Sermons - 2007  | 2008


An extensive archive of sermons from 2000-2006 is available upon request in the Church Office.


[Downloaded 11/14/10 from]


Given by
11/7/10 For All the Saints

Job 14:1-22/ Job 19:23-27/Luke 20:27-38/ Hebrews 12:1-2

The Rev. Harold E. Masback, III
10/31/10 Grace

2 Corinthians 12:1-10 /

Romans 3:21-26

The Rev. Dr. David L. Bartlett
10/24/10 Mind the Gap Psalm 51/ Luke 18:9-14 The Rev. Harold E. Masback, III
10/17/10 Creation and Providence Genesis 2:1-17/ Romans 8:18-30 The Rev. Dr. David Bartlett
10/10/10 Strangers in a Strange Land Jeremiah 29:1, 4-14 / Philippians 3:17-4:1 The Rev. Harold E. Masback, III
10/3/10 It is Good to Wait for the Lord

Psalm 137 / Lamentations 3:19-26 / Romans 5:3-5

The Rev. Harold E. Masback, III
9/26/10 A Mighty Fortress is Our God Jeremiah 32:1-15 / Matthew 8:16-20 / Romans 8:31-39 The Rev. Harold E. Masback, III
9/19/10 Great Words of the Faith: Love 1 John 4:7-12 / 1 Corinthians 13 The Rev. Dr. David L. Bartlett
9/12/10 Called to Adventure

Psalm 19:1-6 / Acts 17:22-28 / Matthew 4:18-22

The Rev. Harold E. Masback, III
9/5/10 Where Love Ends, Where Love Begins Psalm 42:1-6a / Romans 8:31-39 The Rev. Jonah K. Bartlett Unavailable
8/29/10 Changing Your Mind Proverbs 25:1, 6-7 / Luke 14:1, 7-11 / Philippians 2:1-111 The Rev. Harold E. Masback, III Unavailable
8/22/10 Thou Art With Me John 10:11-18 / Psalm 23 The Rev. Dr. David L. Bartlett Unavailable
8/15/10 Standing Up, Falling Down, Standing Up... Psalm 80 / Hebrews 11:29 - 12:2 The Rev. Harold E. Masback, III Unavailable
8/8/10 Miracle on God's Acre Psalm 91:1-12 / Hebrews 11:1-3, 8-10, 16 The Rev. Kristin B. Godlin Unavailable
8/1/10 Four Stops to Stamford Romans 8:18-25 / Psalm 107:1-9 The Rev. Jonah K. Bartlett Unavailable
7/25/10 Hallowed Be Thy Name Psalm 85 / Luke 11:1-13 The Rev. Jonah K. Bartlett Unavailable
7/18/10 Unfamiliar Grace Psalm 99 / Luke 10:38-42 The Rev. Jonah K. Bartlett Unavailable
7/11/10 Faith and Fate Genesis 22:9-19 / Mark 6:14-29 The Rev. Jonah K. Bartlett Unavailable
7/4/10 Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness Galatians 5:13-14 The Rev. Kristin B. Godlin Unavailable
6/27/10 Undercover Heroes Ruth 1:1-16 The Rev. Kristin B. Godlin
6/20/10 God the Father Psalm 138 / Psalm 8 The Rev. Harold E. Masback, III
6/13/10 Which Came First? Luke 10:38-42 / John 11:1-43 The Rev. Harold E. Masback, III
6/6/10 What Shall We Do? Matthew 5:1-13 / Romans 12:1-2, 14-21 The Rev. Dr. David L. Bartlett
5/30/10 "Freedom From" and "Freedom For" Galatians 5:1-6, 13-25  The Rev. Harold E. Masback, III Unavailable
5/23/10 Who are We, The Church Acts 2:1-18 / 1 Corinthians 12:12-26  The Rev. Dr. David L. Bartlett
5/16/10 O Taste and See Psalm 34:1-8 / John 14:8-23 The Rev. Harold E. Masback, III Unavailable
5/9/10 Who is The Holy Spirit? John 14:18-31 / Galatians 4:1-7 The Rev. Dr. David L. Bartlett
5/2/10 Communion Meditation James The Rev. Kristin B. Godlin Unavailable
4/25/10 Seeking Thomas

Isaiah 55:6-9 / John 20:19-30

The Rev. Harold E. Masback, III Unavailable
4/18/10 One Story, Two Versions Isaiah 53:1-6 / John 21:15-19 The Rev. Jonah K. Bartlett
4/11/10 What Do We Hope For? New Heaven and New Earth 2 Corinthians 5:11-21 / Revelation 21:1-5 The Rev. Dr. David L. Bartlett
4/4/10 There You Will See Him Psalm 121 / Mark 16:1-8 The Rev. Harold E. Masback
3/28/10 The Stations of Your Cross Psalm 118 / Mark 11:1-11 The Rev. Harold E. Masback, III
3/21/10 Unbridled Generosity Psalm 126 / John 12:1-8 The Rev. Jonah K. Bartlett
3/14/10 Who is Jesus Christ? The Risen One 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 / Mark 16:1-8 The Rev. Dr. David L. Bartlett Unavailable
3/7/10 How Will We Know? Deuteronomy 18:21-22 / Mark 13:22/1 John 4:1-3 The Rev. Harold E. Masback, III
2/21/10 Repent! The End is Near! Daniel 12:1-3 / Mark 13:1-8 The Rev. Harold E. Masback, III
2/14/10 Who is Jesus? The Crucified Messiah Mark 15:25-39 / Romans 8:31-39 The Rev. Dr. David L. Bartlett
2/7/10 Diamonds in the Grass

Exodus 34:29-35 /  Mark 9:2-8

The Rev. Harold E. Masback, III


There's Nothing Impossible for God

Luke 1:37

Apóstol Wanda Rolón


Onward, Christian Soldiers

Psalm 91 / Hebrews 11

The Rev. Kristin B. Godlin
1/17/10 Was Blind But Now I See

Jeremiah 31:7-9 /

Mark 10:46-52

The Rev. Harold E. Masback, III
1/10/10 Who is Jesus? Teacher and Healer Mark 2:1-12 The Rev. Dr. David L. Bartlett
1/03/10 First, the Experience

Isaiah 60:1-6 /

Matthew 2:1-12

The Rev. Harold E. Masback, III


12/27/09 What Child Is This?

Colossians 3:12-17 / Luke 2:41-52

The Rev. Dr. David L. Bartlett
12/20/09 How Can This Be?

Micah 5:1-5a /

Luke 1:26-38

The Rev. Harold E. Masback, III
12/13/09 Who is Jesus? The Word Made Flesh John 1:1-18 The Rev. Dr. David L. Bartlett
12/6/09 Dancing with God Romans 11: 33-36 Dr. Miroslav Volf
11/29/09 Passionate Waiting Jeremiah 33:14-16/ Luke 21:25-36 The Rev. Dr. Ivy J.  Beckwith
11/22/09 Living on Praise Street

Romans 11:33-36/

Te Deum

The Rev. Harold E. Masback, III
11/15/09 Learning to Trust

Exodus 16:1-4, 9-21, 31-35/John 6:25-35

The Rev. Harold E. Masback, III
11/08/09 Who is God? Liberator, Governor, Judge Exodus 20:1-20 The Rev. Dr. David L. Bartlett
11/01/09 I am the Lord Your God Exodus 20:1-5/ Isaiah 45:15-17; 46:1-11 The Rev. Harold E. Masback, III
10/25/09 Fear Not! Isaiah 41:8-10; 43:1-5/ John 16:32-33 The Rev. Harold E. Masback, III
10/18/09 Who is God? Maker of Heaven and Earth Genesis 1:1-6, 26-31/ Psalm 8 The Rev. Dr. David L. Bartlett
10/11/09 Hezekiah's Folly Isaiah 39:1-8 Mr. Jonah Bartlett
10/4/09 Repent! The End is Near! Isaiah 11:1-11 The Rev. Harold E. Masback, III
9/27/09 Our Scout Reports Isaiah 6:1-8 The Rev. Harold E. Masback, III
9/20/09 Thank You and Goodbye Luke 24:13-30 The Rev. Patricia A. Dabbah
9/13/09 Field Guides to God Deuteronomy 6:4-9/John 6:35-40/Romans 1:19-20 The Rev. Harold E. Masback, III
9/06/09 Taking Jesus to Work Genesis 1:26-2:3/ Ephesians 6:5-8 The Rev. Harold E. Masback, III  
08/30/09 A Foundation of Straw James 1:17-27/Matthew 5:13-20 Mr. Jonah Bartlett  
08/23/09 What Can You See From a Beer Summit? Genesis 11:1-9/Acts 2:1-13/Galatians 3:25-28 The Rev. Harold E. Masback, III  
7/19/09 In Need of a Shepherd

Jeremiah 23:1-6/Mark 6:30-34, 53-56

Mr. Jonah Bartlett  
7/12/09 Those Who Were Gathered that Could Psalm 42/ Luke 5:17-26 Mr. Jonah Bartlett  
7/05/09 Familiar Changes Mark 6:1-13 Mr. Jonah Bartlett  
5/31/09  Our Hearts Are Restless Acts 2:1-21 The Rev. Harold E. Masback, III
5/3/09 Blest Be the Tie That Binds Psalm 133/ John 14:7-18/ John 17:20-23 The Rev. Harold E. Masback, III
4/12/09  "!!" Isaiah 65:17-25/ John 20:1-18 The Rev. Harold E. Masback, III
4/05/09 The Big Draw Mark 15:31-39/ Romans 16:1-16/ John 12:12-16, 27-33 The Rev. Dr. Allen R. Hilton
3/29/09 The Devil and Designer Jeans Exodus 1:11-22/ Romans 12:1-8 The Rev. Kelly Hough Rogers
3/22/09 The Runaway Bunny Psalm 139 1-12/ Romans 8:31-39 The Rev. Harold E. Masback, III
3/15/09 I Do Not Understand My Own Actions Ecclesiastes 5:10-12; 6:1-2, 7-9/ Romans 1:20-21, 24-25; 7:15-25a The Rev. Harold E. Masback, III
3/08/09 Life in the Spirit: Forgiveness Psalm 129:1-12/ Romans 8:1-11 The Rev. Patricia A. Dabbah
3/01/09 The Hope That Doesn't Disappoint Psalm 146/ Romans 5:1-11 The Rev. Harold E. Masback, III  
2/22/09 Ultimately Transcendent and Ultimately Immanent Exodus 24:12-18/ Exodus 34:27-31/ Matthew 17:1-9 The Rev. Harold E. Masback, III
2/08/09 Put a Nail in That Door! Romans 1:1-17 The Rev. Dr. Allen R. Hilton
2/01/09 A Good Heart to Heart Matthew 6:5-8 The Rev. Harold E. Masback, III
1/18/09 How Does God Hear? Philippians 4:6/Luke 18:1-8 The Rev. Dr. Ivy J. Beckwith  
1/11/09 For We Do Not Know How to Pray as We Ought Romans 8:26-27 The Rev. Harold E. Masback, III


11/09/08 Dead Ends and New Life Luke 24:13-32/ Psalm 42 The Rev. Harold E. Masback, III
11/02/08 Prodigal Grace Luke 15:1-32 The Rev. Harold E. Masback, III
10/19/08 Be Not Anxious Luke 12:22-34 The Rev. Harold E. Masback, III
10/12/08 Pragmatic Foolishness Isaiah 2:1-4/ Luke 6:27-36 The Rev. Harold E. Masback, III
09/28/08 Shake the Bag Isaiah 61:1-4/ Luke 1:46-55 The Rev. Harold E. Masback, III
09/21/08 For the Bible Tells Me So  Exodus 34:29-25/ Luke 9:28-36 The Rev. Harold E. Masback, III
09/14/08 Clear Out the Spring  Isaiah 58:1-14/ Luke 13:10-17 The Rev. Harold E. Masback, III
09/07/08 This Is The Day  Psalm 118 The Rev. Harold E. Masback, III
08/24/08 The Two Mirrors  Matthew 21:23-32 The Rev. Harold E. Masback, III
06/15/08 God's Valedictory  Deuteronomy 30:11-20/ John 14:23-27 The Rev. Harold E. Masback, III
06/01/08 Abundance or Scarcity? Isaiah 9:1-4/ Matthew 4:12-23 The Rev. Harold E. Masback, III
05/18/08 Lord, I Want to Be a Christian  Deuteronomy 11:18-23; 26-28 The Rev. Harold E. Masback, III
05/11/08 The Invincible, Invisible Church

Acts 2:1-21

The Rev. Harold E. Masback, III
05/04/08 Is There Union in Our Communion?

Matthew 18:15-20/ 2 Corinthians 13:11-13

The Rev. Harold E. Masback, III
04/20/08 For What Purpose? (All You Need Is Love - Part III

Deuteronomy 30:1-3,6,11-14/ Matthew 22:34-40

The Rev. Harold E. Masback, III
04/13/08 A Psalm for All Seasons

Psalm 23/ John 10:22-30

The Rev. Harold E. Masback, III
04/06/08 Pass It On (All You Need Is Love - Part II)

1 John 4:13-21

The Rev. Harold E. Masback, III
03/30/08 God Is Love (All You Need Is Love - Part I)

1 John 4:7-12

The Rev. Harold E. Masback, III
03/23/08 A Living Hope

Job 19:25-27/ Matthew 28:1-10/ 1 Peter 1:3-9

The Rev. Harold E. Masback, III
03/02/08 One Step Closer

Genesis 2:15-18/ John 17:20-23/ 1 Corinthians 12:14-27

The Rev. Harold E. Masback, III
02/19/08 Love or Fear?

Isaiah 53:1-8/ Matthew 4:1-11/ 1 Corinthians 1:18-21

The Rev. Harold E. Masback, III
02/03/08 The Path to Transformation

Exodus 24:12-18/ Exodus 34:27-32/ Mark 9:2-9/ Mark 9:14-29

The Rev. Harold E. Masback, III
01/20/08 Tin Penny Whistles

Isaiah 6:1-7/ Luke 5:1-11/ 1 Corinthians 1:26-2:5

The Rev. Harold E. Masback, III
01/13/08 Has Christ Been Divided?

Isaiah 29:13-14/ 1 Corinthians 1:10-18

The Rev. Harold E. Masback, III
01/05/08 Eulogy for Lidabell Lunt Pollard Service on January 5, 2008


The Rev. Harold E. Masback, III


12/23/07 What We Most Want For Christmas

Zephaniah 3:14-20/ Luke 2:8-14

The Reverend Harold E. Masback, III
12/16/07 What Are We Waiting For?

Matthew 11:1-11/ 1 Corinthians 1:18-25

Dr. David Bartlett
12/09/07 Christmas: See it like a Native!

Isaiah 11:1-10/ Matthew 3:1-12

The Reverend Harold E. Masback, III
12/02/07 Hope Springs Eternal

Isaiah 35:1-10

The Reverend Harold E. Masback, III
11/18/07 God-Giving, Thanks-Giving, Self-Giving: The Virtuous Circle Part III

Psalm 116/John 13:34-35/ Colossians 3:15-17

The Reverend Harold E. Masback, III  
11/11/07 Pond or Stream? The Virtuous Circle Part II

Genesis 12:1-2/John 13:12-17/ John 21:15-17/ 1 John 3:16-18

The Reverend Harold E. Masback, III  
11/04/07 Priming the Pump: The Virtuous Circle Part I

John 13:34-35/John 14:15-21/ John 15:9-12/1 John 4:13-21

The Reverend Harold E. Masback, III  
10/28/07 What Did the Blind Man See?

John 9:1-41

The Reverend Harold E. Masback, III  
10/14/07 Accepted

John 4:1-30

The Reverend Harold E. Masback, III  
10/07/07 How Can These Things Be?

John 3:1-17

The Reverend Harold E. Masback, III  
09/23/07 Lazarus

John 11:1-44

Dr. David L. Bartlett  
06/17/07 Who Do You Say That I Am?

Joshua 24:14-15/ Matthew 16:13-18

The Reverend Harold E. Masback, III  
06/10/07 Dancing with the Star

Isaiah 55:6-9/ Mark 10:46-52

The Reverend Harold E. Masback, III  
06/03/07 Are You in a Rut?

Acts 2:1-21

The Reverend Harold E. Masback, III  
05/20/07 The Best News

Psalm 46/ Matthew 14:22-33

The Reverend Harold E. Masback, III  
04/22/07 Now What?

John 21:1-19

The Reverend Harold E. Masback, III  
04/08/07 So What?

John 20:1-29

The Reverend Harold E. Masback, III  
03/25/07 Do You Not Perceive It

Isaiah 43:16-21/ John 12:1-8

The Reverend Harold E. Masback, III  
03/11/07 Comfortable or Glorious?  You Choose

Matthew 16:21-28

Romans 12:9-21

The Reverend Dr. Ivy J. Beckwith  

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