The National Board for Safeguarding Children in the Catholic Church in Ireland
Recommendation 1: The Designated Person develops posters and leaflets as suggested within the NBSCCCI training manual for display in all houses of Spiritan ministries, highlighting current information on policies, procedures, reporting information, along with a list of who to contact within the Spiritan Congregation, An Garda Síochána and HSE, if there is a safeguarding concern.
Recommendation 2: The Provincial Leadership Team must extend an invitation to people to come forward who have not yet disclosed their abuse (using approaches which may include notices on the website and public notices and where there is identifying information, letters through, for example, An Garda Síochána, solicitors or other relevant third parties). These complainants should be offered counselling and support.
Recommendation 3: The Designated Person must record all contacts relating to the management of cases and contact with survivors, irrespective of whether the respondent is alive or deceased. This should also include contact with the families of survivors.
The files are stored in a fireproof strong cabinet, in the Provincial’s office. Access to the records is by the designated person and two other members of the Provincial Leadership Team. In discussion with the advisory panel, which was re-constituted in July 2011, they have been given access to the records, following the signing of a Data Processing Deed and agreements around confidentiality. It must be noted that the congregation did not have an advisory panel for many years and the fact that this has now changed is to be commended. Prior to the fieldwork, a Provincial Chapter took place and a new Provincial Leadership Team was appointed. The new team should familiarise themselves with the content of the files to ensure continuity of decision making and management of risk.
Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.