Diocese of Greensburg priest removed pending sex abuse investigation
By Jacob Tierney
Tribune Review
May 13, 2019
Fr Andrew M Kawecki |
A Diocese of Greensburg priest has been placed on leave as law enforcement investigates an allegation of sexual abuse of a minor, the diocese said.
Officials said they received the allegation Monday against the Rev. Andrew M. Kawecki. He served as pastor of St. Joseph Parish in Everson and St. John the Baptist Parish in Scottdale.
The allegation is in connection with an incident that allegedly happened 15 years ago, according to the diocese.
The diocese reported the allegation to the PA ChildLine.
“A credible allegation does not mean it has been substantiated or proven,” the diocese said in a statement. “This announcement in no way implies Fr. Kawecki is guilty.”
Kawecki was born in Gdansk, Poland. He was ordained in Greensburg in 1980.
He will remain on leave and will not participate in his parish duties until the investigation is complete.
Another pastor will be found for his parishes, according to the diocese.
“We know how important our actions and level of transparency are to survivors, parishioners and clergy,” the statement said. “That is why we are making this public announcement while the investigation is ongoing.
Contact: jtierney@tribweb.com