Irish Independent
By Eilis O’Hanlon
Sunday January 27 2013
Since it was first published, Why Men Don’t Listen And Women Can’t Read Maps has arguably saved more marriages than Relationships Ireland.
The format has been flogged to death at this stage, with more sequels than Police Academy, but its central thesis – that men and women are just different and we should learn to live with it – remains as relevant now as ever.
What’s odd is that, considering how awful they are at responding to other people’s emotional needs, men were the ones who got to be priests.
Women are much better at empathising, listening, communicating. They really should’ve been doing the job all along. The Pope, in turn, would surely contend that, had Christ wanted women priests, then he would have invited them to sit around the table at the Last Supper rather than doing the waitressing – and it is for challenging this view of the priesthood that Redemptorist Fr Tony Flannery has now been threatened with excommunication.
The precise sequence of events remains muddled, despite a slew of media interviews; the details are still being haggled over by supporters and detractors alike. Some of the headlines about priests being silenced by a latter-day version of the Spanish Inquisition were mischievous, to say the least.
But it does now seem incontestable that, having originally irked the church by saying that Jesus did not “ordain” the Apostles as such, the priesthood merely developing over time in response to historical circumstances, he has now been asked not only to state that Christ laid down a particular hierarchical template for the church, but that it can never include women. Something he can’t do, because he doesn’t believe it. The question then is whether the church’s response to that challenge is a wise or appropriate one.
Conservative Catholics argue that Fr Flannery joined a club and should either abide by its rules or get out. …
Priests have raped children and not been excommunicated. Bishops have covered up the rape of children and been promoted. It’s still not a heresy to believe that unbaptised children may burn in Hell; the church would rather priests didn’t believe it, but they won’t stop you if you do.
That may be a crude caricature of the church’s attitude to cherishing children, but it’s a real and powerful one. To counter it, the church needs to establish a narrative which is equally as compelling. Instead, it seems to have become increasingly insular, talking to themselves rather than to the world. Ultimately, that can only damage the church.
Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.