Bishop Accountability
Ávila's retirement, occasioned by a near riot and followed by some high-level damage control, is reported very quietly in the Official Catholic Directory for 1975:
as is his replacement as pastor of Our Lady of Mount Carmel:
Msgr. Luiz G. Mendonca, who was brought into a devastated parish as its new pastor, was one of two vicars general in the diocese--a very important person, as we see from the list of diocesan officials at the front of the Fall River section of the 1975 Official Catholic Directory:
What's more, Mendonca was no stranger to the task of cleaning up after José Ávila. Ten years before, when Ávila was leaving East Falmouth under a cloud and coming to New Bedford, Mendonca had been appointed pastor to do damage control for the departing Ávila. Here is the entry in the 1965 Official Catholic Directory:
In 1975, Mendonca was in New Bedford, doing damage control at Our Lady
of Mount Carmel, and it is alleged that at least one of the priests with
him, George F. Almeida, participated actively in the cover-up as well.
The Official Catholic Directory does not report his burial,
but a special "Clergy Burial Grounds" was created for him in
the diocesan cemetery behind St. Anthony's, his old parish church in East
Falmouth (see the list of cemeteries in the 1989 Official Catholic
Directory above). There are only two stones in the Clergy Burial
Grounds, one for Ávila and one intended for Simões, who
is still alive and living in East Falmouth. Alleged victims and parents
of alleged victims are buried in the graveyard in front of these two plots,
and a large American flag flies over the priests' graves, to the distress
of alleged victims who served in the armed forces. |
Bishop Accountability © 2003 |