic Church, theology professor Michael Lopez-Kaley says.

“He has got to clean up the scandals of the church first,” said Lopez-Kaley of Viterbo University in La Crosse.

“I think there is a lack of confidence that the bishops are really serious” about the clergy’s sexual abuse cases, he said. “The pope definitely needs to state: You guys have to get serious about this and turn in the priests who are involved.”

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Wauwatosa pastor suspended following police investigation


[with video]

MILWAUKEE —The Milwaukee Archdiocese confirmed the pastor of St. Pius X church in Wauwatosa has been removed from active ministry while police investigate an allegation against him.

The Rev. Bob Marsicek is suspended from his duties at both the church and Wauwatosa Catholic School.

Marsicek’s superior, the Rev. Joe Rodrigues, said the suspension is part of church protocol when there is an investigation.

Rodrigues told 12 News, the police contacted Marsicek and told him to stay away from Wauwatosa Catholic School while they look into the allegation. Rodrigues said police have not released many details about the allegation or investigation, but he noted Marsicek has not been arrested and is cooperating with the police.

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As Yeshiva Child Sex Abuse Scandal Grows, Why Are We Afraid To Speak Out?

The Jewish Daily Forward

By Stacey Klein

Published March 31, 2013, issue of April 05, 2013.

We in the Orthodox Jewish community claim to value children deeply. We want to have children, and we pressure our own children to get married and have children, and yet, when it comes to really ensuring those children’s utmost protection from harm, somehow the silence is deafening.

As a Yeshiva University alumnus and a psychotherapist who works with abused children, I was horrified to learn that my alma mater was apparently involved in a 30-year cover-up of sexual abuse that affected hundreds of children and protected known abusers. Y.U. — an institution to which I am grateful for making me who I am today — also has refused to commit to releasing to the public details of its investigation into these abuses.

So I created a petition urging Y.U. to commit to sharing the report findings with the public. Nearly everyone I know — many alumni from Y.U. and its Stern College for Women, including rabbis, did not sign. Other than one or two brave figures, the people I worked with for years through Y.U., programs teaching Jewish children worldwide about Jewish values, wouldn’t sign, nor would they do anything else I am aware of to support victims.

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Protecting sexually abused children

Palm Beach Post

By Richard D. Schuler

Question: Do I have a remedy if my child was sexually abused at camp, school or church?

Answer: Child sexual abuse cases present unique challenges, especially when the abuse occurs in an institution that should be protecting children. When the offender is an employee, holding the institution liable is the key to getting justice.

Liability against an institution such as a school or church generally involves either negligent hiring or supervision, both of which would apply to employees and volunteers.

Also, the injured party must first prove that the institution had actual notice of the danger the individual posed or, alternatively, through the exercise of reasonable diligence, the institution would have been on notice that the perpetrator was a danger to the injured child or others. This involves doing a thorough background check.

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Censored section in Murphy sex abuse report set to be published

Irish Independent

Ruaidhri Giblin– 31 March 2013

A censored chapter in Judge Yvonne Murphy’s report into the handling of clerical child sex abuse allegations by the Catholic Church and State is finally set for full publication.

Chapter 20 has remained censored on foot of a High Court direction that its full publication could damage the trial of a defrocked priest charged with the sexual assault of children in the 1970s and 80s.

Former priest Patrick McCabe was sentenced last week by the Circuit Criminal Court after having pleaded guilty to indecently assaulting two 13-year-old boys.

Although sentenced by Judge Margaret Heneghan to two concurrent 18-month jail terms, he walked free from the court because he had already been in custody for longer than the sentences handed down.

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March 30, 2013

Meisner zieht sich zurück

Radio Koln

Die Aufarbeitung des Mißbrauchsskandals in der katholischen Kirche scheint ins Stocken zu geraten. Nach einem Bericht des Stadt-Anzeigers hat der Kölner Kardinal Meisner seinen Ausstieg aus den Gesprächen angekündigt.

Als Grund für die Absage der Dialog-Initiative wird unter anderem eine Überlastung des Kardinals genannt. Der bundesweite Dialog der Bischöfe zu den Kirchen-Themen ist laut dem Bericht abgesagt.

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People to remember in the Prestonwood/Morrison Heights scandal

Stop Baptist Predators

Over the course of two and a half years, Amy Smith made dozens of phone calls, and sent even more emails, to try to assure that Southern Baptist minister John Langworthy would not be able to molest more children. Smith knew what had happened 20 years earlier at the prominent Prestonwood Baptist Church in Dallas, when she was a college intern there.

“Although ministers at Prestonwood fired Langworthy in 1989 when at least one teen told church leaders Langworthy molested him, they never reported the allegation to police,” reports the Clarion Ledger.

Langworthy simply picked up and moved to Mississippi, where he went to work as a staff minister at another prominent Southern Baptist church, Morrison Heights. He also became a choir teacher in the Clinton school district.

In her efforts to bring Langworthy to justice, Smith encountered the usual brick wall of Baptists’ keep-it-quiet system. The saga of her efforts to get around that system, and to find someone who would put kids’ safety first, is a saga that implicates “the silence of the many.”

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Abuse inquiry draws out victims

Sydney Morning Herald

March 31, 2013

Judith Ireland
Breaking News Reporter

Victims groups are bracing for a flood of people wanting to give evidence about child sexual abuse, as the royal commission holds its first sitting in Melbourne this week.

The royal commission into child sexual abuse will outline how it plans to deal with the sensitive nature of the evidence at the session at the County Court of Victoria on Wednesday.

It will not take evidence, but the sitting will be the first major update on how the commission will work since the six commissioners were appointed in January.

Tens of thousands of Australians are expected to come forward over the three years of the inquiry to tell their stories of abuse in institutions such as schools, churches and orphanages.

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John Joseph O’Connor

San Francisco Chronicle

Reverend Monsignor
John Joseph O’Connor
Aug. 8, 1934 – Mar. 15, 2013

Fr. Jack was born in San Francisco on August 8, 1934 to John and Josephine O’Connor (both from Wexford, Ireland). He died on March 15, 2013. He was the nephew of the late Monsignor James O’Connor, brother of Philip O’Connor (deceased), and Peggy Vollert (Joseph). …

Fr. Jack began his journey to ordination in 1948 at St. Joseph’s Seminary. He then attended Archbishop Riordan High School where he served as Student Body President before graduating in 1952 and then returning to his studies at St. Joseph’s and St. Patrick’s. He was ordained on June 11, 1960. After earning a Masters Degree from Catholic University, he served in Catholic Social Services for the next twenty-five years. During that time he was in residence at St. Stephen’s, Sacred Heart, St. Isabella’s, and St. Kevin’s.

In 1983 he was appointed Pastor of his beloved Mission Dolores Basilica. He was named Prelate of Honor with the title of Monsignor by Pope John Paul II. In 1997 he was named Pastor of St. Mary’s Cathedral.

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Judge denies dismissal at rabbi’s pre-trial hearing


Teaneck Suburbanite

A Teaneck rabbi appeared in state Superior Court last week for a hearing in advance of his upcoming trial on charges of child endangerment, aggravated sexual contact and criminal sexual assault.

Rabbi Uzi Rivlin, 65, is accused a molesting two 13-year-old Israeli boys in his home in 2009 and 2010. According to Bergen County prosecutors, the victims had been staying in Rivlin’s house during two summers as part of a scholarship fund run by the rabbi. Upon returning to Israel, the alleged victims made the accusations separately to Israeli authorities.

The boys, along with three other witnesses, will be flown to the United States to testify at the trial.

Rivlin taught at Temple Beth Abraham in Tarrytown, N.Y. and ran the scholarship fund for more than a decade. The Israeli children who attained the scholarships would stay in the United States for several months, living with a host family and attending summer camp.

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By BEN WRIGHT — benw@ledger-enquirer.com

Hours after the annual School of the Americas Watch protest ended at the Fort Benning gate last year, the Rev. Roy Bourgeois said the Maryknoll headquarters called and notified him that Pope Benedict XVI had expelled him from the priesthood.

With the election of new Pope Francis, Bourgeois said Friday he is working with an attorney to appeal the decision that expelled him from being a Catholic priest for the next 40 years.

“He signed the order in November and we are appealing it right now,” Bourgeois said of Benedict. “We hope the new pope will be more open to women in the church.”

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A Wauwatosa priest ordered to stay away from his church and school


[with video]

By Keller Russell

WAUWATOSA – Good Friday is a time for reflection and celebration in most churches.

But one religious community has been rocked to the core by a police investigation. Their priest has been told to stay away from children.

Father Bob Marsicek is a long time fixture at St. Pius Catholic community.

But Friday we confirmed police are investigating allegations against the priest, and that he’s been removed from ministry while they do so.

On the holiest week for Catholics, parishioners at St. Pius X are stunned to hear their priest isn’t allowed to celebrate mass with them.

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Catholic Church leadership on trial

The Independent

Vatican is watching how Archbishop Lwanga deals with the Fr. Musaala saga

“It is a good point for reflection but it will not change the fundamentals of the church.” That is how one practicing Catholic assessed the impact of recent revelations by renowned celebrity Catholic priest, Father Anthony Musaala of sexual impropriety in the church. That belief in theinvincibility of the old Catholic Church might be similar to the Biblical house built on quick sand, without a foundation.

What one hears in conversations on the street and in the media across the country is that Fr. Musaala’s letter has sparked unprecedented public debate of what some have called the “double standards and hypocrisy’ of the Catholic Church that the letter points out.

It is without doubt that depending on how the leadership of Uganda’s biggest religious congregation of 14 million Catholics in four archdioceses and 19 dioceses handles the Fr. Musaala saga, the church could be changed; perhaps irrevocably. The man on whose shoulder lays the task of steering the church through the storm is Archbishop Cyprian Kizito Lwanga of Kampala diocese.

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Sufferers of sexual abuse a focus in Easter messages

The Australian

Jared Owens
From:The Australian
March 30, 2013

CHRISTIAN leaders across Australia have urged believers to reflect on social injustice this Easter, especially those “shattered” by sexual abuse, living in poverty on our streets or struggling with diseases such as HIV/AIDS.

As Pope Francis broke tradition by washing and kissing the feet of young female sinners at a Roman prison, Cardinal George Pell cited the newly elected pontiff’s call for believers to carry the Christian message “certainly in our conversations and official teaching, but especially through our care for one another”.

“Once again the Easter message comes from Francis of Assisi – peace and goodness, especially to those who are suffering, to those wounded by Catholic church members, to the sick, the depressed, the bereaved, those experiencing misfortune,” the Archbishop of Sydney said in a video message from Rome.

“Deeds are more important than words. Christ is risen, and the victory over evil will one day be complete.”

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March 29, 2013

Government Agencies Restore Protections to Hospital Retirees’ Pensions

Pension Rights Center

For Immediate Release

Contact: Nancy Hwa, 202-296-3776

March 29, 2013

WASHINGTON — After a 10-year struggle, hundreds of former workers and retirees from the Hospital Center at Orange (HCO) once again have federal protections for their pensions. In an unprecedented move, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has reversed its 2003 decision to grant HCO’s pension plan recognition as a “church plan.” In response to the IRS action, the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) will restore insurance protections to the HCO plan.

For decades, the Hospital Center at Orange was an independent nonprofit hospital, not affiliated with any religious organization. Its pension plan was covered by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), the federal law that governs and insures most private pension plans, requiring them to follow certain funding rules and pay insurance premiums to the PBGC.

In 1998, the hospital entered into a financial arrangement with Cathedral Health Systems and, four years later, based on this affiliation, applied to the IRS for a ruling that its pension plan was a “church plan” exempt from ERISA. The IRS granted HCO’s request for church plan status in early 2003. It was only later that year that HCO employees learned that their pensions would no longer be protected by the PBGC, and that their underfunded plan only had enough money to pay retirement benefits for a few years. The Hospital shut down the following year.

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Pope Francis: papal feet washing sparks fears over women priests

The Guardian (UK)

Lizzy Davies in Rome
guardian.co.uk, Friday 29 March 2013

Traditionalists in the Roman Catholic church have expressed concern after Pope Francis became the first pontiff to wash the feet of two women during a Maundy Thursday mass, a move liberals welcomed but some conservatives feared set a worrying precedent.

At the Casal del Marmo youth detention centre on the outskirts of Rome, the Argentinian pope washed and dried the feet of 12 inmates as part of the traditional rite representing Jesus’s final act of humility towards his disciples.

He had surprised the Vatican with his decision to wash the prisoners’ feet – a move that echoed the early years of John Paul II, who once performed the rite in the St John Lateran basilica with a dozen homeless men.

But it was his inclusion of two young women, as well as Muslims, in the ceremony that was the most dramatic break with tradition. It even caused some traditionalists to wonder openly whether Francis, who is doctrinally a theological conservative who has explicitly stated he is against female ordination, might one day be willing to open the priesthood to women.

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Looking out for No. 2: Who will be Vatican secretary of state?

Catholic News Service

By Francis X. Rocca
Catholic News Service

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Of the several widely acknowledged priorities in the run-up to the conclave that chose Pope Francis, including the challenge of secularism and the growth of the church in the global South, none was more prominent than a need to reform the Roman Curia, the church’s central administration in the Vatican.

The College of Cardinals extensively discussed corruption and mismanagement sensationally documented in the 2012 “VatiLeaks” of confidential correspondence, which were also the subject of a detailed report that Pope Benedict XVI designated exclusively for the eyes of his successor.

The new pope has already given signs of his intention to reform. According to his personal notes for his pre-conclave speech to fellow cardinals, subsequently published with his permission, then-Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio denounced the “self-referentiality” of a church “living within herself, of herself, for herself.” Although his main target seems to have been a “theological narcissism” that saps evangelical zeal, the future pope’s words were also an implicit rebuke to the inward-looking mindset of a pre-modern royal court, which still characterizes the Vatican in the 21st century.

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Austrian bishop’s plan to attend memorial for late cardinal accused of abusing boys criticized

Montreal Gazette

By The Associated Press
March 29, 2013

VIENNA – An Austrian group representing victims of clerical sex abuse is criticizing a bishop’s plan to attend a memorial Mass for a late cardinal accused of molesting young boys.

Agidius Zsifkovics, the Bishop of Eisenstadt, says he will attend the April 8 Mass marking the 10th anniversary of the death of Cardinal Hans Hermann Groer.

Groer stepped down as archbishop of Vienna in 1995 after former theological students accused him of sexual abuse.

A statement Friday on the website of “Those Affected by Churchly Abuse” says Zsivkovics will be honouring a man who left “a trail of spiritual destruction.”

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Former Orange Bishop Tod D. Brown Vouched For a Pedo-Priest Who Went on to Molest Kids in Salinas

Orange County Weekly

By Gustavo Arellano
Fri., Mar. 29 2013

Wow, the pathetic legacy of former Diocese of Orange Bishop Tod D. Brown just keeps getting pathetic-er and pathetic-er-er. The Weekly has obtained a copy of a letter that His Excellency wrote back when he was merely His Stupidity, when Brownie was a Reverend Monsignor at the Diocese of Monterey during the mid-1980s. It concerns one Gerald Funcheon, a guy who was looking for a job after getting driven out of Hawaii after parents complained he told boys he wanted to get naked with them. Before Hawaii, Funcheon had been pushed out of other parishes after similar complaints–and this was the man Brownie would vouch for?

You know it!

Funcheon is currently facing lawsuits by students who suffered at his grubby hands at Palma High School in Salinas, a school where the pedo-priest has already admitted to molesting boys. In a June 11, 1984 letter obtained by the Weekly, Brown–then the chancellor for the Monterey diocese–wrote to Funcheon’s Crosier superiors that he would extend faculties (allow him to minister in another parish, in Catholic-speak) so he could be a chaplain at Palma. “Your evaluation of his ministry,” Brown wrote, “is very encouraging.”

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Apology to Cardinal George Pell

Sydney Morning Herald

March 30, 2013

On 11 March 2013, the online edition of The Sydney Morning Herald published an article “Tainted Pell out of race after lobbying” by journalist Barney Zwartz. A shortened version of this article titled “Pell has no chance of top job” also appeared in the print and online editions of The Sydney Morning Herald on 11 March 2013.

Our description of the outcome of the 2002 investigation by retired Victorian Supreme Court Judge A.J. Southwell into allegations against Cardinal George Pell did not fully set out his findings about Cardinal Pell. Soon after Mr Southwell made his findings in 2002, The Age published an article describing the findings as “a just result” and The Sydney Morning Herald accepts and agrees with this conclusion. As we said in an article published on 14 June 2010, this independent investigation cleared the Cardinal.

The Sydney Morning Herald apologises sincerely to Cardinal Pell for any suggestion to the contrary and for any adverse reflections on him in our 11 March articles.

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Church leaders hit back at clergy abuse inquiry claims

The Age

[Bishop Hart’s statement]

[Cardinal Pell’s statement]

March 30, 2013

Barney Zwartz
Religion editor, The Age.

Australia’s two most senior Catholic prelates, Cardinal George Pell and Archbishop Denis Hart, have repudiated as inaccurate allegations against them at Victoria’s clergy sex abuse inquiry.

Melbourne Archbishop Hart denied testimony by Victorian Police Commissioner Ken Lay to the parliamentary inquiry that the church has hindered and obstructed police, and challenges police about why they have not acted already if they have evidence of such behaviour.

Cardinal Pell again rejected claims by Melbourne lawyer Vivian Waller that he was present in 1969 when a child described being raped to another priest, and attacked the claims as ”seriously defamatory” and possibly a contempt of Parliament and professional misconduct.

Their responses were posted on Thursday on the inquiry website, on a new section called ”right of reply”. Archbishop Hart first wrote on October 17 and Cardinal Pell’s statement is dated January 15.

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Bhutan Makes Condoms Available To Buddhist Monks To Stop Spread Of STDs

Huffington Post

By Vishal Arora
Religion News Service

NEW DELHI (RNS) Health officials in the tiny Buddhist kingdom of Bhutan are making condoms available at all monastic schools in a bid to stem the spread of sexually transmitted diseases and HIV among young monks who are supposed to be celibate.

“We are making condoms freely available everywhere, even in monastic schools and colleges,” Bhutan’s minister of health, Zangley Drukpa, said in a phone interview. The ministry, he added, has formed a special action group to deal with STDs in monasteries.

Warning signs of risky behavior among monks first appeared in 2009, when a report on risks and vulnerabilities of adolescents revealed that monks were engaging in “thigh sex” (in which a man uses another man’s clenched thighs for intercourse), according to the state-owned Kuensel daily.

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Irish Priest accused of sexual abuse pleads with Pope Francis not to be dismissed from Church

Irish Central

An elderly Irish cleric is appealing his dismissal from the priesthood directly to Pope Francis and to a top Vatican court.

According to the Irish Independent the priest, known only by the pseudonyms ‘Fr Ronat’ and ‘Fr B’, faces being defrocked after a church canonical court upheld the abuse allegations lodged against him by former minors in the diocese of Cloyne. ‘Fr Ronat’ was at the center of judicial enquiry known as the Cloyne Report which dealt with complaints against 19 priests made from 1996.

A relative of the cleric told the Independent that an appeal has been lodged within the stipulated 15-day period.

‘We are very disappointed with the negative outcome. But there will be an appeal, particularly in respect of the fact we believe that a full defense against the allegations was not properly taken into account,’ he said.

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Priest charged with kissing teen no longer in custody


March 28, 2013

A Catholic priest charged with kissing a Yuba City teenager posted bail earlier this week and was released from custody following a hearing on his immigration status in Sacramento County.

The Rev. Julio Cesar Guarin-Sosa posted a bail bond on Wednesday, the Sutter County District Attorney’s Office confirmed. The bail amount was not available.

Prosecutors also confirmed they are moving ahead with the case against the Colombian priest.

Guarin-Sosa, 43, is accused of kissing a 16-year-old Yuba City girl on March 8 at the girl’s home.

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Ex-priests to Pope: Allow optional celibacy


by Tara Yap
Posted on 03/29/2013

ILOILO CITY, Philippines — In time for Easter weekend, 3 Catholic Ilonggo priests with families renewed their call for optional celibacy.

“Priesthood and marriage are not a contradiction. Marriage blends with priesthood,” said Fathers Hector Canto, Jose Elmer Cajilig, and Jesus Siva in a joint statement.

The 52-year-old Canto is married with 3 children, while 51-year-old Cajilig and 52-year-old Siva are both unmarried priests who have children.

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Former Resident, Priest Earns Release in Ireland

Alameda Sun

Written by Ekene Ikeme Published: Friday, 29 March 2013

A former Catholic priest and Alameda resident was released from prison in his native Ireland after pleading guilty to child-abuse charges last Friday, March 22.

Patrick Joseph McCabe, 77, pled guilty to four counts of indecent assault to two boys in Ireland in the 1970s at Dublin Circuit Criminal Court in Ireland earlier this month. Judge Margaret Heneghan sentenced McCabe to 18 months in prison on Friday with his sentence backdated to when he first went into custody in Ireland in June 2011 following his extradition from Alameda.

Judge Heneghan said both assaults carried a maximum possible sentence of two years and this was “not a case where consecutive sentences were appropriate.” Heneghan also cited Mc- Cabe’s “guilty plea, his admission of guilt to gardai (Ireland’s police officers), his remorse, his age and medical condition” for reasons to release him.

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Former Baptist pastor indicted

Associated Baptist Press

By Bob Allen

A 71-year-old former Southern Baptist minister has been indicted by a grand jury in northern Mississippi on 18 felony counts of child sexual abuse.

Larry SingletonThe Democrat newspaper in Senatobia, Miss., reported March 26 that Larry Gene Singleton, former pastor of Bay Springs Baptist Church in Abbeville, Miss., faces charges of fondling, sexual battery and child pornography.

The Tate County Sheriff’s Department arrested Singleton Dec. 3 after an 18-year-old man accused the former pastor of sexually abusing him for a number of years, starting when he was 11 years old.

Police said Singleton also volunteered as a tutor at an extension campus of Gateway Christian Schools, sponsored by the independent Gateway Baptist Church in Memphis, Tenn., but did not have any contact with students there.

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March 28, 2013

Der Fall Mara: Leidensweg eines österreichischen Mädchens


Wien (pts005/28.03.2013/07:00) – Stellungnahme von Sissi Kammerlander:

Im Zuge des Symposiums “Prävention von Missbrauch und Gewalt – ein gesamtgesellschaftliches Anliegen” im Februar im Haus der Industrie in Wien wurde unter anderen Aspekten der extensiven Kindesmissbräuche das Anliegen geäußert, Kindesmissbrauch, also jede Gewalt, insbesondere auch sexuelle Gewalt gegen Kinder, dürfe keinesfalls verharmlost werden.

Tendenz zur schnellen Einstellung von Gerichtsverfahren bei Missbrauchsfällen in Österreich: Wenn man die Gesetzgebung prüft, ist unschwer zu erkennen, dass selbst der Gesetzgeber Probleme hat, dem Missbrauch und der Gewalt gegen Kinder effektiv entgegenzutreten. Die festgelegten Verjährungsfristen beispielsweise fallen gern in die Zeitperiode, in welcher Missbrauchsopfer aufgrund der schweren Traumatisierung nicht über ihre Erfahrungen sprechen können. Wenn Opfer oder ihre Angehörigen eine Anzeige einbringen, sind die folgenden Verfahren oft von kurzer Dauer: Die Staatsanwaltschaften tendieren dazu, sie einzustellen.

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Meisner steigt aus Dialog aus

Kolner Stadt-Anzeiger

Nach dem Missbrauchsskandal wollte sich die katholische Kirche reformieren. Auch das Kölner Erzbistum wollte sich am „Dialogprozess“ beteiligen. Kardinal Meisner macht nun einen Rückzieher. Die Pfarreien hoffen auf seinen Nachfolger. Von Joachim Frank

Mitten hinein in den österlichen Frieden platziert der Kölner Erzbischof, Kardinal Joachim Meisner, eine Festtagsgabe, die engagierten Laien, aber auch Meisners Mitbrüdern in der Deutschen Bischofskonferenz als faules Ei erscheinen wird: Der von langer Hand geplante „geistliche Gesprächsprozess“, mit dem sich das Erzbistum am 2010 initiierten bundesweiten Dialog der Bischöfe als Antwort auf den Missbrauchsskandal und andere innerkirchliche Probleme beteiligen wollte, ist abgesagt.

Darüber informierte Generalvikar Stefan Heße die Leitenden Pfarrer und die Vorsitzenden der Pfarrgemeinderäte in einem Schreiben, das am Gründonnerstag einging. Es liegt dem „Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger“ vor. Als Hauptgrund wird darin der Wechsel von Weihbischof Heiner Koch, der für den Gesprächsprozess zuständig war, ins Bistum Dresden-Meißen genannt. Zudem, so Heße wörtlich, „bindet der Eucharistische Kongress in der Vorbereitung sehr viele Kräfte“, so dass die geplanten Gesprächstage „zu viel“ würden.

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Opfer empört: Bischof tritt bei Gedenkmesse für Hermann Groer auf

der Standard

28. März 2013, 17:13

Wien/Eisenstadt/St. Pölten – Ein angekündigter Auftritt des Eisenstädter Bischofs Ägidius Zsifkovics bei einer Gedenkmesse für den vor zehn Jahren verstorbenen Kardinal Hans Hermann Groer erbost die Plattform “Betroffene Kirchlicher Gewalt”. Groer musste Mitte der 90er-Jahre aufgrund von Missbrauchsvorwürfen als Wiener Erzbischof zurücktreten. Die Diözese verteidigte die Anwesenheit von Zsifkovics bei der Feier in der niederösterreichischen Klosterkirche Marienfeld.

Der Auftritt des Eisenstädter Diözesanbischofs bei der Gedenkmesse am 8. April schlage dem Fass den Boden aus, daher legte die Opfer-Plattform “schärfsten Protest ein”. “Kardinal Groer hat eine Spur der seelischen Verwüstung, u.a. mit Suizidfolgen durch das Land gezogen. Bis heute leiden viele seiner Opfer weiter.” Alleine “die jährlichen Wallfahrten und Gedenkmessen zu Ehren des Missbrauchskardinals” würden einen Affront darstellen.

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Bistum wird Missbrauchsskandal nicht los


von Pascal Durain, MZ

Regensburg. Als im Jahr 2010 Fälle von sexuellen Missbrauch und Misshandlungen in zahlreichen katholischen Einrichtung in Deutschland bekannt wurden, erschütterte der Skandal auch Regensburg. Denn auch in einem der ältesten Knabenchore der Welt, den Regensburger Domspatzen, kam es zu Übergriffen und Gewaltexzessen. Das Bistum versprach Aufklärung und betonte immer wieder, nichts unter den Teppich kehren zu wollen. Doch zahlreiche Opfer hegen schon lange Zweifel daran.

Die Suche nach der Glaubwürdigkeit

Bistumssprecher Clemens Neck weist diese Kritik zurück. Persönliche und individuelle Aufarbeitung könne sehr unterschiedlich sein. Diese könne zum Beispiel Therapieangebote umfassen oder auch Gespräche mit Beschuldigten.

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Former Priest Faces September Sentencing Date


(KANSAS CITY, Mo.,) A former St. Joseph priest will be sentenced in September after pleading guilty to multiple child pornography charges.

Rev. Shawn Ratigan, pleaded guilty in August to five counts of producing child pornography and attempting to produce child pornography.

Wednesday, a judge announced Ratigan would be sentenced Sept. 12.

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Sharing The Secret That’s Haunted My Soul

The Jewish Week


David Cheifetz
Special To The Jewish Week

My name is David Cheifetz and I am a victim of childhood sex abuse in a Jewish institution.

There. I have said it. After more than 30 years I have shared the dark secret that has haunted my soul.

I was 13 years old, attending sleep-away camp at Camp Dora Golding, an all-boys Orthodox camp that some of you still send your sons to. I was befriended by a 28-year-old member of the rabbinic staff. Over the course of a week he sexually abused me repeatedly. When the activity was exposed, I was summoned to the camp director’s office and forced to confront the assailant. Then I was summarily sent home, as if it were I who had committed the crime. The camp never even told my parents why I was being sent home. They were just advised to pick me up at the Greyhound terminal at New York’s Port Authority.

I do not know if the perpetrator was ever fired; to the best of my knowledge he was never reported to legal authorities. I understand that he went on to a long career in Jewish education, and based on whispers on the Internet, probably continued targeting young Jewish boys within the walls of Jewish educational institutions. [Camp Dora Golding officials did not respond to repeated attempts for comment on the author’s allegations.]

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Rondetafelgesprek monitorrapportage misbruik


‘S-GRAVENHAGE – Op donderdag 28 maart 2013 vond in Den Haag een rondetafelgesprek plaats over de eerste monitorrapportage van de heer Deetman (Onderzoekscommissie). Hiervoor waren naast vertegenwoordigers van slachtoffers en de Stichting Beheer en Toezicht de voorzitters van de Konferentie Nederlandse Religieuzen (KNR) en de Bisschoppenconferentie uitgenodigd.

Het rondetafelgesprek (hoorzitting) op 28 maart werd gehouden door de Commissie voor Veiligheid en Justitie van de Tweede Kamer en vond plaats van 11.00 tot 13.00 uur.

Namens de KNR en de Bisschoppenconferentie brachten broeder Van Dam en kardinaal Eijk beide een gespreksnotitie in.

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Gespreksnotitie van Willem kardinaal Eijk…


Gespreksnotitie van Willem kardinaal Eijk, voorzitter van de Nederlandse Bisschoppenconferentie, op verzoek van de Vaste Commissie voor Veiligheid en Justitie van de Tweede Kamer, ten behoeve van het gesprek over de eerste monitorrapportage van de (voormalige) Onderzoekscommissie naar seksueel misbruik van minderjarigen in de Rooms-Katholieke Kerk

28 maart 2013, 11.00 tot 13.00 uur

De Nederlandse bisschoppen hebben zich na het verschijnen van het rapport van de (voormalige) Onderzoekscommissie naar seksueel misbruik van minderjarigen in de Rooms-
Katholieke Kerk 1945 – 2010 (hierna: Commissie Deetman) op 16 december 2011 gecommitteerd aan de aanbevelingen van deze commissie. De bisschoppen zijn en blijven vastbesloten om naast erkenning van het leed te zorgen voor hulp en genoegdoening. Dit doen zij in samenwerking met de hogere oversten van de religieuze ordes en congregaties.

Zorg voor slachtoffers was ook de belangrijkste reden voor de onderzoeksopdracht die aan de heer Deetman werd verstrekt.

Om de zorg voor slachtoffers adequaat gestalte te geven heeft de Commissie Deetman aanbevolen om de Stichting Hulp en Recht uit 1995 te vervangen door een onafhankelijke stichting naar Nederlands recht. Daarom is de Stichting Beheer en Toezicht inzake Seksueel Misbruik in de Rooms-Katholieke Kerk in Nederland (hierna: Stichting Beheer en Toezicht) opgericht, die onafhankelijk van de Bisschoppenconferentie en van de Konferentie Nederlandse Religieuzen (KNR) opereert en waaronder vier pijlers vallen: het Meldpunt, de Klachtencommissie, de Compensatiecommissie en het Platform Hulpverlening. Hulp wordt verleend, ongeacht of de klachtenprocedure is afgerond of niet.

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Informatieblad over excuses, hulpaanbod en concept regelingen financiële tegemoetkoming aan slachtoffers van seksueel misbruik


[Click here for the story.]

Informatieblad over excuses, hulpaanbod en concept regelingen financiële tegemoetkoming aan slachtoffers van seksueel misbruik

Informatieblad over excuses, hulpaanbod en concept regelingen financiële tegemoetkoming aan slachtoffers van seksueel misbruik

PDF document | 4 pagina’s | 202 KB

Publicatie | 22-03-2013 | VenJ

Naar aanleiding van de bevindingen van de Commissie Samson heeft de Minister van Veiligheid en Justitie tezamen met de Staatssecretarissen van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport (VWS) en van Veiligheid en Justitie (VenJ) op 29 oktober 2012 namens het kabinet excuses aangeboden aan iedere volwassene en aan ieder kind dat onder de verantwoordelijkheid van de overheid in een pleeggezin of een jeugdinstelling is geplaatst en daar vervolgens slachtoffer is geworden van seksueel misbruik.

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Notitie t.b.v. het rondetafel gesprek d.d 28 maart 2013

Bert Smeets

Vanaf begin 2010 heeft MCU goede contacten opgebouwd en onderhouden met andere organisaties, zoals bijvoorbeeld Mensenrechten in de Kerk, België, SNAP Amerika, en andere Engelse, Duitse, Oostenrijkse lotgenoten. MCU heeft zich sterk gemaakt om het fysiek / psychisch geweld op de agenda te krijgen. Helaas heeft men destijds besloten om dit buiten de klachtenprocedure te houden van het seksueel misbruik in de RKK.

Omdat we destijds geen weerklank vonden hebben we zelf gekozen om civiele procedures te voeren. Anderzijds zijn er diverse meldingen bij de politie gedaan waar wij tot op heden geen actie hebben ondervonden. Ondanks het feit dat dhr Moraal Hoofdadvocaat-generaal de ontvankelijkheid van deze meldingen zou entameren.

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Ezzati en misa a sacerdotes…

La Tercera

Ezzati en misa a sacerdotes: “Que el acompañamiento espiritual no se convierta en instrumento de dominación”

por Angélica Baeza Palavecino – 28/03/2013

El arzobispo de Santiago, Ricardo Ezzati, encabezó la misa crismal en la Catedral Metropolitana, donde sostuvo a los sacerdotes que integran la liturgia que “el acompañamiento espiritual no se convierta en instrumento de dominación”.

Esto, luego de que se diera a conocer hace algunos días atrás las medidas disciplinarias en contra del sacerdote y más cercano a Fernando Karadima, Juan Esteban Morales, por “abuso de poder”.

Morales había sido denunciado por manipular las conciencias de algunos feligreses, tomando control sobre sus vidas, ante lo cual, luego de la investigación del padre Jaime Ortiz de Lazcano, se determinó que el religioso estará supervisado por el vicario de la zona correspondiente y no podrá asumir las “guías de almas”.

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Transparency marks Montana sex abuse lawsuit mediation

National Catholic Reporter

by Dan Morris-Young | Mar. 28, 2013

A weeklong “global mediation” slated to begin April 15 in Seattle will seek a broad settlement for two comprehensive sex abuse lawsuits pending against the diocese of Helena, Mont., and the Ursuline Sisters.

More than 360 plaintiffs, several insurance carriers, the Helena diocese and Ursuline Sisters will be represented at the Seattle gathering to negotiate culpability and potential financial awards for sex abuse claims against priests and women religious.

Some claims date to the mid-1930s, but the bulk are from the 1950s through 1970s, attorneys said.

If the process is successful, at least two major goals would be met, attorneys for both the diocese and claimants told NCR. First, the diocese would avoid bankruptcy. Second, a significantly larger portion of any ultimate monetary settlement would reach claimants rather than be consumed by costly, extended legal maneuvering.

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Religious Trauma Syndrome: How Some Organized Religion Leads to Mental Health Problems


March 25, 2013

By Valerie Tarico

At age sixteen I began what would be a four year struggle with bulimia. When the symptoms started, I turned in desperation to adults who knew more than I did about how to stop shameful behavior—my Bible study leader and a visiting youth minister. “If you ask anything in faith, believing,” they said. “It will be done.” I knew they were quoting the Word of God. We prayed together, and I went home confident that God had heard my prayers. But my horrible compulsions didn’t go away. By the fall of my sophomore year in college, I was desperate and depressed enough that I made a suicide attempt. The problem wasn’t just the bulimia. I was convinced by then that I was a complete spiritual failure. My college counseling department had offered to get me real help (which they later did). But to my mind, at that point, such help couldn’t fix the core problem: I was a failure in the eyes of God. It would be years before I understood that my inability to heal bulimia through the mechanisms offered by biblical Christianity was not a function of my own spiritual deficiency but deficiencies in Evangelical religion itself.

Dr. Marlene Winell is a human development consultant in the San Francisco Area. She is also the daughter of Pentecostal missionaries. This combination has given her work an unusual focus. For the past twenty years she has counseled men and women in recovery from various forms of fundamentalist religion including the Assemblies of God denomination in which she was raised. Winell is the author of Leaving the Fold – A Guide for Former Fundamentalists and Others Leaving their Religion, written during her years of private practice in psychology. Over the years, Winell has provided assistance to clients whose religious experiences were even more damaging than mine. Some of them are people whose psychological symptoms weren’t just exacerbated by their religion, but actually caused by it.

Two years ago, Winell made waves by formally labeling what she calls “Religious Trauma Syndrome” (RTS) and beginning to write and speak on the subject for professional audiences. When the British Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Psychologists published a series of articles on the topic, members of a Christian counseling association protested what they called excessive attention to a “relatively niche topic.” One commenter said, “A religion, faith or book cannot be abuse but the people interpreting can make anything abusive.”

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What’s Your Response to an Accusation?



I have been called for jury duty a few times but have never made it past the waiting area. This time when the summons arrived, I started to think about the possible case. If it involved anything to do with child sex abuse, could I be an impartial juror?

In the Sandusky trial there was overwhelming evidence of guilt, but that is not always the case. Child sex abuse cases rarely have eyewitnesses, multiple victims taking the stand, and a trail of odd behavior and past police calls in reference to the perpetrator. I have read that most cases are hard to prosecute. In those instances, it must be hard to be a juror.

When you hear of a person being arrested for sexually abusing a child, do you automatically assume guilt? What if it’s a priest? Does the emotional response outweigh the understanding that the case needs to be proven in court and the defendant is assumed innocent until proven guilty?

If the victim testifying seems believable but the evidence is weak, could you vote to acquit? Does the juror have the added burden of feeling that if they acquit and are wrong, they just helped release a person back into society who could harm more children? Would the possibility of that make a juror more willing to vote guilty?

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Yeshivah probe broadens

The Age

March 29, 2013

Barney Zwartz
Religion editor, The Age.

Victoria’s Human Rights Commission will investigate a complaint by Zephaniah Waks, the father of Jewish abuse victim advocate Manny Waks, that he has been shunned by the Orthodox Jewish community in Melbourne because of his son’s anti-abuse campaign.

Mr Waks snr says that since the police began investigating child sexual abuse complaints around Melbourne’s Yeshivah Centre nearly two years ago, he has suffered an escalating campaign of ”innuendo, lies, vilification, victimisation and discrimination”.

The case, which is shocking in a community that prefers to sort out disputes internally, names Yeshivah Centre spiritual head Zvi Telsner and its committee head Hershel Herbst as respondents.

Mr Waks said on Thursday he had tried to resolve issues internally and through Jewish courts, but the Yeshivah leadership refused, so he had gained permission under Jewish law to go to the secular courts from a leading American rabbi, Yosef Blau from Yeshiva University.

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$10 million LA settlement first since document release

National Catholic Reporter

by Brian Roewe | Mar. 28, 2013

As Cardinal Roger Mahony entered the Sistine Chapel in Rome March 12 to begin the process of electing the next pope, his name made headlines in his home diocese for other reasons.

The cardinal, the Los Angeles archdiocese and an ex-priest agreed to settlements in four clergy abuse-related cases, totaling $9.9 million. The settlements are the first since the late January court-ordered release of 12,000 pages of abuse-related documents, and Mahony’s ban from public and administrative duties in the archdiocese.

On the same day another case, at the northern end of the state, also made headlines when a visiting priest was arrested on suspicion of child abuse.

The former priest at the center of the Los Angeles settlements was Michael Baker, who was removed from the priesthood in 2000 and convicted in 2007 of molesting two children. He was paroled in 2011 after initially receiving a 10-year prison sentence.

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Alleged victims of priest outraged by prison release

San Francisco Chronicle

The news that confessed pedophile priest Patrick Joseph McCabe had been released early from an Irish prison shook Greg Horne, who said the priest abused him while he was a student at St. Bernard’s Catholic School Church in Eureka from 1983 to 1985.

“Take every human emotion you can have, put it in a blender and that’s how I feel,” said Horne, a 41-year-old juvenile corrections officer who lives in McKinleyville (Humboldt County).

A judge in Ireland released the 77-year-old McCabe over the weekend, three months before the end of a two-year sentence. He cited McCabe’s advanced age and his confession that he had assaulted two boys in Ireland in the 1970s. This was before he was sent to the U.S., where he worked at churches in Eureka, Guerneville and Sacramento.

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CHRISM MASS 2013 Homily Notes of Most Rev. Diarmuid Martin Archbishop of Dublin Pro Cathedral, 28th March 2013

Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Dublin

“Pope Francis continues to surprise us day after day. I spoke to a friend of mine working in the Vatican who is in close contact with the Pope and asked him how he would describe the atmosphere in the Vatican under Pope Francis and he summed it up saying: “surprises and more surprises and even more surprises to come” and my friend is one of those who is pleased with the surprises he is seeing.

We thank God for a Pope who has the interior freedom to surprise us. We thank God for a Pope who shows us that simplicity and humility are not signs of weakness and concession, but signs of strength and signs of a strength that comes from faith.

Pope Francis has given us some very significant signs and gestures about how he understands his role as Bishop of Rome and successor of Saint Peter. But they are not just signs about himself; they are signs about what the Church means. He does not want us just to look at these gestures on television and feel good about them and feel good that we have a new Pope like him. There are many who have no belief who will like the new Pope. There is not much good, however, in Christians feeling good about the new Pope if we do not make our own what he is saying and teaching and doing.

The first thing that this involves is allowing Jesus to surprise us and for us to find the courage to change. We are at a critical juncture in the history of the Catholic Church in this diocese and in our country. We are at critical juncture about the place of the Catholic Church in Irish society and in the future culture of Ireland. And we are at a critical juncture about the very place of faith and the very understanding of faith within the Catholic community.

We are at a critical juncture and the only valid answer is an answer of enthusiasm and optimism, of commitment and renewal in our own lives. We have to witness to others the sense of meaning and purpose that Jesus brings to our lives. If all we have to offer is a tired and discouraged faith, then we have to ask questions about the quality of our own faith

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Archbishop Diarmuid Martin speaks of the ‘critical juncture’ of the Catholic Church


ARCHBISHOP DIARMUID MARTIN has said, “we are at a critical juncture in the history of the Catholic Church in this diocese and in our country”.

He was speaking at the Chrism Mass this morning in St. Mary’s Pro Cathedral in Dublin.

The Archbishop also spoke about the amount of people losing faith and leaving the Catholic church:

“We are at critical juncture about the place of the Catholic Church in Irish society and in the future culture of Ireland. And we are at a critical juncture about the very place of faith and the very understanding of faith within the Catholic community.”

But he said “despite the difficulties of the Church in Ireland there are also so many signs of hope”.


He prayed for the “anguish” of victims of child clerical sex abuse following the sentencing of former priest of the Diocese, Patrick Mc Cabe, for abuse. Seventy-year-old McCabe was, who abused two boys over 30 years ago, was sentenced to 18 months in prison last week.

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Former Palma teacher admits molesting student in 1980s

Santa Cruz Sentinel

Herald Staff Writer
Posted: 03/27/2013

A former Palma High School chaplain and teacher has admitted in sworn testimony that he sexually assaulted a Palma student.

In a videotaped deposition, the Rev. Gerald Funcheon claimed he molested just one student at Palma and that the boy was his last. The redacted video does not include the names of any of the priest’s alleged victims.

Five men have leveled claims that Funcheon molested them when they were students at the school during the Crosier priest’s tenure from 1984 to 1985.

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Colombian priest visiting Lodi released on bail

Lodi News-Sentinel

By Ross Farrow/News-Sentinel Staff Writer

An immigration judge allowed a Catholic priest temporarily serving in Lodi to be released on bail Wednesday.

Father Julio Cesar Guarin-Sosa, 43, has been charged with a felony count of false imprisonment, and misdemeanor counts of annoying or molesting a minor and sexual battery involving a 16-year-old girl at a Mass conducted in a private home in Yuba City, according to the Appeal-Democrat newspaper, based in Marysville.

Jacquelyn Stenson, a deputy district attorney in Sutter County, refused to discuss specifics of the Sutter County charges. Guarin-Sosa’s attorney, Markus Dombois, has not returned several calls from the News-Sentinel since Guarin-Sosa was arrested.

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Deetman spreekt kritiek misbruikrapport tegen


(Novum) – Wim Deetman is het niet eens met de kritiek op zijn rapport over misbruik van meisjes in de rooms-katholieke kerk. Dat bleek donderdag tijdens een gesprek dat hij had met de Tweede Kamer.

Het Vrouwenplatform Kerkelijk Kindermisbruik uitte eerder ‘ernstige bezwaren’ tegen het rapport. Zo herkennen vrouwen zich niet in de manier waarop hun geschiedenis in het rapport is beschreven. Ook ontbreekt een ‘ondubbelzinnige morele veroordeling’ van het fysieke en psychische geweld. Dat vindt het platform onacceptabel.

Deetman zei donderdag dat zijn commissie heeft voorgesteld om met een speciaal bemiddelingstraject te komen voor vrouwen die te maken hebben gehad met buitensporig geweld. “Dat is naar mijn oordeel ten principale de erkenning. Daar kan geen misverstand over zijn”, zei hij. “Dat is ook mijn antwoord naar diegenen die zeggen: wij herkennen ons er niet in.” Hij beklemtoonde dat geweld niet valt goed te praten.

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Group started for survivors of clergy abuse


A South Florida man is organizing a chapter of SNAP, or the Survivors Network for those Abused by Priests.

The group will offer support to abuse survivors, said David Pittman, at meetings on the fourth Thursday of every month. SNAP is a nonprofit organization with no connection to the Catholic Church.

The initial meeting will be Thursday. For confidentiality purposes, Pittman is asking prospective members to call him at 754-234-7975 or email him at snappittman@ymail.com to learn where and when the meeting will be.

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McCort parents, alumni group organizes


Randy Griffith rgriffith@tribdem.com

JOHNSTOWN — Supporters of suspended Bishop McCort High School principal Ken Salem have formally organized as they continue to push for more information about the shake-up.

Salem was placed on suspension March 1.

Although reasons for the suspension have not been made public, the school is conducting an internal investigation following accusations that the late Franciscan Brother Stephen Baker molested numerous students throughout the 1990s when he worked as an athletic trainer at McCort. Baker committed suicide on Jan. 26.

“This group of parents and alumni are very interested smoothing over the issues related to Brother Baker and in helping the faculty at the school and the students at the school get through this with as little impact on their education as possible,” said Rod Eckenrod, vice president of the newly incorporated Friends and Family of Bishop McCort High School.

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The Last Words of Bergoglio Before the Conclave


The handwritten notes of his remarks to the cardinals at the congregation of March 9. The intention of electing him pope was strengthened. The outcries against the “spiritual worldliness” that afflicts the Church

by Sandro Magister

ROME, March 27, 2013 – It is a widespread opinion, confirmed by numerous testimonies, that the intention of electing pope Jorge Mario Bergoglio grew substantially among the cardinals on the morning of Saturday, March 9, when the then-archbishop of Buenos Aires spoke at the second to last of the congregations – covered by secrecy – that preceded the conclave.

His words made an impression on many. Bergoglio spoke off the cuff. But we now have the account of those words of his, written by the hand of the author himself.

Bergoglio’s remarks in the preconclave were made public by the cardinal of Havana, Jaime Lucas Ortega y Alamino, in the homily of the chrism Mass that he celebrated on Saturday, March 23 in the cathedral of the capital of Cuba, in the presence of the apostolic nuncio, Archbishop Bruno Musarò, of the auxiliary bishops Alfredo Petit and Juan de Dios Hernandez, and of the clergy of the diocese.

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Provinciaal franciscanen: ‘Af en toe voel je je zelfs vies’:


Audio De leider van de franciscanen in Nederland, pater Jan van den Eijnden, is niet blij met de manier waarop de Tweede Kamer zich bemoeit met de afhandeling van klachten over misbruik in de katholieke kerk. Vandaag hoort de Kamer Wim Deetman die de zaak onderzocht. Verslaggever Roel Pauw sprak met Van den Eijnden over het misbruik binnen zijn congregatie

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Commissie Deetman: ‘beschuldigingen NRC ongefundeerd’

Katholiek Nieuwsblad

Beschuldigingen als zou de onderzoekscommissie Deetman belastende informatie over bepaalde bisschoppen hebben achtergehouden zijn ongefundeerd en feitelijk onjuist.

Dat concludeert de voormalige onderzoekscommissie in een 21 pagina’s tellende reactie op twee recente artikelen in NRC-Handelsblad. Daarin werd de beschuldiging geuit dat voorzitter Wim Deetman “belastende feiten” verbloemd zou hebben over de Rotterdamse oud-bisschop Ad van Luyn en diens Roermondse collega Frans Wiertz. Dat zou zijn gebeurd, suggereert het artikel van Joep Dohmen en Wereldomroepredacteur Robert Chesal, omdat Deetman en Van Luyn “elkaar goed kennen”.

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Defrocked pedophile priest Thomas Laughlin — who admitted to molesting dozens of boys in Oregon — has died

The Oregonian

By Aimee Green, The Oregonian
on March 27, 2013

Thomas Laughlin — one of Oregon’s most notorious pedophile priests who admitted to molesting dozens of boys over decades in parishes throughout the state — has died after spending his last years living a quiet existence near family in Omaha, Neb.

Laughlin was known as an exceptionally charismatic priest and tremendous church fundraiser who hobnobbed with Portland’s Catholic business and political elite — someone many in the church thought could be bishop one day. But he also was the first priest molester to be criminally convicted in the Archdiocese of Portland.

At his 1983 sentencing hearing for sexually abusing two boys, the then-57-year-old priest pondered aloud a concern that he’d be remembered only as a child molester.

“I felt everything good I had done for 35 years would be forgotten, and I would be remembered only for the harm I had done to those I was sent to serve,” he said.

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Sex abuse cases: ‘I have a personal stake in this’ (Video)

Philadelphia Business Journal

Jeff Blumenthal
Reporter- Philadelphia Business Journal

Last week, I interviewed Marci Hamilton, a lawyer representing victims in the Sandusky and Philadelphia Archdiocese child abuse scandals, as part of our Inside the Reporters Notebook series. And it was a lively discussion where the audience included some knowledgeable people on child sexual abuse matters, including former Philadelphia District Attorney Lynne Abraham and Support Center for Child Advocates Executive Director Frank Cervone.

But the session was not a one-sided affair. In an exchange that can be viewed in full on the link above, an audience member questioned the “wisdom and constitutionality” of so-called window legislation that would lengthen Pennsylvania’s statute of limitations period for when alleged victims can file lawsuits against accused predators. He also asked Hamilton if she was benefitting financially from her work on the Sandusky and Archdiocese cases.

Hamilton’s pointed response explained what she says is a personal reason for her involvement. She is a professor at Cardozo School of Law and not a litigator by trade. But she said she was incensed on February 10, 2011, when a Philadelphia Grand Jury released a report following an investigation into allegations that two priests and a teacher sexually abused a 10-year-old boy at St. Jerome Parish in Philadelphia, and that another priest assigned to St. Jerome sexually assaulted a 14-year-old boy.

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Catholic guilt

New Times

A document dump reveals local aspects of the church’s sex abuse scandal


It is unfortunate that he has been guilty of improper actions on two or three occasions … but how many priests are there completely blameless over a period of 10 years?”

The above words were penned in 1980 by Juan Arzube, a now-deceased bishop in the Catholic Church’s Los Angeles Archdiocese, which governs parishes in Santa Barbara, Ventura, and Los Angeles counties. Arzube wrote to Rome pleading that Father Willebaldo Castro be allowed to transfer home to Mexico and remain in the ministry following the latest allegation of the priest’s sexual deviancy.

That time, according to the letter, Castro had been arrested after approaching a security guard—presumably for sex—in a Pomona department store bathroom, but previous troubles include a vague “moral charge” from his early years in Mexico and the accusations of molestation of teenage boys in Los Angeles and Santa Maria—incidents that were described in his private clergy file and made public with the recent release of 12,000 pages detailing the church’s internal handling of 128 priests accused of abuse.

The release stems from a 2007 settlement of 508 lawsuits that blamed 194 priests and bishops in the L.A. Archdiocese for the sexual abuse of underage victims. The church agreed to pay $660 million, an average settlement of $1.3 million per victim, and a federal judge ordered that the files on accused clergy be made public, with privacy protections built in for victims. At first, members of church hierarchy were also to be protected, but another judge later ordered that their names be included as well. The files were collected, redacted, and finally made available on the L.A. Archdiocese website Jan. 31, 2013.

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After sex-abuse settlement, priest to leave ministry with payout from diocese.

Monterey County Weekly

By Sara Rubin

Thursday, March 28, 2013

A Catholic priest removed from leading the Old Mission San Juan following allegations of sexual abuse is preparing to leave the priesthood for good. But he may walk away with enough money to live on for the rest of his life. 

Lawyers for Father Edward Fitz-Henry and the Diocese of Monterey are hashing out the terms of a settlement over a lawsuit Fitz-Henry filed, according to Tom Riordan, vicar for temporalities and administration at the diocese, and Fitz-Henry’s attorney, Daniel De Vries. 

The priest claims the diocese failed to protect him against a 2011 sexual-abuse lawsuit. In February 2011, a young man identified in court papers only as John RJ Doe alleged Fitz-Henry sexually abused him as a teen at Madonna del Sasso parish in Salinas. Fitz-Henry never admitted wrongdoing, and the diocese maintains that John Doe’s allegations were unfounded. 

Still, the diocese settled a case for $500,000 in exchange for John Doe dropping his lawsuit.

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March 27, 2013

British Catholic legislators ask pope to relax priestly celibacy rule

National Catholic Reporter

by Simon Caldwell, Catholic News Service | Mar. 27, 2013

Manchester, England —
Twenty-one Catholic members of Parliament have written to Pope Francis to ask him to relax the rule on priestly celibacy for Latin-rite priests.

The members of the House of Commons and the House of Lords said in a letter Monday to the pope that the rule should be changed to allow married men to be ordained priests where pastoral needs required it.

They suggested it was unfair to allow married former Anglican ministers to be ordained as Catholic priests in England, Wales and Scotland while the church insisted on the celibacy rule for Catholic candidates in those countries.

The letter did not suggest that serving priests should be given permission to marry, and the legislators proposed that the celibacy rule be retained for bishops, as in the Eastern Catholic churches, which allow priests to marry.

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Kansas City sentencing date set for priest in child porn case

Kansas City Star

A judge announced Wednesday that he will sentence the Rev. Shawn Ratigan in September, more than a year after the Catholic priest pleaded guilty to producing child pornography.

Ratigan pleaded guilty in August to using five girls to produce or attempt to produce child pornography over several years while serving as pastor to congregations in the Northland and St. Joseph. Prosecutors have said they plan to seek a “virtual life sentence” when Ratigan is sentenced Sept. 12.

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Assignment Record – Rev. Englebert Axer, s.j.


Summary of Case: Ordained in 1939, Axer was a priest of the Oregon Province of the Society of Jesus who spent the bulk of his career as a professor at the University of Seattle. The Province notified the Seattle U. community in 2006 that Englebert had been accused of sexually abusing a boy in 1956 at a summer ministry program in northern California. Englebert died in 1989.

Ordained: 1939
Died: Sept. 1989

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‘Francis criticized Church at conclave’

Inquirer (Philippines)

Associated Press
4:18 am | Thursday, March 28th

HAVANA—Pope Francis issued a strong critique of the Church before the College of Cardinals just hours before it selected him as the new Pontiff, according to comments published on Tuesday by a Roman Catholic magazine in Cuba.

According to Havana Cardinal Jaime Ortega, then-Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio urged the Vatican to eschew self-absorption and refocus its energies outward.

“The Church is called on to emerge from itself and move toward the peripheries, not only geographic but also existential (ones): Those of sin, suffering, injustice, ignorance and religious abstention, thought and all misery,” Bergoglio said.

Ortega said Bergoglio’s comments were made to cardinals as they gathered to select Benedict XVI’s replacement, and reflect his vision of the contemporary Catholic Church. He said Bergoglio later gave him a handwritten version and permission to divulge its contents.

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Ex-priest admits to drug charge in Connecticut

Yahoo! News

(Reuters) – A former Catholic priest from Connecticut arrested by federal authorities earlier this year on suspicion of dealing methamphetamine has pleaded guilty to conspiracy to distribute the drug, according to court documents.

Kevin Wallin, 61, of Waterbury, pleaded guilty to the conspiracy charge on Tuesday, court documents showed, just before a scheduled appearance in U.S. District Court in Hartford. The conspiracy charge was one of seven charges that he faces.

If convicted, Wallin faces a maximum penalty of life in prison and a fine of up to $10 million.

His lawyer and a spokesman for the Diocese of Bridgeport did not immediately respond to messages seeking comment.

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Prominent rabbi charged with sexual abuse of daughters

YNet News

A prominent rabbi has been indicted for sexual offences against his daughters, all minors, which took place over the course of several years.

The indictment has been filed with the Jerusalem’s Magistrates’ Court, in which a long list of sexual offences within his family are listed, as well as breaches of privacy. He was remanded for an additional two days. (Aviel Magnezi)

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Computer Seizure At Independence Church Stems From Child Porn Search


[with audio]

By Dan Verbeck

Independence police from a child exploitation task force hauled four computers out of St. Ann’s Catholic Church offices yesterday.

Examiners will be studying the hardware, looking for child pornography. There will now be changes made in internet distribution at parishes.

Detectives told a diocese executive that someone had accessed child porn on the morning of February 5th, and the IP address was traced back to the parish office.

Diocese Communications Director Jack Smith said police were joined by FBI agents in his presence as computers were collected.

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Child porn linked to church IP address

Fox 4

[with video]

INDEPENDENCE, Mo. — Computers, computer equipment and unknown items in boxes were removed from the rectory office of St. Ann’s Catholic Church on Tuesday in Independence, Mo.

Federal investigators said on February 5, between 6:30 and 7:30 in the morning, there were two downloads of child pornography from peer-to-peer file sharing sites to an IP address registered at St. Ann’s church rectory, where the priest, Father Bernard Branson lives.

The church had an open Wifi system, which allows for the possibility that someone outside the parish used the ‘free’ Internet service to make the downloads. To determine if this is what happened, investigators seized four desktop computers and towers from inside the church rectory.

Carrie Cooper, who heads the diocese’s new Office of Child Protection said she’s waiting for results of a forensic exam of the church computers to determine who downloaded the child porn.

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Authorities seize computers from parish office in Independence

The Olathe News

The Kansas City Star

Federal and state authorities today seized four computers from the office of St. Ann Parish in Independence.

Detectives told parish officials that they had detected two downloads of child pornography from peer-to-peer websites by an IP address associated with the parish office, said Jack Smith, spokesman for the Catholic Dioceses of Kansas City-St. Joseph.

The downloads occurred between 6:30 and 7:30 a.m. on Feb. 5, Smith said he was told by detectives.

The office, at 10113 E. Lexington Ave., had an unsecure WiFi connection, Smith said, meaning the downloads could have been made by a computer in the parish office or nearby.

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Child porn investigation focused on St. Ann’s parish

The Examiner

By Kelly Evenson – kelly.evenson@examiner.net
The Examiner

Posted Mar 27, 2013

Independence, MO —

Federal investigators and the Independence Police Department were at St. Ann’s Catholic Church in western Independence Tuesday after it was discovered that child pornography had been downloaded using the church’s IP address.

Carrie Cooper, director of the office of child protection with the Kansas City-St. Joseph Diocese, said that a search warrant was issued for computer equipment that was in the rectory. At St. Ann’s, 10113 E. Lexington Ave., the rectory is where the priest lives and houses the church offices. Two child pornography downloads from peer-to-peer file sharing sites were made between 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 a.m. Feb. 5. The downloads were traced back to an IP address that is registered to the rectory at St. Ann’s.

“We are fully cooperating with local law enforcement in this matter,” Cooper said. “We always make sure we fully cooperate with law enforcement in any matter relating to child sexual abuse.”

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Catholic parish in Missouri raided …

Raw Story

By David Edwards
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Federal and state authorities on Tuesday raided a Catholic parish in Independence, Missouri as part of an investigation into child pornography.

A spokesperson for the Catholic Dioceses of Kansas City-St. Joseph said that investigators tracked down child porn downloads to an IP address used by an unsecured wireless network at the offices of St. Ann Parish in Independence, according to The Kansas City Star.

Four computers seized in the raid will be analyzed to determine if they were used to download the illegal material from a peer-to-peer network. It is possible, however, that outside computers accessed the wireless network because it was not password protected.

“The church does not tolerate child sexual abuse or child abuse or child pornography of any kind,” Diocese Director of the Office of Child Protection Carrie Cooper told KSHB. “And we will work fully — cooperate fully with law enforcement until this matter is resolved.”

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Tate County minister indicted on child sex charges


A 71 year-old Mississippi pastor has been indicted on child sex charges and is being held on $1 million bond, according to media reports.

A Tate County grand jury indicted Larry Singleton on 18 felony counts. Singleton, former minister of Bay Springs Baptist Church, is accused of abusing a boy who is now 18.

Singleton was arrested in December after the Tate County Sheriff’s Department received a complaint from the victim. Investigators say the sexual abuse started when the victim was 11 and continued for several years.

Singleton is charged with fondling, sexual battery and child pornography.

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Bistum Erfurt zahlte bisher 29.000 Euro an Missbrauchsopfer

Thueringer Allgemeine

Erfurt. Das Bistum Erfurt hat einem Medienbericht zufolge bislang 29.000 Euro Entschädigung an Opfer sexuellen Missbrauchs gezahlt. Die sieben Betroffenen hätten Beträge zwischen 1000 und 5000 Euro erhalten, wie ein Sprecher des Bistums laut dem Sender MDR Thüringen vom Mittwoch sagte. Soweit möglich würden die Täter an den Zahlungen beteiligt.

Wie es weiter hieß, sind seit 2011 zwölf Anträge auf finanzielle Entschädigungen eingegangen. Während drei Fälle noch nicht abschließend geklärt seien, habe das zuständige Gremium zwei Anträge abgelehnt, da das Opfer nicht durch einen Mitarbeiter der katholischen Kirche missbraucht worden sei oder aber keine Straftat nachgewiesen werden konnte.

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Pope Francis’ appointments will create church of the future

National Catholic Reporter

by Arthur Jones | Mar. 27, 2013

If Pope Francis is serious about reforming the Roman Curia, God bless him. Further, if he undertakes that reform with the poor in mind, the first question is not where might he begin, but how long has he got?

Of our nine popes since 1913, only Pius XII, John Paul II and Benedict XVI have made it to 82 or beyond. So the question about a 76-year-old pontiff isn’t as impertinent as it first may seem.

Francis lives simply, walks quickly and walks a lot. Can we assume (to achieve Pius XII’s 82 years) the new pope has six vigorous years to work with?

If so, six years takes the story to 2019. By 2019 Francis will be able to appoint about 40 percent of the College of Cardinals, approximately 50 of the 120.

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Lawsuit filed against Yakima Diocese claims abuse


YAKIMA, Wash — A new lawsuit has been filed against the Yakima Diocese. It alleges child sex abuse by former priests.

The suit claims the abuse happened to a woman back in the 1970s. She was a parishioner between 8 and 12-years-old at the time.

The lawsuit claims the Diocese should have known about the danger before letting the priests into the church.

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Woman alleges she was abused by three priests at St. Joseph in ’70s

Yakima Herald Republic

By Jane Gargas
Yakima Herald-Republic

YAKIMA, Wash. — A woman has started a lawsuit in Superior Court here against the Catholic Diocese of Yakima, alleging that she was sexually abused by three Jesuit priests during the 1970s.

Michelle Duerre, who lives in King County, asked that her name be made public in her suit against the diocese. Now 44, Duerre alleges that the Revs. Frank Duffy, John Morse and James Poole abused her when she was between the ages of 8 and12 and a student at St. Joseph/Marquette School.

She says in court documents that Morse and Duffy abused her at the school and in the church rectory and that Poole abused her at the St. Peter the Apostle retreat house in Cowiche.

Monsignor Robert Siler, diocese chief of staff, said that Duerre had not previously contacted the diocese about the alleged abuse. “We’re sorry for any abuse this woman may have suffered,” Siler said.

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4th plaintiff joins Sacred Heart lawsuit

Daily Sentinel

By Paul Bryant pbryant@dailysentinel.com | Posted: Tuesday, March 26, 2013

A fourth plaintiff has joined a lawsuit against the Roman Catholic diocese of Beaumont alleging sexual abuse by a Sacred Heart Parish priest in Nacogdoches more than 30 years ago.

“All four of the plaintiffs have claimed that defendants used deception to conceal Father (Ronald W. Bollich’s) past crimes as well as those of other predatory Beaumont priests or former priests, such as Ernest Dale Calhoun, Frank Paduch, August Pucar, Roger Thibodeaux … and to conceal its own failure to properly assign, supervise, investigate, report and remove Father Bollich for his injurious criminal sexual misconduct,” stated attorney Tahira Khann Merritt in a press release.

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Chetham’s sex fiend Michael Brewer jailed – but still denies guilt

Manchester Evening News

A former choirmaster at Manchester’s world-famous Chetham’s School of Music was today behind bars for a campaign of sex assaults – but still denying his guilt.

Predatory sex offender Michael Brewer, the school’s ex-director of music, has been jailed for six years for a campaign of abuse against tragic former pupil Frances Andrade.

Acclaimed violinist Mrs Andrade is understood to have committed suicide after being branded a ‘fantasist’ and ‘liar’ during his trial. The jury, however, convicted Brewer of five counts of indecent assault.

Computer records showed Mrs Andrade, 48, who was found dead at home in Surrey a week after testifying against Brewer, had researched details of the trial on Google before her body was found.

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Church reports gains on abuse

Telegram & Gazette


WORCESTER — Shortly after the Rev. Lowe B. Dongor was arraigned on possession of child pornography charges in 2011, Bishop Robert J. McManus asked the Vatican to defrock the diocese’s first Filipino priest.

Chancery officials said the bishop has always maintained a zero-tolerance policy when it came to clergy charged with sexual improprieties but added they were surprised that the Worcester prelate would move so quickly to strip Rev. Dongor of the priesthood.

“There was no question that the bishop would seek to have Dongor laicized,” explained one chancery official. “But the feeling was that he’d wait until the matter wound itself through the local court system. Obviously, the bishop wanted Rev. Dongor removed from the priesthood as quickly as possible.”

Local church officials, pointing to Bishop McManus’ action regarding Rev. Dongor, insist they are doing everything they can to protect kids and added that the diocese has fully embraced the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People. …

“For the most part, the audits are superficial,” said Anne Barrett Doyle, co-director of BishopAccountability.org, a watchdog group. “The auditors have to assume that the information they are reviewing is factual.”

She said oversight is difficult because auditors physically visit a diocese once every three years. During the other two years, they are dependent on the reports sent to them.

Victim advocates also note that many bishops ignore the purpose of the charter and continue to cover up improprieties.

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Sex abuse by Orchard Lake friar first reported in 1985, dad of alleged victim says

Detroit Free Press

[with video]

By Patricia Montemurri
Detroit Free Press Staff Writer

A longtime Michigan resident said Tuesday that he confronted an official at Orchard Lake St. Mary’s high school in 1985 about his son’s alleged sexual abuse by Brother Stephen Baker, a Franciscan friar who killed himself in January after abuse incidents became public at Ohio and Pennsylvania schools.

In March 1985, the father said he confronted Baker and a St. Mary’s administrator. The father said he demanded that Baker be terminated immediately.

“You are a sick man, and this is your last day at the school,” the man said he told Baker. “I’ll see to it.”

The father spoke at a Romulus news conference Tuesday arranged by a victims advocacy group, Road to Recovery of New Jersey, and attorney Mitchell Garabedian.

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Uganda: Parishioners Yet to Forgive Fr Musaala


The Observer (Kampala)

By Alon Mwesigwa, 26 March 2013

For 92-year-old John Baptist Lubowa, hearing his former parish priest, Fr Anthony Musaala, call for a review of the vows on celibacy, was shocking.

“When I heard the news, I first doubted it,” says Lubowa in a soft tone, “You see, he lied to Jesus, to God, to us [the Christians], that he was devoted and we trusted him”.

Lubowa says Fr Musaala’s assertions were satanic.

“I think it was Satan that came into his head; now what can we say?” wonders Mzee Lubowa.

Lubowa is among hundreds of Busega parishioners, still angry with their former priest’s letter, which lifted the lid on goings-on in the Catholic Church. On March 12 as Pope Francis was being inaugurated, Father Musaala wrote an open letter to the Catholics, among which he raised the issue of celibacy among Catholic priests as a myth.

He concluded calling for action against priests who have abused children and those gone against their vow of chastity. Musaala has since been suspended from the church service.

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Special Report: Behind the charm, a political pope


By Paulo Prada and Helen Popper

BUENOS AIRES | Wed Mar 27, 2013

(Reuters) – When Jorge Bergoglio finished studying chemistry at high school his mother asked him what he would study next.

“Medicine,” replied the skinny 19-year-old, according to his younger sister, Maria Elena.

Bergoglio’s mother cleared a storage room in the family’s working-class Buenos Aires home for him to use as a study. Every day, after his morning job in a lab, he would arrive home and disappear into the room.

One morning, though, his mother got a surprise. In the room, she found not anatomy or medicine texts but books on theology and Catholicism. Perturbed at his change of course, she confronted her eldest son.

“What is this?” she asked.

Bergoglio responded calmly: “It’s medicine for the soul.”

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Suspended Priest Indicates He May Plead Guilty In Meth Case

The Hartford Courant

By EDMUND H. MAHONY, emahony@courant.com
The Hartford Courant


A suspended Catholic priest from Bridgeport suspected of trying to launder thousands of dollars a week in drug money through an X-rated sexual novelty store has indicated he will plead guilty next week to participating in a bi-coastal methamphetamine distribution ring.

Monsignor Kevin Wallin, 61, faces a sentence of 10 years to life in prison if he follows through with his plan to changes his plea to guilty on a single charge of conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute the powerful stimulate methamphetamine.

Wallin’s federal public defender filed notice in federal court Tuesday of the change of plea and a hearing has been scheduled for April 2, at noon, in Hartford. Neither Wallin, who is being held without bond, nor his lawyer could be reached Tuesday.

The indictment of Wallin on narcotics charges in January stunned the Diocese of Bridgeport, where he formerly served in positions that included personal secretary to successive bishops, including Edward Egan, later appointed a cardinal.

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Priest expected to plead guilty in meth case

CT Post

Michael P. Mayko

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

HARTFORD — For 15 years, Kevin Wallin heard confessions as a Roman Catholic monsignor and pastor, first at St. Peter Church in Danbury, then at St. Augustine’s Cathedral in Bridgeport.

On April 2, Wallin is expected to make his own confession before Senior U.S. District Judge Alfred V. Covello and plead guilty to participating in a conspiracy to distribute the highly addictive crystal methamphetamine in Connecticut, according to court documents.

“Monsignor Wallin’s guilty plea will represent an important step in his coming to terms with his own actions and their impact on others,” said Brian Wallace, a spokesman for the Bridgeport Diocese.

“It is a difficult moment for all of us, but we hope it is also the first step in rebuilding his life. We pray that he moves toward healing and wholeness.”

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Priest at centre of sex claims appeals his dismissal

Irish Independent

Ralph Riegel– 27 March 2013

THE elderly cleric at the centre of the Cloyne Report into child-abuse allegations is appealing his dismissal from the priesthood to Pope Francis and a top Vatican court.

The priest, known only by the pseudonyms ‘Fr Ronat’ and ‘Fr B’, faces being defrocked after a church canonical court upheld abuse allegations lodged against him by former minors in the diocese of Cloyne.

A relative of the cleric, speaking to the Irish Independent, confirmed that an appeal has been lodged within the stipulated 15-day period.

“We are very disappointed with the negative outcome. But there will be an appeal, particularly in respect of the fact we believe that a full defence against the allegations was not properly taken into account,” he said.

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Deetman gehoord over mishandeling in tehuis

Dagblad De Limburger

Wim Deetman wordt opgeroepen voor een getuigenverhoor over het misbruik en de mishandeling van een jongen in huize Sint Joseph in Cadier en Keer in de jaren 60. De rechtbank in Breda heeft dat woensdag bepaald.


Het slachtoffer kreeg vanwege het seksueel misbruik een schadevergoeding van 25.000 euro toegekend door de compensatiecommissie van de kerk. Maar omdat hij ook een vergoeding wil voor het fysieke geweld, heeft de man uit Coevorden (nu 59 jaar) de priestercongregatie voor de rechter gesleept. Voor zover bekend is het voor het eerst dat een misbruikslachtoffer een rechtszaak begint over mishandeling.

Deetman kan bijdragen aan het bewijs voor de lichamelijke mishandeling, omdat hij in zijn onderzoek naar seksueel misbruik in de kerk ook bij Sint Joseph in het archief heeft gekeken en gesproken heeft met slachtoffers en daders. Ook de provinciaal overste van de congregatie, een priester en twee medeleerlingen zijn opgeroepen voor het getuigenverhoor.

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Accused organist’s previous conviction for sex abuse

BBC News

A church organist and choirmaster who is accused of historical child sex abuse was convicted years earlier of abusing a boy, a court has heard.

Michael Mytton, 68, from East Chiltington, East Sussex, has denied aiding and abetting indecent assault.

In 1981 Mr Mytton was forced to leave his position at a church in Uckfield after being convicted of two counts of gross indecency on a 12-year-old boy.

The jury at Hove Crown Court heard he had admitted he liked boys.

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Diocese boosts support for sexual assault victims

ABC News

The Maitland-Newcastle Catholic Diocese says a purpose-built one-stop-shop for all its community services will bolster support for people who have been sexually abused by clergy.

The Church’s welfare arm, CatholicCare Social Services, and its child protection unit, Zimmerman Services, have moved into the retrofitted Sport and Recreation Club at Mayfield.

Co-ordinator of healing and support, Maureen O’Hearn, says there will be increased synergies between the counselling programs and advocacy.

She says the move comes at a crucial time as the nation prepares for the Royal Commission into abuse within institutions.

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March 26, 2013

Child-molesting former North Coast priest freed from Irish jail

The Press Democrat


A former North Coast priest who pleaded guilty to sexually abusing children in his native Ireland in the 1970s and 1980s has been released from an Irish jail.

Patrick Joseph McCabe, 77, was freed over the weekend by a Dublin judge based on his age, statements of contrition and the fact that he had already served 21 months of a two-year sentence.

Men who claimed they were molested by McCabe when he served at St. Bernard Parish in Eureka from 1983 to 1985 said Tuesday they were disappointed he didn’t receive a more serious punishment.

Greg Horne, 40, of McKinleyville, said the judge missed a chance to send a strong message that church abuse won’t be tolerated.

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La historia de cuatro curas mexicanos pedófilos

Proceso [Mexico City, Mexico]

March 26, 2013

By Emilio Godoy

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Una orden judicial emitida hace un par de meses obligó a la arquidiócesis de Los Angeles a hacer pública una parte de sus archivos. En esos documentos –consultados vía internet por Proceso– se hace evidente que en las filas de la Iglesia hay numerosos abusadores de menores y que la institución se afana en acallar y encubrir esas conductas ilícitas. Este semanario revisó los expedientes de cuatro casos de párrocos mexicanos que cometieron actos de pedofilia –uno de ellos fue del conocimiento del cardenal Juan Sandoval Íñiguez, quien guardó silencio al respecto– y que a la postre fueron cobijados por el arzobispado angelino. MÉXICO, D.F. (Proceso).- El cardenal Juan Sandoval Íñiguez –quien participó el martes 12 y el miércoles 13 en el cónclave que eligió al Papa Francisco– guardó silencio acerca de las actividades de un sacerdote acusado de cometer abusos sexuales contra menores y de las cuales tuvo noticia. Cuando aún era arzobispo de Guadalajara, el prelado se negó a colaborar en la investigación sobre el sacerdote Nemorio Villa Gómez, como sale a la luz en documentos desclasificados por la arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles. Así consta en un memorando del 24 de octubre de 2009 de Michael Myers, en ese momento vicario en esa congregación, a Marge Graf, consejera general de la misma: “Se recibió otra denuncia en 2008. En ese momento se creía que el padre Villa estaba viviendo en Guadalajara y fue enviada una carta al arzobispo de Guadalajara notificándole del alegato. Nunca se recibió respuesta”, dice el religioso en la nota consultada en línea por Proceso. En una carta del 23 de mayo de 1994, con copia a Sandoval, el entonces vicario de esa congregación, Timothy Dyer, le pide a Villa que se reúna con él cuando llegue a Los Angeles. El 29 de enero de 1996 el sucesor de Dyer, Richard A. Loomis, dirigió una nueva misiva confidencial a Villa y a Sandoval, en la que le niega al primero la renovación de sus facultades eclesiásticas. Villa Gómez –cuyo expediente consta de 50 documentos– nació el 7 de septiembre de 1924 en La Manzanilla, Jalisco, y fue ordenado sacerdote el 16 de junio de 1957 en Culiacán. Entre 1964 y 1990, año en el que quedó inactivo, ofició en varias parroquias en Los Ángeles. Los expedientes –desclasificados por una orden judicial– ofrecen detalles de la política de encubrimiento y connivencia de la jerarquía eclesiástica hacia clérigos acusados de pederastia. Al menos cuatro sacerdotes están implicados en esos hechos: Villa Gómez, Nicolás Aguilar, Fidencio Simón Silva Flores y Willebaldo Castro. En julio de 2007 la arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles, encabezada entonces por Roger Mahony, se disculpó con 508 víctimas de abuso sexual y la Iglesia llegó a un acuerdo extrajudicial por más de 660 millones de dólares a causa de una demanda en su contra por su complicidad en esas agresiones. El pasado enero la juez de Los Ángeles Emilie Elias dispuso que los expedientes –122 archivos (que suman unas 12 mil páginas), 83 de los cuales contienen denuncias de abusos sexuales contra menores– se hicieran públicos, así como los nombres de los sacerdotes acusados de pederastia. Pese a ello, los documentos –que se pueden consultar en internet– están llenos de tachaduras encima de los nombres de los párrocos implicados. Lo que queda claro al revisar los expedientes es que la arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles dio refugio a clérigos de México, El Salvador, Colombia, España y Filipinas, entre otras naciones, que estaban bajo sospecha de haber cometido abusos sexuales. Mahony fue arzobispo de Los Angeles de 1985 a 2011, cuando fue reemplazado debido a los señalamientos de encubrimiento de sacerdotes pederastas. El 1 de febrero de ese año fue separado de todos sus cargos. Nicolás Aguilar, condenado en México por abuso de menores y quien obtuvo libertad bajo fianza en 1999, es acusado en Estados Unidos por agresiones sexuales contra al menos 26 menores. Una de sus víctimas, Joaquín Aguilar, los demandó a él, a Mahony y al arzobispo primado de México, Norberto Rivera, a quienes acusa de haber protegido al pederasta en 1987.   Perfil conocido   Una ficha de la arquidiócesis de Los Angeles –fechada el 2 de julio de 1993– dice que había rumores sobre Villa, mientras otra, del 12 de julio de ese año, señala: “Suele llevar a niños en su auto para comprar hamburguesas. Me dijeron que los niños lo estaban viendo en la rectoría. Les dije que no fueran a verlo allí. Cuando dejé la parroquia, los seminaristas de San Antonio venían a decir que el padre Villa estaba llevando niños de vacaciones, al cine, etc. Entonces hubo un rumor: Alguien pedía dinero al padre o esta persona iría a las autoridades”. El 30 de abril de 1994 Dyer le envía a Mahony un memorando confidencial sobre esos rumores: “A finales del año pasado recibí reportes de las Hermanas de San Antonio de Padua de que había rumores fuertes sobre el involucramiento del padre Villa con niños años antes de que dejara la arquidiócesis. Lo verifiqué con el padre (tachado), quien fue pastor en esos años, y confirmó que había habido rumores”. Sobre el sacerdote pesan al menos tres denuncias de abuso sobre hechos ocurridos a mediados de los sesenta y entre 1978 y 1979. Un correo electrónico del 22 de abril de 2002 de un remitente cuyo nombre está tachado, y enviado a Craig Cox, rector del seminario de San Juan en Camarillo, California, da cuenta de un abuso cometido por Villa: “Me abrazó, me sopló en el oído, me tocó los genitales”. La ficha del sacerdote relata que “la hermana de dos jóvenes notificaron a (tachado) que cuando sus hermanos eran monaguillos” el padre “les mostraba revistas para excitarlos sexualmente. Uno de los hermanos no dirá qué más pasó y no hablará” con la Oficina de Asistencia a la Víctima de la arquidiócesis de Los Angeles. El otro hermano ya murió. En 1994 Villa apareció en la parroquia de Jesús Niño, en Guadalajara. El 12 de abril de ese año un sacerdote le escribe a un destinario, cuyo nombre está tachado, para notificar que el sacerdote “me está haciendo el favor de ayudarme a celebrar la santa misa en los domingos y algunas veces entre semana, sobre todo cuando su salud se lo permite”. Depredador prófugo   Más grave es el caso del sacerdote Fidencio Silva, acusado en mayo de 2002 por ocho personas de agresión, supervisión negligente y abuso sexual cometido entre 1979 y 1985. Silva fue ordenado sacerdote el 1 de enero de 1978 en la orden de los Misioneros del Espíritu Santo, en Guadalajara. Entre 1978 y 1995, año en el que abandonó la Iglesia, trabajó en varias capillas californianas. En una carta del 12 de diciembre de ese año, con copia a Silva, Domenico di Raimondo, superior de los Misioneros, le avisa a Dyer de tres documentos relacionados con las denuncias entabladas. El primero es el “reporte sobre la entrevista con padre Fidencio Simón Silva Flores sobre una acusación de acoso sexual” del 7 de abril de 1995. Los documentos aluden a un memorando del 3 de abril de 1995, sobre (tachado), “alegatos de un exnovicio, quien denunció que el padre Silva le pedía que se desnudaran, acercamiento sexual. Le pidió que se desvistiera y se sentara frente a él, le pidió tener una erección frente a él. En un momento dado, puso sus manos en sus genitales, encontraron cintas porno en la habitación del padre Silva”. En un borrador de una carta a Silva del 29 de noviembre de 1995, Dyer declara que los alegatos habían sido aceptados como verídicos y que será reconsiderada su solicitud para futuros ministerios en la arquidiócesis. Un fax del 2 de abril de 2002, de dos páginas, dirigido a Mahony y en el cual están tachados los nombres del destinatario y del remitente, dice: “Estoy escribiendo esta carta para presentarle información sobre acoso repetido de un joven por parte del sacerdote Fidencio Silva Flores cuando ofició en la parroquia Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe en Oxnard. No puedo localizar al padre Flores y le presento esto para que pueda entregar cualquier información que tenga de él a las autoridades. Avíseme del paradero del padre Flores y de cualquier medida que se tome para prevenir que abuse de otros”. Otro documento, del 10 de abril –aparentemente un correo electrónico con los nombres del remitente y del destinatario tachados y con la leyenda “importancia alta”–, denota que encontraron a Silva Flores: “Pudimos localizarlo en el número (tachado)”. El documento está firmado con las iniciales L. M. El 12 y el 16 de abril de 2002 un hombre reportó a la Oficina de Asistencia a la Víctima de la arquidiócesis que Silva mantuvo una relación sexual con él entre 1992 y 1994, cuando tenía 20 años. El 27 de marzo de 2003 el fiscal de distrito de Ventura, California, lo acusó de 25 cargos por acoso contra ocho menores. Fragmento del reportaje que se publica en la edición 1899 de la revista Proceso, ya en circulación.

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