Broken Rites
By a Broken Rites researcher
Article posted on 1 January 2012
After action by Broken Rites Australia, the Melbourne Catholic archdiocese has apologized to former altar boys of Father Thomas O’Keeffe.
Thomas O’Keeffe (his surname has also been spelt as O’Keefe) spent his priestly career in the Melbourne archdiocese. Broken Rites has researched his name in the annual editions of the Australian Catholic Directory. This confirms that his parishes (all within the Melbourne metropolitan area) included:
Sandringham (Sacred Heart parish) until about 1965;
Preston East (Holy name parish) and then St Kilda West (Sacred Heart parish) in the late 1960s;
Brighton (St Joan of Arc parish) about 1969-70 (approx.);
Doveton (Holy Family parish) in the early 1970s; and
Thornbury (St Mary’s parish) in the late 1970s and early 1980s.
Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.