A digest of links to media coverage of clergy abuse. For recent coverage listed in this blog, read the full article in the newspaper or other media source by clicking “Read original article.” For earlier coverage, click the title to read the original article.

June 21, 2012

Ein Mann macht Ernst


Der Sprecher der Missbrauchsopfer Norbert Denef ist im Hungerstreik: So will er erreichen, dass die SPD sich für die Abschaffung der Verjährungsfristen einsetzt VON EVELYN FINGER

Der Gedanke an den Selbstmord ist ein großer Trost. Denn er hilft uns, sagt Nietzsche, über die Verzweiflung hinweg. Denn er steht als letzte Wahl, sagt Schiller, auch dem Schwächsten offen. Und vielleicht ist er das einzige Stück Freiheit, sagt Stefan Zweig, das man sein ganzes Leben ununterbrochen besitzt. Dass der Selbstmord keine Verzweiflungstat und keine Sünde ist, sondern Freiheit bedeutet, dieser Gedanke kursiert im Abendland schon seit der Antike. Und doch bleibt Gewalt gegen sich selbst eine Provokation. Denn der Einzelne, der sein Leben absichtlich beendet oder gefährdet, setzt alle ins Unrecht. Er weckt ihr schlechtes Gewissen. Er erzeugt Zorn.

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Judge Cancels California Priest Assault Trial For Day

CBS Sacramento

SAN JOSE, Calif. (AP) — A California judge has canceled trial for the day in the case of a man accused of beating a priest that he claimed molested him decades ago.

The judge dismissed the jury and lawyers on Thursday morning, moments before the priest was to take the witness stand to resume testifying for a second day.

Santa Clara County Superior Court Judge David Cena says he and the lawyers in the case had to discuss an undefined legal issue.

Prosecutors and defense lawyers for William Lynch declined comment. Lynch has pleaded not guilty to assaulting Lindner in 2010.

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Judge in priest beating case sends jury home for the week without explanation

Oakland Tribune

By Tracey Kaplan tkaplan@mercurynews.com
Posted: 06/21/2012

The judge in the priest beating trial sent the jury home today without hearing any testimony, offering no explanation for the move.

Speculation is rampant about why Judge David Cena sent the jury home until Monday at 10 a.m., and ordered the lawyers back in court at 1:30 p.m. Friday.

San Francisco resident Will Lynch is accused of beating Father Jerrold Lindner at a Jesuit retirement center in Los Gatos. Lynch claims Lindner molested Lynch and his brother when they were young.

Lindner took the stand Wednesday afternoon and was scheduled to resume his testimony today.

Given how distressed the prosecutors looked in court this morning, a couple of scenarios for the judge’s action today are highly likely, legal experts say.

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More Charges Filed Against Berlin Priest

NBC Connecticut

By LeAnne Gendreau

Thursday, Jun 21, 2012

A Berlin priest has been arrested and served with three warrants charging him with child pornography possession and risk of injury to a minor.

Rev. Michael Miller, 42, of St. Paul’s Church in Kensington, was previously charged with five counts of risk of injury to a minor and attempted obscenity and pleaded not guilty to those charges.

He turned himself into Berlin police on June 14 and was charged with two counts of obscenity, one count of third-degree child pornography and ten counts of risk of injury to a minor. Police said it was in connection to evidence seized in July 2011.

Police began investigating Miller during the last week of June 2011 after receiving a complaint alleging inappropriate contact with a minor.

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Los Gatos Priest Confronted Outside Courtroom, Trial Continues Monday


By Sheila Sanchez

A defrocked Los Gatos Jesuit priest, scheduled to testify for the second day in the trial of a San Francisco man accused of beating him up in May of 2010 due to allegations of sexual abuse, was confronted by a woman attending the proceedings as he was entering the courtroom Thursday morning.

Debbie Lukas, a member of the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests group, was outside the courtroom as Father Jerold Lindner was being escorted in by court security, when she yelled at him “rapist” and tried to confront him.

Her screams could be heard from inside Department 34 of the San Jose Hall of Justice where the jury had been seated for a second day of testimony in the high-profile trial.

After the commotion, the courtroom sat silent, many perplexed, including Santa Clara County Superior Court Judge David Cena, who’s presiding over the case, and the attorneys representing William Lynch and prosecutor Vicki Gemetti.

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Los Gatos Priest Confronted By 2nd Alleged Victim, Beating Trial Delayed


[with audio]

SAN JOSE (KCBS) – The judge overseeing the trial of a man accused of beating a Los Gatos priest Jerold Lindner sent the jury delayed testimony in the case because of legal questions over whether the cleric may have perjured himself on the witness stand.

Lindner testified on Wednesday that he did not molest William Lynch, the man facing felony assault and elder abuse charges for allegedly attacking him at a retirement home.

In her opening statement, Santa Clara deputy district attorney Vicki Gemetti indicated Lindner had molested Lynch, and advised the jury that that aspect of the priest’s testimony would be false.

Lynch claims Lindner raped him and his brother during a church camping trip in 1975 when the boys were 7 and 4 years old.

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Priest abuse victim trial on hold


SAN JOSE, Calif. (KGO) — Testimony is now on hold in the trial of a man charged with beating a priest he says molested him and his brother when they were children.

The judge sent the jury home for the day to discuss a pressing issue with attorneys. The defense wants to pursue perjury charges against the priest Father Jerry Linder.

Linder denied ever molesting the defendant William Lynch or his brother.

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The Legion of Christ and the Vatican meltdown

National Catholic Reporter

Jun. 21, 2012
By Jason Berry

A string of Vatican investigations and the arrest of the papal butler for allegedly leaking secret documents to the Italian press grabbed the big headlines out of Rome in May and June. The tales of palace intrigue, backbiting cardinals and new mysteries of the Vatican Bank overshadowed the latest jolts in the deepening saga of the Legionaries of Christ, the once high-flying order founded by Marcial Maciel Degollado.

A new disclosure in a just-published book based on leaked Vatican documents, Sua Santità: Le Carte Segrete di Benedetto XVI (“His Holiness: The Secret Papers of Benedict XVI”) by Italian journalist Gianluigi Nuzzi, reports that the Legion priest who was closest to Maciel for many years met with Pope John Paul II in 2003, attempting to brief him on Maciel, but was shown the door.

Moreover, a priest who in 2009 met with Cardinal Franc Rodé, then the Vatican official in charge of religious orders, told NCR that Rodé discussed a videotape he had seen of Maciel with one of his children in 2004, yet made no move to punish the Legion founder. Rodé, who has since retired, championed the Legion and its lay wing, Regnum Christi, with glowing speeches to the groups for several years after Maciel was banished from active ministry.

The most startling revelation of recent weeks was the admission to NCR senior correspondent John L. Allen Jr. by Fr. Thomas Williams, a Legion commentator for NBC and CBS, that he had fathered a child “a number of years ago.” That news followed a report by Nicole Winfield of The Associated Press on sex abuse accusations involving seven Legion priests. Finally, Legion general director Fr. Álvaro Corcuera issued an apology, saying he had known about Williams’ child since 2005.

Cardinal Velasio de Paolis, the canon lawyer delegated by Benedict as the Legion overseer, told Reuters that he had known about Williams since January. “There is a need to be careful in cases like this,” he said. “It concerns a private life. These things happen these days, unfortunately.”

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Priest Confronted at Courthouse

NBC Bay Area

By Damian Trujillo

Thursday, Jun 21, 2012

Family members of a man accused of abusing an elderly priese confronted that priest today as he was exiting the elevator on his way to the courtroom. The family maintains that the priest sexually abused the defendant and his brother more than 20 years ago.

William Lynch’s is charged with elderly abuse from an incident in 2010. The felony trial is delayed until Monday for unrelated reasons.

In testimony on Wednesday the priest, Father Jerry Lindner said he did not abuse Lynch or his brother during a camping trip decades ago. The boys were 4 and 7 at the time.

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Judge in priest beating case sends jury home for the week without explanation

Marin Independent Journal

By Tracey Kaplan

Posted: 06/21/2012

The judge in the priest beating trial sent the jury home today without hearing any testimony, offering no explanation for the move.

Judge David Cena ordered the attorneys for both sides to return at 1:30 p.m. Friday for a hearing regarding an undisclosed topic. The jury is scheduled to return Monday.

San Francisco resident Will Lynch is accused of beating Father Jerrold Lindner at a Jesuit retirement center in Los Gatos. Lynch claims Lindner molested Lynch and his brother when they were young.

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Debatte über chemische Kastration von Pädophilen



Detmold/Essen. Die Psychiaterin Nahlah Saimeh (46) leitet die Maßregelvollzugsklinik in Lippstadt-Eickelborn. Saimeh gilt als Expertin für die Behandlung von Sexualstraftätern. In einem Prozess vor dem Landgericht Detmold hat sie nun einen viel diskutierten Vorschlag gemacht. Sie verwies auf die Möglichkeit, einen angeklagten pädophilen Mann mit Medikamenten zu kastrieren.

Alexander B. (28) ist ein einschlägig vorbestrafter Kinderschänder, der offenbar Kontakte zur internationalen Pädophilenszene unterhalten hat. Die Staatsanwaltschaft hat ihn angeklagt, in der Zeit von 2006 bis 2009 drei kleine Jungen im Alter von neun Monaten bis vier Jahren sexuell schwer missbraucht zu haben.

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Vertuschter Missbrauch auch in chassidischen Gemeinden

Humanistischer Pressedienst

Nicht nur in der katholischen Kirche, auch in den jüdisch-chassidischen Gemeinden der Millionenmetropole New York rumort es. Wie der Fernsehjournalist Anderson Cooper für CNN berichtete, gibt es nicht nur seit längerer Zeit Vorwürfe von sexuellem Missbrauch Minderjähriger.

Hohen Geistlichen wird ebenfalls vorgeworfen, die Vertuschung entsprechender Delikte betrieben zu haben. Pädophile seien gedeckt und Opfer, die reden wollten, bestraft worden. Weil die auf ihre Gemeinde eingeschworenen Gläubigen den Kontakt mit der Polizei meiden, sei entdeckter Missbrauch nicht gemeldet worden. Einige der Fälle seien bereits verjährt, heißt es.

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Papst: Kindesmissbrauch durch Kleriker “ein Rätsel”

Humanistischer Pressedienst

Vatikanstadt: Papst Benedikt XVI sagte irischen Katholiken am Sonntag, es sei ein Rätsel (“mystery”), weshalb Priester und andere Kirchenbedienstete Kinder missbrauchten, die in ihrer Obhut gewesen sein.

Damit hätten sie den Glauben in der Kirche “auf schreckliche Weise” unterminiert. “Es bleibt ein Rätsel”, sagte er. “Jedoch ist ihr Christentum offenbar nicht länger gespeist von einer freudvollen Begegnung mit Jesus Christus. Es ist lediglich eine Frage der Gewohnheit geworden.”

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Schmerzensgeld für Opfer von Gewalt im kirchlichen Umfeld


Die durch erzbischöfliches Dekret eingesetzte unabhängige Kommission zwecks Prüfung der Anträge auf eine materielle Leistung in Anerkennung des Leids, das minderjährigen Opfern sexualisierter Gewalt durch Vertreter der Kirche zugefügt wurde, hat in einer letzten Sitzung vom 15. Juni 2012 ihre Arbeiten vorläufig abgeschlossen.

Die Kommission wurde in der Zeitspanne vom 1. Februar bis zum 30. April 2012 mit individuellen Ansprüchen von insgesamt 29 Antragstellern (20 Männern und 9 Frauen) befasst. Nach eingehender Prüfung der einzelnen Ansprüche hält die Kommission fest, dass von den 29 eingereichten Anträgen deren 24 zur Genüge begründet sind.

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How Sex Abuse Victim Finally Got Predator Priest into Court

ABC News

[with video]

By ALYSSA NEWCOMB (@alyssanewcomb)

June 21, 2012

William Lynch dreamed of this day for more than 35 years, the day the priest who he said sexually abused him and his younger brother would be brought to court and his ugly crimes exposed.

The boys kept their painful secret for years, long past the six year statute of limitations California had in place at the time of the alleged crimes.

But today, William Lynch is finding his own form of personal justice. It’s a risk he is willing to take, even if it means spending the next four years of his life behind bars.

The 44-year-old San Francisco man is on trial for felony assault and elder abuse charges after he allegedly beat the aging Jesuit at his retirement community in 2010.

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Vatileaks: Too many questions have been left unanswered dear Bertone

Vatican Insider

How is it possible for a “family” member to have gone on photocopying the Pope’s documents for years? What is the real reason behind this?

Marco Tosatti
Vatican City

The Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, is right to denounce the Dan Brown like conjectures and conspiracies described in many news stories published recently. But – without wishing to defend journalists who are shocked if a day goes by without Fr. Federico Lombardi denying their comments – it is worth remembering that we are faced with a case that is without precedents in the history of the modern Church; a case in which there are far more questions marks than solid facts. It is only natural that some – not the Pope – wish to end the process as soon as possible in order to avoid any negative consequences which along exposure to the Vatileaks scandal could have for the Church.

I have been following Vatican affairs since 1981 and witnessed John Paul II’s pontificate almost in its entirety. I cannot help asking myself how it is possible for someone, even if they are “family” members to photocopy or photograph documents from the Pope and his secretary’s study, for years, without rousing the slightest suspicion. It is true that Karol Wojtyla and his secretary, now cardinal, Stanislao Dziwisz, had lived through a Communist regime in which spying was the order of the day, so had developed special antennae for this. But I cannot imagine anyone being able to remove documents for a week, let alone a month, without cardinal Stanislao getting a whiff of it.

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Father Eugene Boland ‘felt devastated’ at abuse allegations

BBC News

A priest felt devastated when allegations of indecent assault against a 14-year-old girl were put to him, a jury has been told.

Father Eugene Boland denies five charges of indecently assaulting the teenager at his parochial house in Londonderry more than 20 years ago.

The court was told Fr Boland completely denied the allegations when interviewed at Omagh Police Station in July 2010.

Fr Boland told police he had a “open, friendly and bubbly” personality.

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Irish Catholics angered over Cardinal Timothy Dolan’s comments on Irish College in Rome

Irish Central

IrishCentral Staff Writer

Published Thursday, June 21, 2012

A report commissioned by the Vatican and led by Cardinal Timothy Dolan on an Irish seminary in Rome has come under harsh criticism by Irish archbishops and has been slammed as both prejudiced and factually flawed.

David Gibson for The Washington Post reports on the mudslinging that has since ensued between Cardinal Dolan and Ireland’s four archbishops surrounding the report on the flagship Irish College in Rome, Italy.

In 2010, Pope Benedict XVI commissioned Cardinal Timothy Dolan and Boston’s Cardinal Sean O’Malley and other churchmen to review Ireland’s four archdioceses and to inspect Ireland’s Catholic seminaries to make sure they were preparing men properly for the priesthood. The team was assembled following the widespread shocking allegations of sexual abuse within the Church.

Cardinal Dolan’s report, which included his views on the new Irish College seminary in Rome, was sent to the Vatican earlier this year.

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Former Las Vegas priest faces abuse allegation in Hawaii

Las Vegas Review-Journal

By Brian Haynes

Posted: Jun. 20, 2012

A national victim’s advocacy group called for local Catholic Church officials to reach out to potential victims of a former Las Vegas priest facing accusations of abuse in Hawaii.

Chicago-based Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, SNAP, wants the Catholic Diocese of Las Vegas to tell its parishioners about the allegation against the Rev. Maurice McNeely.

A 48-year-old Hawaii man sued McNeely and a North Dakota diocese in October, saying the priest sexually abused him when he was a boy in Hawaii.

SNAP’s founder, Barbara Blaine, said McNeely preached at the Shrine of the Most Holy Redeemer sometime in the 2000s.

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Group wants investigation of former Vegas priest

San Antonio Express-News

LAS VEGAS (AP) — An advocacy group wants Catholic Church officials in Nevada to seek possible victims of a former Las Vegas priest facing sexual abuse accusations in Hawaii.

The Chicago-based Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests cites allegations by a 48-year-old Hawaii man against the Rev. Maurice McNeely.

The Hawaii man filed a lawsuit in October alleging sexual abuse when he was a boy.

SNAP official Barbara Blaine tells the Las Vegas Review-Journal (http://bit.ly/PA0RkJ ) that McNeely preached in the 2000s at the Shrine of the Most Holy Redeemer in Las Vegas.

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Expert in Church law sees long probe of Parañaque diocese fund issue case

Philippine Daily Inquirer

By Jocelyn Uy
Philippine Daily Inquirer

MANILA, Philippines — A Catholic prelate who is an expert in the laws of the Church said on Tuesday that priests and lay leaders in the Diocese of Parañaque City would be facing a long battle to remove their own bishop whom they have accused of misuse of funds over P3.3 million.

On Monday, reports have reached the Church hierarchy that priests and the lay people of the Parañaque diocese have filed a complaint before the Apostolic Nuncio to the Philippines Archbishop Giuseppe Pinto against Parañaque Bishop Jesse Mercado for abuse of funds.

The allegedly misused funds were supposedly related to earthquake and typhoon donations given by parishioners.

Archbishop Emeritus Oscar Cruz, an expert in Canon law, said the complaint should be forwarded to the Vatican to be decided upon by the Congregation of Bishops. “When a bishop is accused of wrongdoing, you don’t go to the CBCP, you to to the Congregation of Bishops in Rome,” said Cruz.

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Prelate ready to quit if found guilty


MANILA — Accused of diverting millions of funds of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Paranaque, Bishop Jesse Mercado said Wednesday that he will not hold on to the post if Vatican finds him guilty and ill-fit to stay.

According to Mercado, he serves at the pleasure of Pope Benedict XVI and will not hesitate from resigning if he is asked by the latter.

“I am always at the service of the Church and if the Holy Father thinks that I am not anymore (fit to serve), anytime,” Mercado said.

But while bowing to the power of the Pontiff, the bishop vehemently denied the accusations supposedly made by some of his priests and lay people in Paranaque.

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Bishop to quit if found guilty of corruption


Posted at 06/20/2012

MANILA, Philippines – A Roman Catholic bishop denied allegations that he misused funds and donations for calamity victims, saying he is willing to resign if the charges are proven true.

“I am always at the service of the Church and if the Holy Father thinks that I am not anymore (fit to serve), anytime (I’m willing to step down),” Parañaque Bishop Jesse Mercado told reporters on Wednesday.

Mercado said the multimillion-peso donations given to the church were properly turned over to their intended beneficiaries.

“The Diocese of Paranaque is audited annually by the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Manila and receives a 100 percent rating,” he said.

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Bishop breaks silence on diverted funds


by Aries Rufo

Posted on 06/20/2012

MANILA, Philippines — He says he has nothing to hide and is willing to step down if allegations of financial mismanagement against him are proven true.

But Parañaque Bishop Jesse Mercado still won’t open for scrutiny the financial records of his diocese.

Breaking his silence Wednesday, June 20, on a Rappler investigation that he misused donations for calamity victims, Mercado issued a blanket denial that the money was misappropriated.

He said the story, published June 18, was peddled by disgruntled priests in his diocese who belonged to “a small group, about 5 or 6 who have some difficulties.”

We have reported that priests and lay leaders had asked the Apostolic Nuncio to the Philippines, Archbishop Giuseppi Pinto, to investigate Mercado.

The 61-year-old bishop admitted he recently met with the Papal Nuncio but said they did not talk about the controversy.

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Parañaque bishop denies diverting funds


[Bishop accused of diverting millions]

MANILA, Philippines — Complaints against Parañaque Bishop Jesse Mercado reach the Vatican. He is being accused of allegedly diverting funds meant for calamity victims. We brought you that exclusive story Monday, June 19.

Now the bishop speaks up in his defense. Rappler’s Paterno Esmaquel reports.

Parañaque Bishop Jesse Mercado denies accusations he diverted millions in Church donations meant for calamity victims to a high yield account.

Mercado claims the funds are properly accounted for, and admits some funds were added to what he calls a “calamity fund.”

BISHOP JESSE MERCADO: All donations are properly receipted and promptly turned over to their intended beneficiaries. In urgent cases, for example, Ondoy and Sendong, the diocese even advanced the amounts even before the second collections were mandated.

In an exclusive report, Rappler shows records of millions of supposedly unremitted funds. These include an unremitted 1.3-million pesos from 1.6-million collected for victims of tropical storm Ondoy in 2009. For fire victims in 2010, records show 129,000 pesos in donations were entirely unremitted.

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Philippines: Diverted donations promptly turned over to typhoon victims

Vatican Insider

Philippine bishop Jesse Mercado has rejected accusations which he says were the fruit of the “desperation” and “personal problems” of certain priests

Vatican Insider staff

Bishop Jesse Mercado of Paranaque today denied allegations by priests and lay leaders that he diverted multimillion donations intended for victims of natural disasters. He said the allegations were motivated by the “desperation” of certain priests who were not happy with the positions they got following a shuffle in the diocese’s parishes.

Mgr. Mercado has rejected the allegations of some priests and lay people who accused him of misuse of funds intended for victims of natural disasters. His accusers had asked the apostolic Nuncio in the Philippines, Mgr. Giuseppe Pinto to bring the case to the attention of the Roman Curia and remove the bishop from office. “All donations are properly receipted and promptly turned over to the intended beneficiaries,” the prelate told Catholic news agency ucanews.

Bishop Mercado’s spokesman, Jerry Habunal, confirmed that six priests had sent a letter to the Nuncio. “But they are only six out of more than 50 priests in our diocese. They have personal issues and they wanted to be interviewed by the media,” he said.

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Vatican: Preliminary report on anti-paedophilia guidelines is ready

Vatican Insider

In a few days the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith is to publish the responses to bishops’ proposals for combating sex abuse in the clergy

Andrés Beltramo Álvarez
Vatican City

In recent weeks bishops from across the world sent the Holy See their guidelines for preventing and combating sex abuse against minors perpetrated by clerics. In the next few days the Vatican will publish a preliminary report containing the assessment of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. This is a delicate task given the diversity in the various Episcopates’ opinions on such a distressing topic.

Most of the world’s Episcopates have already responded to the call from the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, William Levada, in a letter dated 3 May 2011. In the letter, the cardinal asked all Episcopal conferences to put together their own set of guidelines for combating the scourge of paedophilia in their respective areas. The deadline was set for the end of May 2012.

Levada asked that said documents establish clear and coordinated procedures for managing cases and dealing with the problem in a timely and efficient manner, through guidelines that are suitable for each local area. Guidelines which should take into account the civil law of each respective country.

These guidelines have been in force for years in some countries, particularly in countries such as the U.S., Ireland, Germany and Austria, where most of the abuse cases were recorded. Some Episcopates based their laws on the experiences of these countries.

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NJ – Victims testify to lawmakers

Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests

Posted by Barbara Dorris on June 21, 2012

The NJ Senate Judiciary Committee will meet this morning in Trenton to hear testimony and consider a bill to make it easier for child sex abuse victims to take legal action against predators.

The hearing is set for 10 a.m. at the NJ State House in committee room 6, 1st floor of the annex building.

Several survivors and supporters who belong to a self help group called SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, will testify in support of bill A2405 which eliminates the statute of limitations for child sexual abuse.

The Catholic Conference is expected to be there opposing the measure.

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More Charges For Father Michael Miller


By Robert Mayer

The Berlin Police Department arrested Father Michael Miller of St. Paul’s Church on three additional counts to the ones he is already facing. Miller was charged and arrested for obscenity, possession of child pornography and risk of injury to a minor.

Miller’s case has been continued 11 times since he was originally charged on five felony counts of risk of injury to a minor and a misdemeanor obscenity charge. One of the reasons the court case may have been continued was that the Berlin Police Dept. was working on forensics from cell phones and computers, which according to police takes time.

These forensic clues provide more evidence in the case against Miller, who was very popular in his tenure at St. Paul’s.

As part of the ongoing investigation, police served a warrant on Miller, 41, pastor of Saint Paul’s Catholic Church in Kensington.

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Gerald T. Slevin: Philly Criminal Trial Reveals Vatican’s Fatal Strategy


As the jury in the Philadelphia archdiocesan trial continues to be deadlocked, and as Catholics and others concerned about the issue of abuse of minors by Catholic clerics continue to monitor this trial, Jerry Slevin has provided another valuable statement dealing with the situation in Philadelphia and its implications from a more “global” perspective, and placing this situation against the backdrop of Vatican concerns and Vatican politics. What follows is Jerry’s statement:


Assume you were a key executive for a couple of decades of a multinational religious organization. What would you choose?

By 1992, twenty years ago, you and your executive team knew that numerous top executives had for years tolerated, and often likely covered-up, many potentially criminal acts by employees involving sexual assaults on children.

By 2002, with the publicity from the Boston and Irish abuse scandals, key executives were facing escalating financial and legal risks from victims’ claims and from prosecutors’ charges.

By 2012, the organization’s reputation had suffered dramatically, thereby reducing revenues from contributions, while costs, especially legal expenses, continued to climb.

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Former Worcester church activity director guilty of child rape

Telegram & Gazette


WORCESTER — A former director of family activities at a local church was sentenced to 25 to 30 years in state prison yesterday after pleading guilty to sexually assaulting seven children from 5 to 10 years old.

Samuel Molina, 33, formerly of 2 Freeland St., got to know many of his victims and their families while doing volunteer work as director of family activities at the Iglesia Cristiana Bet-El church at 3 Wiser Ave., according to Assistant District Attorney Cheryl R. Riddle.

After becoming a trusted member of the church community, Mr. Molina sexually assaulted seven children — four boys and three girls — from 2009 through July of last year, the prosecutor said during a plea hearing in Worcester Superior Court.

Ms. Riddle said the sexual assaults occurred at the homes of Mr. Molina and the victims and, on one occasion, in a closet at the church. When asked by police how he was sometimes able to sexually assault children in their own homes with their parents or other family members present, according to Ms. Riddle Mr. Molina responded: “They had a lot of faith in me. They trusted me.”

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Berlin priest faces more child pornography charges

New Britain Herald

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Staff writer

BERLIN – A popular priest already facing charges he initiated lurid conversations with a 13-year-old boy was arrested again this month for possessing child pornography.

Michael Miller, a Franciscan Friar relieved of his duties at St. Paul’s Church last year was charged with 10 counts of risk of injury to a child, two counts of obscenity and third-degree possession of child pornography June 14. He will be arraigned in New Britain Superior Court on the new charges July 9.

The arrest likely stems from the seizure of Miller’s computers when he was charged in July 2011 with five counts of risk of injury to a child and attempted obscenity. It is unclear if the new charges involve contact with the same 13-year-old.

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Deadlocked or not, the priest sex-abuse jury did its job

Philadelphia Daily News

Ronnie Polaneczky, Daily News Columnist
Philadelphia Daily News

SO IT’S still not over. After an 11-week trial, with almost 2,000 documents, 60 witnesses, multiple references to a dead cardinal and a defendant’s suggestion that taking a 14-year-old to bed after watching porn with him was “borderline inappropriate” and not wrong, wrong, wrong, the jury has yet to reach a verdict in the landmark trial of Philadelphia Archdiocese Monsignor William Lynn and the Rev. James Brennan.

Did or didn’t Lynn engage in child-endangerment and conspiracy in moving predator priests around the Archdiocese like party chairs?

Did or didn’t Brennan endanger that 14-year-old and attempt to rape him after a lively discussion about penile erections?

On Wednesday, the jury reported to Common Pleas Judge M. Teresa Sarmina that they were deadlocked on all but one charge. Sarmina ordered them to keep talking and they will resume deliberations Friday. It’s anyone’s guess whether more time will yield anything different.

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Jury deadlocks in priests’ trial, but continues working

Philadelphia Inquirer

By Joseph A. Slobodzian and John P. Martin
Inquirer Staff Writers

After 12 days of deliberations, the jury considering charges against two Philadelphia priests in the landmark church sex-abuse trial reported Wednesday that it was deadlocked on four of five charges, but it resumed working toward a verdict upon the judge’s order.

The Common Pleas Court jury of seven men and five women gathers again Friday to continue deliberations after a day off so one juror can tend to what Judge M. Teresa Sarmina called an “important family matter.”

The jurors came into court shortly before noon after sending the message the lawyers and trial participants had dreaded but seemed to anticipate: Deadlocked – on all but one count.

“Please advise us of our next step,” the jury’s note concluded.

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Priest accused of being a serial molester testifies — claims complete innocence


By Tracey Kaplan

Posted: 06/20/2012

For someone essentially described as a sexually deviant monster — even by the prosecutor who called him to the stand Wednesday — Father Jerold Lindner looked like an average 67-year-old with horn-rimmed glasses and a weight problem as he shuffled into a San Jose courtroom, all eyes upon him.

Lindner was there to testify that he did nothing to provoke Will Lynch to viciously beat him up two years ago at a Jesuit retirement center in Los Gatos, leaving him bruised and with two small cuts requiring stitches. But it was tough to tell on the first day of Lynch’s assault trial just who the real culprit was — Lynch or the priest.

Lynch chose to go to trial rather than negotiating a plea deal so he could “out” Lindner, who he claims molested him and his brother when they were kids. Even though the Jesuits have doled out millions of dollars to settle cases brought by Lindner’s victims — including the Lynch brothers — the priest was never prosecuted because Lynch and others reported the abuse after the brief window of opportunity set by the statute of limitations ended.

So essentially the priest testified Wednesday that he did nothing 35 years ago or in 2010 to incite what he described as a “vicious” beating at Lynch’s hands. Lynch dabbed at his eyes with a handkerchief and sobbed while the priest testified.

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Exit, Don’t Enable the Roman Catholic Church

Truth Wins Out

Posted June 19th, 2012 by Wayne Besen

If there is one thing that irks me, it is having the Roman Catholic Church preach to me about sexual morality. It is a religious sect led by a virulently homophobic Pope that goes out of its way to trash my family. Yet, my family hasn’t spent a cent defending itself against nonexistent charges of child rape, while the Vatican has spent $2.5 billion on legal fees, prevention programs, and settlements relating to the sexual abuse of minors.

Exactly why should I listen to what these “holy” men have to say? I’ve been out of the closet for twenty-four years, during which time I worked in the center of the LGBT movement, but can’t think of a single friend or colleague arrested for child molestation. None of the people I associate with have shielded, shuffled, or offered severance packages to pedophiles to protect the institutions that they work for. But such obscene behavior is precisely what the Vatican did, all the while turning my loved ones into scapegoats to obscure their criminality.

The latest preoccupation of the Catholic Church, as well as their brethren in the ultra-Orthodox Jewish Community, is fiercely lobbying state legislatures to not change the statute of limitations for child sexual abuse cases.

“Even when you have the institution admitting they knew about the abuse, the perpetrator admitting that he did it, and corroborating evidence, if the statute of limitations has expired, there won’t be any justice,” Marci Hamilton, a professor at the Benjamin N. Cordozo School of Law at Yeshiva University, explained to the New York Times.

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Papst: Irland braucht nach Missbrauchsskandal Erneuerung


Papst Benedikt XVI. erwartet ausgehend vom Eucharistischen Weltkongress in Dublin eine innere Erneuerung für die vom Missbrauchsskandal erschütterte Kirche Irlands. Die große christliche Geschichte des Landes sei “in jüngster Zeit auf eine erschreckende Weise getrübt worden durch die Offenlegung von Sünden”, die Geistliche gegenüber ihnen anvertrauten Menschen begangen hätten, sagte er in einer Videobotschaft zum Abschluss des Weltkongresses am Sonntagnachmittag. Diese Priester und Ordensleute hätten Menschen missbraucht und damit auch die Botschaft der Kirche unglaubwürdig gemacht. Für sie sei das Christentum nur noch ein “System von Gewohnheiten” geworden und nicht mehr eine freudige Begegnung mit Christus, sagte der Papst. Anders ließen sich derartige Fehler nicht erklären. Zugleich kündigte er an, dass der nächste Kongress 2016 in Cebu auf den Philippinen stattfinden soll. Das Zweite Vatikanische Konzil habe vor 50 Jahren ein erstarrtes Christentum zu überwinden versucht.

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“Ein Läuterungsprozess steht aus”

Saarbrucker Zeitung

Herr Dr. Müller, was ist von Seiten der Kirche nach dem Missbrauchsskandal im vergangenen Jahr geschehen?
Wunibald Müller: Die Kirche hat sich auf einen Weg der Erneuerung begeben. Im Bereich sexueller Missbrauch Minderjähriger durch kirchliche Mitarbeiter sind wichtige Initiativen in die Wege geleitet worden und Beschlüsse gefasst worden, die deutlich machen, dass die Kirche es ernst meint, wirklich zuerst die Opfer sexuellen Missbrauchs zu sehen und alles zu tun, zum Beispiel auch durch Präventionsmaßnahmen, um in Zukunft sexuellen Missbrauch in ihren eigenen Reihen zu verhindern.

Wie soll mit den Priestern umgegangen werden, die Minderjährige sexuell missbraucht haben?

Müller: Liegt bei einem Priester, der Minderjährige missbraucht, eine pädophile Veranlagung vor, darf er zum Schutz möglicher Opfer nicht länger in der Seelsorge eingesetzt werden, gegebenenfalls auch nicht länger einer priesterlichen Tätigkeit nachgehen. Priestern, bei denen mit Hilfe der besten uns heute zur Verfügung stehenden diagnostischen Möglichkeiten festgestellt werden kann, dass sie nicht pädophil veranlagt sind und es sich bei ihrem Fehlverhalten um ein einmaliges regressives Verhalten handelt, das unter anderem auf Defizite im Bereich der Intimität zurückzuführen ist, kann im Einzelfall nach erfolgreicher Psychotherapie auch eine klar umgrenzte priesterliche Tätigkeit möglich sein. Diese Vorgehensweise ist schwieriger zu handhaben als die Nulltoleranz-Lösung, wonach jemand, der sich einmal sexuell missbräuchlich verhalten hat, nie mehr als Seelsorger oder als Priester tätig sein kann. Sie berücksichtigt aber die jeweilige Situation der einzelnen Priester, deren Vergehen nicht beschönigt werden darf, die aber auch nicht einfach abgeschoben und abgeschrieben werden dürfen.

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Pfarrer posthum Ehrenbürgerschaft aberkannt


Dem 2009 verstorbenen Pfarrer von Thiersee im Tiroler Bezirk Kufstein ist nun auch offiziell die Ehrenbürgerschaft der Gemeinde aberkannt worden. Dies beschloss der Gemeinderat in einer Sitzung am Mittwochabend mit großer Mehrheit. Der Geistliche soll jahrelang Kinder missbraucht haben.

Rein rechtlich erlosch die Auszeichnung mit dem Tod des Pfarrers, betonte Ortschef Hannes Juffinger (V). Die Angehörigen hätten die Auszeichnung mittlerweile retourniert. Es gebe keine Ehrentafel oder einen Vermerk am Grabstein des Mannes.

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Vatican Diary / Herranz, an inquisitor of proven experience


VATICAN CITY, June 21, 2012 – They are three cardinals, they are over the age of eighty, they are spry yet reserved, they know the Roman curia very well, and their names are Julián Herranz, Jozef Tomko, and Salvatore De Giorgi. It is to them that Benedict XVI has entrusted the task of getting to the bottom of the leaking of confidential documents that has hit the Vatican in recent months.

Their work is proceeding in parallel with the judicial investigation formally underway in Vatican City-State, which has so far seen the questioning – and jailing as a suspect – only of the pope’s butler, Paolo Gabriele, charged at the moment with aggravated theft.

The commission, however, has a broader mission and more room for maneuver with respect to the Vatican magistracy. And it is made up of three cardinals because in this way it has the freedom to question, if need be, even their peers.

The commission was announced last March 16 in an interview with the substitute of the secretariat of state, Archbishop Angelo Becciu, published in “L’Osservatore Romano” and initialed by its director, Giovanni Maria Vian:

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Former Blossburg priest turns himself in


The former Blossburg Catholic priest accused of molesting an altar boy between 1991 and 1997 turned himself in for arraignment Wednesday.

The Rev. Thomas Shoback, 61, now of Wilkes-Barre, was arraigned Wednesday afternoon before District Judge James Carlson in Mansfield, according to state police at Mansfield.

He was released on $35,000 bail pending a preliminary hearing at 1:15 p.m. July 25 before Carlson.

Shoback faces 32 criminal charges in the sexual abuse case involving a parishioner at St. Mary’s Catholic Church, where Shoback was parish priest. He has since served at other parishes in Pennsylvania, police said.

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Beyond Rabbi Groner

Galus Australis

By David Werdiger
Rabbi YD Groner OBM was often described as “larger than life”. He was an imposing character: large in size, strong in voice, autocratic in nature. From his arrival in Melbourne in the 1950s, he worked tirelessly for the organization, and can take deserved credit for the strong positive influence Chabad had during the majority of his tenure as its leader.

This Sunday, as the local Chabad community will mark his yahrzeit, many have mixed feelings. Despite it being four years since his passing, Rabbi Groner has come under fire recently regarding what he did or didn’t do in cases of sexual abuse allegedly perpetrated by people employed (or subcontracted) in or around the school, including teachers, during a period some 10-20 years ago. But here’s the thing: no-one will ever truly know what he did or didn’t do. While those who interacted with him directly know their side of the story, none of us can know all of his side, let alone the thought process that drove very private decisions. As he is not around to defend his decisions, he has become a convenient soft target for his detractors.

The mishnaic dictum (Pirkei Avot 2:4) “do not judge your fellow person until you stand in their place” applies equally to the community leaders of the time, and to the victims of abuse. Even with our 20/20 hindsight, we cannot understand the cultural challenges of dealing with the scourge of sexual abuse in a closed, tight-knit community in a time before mandatory reporting. The leaders of the time acted using the knowledge, information and context available to them at that time, all of which are now considered vastly deficient. Equally, we cannot understand the anguish of victims who were abused, and feel betrayed by a trusted organisation and its leaders.

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House Judiciary Committee passes legislation to strengthen laws for child abuse victims

The Patriot-News

By JAN MURPHY, The Patriot-News

The House Judiciary Committee approved legislation that child protection advocates see as making good steps forward in helping future victims of child sexual abuse.

A bill, sponsored by committee Chairman Ron Marsico, R-Lower Paxton Twp., would lift the statute of limitations on criminal prosecutions in child sexual assault cases. It also would extend the statute of limitations in civil proceedings until the victim reaches age 50.

Current state statutes give victims until age 50 to press criminal charges and until age 30 to file a civil suit against their abusers.

Marsico said that while he would have preferred to wait to hear from the Task Force on Child Protection that is currently review the state’s child protection laws. But child protection advocates were pressuring the committee to act, including one who took out an ad urging action by Marsico’s committee.

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Sexual abuse case against local church gets dismissed


Reporter – Julie Collins

PADUCAH — A judge dismissed the case involving a local church and the alleged abuse of two former Boy Scouts.

In February 2011, 49-year-old Joseph Andrecht filed a lawsuit saying his former scoutmaster, Danny Middleton, sexually abused him. Andrecht said the abuse happened in the late 1970s.

He brought suit against the Boy Scouts of America, the Shawnee Trails Council, Grace Episcopal Church in Paducah and the Episcopal Diocese of Kentucky, claiming they never did anything about the allegations.

After the initial suit, another man, Timothy Vasseur, stepped forward with similar allegations.

But on Monday, Judge Tim Kaltenbach dismissed the case, citing statute of limitations, meaning too much time had passed since the alleged abuse.

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Priest arraigned on sex charges


June 21, 2012

By CHERYL R. CLARKE cclarke@sungazette.com , Williamsport Sun-Gazette

MANSFIELD – The Blossburg priest who was suspended last fall for allegedly sexually assaulting an altar boy was arraigned Wednesday before District Judge James Carlson.

Thomas P. Shoback, 60, of Wilkes-Barre, was charged with three counts of involuntary deviate sexual intercourse, two counts of indecent assault, endangering the welfare of children, corruption of minors and indecent assault in connection with the alleged assaults against an altar boy at St. Mary’s Parish Rectory several times between Feb. 20, 1991, and Feb. 20, 1997.

According to court documents, Shoback was the priest at St. Mary’s and the victim, who now is 32, and his family were parishioners and friends with Shoback.

Police said the victim called the Diocese of Scranton last November to report that Shoback had been sexually abusing him from the time he was 11 or 12 years old.

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Defrocked Los Gatos Jesuit Priest Denies Molestation


By Sheila Sanchez

Defrocked Jesuit priest Jerold Lindner denied Wednesday that he raped and sodomized the man accused of assaulting him in May of 2010.

Lindner’s denial caused defendant William Lynch’s attorney, Paul Harris, to threaten to file perjury charges against the 67-year-old ex-priest.

Lindner took the witness stand on the first day of Lynch’s trial and was questioned by prosecutor Vicki Gemetti about the assault on the afternoon of May 10, 2010 at the Sacred Heart Jesuit Center in Los Gatos.

“Did you molest the defendant and his brother?” Gemetti asked during the high-profile case in Department 34 of the San Jose Hall of Justice. Lindner answered: “No.” The testimony came after Gemetti asked Lindner what Lynch told him when they met in a parlor at the center.

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Trial begins for man who beat priest he says molested him

Los Angeles Times

By Maria L. La Ganga, Los Angeles Times

June 21, 2012
SAN JOSE — When the jury in Department 34 of Santa Clara County Superior Court finally sits down to deliberate, the main question facing the nine men and three women sounds simple: Just who is the victim here?

William Lynch, 45, is accused of tracking down Father Jerold Lindner on May 10, 2010, and assaulting him at his Jesuit retirement home. Witnesses testified during the preliminary hearing that Lynch had punched and kicked the elderly priest, yelling: “You ruined my life. Turn yourself in. You molested me.”

Lynch and his younger brother sued the Society of Jesus, Lindner’s order, 15 years ago, alleging that the priest had raped them and forced them to have sex with each other when Lynch was 7 and his brother 4. The case was settled for $625,000, and Lindner was removed from Loyola High School in Los Angeles, where he had been teaching. The church never informed law enforcement about the allegations.

More than a dozen men and women have accused Lindner of molesting them through the years — including his sister, nieces and nephew. The Catholic Church has settled three cases brought against him, according to a Jesuit spokesman. But the 67-year-old has never faced charges because the statute of limitations for the alleged abuse had run out.

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Jurors Say They’re Deadlocked; Judge Says Keep Deliberating

Philadelphia Priest Abuse Trial Blog

Ralph Cipriano

Shortly before noon, the jury in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia sex abuse case sent a note to Judge M. Teresa Sarmina, saying on their 12th day of deliberations, they were deadlocked on four of five counts.

“Please advise us of our next step,” the note concluded.

The judge told the jury to continue deliberating. She offered her assistance to break the deadlock. The judge offered to read back her entire hour-long set of instructions to the jury, known as a charge, which covered the crimes the two defendants are accused of, as well as how to evaluate direct and circumstantial evidence, and the concept of reasonable doubt, among other legal topics.

The judge offered to do read backs on days of testimony regarding Mark Bukowski, the accuser of Father James J. Brennan, along with testimony from Bukowski’s mother, and testimony from a former 10-year-old altar boy who was sexually abused by Father Edward V. Avery.

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Divided jury returns Friday in Philly priest case


The Associated Press

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — A stubbornly divided jury will have a day off to dwell on clergy-abuse charges pending against two Roman Catholic priests before returning for a 13th day of talks Friday.

Jurors deliberated anew for several hours Wednesday after telling a Philadelphia judge they were at an impasse on four of the case’s five charges. The panel won’t meet Thursday because a juror has a family conflict, the judge said.

Jurors are weighing criminal charges against a priest and a church supervisor, the first U.S. church official charged over his handling of abuse complaints.

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Priest at center of attack trial starts testifying


Associated Press
SAN JOSE, Calif. (AP) – The priest at the heart of an assault trial testified Wednesday that he never molested the man accused of assaulting him.

Lawyers say the Rev. Jerold Lindner was called to the witness stand late Wednesday in the San Jose trial of William Lynch. Lindner was expected to continue testifying Thursday and endure cross-examination where he will be asked again whether he abused Lynch.

Lynch, 44, is accused of beating the Lindner in May 2010 at a Los Gatos retirement home for priests near San Jose. He has pleaded not guilty, and his trial began with opening statements Wednesday. Lynch claims Lindner raped him in 1975 when he was 7 years old.

Prosecutors concede Lindner is lying when he denies he molested Lynch and Lynch’s 4-year-old brother during a church camping trip, but prosecutors also argue that’s no defense against assault charges. The Catholic Church earlier settled a civil lawsuit the brothers filed.

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June 20, 2012

Priest sex abuse lawsuit trial delayed

San Antonio Express-News

By Abe Levy

Published 08:23 p.m., Monday, June 18, 2012

A lawsuit trial involving a former priest accused of sexually abusing a 12-year-old altar boy in Floresville in the 1970s was delayed until October, the plaintiff’s attorney said.

The lawsuit accused Louis Paul White, who was defrocked in 1989, of abusing the boy when he was an associate pastor at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Floresville. It also accused the Archdiocese of San Antonio of covering it up and allowing White to work at other parishes afterward.

Jury selection had been set for Monday but was reset for Oct. 8 because there weren’t enough civil courtrooms available, said Thomas Rhodes, a lawyer for the plaintiff, now 48.

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Filipinos call for transparency as bishop denies misusing funds

National Catholic Reporter

by N.J. Viehland on Jun. 20, 2012 NCR Today

MANILA, Philippines — Bishop Jesse Mercado of Parañaque denied Wednesday he misused money donated for victims of calamities and church programs, saying he was open to a probe by the nunciature.

In his statement to reporters at a gathering in Intramuros, Manila, Mercado said all the donations are properly documented and were “promptly turned over to their intended beneficiaries.”

On Monday, Rappler reported that priests and lay leaders have complained to Papal Nuncio Archbishop Giuseppi Pinto about Mercado, saying he diverted millions of pesos of specified donations to other uses.

The funds include Sunday Mass collection donations for flood and fire victims and for rehabilitation of Haiti after the catastrophic earthquake there in 2010. The report summarized the questioned funds donated for calamities and special activities table.

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Philippines: Diverted donations promptly turned over to typhoon victims

Vatican Insider

Philippine bishop Jesse Mercado has rejected accusations which he says were the fruit of the “desperation” and “personal problems” of certain priests

Vatican Insider staff

Bishop Jesse Mercado of Paranaque today denied allegations by priests and lay leaders that he diverted multimillion donations intended for victims of natural disasters. He said the allegations were motivated by the “desperation” of certain priests who were not happy with the positions they got following a shuffle in the diocese’s parishes.

Mgr. Mercado has rejected the allegations of some priests and lay people who accused him of misuse of funds intended for victims of natural disasters. His accusers had asked the apostolic Nuncio in the Philippines, Mgr. Giuseppe Pinto to bring the case to the attention of the Roman Curia and remove the bishop from office. “All donations are properly receipted and promptly turned over to the intended beneficiaries,” the prelate told Catholic news agency ucanews.

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Priest seeks forgiveness after stealing from NY Mills church



Posted Jun 20, 2012


The Rev. Valentine Krul asked for forgiveness Wednesday as he was sentenced for stealing more than $87,000 from a New York Mills church.

Krul, 61, of Forestport, was placed on five years of probation after already completing six-months of incarceration at the Oneida County jail for his guilty plea to second-degree grand larceny.

“I ask forgiveness from my family and my friends and the church for my actions,” Krul told Judge Barry M. Donalty in Oneida County Court.

Krul stole thousands of dollars from the Church of the Sacred Heart and St. Mary Our Lady of Czestochowa in New York Mills while he was pastor from October 2008 until January 2011. Of that money, Krul used more than $46,000 of it to buy a condominium in Florida.

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Jury Nullification in Philadelphia? Or is our justice system just too broken?

City of Angels

Kay Ebeling

I wonder if we’ll find out some day there was jury nullification in the Philadelphia trial of Monsignor William J. Lynn and Father James J. Brennan. It only takes one juror to prevent a verdict, and God knows, the Catholic Church has enough attorneys and investigators to find one person on the panel who was vulnerable and would stymie any efforts to convict.

“I don’t know what the problem is,” Judge Theresa Sarmina said to attorneys after the jury reported it was hung on all counts except one. (Per Reuters today).

The judge spoke out of earshot of jurors, waiting until they left the room to continue their twelfth day of conferring. Because honest people in this country still go through the motions of justice, even when it’s obvious justice will not be carried out. Honestly, how much more evidence did the jury need? Read the best coverage of the Philadelphia Trial at Philadelphia Abuse Trial Blog by Ralph Cipriano.

Meanwhile, for another good summer read, go to Abused by Fr. James Robinson, a blog by Geoffrey Smith of Ireland, relating his experience testifying as one of the victims in the Robinson case in the UK in 2010. You remember Robinson, the priest who was located living on the lam in California, receiving generous paychecks from the Church while about a dozen victims were trying to experience justice in England?

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Church abuse victim on trial for beating priest

The Fresno Bee


Wednesday, Jun. 20, 2012

SAN JOSE, Calif. — Northern California prosecutors concede the man on trial in the beating of an aging priest was sexually abused by the Jesuit, but told a jury Wednesday that still did not give William Lynch the right to take the law into in his own hands.

Lynch, 44, is accused of beating the Rev. Jerold Lindner in May 2010 at a Los Gatos retirement home for priests near San Jose. He has pleaded not guilty and his trial began with opening statements Wednesday.

Lynch says Lindner raped him and his 4-year-old brother during a 1975 camping trip in Northern California.

Santa Clara County Deputy District Attorney Vicki Gemetti began her 20-minute opening by displaying a blown-up photograph of a bruised and bloodied Lindner slumped in a chair. She implored jurors to focus solely on the assault, which she said Lynch “undeniably” committed.

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Divided jury returns Friday in Philly priest case



PHILADELPHIA (AP) — A stubbornly divided Philadelphia jury will have a day off to dwell on clergy-abuse charges pending against two Roman Catholic priests.

The jury is deliberating anew after telling a judge Wednesday morning they are hung on four of five charges.

Now, they’re off until Friday because one juror has an important family conflict Thursday.

The panel is weighing criminal charges against a priest and a church official who supervised him at the Philadelphia archdiocese.

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Will Lynch Trial update: Prosecutor tells jurors she expects priest ‘will lie to you’

Mercury News

By Tracey Kaplan and Robert Salonga
Mercury News

Posted: 06/20/2012

Evidence will show the man on trial in the beating of an aging Jesuit priest was abused by the priest, but that still did not give him the right to take the law into in his own hands, prosecutors in Northern California said today in their opening statement in the trial of William Lynch.

Lynch, 44, is accused of beating the Rev. Jerold Lindner in 2010 in front of startled witnesses at a retirement home for priests.

Lynch has said Lindner abused him and his brother during a camping trip in Northern California.

Santa Clara County Deputy District Attorney Vicki Gemetti began her 20-minute opening displaying a blown-up photograph of a bruised and bloodied Lindner slumped in a chair. She implored jurors to focus solely on the assault, which she said Lynch “undeniably” committed.

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Report: Jury deadlocked on 4 counts in Pa. priest sex abuse case


The jury in a Philadelphia priest sex abuse case told a judge Wednesday that they are unable to reach a verdict on four of the five charges, CNN affiliate KYW reports.

In a note to Judge Teresa Sarmina, the panel said that it has developed “firm, fixed opinions” and “entrenched positions” among its members, making it unable to return verdicts, according to KYW.

The judge said she will offer the jurors some additional or clarifying remarks if they would find that helpful, according to KYW.

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Parañaque bishop denies using P3.2M Church funds

Philippines Daily Inquirer

By Jocelyn R. Uy
Philippine Daily Inquirer

Parañaque Bishop Jesse Mercado on Wednesday denied accusations he had misused some P3.2 million in donations from his parishioners, saying the funds were audited annually by the Archdiocese of Manila.

Facing reporters, Mercado answered point by point the accusations by some of his priests and lay members of the diocese.

In a complaint filed in the papal nuncio, Archbishop Giuseppe Pinto, Mercado was alleged to have diverted over P3.2 million in donations for victims of Tropical Storm “Ondoy,” Haiti earthquake, Typhoon “Sendong,” and a fire in Muntinlupa City.

Low morale, frustration

The bishop was also accused of allotting a measly amount for the health insurance and retirement of priests from the diocese’s yearly collections, causing low morale and frustration among the clergy.

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This Growing Scandal Could Bring Down The Second Most Important Person In The Vatican

Business Insider

Adam Taylor and Samuel Blackstone

The Vatican is in the midst of an unprecedented series of scandals after the leak a huge treasure trove of suppressed documents given to a notorious investigative journalist last year.

But who leaked the “Vatileaks” and why?

The Vatican secretary of state, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone has played down the scandals, insisting it’s just the result of journalists “pretending to be Dan Brown”. He also, cryptically, blamed the “devil”.

But Cardinal Bertone should probably be worried — he’s thought to be target of the leaks.

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***BREAKING*** Philly Catholic Trial Jury Says It Is ‘Hung’ on 4 of 5 Counts


Dave Pierre

***BREAKING NEWS*** … Wed. June 20, 2012, 12:58pm: Media outlets reporting that Philadelphia Catholic trial jury “hung” on 4 out of 5 counts. The trial began March 26, and the jury has been deliberating since June 1.

The jury reportedly passed a note to Judge Teresa Sarmina this morning that read: “We the jury are at a hung jury status on all charges except for one. Please advise us as to our next step.” Sarmina then advised the jury to keep deliberating.

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Hung Jury – Time For The Dynamite Charge?

Philadelphia Priest Abuse Trial Blog

Ralph Cipriano

Eleven days into deliberations, the jury has told Judge Sarmina that they’re hung on all but one of the counts. Now what?

That doesn’t mean it’s over, because the Court can still give what’s informally known as a “dynamite” charge and try to move the jury to a verdict one way or the other. Under the century-old United States Supreme Court case, Allen v. United States, 164 U.S. 492 (1896), the Court may admonish the jury to keep trying, and can ask jurors to reconsider their positions. In Pennsylvania, the charge is known as a Spencer charge after the main case applying it here, Commonwealth v. Spencer, 442 Pa. 328, 275 A.2d 299 (1971), which incorporated American Bar Association standard 15-5.4. That standard says:

(a) Before the jury retires for deliberation, the court may give an instruction which informs the jury:
(1) that in order to return a verdict, each juror must agree thereto;
(2) that jurors have a duty to consult with one another and to deliberate with a view to reaching an agreement, if it can be done without violence to individual judgment;
(3) that each juror must decide the case for himself or herself but only after an impartial consideration of the evidence with the other jurors;
(4) that in the course of deliberations, a juror should not hesitate to reexamine his or her own views and change an opinion if the juror is convinced it is erroneous; and
(5) that no juror should surrender his or her honest belief as to the weight or effect of the evidence solely because of the opinion of the other jurors, or for the mere purpose of returning a verdict.

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Jury in Philadelphia abuse case deadlocked

National Catholic Reporter

by Joshua J. McElwee on Jun. 20, 2012 NCR Today

The jury in the first case brought against a diocesan official for his role in transferring priests accused of abusing children is deadlocked on most of the charges, several media outlets are reporting.

According to Reuters, the jury deciding the case of Msgr William Lynn sent a note to Judge M. Teresa Sarmina reading: “We the jury are at a hung jury status on all charges except for one.”

The seven women and five men of the jury are in their twelfth day of deliberations in the case.

Lynn, who served as secretary of clergy for the Philadelphia archdiocese from 1992 to 2004, is accused of participating in a conspiracy of covering up abuse by recommending priests with known histories of sexual abuse to assignments that would further place them in contact with children.

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Jury in Church Abuse Case Says It Is Deadlocked

The New York Times


Published: June 20, 2012

PHILADELPHIA — In its 12th day of deliberations, the jury in the landmark trial of a Roman Catholic Church official accused of covering up sexual abuses by other priests said Wednesday it was deadlocked on four of the five charges in the trial.

“We the jury are at a hung jury status on all charges except for one,” jurors said in a note that was read aloud by Judge M. Teresa Sarmina of the Court of Common Pleas.

The judge instructed the jury to keep trying to reach unanimous agreement on all five charges, which include two counts of endangering the welfare of children and one of conspiracy against the church official, Msgr. William J. Lynn, and charges of endangerment and attempted rape against a priest, the Rev. James J. Brennan.

Monsignor Lynn, 61, served as secretary for clergy for the 1.5 million-member Archdiocese of Philadelphia from 1992 to 2004, in charge of assigning jobs for priests and investigating charges of sexual abuse. Prosecutors said he had repeatedly played down credible accusations reports of abuse, lied to inquiring parents and parish officials about predatory priests, and reassigned them to unwary parishes.

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Sexueller Missbrauch: Offener Brief an Bundespräsident Fischer


Sehr geehrter Herr Bundespräsident Dr. Fischer,

Mit großer Verwunderung haben wir erfahren, dass Sie den sog. „Zwischenbericht“ der Klasnic-Kommission „dankend“ entgegengenommen haben.

Die Klasnic-Kommission wurde von der katholischen Kirche mit dem offiziellen Ziel eingerichtet, Betroffenen freiwillig und unbürokratisch zu helfen bzw. diese zu entschädigen. Die Realität liefert freilich ein anderes Bild. Offensichtlich dient die Kommission auch dazu, Kritik von der katholischen Kirche abzuwenden und die Einberufung einer staatlichen Untersuchungskommission (z.B. nach dem Vorbild Irlands) zu verhindern. Leider hat in Österreich eine konsequente Aufarbeitung im Sinne der Opfer nie stattgefunden. Wir haben Informationen, dass 35 pädokriminelle Priester nach wie vor im Amt sind, einige von ihnen sogar nach wie vor mit Kindern arbeitend. Die meisten dieser Fälle sind der Klasnic-Kommisison bekannt.

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UPDATE 2-Jury, reporting deadlock, resumes deliberations in Philadelphia church sex abuse trial

Chicago Tribune


11:57 a.m. CDT, June 20, 2012

(Judge sends jury back to continue deliberations)

By Dave Warner

PHILADELPHIA, June 20 (Reuters) – The jury in the child sex abuse case of Philadelphia Monsignor William Lynn was ordered to resume deliberations on Wednesday after saying it was deadlocked
on most of the charges facing the highest-ranking U.S. clergyman to stand trial in the Roman Catholic church’s pedophilia scandal.

The jury, in its 12th day of deliberations, cited its dilemma in a note to Common Pleas Court Judge M. Teresa Sarmina that read: “We the jury are at a hung jury status on all charges except for one.”

“Please advise us as to our next step,” it said.

The judge, who read the note aloud in the courtroom, conferred with prosecutors and defense attorneys and sent the jurors back to continue trying to reach a verdict.

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Philadelphia Jury Says It Is ‘Hung’ On Most Counts In Priest Sex Abuse Trial

CBS Philly

By Tony Hanson, Steve Tawa, Walt Hunter

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) — The jury in the Philadelphia priest sex abuse case today told the judge that they are unable to reach a verdict on four of the five charges in this landmark case.

In a note to Judge Teresa Sarmina, the panel said that it has developed “firm, fixed opinions” and “entrenched positions” among its members, making it unable to return verdicts.

But the judge, after offering some additional help to the jury, told them to get some lunch and then go back to work.

This was the 12th day of deliberations. Monsignor William Lynn is accused of, while serving as Secretary of Clergy for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, failing to remove from ministry priests suspected of previous sexual or other inappropriate conduct with minors.

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‘Hung’ jury told to keep trying in clergy sex-abuse case

Philadelphia Inquirer

By John P. Martin and Joseph A. Slobodzian

Updated 1:07 p.m.

After 11 days of deliberations, jurors at the landmark clergy-sex abuse trial of two Philadelphia priests said Wednesday they were deadlocked on all but one count.

Common Pleas Court Judge M. Teresa Sarmina immediately pressed them to keep trying.

In a note sent the judge shortly before noon, the panel of seven men and five women reported they had reached “a hung jury status” for four of the five charges in the case. They did not identify on which charge they agreed.

Msgr. William J. Lynn, the former clergy secretary for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, is charged with one count of conspiracy and two of child endangerment for allegedly failing to remove two priests despite signs they might abuse minors. The Rev. James J. Brennan faces one count each of attempted rape and endangerment.

In their note, the jurors said, “We have all jurors firm on their votes except for two on one charge.” One of those jurors could be persuaded after looking at more evidence, the note said, but that would not end the deadlock.

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Jury hung on most charges in Pa. priest abuse case

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

The Associated Press

PHILADELPHIA — A jury deliberating a sex abuse trial involving a high-ranking official in the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Philadelphia has been ordered to deliberate further to overcome a stalemate on four of the five charges.

Common Pleas Judge M. Teresa Sarmina told jurors she might let them rehear portions of testimony from the two accusers if it would help them reach consensus.

That suggestion from the judge led lawyer William Brennan to move for a mistrial on behalf of his client, the Rev. James Brennan. The judge denied his motion. The jury had earlier asked to rehear that testimony but was turned down.

The jury has been deliberating over 12 days, starting June 1. The trial started in late March.

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Accused Attacker Accuses Priest

NBC Bay Area

By Damian Trujillo
Wednesday, Jun 20, 2012

A man accused of beating a retired priest is in court today answering to charges of elderly abuse and felony assault. The defendant maintains the attack was justified, because the priest allegedly abused him and his brother on a camping trip decades earlier.

William Lynch, 44, attacked Father Jerold Lindner in Los Gatos in 2010, according to prosecutors. Lynch claims the attack stems from a molestation during a camping trip years earlier. Lindner denies those allegations.

Lynch’s defense attorney says that it is well documented that Lindner is one of the worst sex offenders in the Catholic church.

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Lon Newman column: Bishops selective on moral outrage

Wausau Daily Herald

Cardinal Timothy Dolan, who has problems of his own in Milwaukee, is leading a procession of lawsuits opposing a national requirement of health insurance companies to cover contraceptives. The cardinal called it a “totalitarian incursion against religious liberty.” His principal argument is that religious institutions should not “be forced by the government to provide coverage for contraception or sterilization,” because it “violates their religious beliefs.”

On that principle, legislators across the country are working to deny state and federal funding to organizations that provide contraceptive services. These lawmakers and their political allies echo the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ reasoning that it is unjust to force taxpayers, employers or members of the Church to support institutions or their affiliates that are committing acts they decry as “intrinsically evil.”

The morality of contraception has been debated for generations. Recent polling shows that 80 percent of American Catholics find contraception morally acceptable and that almost all Catholic women who have had sex have used a method forbidden by the church.

But what if we apply Dolan’s reasoning where the question of morality and legality is indisputable?

Protecting sexual predators is neither moral nor legal. At the same time the anti-contraception lawsuits were filed, a Wisconsin court ruled that the Green Bay diocese illegally concealed sexual assaults of children and put other children at risk. If it is the bishops’ principle to stop federal and state funding for institutions and affiliates that have acted immorally, we can begin where there is no question of legality or morality. Let us deny funding to institutions like the Green Bay diocese that have been convicted of conspiring to protect child sexual predators.

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New name and focus concerning post-traumatic stress disorder


It has gone by many names: battle fatigue, shell shock, soldier’s heart. Most recently it has been called post-traumatic stress disorder.

But as the number of identified cases of post-traumatic stress has skyrocketed among soldiers, returned veterans and first-responders — police officers, firefighters, paramedics, etc. — it may soon undergo another name change.

In its revised handbook, “Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,” the American Psychiatric Association may reclassify post-traumatic stress as an “injury,” rather than a “disorder.”

The hope is that the name change will remove a perceived stigma that may be keeping PTS suffers away from the help they need.

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Jury back on job in clergy sex-abuse case

Philadelphia Inquirer

By John P. Martin and Joseph A. Slobodzian

The waiting game continues at the Criminal Justice Center.

This morning, jurors in the child-endangerment and sex-abuse trial of two Archdiocese of Philadelphia priests resumed deliberations.

The 11th day of mulling possible verdicts was the second in a row without any questions for Common Pleas Court Judge M. Teresa Sarmina, and without asking to rehear any testimony.

By contrast, the panel of seven men and five women had 25 requests for legal guidance and evidence in the first nine days of deliberations.

The panel’s last request before going silent was for clarifications on conspiracy and endangerment, which are the landmark charges against Msgr. William J. Lynn, the former archdiocese secretary for clergy accused of not removing two priests despite signs they might abuse minors.

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Supporters surface to stand behind defendant in priest-beating case

Marin Independent Journal

By Tracey Kaplan

Posted: 06/19/2012

Some are wracked by guilt, others fueled by frustration. But a close-knit group of supporters will be there for Will Lynch on Wednesday as his trial begins over charges he pummeled a Catholic priest he says molested him and his brother decades ago during a religious group’s camping trip.

More than a dozen parents and children who regularly joined the Lynches on those trips 35 years ago are streaming in from El Centro, Albany and as far away as Oregon to stand behind the man they knew as a vulnerable little boy.

“Certainly, we have some feelings of guilt,” said Paul Smith, 77, who helped found the Christian group with his wife, a former nun. “We invited a priest to say mass on Sundays, and, unfortunately, we chose Father Jerry.”

Prosecutors contend Lynch, now 44, took revenge on the priest, Jerold Lindner, whom the Jesuits have acknowledged is on a list of molesters living at the Sacred Heart retirement and medical center in Los Gatos. In a fit of rage on May 10, 2010, they say, Lynch allegedly pummeled Lindner, who was 65, while yelling, “Turn yourself in or I’ll (expletive) come back and kill you.”

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Parañaque bishop accused of misusing Church funds


By Evelyn Macairan, The Philippine Star

Posted at 06/20/2012

MANILA, Philippines – Parañaque Bishop Jesse Mercado is being accused by priests and parishioners of allegedly misusing funds donated by churchgoers, but removing him from his diocese is a lengthy process, a canon law expert said yesterday.

Former Lingayen-Dagupan Archbishop Oscar Cruz said several letters of complaint sent to the Papal Nuncio, Archbishop Giuseppi Pinto, will have to be evaluated. “It is easy to accuse, but whether there is merit or not is another matter,” he said.

Mercado’s accusers said they want Mercado to explain what happened to the funds concerning donations he solicited for victims of typhoon “Ondoy” (P1,368,236); the Haiti earthquake (P168,891); Muntinlupa fire victims (P129,201); typhoon “Sendong” (P970,589); 2011 National Youth Day (P306,123); and Alay Kapwa (P399,942). His diocese covers the cities of Parañaque, Las Piñas and Muntinlupa.

A priest said the funds were reportedly put in an account in a private bank. According to a complaint, while the funds are earning interest, they were not remitted to the churchgoers’ intended beneficiaries.

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Priest case judge takes ill

Derry Journal

Published on Wednesday 20 June 2012

The jury in the trial of a priest accused of indecently assaulting a teenage girl have been sent home for the day after the judge hearing the case took ill.

The Derry Crown Court jury of four men and eight women in the case of Fr Eugene Boland were told Judge Stephen Fowler was going to hospital for tests.

Fr Boland (66), of Parochial House, Killyclogher Road, Omagh, denies five charges of indecently assaulting a 14-year-old girl between June 28, 1990 and June 30, 1992.

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Judge falls ill during trial of Catholic priest

BBC News

The trial of a Catholic priest accused of indecently assaulting a 14-year-old girl has been adjourned after the judge in Londonderry was taken to hospital.

Judge Stephen Fowler became ill while hearing legal arguments in the absence of the jury.

His place on the bench was taken by Judge Piers Grant who told the jurors what had happened.

He adjourned the case until Thursday in the hope that Judge Fowler recovers.

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Minnesota archbishops: Our battle for religious freedom

Star Tribune

Updated: June 18, 2012

Linking abuse and freedom confuses equally important but separate issues.

Susan Hogan’s commentary “Bishops seek religious liberty but suppress a religion’s shame” (June 7) links two unrelated issues — the Church’s current efforts to protect religious freedom, and the grievous clergy sex abuse scandal. It uses that link to reach an unwarranted, unfair and illogical conclusion.

To demonstrate the unrelated linkage she uses, Fortnight for Freedom is quite simply an effort to call attention to the growing need to protect the religious freedom of all faiths guaranteed by the Constitution. Indeed, this proposed intrusion on religious freedom is alarming citizens of all faiths. Catholics are not the only faith group challenging it.

On April 12, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops called for the observance of a Fortnight for Freedom, a two-week period from June 21 until July 4 in which prayer, fasting and catechesis could be observed to raise awareness of the present threats to religious freedom and conscience protection.

Besides the HHS mandate on contraceptive coverage, these threats also include state immigration laws that make it a crime to assist undocumented workers, laws seeking to entangle the state in Church structure and governance, laws that force Catholic foster care and adoption services out of business, and discriminatory policies against small church congregations and Catholic humanitarian services.

Hogan’s assertion that U.S. bishops have chosen the 10-year anniversary of the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People to play the victim card is wholly unwarranted and just plain wrong. We did not impose the mandate, but the Catholic Church has no choice but to stand against it and other infringements of our religious liberty.

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Time Sensitive: Contact Legislators Before Tomorrow Morning’s Meeting


June 20, 2012 by Susan Matthews

The Pennsylvania Judiciary committee will meet tomorrow morning. We MUST contact them to encourage them to vote yes to move the bills forward. Thank you.

Please vote to move HB 878 and HB 832 forward

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Audit of abuse claims and protection policies begins at Holy Ghost schools

The Irish Times


AN AUDIT of known or alleged sexual abuse by members of the Holy Ghost (Spiritan) congregation and its child-safeguarding practices began this week.

The congregation runs some of the best-known schools in Ireland, including Blackrock College; St Mary’s, Templeogue; and St Michael’s in Dublin, as well as Rockwell College in Co Tipperary.

It said on its website that “only a public audit of the reality of abuse committed by Spiritans can free the congregation to carry out its mission of service among God’s people here in Ireland and overseas”.

To enable this to happen, and as is required before such an audit can take place, it invited in the church’s National Board for Safeguarding Children (NBSC).

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Submission wanted for clergy abuse report

The Standard

SOUTH-WEST Victorian families still haunted by sexual abuses by Catholic clergy have been given a new high-level avenue to air their concerns.

A special family and community development committee set up by the Baillieu government has called for submissions to help prepare a report on the issue for Parliament.

It will look at practices, policies and protocols in religious and other non-government organisations for handling allegations of criminal abuse of children including measures put in place in response to concerns.

Warrnambool’s Ann Ryan, a former teacher who waged a long battle with Catholic Church leaders over their lack of pastoral responsibility in dealing with abuses, welcomed the call for submissions.

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Day 11 Without A Verdict As Rumors Abound About A Deadlocked Jury

Philadelphia Priest Abuse Trial Blog

Ralph Cipriano

Moments before she sent the jury home for the day, Judge M. Teresa Sarmina held a closed-door conference with lawyers in the case. What they talked about is not known, because there’s a continuing gag order that’s been in effect since early last year that prevents lawyers in the case from talking to the media.

When the jury filed back into Courtroom 304 shortly after 4 p.m., they looked tired and frustrated. One jury member was seen rolling her eyes when the judge talked about returning Wednesday to resume deliberations for a 12th day, as in what’s the use.

In the absence of any hard facts, a room full of reporters was left to subsist on persistent rumors of a deadlocked jury. Again, nobody in any official capacity, including the judge, the prosecutors, and the defense lawyers, had anything to say, but after 11 fruitless days of deliberation, it’s a logical thought.

For the second consecutive day, the formerly inquisitive jury did not ask a single question, prompting more speculation that the jury has reached the point where they have exhausted seeking help from the judge through questions about the law and requests for more documents and trial transcripts.

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Many Who Are Sexually Abused Keep Quiet


[with audio]

June 19, 2012

Psychologists say many people who are sexually abused as kids carry the secret for decades. Many never reveal what happened at all, and few file charges. Sarah Pleydell, a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, and clinical psychologist David Lisak talk about the challenges of carrying those secrets.


This is TALK OF THE NATION. I’m Neal Conan in Washington. Last week on the first day of the sex abuse trial of former Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky, a 28-year-old man referred to as Victim Four in court papers took the stand and offered graphic detail of years of abuse.

He also expressed regret for not coming forward earlier. He told the jury he had spent, quote, so many years burying this in the back of my head forever that when he heard there were other cases like his, he felt responsible.

But his reluctance is not uncommon. Earlier this month, an article in the New York Times raised allegations of widespread sex abuse of studies at the Horace Mann School in New York City, most of it in the 1970s and ’80s. Psychologists say that many people sexually abused as children are silenced by fear and shame and never reveal what happened. Those who do can carry the secret for years or even decades.

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Alleged Sex Abuse Enablers Hope Suit Is Time Barred

Courthouse News Service


SAN FRANCISCO (CN) – Pastors and police officers facing claims that they enabled the decades-long sexual abuse of children in an evangelical Christian home have pointed to the statute of limitations to dodge liability.

The seven biological and foster children of Zion and Glenda Lea Dutro, all of whom are now adult women, filed their complaint anonymously in late 2011. Zion Dutro was sentenced to 300 years in prison after admitting that he sexually abused his children between 1982 and 2003. His wife was sentenced to 15 years for her role in the psychological, physical and verbal abuse.

An amended complaint that the sisters filed in May revealed their names and a host of individuals or entities who allegedly knew about the abuse and did nothing to stop it.

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No charges will be laid in Prairie Bible Institute sex abuse investigation, RCMP say

Calgary Herald

By Stephane Massinon, Calgary Herald
June 19, 2012

Police say no charges will be laid against current or former staff at the Prairie Bible Institute after they wrapped up an investigation into claims of sexual abuse made by a former student.

Both RCMP and the Three Hills-based Christian college launched their own reviews last year after a former student claimed years of sexual abuse at the hands of her father. She also said that 70 alleged victims had come forward to her with stories of sexual abuse suffered there.

Three Hills RCMP Sgt. Joe Sangster said Tuesday police recently concluded their investigation and are planning on providing a public update as early as next week.

He said no charges have been laid and estimated that approximately 10 people came forward to police.

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Our View: Stand up for victims of child abuse

Auburn Citizen

The state Senate has again failed the people of New York by refusing to follow the Assembly in approving legislation extending the statute of limitations on civil suits in cases of child sexual abuse.

Changing the rules would add five years to the allowable time people could sue individuals — and entities such as schools and churches — for abuse they suffered as a minor. It would also open a one-time window for people to sue over wrongs committed decades ago.

Statues of limitations, in most cases, make good sense. Nobody should live in fear of being sued over a 30-year-old car accident or a disputed real estate deal.

But we’ve learned that young victims of sexual abuse are often scared, confused or otherwise unprepared to talk about what happened to them for many years, if they come forward at all. And the psychological trauma has shown to be long-term, so it just isn’t fair to have such a short period of time in which to hold abusers accountable.

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EDITORIAL: Stand with the nuns in the fight vs. injustice

Daily Times

Published: Wednesday, June 20, 2012

While the world awaits the verdict on the Philadelphia clerical sexual abuse trial in which the first church official in the United States is charged with endangering children for allegedly protecting the abusers, 14 nuns are on a national bus tour protesting proposed federal budget cuts because of their ill effects on the poor.

These nuns were organized by Network, a Washington-based Catholic social justice group recently criticized by Pope Benedict XVI — aka “The Vatican” — for focusing too much on economic injustice and not enough on abortion and same-sex marriage protests. This is the same pope who recently told Irish Catholics in a videotaped message that the cause of decades of child abuse in parishes, schools and other church-run institutions was a “mystery.”

This is also the same pope who, as Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, once headed the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith and oversaw all abuse cases, allowing many to fester. For example, the future pope reportedly allowed an Arizona priest, who a church tribunal determined molested children as far back as the late 1970s, to remain a priest until 2004, more than 12 years after learning of the man’s predilection for youngsters.

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Ex-churchman James Hennah who sexually abused teenage boy spared jail

The Post

A FORMER Bristol magistrate has been spared prison, despite sexually abusing a teenage boy.

James Hennah, who was also a lay pastor at the Bristol Community Church in Kingswood and a Bristol Grammar School counsellor, was given a suspended sentence at Exeter Crown Court yesterday.

The 39-year-old admitted two charges of sexually touching a boy and one of gaining sexual gratification by watching him do a “private act”, having asked him to try on some new underwear.

Prosecuting, Emily Pitts told the court the offences had devastated the boy. His self-confidence had been shattered and he had lost trust in adults.

In a statement to the court, the youngster said: “I never want to speak to him or see him again.”

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Evangelical church tried to cover up abuse …

Daily Mail

Evangelical church tried to cover up abuse of boy, 14, by pervert pastor who claimed to be ‘bringing him peace’

By Graham Smith

PUBLISHED:03:15 EST, 20 June 2012

An evangelical church tried to cover up sexual abuse by one of its pastors by pressuring the parents of a 14-year-old boy not to report his attacks.

Youth leader James Hennah, 39, abused the boy after befriending him and his family at the church group which he ran in Bristol.

He was also a local magistrate and school counsellor and used his respected position in the community to win the trust of his victim.

Hennah first abused the boy at his parents’ home when the teenager became upset and he was supposedly praying with him.

He claimed to be ‘bringing him peace’ but instead slipped his hand inside the boy’s underwear and touched his bottom.

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Diocese Pays $2 Million to Settle Abuse Lawsuit Involving Ex-SMCHS Principal


By Martin Henderson

Attorneys for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Orange have settled in court with a decorated military pilot over an alleged sexual abuse incident that took place about 25 years ago.

The diocese agreed to pay John Doe $2 million, ending a civil suit centered around Michael Harris, who at the time was the principal at Mater Dei High in Santa Ana.

Harris, who was also a priest, went on to become the founding principal at Santa Margarita Catholic High, which opened in 1987.

Jury selection was supposed to begin Tuesday in the Orange County Superior courtroom of Judge Ronald L. Bauer. The pretrial settlement was reached about 9:30 p.m. Monday, after hours of negotiating.

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June 19, 2012

Cuatro años de prisión para un sacerdote que abuso de una niña de 4 años

El Tribuno Salta [Salta, Argentina]

June 19, 2012

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Ladislao Chomin de 73 años fue condenado por abuso simple sin acceso carnal.

Un sacerdote salesiano fue condenado hoy a cuatro años de prisión efectiva por abusar en el año 2003 de una niña de cuatro años en el Instituto Josafat de la localidda de Apostóles, informaron fuentes judiciales. 
El Tribunal Penal Uno de Posadas, integrado por Martín Errecaborde, Eduardo Dorsaneo y Marcela Leiva condenaron a Ladislao Chomin, de 73 años, a la pena de 4 años de prisión por abuso simple sin acceso carnal y ordenaron su inmediata detención. 
A raíz de su avanzada edad, el cura sería beneficiado con arresto domiciliario, según informó su abogado defensor Gustavo Bagliani, quien anticipó que apelará a al Tribunal de Casación la condena ya que él había pedido la absolución por el beneficio de la duda. 
Baglini dijo estar ôconvencido que la condena es parte de un prejuzgamiento en el que tiene que ver la condición de sacerdote de su defendido“. 
Previo a la sentencia, el religioso negó todo acto de abuso y adelantó antes del fallo, que iba ser condenado en declaraciones radiales. 
“Bueno que vamos a hacer, hace dos años ya me dijeron que me van a condenar, eso ya depende de ellos, vamos a ver lo que el tribunal resuelva o el abogado plantee“, detalló. 
Durante el juicio, la madre de la víctima declaró que su hija le contó que el cura manoseó sus zonas genitales en reiteradas oportunidades, que la intimidaba para que no le contara a nadie y a cambio le daba caramelos. 
En su alegato, la fiscal Liliana Picazo ratificó las contundentes pruebas exhibidas a lo largo del debate, que apuntaban al sacerdote y solicitó para el cura la pena máxima prevista para el abuso simple, exigiendo además la prisión efectiva en cárcel común.

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How long until Southern Baptists implement safeguards against clergy sex abuse?

Stop Baptist Predators

The Southern Baptist Convention is convening its annual ballyhoo in New Orleans this week, but it doesn’t look as though they will make any progress on protecting kids against clergy sex abuse.

Since 2006, clergy abuse survivors, and others, have been asking the Southern Baptist Convention to implement denominational safeguards against clergy child molesters. Southern Baptists have refused.

The requests are nothing radical. We asked for the sorts of safeguards that already exist in other major faith groups in this country. We asked that the denomination provide (1) a safe place where people may report abusive ministers, (2) a denominational panel for responsibly assessing abuse reports (particularly those that cannot be criminally prosecuted), and (3) an effective means, such as a database, of assuring that assessment information reaches people in the pews.

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Pope Benedict XVI chalks up abuse of children to ‘mystery’

New Jersey Newsroom


Pope Benedict XVI added a new mystery to the Catholic faith last Sunday.

Speaking about the abuse of children by priests and other religious figures, the Pontiff said, “How are we to explain the fact that people who regularly received the Lord’s body and confessed their sins in the Sacrament of Penance have offended in this way? It remains a mystery.”

The papal comments were made in a recorded TV address delivered at the close of an outdoor Mass attended by 75,000 Catholics, many from overseas, in Ireland’s largest sports stadium. Ireland’s prime minister and president attended the Mass, the final event of a Eucharistic Congress aimed at shoring up flagging faith.

Not everyone agreed with the Pope.

“The pontiff’s wrong: there’s little mystery here,” said Barbara Dorris in an emailed statement reported by the Associated Press.

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Editorial: Clash between LCWR and bishops about culture, not theology

National Catholic Reporter

Jun. 18, 2012
By An NCR Editorial

It’s as bad as we thought it could get. Maybe worse. In an interview with NCR shortly after meeting with the leaders of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious, Cardinal William Levada, prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, confirmed our worst fears: that this Holy Office is hell-bent on bringing U.S. women religious to heel.

Franciscan Sr. Pat Farrell, president of the leadership conference, and St. Joseph Sr. Janet Mock, the group’s executive director, went to Rome at the request of the conference’s board to seek some understanding from Levada and Seattle Archbishop J. Peter Sartain, the apostolic delegate, about the April 18 Vatican order that the women’s group revise its statutes and programs. The Vatican order, which followed a nearly four-year investigation of the group, also appointed three bishops to oversee this reform: Sartain, Bishop Leonard Blair of Toledo, Ohio, and Bishop Thomas Paprocki of Springfield, Ill.

Farrell and Mock were hopeful going into the meeting, calling it a continuation of a conversation already begun. On the other side of the meeting, Levada wondered if he were engaged in a “dialogue of the deaf.” He’s not convinced that the women’s group is taking the Vatican’s concerns to heart.

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Trials of Jerry Sandusky and William Lynn…

Washington Post

Trials of Jerry Sandusky and William Lynn: Coaches, Cardinals, Cowardice and Courage in Pennsylvania

By Mathew N. Schmalz and He wrote this article for On Faith.

Over the last few weeks, Pennsylvania and the nation have been transfixed and troubled by the trials of Jerry Sandusky and Monsignor William Lynn.

The connections between the trials are clear. Both concern sexual abuse: In one the alleged abuser is on trial; in the other, the man on trial is accused of allowing abuse to continue. Both trials reveal how institutions responded more sensitively to the alleged abusers than to the victims.

Both trials also force us to reflect on the difference between moral cowardice and moral courage.

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Diocese settles sex-abuse case for $2 million

The Orange County Register


SANTA ANA – The Roman Catholic Diocese of Orange settled a sex-abuse and cover-up lawsuit Monday night with an accuser of former Monsignor Michael Harris, agreeing to pay an unusually high amount of $2 million to end a case that alleged a single incident of abuse.

The settlement in Orange County Superior Court came at around 9:30 p.m. after hours of negotiations on a day when jury selection was set to begin before Superior Court Judge Ronald L. Bauer.

Harris’ accuser is a decorated combat pilot in the Air Force who lives in Nevada. The 41-year-old married father of two young children, who is not being publicly identified by the Register, accused Harris of abusing him in late 1986 or early 1987 when Harris was principal of Mater Dei High School in Santa Ana and he was a student there.

Harris’ attorney, James Ingram, was not immediately available for comment.

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No verdict from Philadelphia priest-abuse jury

The Reporter

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — A Philadelphia jury is set to return for a 12th day of deliberations Wednesday in a novel clergy-abuse case, but there’s been no word the panel is at a stalemate.

The case is the first in the country in which a Roman Catholic church official is charged over his handling of abuse complaints.

Prosecutors say Monsignor William Lynn conspired to endanger children by taking part in an alleged cover-up. Lynn served as secretary for clergy at the Philadelphia archdiocese from 1992 to 2004.

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Irish eyes aren’t smiling over New York cardinal’s seminary probe

National Catholic Reporter

Jun. 19, 2012
By David Gibson, Religion News Service

NEW YORK — Cardinal Timothy Dolan loves to play up his Irish roots, which is no surprise given Dolan’s famous Gaelic gregariousness and his role as spiritual leader of such a prominent community of Irish-American Catholics.

But in the wake of Dolan’s scathing verdict on the orthodoxy of a major Irish seminary and the sharp pushback by Ireland’s leading bishops, America’s best-known churchman might want to stick to his throne at St. Patrick’s Cathedral and steer clear of the old sod for a while.

Dolan’s report on the flagship Irish seminary in Rome — contained in a review commissioned by the Vatican — was marked by “a deep prejudice” that “led to the hostile tone and content of the report,” Ireland’s four archbishops said in the draft of a joint reply to the Vatican.

The reply, published by The Irish Times on Friday, also said Dolan’s report contained “significant errors of fact.”

In 2010, as revelations of the widespread sexual abuse of children by clergy rocked deeply Catholic Ireland, Pope Benedict XVI asked Dolan to a lead a team that would inspect Ireland’s Catholic seminaries to make sure they were preparing men properly for the priesthood. (The pontiff also named Boston Cardinal Sean O’Malley and other churchmen to review Ireland’s four archdioceses.)

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