November 12, 2005

Clergy get tips on identifying child abuse

The Grand Rapids Press

Saturday, November 12, 2005
By Juanita Westaby
The Grand Rapids Press
GRAND RAPIDS -- Speaking to Catholic clergy and lay ministers, child abuse experts said it is important to play it cool and get the facts when a child discloses abuse.

But it is equally important to follow through and report it to Child Protective Services.

"The law mandates that you talk to Child Protective Services, not (necessarily) police," said Darlene Szumko, a local attorney and child advocate. "If there's doubt, report. It's Child Protective Services' job to sort that all out."

Nearly 90 priests, parish workers and religious educators gathered Friday at the Catholic Diocese of Grand Rapids' offices at 600 Burton St. SE for "mandated reporter" training.

Posted by kshaw at November 12, 2005 09:53 AM