Lori draws mostly plaudits for his 10-year tenure

CT Post

Anne M. Amato

BRIDGEPORT — Bishop William E. Lori was hailed by supporters and admirers across the region Tuesday as an inspirational spiritual leader, a man open to new ideas and a reliable friend and supporter of the community.

But some who fought the Roman Catholic Diocese of Bridgeport on the issue of priest sex abuse said that while Lori earned their respect for his willingness to clean up the scandal, he was a disappointment for not reaching out to victims more aggressively and for fighting to keep court documents sealed and other diocesan records private. …

Jamie Dance, co-chairman of Voice of the Faithful in the Diocese of Bridgeport, commended Lori for setting up the diocese’s Safe Environment program to enable people to recognize sexual abuse and how to report it.

The program, implemented in 2003, includes victim assistance, criminal background checks, written codes of conduct and child sexual abuse awareness and prevention training for priests, deacons, lay employees and volunteers.

“I do have to say it’s one of the best around,” she said. But Dance added that victims rights groups and others have never been able to learn how effective the program is because no statistics have ever been released.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.