Tulsa World
By JARREL WADE World Staff Writer
Published: 9/27/2012
Charges are still possible and under consideration against Victory Christian Center Senior Pastor Sharon Daugherty related to a sexual abuse investigation that has already led to charges of failure to report child abuse against five other church staff members, Tulsa County District Attorney Tim Harris said Wednesday.
Harris said he could not detail any of his office’s discussions about any possible charge against Daugherty while the investigation is ongoing.
“That would be unethical,” Harris said.
On Aug. 30, Victory Christian staff reported having received allegations that a teenager was raped at the church on Aug. 13, according to court records. Reports from Victory Christian and from court records differ on the date Victory Christian employees were first told – either on Aug. 15 or 16.
Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.