April 26, 2005

The 'gods' aren't happy with new pope


Posted: April 26, 2005
1:00 a.m. Eastern

Mychal Massie

In the print version of my column "MSNBC, NBC, and NPR scorn man of God," I wrote: "It is important to note that God Almighty is Master of the Catholic Church, not Karol Wojtyla [i.e., Pope John Paul II] nor some banausic news jockey anchored in New York." This despite the fact that a few homosexual pedophiles viewed the Church's altar boys as an exclusive self replenishing dating service for those predisposed to such barbaric debauchery notwithstanding.

Prior to the selection of Cardinal Ratzinger as Pope Benedict XVI, the liberal media openly berated the legacy and character of Pope John Paul II as he lay in state. By their actions, they denounced the Holy Spirit of the true God in the selection process of the new pontiff, expressing what they alone knew to be proper for the Catholic Church.

A black pope, an African pope or a Hispanic pontiff was needed. Someone who would realize the need to be contemporary to the day and times in which "we" live, they clambered. This writer is personally surprised they didn't call for a black, lesbian, pro-abortion woman to lead the church. As long as she wasn't a Republican, they no doubt would still be dancing in the streets. But I digress.

To the dismay of these "gods" (small "g") their near worst nightmare was realized. A Bible-believing adherent to Catholicism was selected to lead the Catholic Church. Pope Benedict was dubbed "God's Rottweiler, the Enforcer and Cardinal No by the "goddians from the "godhead" of the liberal media.

Posted by kshaw at April 26, 2005 07:51 AM