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Rosary Could Not Defeat Jp2 Army John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army in the 20th Century ... Unlike the Battle of Lepanto in the 16th Century By Paris Arrow John Paul II Millstone October 16, 2011
The greatest mystery of the Roman Catholic Church and the Vatican is not the 20 Mysteries of the Holy Rosary but rather the mystery of John Paul II the Great who elevated criminal Cardinal Bernard Law as ArchPriest to the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore, the 'Mother of all basilicas in Rome' -- after Law resigned as Archbishop of Boston because as he publicly confessed, he aided and abetted 80 pedophile priests in Boston. The irony is that the proof of the mysteries of the Rosary and John Paul II's Mystery are lodged in the very same place of the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore where the 'victory of the Rosary over the Battle of Lepanto' was prayed by Pius V in 1571 and where Cardinal Law, the Achilles Heel of John Paul II now resides and presides thus Law is the 'downfall of John Paul II' in the 21st Century inspite of his 27 years papacy in the 20th Century, read our related article John Paul smelled Devil's Bowels as roses for 27 years as he deified Father Marcial Maciel and deified Cardinal Bernard Law . Indeed, the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore is the 'Waterloo of John Paul II' because it is the place of the greatest proof of his callous and cold heart as Holy Father and his personal cover-up of the JP2 Army named aptly after him as the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army who was led first and formost by criminal Cardinal Bernard Law who now presides and resides and pray the Rosary everyday is in this basilica. This week a new report says that there are 156 pedophile priests known in Boston, read our exclusive blog JP2 Army When priest pedophilia first erupted in Boston in early 2002, John Paul II was busy preparing to accomplish the 4 most important milestones of his papacy: 1. his last WYD World Youth Day in Toronto from July 22-28, 2002 2. his last trip (fifth and favorite) to Guadalupe, Mexico with serial pedophile priest, Fr. Marcial Maciel on July 31 to canonize the seer Juan Diego. 3. his most controversial canonization ever of Opus Dei founder St. Josemaria Escriva on October 6, 2002 4. his apostolic letter adding 5 new Mysteries of Light, or Luminous Mystery, to the Holy Rosary on October 16,2002, on the 24th anniversary of his 27 years longest reigning papacy We have shown how these 4 milestones were actually millstones attached to the neck of John Paul II by St. Michael the Archangel – every step of the way with our 5 blogs. 1. For JP2's WYD World Youth Day -- read the vision of WYD Paris Arrow on the hellish death of John Paul II at the World Youth Day in Toronto here 2. For JP2's last trip to Guadalupe - read Beloved companions John Paul II and Fr. Marcial Maciel together in their journeys to Guadalupe: 3. For Opus dei canonization read Why John Paul II is Opus Dei's Patron Saint: analysis of conference at Holy Cross Pontifical University in Rome 4. For the new Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary read John Paul II Galaxy size ego usurps Mary statues. 'The Holy Father' John Paul II ousts Baby Jesus from the arms of His 'Holy Mother' Mary! Also, Spiritual healing, the Eucharist and the Rosary bring NEITHER JUSTICE NOR SAFETY FOR CHILDREN, the preys of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army As we write this update to coincide with the October 16 launch of the Mysteries of Light of the Rosary, October 15 is the first Global Change Day and Catholics should learn from these young Americans and young people all over the globe who will no longer accept and recite a blind 'Amen' (in exchange for 'graces' in the Catholic Church's after-life) or a subservient 'Yes' to monarchs and oligarchs or one-man-rule or multinational monopoly of Wall Street and they want participative democracy and justice, open books and accountability, make the rich of Wall Street and banks and multinational corporations pay taxes , read our related article OWS & OTV Occupy Wall Street & Occupy The Vatican -- October 15 International DAY of ACTION The Battle of Lepanto October 7, 2011, Feast of the Holy Rosary The Vatican claims that: At that very moment, at dawn on October 7, 1571—as Vatican Archives later revealed—Pope Pius V, accompanied by many faithful, was praying the Rosary in the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore. From dawn to dusk the prayers continued in Rome as the Christians and the Muslims battled at Lepanto... Note that the victory of the Battle of Lepanto in the 16th century, was rather short and swift, lasting only for less than one whole day, and where was the Rosary prayer held? It's none other than the throne of the current High Priest, criminal-Cardinal Bernard Law of Boston, the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore. Obviously that 'Mother of all basilicas of Rome' has lost all its "full of grace" and heavenly Marian powers after the Battle of Lepanto because Cardinal Bernard Law, its sitting "Prince of the Church", - with all his Masses and Rosaries - is a complicit of criminal pedophile priests, read our related article John Paul II is the first member of the 'Catholic Hall of Shame', Cardinal Bernard Law is the second member Theology and John Paul II are heartless and together they made the immoral Fr. Marcial Maciel thrive . Read about Cardinals as "Prince of the Church" Catholic Monarchy here Read our related article John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army expands into Ireland & John Paul is elevated as "Venerable"... only in the Catholic Church are criminals glorified The 16th Century and the 20th Century Let us put history into proper perspective before we claim the invincible powers of the Rosary by the speediest saint John Paul II read why he is the fast-track saint here who even added 5 more mysteries, the Luminous Mysteries on October 16, 2002, only a few months after priest pedophilia erupted in Boston and after Cardinal Bernard Law confessed he transferred and aided and abetted 80 pedophile priests! And these pedophile priests are still free to roam Boston to prey on more children, read our related article John Paul smelled Devil's Bowels as roses for 27 years as he deified Father Marcial Maciel and deified Cardinal Bernard Law -- How come that praying the Rosary for one day "from dawn to dusk" could defeat the army of Muslims in 1541 but John Paul II with his 27 years of papacy in the 20th Century with his with his brilliant 5 Luminous Mysteries could not defeat the most heinous crimes against Catholic children worldwide, the Priestly Sodomy of Biblical Proportions committed by the JP2 Army, the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army, read our related articles in The JP2 Army's most heinous crimes against the weakest and most vulnerable children are now being announced to the whole world by Amnesty International, the Prime Minister of Ireland, Center for Constitutional Rights and SNAP Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests at The Hague, read our related articles Statistics of the Battle of Lepanto and the JP2 Army and their victims The Vatican claims that: From dawn to dusk the prayers continued in Rome as the Christians and the Muslims battled at Lepanto. When it was all over the Muslims had been defeated. Of some 270 Moslem ships, at least 200 were destroyed. The Turks also lost 30,000 men while Christian casualties numbered between 4,000 and 5,000. Wow, the Vatican keeps bragging about its victory in the Battle of Lepanto but what it is really revealing is the endless evil powers of the Vatican to murder and kill tens of thousands - centuries after centuries - , from the Crusades to the Battle of Lepanto and to the new form of killing -- the "murder of souls" of hundreds of thousands of children victims of the JP2 Army, John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army in the 20th Century, the powers of the Rosary is a total shame for it has become the tool of murder...the tool of feel-good Catholicism that numb the moral conscience and numb the heart from compunction and compassion as epitomized by John Paul II and Benedict XVI , read our related article The Nazis and the John Paul II Pedophiles Rapists-Priests Army were both an inherently evil all-male elite hierarchy born from the Devil's bowels In the 20th Century and dawn of the 21st Century this is the new statistic of the JP2 Army and American crimes which the Rosary could not defeat: Victims in USA - Attackers - Responsible Leaders Pearl Harbor - 3,000 victims - 170 planes - Admiral Yamamoto WTC & 9/11 attacks - 3,000 victims - 19 Muslims - Osama bin Laden JP2 Army - 15,736 victims - 6,000 pedophile priests - John Paul II & Benedict XVI & Opus Dei, the new Vatican Trinity JP2 Army victims around the world Amnesty International Report Vatican "Torture, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment" on tens of thousands of children sexually abused by priests in Ireland The 4 cornerstones of the Vatican: Narcissism, dysfunction, disconnection, elitism Ireland condemns Vatican secrecy on Cloyne Diocese pedophile priests. Ireland vis-à-vis USA: the way they deal with crimes by the Vatican Opus Dei controlled the 27 years papacy of John Paul II and is therefore the foremost guilty party who aided and abetted and covered-up the John Paul II Pedophiles Rapists-Priests Army. Opus Dei wrote most of John Paul II's books and writings and to ensure their perpetuity as "All things Catholic", they want JP2 to be beatified and canonized now by Benedict XVI so as not to take any chances on other future popes. The FACE of Opus Dei is John Paul II and the PHANTOM Spirit of Opus Dei is their founder St. Josemaria Escriva, read our related article John Paul II, Patron of Pederasts and Opus Dei – analysis of Joaquin Navarro-Valls' reasons for JP2 beatification at Opus Dei conference in Rome The 15,736 victims is from the recent report of the US Catholic Bishops Conference harmed by almost 6,000 pedophile priests. Note that the victims of the JP2 Army are 5 times those of Osama bin Laden's 9-11, read more here Read our related article The Nazis of Hitler and the Roman Catholic Church of Benedict XVI are similar: They both burn human beings in Auschwitz and in Hell John Paul II the "Rosary Pope" used the Rosary to cover-up and FEEL-GOOD about his own JP2 Army crimes Pope John Paul II has called the Rosary his "favorite prayer," after the Mass and the Liturgy of the Hours. In fact he added more mysteries, the Luminous Mysteries on October 16, 2002, on his 25th anniversary as Pope, a few months after priest pedophilia erupted in Boston because Cardinal Bernard Law aided and abetted the JP2 Army of Boston. What use are those "Mysteries of Light" when all that John Paul II did was hide in darkness his own JP2 Army John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army named aptly after him who had 27 years to do and say something to stop it but instead he glorified Cardinal Bernard Law and Fr. Marcial Maciel, his two Achilles Heels?? John Paul II was too busy performing the Sorcery and Magic of the Eucharist, read our related article Benedict VERSUS Holy Mary: Priests' transubstantiation instant reincarnation of Christ VERSUS Mary's 9 months pregnancy& child birth The narcissism and grandiosity of John Paul II, Cardinal Bernard Law, Benedict XVI, and Bishop Roger Vangheluwe are nauseating and despicable Read our related articles Heil Satanas JP2 Patron Saint of Pedophiles, Pederasts Rapists-Priests! John Paul II is the same yesterday and today-- he cannot protect children John Paul II 4 million,Ayatollah Khomeini 9 million people at funeral! Cardinal Pell, fanatics cannot beatify the Pope of Pedophiles and Pederasts Saint? John Paul II slept in peace at the Vatican knowing that Fr. Marcial Maciel plus thousands of pedophile priests were raping thousands of boys Cardinal Bernard Law is an Opus Dei member. Law met Opus Dei while a student at Harvard in the 1950s….... Archbishop William Levada's Hidden Record Why John Paul II is Opus Dei's Patron Saint: analysis of conference at Holy Cross Pontifical University in Rome Diamond bride Mother Angelica's EWTN acquires Fr. Marcial Maciel's National Catholic Register: same God and Mammon, same hypocrisy September 11 = 5,000 victims. Belgian Catholic Church = 5,000 victims. John Paul II the Great Pedophile Priests Army keeps marching on in Europe !! Spiritual healing, the Eucharist and the Rosary bring NEITHER JUSTICE NOR SAFETY FOR CHILDREN, the preys of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army Totus Tuus Marie pathological lie of John Paul II See this image of Our Lady of Guadalupe defending and protecting children from the Serpent but John Paul II gave countless thousands of little boys to the Serpent of Sodomy to be sodomized and raped by his John Paul II Pedophiles Rapists-Priests Army for over 26 years during his glorious papacy as John Paul II the Great The Danish cartoonist of the prophet Mohammed portrayed John Paul II as the Pope of Pedophilia with the inscription "I am not for homosexuality but for pedophilia". In this Danish cartoonist image, John Paul II is the Sun as the Infallible most powerful Pope of the Catholics with seven rays of the 7 Sacraments, he is in his white papal uniform and his two papal hands pulls up the children"s robes because he enabled and allowed thousands of pedophiles rapists-priests to go on freely sodomizing and raping little boys (and girls) during his longest reigning papacy of 26 years, together with Cardinal Josef Ratzinger his right-hand man. See more on the Danish cartoonist describing about John Paul II on Danish radio Saint Michael the Archangel tied a giant millstone to John Paul II's neck at the last World Youth Day speech of JP2 -- Read John Paul II the Pope of Sodomy: Vision of St. Michael the Archangel tying a giant millstone to John Paul II at World Youth Day in 2002 John Paul II in the Basilica of Guadalupe in Rome The original image of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico revered by beloved companions John Paul II and Fr. Marcial Maciel who built the Legion of Christ Guadalupe Basilica in Rome where is now buried see The Hague: Full text Criminal Charges against Dr. Joseph Ratzinger, Pope of the Roman Catholic Church ======= The Rosary Dealt a Crushing Defeat to the Muslims at the Battle of Lepanto... "Realize the power in your hand with the Rosary, for in your hands you hold the power of God. If you do not recognize the Rosary, can you expect to be recognized by My Son? How much can you expect? Why do you hide My Rosary? It was with a Mother's loving heart that I chose to give you these pearls of Heaven that you reject. "Woe to all dedicated who seek to remove these from the little ones' hands, for their punishment will be metered in accordance to it! "Why has sophisticated man cast aside these tokens of My love? Those who remain true to My Rosary will not be touched by the fires. Gather these treasures, My children, for the time will come that you will not find them on the counters of your stores." - Our Lady of the Roses, October 6, 1970 The Story of the Battle of Lepanto... Almost from the very beginning of Islam, there were wars upon wars between Christians and Muslims. We remember the Crusade wars, seven major and several minor, which lasted for centuries. This is the story of the Battle of Lepanto, which marked the end of the Crusades and was a turning point in the history of Christianity. Charles Martel's victory at Poitiers definitely stopped the Moslem invasion of western Europe. In the east Christians held firm against attacks of the Muslims until 1453. In that year, Mohammed II threw huge assaults against Constantinople and by the evening of May 29 the Byzantine capital fell. By 1571 the Muslims were firmly installed in Europe. Their ships ruled the Mediterranean Sea from the Strait of Bosporus to the Strait of Gibraltar and constantly preyed on Christian vessels unless they flew the French flag. Pope Pius V, in the last year of his papacy in 1571, tried to rally the nations of Europe to join in a Holy League to stop and roll back the Moslem enemy which threatened the entire continent. Spain, whose King Philip II was also King of Austria, responded favorably. The Muslims were then engaged in the conquest of Cyprus, an island belonging to the Republic of Venice. Leading Venetian officials would have preferred to have worked out some peaceful-coexistence agreement with the Sultan, but under the crusading influence of Saint Pius V, they decided to join the Holy League along with the republics of Genoa and Lucca and the dukes of Savory, Parma, Ferrara and Urbino. The Papal fleet was of course part of the Holy Alliance. Pius V asked Philip to appoint Don John of Austria, the 25-year old son of Emperor Charles V, as commander-in-chief of a planned expedition against the Muslims. After receiving the banner of the Holy League from the Pope, through Cardinal Granvalla, Don John's fleet set sail from Genoa for Naples on June 26, 1571. Few historians mention that just before the departure, Philip II presented Don John with a picture of Our Lady of Guadalupe which she had caused to be miraculously imprinted on the cloak of the Indian peasant Juan Diego in Mexico 40 years before. Don John placed the picture in the chapel of the admiral-vessel, the Genoese John Andrew Doria, asking for Mary's protection of his expedition. On September 16, the Christian fleet put to sea. Don John anchored off of Corfu where he learned that the Muslims had leveled entire towns and villages and then retreated to the coast of Lepanto in the Gulf of Corinth. At dawn on October 7, at the entrance to the Gulf of Patras, the Christian and Moslem fleets finally came face to face for the battle of Lepanto. The wind and all military factors favored the Muslims, but Don John was confident. He boarded a fast ship for a final review of his fleet. He shouted encouraging words to the men and they shouted back. After Don John returned to his own position, the wind mysteriously changed to the advantage of the Christian fleet. First-hand witnesses wrote about this moment as a most dramatic turn-of-events resulting from an "unknown factor". At that very moment, at dawn on October 7, 1571-- as Vatican Archives later revealed--Pope Pius V, accompanied by many faithful, was praying the Rosary in the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore. From dawn to dusk the prayers continued in Rome as the Christians and the Muslims battled at Lepanto. When it was all over the Muslims had been defeated. Of some 270 Moslem ships, at least 200 were destroyed. The Turks also lost 30,000 men while Christian casualties numbered between 4,000 and 5,000. The Rosary had won a great military victory. Like all truly great military leaders who hate war and love peace, Don John retired after his victory at Lepanto. He died a few years later at the age of 31. Another who took part in the great battle of Lepanto, Miguel de Cervantes, lived longer to write his famous tribute to Christian chivalry, Don Quixote. The origin of the Feast of the Most Holy Rosary on October 7th ... Following the great Christian victory at Lepanto, Pope St. Pius V declared that henceforth a commemoration of the Rosary would be a part of the Vatican's Mass on every October 7. His successor, Pope Gregory XIII, went further. In 1573 he established the Feast of the Most Holy Rosary--to be celebrated at all Churches which had specific altars dedicated to the Rosary. In 1671 Pope Clement X extended observance of the feast to all of Spain. Only 12 years later in 1683 the Muslims again swept into Europe. With 200,000 men, they laid siege to Vienna. After months of valiant resistance by a small garrison, the city was relieved by an army under John Sobieski, King of Poland. The Rosary, to which the King was dedicated, was again instrumental in a military victory. Pope Innocent XI consecrated September 12 of that year to the Holy Name of Mary. The Moslem hordes were hurled back yet again at Peterwardein in Hungary by Prince Eugene on the Feast of Out Lady of the Snows, August 5, 1716. As a result of this victory, Pope Clement XI extended the Feast of the Rosary to the Universal Church. "The beads of prayer will be the major instrument for the lessening of the Chastisement upon your country." - Our Lady of the Roses, April 14, 1973 ============== Why we're taking the pope to The Hague UNITED STATES The Progressive By David Clohessy, October 4, 2011 As someone who was molested as a child by a trusted parish priest, I've had to wait a long time for any real opportunity to see justice done. But I'm waiting no longer. On Sept. 13, members of my organization, Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP), joined by our attorneys from the Center for Constitutional Rights, filed an 84-page complaint with the International Criminal Court, detailing how Vatican officials tolerate and enable the systematic and widespread concealing of rape and child sex crimes. Our filing, according to The New York Times, represents "the most substantive effort yet to hold the pope and the Vatican accountable in an international court for sexual abuse by priests." read the full article here |
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