The Marietta Times
June 30, 2012
By Kate York – The Marietta Times (kyork@mariettatimes.com) , The Marietta Times
When I was 5 years old, my mother was told by a relative who happened to be a pediatric nurse that I was showing the classic signs of being sexually abused.
I was.
But my mom dismissed the information, thinking it couldn’t be true. She didn’t ask me or follow up, and the abuse continued on for several years.
I wasn’t in a home with no supervision or left vulnerable to strang-ers. My mom was a very involved, loving mother, an educated person, and yet she thought there was no possibility this was happening, as many parents would. I was never left alone with someone that wasn’t a trusted family member, after all.
She wouldn’t find out for another 10 years, well after the fact, and all the impact it had.
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