National Review Board
Based on The Causes and Context of Sexual Abuse of Minors by Catholic Priests in the United States, 1950-2010
The Causes and Context Study acknowledges that innovators in the Catholic Church have taken serious steps toward understanding and reducing the problem of sexual abuse of minors by priests.The recommendations emanating from the Causes and Context Study by John Jay University support a desire for longstanding change expressed by many victims and those affected by this crisis.Towards that goal, pastoral care of victims must be the first objective in all dealings with those making allegations.The recommendations that follow are for diocesan bishops and focus on prevention policies, which, according to the John Jay study, address three factors:1) education, 2) situational prevention, and 3) oversight and accountability. Some recommendations might not be specifically addressed in the Causes and Context Study but the NRB feels they are important in the prevention of child sexual abuse. These recommendations also include activities that are currently being done; this list is meant to reaffirm those activities.
Preordination candidates
■Ensure the formation of candidates for Holy Orders is based upon the full implementation of the USCCB Program for Priestly Formation and the National Directory for the Formation, Ministry and Life of Permanent Deacons.
■Ensure education regarding situational factors (e.g., increased job stress, social isolation, decreased contact with peers, etc.) in formation programs.
■Require safe environment and codes of conduct training for all seminarians and candidates for the permanent diaconate.
■Monitor, and communicate widely within the Church through the audit process, the implementation of these programs.
Ongoing Formation
■Ensure the full implementation of the Basic Plan for Ongoing Formation of Priests with particular stress on the human formation pillar.
■Provide continued education regarding the situational factors of job stresses and social isolation.
■Monitor and communicate widely within the Church through the audit process, the implementation of these programs.
■Train diocesan personnel in Charter requirements, recordkeeping, state laws, mandated reporting, etc.
■Train the various segments of parish life, (i.e.,parish staff, school personnel, parents, children, volunteers, ushers, Knights of Columbus, Altar Society, Holy Name Society, etc.) in diocesan policies, state laws, mandated reporting, etc.
Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.