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Insane Kc Star Campaign Hits by Catholic League Fanatic Bill Donohue Propagating... Bishop Finn Make Devil's Bowels Smell like Roses in Kc, Missouri By Paris Arrow Pope Crimes & Vatican Evils... December 3, 2011
Catholic League fanatic Bill Donohue is desperately campaigning for his Opus Dei Bishop-Golden Cow Bishop Finn by sending out an ad to every citizen (including bars and local businesses) in Kansas City, Missouri - the ad on Bishop Finn which the Kansas City Star refused to publish for $25,000. Kudos to The Kansas City Star who puts value on the safety and justice for children more than Bishop Finn's rotten reputation and Catholic hypocrisy, read our related article, Bishop Finn is the Achilles Heel Kudos to The Kansas City Star who refuses to sell its soul to the Devil and refuses to sell Christ for 33 pieces of silver of Judas Iscariot…meaning it refuses to compromise its moral values and children for $25,000 money of Catholic League and Bill Donohue, read Opus Dei's USA mouthpiece Bill Donohue is paid $400,000 to belittle the New York Times and anyone against Opus Dei World Domination Agenda Kudos to The Kansas City Star who refuses to sell its soul to the wealthiest Vatican Bank and sell out American children to the Vatican Media Mafia and Vatican Pied Pipers and their deceptions, read the list of Catholic Pied Pipers in our related article, Benedict XVI Master Manipulator of the Media…the Pied Piper of Children deceiving them away from truth of his Crimes Against Humanity at The Hague Three cheers to you Kansas City Star and may you be blessed with prosperity for your brave act for facing up against the Goliath Bully - Bill Donohue and the dirty money of the Vatican Evil Empire, read Read the Vatican Billions and their sources: Holy Mass Tourism for Each Generation. Miracles, Portents and Wonder for Sale Christ versus Benedict XVI What would Jesus do? There are WWJD braclets everywhere. The Pope and Catholic priests always preach, "Follow Jesus and always ask yourself, 'What would Jesus do'"… but we have all the answers to that; simply "pray, pay and obey" us...because the Pope is the representative of Jesus on earth. But apparently and obviously, Benedict XVI is doing everything contrary to what Jesus did. Just look at him and you will not see Jesus at all in his papal masquarades: Did Jesus wear red shoes and white robes and expensive cermonial papal robes and golden mitres that can feed 10 African Villages for years? Did Jesus speak in Latin and in long complicated doctrines? Did Jesus require his followers to go to theological universites in order to understand his simple parables and what he was preaching for their salvation? Did Jesus live in a palace like the Vatican that rivals Buckingham Palace and the Palace of Versailles? Read our related article Benedict XVI and Jon Sobrino If Benedict XVI is truly the representative of Christ on earth, he should be the first one to obey and do what Christ said, "And if your eye causes you to sin, gouge it out. It's better to enter the Kingdom of God with only one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into hell." Benedict XVI should fire Bishop Finn and banish him from the face of the Catholic Church. And as the most powerful pope, Benedict XVI should also cut off and fire Cardinal Bernard Law of Boston, the evil Achilles Heel of fast-track saint John Paul II, read Rome glorifies Bernard Law 80th birthday bash...only the Vatican can make the Devil's Bowels smell like roses Bill Donohue's deperate campaigns for Bishop Finn There are two segments of this article. The first part is about the insane desperate campaign by Bill Donohue, the $400,000-a-year CEO of Catholic League, who is sending out an ad about Bishop Finn to every citizen in Kansas City, Missouri including bars and local businesses - the ad which the Kansas City Star refused to publish for $25,000. The second part is about Bishop Finn who struck a deal with the secular court to avoid facing further charges in his cover-up of one of his dearly beloved pedophile priests, Fr. Ratigan, who possessed hundreds of porn photos of children in his diocesan laptop. When Bishop Finn saw those hundreds of pornographic images of children, he did not do or say anything to Fr. Ratigan...and he never cared or did anything to protect those children from pedophile priests. The Catholic League in the USA is an arm of the Vatican Media Mafia and they have all the money to squander to perpetaute lies about Bishops who cover-up pedophile priests. When Cardinal Bernard Law resigned as Archbishop of Boston, Pope John Paul II elevated him as High Priest in Rome to the St. Mary Major Basilica, 'the mother of all basilicas in Rome'. Bishop Finn was his "personal" advisor or chaplain at that time. Bishop Finn's callous heart and numb conscience is rooted in the Vatican as he said Mass daily with John Paul II in his unrepentant last years on earth, read Bishop Finn's Opus Dei formative years at the Vatican in - Bishop Finn is the live Achilles Heel of Benedict XVI…while Cardinal Bernard Law is the live Achilles Heel of John Paul II Catholic League is one of the ultimate traitors of the hundreds of thousands of children sexually abused by the Priestly Sodomy of Biblical Proportions committed by the JP2 Army a.k.a. B16 Army, read our related article Heil Satanas JP2 Patron Saint of Pedophiles, Pederasts Rapists-Priests! John Paul II is the same yesterday and today-- he cannot protect children Bishop Finn aided Satanas JP2 Opus Dei Bishop Finn and Opus Dei Cardinal Bernard Law Opus Dei Bishop Finn is following the footsteps of Opus Dei Cardinal Bernard Law. Law who also was never prosecuted because he simply "confessed" in public that he aided and abetted 80 pedophile priests and transferred them from one parish to another and got away with it. Cardinal Law was forced to resign as Archbishop of Boston and but then was elevated as High Priest of St. Mary Major in Rome. And by whose advice? Bishop Finn who was the direct advisor of John Paul II. So the chicken has come home to roost. That is why Bishop Finn is the evil Achilles Heel of Benedict XVI "Civilization will not attain to its perfection until the last stone from the last church falls on the last priest". Ěmile E. C. A Zola, 1840-1902, French novelist (Les Trois Villes; Rome, 1896) It is time the United Nations end the theocracy country of the Vatican so that other theocracy countries can also follow suit. November 22, 2011 The Vatican's own Nazis Regime against children The German Nazis and the JP2 Army a.k.a. B16 Army - Benedict XVI Pedophile Priests Army are an inherently all-male hierarchy born out of the Devil's Bowels that smell like roses in the Vatican and in the Roman Catholic Church worldwide. John Paul II and Adolf Hitler and Osama bin Laden are forever linked together in history - on May 1, read our related article 9/11 victims 3,000. JP2 Army 100,000s. May Day: both Hitler and bin Laden Announced Dead on May 1 on John Paul II Beatification Day B-Day Under the longest papacy of 27 years of John Paul II in the latter half of the 20th century, the most heinous crimes against Catholic children were committed, the Priestly Sodomy of Biblical Proportions committed by the JP2 Army - John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army also known as B16 Army - Benedict XVI Pedophile Priests Army, named aptly after the 2 men who ruled the Vatican with their iron fists...and immoral consciences and callous hearts towards chidlren. Hence these two popes oversaw the Nazi version in the Roman Catholic Church. John Paul II is the Hitler Benedict XVI as Cardinal Ratzinger is the General of the Third Reich of the JP2 Army a.k.a.B16 Army Cardinals and Bishops are the Vatican Nazis who aided and abetted pedophile priests with Cardinal Bernard Law as their poster boy Vatican Pied Pipers: John L. Allen Jr., George Weigel, Bill Donohue Vatican Media Mafia: Catholic League, EWTN, Catholic News Agency, Zenit To learn more and read the lists of the Vatican Pied Pipers and Vatican Media Mafia members, read our article Benedict XVI Master Manipulator of the Media…the Pied Piper of Children deceiving them away from truth of his Crimes Against Humanity at The Hague Opus Dei Bishop Finn is the Vatican Nazi of the JP2 Army a.k.a. B16 Army Opus Dei Bishop Finn is one of the foremost Vatican Nazis of the JP2 Army a.k.a. B16 Army and he is now cooking-up Devil's Bowels making them smell like roses in Kansas City, Missouri by using his fancy holy words. By striking a brilliant deal with the law and avoiding further prosecution, Opus Dei Bishop Finn is like the Nazis who left Germany unscathed and then went on to hide their true identity and live a new life in North or South America. This Vatican Nazi past of Bishop Finn explains the root cause as to why he covered-up one of his pedophile priests, Fr. Ratigan, and why as an Opus Dei Bishop he never had (nor has) any compunction or compassion to the hundreds of children whose sexually naked photos he personally saw in the computer of his dearly beloved priest Fr. Ratigan, read our related article Bishop Finn is the live Achilles Heel of Benedict XVI…while Cardinal Bernard Law is the live Achilles Heel of John Paul II Opus Dei Bishop Finn did not flinch in the sight of pedophile photos of children because he is simply obeying Opus Dei rules regarding pedophilia - that it's only a small statistics, read Opus Dei's standpoint on priest pedophilia in our related articles below and Why John Paul II is Opus Dei's Patron Saint: analysis of conference at Holy Cross Pontifical University in Rome Opus Dei Bishop Finn is living la Vida Loca as described by Vatican Pied Piper John L. Allen Jr. in his Newsweek Magazine article Fast-Track Saint about John Paul II. John L. Allen Jr.'s most deceptive paragraph... This paragraph is strategically placed past midway after he builds his essay, the 9th of 13 paragraphs, and it is the heart his article: Those inclined to give John Paul the benefit of the doubt argue that the church has been on a learning curve and it's unfair to judge him by today's standards. Further, they say, by the time the American scandals erupted and Maciel's guilt became clear, the late pope was already well into his twilight. His primary contribution to combating the scourge of clerical abuse, they argue, was inspiring a new generation of dedicated and holy priests, men who take their duty of standing "in the person of Christ" seriously, and who are therefore less likely to dishonor their vows. read our entire analysis here It means that because of the inspiration of the new "saint" John Paul II, current and future priests will no longer commit pedophilia. Likewise, Bishop Finn covered-up Fr. Ratigan…but will no longer do it again in the future and agrees to a monthly visitation by the secular court, read news below. Opus Dei Bishop Finn getting away with the Law like the Nazis is the Catholic brand of getting away with the law, that is why the Sacrament of Confession is a tool of Injustice - we explain it here Read also our related articles on what differentiates the secular justice system versus the Sacrament of Confession , Sins and crimes are not synonymous. Sinners and criminals are not one and the same Opus Dei Bishop Finn's hidden Vatican Nazi identity is that in 2002, he became an Opus Dei member and first-hand advisor to John Paul II during the height of priest pedophilia eruption in Boston as Opus Dei Cardinal Bernard Law (also) avoided prosecution together with the confirmed 80 pedophile priests whom he publicly confessed to aiding and abetting and transferring from one parish to another. This special period of Bishop Finn's life as personal advisor to John Paul II explains why John Paul II said and did nothing to stop priest pedophilia in his last trip to his last World Youth Day in Toronto, only an hour's flight to Boston, inspite of Paris Arrow's vision of the giant millstone tied to the neck of John Paul II during that WYD. Bishop Finn made sure that John Paul II -- until his death in 2005 - would have no moral support for children sexually battered by his JP2 Army a.k.a. B16 Army he had, read the vision here The 9/11 Decade and the JP2 Millstone 9th anniversary of Paris Arrow's vision of the death of John Paul II at the World Youth Day Read our related articles Opus Dei founder Josemaria Escriva stage-managed impostor Sr. Lucia & Fatima Third Message . Lucia was listed as deceased in 1948… Boston to host former Swiss Guard's seminar -based on the new "Vatican Trinity".. Swiss Guards are the financial Navy Seals of the Vatican Bank Benedict used Hitler as mask in German Parliament. Nazis and Vatican are a "band of robbers" On the Lot: MR. John Paul II and MRS. Josemaria OD The Hague: Full text Criminal Charges against Dr. Joseph Ratzinger, Pope of the Roman Catholic Church Victims in USA - Attackers - Responsible Leaders Pearl Harbor - 3,000 victims - 170 planes - Admiral Yamamoto WTC & 9/11 attacks - 3,000 victims - 19 Muslims - Osama bin Laden JP2 Army - 15,736 victims - 6,000 pedophile priests - John Paul II & Benedict XVI & Opus Dei, the new Vatican Trinity JP2 Army victims around the world Amnesty International Report Vatican "Torture, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment" on tens of thousands of children sexually abused by priests in Ireland The 4 cornerstones of the Vatican: Narcissism, dysfunction, disconnection, elitism Ireland condemns Vatican secrecy on Cloyne Diocese pedophile priests. Ireland vis-à-vis USA: the way they deal with crimes by the Vatican Opus Dei controlled the 27 years papacy of John Paul II and is therefore the foremost guilty party who aided and abetted and covered-up the John Paul II Pedophiles Rapists-Priests Army. Opus Dei wrote most of John Paul II's books and writings and to ensure their perpetuity as "All things Catholic", they want JP2 to be beatified and canonized now by Benedict XVI so as not to take any chances on other future popes. The FACE of Opus Dei is John Paul II and the PHANTOM Spirit of Opus Dei is their founder St. Josemaria Escriva, read our related article John Paul II, Patron of Pederasts and Opus Dei – analysis of Joaquin Navarro-Valls' reasons for JP2 beatification at Opus Dei conference in Rome The 15,736 victims is from the recent report of the US Catholic Bishops Conference harmed by almost 6,000 pedophile priests. Note that the victims of the JP2 Army are 5 times those of Osama bin Laden's 9-11, read more here Read our related article The Nazis of Hitler and the Roman Catholic Church of Benedict XVI are similar: They both burn human beings in Auschwitz and in Hell Bill Donohue-Catholic League ad in New York Times is a brilliant strategy before the beatification of John Paul II Opus Dei's USA mouthpiece Bill Donohue is paid $400,000 to belittle the New York Times and anyone against Opus Dei World Domination Agenda Other well-paid Vatican Pied Pipers like George Weigel and John L. Allen Jr. George Weigel bashes Maureen Dowd and Bishop Spong. Benedict's edict on GAYS are worse than anti-Catholic bigotry Rupert Murdoch a supporter of paedophilia within our churches? He donated $10 Million for New LA Cathedral, buys Beliefnet religion site John Allen promotes monarchy of Catholicism. As Vatican Pied Piper he announces 'Meet the new Crown Prince of Catholicism' John L.Allen Jr.Pied Piper of John Paul II deceives Catholics with his essay Fast-Track Saint in Newsweek -- with Vatican lunacy & Satanic timeline John L. Allen Jr showers Cardinal Castrillon's sex abuse cover up with roses that make the Devil's bowels smell good on Ratzinger Benedict XVI and JP2 John L. Allen Jr supports Fr. Marcial Maciel and the Legion of Christ through his headline: 'True believers' on Maciel still kicking Pied Piper John Allen defends Vatican mythology Benedict used Hitler as mask in German Parliament. Nazis and Vatican are a "band of robbers" It is time others start exposing the evil tricks and pathological lies of Bill Donohue and his hypocritical Catholic League. Here is one. BILL DONOHUE AND THE CATHOLIC LEAGUE - EXPOSED UNITED STATES Anti-Catholic League by David Fortwengler Bill Donohue is president of the Catholic League. He claims the purpose of his organization is to "safeguard both the religious freedom rights and the free speech rights of Catholics whenever they are threatened." This report exposes the real motives of those involved with the Catholic League. They are an agenda-driven professional victims group that uses malicious and irrational assaults to smear anyone they feel is not speaking for the best interests of the Catholic Church. Period. Over the past decade Donohue has repeatedly used his high-decibel speaking voice to dismiss truths about the church sex abuse scandal by denying and misrepresenting the facts, disrespecting the law, ignoring the message, and by calling the messengers Anti-Catholic. The Catholic League creates their own version of events to minimize decades of gross institutional negligence and thousands of sexual assaults against children as simply the result of bias and prejudice against the Church. Donohue has gone so far as to call for a "Catholic revolt" against "the selective pursuit of priests, and the wholesale denial of their due process rights." Never mind that there is no selective pursuit of catholic priests or denial of their due process rights, to justify his $400,000 a year salary it is a revolt Donohue is all to willing to lead. Perhaps no single statement of Donohue's exemplifies his ten years of pompous mendacity regarding the catholic scandal as the one issued today. Here it is in it's entirety. BISHOP FINN DESERVES BETTER Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments on the controversy over Kansas City-St. Joseph Bishop Robert Finn: The Catholic League will have a lot to say about Bishop Finn and his accusers over the next few weeks. For now, we want to make it clear that we stand by him without reservation. Why? Not because he is a bishop, but because nothing he did deserves the kind of mad reaction against him that is emanating from many quarters. In a short time, we will lay out the details of our support for him. But for now, keep in mind the following: Many strange photos (crotch-focused) of young girls, fully clothed, were found on the laptop of a priest last December; one showed a girl naked. Though Bishop Finn never saw it, he was told of it. The result? The picture was described to a police officer the next day, and an attorney for the Diocese was shown the photo. It was determined that the photo, while disturbing, did not constitute child pornography. The priest learns that they're on to him; he attempts suicide; he almost dies; he recovers; he is sent for treatment; he is not considered to be a pedophile, but is said to be suffering from depression; he is then placed in a spot away from children; he is subjected to restrictions. After violating the restrictions, the cops are called; more damaging photos are then found. This account is quite different from what is being bandied about in the media. To take one example, there is an editorial in today's New York Times saying that Bishop Finn "knew of the photos last December but did not turn them over to the police until May." This makes it sound as if Finn knew about hundreds of photos of child pornography and he did nothing about it. In fact, there was one photo, that was not sexual in nature, that was found. Moreover, a police officer and an attorney were notified immediately. Later, after the priest proved to be recalcitrant, the police were contacted. As I said, we will have a lot more to say about this issue. Stay tuned." My Response-The Facts The "mad reaction" against Finn is a criminal indictment for failing to report suspected child abuse, something Finn is required to do under law, and what he has repeatedly promised he would do. Donohue's support for Finn, without reservation, is based on his convoluted interpretation of the facts. Donohue claims Finn, after consultation with the diocesan attorney and a police officer was told Ratigan's portfolio did not constitute child pornography. The fact is that the police officer was not consulted in an official police capacity and was not shown or told about everything that was known by the diocese. He was informally consulted as a lay member of the diocese review board. We do not know what the attorney was told. The fact is that Ratigan's computer contained an image of a young minor child's naked vagina taken by Ratigan! We do not know what testimony and evidence was presented to the grand jury which indicted Finn and the diocese, but how could a reasonable person not consider that photo suspicion of child abuse? The technician that discovered the photos on Ratigan's computer was sufficiently concerned to turn them over to the diocese, and Finn himself was suspicious enough he felt the need to get two other opinions. To me, that in and of itself, shows Finn broke the law by failing to notify authorities and turning over the evidence in his possession. As evidence of a "mad reaction" against Finn, Donohue complains a NY Times article stated, "Finn knew of the photos last December but did not turn them over to the police until May." Donohue says this makes it sound as if Finn knew about hundreds of photos of child pornography and he did nothing about it. Well, in December Finn did know about Ratigan's computer portfolio and did not turn them over to police until May. There is nothing else to inferred in that statement. Our system of justice insures that Finn is innocent is until proven guilty and none of his civil rights are being denied. He will have the best legal representation the parishioners of Kansas City can afford. Bishop Finn deserves no better than that. I will have a lot more to say about this issue. Stay tuned. Our Comment to Anti-Catholic League The 2 strategies of the MSM mainstream media on the new movement Occupy Wall Street are to either ridicule or to ignore it. Here Bill Donohue uses the strategy to ridicule any bitter truth being exposed about the Catholic Church and its pedophile priests, read our related article Occupy The Vatican... like Occupy Wall Street ======== Victims pan plea deal with Kansas City bishop KANSAS CITY (MO) Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests Posted by Peter Isely on November 15, 2011 Initially, Finn was the first bishop to face criminal charges for concealing suspected abuse. Then, he was the first bishop to undergo questioning by two grand juries. Now, he's become the first bishop to face criminal charges in two jurisdictions. And, he's now the first bishop to be charged with two separate child-safety related crimes: refusing to report suspected abuse in Jackson County and endangering the welfare of a child in Clay County. Given this, it's tempting, but reckless, to believe that Finn's the real problem here. He isn't. He's just the public face of a much more widespread, deep seated and intractable problem. And because the problem is far broader and deeper than any one man, the solution must be broader and deeper too. That's one reason we're disappointed in this announcement today - it implies that Finn is the main, or only, wrongdoer here. But several top church staff - Msgr. Robert Murphy, Rebecca Summers (diocesan public relations staffer), Jon Haden (diocesan lawyer), Julie Creech (Diocesan Director of Information Management Systems) and who knows how many others knew of Ratigan's very troubling behavior around kids and those very disturbing naked and inappropriate photos of young girls' private areas. Yet none of them had the decency or courage to call 911. And none of them are being held responsible. So the problem in KC is a pervasive and on-going cultural and structural problem of secrecy and self-preservation being valued over openness and kids' safety. It's not one 'bad apple.' It's a dangerous, corrupt barrel. That was the case and remains the case. --- Slap on the hand for Bishop Finn Posted by Yael T. Abouhalkah 0pc on November 16, 2011 Robert Finn has been a bad bishop, Clay County authorities said Tuesday, and apparently Finn agrees. Unfortunately, the county isn't willing to go the extra mile to actually punish Finn for being a bad bishop. As The Star reported today, Finn won't be charged with anything in Clay County related to how he handled child pornography issue involving one of his priests. Instead, Finn will enter a diversion program with the Clay County prosecutor. That's a fancy way of saying the county's going to let Finn off the hook. Jackson County authorities did not handle Finn with kid gloves. Instead, they charged him with a crime, making him the highest Catholic official involved in such a mess. Part of the diversion agreement almost sounds like a joke. As a colleague noted, it essentially will require Finn, the bishop, to confess to Clay County Prosecutor Daniel White to stay in line with what the program requires. From The Star: "Finn's agreement with Clay County requires him to meet face-to-face each month with White for the next five years to discuss any allegations of child sex abuse levied against clergy or diocesan staff within the diocese's Clay County facilities. Finn also is to describe what steps the diocese has taken to address the allegations. White would then decide whether to encourage police to investigate any allegations." On Tuesday, Finn issued the predictable pablum about making this move to protect the children, when it's all about protecting his power, his authority and his job. "The children of our community must be our first priority," Finn said. "Each deserves no more and no less." White could and should have been tougher on Finn who is, after all, the top authority in the diocese, the one held ultimately responsible for protecting the children. Kansas City Bishop Makes Deal to Avoid More Criminal Charges MISSOURI A. G. SULZBERGER and LAURIE GOODSTEIN Published: Tuesday, November 15, 2011 KANSAS CITY, Mo. — In a deal to avoid a second round of criminal charges, a Roman Catholic bishop in Kansas City has agreed to meet monthly with a county prosecutor to detail every suspicious episode involving abuse of a child in his diocese for the next five years. Bishop Robert W. Finn of the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph was indicted in October by a grand jury in neighboring Jackson County for failure to report suspected child abuse by a priest he supervised. He is the first American bishop to face indictment on charges of mishandling an abuse case. The agreement announced on Tuesday between Bishop Finn and the prosecuting attorney of Clay County, Daniel White, leaves the bishop open to prosecution for misdemeanor charges for five years, if he does not continue to meet with the prosecutor and report all episodes. Both cases relate to the bishop's supervision of the Rev. Shawn Ratigan, who has been accused of taking pornographic photographs of young girls in local parishes and homes. The bishop learned of the pornographic photos last December after a technician fixing the priest's computer expressed serious alarm, but the diocese did not turn them over to police until May. During that period more photographs of children were taken. Statement of Bishop Robert Finn KANSAS CITY (MO) Roman Catholic Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph On November 15, 2011, I entered into a Compliance Agreement with Daniel Lee White, Prosecuting Attorney for Clay County Missouri. This agreement provides a structure for us to maintain an open dialogue about any and all issues of abuse of minors within Catholic parishes and institutions in Clay County. I am grateful for this opportunity to resolve this matter and to further strengthen our diocesan commitment to the protection of children. Elements of the agreement provide for a close collaboration between the Bishop, the diocesan Ombudsman, and the Clay County prosecutor. The agreement specifically calls for informational sessions to introduce the ombudsman and Director of Child and Youth Protection to parishioners of Clay County parishes. Before the work of the Clay County grand jury, I appointed an Ombudsman to receive and investigate any concern of suspicious or inappropriate behavior, with particular emphasis on the protection of children. Very soon, I will designate a Director of Child and Youth Protection to coordinate the work of the Safe Environment Coordinator, the Ombudsman and the Victims' Advocate. The director will oversee our adult and youth safe environment training programs and will serve as a vital link with the independent work of the Ombudsman and Victims' Advocate. These persons and offices will serve critical needs throughout the 27 counties that comprise the Diocese of Kansas City ~ St. Joseph. Bishop strikes deal with prosecutor to avoid criminal citation MISSOURI KCTV LIBERTY, MO (KCTV) - Kansas City's bishop and the Clay County prosecutor have struck a deal to prevent the church leader from facing another criminal charge for his handling of a priest accused of possessing child pornography. Clay County Prosecutor Dan White and Robert Finn, bishop of the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph, announced the agreement Tuesday. The agreement only covers the diocese in Clay County. Finn agreed to give the prosecutor unprecedented authority to review allegations of child abuse or suspicious activities for the next five years. "I think it goes a long way to protecting kids in our community and ultimately that was my goal," White said. Reluctant Accountability in Kansas City MISSOURI Jeff Anderson & Associates Jared Shepherd Amidst an increased nationwide focus on accountability for child sexual abuse, the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph stands as a prime example of an institution's failure to put its house in order. Today, in lieu of another indictment on misdemeanor charges for the willful disregard of Father Shawn Ratigan's production of child pornography and exploitation of children, Bishop Robert Finn entered into a compliance agreement with the Clay County Prosecutor. This agreement provides the Clay County prosecutor unique oversight of the Diocese and its handling of child abuse complaints for the next five years. Unfortunately, this agreement was forced only after the devastating impact of broken promises and historic inaction from the Diocese revealed by Father Ratigan's crimes. In December 2010, Diocesan officials discovered child pornography on Father Ratigan's computer. While the Diocese relieved Ratigan of his duties as a pastor of St. Patrick Church, the Diocese did not monitor his behavior and the Diocese did not turn over the computer and images to law enforcement. Instead, the Diocese consulted with their attorneys, made copies of the pornographic images and retained the images for approximately six months, until the intervention of law enforcement in May 2011. Jeff Anderson & Associates filed two separate lawsuits on behalf of Ratigan's victims, Jane Doe 174 and Jane Doe 186, against Father Ratigan, Bishop Finn, and the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph. The Diocese's cover-up of the Ratigan scandal follows their 2008 agreement with 47 sexual abuse survivors to report any suspicion of sexual abuse or misconduct by its clergy to law enforcement. It also follows a pledge made by American Bishops over a decade ago to report suspected child abusers to the appropriate law enforcement officials. For years, the Diocese has put public relations before child protection. Mo. bishop avoids new charges in child abuse case KANSAS CITY (MO) The Atlanta Journal-Constitution By BILL DRAPER The Associated Press KANSAS CITY, Mo. — A Kansas City Roman Catholic Bishop dodged more misdemeanor charges Tuesday for his handling of a priest accused of taking hundreds of suspected pornographic pictures of children. Bishop Robert Finn entered into an agreement with the Clay County prosecutor's office that will give the prosecutor authority, for five years, to review how the Kansas City-St. Joseph Catholic Diocese handles future allegations of child abuse in that county. ... Terry McKiernan of, which manages a public database of records on clergy abuse cases, said the agreement assumes the bishop and his subordinates can be taken at the word. But he said the Ratigan case showed that's not the case. David Clohessy, national director of the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, also was critical of the agreement, which he said is a means for Finn to avoid taking responsibility for his handling of priest sex abuse of children in his diocese. "Nothing deters white collar crime like jail time, and nothing exposes a cover-up like a trial. But neither are happening, "Clohessy said. "Finn is doing here what bishops have done for ages, avoiding tough questions in open court and continuing to hide the complicity and corruption of his top staff." Updates November 17, 2011 The Star's Editorial | Finn admits he can't do the job, so why does he keep it? KANSAS CITY (MO) The Kansas City Star Bishop Robert Finn dodged additional criminal charges this week by agreeing to intensive oversight from the Clay County prosecutor's office. While such a deal may protect Finn from the embarrassment of misdemeanor charges in Clay County, he still faces a similar charge in Jackson County. Beyond that, it is a sorry state of affairs that the Catholic Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph now admits it needs remedial training to properly do something as basic as protect children from adult sexual predators. And it represents an abysmal failure by Finn and others that they make this admission only now. The diversion deal doesn't shield Finn from criminal charges. He agreed to waive a one-year statute of limitations, meaning Clay County can file at any time in the coming five years if he fails to live up to the agreement. But while the deal may make sense legally, it raises a very serious question: Is Finn really the best man to oversee Kansas City's Catholic population? Even as Finn agreed to court oversight, allegations of sexual misconduct within the diocese continued to surface, piling doubts upon existing doubts about his fitness for his office. By agreeing to the oversight, he is in effect agreeing that his office has handled sexual abuse allegations poorly and doesn't know the way forward without help. Obviously, he is right to ask for this help. But his role in a rising crisis does not seem a good fit for learning in the future. The most troubling aspects of child sexual abuse cases coming from the diocese are the alleged acts themselves. But the church's failure to create an adequate system to ensure all abuse allegations were dealt with promptly, decisively and in the best interest of children is a very serious matter. Bishop Finn's diversion is effectively an admission that he was not and is not able to lead this diocese through troubled times. It is time for the church to make that decision official. Copyright 2011 . All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Posted on Wed, Nov. 16, 2011 07:00 PM Bishop Finn is not Finn-ished MISSOURI Theater of the Word Incorporated The headline in the Kansas City Star is a bit misleading. BISHOP FINN AVOIDS INDICTMENT BY ENTERING INTO DIVERSION PROGRAM. This is true, but only for Clay County, Missouri. Bishop Finn has already been indicted in Jackson County, Missouri and has pled not guilty in that case. Unless a deal is struck there, he will face a trial. In the Clay County case, the prosecutor has agreed not to seek an indictment if Bishop Finn participates in a monthly program that in effect allows the county government to have a certain degree of hands-on involvement in running or monitoring the sexual abuse response programs of the diocese. Reaction to this deal, as reported by the Star, runs from satisfaction to outrage. I think the most telling quote is this: *** " ... For the church to put itself in a position where the only way out of its legal difficulties is to submit to the oversight of governmental authorities, just that is really a tragic day for the church," said Nicholas Cafardi, a law professor at Duquesne University and former chairman of the U.S. Bishops' National Review Board for the Protection of Children and Youth. SNAP blasts Finn for picking "biased, bizarre shrink" KANSAS CITY (MO) Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests Posted by Michael Hunter on November 17, 2011 Finn clearly didn't want an honest assessment of Fr. Ratigan's sickness. He wanted legal and public relations 'cover' so he could put Fr. Ratigan around kids again. What kind of therapist diagnoses an adult as "lonely" because he takes hundreds of pictures of little girls' crotches? What kind of therapist blames a parochial school principal for that child predator's problems? And what kind of bishop seeks out this therapist? At an absolute bare minimum, Finn owes his flock – especially parents of Fr. Ratigan's victims – an explanation of why he knowingly picked such an obviously biased and bizarre therapist for such a crucial assignment. There are tens of thousands of competent, independent mental health professionals in this country. Finn chose none of them. Instead, he deliberately picked a biased guy who would provide the 'cover' Finn sought so he could protect church assets while putting Fr. Ratigan back in ministry. ========= Catholic League -- Vatican Media Mafia in the USA KC STAR CAMPAIGN HITS BARS, BARBER SHOPS, ETC. KANSAS CITY (MO) Catholic League November 30, 2011 Today, dozens of bars, barber shops and beauty parlors in the Kansas City, Missouri area are being sent copies of the Catholic League ad that the Kansas City Star refused to run on October 30. This is the twelfth and final segment of the Kansas City area to receive the ad that the Star would like to censor. Previously, we hit (1) every Catholic church, as well as all the nuns, order priests and brothers, (2) every Catholic lay organization, (3) all Catholic schools and colleges, (4) over 100 Protestant churches, (5) Orthodox Christian, Jewish and Muslim groups, (6) private schools, (7) public schools, (8) private and public colleges, (9) government officials, (10) all Chamber of Commerce officials and over 150 local businesses and (11) more than 80 civic associations. KC STAR CAMPAIGN HITS PROTESTANT CHURCHES MISSOURI Catholic League Today, over 100 Protestant churches in the Kansas City, Missouri area are being sent copies of the Catholic League ad that the Kansas City Star refused to run on October 30. This is the fourth segment of the Kansas City area to receive the ad that the Star would like to censor. Previously, we hit 1) every Catholic church, as well as all the nuns, order priests and brothers, 2) every Catholic lay organization and 3) all Catholic schools and colleges. KC STAR CAMPAIGN HITS CATHOLIC SCHOOLS MISSOURI Catholic League Today, all the Catholic schools and colleges in the Kansas City, Missouri area are being sent copies of the Catholic League ad that the Kansas City Star refused to run on October 30. This is the third segment of the Kansas City area to receive the ad that the Star would like to censor. Previously, we hit 1) every Catholic church, as well as all the nuns, order priests and brothers and 2) every Catholic lay organization. To read the ad, click here. KC STAR CAMPAIGN HITS GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS KANSAS CITY (MO) Catholic League Today, all government officials in the Kansas City, Missouri area are being sent copies of the Catholic League ad that the Kansas City Star refused to run on October 30. This is the ninth segment of the Kansas City area to receive the ad that the Star would like to censor. Previously, we hit (1) every Catholic church, as well as all the nuns, order priests and brothers, (2) every Catholic lay organization, (3) all Catholic schools and colleges, (4) over 100 Protestant churches, (5) Orthodox Christian, Jewish and Muslim groups, (6) private schools, (7) public schools and (8) private and public colleges. KC STAR CAMPAIGN HITS LOCAL BUSINESSES KANSAS CITY (MO) Catholic League Today, all Chamber of Commerce officials and over 150 local businesses in the Kansas City, Missouri area are being sent copies of the Catholic League ad that the Kansas City Star refused to run on October 30. This is the tenth segment of the Kansas City area to receive the ad that the Star would like to censor. Previously, we hit (1) every Catholic church, as well as all the nuns, order priests and brothers, (2) every Catholic lay organization, (3) all Catholic schools and colleges, (4) over 100 Protestant churches, (5) Orthodox Christian, Jewish and Muslim groups, (6) private schools, (7) public schools, (8) private and public colleges and (9) government officials. Bill Donohue a vile representation of Catholics. Stop your deflections. Deflections distract from the truth... It's called selfish-salvation Read the Vatican Billions and their sources: Holy Mass Tourism for Each Generation. Miracles, Portents and Wonder for Sale |
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