Bishop to oversee women religious: There’s ‘legitimate cause for doctrinal concern’

National Catholic Reporter

[Reality check: The LCWR, CDF and the doctrinal assessment – Catholic Chronicle]

by Joshua J. McElwee on Jun. 09, 2012 NCR Today

One of the three bishops appointed by the Vatican to oversee the group representing the majority of U.S. women religious says the that the bishops “have a legitimate cause for doctrinal concern” about the group.

Bishop Leonard Blair of the Toledo diocese, who was appointed in April along with Seattle Archbishop Peter Sartain and Springfield, Ill., Bishop Thomas Paprocki to oversee the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR), made the comments in a column in the Toledo diocesan newspaper Friday.

Appearance of the column by Blair, who undertook the “doctrinal assessment” for the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) which led to the appointment of the bishops to oversee LCWR, comes as two of the LCWR’s leaders are expected to meet in Rome with the head of the congregation, Cardinal William Levada, and Sartain June 12.

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