[with video]
Lucy Yang
CROWN HEIGHTS (WABC) — Sex abuse is a pretty tough topic anywhere. But in the ultra-Orthodox neighborhood of Crown Heights, it is even more difficult to address.
The community has their own rabbinical courts, and traditionally don’t report their own to outside authorities. Now there is an effort to change that.
Mordechi Feinstein says he was sexually abused by a man he once admired – a rabbi. Worse yet, he says his elders protected the rabbi and by doing so sacrificed innocent children like himself.
On Sunday in Crown Heights, survivors, along with the Brooklyn District Attorney are trying to change an age-old practice in the ultra-Orthodox community that keeps victims from reporting any such crimes to the authorities.
Victims can be severely victimized again by their own people if they notify the police or District Attorney instead of the rabbi.
Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.