| 5 More Names of Credibly Accused Clergy Highlighted by Local SNAP Chapter
By Jim Lefko
News 4 San Antonio
March 8, 2019
SAN ANTONIO -Four more names surfaced today of men who may have abused children while they were living in San Antonio. The former clerics were identified by the local chapter of SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, Each had previously been accused of abuse elsewhere.
SNAP also identified a fifth former cleric who has been credibly accused of abuse who is currently living in San Antonio.
"There’s four names that we have found that are credibly accused clergy not on the official list that was released (by the Archdiocese of San Antonio) on Jan. 31 that we feel are a risk to the community," said Patti Koo, leader of the local SNAP chapter "We know now, the church cannot police itself."
The four men accused in other cities are Gerald Funcheon, Joseph Gutierrez-Cervantes, Michael Charland and Robert Koerner, who is dead.
Koo said she wanted their names made public because all spent time in the San Antonio area in the 1970s, 80s and 90s. If anyone was victimized by these men, SNAP encourages them to come forward, even if an incident may have occurred decades ago.
It's been over half a century since Galeb Mokarzel abused a local boy, Koo said. She showed pictures of the anonymous victim from several decades ago.
Mokarzel, now 88, is living at the Oblate Madonna retirement home on Blanco Road, officials at the facility confirmed with us today.
"It’s not safe as long as this guy is still free. He needs to be in prison," said Barbara Garcia Boehland, past president, of the local SNAP chapter. Her son Eduardo committed suicide over 20 years ago. He claims he was sexually abused by a priest at the age of 16 while attending St. Anthony High School..
Barbara Garcia Boehland is the former head of the local SNAP chapter.(SBG photo)
In response to SNAP, which conducted a media session to share the five names, the Archdiocese of San Antonio issued a statement this afternoon that read in part:
"The archdiocese does not have any records or reports concerning allegations of sexual abuse of minors here against the four individuals. Also, these men were not priests of the archdiocese."
SNAP provided details of the accusations against the men, and noted the years they were in San Antonio.
Funcheon was at Lackland Air Force Base and Wilford Hall Medical Center in the 1970s. He also coached a teen basketball team. SNAP said he admitted to abusing over 50 kids during stints in nine other states.
Gutierrez-Certvantes was at Christ the King and Cordi Marian-Sisters Villa in the 1970s. He was a teacher and licensed therapist in California before sexual misconduct allegations surfaced and led to his firing.
Koerner was at the Oblate Madonna Residence in the 1990s after stints in several Texas towns dating back to the 1940s. The San Diego diocese said he abused kids during his 27 years as a pastor there.
Charland was at the Oblate College of the Southwest in 1971. He was part of a 2015 settlement with the Oblates.
Mokarzel was included on the San Antonio list in January. He retired without ministry in 1997 and is "living under supervision with a safety plan," the Archdiocese confirmed in its statement. SNAP revealed where he is living.
"We are asking the bishop to please update, add these to his list, and please do this on a regular basis," Koo said. "What is concerning us is the Archdiocese was completely unaware of this. They did not know."
Patti Koo, leader of the local SNAP chapter. (SBG photo)
Mokarzel is living across the street from a school and a couple of blocks from two other schools. He was even honored locally not long ago.
"Just two years ago, April 2017, he was celebrated at a jubilee celebration here in San Antonio for his 60 years of service," Koo said. "When does this end?"