Abuse Tracker 2014
Part 4: July to August, 2014
On this page we offer cached copies of all the articles about the crisis blogged by Kathy Shaw on her indispensable Abuse Tracker.
July 2014
July 1
- Des Moines Diocese puts priest on leave, by Grant Rodgers, Des Moines Register (July 1, 2014)
- Apology to Fr John Neill OP OAM, in Sydney Morning Herald (July 1, 2014)
- Iowa priest placed on leave after allegations surface, in The KCCI (July 1, 2014)
- Dutch Catholic church has paid almost €14m to sexual abuse victims, in Dutch News (July 1, 2014)
- New Zealand. Opus Dei Beast PR Stunt of the Day: “Vatican leads war against child abuse” sounds like “Nazis leads war against terrorism”, by Paris Arrow, PopeCrimes& Vatican Evils. (July 1, 2014)
- The truth is that child abuse in Australia has a distinctively Catholic character, by Adam Brereton, Guardian (UK) (July 1, 2014)
- Marist Brothers head tipped off child-sex teacher about police inquiry, commission told, by Paul Bibby, Sydney Morning Herald (July 1, 2014)
- Miljoen euro voor geweldsslachtoffers Rooms-Katholieke kerk, in The Trouw (July 1, 2014)
- Bijna 1600 klachten over seksueel misbruik katholieke kerk, in The Trouw (July 1, 2014)
- Vatican bank's head to quit as shake-up bites, sources say, by Philip Pullella, Reuters (July 1, 2014)
- A "Christian" Cult - Abuse, Murder, Madness, by Kevin O'brien, Waiting for Godot to Leave (July 1, 2014)
- Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph to Pay for Failure to Report Abuse, by Julie Bosman, New York Times (June 30, 2014)
- Another shake-up looms at troubled Vatican bank, by John L. Allen Jr., BostGlobe (June 30, 2014)
- Vic priest found guilty of 1970s assault, in Sky News (July 1, 2014)
- Former priest faces jail over Kew sex assault of boy 40 years ago, by Adam Cooper, Brisbane Times (July 1, 2014)
- Former Marist Brother Greg Sutton, a convicted paedophile, faces child sexual abuse royal commission, in ABC News (July 1, 2014)
- Tzedek welcomes Maccabi statement in response to independent investigation into former coach Shannon Francis, in The Tzedek (July 1, 2014)
- Convicted paedophile tells commission he never queried school transfers, by Helen Davidson, Guardian (UK) (June 30, 2014)
- ALP backs more time for abuse commission, in Weekly Times Now (July 1, 2014)
- Catholic Church threatens to use Ellis defence, in ABC - PM (July 1, 2014)
- Convicted child sex offender appears in witness box at royal commission, in ABC - The World Today (July 1, 2014)
- A priest, 88, is convicted for a 1970s buggery, in Broken Rites (July 1, 2014)
- Court Date Moved For Former Radio Host, in The WOOD (July 1, 2014)
- "Bondage" Priest Gets New Assignment, in SNAP (July 1, 2014)
- Kc Diocese Is Ordered to Pay $1.1 Million for Violating Contract with Sex Abuse Victims, by Judy L. Thomasthe , Kansas City Star (July 1, 2014)
- Update on Father Joseph Kelleher, by Father Kelleher Update, Seth H. Langston (June 30, 2014)
- The Sensus Fidei, by Michael Sean Winters, National Catholic Reporter (June 30, 2014)
- In “1st-ever” Clergy "Contract Breach" Suit, Arbitrator Awards $1.1 Million, in SNAP (July 1, 2014)
- Victims Question If an Admitted Predator Priest Won't Be Charged, in SNAP (July 1, 2014)
- ABUSE Redress Urgent: Care Leavers, in 9 News (July 1, 2014)
- Dutch Catholic Church Paid Millions to Victims, SNAP Responds, in SNAP (July 1, 2014)
- Bishop Puts Pair’s Fate in Hands of Panel, by Jason Gordon, Newcastle Herald (July 1, 2014)
- Local Priest Resigns Amid Accusations of Inappropriate Conduct, by Jimmy Willden, Alice Echo-News Journal (July 1, 2014)
- Pedophile Catholic Brother Gregory Sutton Told: Stay Overseas, by Dan Box, The Australian (July 2, 2014)
- A Job That Must Be Finished, in The Australian (July 2, 2014)
- Marist Brother Child Molester Gregory Joseph Sutton Sent to US to Live a New Life, Royal Commission Told, in Daily Telegraph (July 1, 2014)
- My “affair” with a Youth Pastor, by Marie Jensen, Faith Street (July 1, 2014)
- Pennsylvania Abbey Withdraws Invitation to Rembert Weakland, by Marie Rohde, National Catholic Reporter (July 1, 2014)
- Missouri Diocese Found in Violation of Contract with Sex Abuse Victims, by Nicholas Sciarappa, National Catholic Reporter (July 1, 2014)
- Kc Diocese Ordered to Pay Additional $1.1m to Sex Abuse Victims, by Chris Oberholtz, KCTV (July 1, 2014)
- KANSAS City-st. Joe Diocese to Pay $1.1m for Failing to Report Abuse, by Briana O'higgins, KCUR (July 1, 2014)
- Trial Pushed Back for Detroit Priest Charged with Defrauding Archdiocese Charity, by David Muller, MLive (July 1, 2014)
- Cops Probe Abuse of 12 Kids in St Patrick’s Cathedral, in Sunday World (July 1, 2014)
- Music Teacher at Area Church Charged with Child Sex Abuse, by Janice Broach, CBS 3 (July 1, 2014)
- Sex Offender Pastor Allowed to Minister to Children, in HLN (July 1, 2014)
- Former Pastor Credibly Accused of Child Sexual Abuse, by Fred Bodimer, CBS St. Louis (July 1, 2014)
- Minnesota Archbishop Nienstedt under Scrutiny for Same-sex Relationships, by David Gibson, Religion News Service (July 1, 2014)
- Archbishop Nienstedt under Investigation, by Grant Gallicho, Commonweal Magazine (July 1, 2014)
- Statement Regarding Internal Investigation, by Anne Steffens, Roman Catholic Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis (July 1, 2014)
- Statement Regarding1 Archbishop Nienstedt, by Anne Steffens, Roman Catholic Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis (July 1, 2014)
- Criminal Charges against Father Kelleher Dismissed, in Seth H. Langston (July 1, 2014)
- Vatican Bank Shakeup Expected As Pope Mulls Reform, by Nicole Winfield, ABC News (July 1, 2014)
- Too Many ‘firsts’ for Bishop Finn, Kansas City Diocese, by Barbara Shelly, Kansas City Star (July 1, 2014)
- Twin Cities Archbishop John Nienstedt Faces New Sex Claims, by Jean Hopfensperger, Star Tribune (July 1, 2014)
- Archbishop under Investigation, SNAP Responds, in SNAP (July 1, 2014)
- Archbishop Nienstedt Investigated for Alleged Inappropriate Sexual Conduct, in CBS Minnesota (July 1, 2014)
- Alabama Shuts down Church's Sex Offender Housing, by Jay Reeves, baynews9 (July 1, 2014)
- Charlotte Observer on Dismissal of Father Kelleher Criminal Charges, in Seth H. Langston (July 1, 2014)
- Former School Employee, Pastor Facing Sex Charges Involving Minor, by Sarah-Blake Morgan, WBTV (July 1, 2014)
- Man Drove from Nc for Sex with Minor, by Adam Tamburin, The Tennessean (June 27, 2014)
- Ormer Pastor Facing Sex Charges Involving a Minor, in WFMY (July 1, 2014)
- Former Jefferson County Youth Pastor Charged with Sex Abuse; Alleged Incidents Happened 30 Years Ago in 3 Alabama Counties, by Kent Faulk, AL.com (July 1, 2014)
- Bishop Robert Finn, Catholic Diocese Ordered to Pay $1.1 Million for Not Reporting Child Sexual Abuse, by Karen Dillon, Pitch (July 1, 2014)
- Bijna 1600 Klachten over Seksueel Misbruik Katholieke Kerk, in Volkskrant (July 1, 2014)
- Anti-gay Rights Catholic Bishop Accused of Same-sex "Misconduct", by Abby Ohlheiser, The Wire (July 1, 2014)
- Archbishop Authorized Secret Investigation of Himself, by Madeleine Baran, Minnesota Public Radio (July 1, 2014)
- Arbitrator Awards $1 Million to Victims in Kc Catholic Church Scandal, by Micheal Mahoney, KMBC (July 1, 2014)
- Archbishop Nienstedt under Investigation for Allegations of Sexual Misconduct, by Scott Theisen, KAAL (July 1, 2014)
- Priest Cleared in Bizarre 911 Call Rejoins Quincy Church, in Connect Tristates (July 1, 2014)
- St. Louis Has Fewer Catholics but Does That Signal Decline?, in St. Louis Public Radio (July 1, 2014)
- Archbishop Nienstedt: New Allegations of Sexual Misconduct "Entirely False", by Bill Keller, Fox 9 (July 1, 2014)
- Church Needed $1.1 Million Penalty As Reminder of Its Obligations to Children, by Mary Sanchez, Kansas City Star (July 1, 2014)
- Twin Cities Archbishop John Nienstedt Faces New Sex Claims, by Jean Hopfensperger, Star Tribune (July 1, 2014)
- Nienstedt under Scrutiny for Same-sex Relationships, Ex-official Says, in Pioneer Press (July 1, 2014)
- Opinion: Misconceptions and Victim Blaming in Yoder Coverage, by Carolyn Holderread Heggen, The Mennonite (July 1, 2014)
- Mc USA Group Reports More Evidence of Abuse, in Mennonite World Review (June 30, 2014)
- Judge Dismisses Child Sex Abuse Charge against Priest, Citing His Dementia, by Tim Funk, Charlotte Observer (July 1, 2014)
- Priest Returns to Quincy after Bizarre 911 Call, in WGEM (July 1, 2014)
- Minn. Archbishop Cooperates with Investigation of "False" Claims, in Catholic News Agency (July 1, 2014)
- Homophobic Minnesota Archbishop under Investigation for "Inappropriate Sexual Relations" with Men, in Daily Kos (July 1, 2014)
- Sovereign Grace Sex Abuse Case Appeal Dismissed by Maryland's Court of Special Appeals, by Morgan Lee, Christian Post (July 1, 2014)
- Special Panel to Determine Action against Two Hunter Region Priests, in ABC News (July 1, 2014)
July 2
- Recent cases demonstrate stricter Church stance against abusers, by Fr Michael Kelly, UCA News (July 2, 2014)
- Good priest walks the ruins of the sex abuse crisis, by Tim Kroenert, Eureka Street (July 2, 2014)
- The contours of an extended child abuse royal commission, by Frank Brennan, Eureka Street (July 2, 2014)
- Twin Cities Archbishop John Nienstedt faces new sex claims, by Jean Hopfensperger And Mary Lynn Smith, Star Tribune (July 01, 2014)
- US Archbishop investigated for alleged misconduct, by Amy Forliti, Yahoo! News (July 2, 2014)
- Archbishop with Detroit ties under investigation, accused of inappropriate sexual conduct, in The WXYZ (July 2, 2014)
- ACU dumps former bishop's name from Ballarat campus, by Fiona Henderson And Matthew Dixon, Courier (July 2, 2014)
- Jehovah's Witness elder jailed for raping a fellow worshipper and sexually abusing vulnerable schoolgirls, by Ciaran Jones, Wales Online (July 2, 2014)
- Campbelltown child-sex teacher 'tipped off', by Paul Bibby, Illawarra Mercury (July 2, 2014)
- Again, Rembert Weakland's plans to retire out East fall through, by Annysa Johnson, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (July 2, 2014)
- Darby's St. Francis Country House included in sale ..., by Patti Mengers, Delaware County Daily Times (July 2, 2014)
- IOR-Präsident Ernst von Freyberg tritt möglicherweise zurück, in Radio Vatikan (July 2, 2014)
- Police closing in on VIP child sex ring as Harris convicted, by Donal Macintyre, Sunday World (July 2, 2014)
- Courage of Magdalene laundries author praised by Sabina Higgins, by Lorna Siggins, Irish Times (July 2, 2014)
- Hearing will set the stage for former ROC pastor’s eventual trial, by Louis Llovio, Richmond Times-Dispatch (July 2, 2014)
- Pope meets with Council of Cardinals for the 5th time, in Vatican Radio (July 2, 2014)
- Report makes a compelling case to extend sex abuse royal commission, by Michael Salter, Conversation (July 2, 2014)
- Royal Commission staff to visit Central West NSW, in Champion-Post (July 2, 2014)
- Pedophile brother contradicts evidence, by Peter Trute, West Australian (July 01, 2014)
- Abuse survivor wants commission extension, in Sky News (July 2, 2014)
- Filipino prelate named to leading Vatican diplomatic post, in Catholic Culture (July 2, 2014)
- Vatican bank chairman to quit in shake-up, in Irish Independent (July 2, 2014)
- Priest who served at churches in Council Bluffs is on leave after sex abuse allegations found credible, by Michael O’connor, World-Herald (July 2, 2014)
- Handover of 25,000 mother-and-baby files indicates “scale and breadth” of investigation, by Daragh Brophy, Journal (July 2, 2014)
- Anglican priests free to report serious crimes, including child abuse, by Nadja Fleet, Herald Sun (July 2, 2014)
- Victims announce new court filing, by David Clohessy, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (July 2, 2014)
- MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF CARDINALS, in Vatican Information Service (July 2, 2014)
- Did Birmingham Baptist Association director cover up sex abuse of boys by youth pastor? Victim says yes, by Greg Garrison, AL.com (July 2, 2014)
- Future of Vatican bank chief to be «clarified» next week, in Europe Online (July 2, 2014)
- Investigation of Archbishop John Nienstedt surprises priests, parishioners, by Madeleine Baran, Minnesota Public Radio (July 2, 2014)
- Royal Commission to hold community forum in Bendigo, in Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse (July 2, 2014)
- Royal Commission to hold private sessions in Brisbane, in Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse (July 2, 2014)
- Greene Espel firm hired to investigate claims against Archbishop, by Patrick Thornton, Minnesota Lawyer (July 2, 2014)
- Report: Archbishop Nienstedt being investigated by firm hired by archdiocese, by Brian Lambert, MinnPost (July 01, 2014)
- Anti-gay Twin Cities archbishop probed for sexually harassing male colleagues, by Arturo Garcia, Raw Story (July 2, 2014)
- TN- Church music teacher molested? SNAP responds, by David Clohessy, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (July 2, 2014)
- UK- Church elder jailed for sexual abuse, SNAP responds, by Barbara Dorris, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (July 2, 2014)
- MI- Ex- Detroit bishop under investigation, SNAP responds, by Barbara Dorris, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (July 2, 2014)
- BISHOP ROBERT FINN FOUND GUILTY, by Berger, Berger's Beat (July 2, 2014)
- Council of Cardinals focuses on another Vatican bank shakeup, by Joshua J. Mcelwee, National Catholic Reporter (July 2, 2014)
- Hobby Lobby Funded Disgraced Fundamentalist Christian Leader Accused of Harassing Dozens of Women, by David Corn And Molly Redden, Hobby Lobby (July 2, 2014)
- Vatican’s UN envoy says bishop’s defrocking shows church takes abuse seriously, by Josephine Mckenna, WashingtPost (July 2, 2014)
- Former Alabama youth pastor facing sex abuse charges, in The WRGA (July 2, 2014)
- Attorneys file civil suit against St. Paul-Minneapolis Archdiocese on behalf of altar boy raped by Hastings pries, in Hastings Star Gazette (July 2, 2014)
- AL- Baptist minister may have covered up abuse, SNAP responds, by David Clohessy, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (July 2, 2014)
- DISAPPOINTED BY THE SYNOD, in Catholic Church Reform International (July 2, 2014)
- Archdiocese of Philadelphia sells nursing homes for $145 million, by Lou Baldwin, Catholic News Service (July 2, 2014)
- Pope Francis appoints Filipino as new Vatican rep to the UN, by N.j. Viehland, National Catholic Reporter (July 2, 2014)
- El Papa ordena la intervención ..., in Religion Digital (July 2, 2014)
- Arbitrator Awards Damages For Diocese's Breach of Settlement Agreement In Clergy Sex Abuse Cases, in Religion Clause (July 2, 2014)
- Seminary cuts ties with embattled SGM, by Bob Allen, Associated Baptist Press (July 2, 2014)
- New lawsuit alleges decades-old abuse by Hastings priest, by Trisha Volpe, KARE (July 2, 2014)
- Should Archbishop Nienstedt Step Down During Misconduct Investigation?, by Esme Murphy, CBS Minnesota (July 2, 2014)
July 3
- Agencies "Paralysed" by Abuse Inquiry, by Annette Blackwell, The Courier-Mail (July 3, 2014)
- VICTIMS of Catholic Church Sex Scandal Gather to Show Their Resolve, by Shannon O'brien, Fox 4 (July 3, 2014)
- Priest on Leave in Wake of Abuse Allegation, in WOWT (July 3, 2014)
- Thailand & Washington.opus Dei Beast Pr Stunt of Day Is to Make Catholics Feel-good about Bestial Jp2 Army Tsunami Being Uncovered in Nearby Australia, by Paris Arrow, PopeCrimes& Vatican Evils. (July 3, 2014)
- Former Altar Boy's Lawsuit Makes First Allegations of Abuse against Late Hastings Priest, by Emily Gurno, Pioneer Press (July 2, 2014)
- Former South-west Bishop Stripped of Honour, by Fiona Henderson, Matthew Dixon And Alex Sinnott, The Standard (July 3, 2014)
- Seventh-day Adventist Church Pastor Sexually Assaulted Boy, in Southtown Star (July 3, 2014)
- Judge Dismisses Sovereign Grace Appeal, by Bob Allen, Associated Baptist Press (July 3, 2014)
- Church Elder Jailed for 14 Years for Rape and Sex Charges, in Barry and District News (July 3, 2014)
- Abuse Victim Speaks out, in Barry and District News (July 3, 2014)
- New Fundamentalist Mormon Neighbors Cause Concern for Some Residents in Area Town, in Newschannel 10 (July 3, 2014)
- Shame Again Falls on Catholic Leadership for Harmful Handling of Sexual Abuse Cases, in Kansas City Star (July 3, 2014)
- Ex-youth Minister Waives Hearing, by Tom Smith Senior Staff Writer, Times Daily (July 3, 2014)
- Former Sheffield Minister Charged with Sodomy Waives Court Hearing, by Carter Watkins, WHNT (July 2, 2014)
- Trawling for Scandal?, by Barbara Hewson, Spiked (July 3, 2014)
- DA Drops Charges against Youth Pastor, by Jason Campbell, Manteca Bulletin (July 3, 2014)
- Former Christian Brother Charged with Indecent Assault, by Liam Ducey, The Age (July 3, 2014)
- Christian Brother on Child Sex Charges, in West Australian (July 3, 2014)
- Former Bishop Foley Tacher Charged with Additional Sex Crimes, by Frank DeFrank, Daily Tribune (July 3, 2014)
- Pope Adds Secretary of State Pietro Parolin As Member of Council of Cardinals, in Rome Reports (July 3, 2014)
- Archbishop Who Donated $650,000 against Gay Marriage Now Probed for Sex with Other Priests, by Joe Morgan, Gay Star News (July 3, 2014)
- Appeals Court Upholds Sex Abuse Lawsuit Dismissal, in Quad-City Times (July 3, 2014)
- Rinuncia Del Vescovo Di Fall River (u.s.a.) E Nomina Del Successore, in Bolletino (July 3, 2014)
- Pope Names Newark Auxiliary Bishop to Lead Fall River Diocese, in Roman Catholic Diocese of Fall River (July 3, 2014)
- Catholic Lawyer Believes Abuse Inquiry Has Created Unreal Compensation Hopes, in The Guardian (July 3, 2014)
- Other Pontifical Acts, in Bolletino (July 3, 2014)
- Convicted Priest Denied Release from Prison, in Toledo Blade (July 3, 2014)
- Victims Blast New Fall River Catholic Bishop, in SNAP (July 3, 2014)
- Ex-teacher Faces Additional Charges of Child Sexual Abuse, SNAP Responds, in SNAP (July 2, 2014)
- Pope Francis Names New Bishop to Fall River Diocese, in Catholic News Agency (July 3, 2014)
- Court Won't Free Convicted Priest to Die at Home, in Merced Sun-Star (July 3, 2014)
- SNAP Leader Says Police Should Investigate Alleged Abuse Cover-up by Dom, by Bob Allen, Associated Baptist Press (July 3, 2014)
- High-ranking Official in Archdiocese of Newark Named Bishop of Massachusetts Diocese, by Jeff Green, The Record (July 3, 2014)
- Westmoreland Judge Sentences Priest to Probation in Thefts from Church of the Seven Dolors, by Renatta Signorini, The Tribune-Review (July 3, 2014)
- Invited or Not, Here They Come, by Joan Chittister, National Catholic Reporter (July 3, 2014)
- SNAP Blasts Missouri Diocese for Arbitration Dispute, by Nicholas Sciarappa, National Catholic Reporter (July 3, 2014)
- Dying Ex-priest Convicted of Killing Nun Denied Prison Release, by Kim Palmer, GlobalPost (July 3, 2014)
- Brazilian Bishop to Head Fall River Diocese, by Simon Rios, South Coast Today (July 3, 2014)
- Council of Cardinals Zeroes in on Vatican Management and Finances, by Andrea Gagliarducci, National Catholic Register (July 3, 2014)
- Pope Sends Delegation to Paraguay to Investigate Pa. Priest Accused of Molesting Boys, by Josephine Mckenna, Washington Post (July 3, 2014)
- Priest Charged with Sexual Abuse at Religious-run Hospitals, in Inquirer (July 3, 2014)
- Mp Acusa Funcionario E Sacerdote DA Ordem De S. Joao De Deus Por Abusos Sexuais, in Expresso (July 3, 2014)
- Padre E Funcionario Acusados De Abuso Sexual, in DN Portugal (July 3, 2014)
- Four Men Face Charges over "Abuse" at Catholic School in Fife, in BBC News (July 3, 2014)
- Plymouth Man Accused of Physical and Sexual Abuse of Boys at Catholic School, in Plymouth Herald (July 3, 2014)
- Cardinal Bertone Hints at Lawsuit over Accusations He Helped Smear a Catholic Editor, in Catholic Culture (July 3, 2014)
- “operation Resignation” Aims to Bring about a Rebirth of the Ior, by Andrea Tornielli, Vatican Insider (July 3, 2014)
July 4
- Priest Charged with Sexual Abuse in Portugal, in Press TV (July 4, 2014)
- Anti-lgbt Archbishop Nienstedt Being Investigated for Gay Relationships, by Andy Birkey, Twin Cities Daily Planett (July 2, 2014)
- Vatican Taps Jesuit to Be Pope's Advisor to Legion, in ABC News (July 3, 2014)
- Fr. Gianfranco Ghirlanda, Sj, Appointed Pontifical Advisor to the Legion of Christ, in Legionaries of Christ (July 3, 2014)
- Anglican Priests May Report Serious Crime Confessions, in New Zealand Herald (July 3, 2014)
- Marist Brothers Head Admits Inaction by Leaders to Blame for Child Abuse, in The Guardian (July 2, 2014)
- Kansas City Diocese Questions Legality, Accuracy of Abuse Penalty, in Catholic World Report (July 3, 2014)
- Government Must Help Trace Removed Babies, Sibling Urges, by Mark Hennessy, Irish Times (July 4, 2014)
- Pope Orders Envoys to Visit Problem Priest’s Paraguay Diocese, by Will Carless, GlobalPost (July 4, 2014)
- Ultra-orthodox Lev Tahor Settlement Has Spurred Tension in Guatemalan Village, Cija Says, by Graeme Hamilton, National Post (July 3, 2014)
- Federal Judge Rejects Final Bid to Release Robinson, in Toledo Blade (July 3, 2014)
- Dublin Priest Claims Fr Michael Cleary Fathered Two Children, by Paddy Clancy, Irish Central (July 4, 2014)
- It Is Never Too Late to Contact the Police, in Broken Rites (July 4, 2014)
- Meeting of the Council of Cardinals: “free, Frank and Friendly”, in Vatican Information Service (July 4, 2014)
- Acusan a Un Sacerdote De Abuso Sexual En Portugal, in HispanTV (July 4, 2014)
- Victimas Piden Al Papa Remitir a Sacerdotes Pederastas a Autoridad Civil, in La Jornada (July 4, 2014)
- Press Release Regarding the Appointment of Bishop Edgar M. DA Cunha As Bishop of Fall River, Ma, in Road to Recovery (July 4, 2014)
- Cardinal Dolan Deposed, in Berger's Beat (July 4, 2014)
- Four in Court Accused of Assaults at Former St Ninian’s School in Falkland, by Graeme Ogston, The Courier (July 4, 2014)
- Council of Cardinals Concludes Meetings, in Vatican Radio (July 4, 2014)
- Priest Convicted of Killing Nun Dies in Prison, by Kantele Franko And John Seewer, Kansas City Star (July 4, 2014)
- Toledo Priest Convicted of Killing Nun Dies at Age 76, in 10TV (July 4, 2014)
- Convicted Priest Gerald Robinson Dies in Prison Hospital, by Roneisha Mullen, Toledo Blade (July 4, 2014)
- Pope Sends Delegation to Paraguay to Investigate Pa. Priest Accused of Molesting Boys, by Josephine Mckenna, Catholic Register (July 4, 2014)
- Convicted Nun Killer Father Robinson Dies in Prison, by Amulya Raghuveer, NBC 24 (July 4, 2014)
- Vatican Rejects Calls for Abuse Papers, in The Australian (July 5, 2014)
- Cardinals" Council Focused on Pontifical Councils for Laity, Family, in Catholic News Agency (July 4, 2014)
- Ex-priest Convicted for 1980 Murder of Nun Dies in Prison after Plea Rejected, in Raw Story (July 4, 2014)
- The Rev. Gerald Robinson, Convicted of Killing Nun, Dies in Prison Hospital, by Marcy Kreiter, International Business Times (July 4, 2014)
- Abbott Must Fund Longer Child Abuse Royal Commission, in Sydney Morning Herald (July 4, 2014)
- Marists Blame Themselves for Child Abuse, in Sky News (July 4, 2014)
- Abuse Survivors Vow to Fight on, by Annette Blackwell, 7 News (July 5, 2014)
- Brick Woman Files Civil Suit against Priest, by Susanne Cervenka, Asbury Park Press (July 4, 2014)
- Catholic Groups Lose Residential School Argument, by Kathleen Martens, APTN (July 4, 2014)
- Assignment Record – Rev. William J. Ryan, S.J., in BishopAccountability.org (July 4, 2014)
July 5
- Vatican Launching Investigation of Urrutigoity, by Mark Guydish, Abington Journal (July 4, 2014)
- Abuse Survivors Vow to Fight on, in SBS (July 5, 2014)
- The Horror of Tuam's Missing Babies Is Not Diminished by Misreported Details, by Tanya Gold, The Guardian (July 4, 2014)
- Nyack Man Convicted for Molesting 4-year-old Begins Sentence, by Wendy Mitchell, Patch (July 4, 2014)
- Child Sexual Abuse Royal Commission: Vatican Declines Request to Provide All Documents Relating to Australian Priests, by Lindy Kerin, Radio Australia (July 5, 2014)
- Pope Francis to Meet Victims of Sexual Abuse, in Press TV (July 5, 2014)
- Pope Francis to Meet Sex Abuse Victims for First Time, in Naharnet (July 5, 2014)
- Pope and "C9" Reform Group Talks "Free, Frank, Friendly", in Gazzetta del Sud (July 5, 2014)
- Church to Provide Financial Support for Priest Caught with Child Pornography, by Steve Rice, The Courier-Mail (July 5, 2014)
- Toledo Priest Gerald Robinson, Convicted in Nun’s 1980 Murder, Dies While Incarcerated, by Alexandra Mester And Roneisha Mullen , Toledo Blade (July 5, 2014)
- More Allegations against Local Priest, in KIII (July 5, 2014)
- New Allegations against Monsignor Reported, in KRIS (July 5, 2014)
- Gerald Robinson, Priest Convicted of Killing Ohio Nun, Dies at 76, by John Schwartz, New York Times (July 4, 2014)
- Vatican Refuses to Hand over Documents to Royal Commission, in ABC (July 5, 2014)
- Pontiff to Meet Irish Sex Abuse Survivors, by Paddy Agnew, Irish Times (July 5, 2014)
- Pope to Meet Sex Abuse Victims, by Jean-Louis De La Vaissiere, IOL (July 5, 2014)
- When Will Watchtower Learn? – Karen Morgan Speaks out on Her Abuser’s 14 Year Sentence, in JWsurvey (July 5, 2014)
- Papa Bergoglio in Molise, IL Nostro Appello: Che NE Sara Dei Preti Pedofili?, in Rete L'Abuso (July 5, 2014)
- Pope Francis to Meet Priest Sex Abuse Victims for the First Time, by Aaron Akinyemi, International Business Times (July 5, 2014)
- Child Sexual Abuse Royal Commission: Vatican Declines Request to Provide All Documents Relating to Australian Priests, by Lindy Kerin, ABC News (July 5, 2014)
- Soldi Spariti a Santa Maria Maggiore a Processo Monsignore-economo, in La Repubblica (July 5, 2014)
- Napoli Si Suicida Padre Dante Toia, Prete Barnabita Preside Dell’istituto Denza, Rifiutava Trasferimento. LA Lunghissima Lista Di Preti, Suore E Seminaristi Suicidi in Italia, in Rete L'Abuso (July 5, 2014)
- Vaticano pune padre chileno por descumprir pena por abusos sexuais, in The Globo 1 (July 5, 2014)
- Father Gerald Robinson will be given normal funeral befitting a diocesan priest, in Toledo Blade (July 5, 2014)
- Vatican rebuffs Justice Peter McClellan on sex abuse files, by Heath Gilmore, Sydney Morning Herald (July 06, 2014)
- Assignment Record – Rev. John Schwartz, s.j., on The BishopAccountability.org (July 5, 2014)
- Priest Guilty of Killing a Nun Dies in Prison — But Church to Hold Mass for Him That May Rai, by Dave Urbanski, Blaze (July 5, 2014)
- Late Catholic priest who stabbed nun to death will get funeral Mass, by Kantele Franko And John Seewer, HamiltSpectator (July 5, 2014)
July 6
- Phyllis had third child after being raped by a priest, by Niamh Horan, Sunday Independent (July 6, 2014)
- We have to support those who speak out on child abuse, by Carol Hunt, Sunday Independent (July 6, 2014)
- Former St. Peter’s priest admits abuse, in The Lowdown (July 6, 2014)
- Mutare pastor arrested over sexual abuse, by Liberty Dube, Nehanda Radio (July 6, 2014)
- Pope Francis to meet with Irish abuse victims at Vatican on Monday, by James O’shea, Irish Central (July 6, 2014)
- The Protestant orphanage where children were whipped, beaten — and everyone had the same name, by Daragh Brophy, Journal (July 6, 2014)
- Pope to meet Irish sex abuse survivors for first time tomorrow, in The Journal (July 6, 2014)
- Abuse survivors pan Vatican secrecy, by Annette Blackwell, 7 News (July 6, 2014)
- After Hobby Lobby, time to face the real war on religion, by John L. Allen Jr., BostGlobe (July 6, 2014)
- Pope Francis to meet abuse victims for first time, in The Nation (Pakistan) (July 6, 2014)
- The Anti-Gay Archbishop Who Can’t Stay Out of Trouble, by Olivia Nuzzi, Daily Beast (July 6, 2014)
- Vatican investigating former Scranton priest, in The Times-Tribune (July 6, 2014)
- Pope Francis To Meet With Sex Abuse Victims, in The NPR (July 6, 2014)
- Why do the '11,000' babies buried in Belfast bog..., by Paul Connolly, Belfast Telegraph (July 6, 2014)
- Vincent Wijeysingha rejects Catholic Church request ..., by Jeanette Tan, Yahoo! News (July 6, 2014)
- Child Molester Pastor Allowed to Preach to Kids, by Terry Shropshire, Atlanta Daily World (July 05, 2014)
- Paraguay--Victims predict admitted predator priest won't be charged, by David Clohessy, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (July 6, 2014)
- OH--Priest convicted of murder dies, by Claudia Vercellotti, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (July 6, 2014)
- NY--Cardinal Dolan is deposed, trial starts Monday, by Mary Caplan, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (July 6, 2014)
- MO--Predator priest case starts tomorrow, by Barbara Dorris, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (July 6, 2014)
- Father Robinson to be given priest's funeral, in The 13 ABC (July 6, 2014)
- Trial begins Monday in St. Louis priest sexual abuse case, in The Fox 2 (July 6, 2014)
- Former school priest to stand trial in August, in Western Advocate (July 07, 2014)
- Child-porn priest retires but gets church accommodation, in Broken Rites (July 6, 2014)
- Pope Francis To Meet With Victims Of Clerical Sex Abuse, in The NPR (July 6, 2014)
- Pope Francis Just Took a Major Step Forward in Addressing Sexual Abuse by Priests, by Eileen Shim, Mic (July 6, 2014)
- Here’s What You Need To Know About Doe vs. Ross; Case Challenges Catholic Church On Abuse, by Rachel Lippmann, St. Louis Public Radio (July 6, 2014)
- Religious institutions a playground for abuse, by Kendra Semmen, Central Florida Future (July 6, 2014)
- Funeral plans for Father Robinson creating controversy, by Joe Thompson, NBC 24 (July 6, 2014)
- Editorial: Judicial subcommittee should not mess with General Rule 15, in Seattle Times (July 6, 2014)
- Pope Francis to Meet Sex Abuse Victims of Paedophile Priests for the 1st Time; Compares Abuse to a Satanic Mass, by Vittorio Hernandez, International Business Times (July 6, 2014)
July 7
- Michael Connolly: 'I grew up in a republican area, I couldn't go and tell the RUC', in Belfast Telegraph (July 7, 2014)
- Timothy Cardinal Dolan deposed in the case of ex-Missouri priest on trial for allegedly molesting girl, by Bill Hutchinson, New York Daily News (July 7, 2014)
- Pope Francis has unfinished business on abuse, by Michael Kelly, Irish Independent (July 7, 2014)
- Few punishments for those who fail to report abuse, by Jordan Steffen, Denver Post (July 7, 2014)
- Pope meeting abuse victims in Vatican, in RTE News (July 7, 2014)
- Pope Francis holds first meeting with sex abuse victims, in BBC news (July 7, 2014)
- How did paedophilia come to be such a problem in Britain?, by Alexander Chancellor, Spectator (July 7, 2014)
- Pope meets victims of sexual abuse, by Philip Pullella, IOL (July 7, 2014)
- Pope Francis meets Irish clerical sex abuse victims at Vatican, by Patrick Counihan, Irish Central (July 7, 2014)
- STL priest abuse civil trial begins, in The KSDK (July 7, 2014)
- C9 to meet again in September and draft text on Curia reform is not available yet, in Vatican Insider (July 7, 2014)
- An ex-priest faces a trial re St Stanislaus College, Bathurst, NSW, in Broken Rites (July 7, 2014)
- Irish abuse survivor describes meeting with Pope as a 'huge vindication', by Sarah Mac Donald, Irish Independent (July 7, 2014)
- Conspiracies target Maltese economist at the Vatican, by John Cordina, Malta Independent (July 7, 2014)
- HOMILY OF POPE FRANCIS, in Vatican Information Service (July 7, 2014)
- Pope to sex abuse victims: I beg your forgiveness, by Frances D'emilio, Miami Herald (July 7, 2014)
- URGENT - Pope Clerical Abuse Forgiveness, in The KSPR (July 7, 2014)
- Pope begs abuse victims to forgive, in Irish Independent (July 7, 2014)
- Pope Francis meets with victims abused by priests, by Eric J. Lyman, Journal News (July 7, 2014)
- Pope Francis holds his first meeting with clergy sex abuse survivors, by Michelle Boorstein, WashingtPost (July 7, 2014)
- Pope slams Church 'complicity' in sexual abuse, in Bangkok Post (July 7, 2014)
- Pope apologizes for ‘sacrilegious cult’ of Church’s sexual abuse, in GMA Network (Philippines) (July 7, 2014)
- Pope Francis ‘Begs Forgiveness’ of Victims of Sex Abuse, by Jim Yardley, New York Times (July 7, 2014)
- Francesco Zanardi, violentato: «È un’operazione di facciata», in Il Tempo (July 7, 2014)
- Bishops will be held accountable on abuse, Pope Francis tells survivors, in Catholic Herald (UK) (July 7, 2014)
- Papst Franziskus empfing erstmals Missbrauchsopfer, in The Nachrichen (July 7, 2014)
- Pope meets sex abuse victims, says clergy actions cloaked in complicity, by Carol Glatz, Catholic News Service (July 7, 2014)
- Pope Francis Meets Abuse Victims, Begs Forgiveness for Church, by Claudio Lavanga And Cassandra Vinograd, NBC News (July 7, 2014)
- Pope Francis lambasts Catholic bishops who helped cover up child abuse, by Lizzy Davies, Guardian (July 7, 2014)
- Santa Messa nella Cappella della Casa Santa Marta con alcune vittime di abusi sessuali da parte di esponenti del clero, 07.07.2014, in The Bolletino (July 7, 2014)
- Rome- Victims meet the pope, SNAP responds, by Barbara Blaine, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (July 7, 2014)
- Pope to sex abuse victims: I beg your forgiveness, by Frances D'emilio, Merced Sun-Star (July 7, 2014)
- Irish abuse victim tells Pope she wants Cardinal Brady removed, by Patsy Mcgarry, Irish Times (July 7, 2014)
- St. Louis Archdiocese and Defrocked Priest Head to Trial Today on Sex Abuse Cover-Up, by Chad Garrison, Riverfront Times (July 7, 2014)
- Breaking News: Settlement reached in priest sex abuse trial, by Chris Regnier, Fox 2 (July 7, 2014)
- UPDATE 1-Pope apologises for "sacrilegious cult" of Church sexual abuse, by Philip Pullella, Reuters (July 7, 2014)
- Franziskus trifft sich erstmals mit Missbrauchsopfern, in The Sueddeutsche (July 7, 2014)
- Franziskus bittet um Vergebung, in The Tagesschau (July 7, 2014)
- Settlement reached in sex abuse case ..., by Lilly Fowler, St. Louis Post-Dispatch (July 7, 2014)
- Pope tormented by sex abuse suicides, by Ella Ide, Rappler (July 7, 2014)
- Francis asks sex abuse victims for forgiveness and condemns leaders who refused to help them, by Hannah Roberts, TheTablet (July 7, 2014)
- Pope says he’ll hold bishops accountable, by Mark Silk, Spiritual Politics (July 7, 2014)
- THERE IS NO PLACE IN THE CHURCH FOR ABUSERS, in Vatican Information Service (July 7, 2014)
- Settlement reached in St. Louis priest abuse civil suit before trial begins, in Daily Journal (July 7, 2014)
- St. Louis Archdiocese Settles Sexual Abuse Case, by Rachel Lippmann, St. Louis Public Radio (July 7, 2014)
- Predator Priest Case Settles, in SNAP (July 7, 2014)
- Catholic Bishops Will Be Held Accountable for Not Protecting Youths, Pope Says, on CNN (July 7, 2014)
- POPE Begs Clergy Sex Abuse Victims for Forgiveness for Church Leaders" Failure to Handle, by Frances D'emilio, TribTown (July 7, 2014)
- "Imploro Seu Perdao", Diz Papa Francisco Em Missa Dedicada a Vitimas De Abuso Sexual, in Diario 24 Horas (July 7, 2014)
- Groups Oppose Mass for Priest Convicted of Murder, in SF Gate (July 7, 2014)
- Witnesses Would Prove Abuse Allegations False, by Brett Blume, CBS St. Louis (July 7, 2014)
- Vatican Tackles Dominican Republic Pedophilia Scandals: Cnn Priest, in Dominican Today (July 7, 2014)
- Sex-abuse Victims to Pope: Stop Begging for Forgiveness and Just Stop the Abuse, by Barbie Latza Nadeau, Daily Beast (July 7, 2014)
- Pope Francis Apologizes to Abuse Victims, by Andrew Rosenthal, New York Times (July 7, 2014)
- Pope Promises to Hold Bishops "Accountable," SNAP Is Skeptical, in SNAP (July 7, 2014)
- Francis Apologizes to Abuse Victims at Vatican Mass, by Ed Morrissey, Hot Air (July 5, 2014)
- Timeline: Tracing the Travails of the Vatican Bank, by Rachel Sanderson, Financial Times (July 7, 2014)
- Pope Francis’ Meeting with Abuse Victims Wasn’t a Pr Stunt, Vatican Says, by Josephine Mckenna, Washington Post (July 7, 2014)
- Pope's Apology Still Doesn't Cut It, by Heidi Schlumpf, KSPR (July 7, 2014)
- Charlotte Diocese Supports Pope Apology to Sex Abuse Victims, by Tenikka Smith, WSOC (July 7, 2014)
- Pope Cuts Scandal-prone Vatican Bank down to Size, by Rachel Sanderson, Financial Times (July 7, 2014)
- Abuse Victims Urge Pope to Sack Cardinal Brady during Visit to Vatican, by Pat Flanagan, Irish Mirror (July 7, 2014)
- Pope Told Abuse Survivors Should Be Helped to Avoid Self-harm, Suicide, by Patsy McGarry, Irish Times (July 7, 2014)
- St Lucia Priest Pulled from Ministry after Homosexual Relationship, in Jamaica Observer (July 7, 2014)
- Plaintiff’s Attorney Stands by Abuse Allegations against Former Priest, in CBS St. Louis (July 7, 2014)
- Louisiana Court's Ruling That Catholic Priest Testify about Confession Criticized by Baton Rouge Diocese, by Emily Lane, The Times-Picayune (July 7, 2014)
- Maine Advocates for Those Abused by Priests Say Pope’s Request for Forgiveness ‘positive’ but Not Enough, by Julia Bayly, Bangor Daily News (July 7, 2014)
- Settlement Reached in Priest Sex Abuse Trial; Details Will Remain Confidential, by Chris Regnier, KPLR (July 7, 2014)
- Irish Abuse Victim Who Met with Pope Calls It "Huge Vindication", by Michael Kelly, National Catholic Reporter (July 7, 2014)
- Vatican Bank to Be Scaled Back, Restructured - Sources, by Philip Pullella, Reuters (July 7, 2014)
- Local SNAP Chapter Responds to Pope Francis Meeting with Victims, by Marcus Thorpe, NBC4i (July 7, 2014)
- Former St. Paul Bishop Won't Testify, As St. Louis Case Settled, by Alan Scher Zagier, Pioneer Press (July 7, 2014)
- Priestly Abuse Suit Deemed Untimely, by Jack Bouboushian , Courthouse News Service (July 7, 2014)
- Abuse Victim Calls Meeting Pope Francis a ‘life Changing Experience’, by Ines San Martin, Boston Globe (July 7, 2014)
- Local Victims React to Pope's Statement on Clergy Sex Abuse, in Fox 28 (July 7, 2014)
- Pope Meets Abuse Survivors; Attorney Says Action Needed, by David Unze, St. Cloud Times (July 7, 2014)
- Who under Alabama Law Must Report Child Abuse or Face Possible Jail Time?, by Kent Faulk, AL.com (July 7, 2014)
- Local Victim Speaks out about Priest Who Sexually Abused Her As Pope Meets with Victims, by Suzanne Kennedy, WJLA (July 7, 2014)
- Latest Allegations against Monsignor Heras Came from Gregory Man, in KIII (July 7, 2014)
- Watchdog Group Alleges Pope Francis Covered up Sex Abuse, by Eric Morales, Digital Journal (July 7, 2014)
- Historic Day in Vatican As Pope Francis Asks Forgiveness for Clerical Sex Abuse, by Paddy Agnew, Irish Times (July 8, 2014)
- Probe into Handling of Child Abuse Claims, by Jill Lawless, Irish Examiner (July 7, 2014)
July 8
- COWARD Pope Francis, cut the Opus Dei Beast PR stunts crap. Just tie a millstone on cardinals, bishops, JP2 Army, cast them to the sea, by Paris Arrow, POPE FRANCISCON-Christ. (July 8, 2014)
- Will there be a plea today for retired Catholic priest accused of having child porn?, by Douglass Dowty, Post-Standard (July 8, 2014)
- Abuse victim urges ..., in Belfast Telegraph (July 8, 2014)
- Pope begs forgiveness of abuse victims, in Al Jazeera (July 8, 2014)
- Pope tormented by pedophile suicides, in The Emirates 24/7 (July 8, 2014)
- BR Diocese criticizes La. high court ruling, in Bayou Buzz (July 8, 2014)
- Pope Francis is the most popular pontiff in a generation ..., by Terrence Mccoy, WashingtPost (July 8, 2014)
- Pope: Bishops will be accountable for sex abuse, in Times Argus (July 8, 2014)
- Locals React To Pope’s Meeting With Sex Assault Victims, by Sarah Buynovsky, WNEP (July 07, 2014)
- Church warns that sanctity of confessional at risk in lawsuit, by Joe Gyan Jr, Advocate (July 07, 2014)
- Religious Freedom Under Threat In Louisiana, by Rod Dreher, American Conservative (July 07, 2014)
- Pope Francis pledges to hold bishops accountable if they protected abusers, by Frances D'emilio, NorthJersey.com (July 07, 2014)
- Diocese of Winona wants venue change, by Chao Xiong, Star Tribune (July 07, 2014)
- Pope's apology to sex abuse victims genuine?, in CBS News (July 8, 2014)
- Anglophone Conference Address, in Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Dublin (July 07, 2014)
- Pastor, 2 Parishioners Plead Guilty to Beating Boy Who Was Forced to Dig His Own Grave, in The KTLA (July 07, 2014)
- Pastor, church members plead guilty to beating 13-year-old boy, by Caitlin Owens, Los Angeles TimesCAITLIN OWENS (July 8, 2014)
- Theresa May to announce wide-ranging child abuse inquiry, by Patrick Wintour, Guardian (July 07, 2014)
- Theresa May announces details of independent inquiry into paedophile network claims, by Nigel Morris, Independent (July 07, 2014)
- Theresa May announces major child abuse inquiry, by Patrick Wintour, Irish Times (July 07, 2014)
- Peter Wanless to head review of how Home Office handled child sex abuse allegations, in Civil Society (July 8, 2014)
- Pope Francis Replaces Vatican Bank Managers as Profit Drops 97%, by Andrew Frye, Bloomberg (July 8, 2014)
- Man who taught at Plymouth Catholic school for 27 years facing child abuse charges, by Plymouth Herald, Plymouth Herald (July 8, 2014)
- Pope Francis Holds First Meeting With Abuse Victims, by Priyanka Boghani, PBS - Frontline (July 07, 2014)
- Peter Weeps, by Kevin O'brien, Waiting for Godot to Leave (July 8, 2014)
- Hold the Applause, Please, by Kristine Ward, National Survivor Advocates Coalition (July 8, 2014)
- Royal Commission releases short films, in Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse (July 8, 2014)
- Are our bishops disinterested in the Francis tide?, in Association of Catholic Priests (July 8, 2014)
- Notice of Press Conference, 08.07.2014, in Vatican Information Service - Bolletino (July 8, 2014)
- Pope Francis puts himself in danger by tackling pedophilia cover-ups, by Patrick Roberts, Irish Central (July 8, 2014)
- 'Paedophile hysteria' and the lessons Westminster should draw from the Catholic church, by Cristina Odone, Telegraph (July 8, 2014)
- Plea date set for sex charges against former priest, in Western Star (July 8, 2014)
- There was no Home Office cover-up over Geoffrey Dickens' dossier, by David Mellor, Guardian (July 07, 2014)
- Head of Vatican bank ousted after only 16 months in office, in The Nation (July 8, 2014)
- Clean-up at Vatican bank wipes out profit, in Irish Times (July 8, 2014)
- Profits plunge at Vatican bank, by Giulia Segreti, Financial Times (July 8, 2014)
- Chief heralds 'new' future at scandal-hit bank, in The Local (July 8, 2014)
- Bishop of Durham: Abuse inquiry 'good first phase', on BBC News (July 8, 2014)
- St. Louis Archdiocese Dismisses Victim's Abuse Claims as Lies, "Personal Issues" (VIDEO), by Lindsay Toler Tue, Riverfront Times (July 8, 2014)
- Pope Francis buys souls of Kenneth Copeland & evangelicals to prepare for USA presidential election. God forbid Jeb Bush wins! Bush is the curse of America, by Paris Arrow, PopeCrimes& Vatican Evils. (July 8, 2014)
- Televangelist Watchdog Group Questions Pope Francis' Decision to 'Unite' With Wealthy Televangelists, by Pete Evans, Christian Newswire (July 8, 2014)
- Pope to Hold Bishops Accountable for Abuse, in Wall Street Journal (July 8, 2014)
- Clergy abuse group plans news conference in Charlotte, by Steve Lyttle, Charlotte Observer (July 8, 2014)
- Theresa May announces wide-ranging inquiry into child sex abuse at every level of society, by Macer Hallpublished, Express (July 07, 2014)
- Sioux City bishop supports pope's vow to protect young Catholics, in Sioux City Journal (July 8, 2014)
- Church leaders unite to demand full inquiry into child sex abuse, by Joe Murphy, LondEvening Standard (July 8, 2014)
- BISHOP CALLS FOR ABUSE INQUIRY, in Daily Mail (July 8, 2014)
- Pastor Darrell Gilyard breaks silence on his fall from grace, in First Coast News (July 8, 2014)
- Opinion: Anglican Church votes ..., by Alison Cotes, Courier-Mail (July 09, 2014)
- Vatican Bank profit dives after Pope Francis's reforms, in CBC News (July 8, 2014)
- SNAP: Pope’s Meeting With Clergy Abuse Victims is Empty Gesture, by Fred Bodimer, CBS St. Louis (July 8, 2014)
- Vatican Bank profits tumble after accounts clean up, by Nick Squires, Telegraph (July 8, 2014)
- UK sex abuse victim assaulted by paedophile priests ..., by Hannah Roberts, Daily Mail (July 8, 2014)
- Vatican Bank Head to Be Ousted Amid Management Shake-up, in Deutsche Welle (July 8, 2014)
- Children's Homes Were "Supply Line" for Paedophiles, Says Ex-minister, by Nicholas Watt and Patrick Wintour, The Guardian (July 8, 2014)
- Judge Denies Archbishop Carlson's Motion to Dismiss Abuse Victim's Lawsuit, by Lindsay Toler, Riverfront Times (July 8, 2014)
- Twice-accused Priest Heads toward Trial, in SNAP (July 8, 2014)
- New Board to Run Vatican Bank As Reform Push Continues, by Liam Moloney, Wall Street Journal (July 8, 2014)
- Predator Pastor Speaks Out, SNAP Responds, in SNAP (July 8, 2014)
- Robinson’s Long Appeals Process Allows Him to Be Buried As Priest, in Toledo Blade (July 8, 2014)
- "Allowing Marriage Ends Cathalic Priests Child Abuse", in Press TV (July 8, 2014)
- Catholic Priest Doesn't Show up in Court As Judge Adjourns Child Porn Case, by Douglass Dowty, Post-Standard (July 8, 2014)
- Vatican Budgets for 2013 Show Surplus of 8.5 Million Euros, by Cindy Wooden, National Catholic Reporter (July 8, 2014)
- Costly Clean-up at the Vatican Bank, in euronews (July 8, 2014)
- Tv3 Will Tonight Air Exclusive Interview with Clerical Abuse Survivor, in TV3 (July 8, 2014)
- Chapter on Abuse Is Not Closed While People Still Suffer, by Carol Glatz, National Catholic Reporter (July 8, 2014)
- Four Things the Catholic Church Can Do Right Now to Fight Sex Abuse, by Brandon Ambrosino, Vox (July 8, 2014)
- Holy Mass in the Chapel of the Domus Sanctae Marthae..., in BishopAccountability.org (July 8, 2014)
- Chichester Diocese Publishes Sex Offender Report after Ten Years, in Chichester Observer (July 8, 2014)
- Safeguarding Report Published, in Diocese of Chichester (July 8, 2014)
- July 2014, in Diocese of Chichester (July 8, 2014)
- Church Sex Abuse Survivors Seek More Than an Apology from Pope Francis, by Jason Berry, GlobalPost (July 8, 2014)
- Priest Charged with Child Porn Misses Court, SNAP Responds, in SNAP (July 8, 2014)
- Court Rules against Seal of Confession, in Catholic League (July 8, 2014)
- Pope Meets with Clergy Sex Abuse Victims, in BishopAccountability.org (July 8, 2014)
- Pope Meets Abuse Victims, Begs Forgiveness for Church, in NBC Bay Area (July 8, 2014)
- Brainfood from the Heartland, in Vindy.com (July 8, 2014)
- Pope Meets Sex Abuse Victims, Bearing a Plea for Forgiveness, by Sylvia Poggioli, NPR (July 8, 2014)
- Would You Embrace a Pedophile Priest?, by Fr. Dwight Longenecker, Standing on My Head (July 8, 2014)
- Now, Pope Francis Needs to Act on Clergy Sexual Abuse, in Bangor Daily News (July 8, 2014)
- Group Urges Charlotte Diocese to Apologize for Abuse, by Stephanie Coueignoux, WSOC (July 8, 2014)
- Sexual Abuse Lawsuit against St. Louis Priest Pushes Forward, by illy Fowler, St. Louis Post-Dispatch (July 8, 2014)
- Court Orders Priest to Reveal Confession, by Austin Ruse, Breitbart News (July 8, 2014)
- Unusual Court Ruling on Confession, SNAP Responds, in SNAP (July 7, 2014)
- New Square Rabbi Moshe Taubenfeld Arraigned on Sexual Abuse Charges, in News 12 (July 8, 2014)
- Accused New Square Molester Pleads Not Guilty, by Shmarya Rosenberg, Failed Messiah (July 8, 2014)
- Archdiocese Denied Motion to Dismiss Abuse Case, by Kevin S. Held, KSDK (July 8, 2014)
- Lawsuit against St. Louis Archdiocese for Abuse Allowed to Proceed, in KMOV (July 8, 2014)
- Louisiana Court Orders Catholic Priest to Break Confessional Seal, by Tristyn Bloom, Daily Caller (July 8, 2014)
- Archdiocese Responsible for Alleged Misconduct of Priest, by Kevin Killeen, CBS St. Louis (July 8, 2014)
- Clergy Abuse Survivors Ask Charlotte Diocese for More Outreach, by Nick De La Cana, WFAE (July 8, 2014)
- Former Jefferson County Pastor Charged with Sexual Abuse and Sodomy, by Carol Robinson, AL.com (July 8, 2014)
- Former Brookside Assistant Pastor, Warrior Ems Officer Jay Strickland Arrested on Sexual Abuse Charges, by Robert Carter, North Jefferson News (July 8, 2014)
- 2 Victims Accuse Jeffco Man of Sexually Abusing Them As Children, by Brianne Britzius, WSFA (July 8, 2014)
- Ex-alabama Pastor Charged with Sexual Abuse, Sodomy of Children, by Nina Golgowsk, New York Daily News (July 8, 2014)
- Calif. Republican’s Anti-fluoride Rant Opens Climate Skeptics’ Conference, by Travis Gettys, Raw Story (July 7, 2014)
- Ior President Freyberg: Phase One of Reform Concluded, in Vatican Radio (July 8, 2014)
- Kellner’s Lawyer Seeking Tougher Sentence for Molester, by Hella Winston, Jewish Week (July 8, 2014)
- Baroness Butler-sloss to Lead Paedophila Inquiry, in Wales Online (July 8, 2014)
- Schaap Seeks Reduced Sentence in Sexual Abuse Case, by Jim Masters, NWI Times (July 8, 2014)
- Alleged Victims of Church Sex Abuse Want More Action, by Michael Hill, NJTV (July 8, 2014)
- Lawsuit against Catholic Diocese Questions Confidentiality of Confessional, by Cheryl Mercedes, WAFB (July 8, 2014)
July 9
- LIAR Pope Francis, skip ‘forgive’ BS. Set poor nations free by returning your loot hidden in secret Vatican Swiss Banks. Set Jesus free from Vatican & Eucharist, by Paris Arrow, PopeCrimes& Vatican Evils. (July 9, 2014)
- Catholics divided on meaning of pope’s meeting with victims, by Laura Crimaldi, BostGlobe (July 9, 2014)
- Church report into sex abuse published ten years on, in The Argus (July 9, 2014)
- Nigeria: Police Arrest Pastor That Impregnates Married Women and Young Girls 'In the Name of God', by Chinenyeh Ozor, allAfrica (July 9, 2014)
- SNAP responds to Pope's remarks on sexual abuse by clerics, by Kati Anderson, Northlands Newscenter (July 08, 2014)
- Former pastor’s trial date set, by Megan Gray-Hatfield, DentRecord-Chronicle (July 08, 2014)
- Ky. Pastor Arrested for Statutory Rape of Teen Church Member, in Fox 17 (July 08, 2014)
- Church preschool director fired, by Paul Post, Saratogian (July 08, 2014)
- Brother of child abuse inquiry judge Elizabeth Butler-Sloss was accused of 'cover up', by Matthew Holehouse, Telegraph (July 9, 2014)
- Kincora: Time we knew full truth of Belfast's house of horrors, in Belfast Telegraph (July 9, 2014)
- ‘Abuse crisis is not a thing of the past,’ says Irish archbishop, by Carol Glatz, Catholic Herald (UK) (July 9, 2014)
- Failing to report child abuse could become a crime as NSPCC backs law change to prevent cover-ups, by Matt Chorley, Daily Mail (July 9, 2014)
- Royal Commission on child abuse helps Bega Valley man heal, by Ben Smyth, Bega District News (July 9, 2014)
- Our Opinion: An encouraging step for Catholic Church, in Berkshire Eagle (July 9, 2014)
- Ala. ex-pastor charged with sex abuse after 2 adults say he molested them as children, in Daily Reporter (July 9, 2014)
- Savile victims' lawyer backs NSPCC call on child abuse, on The ITV (July 9, 2014)
- Tim Loughton MP: We have the child abuse inquiry..., by Tim Loughton, Conservative Home (July 9, 2014)
- What Pope Francis Has Done Differently in Tackling the Sexual Abuse Scandal, by Priyanka Boghani, PBS - Frontline (July 08, 2014)
- Paedophile inquiry will reveal vile secrets of the protected but only if done properly, by Kevin Maguire, Mirror (July 9, 2014)
- MPs for Portsmouth area back investigation into handling of child sex abuse allegations, in Portsmouth Herald (July 9, 2014)
- Louisiana court challenges confessional secrecy, by Thomas Reese, National Catholic Reporter (July 08, 2014)
- Vatican plans to re-vamp media strategy, in RTE News (July 9, 2014)
- Court expected to sentence former archbishop convicted of sexual assault, on CTV Winnipeg (July 9, 2014)
- A Holy Calling? Lord Patten To Advise Pope Francis On The Vatican's Media, in Management Today (July 9, 2014)
- Evidence from Francis helps convict bishop’s junta-era killers, by Francis Mcdonagh, Tablet (UK) (July 08, 2014)
- Britain's Patten to lead Vatican communications re-vamp drive, by Philip Pullella, Reuters (July 9, 2014)
- New chief for scandal-dogged Vatican bank, in The Rappler (July 9, 2014)
- PATTEN HEADS VATICAN MEDIA COMITTEE, in The Daily Mail (July 9, 2014)
- Pope replaces Vatican bank managers, in The Telegraph (UK) (July 9, 2014)
- Pope Names Former Invesco Manager for Vatican Bank in Revamp, by Andrew Frye, Bloomberg Businessweek (July 9, 2014)
- Press Conference for the presentation of the New Economic Framework for the Holy See, 09.07.2014, in Vatican Information Service - Bolletino (July 9, 2014)
- A murderer is "a priest in good standing", in Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (July 9, 2014)
- Bishop of Durham calls for full inquiry into sex abuse, in Sunderland Echo (July 9, 2014)
- Catholics must denounce priests who abuse minors: Top bishop, in Dominican Today (July 9, 2014)
- Church leaders unite, demand full inquiry into child sex abuse, in Anglican Communion News Service (July 9, 2014)
- FR. JOE ROSS CASE, in Berger's Beat (July 9, 2014)
- Secret Archdiocese Documents on Former Priest Joseph Wajda Released Publicly Today, by Jeff Anderson & Associates (July 9, 2014)
- Dodge City pastor gets probation in sex abuse case, in Emporia Gazette (July 9, 2014)
- Dodge City pastor enters plea in sex crimes case, in The KWCH (July 9, 2014)
- Nichols and Welby give full backing to inquiry into historical child abuse, by Ruth Gledhill, TheTablet (July 9, 2014)
- Canada- Orthodox archbishop is sentenced, SNAP responds, by Melanie Jula, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (July 9, 2014)
- Ex-archbishop to appeal sentence for sex assault on altar boy, in CBC News (July 9, 2014)
- NEW ECONOMIC FRAMEWORK FOR THE HOLY SEE, in Vatican Information Service (July 9, 2014)
- Former archbishop sentenced to jail for molesting alter boy in Winnipeg, by Chinta Puxley, BrandSun (July 9, 2014)
- Former archbishop given 8 months in jail for sex assault on boy, by James Turner, Winnipeg Free Press (July 9, 2014)
- Baroness Butler-Sloss criticised over previous 'flawed' paedophile report, by David Barrett, And Matthew Holehouse, Telegraph (July 9, 2014)
- Glenview priest charged with felony theft of more than $110,000, by Alexandra Chachkevitch, Chicago Tribune (July 9, 2014)
- Boston Globe Edges Closer To Launching Catholic Site And Moving Downtown, by Dan Kennedy, WGBH (July 9, 2014)
- The Boston Globe announces editorial team for Catholicism website to launch in September, in Talking New Media (July 9, 2014)
- Secret Documents Released on Former Priest Accused of Abuse, by Jennie Olson, KSTP (July 9, 2014)
- Secret Archdiocese documents reveal Carlson's actions, in The KMOV (July 9, 2014)
- MO- More new revelations; SNAP responds, by David Clohessy, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (July 9, 2014)
- Pope Francis Names New Leadership for Vatican Bank, by Jim Yardley, New York Times (July 9, 2014)
- Gozitan priest promoted in Vatican Bank reshuffle, by Noel Grima, Malta Independent (July 9, 2014)
- Funeral Mass for priest convicted of murder will follow 'usual protocol', by Brian Roewe, National Catholic Reporter (July 9, 2014)
- Twin Cities Catholic priest kept in ministry despite abuse allegations, documents show, by Chao Xiong, Star Tribune (July 9, 2014)
- Ex-archbishop urged 'tough' stand on priest abuse allegation, by Madeleine Baran, Minnesota Public Radio (July 9, 2014)
- Cardinal George Pell takes control of the Vatican’s finances and outlines sweeping reforms, by Nick Miller, Sydney Morning Herald (July 10, 2014)
- Finance czar aims to steer Vatican ‘off the gossip pages’, by John L. Allen Jr., BostGlobe (July 9, 2014)
- French financier to head Vatican bank amid push for reform, in Al Jazeera America (July 9, 2014)
- Pope Francis’ promised reforms start to take shape with new leaders for Vatican bank, by Josephine Mckenna, ReligiNews Service (July 9, 2014)
- Funeral arrangements announced for Robinson, in Toledo Blade (July 9, 2014)
- Lebovits Gets 2 Years; Victim Addresses His Abuser, by Hella Winston, Jewish Week (July 9, 2014)
- Rabbi Baruch Leibovits Sentenced To Two Years..., in Failed Messiah (July 9, 2014)
- Brooklyn cantor begins serving two-year prison term in controversial sex abuse case, by Oren Yaniv, New York Daily NewsBY OREN YANIV NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Published: Wednesday, July 9, 2014 (July 9, 2014)
- Brooklyn Cantor Is Sentenced to 2 Years for Sexual Abuse, by Stephanie Clifford, New York Times (July 9, 2014)
- Orthodox Jew sex abuser gets 2 years in jail, by Josh Saul, New York Post (July 9, 2014)
- Scheidender Chef der Vatikanbank klagt über Intriganten in Kurie, in Frankfurter Allgemeine (July 9, 2014)
- Head of abuse inquiry Butler-Sloss said same-sex marriage would lead to ‘immorality’, in Pink News (July 9, 2014)
- Butler-Sloss: I won't quit as head of abuse inquiry, on The BBC News (July 9, 2014)
- Brother of child abuse inquiry judge was accused of 'cover up', by Oliver Wright, Independent (July 9, 2014)
- Former assistant pastor charged with abuse, by Bob Allen, Associated Baptist Press (July 9, 2014)
- Pastor Impregnates 20 Members of His Congregation and Claims the Holy Spirit Told Him to Do it, by Leonardo Blair, Christian Post (July 9, 2014)
- ZUGIBE BLASTS NEWS 12′S COVERAGE OF SEX ABUSE CASE IN OPEN LETTER, by Thomas P. Zugibe, Rockland County Times (July 9, 2014)
- OH--On Friday, murderer/priest to get “full honors” funeral, by Barbara Dorris, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (July 9, 2014)
- ARCHDIOCESE OF ST. LOUIS RELEASE ON JOSEPH ROSS, by Gabe Jones, Roman Catholic Archdiocese of St. Louis (July 07, 2014)
- Statement Regarding Joseph Wajda, by Anne Steffens, Roman Catholic Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis (July 9, 2014)
- Will Ed Miliband attack over Lady Butler-Sloss’s appointment as head of the child abuse inquiry?, by Isabel Hardman, Spectator (July 9, 2014)
- New details given in Minn. priest sex abuse case, by Stephanie Diffin, KSDK (July 9, 2014)
July 10
- Don't Believe the Pope Francis Sexual Abuse Pr Stunt. Believe in Payback, in The Guardian (July 10, 2014)
- The Real Truth about Child Sex Abuse, in Alateia (July 10, 2014)
- St. Paul Archdiocese Put Accused Priest on Marriage Tribunal, Documents Say, by Emily Gurnon, Pioneer Press (July 9, 2014)
- Home Jacksonville Representative Part of Meeting with Pope, by Brett Luster , Journal Courier (July 10, 2014)
- Sex Crime Report "Too Little, Too Late", by Neil Vowles, The Argus (July 10, 2014)
- Tulsa Minister to Face Trial on Child Molestation Charges, by Bill Braun, Tulsa World (July 10, 2014)
- Pope Francis Must Do More Than Apologize, in Southcoast Today (July 10, 2014)
- Now That We Can't Even Trust the Church, Who Can We Trust?, by Douglas Murray, The Spectator (July 10, 2014)
- Vatican Circus for Idiot Catholics. Opus Dei Beast Pr Stunts: Vatican Bank’s Profit Plummet 97%. Pope Francis Life in Danger for Tackling Abuse & Mafia Lol, by Paris Arrow, PopeCrimes& Vatican Evils. (July 10, 2014)
- Ky. Pastor Arrested in Tenn. on Sex Charges, in WRCB (July 10, 2014)
- Pastor Arrested on Statutory Rape Charges in Gallatin, by Josh Cross, Tennessean (July 10, 2014)
- We'll Stop at Nothing to Catch Powerful Paedophiles (as Long As They're Retired or Dead), by Rod Liddle, The Spectator (July 10, 2014)
- Pope's Meeting with Victims Not Enough: #tellusatoday, in USA Today (July 10, 2014)
- Pair Charged with Sex Abuse at Former Falkland School in 1970s and 1980s, by Graeme Ogston, The Courier (July 10, 2014)
- Ex-city Teacher Is Accused of Sex Attacks, in Plymouth Herald (July 10, 2014)
- Full Details of Sexual and Physical Abuse Allegations against Plymouth Teacher Revealed in Court, in Plymouth Herald (July 10, 2014)
- Men Appear in Court Accused of Abuse at Former Catholic School, in STV (July 9, 2014)
- Pope's Meeting with Sex Abuse Victims Important Step Towards Healing, in Vatican Radio (July 10, 2014)
- No More Secret Accounts for Politicians and “bad Families”, by Barbie Latza Nadeau, Daily Beast (July 10, 2014)
- The Catholic Church Still Does Not Get Child Abuse, by Jacky Jones, Irish Times (July 9, 2014)
- Where Were the Men behind the Mother and Baby Homes?, by Mary McCaughey, Irish Times (July 10, 2014)
- Pope Francis Must Back up Talk with Action, in Idaho State Journal (July 10, 2014)
- Boston Globe Plans Website about Pope Francis, Catholic Church, by John Blosser, The Newsmax (July 10, 2014)
- Basw Backs “amnesty” for Whistleblowers on Child Abuse Following Inquiry Announcement, by Rachel Schraer, Community Care (July 7, 2014)
- Irish Priest Joins Pope's Media Corps, by Elaine McCahill, Irish Independent (July 10, 2014)
- New Vatican Bank Chief Vows Scandals "in the Past", in Expatica (July 10, 2014)
- Why the Impunity of Male Power Is the Big Theme of the Child Abuse Scandal, by Suzanne Moore, The Guardian (July 8, 2014)
- Pope Francis Addressing Sexual Abuse by Clergy, in NECN - Broadside (July 9, 2014)
- Friday Funeral Mass for Ohio Priest Convicted of Killing Nun, in Fox 28 (July 10, 2014)
- Former British Envoy to Canada Key to Pedophile Probe Shaking Britain, by Mark Mackinnon, Globe and Mail (July 8, 2014)
- Church Should Be "Shunned," Victims Say, in SNAP (July 10, 2014)
- Catholic Priest Convicted of Strangling Nun to Get Full Funeral Honors: Should He?, by John Luciew, PennLive (July 10, 2014)
- Sex Abuse Victims Respond to Pope Francis" Apology, by Katie Gibas, Time Warner Cable News (July 8, 2014)
- The Baby Black Market, by Mike Milotte, Irish Times (June 28, 2014)
- Paedophile Probe Police Increased, in Belfast Telegraph (July 10, 2014)
- Houston Gunman Collapses As Gruesome Details of Murder Scene Are Read in Texas Court, by David Edwards, Raw Story (July 11, 2014)
- Chris Patten Keeps Failing Upwards – Now He’s Advising the Pope. Poor Pope., by Damian Thompson, The Spectator (July 10, 2014)
- A Cheerful Pope Francis Reveals Readiness to Reform Vatican, by Tony Barber, Financial Times (July 10, 2014)
- Why Are We Having an Inquiry into Paedophile Allegations? Let the Police Do Their Job, by Dan Hodges Politics , The Telegraph (July 10, 2014)
- Nephew of Murdered Nun Speaks about Priest's Funeral, in SNAP (July 10, 2014)
- Calls to Resign Plague Twin Cities Archbishop Accused of Sexual Misconduct, by Brian Roewe, National Catholic Reporter (July 10, 2014)
- Car Trouble Delays Glenview Priest's Court Hearing, by Alexandra Chachkevitch, Chicago Tribune (July 10, 2014)
- Louisiana Catholic Confession Lawsuit: Should Confidentiality Have Exceptions? (poll), by Emily Lane, The Times-Picayune (July 10, 2014)
- Victims Win Landmark Lawsuit, in SNAP (July 10, 2014)
- Quebec Sex Abuse Victims Win Class-action Suit, in CBC News (July 8, 2014)
- Abuse Victim : "Baroness Butler-sloss the Wrong Person", in BBC News (July 10, 2014)
- Establishment Must Step Back from Inquiry, in The Scotsman (July 10, 2014)
July 11
- Anglican Shift on Confessions Puts Abuse Victims" Interests First, by Renae Barker, The Conversation (July 11, 2014)
- Canon Is Changed on Confession, by Muriel Porter, Church Times (July 11, 2014)
- A Secret History of Child Abuse, by Sanchia Berg, BBC News (July 10, 2014)
- Must Priest Testify?, by Melinda Deslatte, Philly.com (July 11, 2014)
- Land of Royals, Tea and Horrific Pedophilia Coverups, by Martin Hickman, Time (July 10, 2014)
- Here’s Why Pope Francis’ Meeting Yesterday with Sexual Abuse Victims Was Meaningless, by Hemant Mehta, Friendly Atheist (July 8, 2014)
- Cathedral Steward Brought Under-age Boy He Abused to Brighton Sauna, in Brighton and Hove News (July 11, 2014)
- State of Dead Priest’s Soul Topic of Debate, in Toledo Blade (July 11, 2014)
- Church Can Share Its Expertise on Child Protection Policy, in Vatican Radio (July 10, 2014)
- Patten, the Vatican and the Populist Pope, by Ian Griggs, PR Week (July 11, 2014)
- Butler-sloss and Patten? Are There No Better Candidates?, in The Week (July 10, 2014)
- St-alphonse Seminary Abuse Victims Win Class-action Lawsuit, by Geoffrey Vendeville, Montreal Gazette (July 10, 2014)
- The Church Recruited This Child-abuser for Training to Become a Priest, in Broken Rites (July 11, 2014)
- St Paul's School Faces Statutory Inquiry over Handling of Sexual Abuse Allegations, by Sam Burne James, Third Sector (July 11, 2014)
- Nick Clegg Backs Devon Peer in Child Sex Abuse Inquiry Row, in Western Morning News (July 11, 2014)
- Westminster "Chumocracy" Has Protected Itself from Paedophile Revelations, Claims Cameron's Advisor on Child Abuse, by Tom Mctague, Daily Mail (July 11, 2014)
- CHILD Abuses Cases in UK Sparks Questions, in 3 News (July 11, 2014)
- Child Abusers in High Places, in The Tablet (July 10, 2014)
- Call for Paedophile's Artwork to Be Removed from Dumbarton Church, in Daily Record (July 11, 2014)
- Group Makes "Last Ditch" Effort, in SNAP (July 11, 2014)
- Rescind Honors for 2 Toledo Priests, SNAP Says, in SNAP (July 11, 2014)
- New Pastor for Visalia's Catholics, by Kyle Harvey, Visalia Times-Delta (July 10, 2014)
- Nottinghamshire Mp John Mann Claims Sex Abuse Files "Destroyed", in BBC News (July 11, 2014)
- Cardinals Rodriguez, Gracias Open up about Curia Reform, by Thomas Reese, National Catholic Reporter (July 11, 2014)
- Visitation Follows Diocese's Warning against Vicar-general, by Isabel de Bertodano, The Tablet (July 11, 2014)
- Pastor Deemed Guilty of Abuse by Jury Gets a New Post, SNAP Responds, in SNAP (July 11, 2014)
- Vatican Makes ‘new Generation’ Cardinal Head of Key German Archdiocese, in Bangor Daily News (July 11, 2014)
- At Funeral, Catholic Official Insults Jurors, Judge, Police & Prosecutors, in SNAP (July 11, 2014)
- Hundreds Attend Funeral of Convicted Priest, in Toledo Blade (July 11, 2014)
- Convicted Priest’s Funeral Insensitive, Outrageous, in Toledo Free Press (July 11, 2014)
- Nuns, Priests Among Mourners at Church Funeral for Ohio Priest Convicted of Nun's 1980 Slaying, in Fox News (July 11, 2014)
- Idiot Catholics Should Imitate Scotland Man’s Call for Paedophile's Artwork to Be Removed from Dumbarton Church and Remove John Paul II Statues, by Paris Arrow, POPE FRANCIS the CON-Christ. (July 11, 2014)
- Council for the Economy: Pensions for Vatican Employees Are Safe, in Rome Reports (July 9, 2014)
- Lawsuit against Rock Church Ministries Drug and Alcohol Recovery Program Expands with Seven Additional Plaintiffs, in Bus Byway (July 11, 2014)
- Sex-abuse Scandals Could Test Pope Francis, in SFGate (July 11, 2014)
- Learning to Heal from Abuse: One Man’s Mission to Help, by Boz Tchividjian, Religion News Service (July 11, 2014)
- Kathy Picard of Ludlow and Gov. Deval Patrick Celebrate Bill Extending Statute of Limitations for Victims of Childhood Sexual Abuse, by Suzanne McLaughlin, The Republican (July 11, 2014)
- Mp Tessa Munt's Inbox Is Full after Her Child Sex Abuse Revelations, in Western Daily Press (July 11, 2014)
- What Social Workers Need to Know about the Government’s Child Abuse Inquiry, by Rachel Schraer, Community Care (July 9, 2014)
- Baroness Butler-sloss Cannot Be Trusted with the Inquiry into Institutional Abuse, in The Times (July 11, 2014)
- Judge Faces Pressure to Quit Inquiry over Paedophile Scandal Cover-up, in The Times (July 12, 2014)
- Inquiry Judge Hid Claims of Bishop’s Sex Abuse, by Sean O’Neill, The Times (July 12, 2014)
- Baroness Butler-sloss Hid Claims of Bishop's Sex Abuse, by Alice Philipson, Telegraph (July 12, 2014)
July 12
- Rome’s Gregorian University. Opus Dei Beast Pr Stunt of the Day: Church Can Share Its Expertise on Child Protection Policy. Wtf Share Satanas John Paul Ii?, by Paris Arrow, PopeCrimes& Vatican Evils. (July 12, 2014)
- Interviewing Skills, Values Help Mpr Reporter Uncover Church's Secrets, by Emily A. King, Twin Cities Daily Planet (July 11, 2014)
- BOBBY Jindal Declines to Take a Stand on Louisiana Religious Liberty Case, by Julia O'Donoghue, The Times-Picayune (July 11, 2014)
- Supreme Court of Louisiana, by Per Curiam, Supreme Court of Louisiana (July 12, 2014)
- Why I Agitated for Confessions in the Australian Anglican Church to No Longer Be Bound by Confidentiality, by Garth Blake, The Tablet (July 11, 2014)
- Confession, the Courts and Going to Hell, by Rebecca Hamilton, Public Catholic (July 11, 2014)
- Nigerian Pastor Arrested for Tricking Women into Having Sex in the Name of the Lord, by Johnlee Varghese, International Business Times (July 11, 2014)
- Child Abuse Inquiry Boss "Tells Victim She Won't Uncover Church Misconduct", by Helen Barratt, The Express (July 12, 2014)
- Fresh Claims for Baroness Butler-sloss to Step down from Paedophile Inquiry, in Western Morning News (July 12, 2014)
- Ex-valley Church Camp Counselor Gets 30 Years for Sex Abuse, by Catherine Calderon, Arizona Republic (July 11, 2014)
- How the ‘witch Hunt’ Myth Undermined American Justice, by Jason Berry, Daily Beast (July 12, 2014)
- Louisiana Lawsuit May Force Priest to Testify a Confession, by Kari Beal, KATC (July 11, 2014)
- Former Church Camp Volunteer Sentenced for Child Molestation, in KFYI (July 12, 2014)
- Why Does the Vatican Need a Bank?, by Foreign Policy, Stanly News and Press (July 11, 2014)
- Managing Mammon, in The Economist (July 12, 2014)
- Abuse Allegations Still Plague Religious Homes for Troubled Teens, by Maurice Chammah, Huffington Post (July 12, 2014)
- Corrections and Clarifications for Saturday, July 12, 2014, in Chicago Tribune (July 12, 2014)
- "I Never Put Church before Victims" - Head of Abuse Inquiry, in Channel 4 (July 12, 2014)
- Robinson’s Death Closes a Chapter, but Not the Book, in Toledo Blade (July 12, 2014)
- Child Abuse Inquiry Head "Kept Claims of Bishop's Abuse out of Previous Report", by Nick Hallett, Breitbart News (July 12, 2014)
- Butler-sloss "Kept Claims of Bishop’s Abuse Quiet Because She Did Not Want the Allegations to Surface As She "Cared about the Church"", by Daniel Martin, Daily Mail (July 12, 2014)
- Pressure Mounts on Butler-sloss over Child Abuse Inquiry, by Ruth Gledhill, Christian Today (July 12, 2014)
- Home Office Stands by Butler-sloss "Unreservedly", in ITV (July 13, 2014)
- Baroness Butler-sloss Criticism Rejected, in BBC News (July 12, 2014)
- Home Secretary Oral Statement on Child Abuse, in Home Office (July 12, 2014)
- Inquiry Judge Hid Sex Abuse Claims against Bishop, in The Week (July 12, 2014)
- Profile: Elizabeth Butler-sloss the "Establishment" Figure Heading Child Sex Abuse Inquiry, by Nick Assinder, International Business Times (July 11, 2014)
- Cameron’s Catch-22 on Abuse: How Can Establishment Investigate Itself?, by Jacquelin Magnay, The Australian (July 12, 2014)
- Outrage As Australian Judge Says Incest, Pedophilia ‘may Be Accepted’ by Society, in RT (July 11, 2014)
- Westminster abuse inquiry..., by Lizzie Dearden, Independent (July 12, 2014)
- Home Office defends Butler-Sloss amid claims of abuse cover-up, by Shane Hickey, Guardian (July 12, 2014)
- Catholic Church Insurance silent on Marist Brothers $9 million payout row, by David Ellery, WA Today (July 12, 2014)
- Judge faces pressure to quit inquiry over paedophile scandal cover-up, by Frances Gibb, Times (July 12, 2014)
- ‘Too many of them’: Warnings on pedophiles operating in Westminster were ‘ignored’, in The RT (July 12, 2014)
- UK Establishment Closes Ranks as Organised Child Sex Abuse Network Leads Back to No. 10, in Scriptonite Daily (December 18, 2013)
- On sex and money, Pope Francis sets his course, by John L. Allen Jr., BostGlobe (July 12, 2014)
- Breaking the silence over child abuse, by Dani Garavelli, Scotsman (July 13, 2014)
July 13
- Cracking down on pedophile priests, by Atty. Ignacio R. Bunye, Sun.Star (July 13, 2014)
- I was asked to find underage boys for sex ..., by Matt Chorley, Sunday Mail (July 13, 2014)
- Sheehan prepares to step down, by Olivier Uyttebrouck, ABQ Journal (July 13, 2014)
- Legal battle pits law against church, by Heidi R. Kinchen, Advocate (July 13, 2014)
- Marie has candid meeting with Pope, in Bray People (July 13, 2014)
- Tory child abuse whistleblower: 'Margaret Thatcher knew all about underage sex ring among ministers', by Vincent Moss, Matthew Drake, Irish Mirror (July 13, 2014)
- The allegations of the VIP paedophile plot further shred respect for key institutions, by Andrew Rawnsley, Observer (July 13, 2014)
- Esther Rantzen expresses Baroness Butler-Sloss concerns, in BBC News (July 13, 2014)
- ABUSE VICTIMS 'MUST GET JUSTICE', in Sunday Mail (July 13, 2014)
- Letter of support from the Orthodox Church of Portugal, in Our Love and Support to Archbishop Seraphim (Storheim) (July 13, 2014)
- The Pope and the Pederasts, by Garry Wills, NYR (July 13, 2014)
- Misbruikt? Loket gesloten, in The Trouw (July 13, 2014)
- Pope reportedly promises "solutions" to priestly celibacy, in Channel News Asia (July 13, 2014)
- Margaret Thatcher 'personally covered up' child abuse allegations against senior ministers, by Nick Buckley, Keir Mudie, Mirror (July 12, 2014)
- CofE braced for new sex abuse claims, in BBC News (July 13, 2014)
- 'I deal with it every day' Archbishop expects more child sex abuse claims within Church, by Helen Barratt, Express (July 13, 2014)
- Pongola toddler's mutilated body found in churchyard, in The eNCA (July 13, 2014)
- Pongola priest released, by Liam Joyce, IOL (July 13, 2014)
- Pastor held after dismembered boy found, by Sapa, IOL (July 13, 2014)
- Rome--Pope estimates # of predator priests, by Barbara Dorris, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (July 13, 2014)
- Pope Francis Calls Clegy Sex Abuse "A Leprosy," Says Two Percent Of Priests Are Pedophiles In Eugenio Scalfari Interview, by Philip Pullella, HuffingtPost (July 13, 2014)
- Pope Francis Finally Admits: ‘One In 50 Catholic Priests Are Paedophiles’, in The Inquisitr (July 13, 2014)
- Il Papa: "Come Gesù userò il bastone contro i preti pedofili", in La Repubblica (July 13, 2014)
- Francis says 2% of priests are paedophiles, in La Repubblica (July 13, 2014)
- Pope: One In 50 Clergy Are Paedophiles, in Sky News (July 13, 2014)
- Pope Francis: ‘One in 50’ Catholic priests, bishops and cardinals is a paedophile, in The Sun (July 13, 2014)
- Pope Francis says one in 50 Roman Catholic priests are paedophiles ..., by Hannah Roberts, Daily Mail (UK) (July 13, 2014)
- 'I find it intolerable' Pope Francis warns THOUSANDS of priests are paedophiles, by Dion Dassanayake, Express (UK) (July 13, 2014)
- Pope Francis says 1 in 50 Catholic priests are paedophiles, by Katie Davies, Mirror (UK) (July 13, 2014)
- Pope Francis: 1 in 50 clergy are pedophiles, in Al Jazeera America (July 13, 2014)
- Pedophilia and mafia in Pope's conversation with journalist, in Vatican Radio (July 13, 2014)
- Pope Admits One in 50 Priests May Be Paedophiles, in International Business Times (July 13, 2014)
- Thatcher's dad: mayor, preacher, groper, by Keith Nuthall, Independent (July 13, 2014)
- Baroness Butler-Sloss was behind controversial paedophile ruling, by David Barrett, Telegraph (July 13, 2014)
- Paedophile inquiry could have second chairman, by Steven Swinford, Telegraph (July 13, 2014)
- The Nature of the Problem, by Kevin O'brien, Waiting for Godot to Leave (July 13, 2014)
- Pope Francis says about 2% of priests are pedophiles: report, by Joel Landau, New York Daily News (July 13, 2014)
- Pope misquoted on paedophile cardinals, Vatican says, in New Zealand Herald (July 13, 2014)
- Bishop Bill launches tell-all book tonight, by Chris Calcino, Chronicle (July 14, 2014)
- Pope Francis: 'About 2%' of Catholic clergy paedophiles, in BBC News (July 13, 2014)
- Pressure mounts on head of sex abuse inquiry over cover-up claims, by David Brown, Times (July 13, 2014)
- Church child abuse scandal: Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby warns of more revelations, by Paul Peachey, Independent (July 13, 2014)
- Homestead pastor accused of sexual abuse, in The WPXI (July 13, 2014)
- Pope Francis Says 2% Of Clergy Are Paedophiles Based On Vatican Research, in Huffington Post (July 13, 2014)
- COLUMN: Exposing abusers must give victims new hope, by Steve Lowe, Bedfordshire Sunday (July 13, 2014)
- Did Pope Francis really say 2% of Catholic clergy are pedophiles?, by Lauren Raab, Los Angeles Times (July 13, 2014)
- Church braced for abuse scandals, warns archbishop, in The Scotsman (July 13, 2014)
- David Mellor says Tory 'rent boy parties' claim is improbable tittle-tattle..., by Sam Greenhill And John Stevens, Daily Mail (July 13, 2014)
- Vatican dismisses Italian newspaper report on papal interview, in Headlines from the Catholic World (July 13, 2014)
July 14
- Did Pope Francis admit 1 in 50 clergy are paedophiles?, by Carey Lodge, VATICAN CITY (July 14, 2014)
- Pope Francis Vows to ‘Use the Stick Against the Paedophile Priests’, by Sounak Mukhopadhyay, International Business Times (July 14, 2014)
- Cracking down on pedophile priests, by Ignacio Bunye, Tempo (Philippines) (July 14, 2014)
- Lombardi denies sex abuse comments attributed to Pope, by Paddy Agnew, Irish Times (July 14, 2014)
- Report outlines church worker’s child abuse, in Portsmouth News (July 14, 2014)
- Local Pastor Accused Of Sexually Assaulting Teen, by Christine D'antonio, CBS Pittsburgh (July 13, 2014)
- Devon's Lady Butler-Sloss stands down as chair of child abuse inquiry, in Exeter Express and Echo (July 14, 2014)
- May 'deeply saddened' by Butler-Sloss decision, on The ITV (July 14, 2014)
- Butler-Sloss position became 'unsustainable', by Chris Ship, ITV (July 14, 2014)
- Downing Street: Butler-Sloss chose to stand down, on The ITV (July 14, 2014)
- Butler-Sloss steps down from child abuse inquiry, in BBC News (July 14, 2014)
- Former judge stands down from UK abuse probe, in RTE News (July 14, 2014)
- Westminster child abuse inquiry..., by Andrew Grice, Independent (July 14, 2014)
- Baroness Butler-Sloss quits paedophile inquiry, by Georgia Graham, Telegraph (July 14, 2014)
- Baroness Butler-Sloss should be removed ..., by Alice Philipson, Telegraph (July 14, 2014)
- Baroness Butler-Sloss's full statement, in The ITV (July 14, 2014)
- Baroness Butler-Sloss resigns as head of child-abuse inquiry, by Matt Dathan And Philippe Naughton, Times (July 14, 2014)
- Lady Butler-Sloss stands down from child-abuse inquiry, by Nicholas Watt, Guardian (July 14, 2014)
- The Pope and the Vatican Bank, in The New York Times (July 14, 2014)
- in Op-Ed: On sexual abuse in the Church – facing our failures, by Russell Pollitt, Daily Maverick (July 14, 2014)
- Channel Island church inquiries cost £190,000, in BBC News (July 14, 2014)
- One in 50 priests is a paedophile, reveals Pope, by Sarah Mac Donald, David Barrett And Nick Squires, Irish Independent (July 14, 2014)
- Magdalene survivors are still seeking justice, by Claire Mcgettrick, Irish Examiner (July 14, 2014)
- ‘Serious doubt’ at McAleese report finding, by Conall ó Fátharta, Irish Examiner (July 14, 2014)
- Media Bias & The Seal Of The Confessional Story, by Rod Dreher, American Conservative (July 14, 2014)
- The Church Must Respond to the Royal Commission Now, or Be Left Behind, by Francis Sullivan, ABC - Religiand Ethics (July 14, 2014)
- Detrás de la Razón - Abuso sexual en el Vaticano, on The Hispantv (July 14, 2014)
- KEY EVENTS LEADING TO RESIGNATION, in Daily Mail (July 14, 2014)
- Butler-Sloss Quits: Is David Cameron's Judgement Fatally Flawed?, by Nick Assinder, International Business Times (July 14, 2014)
- Law firm 'relieved' after Butler-Sloss decision, on The ITV (July 14, 2014)
- Keith Vaz: Inquiry process becoming 'shambolic', on The ITV (July 14, 2014)
- Butler-Sloss steps down: ministers fail in their conspiracy whack-a-mole efforts, by Isabel Hardman, Spectator (July 14, 2014)
- Telephone snafu snarls diocese’s abuse line, by Elizabeth Hardin-Burrola, Gallup Independent (July 12, 2014)
- Death rate of babies at Tuam mother and baby home was double the rate of other homes, by Christina Finn, Journal (July 14, 2014)
- How three archbishops hid the truth, by Sasha Aslanian, Minnesota Public Radio - Betrayed by Silence (July 14, 2014)
- Vatican spokesman issues statement contradicting words attributed to Pope by top Italian newspaper, in Vatican Insider (July 14, 2014)
- Why did Lady Butler-Sloss stand down from the child abuse inquiry?, by Alan Travis, Guardian (July 14, 2014)
- Israeli Beit Din Announces Removal of Meisels..., in Frum Follies (July 14, 2014)
- NM- Phone line for abuse victims doesn't work, SNAP responds, by Barbara Dorris, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (July 14, 2014)
- Is Pope Francis Parsing Words, in Seth H. Langston (July 14, 2014)
- Westminster Pastor Gerald Leroy Clark in Court, Charged with Sexually Assaulting a Teenager, by Anica Padilla, Denver Channel (July 14, 2014)
- Pope's Estimate on Paedophile Priests Only Half of Real Number, Australian Catholic Church Body Says, by Jason Om, ABC News (July 14, 2014)
- Papa Estima Que 2% Dos Clerigos Sejam Pedofilos, Diz Jornal Italiano, in Correio do Estado (July 14, 2014)
- Ex-archbishop Myth Is Exposed; SNAP Responds, in SNAP (July 14, 2014)
- Magdalene Survivors "Paid ?29,000", in Daily Mail (July 14, 2014)
- Former Bishop of Lewes to Face Two New Sex Abuse Charges, in The Argus (July 14, 2014)
- New Stories Shed Light on Lafayette Pedophile Priest Case, in SNAP (July 14, 2014)
- Pope Francis, Eric Swearingen and Another Failure of “zero Tolerance”, by Joelle Casteix, Worthy Adversary (July 14, 2014)
- Are Pope Francis’ Achievements Substantial or Mere Symbolism?, by Msgr. M. Francis Mannion, Catholic News Agency (July 14, 2014)
- Bishop Peter Ball Facing Two More Charges of Sexual Offences, in Eastbourne Herald (July 14, 2014)
- The Guardian View on Theresa May's Problems with the Establishment, in The Guardian (July 14, 2014)
- Archbishop Robert Carlson in Syndicated Column, in Berger's Beat (July 13, 2014)
- United Nations Report: Polish Archbishop a Predator, by Mike Bryant, Legal Examiner (July 14, 2014)
- "We Can't Prove Sex with Children Does Them Harm" Says Labour-linked Nccl, in Express (July 14, 2014)
- Victims" Phone Line Doesn’t Work, SNAP Responds, in SNAP (July 14, 2014)
- ‘one Pedophile Priest Is Too Much,’ Turcotte Says, in Montreal Gazette (July 14, 2014)
- Glenview Priest Accused of Theft Misses Court Again, by Alexandra Chachkevitch, Chicago Tribune (July 14, 2014)
- Priest Accused of Embezzlement a No-show in Court Again, in WISN (July 14, 2014)
- Child Abuse Inquiry: Theresa May under Fire over Appointment of Lady Butler-sloss, by Nigel Morris And Andrew Grice, Belfast Telegraph (July 14, 2014)
- Next Inquiry Chair Has to Be Completely Impartial, in The Express (July 14, 2014)
- After Six Days under Attack, Husband’s Folly Was Final Straw, by Laura Pitel, The Times (July 14, 2014)
- Victims Upset by Diocese Handling of Abuse Claims, by Jacqueline Gedeon, NBC Montana (July 14, 2014)
- Balyo Took Pictures of Boy, in WOOD (July 14, 2014)
July 15
- Overreach in Louisiana, in National Review (July 15, 2014)
- Gallup Diocese abuse suit: Hotline down for 2 weeks, by Mike Springer, KOAT (July 15, 2014)
- 2 teenage sisters testify in sexual abuse trial of Maplewood pastor, by Emily Gurnon, Pioneer Press (July 15, 2014)
- ‘Ex-gay’ PA pastor charged with teen sex abuse after pleading guilty to same thing in 2008, by David Edwards, Raw Story (July 15, 2014)
- Professors For Pedophilia, by Stephen Brown, Frontpage Mag (July 15, 2014)
- Specialist courts needed for sexual assault cases, Lloyd Babb tells royal commission, by Rachel Browne, Sydney Morning Herald (July 15, 2014)
- Pope Francis raises eyebrows, says pedophile priests include ‘bishops and cardinals’, by Josephine Mckenna, Salt Lake Tribune (July 15, 2014)
- The 2nd anonymous letter sent to my home: a rant, in Mary DeMuth (July 15, 2014)
- Two new charges for bishop judge wanted to protect, by Sean O’neill, Times (July 15, 2014)
- Gordon College insults our intelligence, by Kevin Cullen, BostGlobe (July 15, 2014)
- Australia priest abuse rate 'double pope's estimate', in News 24 (July 15, 2014)
- Allowing priests to marry won’t solve the paedophile problem, by Catherine Pepinster, Guardian (July 15, 2014)
- TN- Abuse victims mourn Seigenthaler's passing, by David Clohessy, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (July 15, 2014)
- Baroness's brother 'tried to limit probe into Kincora', by Adrian Rutherford, Belfast Telegraph (July 15, 2014)
- Calls for Archbishop's resignation grow louder, by Laura Yuen, Madeleine Baran, KARE (July 15, 2014)
- DEPOSITION OF ANDREW EISENZIMMER 5-6-2014, by Jeff Anderson & Associates (July 15, 2014)
- Exposed: Child Abuse Epidemic at Christian Boot Camps, in Addicting Info (July 15, 2014)
- MO- Convicted predator is back in St. Louis area, by David Clohessy, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (July 15, 2014)
- One Prosecutor Joins Call for Grand Jury Vs. Archdiocese, in SNAP (July 15, 2014)
- Affidavit of Jennifer Haselberger, in Jeff Anderson and Associates (July 15, 2014)
- Archdiocese Had ‘cavalier Attitude’ about Clergy Abuse Cases, by Jean Hopfensperger, Star Tribune (July 15, 2014)
- Whistleblower Accuses Twin Cities Archdiocese of Host of Misdeeds Related to Clergy Abuse, by Emily Gurnon, Pioneer Press (July 15, 2014)
- Canon Lawyer Outlines Her Cover-up Claims of Clergy Sex Abuse by Minneapolis Catholic Leaders, by Rachel Zoll, The Republic (July 15, 2014)
- Church Lawyer Details Cover-up Claims on Sex Abuse, in Houston Chronicle (July 15, 2014)
- Un Scrutinises Ireland's Accountability for "Collection" of State Abuses, by Sam Griffin, Irish Independent (July 15, 2014)
- Rev. Stan Maslowski Tells a Story of Sex, Theft and Grace, by Sasha Aslanian, Minnesota Public Radio (March 12, 2014)
- About the Initiative, in Just Once Will Hurt (July 7, 2014)
- Parallel Hells, by Kay Ebeling, City of Angels (July 15, 2014)
- Accused Rapist Given Cathedral Job, in SNAP (July 15, 2014)
- Call to Action Presentation Gets Author's Scripture Commentaries Pulled from Book, by Mick Forgey, National Catholic Reporter (July 15, 2014)
- Ior Manager Salaries Revealed, by Iacopo Scaramuzzi, Vatican Insider (July 15, 2014)
- Press Release of the Istituto Per Le Opere Di Religione (ior), in Istituto per le Opere di Religione (July 15, 2014)
- Vatican Bank Issues Detailed Report, Including Where It Stores Its Gold, by Cindy Wooden, Catholic News Service (July 15, 2014)
- Ulster Unionist Leader Mike Nesbitt Joins Calls for Inquiry into Abuse at Boys" Home, in Belfast Telegraph (July 15, 2014)
- Alarming New Disclosures in Twin Cities Archdiocese, SNAP Responds, in SNAP (July 15, 2014)
- Butler-sloss Urges More Resources, in Belfast Telegraph (July 15, 2014)
- Puerto RICO Issues Ruling in Church Abuse Case, in New Zealand Herald (July 15, 2014)
- Puerto RICO Protege Anonimato De Victimas De Curas, in Pulso (July 15, 2014)
- Whistleblower Says Archdiocese Considered Silencing Critical Priest by Declaring Him Disabled, in Daily Journal (July 15, 2014)
- Archdiocese Lawyer Spills Cover-up Claims in 107-page Affidavit, in Fox 9 (July 15, 2014)
- Victims Demand Real Action from Archbishop, in SNAP (July 15, 2014)
- Affidavit of Jennifer Haselberger in St. Paul-minneapolis Abuse Case: "to See an Archbishop . . . Holding His Crosier, Lie to the Faithful in Such a Boldfaced Manner, Was Heartbreaking to Me", by William D. Lindsey, Bilgrimage (July 15, 2014)
- Under Oath, Whistleblower Challenges Archbishop Nienstedt over Abuse Testimony, by Madeleine Baran, Minnesota Public Radio (July 15, 2014)
- Time for Scotland’s Abuse Inquiry, by Chris Marshall, Scotsman (July 15, 2014)
- Police Need More Money to Fight Child Abuse, in BBC News (July 15, 2014)
- Twin Cities Archdiocese "Far, Far from Best Practice" on Abuse, by Brian Roewe, National Catholic Reporter (July 15, 2014)
- Catholic Bishops As Fifth Columnists in War on Religious Liberty, by Rod Dreher, American Conservative (July 15, 2014)
- Diocese of Bridgeport to Unite with Upcoming Synod, by Susan Shultz, Darien Times (July 15, 2014)
July 16
- Santa Rosa diocese pays $3.5 million to settle final molestation case, by Jeremy Hay, Insurance News Net (July 16, 2014)
- Calls for Resignation Mount for Minnesota Archbishop in Scandals, by Laurie Goodstein, New York Times (July 15, 2014)
- Church insider: St. Paul Archdiocese hid claims of child sex abuse by priests., in The KARE (July 16, 2014)
- Document: Archdiocese Considered Silencing Priest, by Brandi Powell, KAAL (July 16, 2014)
- Catholic church lawyer details cover-up claims on sex abuse, by Rachel Zoll, Christian Science Monitor (July 15, 2014)
- South Daytona teacher, former youth pastor arrested in child porn case, by Amy Pavuk, Orlando Sentinel (July 16, 2014)
- Statement Regarding Affidavit in John Doe 1 Lawsuit, by Jim Accurso, Roman Catholic Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis (July 15, 2014)
- Elementary school teacher and ex-pastor is charged with producing and distributing child porn, in Daily Mail (UK) (July 16, 2014)
- DOJ: Elementary teacher arrested on child porn possession charges, by Dawn Brooks, Click Orlando (July 16, 2014)
- South Daytona teacher accused of possessing thousands of child porn images, by Amanda Ober, WESH (July 16, 2014)
- Can the Vatican go viral? George Pell’s communication challenge, by Richard Umbers, Conversation (July 16, 2014)
- Multiple social issues need attention, by Sam Griffin, Irish Independent (July 16, 2014)
- Revealed: Sex shame cardinal Keith O'Brien enjoying retirement in £208k Northumberland bungalow provided by Catholic Church, by Keith Mcleod, Daily Record (July 16, 2014)
- Shamed Keith O’Brien in £209k home owned by church, in Edinburgh Evening News (July 16, 2014)
- Pope’s stance on financial issues augurs well, by Joe Gill, Irish Examiner (July 16, 2014)
- Archdiocese lawyer spills cover-up claims in 107-page affidavit, in The Fox 9 (July 16, 2014)
- CA--Victims seek bishop’s help, by Tim Lennon, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (July 16, 2014)
- Residential schools commission calls for 30-year seal on records, by Tim Alamenciak, Toronto Star (July 15, 2014)
- Assignment Record – Rev. William C. Wehrle, s.j., on The BishopAccountability.org (July 16, 2014)
- Blogger has harsh criticism about archbishop, by Jolene Toves, KUAM (July 16, 2014)
- Abuse survivor believes quotes attributed to Pope, in Irish News (July 16, 2014)
- How does the Pope know one in 50 clergy is a paedophile? Is that fact or opinion?, by Ian Elliot, Irish Independent (July 16, 2014)
- The Monitor | Pope Francis & Accountability | July 15, 2014, BishopAccountability.org - Monitor (July 16, 2014)
- MA- New revelation regarding infamous Fall River molester, by David Clohessy, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (July 16, 2014)
- WV- Boy molested by priest, SNAP responds, by Barbara Dorris, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (July 16, 2014)
- Santa Rosa diocese pays $3.5 million to settle final pending molestation case, by Jeremy Hay, Insurance News Net (July 16, 2014)
- Jerry Slevin on Jennifer Haselberger's Affidavit..., by William D. Lindsey, Bilgrimage (July 16, 2014)
- Pope shows compassion, needs to show action, in Daily Hampshire Gazette (July 16, 2014)
- SNAP Calls on Archbishop Robert Carlson to Release Names ..., by Kevin Killeen, CBS St. Louis (July 16, 2014)
- ANN STEFFENS, DAVID BECKHAM, DENNIS & JUDY JONES, in Berger's Beat (July 16, 2014)
- More, again, still - enough, by Catherine, Spokesman-Review (July 16, 2014)
- MN- Victims urge IRS investigation of archdiocese, SNAP responds, by Barbara Dorris, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (July 16, 2014)
- Commentary Upon The Recent Remarks of Pope Francis Actions Speak Louder Than Words, in Law Office of Michael J. Kinslow (July 15, 2014)
- Vatican Defrocks A Bishop Over Sexual Abuse - But Not Finn., in Talk to Action.Frank Cocozzelli Sat Jul 12, 2014 (July 16, 2014)
- REBUTTAL to “Pope Francis' achievements are substantial and not merely empty symbolism” - an Opus Dei Beast PR Stunt of the Day - by emeritus monsignor, by Paris Arrow, POPE FRANCISCON-Christ. (July 15, 2014)
- Victims say malfunctioning phone line keeping others from reporting clergy abuse, in The Record (July 16, 2014)
- Catholic Church gifts retirement home to disgraced Cardinal O’Brien, by Mike Wade, Times (July 16, 2014)
- Maplewood pastor's sexual abuse trial goes to jury, by Emily Gurnon, Pioneer Press (July 16, 2014)
- Catholic Church defends buying bungalow for Cardinal Keith O’Brien, in Pink News (July 16, 2014)
- Cardinal O’Brien ‘living in Northumberland house’, by Stephen Mcginty, Scotsman (July 16, 2014)
- Number of maternity homes a difficulty for mother and baby inquiry, by Christina Finn, Journal (July 16, 2014)
- Judge Yvonne Murphy to head mother-and-baby inquiry, by Fiach Kelly, Irish Times (July 16, 2014)
- Ireland to investigate treatment of unmarried mothers, on The BBC News (July 16, 2014)
- Timeframe and cost of inquiry undecided, by Juno Mcenroe, Irish Examiner (July 16, 2014)
- Mother-and-baby home report ‘a limited interpretation’, by Claire O'sullivan, Irish Examiner (July 16, 2014)
- Time to face the past with courage, by Dr. Niamh Hourigan, Irish Examiner (July 17, 2014)
- Minister for Children says cost not an issue for mother and baby homes inquiry, by Fiach Kelly, Irish Times (July 17, 2014)
- Tuam historian welcomes appointment of Judge Murphy to head inquiry, by Lorna Siggins, Irish Times (July 17, 2014)
- Retired Circuit Court judge has been involved in several State inquiries, by Mark Hilliard, Irish Times (July 17, 2014)
- New mother and baby home horror: Initial probe reveals bodies of 474 children were used for medical experiments, by Sarah Bardon, Irish Mirror (July 16, 2014)
July 17
- Diocese of Santa Rosa Settles 2010 Abuse Case for $3.5 Million, by Carl E. Olson, Catholic World Report (July 17, 2014)
- Minnesota Priest Resigns after Allegations of Abuse in West Virginia, by Erin Beck, Charleston Gazette (July 17, 2014)
- Multi-million Dollar Sex Abuse Settlement, by Michelle Marques, KSRO (July 16, 2014)
- Bishop Berkely Calls in St Michael’s Board, by Carol Matroo, Newsday (July 17, 2014)
- Maplewood Pastor Says Relationship with Alleged Assault Victims Was "Beautiful", by Sarah Horner, Pioneer Press (July 15, 2014)
- Police Reopen Old Case against Warner Christian Teacher Charged with Child Porn, by Richard Conn & Annie Martin, The News-Journal (July 15, 2014)
- Paedophile Accused: Sydney Man, 55, Posed As Welfare Worker in Vanuatu and Gave Toys to Children before Molesting Them, Say Police, by Ben Pike, Daily Telegraph (July 17, 2014)
- We Need Actions from Pope Francis, Not Words, to Put End to Worldwide Clerical Abuse, by Ian Elliott, Belfast Telegraph (July 17, 2014)
- Haselberger Affidavit: Attempt to Have Father Tegeder Declared Disabled for Opposing Archbishop's Campaign against Marriage Equality, While Known Threat to Minors, Father Wehmeyer, Remained in Ministry, by William D. Lindsey, The Bilgrimage (July 17, 2014)
- Musc Chaplain from Mount Pleasant Arrested after Allegations of Sexual Abuse, by Dave Munday, The Post and Courier (July 16, 2014)
- Canberra and Goulburn Catholic Archbishop Christopher Prowse Says Abuse Victims Are "the New Missionaries", by David Ellery, Sydney Morning Herald (July 17, 2014)
- Chair of Commission of Investigation into Mother and Baby Homes Appointed, by Martina Nee, Galway Advertiser (July 17, 2014)
- Irish Gov Confirms 2,000 Babies Illegally Sent to US for Adoption, by Kate Hickey, IrishCentral (July 17, 2014)
- Archaeologist Suspects Shallow Graves at Bessborough, in Evening Echo (July 17, 2014)
- Babies of Unmarried Mums Were Four Times More Likely to Die, by Eilish O’Regan, Irish Independent (July 17, 2014)
- Almost 500 Unclaimed Infant Bodies Were Sent to Anatomy Departments from 1940-65, in Journal (July 17, 2014)
- Report of the Inter-departmental Group on Mother and Baby Homes, in Department of Children and Youth Affairs (July 17, 2014)
- Exclusion of Institutions from Inquiry Concerning to Mother-and-baby Groups, in Journal (July 17, 2014)
- Some Say Pope’s Reported Claim That 2 Percent of Priests Are Pedophiles Is Too Low, by Michelle Boorstein, Washington Post (July 14, 2014)
- I Became the First Male Survivor of Irish Clerical Sexual Abuse to Meet Pope Francis, in Journal (July 17, 2014)
- Someone's Guilty of Perjury, in SNAP (July 17, 2014)
- Pastor Arrested for Child Sexual Abuse, SNAP Responds, in SNAP (July 17, 2014)
- Musc Chaplain "on Leave" Following Alleged Sexual Encounter with Teenage Boy, by Harve Jacobsnd, WCSC (July 17, 2014)
- Letter to Pope Francis from Argentine Survivors of Clergy Sex Abuse, in BishopAccountability.org (July 17, 2014)
- Labour Wants Review of Child Protection, by Rowena Mason, The Guardian (July 17, 2014)
- Public Fear Establishment Child Abuse Will Remain Hidden, Poll Reveals, by Joe Murphy, London Evening Standard (July 17, 2014)
- Abuse Victim "Warning" over Inquiry Support, by Tom Bateman, BBC News (July 17, 2014)
- Pope Francis Met with the Head of the Family – the Secretive, Powerful Politicians Based in a Wash. Dc Townhouse, by Betty Clermont, Open Tabernacle (July 17, 2014)
- Jehovah's Witness Victim Abused by Confident, in SNAP (July 17, 2014)
- East Lancs Woman in Double Sex Ordeal Claim, by Peter Magill, Lancashire Telegraph (July 17, 2014)
- Pope Francis Met Televangelists Kenneth Copeland and James Robison (video), in Worthy News (June 30, 2014)
- TV Preachers Glowingly Describe Meeting with Pope to Tear down ‘walls of Division’, in Christian News (July 3, 2014)
- Pastor Joel Osteen, Mormon Senator, Other US Leaders Meet with Pope Francis in Rome, by Nicola Menzie, Christian Post (July 7, 2014)
- Convicted Priest out on Bail Pending Appeal, in Metro (July 17, 2014)
- Snapnetwork Director David Clohessy; Attorney Michael Wolf; Author Suzi Parker, by Jim Engster, WWNO (July 17, 2014)
- Persistence Pays off, in SNAP (July 17, 2014)
July 18
- Book Tells Nebraska's Catholic Horror Story, by Robert McClory, National Catholic Reporter (July 18, 2014)
- Pastor Arrested for Maltreating up His Kids over N180, by S’ola Filani, Y Naija (July 17, 2014)
- Convicted Orthodox Archbishop Requests Bail, SNAP Responds, in SNAP (July 17, 2014)
- Pope's Comments on Clergy Sex Abuse Lead Some to Say Facts Were Falsified, by Kelsey Dallas, Deseret News (July 17, 2014)
- Minn. Archdiocese Suggests Dispute with Sex Abuse Affidavit, in Catholic News Agency (July 17, 2014)
- This Woman’s Testimony Is Exposing a Sex Scandal in the Catholic Church, by Hemant Mehta, Friendly Atheist (July 17, 2014)
- Convicted Priest out on Bail Pending Appeal, by Chinta Puxley, Global News (July 17, 2014)
- Child Molesting Orthodox Archbishop out on Bail, SNAP Responds, in SNAP (July 17, 2014)
- HEAR No Evil, See No Evil ..., by Kevin O'Brien, Waiting for Godot to Leave (July 17, 2014)
- Rcc Rewards Hypocrite O’brien, by Barry Duke, The Freethinker (July 17, 2014)
- 2% Pedophile Priests Is Opus Dei Beast Pr Stunt. Pope Francis, Tell Your Priests You All Have No Power to Re-produce Christ in Eucharist Satanic Mass, by Paris Arrow, Pope Francis The Con-christ. (July 14, 2014)
- Good Lord - Priest Held for Cocaine Party, by Philip Willan, The Times (July 17, 2014)
- Former Jefferson County Pastor Charged with Sex Crimes Appears in Court, by Sarah Killian, Alabama's 13 (July 17, 2014)
- Maplewood Pastor Guilty of Raping 2 Girl Relatives, Jury Decides, by Emily Gurnon, Pioneer Press (July 17, 2014)
- Louisiana Court Vs. the Seal of Confession, in St. Louis Review (July 16, 2014)
- Deadline Nears for Claims against Bankrupt Stockton Catholic Diocese, by Matthias Gafni, Mercury News (July 18, 2014)
- Wollongong's Catholic Bishop Celebrates 50 Years with Letter from Pope, by Nick McLaren, ABC News (July 17, 2014)
- Creditors’ Lawyers Press Archdiocese of Milwaukee to Pay up, by Peg Brickley, Wall Street Journal (July 17, 2014)
- Bishop Finn Sued Again (updated), by Steve Vockrodt, Pitch (July 17, 2014)
- Sex Offender Relocated Away from Victim's Grandmother, by Scott Cooper Williams and Patti Zarling, Green Bay Press-Gazette (July 17, 2014)
- Vatican Bank’s ‘peaceful Transition’ Is Akin to Cardinal Bernard Law’s ‘peaceful Transition’ from Crime to Glory in Rome. Opus Dei Beast Is the Mark of Cain, by Paris Arrow, PopeCrimes& Vatican Evils. (July 18, 2014)
- The Greatest Threat to Traditional Churches Isn't Liberalism — It's the Men Who Run Them, by Damon Linker, The Week (July 17, 2014)
- Holding Church Shepherds Accountable, in New York Times (July 17, 2014)
- DPP Looking at File on St Michael Abuse, in Guardian (July 18, 2014)
- Child-porn Suspect Was Cub Scout Volunteer, by Frank Fernandez, News-Journal (July 17, 2014)
- In Colleges" Handling of Rape Cases, Echoes of the Catholic Church's Sex Abuse Scandal, by Rich Barlow, WBUR (July 18, 2014)
- Close St Michael’s, by Carol Matroo, Newsday (July 18, 2014)
- Reilly Told Inquiry Must Be ‘all-inclusive’, by Juno McEnroe, Irish Examiner (July 18, 2014)
- Protest against the Salvation Army: 17-31 July, 2014, Sydney, in lewisblayse.net (July 18, 2014)
- Twice Accused Los Angeles Priest Now Working on Guam; Victims Respond, in SNAP (July 18, 2014)
- Man Accused of Producing Child Porn Was Boy Scout Volunteer, in SNAP (July 18, 2014)
- 119 Tater Seit 1942, in Katholisch (July 18, 2014)
- Missbrauchs-vorwurfe Seit 1942 Ausgewertet, in Erzbistum Freiburg (July 18, 2014)
- Bistum Besitzt 909 Millionen Euro, in HR Online (July 18, 2014)
- The Past, Present and Future of the Vatican Bank, by Thomas Reese, National Catholic Reporter (July 18, 2014)
- Legion of Christ’s New General Director Discusses the Congregation’s Road Ahead (3330), by Edward Pentin, National Catholic Register (July 18, 2014)
- A Reappraisal of Archbishop Rembert Weakland, by Todd Robert Murphy, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (July 18, 2014)
- Ni Child Abuse Inquiry May Be Suspended over Shortage of Funds, in RTE News (July 18, 2014)
- Former Oakville Youth Pastor Charged with Alleged Sexual Assault, by David Lea, Inside Halton (July 18, 2014)
- Pastor, 2 Others Charged with Sexual Abuse of 3 Girls, by Amanda McKenzie, News 13 (July 18, 2014)
- Ganging up on Archbishop Nienstedt, in Catholic League (July 18, 2014)
- Pastor Knew about Child Sexual Abuse and Did Nothing, in SNAP (July 18, 2014)
- Abuse Survivor Joins Criticism of Butler-sloss over Inquiry, by Madeleine Davies, Church Times (July 18, 2014)
- Tom Petty's Billboard Cover: 5 Things We Learned about the Rock Icon, by Joe Lynch, Billboard (July 18, 2014)
- Priest Appears at Hearing on Theft Charge, Bond Set, by Alexandra Chachkevitch, Chicago Tribune (July 18, 2014)
- Sex Abuse Damages Claim against Redemptorist Order Halted, in Irish Times (July 18, 2014)
- German Church Exits Spike Amid Bling Bishop Furor, in Daily American (July 18, 2014)
- Kardinal Marx: „auf Allen Ebenen Vertrauen Schaffen“, in Deutsche Bischofskonferenz (July 18, 2014)
- Time for Michael Sean Winters to Go, by Bill Donohue, Catholic League (July 18, 2014)
- Time for +nienstedt to Go, by Michael Sean Winters, National Catholic Reporter (July 18, 2014)
- Minnesota Catholics Hut by Sex Abuse Scandals, but Many Show Resilience, by Bob Shaw, Pioneer Press (July 18, 2014)
- Ruben Rosario : Archbishop Nienstedt Needs to Go. Now., by Ruben Rosario, Pioneer Press (July 18, 2014)
- Pope Francis Met Joel Osteen, Doug Coe, Powerful Evangelicals. Protest Pope Francis Speech in Congress in 2015 Visit. Idiot Catholics, Beware of Jeb Bush, by Paris Arrow, PopeCrimes& Vatican Evils. (July 18, 2014)
- Dominican Republic Idiot Catholics Sold Their Souls to the Vatican Mammon Beast A.k.a. Opus Dei Beast after Christ Gave Them Key to Freedom, by Paris Arrow, PopeCrimes& Vatican Evils. (July 17, 2014)
- Distrust Is the Unfortunate Fallout, in Visalia Times-Delta (July 18, 2014)
- Former Annunciation Greek Orthodox Greek Church Priest Finally Appears in Court, in WISN (July 18, 2014)
- Archdiocese, Diocese of Winona Seek to Throw Doe 1 Lawsuit out of Court, in Jeff Anderson & Associates (July 18, 2014)
- Pastor Withheld Knowledge of Sexual Abuse, by David Harris, Orlando Sentinel (July 18, 2014)
- Auburn Associate Pastor Charged with Sexual Abuse, by Elizabeth White, WTVM (July 18, 2014)
- Former Auburn Pastor Charged with Sexual Abuse of Two Minors, by Sara Falligant, Opelika-Auburn News (July 18, 2014)
- Man Loses Claim against Order over Sex Abuse, by Ann O’Loughlin, Irish Examiner (July 18, 2014)
July 19
- Robinson’s Funeral a Sign: Church Protects Its Priests, by Marilou Johanek, Toledo Blade (July 19, 2014)
- Can Traditional Religion Survive a Wired World?, by Rod Dreher, American Conservative (July 18, 2014)
- Details of Sex Abuse Allegations Should Not Be Used to Sell Ads, by Tony Webber, Dubbo Photo News (July 19, 2014)
- Rebuilding Trust and Hope, by Cecile Miller, Cape Breton Post (July 18, 2014)
- Longmont Pastor Sentenced in Sexual Exploitation of Children, in CBS Denver (July 18, 2014)
- Boulder County Youth Pastor to Serve 2 Years in Prison over Relationship with Teen Church Member, by Alex Burness, Daily Camera (July 18, 2014)
- Supreme Court Overturns Court of Appeals Decision, by Steve Woodhouse, Journal-Express (July 18, 2014)
- Former Youth Pastor Faces Sexual Assault Charge, by David Lea, Durham Region (July 17, 2014)
- Pastor Accused of Failing to Report Sex Abuse, in WESH (July 18, 2014)
- So Much for "Zero Tolerance", in Visalia Times-Delta (July 18, 2014)
- Former Church Secretary Indicted for Theft, by Bob Allen, Associated Baptist Press (July 18, 2014)
- Mgr Scicluna: Thepaedophiletragedy Couldhave Been Avoided, in Malta Independent (July 19, 2014)
- IL Vescovo Anti-pedofilia: "LA Tragedia Degli Abusi Poteva Essere Evitata", by Paolo Rodari, La Repubblica (July 19, 2014)
- Child Sex Abuse Suspects Jailed, by Michael Smother, Peoria Journa -Star (July 18, 2014)
- A Victims Nightmare in the "Care" of the Salvation Army, by Joanne Mccarthy, Newcastle Herald (July 19, 2014)
- Tom Petty Blasts Catholic Church in Song, in Noise 11 (July 19, 2014)
- Tom Petty Decries Catholic Church "Playing Dumb" about Sexual Abuse in New Song, by Chris Willman, Yahoo Music (July 19, 2014)
- The Pope and ‘paedophile Cardinals’: Another Clue That Francis Is at War with the Vatican, by Damian Thompson, The Spectator (July 18, 2014)
- Historical Abuse Inquiry Could Be Axed Because of Spending Row at Stormont, Says Peter Robinson, by Liam Clarke, Belfast Telegraph (July 19, 2014)
- Stephen Budd : 59 Child Porn Charges Dropped against Former Rosarian Teacher, by Brian Entin, WPTV (July 18, 2014)
- Twice Accused Los Angeles Priest Now Working on Guam, in Pacific News Center (July 18, 2014)
- Pastor Withheld Knowledge of Sexual Abuse, by David Harris, Orlando Sentinel (July 18, 2014)
- Don't Call Me, Archbishop., in Jungle Watch (July 19, 2014)
- Editorial: Extension of Child Sexual Abuse Statute of Limitations to Help Many Survivors, in The Republic (July 18, 2014)
- Rhode Island's Our Lady of Mercy Catholic Church's Filthy History (and the Filth of the American Church in General...), in Professorial Shock-Jock (July 14, 2014)
- Guest Blog: Victor I. Vieth, When Faith Hurts: the Spiritual Impact of Child Abuse, in Hamilton and Griffin on Rights (July 3, 2014)
- Historical Abuse Inquiry: Peter Robinson asked to retract comments, in BBC News (July 19, 2014)
- A Fading Religious Landscape, by John Mccloskey, National Catholic Register (July 19, 2014)
- Pope Francis's 'Church for the Poor' has Assets Worth Billions, by Mark Piggott, International Business Times (July 19, 2014)
- Il tesoro del Vaticano vale almeno 10 miliardi, by Di Emiliano Fittipaldi, L' Espresso (July 19, 2014)
- Ex-pastor sentenced for church bathroom voyeurism, by Steven Porter, Lafayette Journal & Courier (July 18, 2014)
July 20
- Book reveals Cardinal's role in abuse 'inquiry', by John Spain, Irish Independent (July 20, 2014)
- Rampant abuse, mismanagement swept under carpet for years, by Shaliza Hassanali, Guardian (July 20, 2014)
- Pastor's sexual exploitation convictions will stand, in The KCCI (July 20, 2014)
- Change coming in old order, in Visalia Delta-Times (July 18, 2014)
- CONSTRUCTING A CATHOLIC CRISIS, by Philip Jenkins, Anxious Bench (July 20, 2014)
- The Irish priest behind Vatican's digital miracle, by Gerry O'sullivan, Irish Independent (July 19, 2014)
- Does Pope Francis have a cunning plan?, by John Waters, Irish Independent (July 20, 2014)
- ‘FOBs’ driving the train under Pope Francis, by John L. Allen Jr., BostGlobe (July 19, 2014)
- Vatican, the Pope’s Treasure, by Di Emiliano Fittipaldi, L'Espresso (July 20, 2014)
- Papa Francesco, la 'pulizia' dello Ior e i numeri che non tornano, in L'Espresso (July 20, 2014)
- Cardinali milionari: la mappa delle proprietà private del clero, by Di Paolo Biondani, L' Espresso (July 20, 2014)
- ACP Statement on appointment of Yvonne Murphy, in Association of Catholic Priests (July 20, 2014)
- Afghanistan--Afgan mullah child rape case is "beyond heartbreaking,", by Barbara Dorris, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (July 20, 2014)
- Struggling to Keep Afghan Girl Safe After a Mullah Is Accused of Rape, by Rod Nordland, New York Times (July 20, 2014)
- St. Paul priest calls for Archbishop Nienstedt to resign, on The robbobradio (July 20, 2014)
- LA priest accused of molestation now on Guam, by Jasmine Stole, Marianas Variety (July 21, 2014)
- Marie Keenan: Child Sexual Abuse..., by Gladys Ganiel, Gladys Ganiel (July 19, 2014)
- Experts: Child porn suspect’s ties to children fits pattern, by Frank Fernandez, News-Journal (July 20, 2014)
- Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis to seek dismissal of abuse lawsuit, in St. Cloud Times (July 20, 2014)
July 21
- Doing What Comes Naturally?, in Another Voice (July 21, 2014)
- Priests tried to 'blame and shame me' at meeting in front of Brady, claims abuse victim, by John Spain, Irish Independent (July 21, 2014)
- Virtuous Pedophiles group gives support therapy can't, by Amber Hildebrandt, CBC News (July 21, 2014)
- Only 67 British-based Magdalene survivors seek redress despite ‘majority’ claim, by Niall O Sullivan, Irish Post (July 21, 2014)
- Revelations spark calls for cardinal to step down, by Sarah Macdonald, Irish Independent (July 21, 2014)
- Number of mums tracing adopted children soars after 'Philomena', by Eilish O'regan, Irish Independent (July 21, 2014)
- Why the Popes Failed to Act, by Jay Dunlap, New Oxford Review (July 21, 2014)
- Why aren’t Pope Francis and his cardinals singing from the same hymn sheet?, by Paddy Agnew, Irish TimesPaddy Agnew (July 19, 2014)
- Cover-up unravels from the inside, by Madeleine Baran, Minnesota Public Radio (July 21, 2014)
- Archbishop makes vow, breaks it, by Madeleine Baran, Minnesota Public Radio (July 21, 2014)
- The church protects its own, by Madeleine Baran, Minnesota Public Radio (July 21, 2014)
- It all began in Lafayette, by Madeleine Baran, Minnesota Public Radio (July 21, 2014)
- Source notes | About the reporting, in Minnesota Public Radio (July 21, 2014)
- Don't believe what you read: Church teaching isn't changing, by Joseph Tevington, Bucks County Courier Times (July 21, 2014)
- MO- Presbyterian minister sues Presbyterian church, by David Clohessy, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (July 21, 2014)
- Hearing begins Monday in case against St. Louis priest, in The KMOV (July 21, 2014)
- Church's '€10k offer for victim's silence', by Clodagh Sheehy, Herald (July 21, 2014)
- Paisley's dead pastor friend linked to Kincora abuse, by Ciaran Barnes, Belfast Telegraph (July 21, 2014)
- Colin Wallace: Any Kincora inquiry 'must have full access', in BBC News (July 21, 2014)
- Full story of Kincora Boys' Home..., by Adrian Rutherford, Belfast Telegraph (July 16, 2014)
- Kincora probe has to access secret files..., by Colin Francis, Belfast Telegraph (July 21, 2014)
- Pressure builds for Kincora claims to be investigated by Westminster, in News Letter (July 21, 2014)
- LA- Victims urge bishop to suspend predator priest, by David Clohessy, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (July 21, 2014)
- Wake-up call for Catholic hierarchs, by Mark Silk, Spiritual Politics (July 21, 2014)
- Warning issued on mother-and-baby homes inquiry, by Pamela Duncan, Irish Times (July 21, 2014)
- ‘A jigsaw puzzle ..., by Pamela Duncan, Irish Times (July 21, 2014)
- MO- SNAP: Carlson keeps hurting Fr. Jiang's victims, by David Clohessy, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (July 21, 2014)
- Institutional abuse campaigners 'reassured' by Peter Robinson, in BBC News (July 21, 2014)
- MN- Two new predator priests “outed” today, SNAP responds, by Barbara Dorris, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (July 21, 2014)
- Hearing Monday postponed in case against St. Louis priest, in The KMOV (July 21, 2014)
- Tom Petty Isn't 'Playing Dumb' About Church Sex Abuse Scandal on New Song, by Fred Schruers, Billboard (July 21, 2014)
- Women priests give $1,000 to shelter after Cincinnati archdiocese withdraws donation, by Nicholas Sciarappa, National Catholic Reporter (July 21, 2014)
- Tom Petty Criticizes Catholic Church For Sex Abuses In New Song 'Playing Dumb', by Antonia Blumberg, HuffingtPost (July 21, 2014)
- New Tom Petty album rocks Catholic church on abuse, by Brian Roewe, National Catholic Reporter (July 21, 2014)
- Funds secured for HIA inquiry, by Ken Reid, UTV (July 21, 2014)
- Police: Former pastor accused of child sex crimes kills self, by Paige Hansen, WSOC (July 21, 2014)
- Rowan deputies: Rockwell man fatally shoots self during arrest, in Independent Tribune (July 21, 2014)
- A quarter of babies sent to US from Sean Ross Abbey, by Claire O'sullivan, Irish Examiner (July 21, 2014)
- NY Times: Pope's housecleaning should start with Twin Cities archbishop, in The KMSP (July 21, 2014)
July 22
- Pope Francis: No to clergy sex abuse, by Ver F. Pacete, Sun.Star (July 22, 2014)
- Can Archdiocese be considered 'public nuisance'?, by Tom Lyden, Fox 9 (July 22, 2014)
- Judge: Jury should decide priest abuse lawsuit, on The southernminn.com (July 22, 2014)
- VIDEO: Archdiocese Admits ..., by Janela Buhain, Pacific News Center (July 22, 2014)
- Statement from the Archdiocese of Agana Regarding Fr. John Wadeson, in Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Agana (July 22, 2014)
- Archdiocese removes priest accused of child molestation, by Sabrina Salas Matanane, KUAM (July 22, 2014)
- Archbishop Apuron removes priest from public ministry, by Gaynor Dumat-Ol Daleno, Pacific Daily News (July 22, 2014)
- Ramsey County judge advances part of priest abuse lawsuit, studies other issue, by Emily Gurnon, Pioneer Press (July 21, 2014)
- Shattering an unholy vow of silence, by Dan Buckley, Irish Examiner (July 22, 2014)
- Judge rejects archdiocese plea to drop clergy abuse case, by Jean Hopfensperger, Star Tribune (July 22, 2014)
- The Lies, The Endless Lies, by Rod Dreher, Amrican Conservative (July 21, 2014)
- Sexual allegations at St Michael’s: Teen ready to talk with cops about abuse, in The Guardian (July 22, 2014)
- 30 YEARS OF ABUSE, by Sean Douglas, Newsday (July 22, 2014)
- Rules won't restore the Church, by Chris Mcgillion And Damian Grace, Eureka Street (July 22, 2014)
- Parents, specialists gather in Volusia to discuss child sex abuse prevention, by Joel Schipper, News 13 (July 21, 2014)
- New Minnesota NPR Report ...", by William D. Lindsey, Bilgrimage (July 22, 2014)
- Ramsey County judge rules clergy sex abuse case may go to trial, by Madeleine Baran, Minnesota Public Radio (July 22, 2014)
- MO- Crucial hearing tomorrow for unprecedented $1 mill award, by David Clohessy, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (July 22, 2014)
- Teenage Missionary Accused of Raping Young Children at African Orphanage, in The KTLA (July 22, 2014)
- Edmond man faces charges of sex acts with Kenyan children, by Matt Dinger, NewsOK (July 22, 2014)
- Oklahoma Man Charged with Sexually Abusing Kids in Kenya, in The KSWO (July 22, 2014)
- Edmond man confesses to crimes in Kenya, by Mark Schlachtenhaufen, Edmond Sun (July 22, 2014)
- Bishop Palmer, pope's Pentecostal friend, dies in motorcycle accident, by Cindy Wooden, National Catholic Reporter (July 22, 2014)
- NC pastor kills self in front of deputies as they try to arrest him on child sex charges, by David Edwards, Raw Story (July 22, 2014)
- Pastor avoids maximum sentence in child porn case, in Greenville Sun (July 22, 2014)
- Víctimas de Karadima ..., by Gabriela Ulloa, Bio Bio (July 22, 2014)
- Public Statement Regarding the Manipulation of the Negotiations by CardinalEzzati and Bishops in Civil Lawsuit with Survivors of Sexual Abuse in Chile, in Juan Carlos Cruz Chellew, James Hamilton Sánchez and José Andrés Murillo Urrutia (July 22, 2014)
- OK- Church must "seek out" victims of just arrested-man, SNAP says, by David Clohessy, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (July 22, 2014)
- TN- Church should reach out to possible victims SNAP says, by David Clohessy, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (July 22, 2014)
- A comparison of responses to allegations of child sex abuse- Prestonwood Baptist Church and Morrison Heights Baptist ..., in Watch Keep (July 22, 2014)
- US missionary accused of sex abuse in Kenya blames ‘pseudo-tribal psychological voodoo’, by Travis Gettys, Raw Story (July 22, 2014)
- Rock Legend Tom Petty Slams Catholic Church And Conservative ‘Christians’ For Un-Christian Behavior, by Stephen D Foster, Addicting Info (July 22, 2014)
- MT- Victims urge reprimanded MT judge to volunteer, by Barbara Dorris, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (July 22, 2014)
- Montana judge censured over rape comments, in Sun Herald (July 22, 2014)
- Youth pastor gets 3 years for child porn, by Bob Allen, Associated Baptist Press (July 22, 2014)
- Old abuse accusations resurface with recent arrest, by Bob Allen, Associated Baptist Press (July 22, 2014)
- The Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown, PA, the Diocese of Youngstown, Ohio, and the Franciscan Friars Third Order Regular of Pennsylvania continue their foot-dragging in clergy sexual abuse cases, in Road to Recovery (July 22, 2014)
- Decision on defrocked priest’s appeal due in 2015, by Claire O'sullivan, Irish Examiner (July 22, 2014)
July 23
- Shreveport pastor sentenced to prison for engaging in sexual acts with minors, in The KATC (July 23, 2014)
- Santa Fe archbishop talks about his experience, by Tom Joles, KOB (July 23, 2014)
- Ousted priest leaves Guam, by Gaynor Dumat-Ol Daleno, Pacific Daily News (July 23, 2014)
- NBC 6 Exclusive: Victims react to local pastor being sentenced for sex crimes, by Nikki Henderson, Kimberly Rusley, ArkLaTex Homepage (July 23, 2014)
- Michael Mack's CONVERSATIONS WITH MY MOLESTER: A JOURNEY OF FAITH to Play NYMITF thru 8/2, in Broadway World (July 22, 2014)
- Residential school activist passes, by Eric Plummer, Alberni Valley Times (July 23, 2014)
- Why did the Salvation Army fail to act on my claims of sexual abuse?, by Sa Mathieson And Saba Salman, Guardian (July 23, 2014)
- Melb Church to face abuse royal commission, in Daily Mail (UK) (July 23, 2014)
- Royal Commission to hold public hearing in Melbourne, in Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse (July 22, 2014)
- Child sex abuse allegations: Vigilance the key say protection advocates, in ABC News (July 23, 2014)
- Hunter priest charged with historical child sex offences, in ABC News (July 23, 2014)
- Irish baby homes investigation reveals use for cadavers, vaccine testing, by Terrence Mccoy, WashingtPost (July 23, 2014)
- Magnanimous memoir of a 'dead canary' bishop, by Andrew Hamilton, Eureka Street (July 23, 2014)
- Priest accused of inappropriate contact with teen in court today, in The CBS 6 (July 23, 2014)
- Ousted priest leaves Guam, by Jolene Toves, KUAM (July 23, 2014)
- KATHARINE A. (LONDON) GOODNOW, by Katharine A., Kansas City Star (July 23, 2014)
- NY- Priest case adjourned until August, SNAP responds, by David Clohessy, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (July 23, 2014)
- IL- Clergy sex abuse group marks 25th anniversary, by David Clohessy, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (July 23, 2014)
- Kay Goodnow of Kansas City MO passes, by David Clohessy, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (July 23, 2014)
- Father Michael court date postponed, in The WNYT (July 23, 2014)
- Thomas A. Delaney, OC's Newest Judge, was Favored Lawyer of Pedophile-Protecting Groups, by Gustavo Arellano, Orange County Weekly (July 23, 2014)
- FATHER MICHAEL KOLAR PRIEST FILE, in Jeff Anderson & Associates (July 23, 2014)
- KC Diocese's $1.1M sex abuse judgment challenged, by Chris Oberholtz, Erika Tallan, KCTV (July 23, 2014)
- Guam- Abuse victims blast priest & archbishop, by Joelle Casteix, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (July 23, 2014)
- Victim criticises judge over abuse hearings, by Dan Box, Australian (July 24, 2014)
- Ousted priest leaves Guam: Wadeson defends, praises Archbishop Apuron, by Gaynor Dumat-Ol Daleno, Pacific Daily News (July 23, 2014)
- Families SA insider says ..., by Lauren Novak, Sam Kelton, Perth Now (July 23, 2014)
- Ex-Tampa Day School Principal Criminally Charged with Molestation of Child, by Adam Horowitz, Farmer, Jaffe, Weissing, Edwards, Fistos and Lehrman (July 23, 2014)
- Tears for the perpetrators. Anger at the victims., by Fred Clark, Slacktivist (July 23, 2014)
- The Catholic Church must continue to aggressively address, prevent sexual abuse, in Florida Times-Union (July 23, 2014)
- MO- Newly released records show archbishop's cover-ups, by Barbara Dorris, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (July 23, 2014)
- Sex abuse victim files lawsuit against children's pastor, Baptist church, by Greg Garrison, AL.com (July 23, 2014)
- Sex abuse victim sues Alabama Baptist church, by Bob Allen, Associated Baptist Press (July 23, 2014)
- KC diocese disputes $1.1 million in sexual abuse case, by Judy L. Thomas, Kansas City Star (July 23, 2014)
- Idiot Catholics, ‘Don't believe what you read from AP, Reuters and Boston Globe’..., by Paris Arrow, PopeCrimes& Vatican Evils (July 23, 2014)
- Police charge another religious Brother with offences against a child, in Broken Rites (July 23, 2014)
- Update: Victims group calls for end to 'delays' ..., by David Hurst, Tribune-Democrat (July 23, 2014)
- With child abuse, we need to talk about original sin, by James Boyce, ConversationJames BoyceUniversity Associate at University of Tasmania (July 23, 2014)
- SNAP ..., in Pacific News Center (July 23, 2014)
- Judge To Rule In Breach Of Contract Suit Against Diocese, by Dan Margolies, KCUR (July 23, 2014)
- Mom of Alleged Victim Speaks Out, by Jim Madalinsky, WeAreCentralPA (July 23, 2014)
- Diocese case: Remembering the children, by Mary Sanchez, Kansas City Star (July 23, 2014)
- Best Clinical Practices for Male Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse: “Do No Harm”, by Christopher M Anderson, Permanente Journal (July 23, 2014)
- Former Christian radio host John Balyo faces federal child porn charge, by Angie Jackson, MLive (July 23, 2014)
- Officials kept St. Paul priest in ministry after sex abuse revelations, documents indicate, by Emily Gurnon, Pioneer Press (July 23, 2014)
- New book includes evidence of Cardinal's role in Brendan Smyth inquiry, by Patsy Mcgarry, Irish Times (July 23, 2014)
- Minnesota Archdiocese wanted to label marriage equality-supporting priest 'disabled', by Andy Birkey, TwCities Daily Planet (July 22, 2014)
July 24
- Massachusetts monks tap brewing tradition to support aging members, by Scott Malone, Bangor Daily News (July 24, 2014)
- Number of Catholic priests who have been defrocked for sex abuse revealed, by Chiara Rinaldi, Wales Online (July 24, 2014)
- Philippines idiot Catholics. Opus Dei Beast PR Stunt of the Day “Pope Francis: No to clergy sex abuse” is a pack of pathological lies, by Paris Arrow, PopeCrimes& Vatican Evils. (July 24, 2014)
- Catholic priest jailed for historic sexual offences against young girls, by Joanna Menagh, ABC News (July 24, 2014)
- More than 50 catholic priests in England and Wales defrocked over abuse claims, in Western Daily Press (July 24, 2014)
- Perth Catholic priest Father Patrick Holmes ..., in Perth Now (July 24, 2014)
- Documents Detail Case of Former Priest Accused of Sexually Abusing Girls, by Cassie Hart, KSTP (July 24, 2014)
- Ex-Milwaukee archbishop told he can't spend final days at St. Vincent Archabbey, by Richard Gazarik, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review (July 24, 2014)
- Fulton’s First Presbyterian named in lawsuit, by Katherine Cummins, FultSun (July 24, 2014)
- Iowans warned of hidden cameras in restrooms, bathing areas, by Daniel P. Finney, Press-Citizen (July 23, 2014)
- Church member stands by Shreveport pastor convicted of sex crimes, by Kimberly Rusley, ArkLATex Homepage (July 24, 2014)
- Detective in old case says he lacked evidence on teacher arrested for child porn, by Frank Fernandez, News-Journal (July 23, 2014)
- Defense Attorney Claims Victim Sexually Abused By Preacher Was Over 18, by Harold Hayes, CBS Pittsburgh (July 24, 2014)
- Ban on male child carers considered after 'horrific' abuse case, in New Zealand Herald (July 24, 2014)
- Royal Commission Announces Public Hearing into Melbourne Response, in Pro Bono (July 24, 2014)
- Rod Dreher on Nienstedt Story ..., by William D. Lindsey, Bilgrimage (July 24, 2014)
- Presbyterian minister seeks justice, other victims, by Katherine Cummins, News-Tribune (July 24, 2014)
- Priest jailed for abusing young girls, in The West Australian (July 24, 2014)
- Our View: Catholics must demand archdiocese changes, in St Cloud Times (July 24, 2014)
- Victims’ advocates decry delays in Baker case, by David Hurst, Tribune-Democrat (July 24, 2014)
- Prosecutors continue investigating missionary, by Keaton Fox, Fox 25 (July 24, 2014)
- SNAP: Wadeson not only priest accused of sexual misconduct, by Jasmine Stole, Marianas Variety (July 24, 2014)
- Fifty-two Catholic priests defrocked in England and Wales since 2001, in The Guardian (July 24, 2014)
- Pope 'updated' on church in Ireland, by Sarah Macdonald, Irish Independent (July 24, 2014)
- Church reports progress on child protection in England and Wales, in Vatican Radio (July 24, 2014)
- 52 Catholic Priests 'Defrocked' as Child Sex Allegations Surge, by Tabatha Kinder, International Business Times (July 24, 2014)
- Church puts abuse survivors at heart of safeguarding as report discloses 10 years of data, in The Tablet (July 24, 2014)
- Ten years of progress but the Church can never apologise enough for abuse, by Danny Sullivan, Tablet (July 24, 2014)
- More than 50 priests defrocked over abuse claims, on The ITV (July 24, 2014)
- Second victim of jailed church elder speaks out, in Barry and District News (July 24, 2014)
- PA- Lawyer claims “exploiting a minor” charge was with an adult, by Barbara Dorris, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (July 24, 2014)
- UK- Second victim of jailed Jehovah's Witness elder speaks up, SNAP responds, by Barbara Dorris, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (July 24, 2014)
- MO- Finn wants out of his contract with abuse victims, by Mike Hunter, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (July 23, 2014)
- Guest Blog: SNAP, Little-noticed award to victims may have big ramifications, by Barbara Dorris And David Clohessy, Hamiltand GriffRights (July 24, 2014)
- Ousted priest leaves Guam: Wadeson defends, praises Archbishop Apuron, in Jungle Watch (July 24, 2014)
- Petition to reinstate fired KC pantry director met by security guards, by Brian Roewe, National Catholic Reporter (July 24, 2014)
- MO- Victims want Presbyterians to do "outreach", by David Clohessy, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (July 24, 2014)
- Wisdom and Prudence in Action, by Kevin O'brien, Waiting for Godot to Leave (July 24, 2014)
- ARCHBISHOP NIENSTEDT’S NEW CRITICS, by Bill Donohue, Catholic League (July 24, 2014)
- Former priest Shawn Ratigan’s 50-year sentence for child pornography upheld, in The Kansas City Star (July 24, 2014)
- Vatican revising canon law on abuse penalties, cardinal says, by Cindy Wooden, Catholic News Service (July 24, 2014)
- MO- Notorious predator priest's sentence upheld, SNAP responds, by Mike Hunter, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (July 24, 2014)
- Oklahoma teen engaged in sex acts with orphans while volunteering in Kenya: FBI, by Nina Golgowsk, New York Daily News (July 22, 2014)
- MI5’s murky role in Kincora scandal yet to be exposed, by Eamonn Mccann, Irish TimesEamonn McCann (July 24, 2014)
- Vicar described as 'a sexual predator', by James Franklin, Daily Echo (July 24, 2014)
- Pastor Camouflages Hidden Cameras as Air Fresheners In Women’s Restroom, by Nigel Boys, All Christian News (July 24, 2014)
- Indiana pastor sentenced for secretly filming female parishioners in church bathroom, by Tom Boggioni, Raw Story (July 19, 2014)
- Ex-pastor sentenced in bathroom camera case, in The IndyChannel (July 19, 2014)
- Child abuse reports increase but less than half investigated: report, by Rachel Browne, Sydney Morning Herald (July 25, 2014)
- Wanted: a shepherd for the Windy City, by Michael Sean Winters, Tablet (July 24, 2014)
- Questions raised about mother-and-baby homes 75 years ago, by Claire O'sullivan, Irish Examiner (July 24, 2014)
- Conversations With My Molester, A Journey We All Should See, in Times Square Chronicles (July 24, 2014)
- ARCHBISHOP CARLSON’S PAL A SEX ADDICT, by Berger, Berger's Beat (July 23, 2014)
- Why should Nienstedt go -- or stay? Readers add voices to fray, by Ruben Rosario, Pioneer Press (July 24, 2014)
- Priest's criminal case is postponed, in Albany Times Union (July 24, 2014)
- Apuron ‘removes’ priest, by Jasmine Stole, Marianas Variety (July 23, 2014)
- Accused Priest Denies Allegations, Departs Guam, by Gaynor Dumat-Ol Daleno, Pacific Islands Report (July 24, 2014)
- Playing A Different Song And Dance, in Neocatechemunal Way - An Insider's View (July 24, 2014)
- Criticism against Guam archbishop continues, by Sabrina Salas Matanane, KUAM (July 24, 2014)
- Dr. Mohler, Churches DID Know, in Spiritual Sounding Board (July 24, 2014)
July 25
- RELIGION | Court ruling could open the confessional booth, by Dave Swavely, World Magazine (July 25, 2014)
- Mary Gordon on "Francis and the Nuns" in Harper's, by Mollie Wilson O'reilly, Commonweal (July 24, 2014)
- Francis and the Nuns, by Mary Gordon, Harper's (July 25, 2014)
- Man files lawsuit against former children’s minister in Shoals, church, by Johny Fernandez, WHNT (July 25, 2014)
- Maine Catholics sell property as attendance falls, in The Washington Times (July 25, 2014)
- Bishop to plead not guilty to child abuse, by Amanda Banks, West Australian (July 25, 2014)
- Australian Defence Force bishop to deny child sexual offences, court told, by Rebecca Trigger, 7 News (July 25, 2014)
- Max Davis..., in Perth Now (July 25, 2014)
- ‘Half of Magdalene laundry women in 1950s and 1960s never left again’, by Claire O'sullivan, Irish Examiner (July 25, 2014)
- Damning report set for ’heart of the Oireachtas’, by Evelyn Ring, Irish Examiner (July 25, 2014)
- UN calls for independent probe of abuse in Ireland, in Expatica (July 25, 2014)
- Why Louis Lentin’s Dear Daughter was so important for Ireland, by Sinead O'carroll, Journal (July 25, 2014)
- A Catholic bishop faces court on child-abuse charges from 1989, in Broken Rites (July 25, 2014)
- Calls for Cardinal Brady’s resignation after victim's book reveals role in cover-up of priest's abuse, by Sarah Mac Donald, Tablet (July 25, 2014)
- CA- Ousted predator priest to work in San Fran?, by Tim Lennon, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (July 25, 2014)
- Stück für Stück fällt der katholische Mantel des Schweigens, in Deutsche Welle (July 25, 2014)
- Archbishop Chaput confirms pope to visit Philadelphia in September 2015, by Nancy Wiechec, National Catholic Reporter (July 25, 2014)
- CA- Will SF let twice-accused LA/Guam priest work?, by Tim Lennon, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (July 24, 2014)
- AL- Victim files lawsuit against church where predator worked, by David Clohessy, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (July 25, 2014)
- Ministers urged to name child abuse inquiry head, in BBC News (July 25, 2014)
- Minnesota Public Radio report on church convulsions links to Louisiana, Rome, by Jason Berry, GlobalPost (July 25, 2014)
- PA- Victims want US Catholics to, by Barbara Blaine, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (July 25, 2014)
- Report: Pope Francis To Attend World Meeting Of Families In Philly In 2015, in CBS Philly (July 25, 2014)
- Pope Francis To Visit U.S. Next Year, by Scott Neuman, NPR (July 25, 2014)
- STATEMENT REGARDING THE ATTENDANCE OF POPE FRANCIS AT THE WORLD MEETING OF FAMILIES-PHILADELPHIA 2015, by Kenneth A. Gavin, Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Philadlephia (July 25, 2014)
- Bishop: Pope 'expected' in Philadelphia, by Jim Walsh, Cherry Hill, Courier-Post (July 25, 2014)
- Ex-basketball coach and youth pastor admits to sexual abuse of 13-year-old boy, by Brett Hambright, Lancaster Online (July 25, 2014)
- Vaticano expulsa a dos sacerdotes chilenos por abuso sexual, in The Terra (July 25, 2014)
- DECLARACIÓN PÚBLICA, in Diocesis de Copiapo' (July 25, 2014)
- Abuse victim sues MO church that hired sex offender later convicted in botched sex change, by Travis Gettys, Raw Story (July 25, 2014)
- Church’s hierarchy shows its colours, by Ryle Dwyer, Irish Examiner (July 25, 2014)
- Introducing Jennifer Haselberger, by Civil Rights, Christian News Wire (July 25, 2014)
- Muscle Shoals children's minister convicted of sex abuse had little oversight from church, lawsuit says, by Kelly Kazek, AL.com (July 25, 2014)
- Pope coming to Philly next year, archbishop says — unofficially, by Emily Babay, Philly.com (July 25, 2014)
- Pope Francis is coming to Philadelphia – but where else will he visit?, by David Gibson, U.S. Catholic (July 25, 2014)
- Speculation Grows Over Potential Visit by Pope Francis to U.S., by Liam Moloney And Deborah Ball, Wall Street Journal (July 25, 2014)
- To the Anonymous Commenter, by Kevin O'brien, Waiting for Godot to Leave (July 25, 2014)
- St. Thomas faculty join refrain for Twin Cities leadership change, by Brian Roewe, National Catholic Reporter (July 25, 2014)
- Priest in Guam removed over California allegations, in Houston Chronicle (July 25, 2014)
- Pain of abuse stays forever, by Brian D’arcy, Sunday World (July 25, 2014)
- Priest Twice-Accused Of Child Molestation Was Permitted To Minister In SF, Archdiocese Claims It Didn't Know, by Whitney Phaneuf, SFist (July 25, 2014)
July 26
- Members of Theology Faculty of St. Thomas University, St. Paul..., by William D. Lindsey, Bilgrimage (July 26, 2014)
- Albany Diocese condemns obituary and mass for accused former priest, by Julia Reischel, Watershed Post (July 24, 2014)
- Rev. Robert H. Purcell, in The Post-Star (July 18, 2014)
- Church controversy continues, by Sabrina Salas Matanane, KUAM (July 26, 2014)
- Seton Keough teacher accused of sexual abuse, by Jean Marbella, Baltimore Sun (July 25, 2014)
- Archdiocese: Teacher Admits To Sex Abuse, by Robert Lang, WBAL (July 26, 2014)
- Seton Keough teacher admits to allegations of sexual abuse of three former students in 1980s, in Catholic Review - Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Baltimore (July 25, 2014)
- Baltimore Catholic School Teacher Admits To Allegations Of Sexual Abuse, by Rick Ritter, CBS Baltimore (July 26, 2014)
- The First Holy Communion dress did not fit everyone, by Ronnie O'gorman, Galway Advertiser (July 26, 2014)
- Watchtower Victims Memorial Day – July 26th, in The JWVictims (July 26, 2014)
- Character Assassination - Catholic Style, by Kevin O'brien, Waiting for Godot to Leave (July 26, 2014)
- Philadelphia, Trenton bishops looking to papal visit, by Peg Quann, BurlingtCounty Times (July 26, 2014)
- Ruben Rosario: Readers add voices to John Nienstedt fray, by Ruben Rosario, Pioneer Press (July 25, 2014)
- DA: No indication church delayed reporting abuse, by Marie Waxel, WAFF (July 26, 2014)
- From torture to reunion: The story of the Riverview Old Boys, by Chris Owen, Queensland Times (July 26, 2014)
July 27
- To heal church, Nienstedt must go, by Editorial Board, Star Tribune (July 26, 2014)
- Delaware's Child Victims Act was a success despite the odds, by Thomas S. Neuberger, News Journal (July 26, 2014)
- Randy pastor’s church shut, by Nomsa Nkana, Zambia Daily Mail (July 27, 2014)
- San Francisco Archdiocese Bars Father Wadesen From Ministry, by Kevin Kerrigan, Pacific News Center (July 27, 2014)
- San Francisco Archdiocese Removes Priest From Service Over Allegations Of Past Sex Abuse, in CBS SF Bay Area (July 26, 2014)
- Priest's trial date moved, in Catholic Sentinel (July 27, 2014)
- Secrets, lies and sex abuse as ex-sect leader chooses life on the inside, by Chris Johnston, Age (July 28, 2014)
- StarTribune calls for Nienstedt resignation, in National Catholic Reporter (July 27, 2014)
July 28
- I'm feeling fine, says leading priest as he battles cancer, by Adrian Rutherford, Irish Independent (July 28, 2014)
- ABC News: Attorney for Archdiocese of Los Angeles Says Guam Archdiocese Was Told About Allegations Against Father Wadeson in 2011, by Kevin Kerrigan, Pacific News Center (July 28, 2014)
- Probe into St Michael’s home: Cops interview abused teenager, by Anna Lisa Paul, Guardian (July 28, 2014)
- Christian Assemblies International: Former members detail abuse handed out by CAI leader Scott Williams, by Caro Meldrum-Hanna, ABC News (July 28, 2014)
- Churches need closer monitoring, by Online Editor, Zambia Daily Mail (July 28, 2014)
- Fr Brian D'Arcy..., in Belfast Telegraph (July 28, 2014)
- Four Corners reporter uncovers a secret religious society ..., on The news.com.au (July 28, 2014)
- Manipulated, sexually abused and hidden in plain sight..., by Emily Crane, Daily Mail (UK) (July 28, 2014)
- CULT OF HORRORS, by Caro Meldrum-Hanna And Janine Cohen, ABC - Four Corners (July 28, 2014)
- Cardenal insta a respetar y obedecer las decisiones del Papa en el Este, by Por Wilson Ferreira, Ultima Hora (July 28, 2014)
- May urged to pick ‘radical’ QC Michael Mansfield for child abuse inquiry, in The Times (July 28, 2014)
- Pope Francis Suspends Priestly Ordinations in Paraguay: The Fate of Courageous Local Bishop in the Balance, in The Eponymous Flower (July 28, 2014)
- Child porn priest taped SBS shows, in Sky News (July 28, 2014)
- Ousted priest takes out ad in newspaper, by Sabrina Salas Matanane, KUAM (July 28, 2014)
- War over Weakland is over, by Peter Isely, SNAP Wisconsin (July 28, 2014)
- Frank J LaFerriere..., by Frank J Laferriere Gorham, BerlDaily Sun (July 28, 2014)
- INTL- Priest with abuse allegations may have been suspended, by David Clohessy, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (July 28, 2014)
- TX- Church to hold rally for admitted molester, by Amy Smith, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (July 28, 2014)
- Former vicar jailed for child abuse, in Isle of Wight County Press (July 28, 2014)
- STAR TRIBUNE AGAINST ARCHBISHOP NIENSTEDT, by D.j. Tice, Catholic League (July 28, 2014)
- A Snappy Statement, by Kevin O'brien, Waiting for Godot to Leave (July 28, 2014)
- Wandering Wadeson: A banned priest is exposed, by Joelle Casteix, Worthy Adversary (July 28, 2014)
- Priest accused of molesting St. Gregory's students removed from Paraguay post, by David Falchek, Times-Tribune (July 29, 2014)
- Presbyterian Church named in abuse lawsuit, by Jim Salter, Belleville News-Democrat (July 28, 2014)
- OH- Man seeks to profit from brutal murder of nun, by Claudia Vercellotti, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (July 28, 2014)
- After investigation of diocese in Paraguay, Vatican suspends ordinations, in Catholic Culture (July 28, 2014)
- Suspenden ordenaciones sacerdotales en Ciudad del Este, Paraguay, in El Nuevo Herald (July 28, 2014)
- Naming Violation: Sexualized Violence and LGBTQ Justice, by Stephanie Krehbiel, Our Stories Untold (July 24, 2014)
- Reports: The Vatican fires a priest in Paraguay accused of molesting US seminarians, by Alex Leff, GlobalPost (July 28, 2014)
- Like good shepherd, church must seek out, help abused, says survivor, by Carol Glatz, Catholic News Service (July 28, 2014)
- GRACE against sex abuse, by Martin Marty, HuffingtPost (July 28, 2014)
- Review: Tough questions for ‘fallen priest’, by R. Stephanie Bruno, Advocate (July 28, 2014)
July 29
- Vatican suspends ordinations at Paraguayan diocese, in UCA News (July 29, 2014)
- Nigeria: Sacrilege - Pastor Who Impregnates Married Women and Their Daughters, Says God Directs Him to Do So, in The allAfrica (July 29, 2014)
- Youth pastor fired, jailed after teen-sex charges, in Morning Times (July 29, 2014)
- Former Members Reveal Shocking Details of Abuse Handed Out by Christian Assemblies International (CIA) Leader Scott Williams, by Indrani Bhattacharyya, International Business Times (July 29, 2014)
- Former Ballarat teacher Scott Williams accused of founding abusive religious cult, by Fiona Henderson, Courier (July 29, 2014)
- Horrors of Coffs Harbour church sex ring revealed by ABC, in Central Telegraph (July 28, 2014)
- Ex-radio host expected to plea in child porn probe, in SF Gate (July 29, 2014)
- John Balyo, former Christian radio host, to plead guilty to federal child porn charges, by Angie Jackson, MLive (July 24, 2014)
- John Balyo to plead guilty to 2 federal charges, by Gregory Ghering, WZZM (July 24, 2014)
- Youth minister accused of having sex with 15-year-old girl, by Amy Mcconnell Schaarsmith, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (July 28, 2014)
- Youth Pastor Charged Over Alleged Sexual Activity With Teen Girl, by Ross Guidotti, CBS Pittsburgh (July 29, 2014)
- What’s wrong with the proposed mother and babies home commission, by Vincent Twomey, Irish Times (July 29, 2014)
- Greg Kelley protests draw more attention, scrutiny, by Angie Beavin, KXAN (July 28, 2014)
- Darkness in the East, by Kevin O'brien, Waiting for Godot to Leave (July 29, 2014)
- Data errors., by Grant Gallicho, dotCommonweal (July 28, 2014)
- Who is giving the numbers to the Pope?, by Marco Tosatti, Rorate Caeli (July 29, 2014)
- Gerald Robinson items for sale on ‘murderabilia’ website, by Michael Miller, WSPD (July 29, 2014)
- Memorabilia of Robinson funeral listed online at $350, by Tk Barger, Toledo Blade (July 29, 2014)
- The royal commission into child sexual abuse needs more time to do its job, by Claire Moore, Guardian (July 29, 2014)
- Marist Brothers sex abuse compensation bill expected to rise, by David Ellery, Canberra Times (July 29, 2014)
- A Christian Brother abused this boy, police allege, in Broken Rites (July 28, 2014)
- Toledo man sells items from convicted killer's funeral, burial, by Angi Gonzalez, NBC 24 (July 29, 2014)
- Nunavut residential school survivor hopes records are not destroyed, in Nunatsiaq Online (July 29, 2014)
- Joshu Sasaki Roshi, who brought Zen Buddhism to U.S., dies at 107, by Christine Mai-Duc, Los Angeles Times (July 29, 2014)
- Latest suit against Kanakuk Ministries criticizes organization's oversight and action, in The KSPR (July 28, 2014)
- Missbrauchsvorwurf: Bistum hebt Beurlaubung von Pfarrer auf, by Von Nora Ernst, Saarbruecker Zeitung (July 29, 2014)
- Penn. pastor accused of child porn, raping girl at church after dodging charges in another state, by David Edwards, Raw Story (July 29, 2014)
- PA- Youth minister in jail for child sexual abuse, SNAP responds, by David Clohessy, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (July 29, 2014)
- MI- Victims urge harsh sentence in radio host child porn case, by David Clohessy, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (July 29, 2014)
- Website selling dirt from gravesite, coffin photo of Ohio priest convicted in nun's killing, in Daily Journal (July 29, 2014)
- Is the Milwaukee archdiocese too broke to pay its legal bills?, by Marie Rohde, National Catholic Reporter (July 29, 2014)
- MO- Minister who headed state board goes on trial; SNAP responds, by Barbara Dorri, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (July 29, 2014)
- TX- Admitted predator priest now has 2 jobs; SNAP responds, by David Clohessy, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (July 29, 2014)
- Decision over sex abuse extradition in final stage, by Emily Murphy, Newstalk (July 29, 2014)
- Archbishop: Deep debt prompted monsignor's ouster, by Gaynor Dumat-Ol Daleno, Pacific Daily News (July 29, 2014)
- TAKE THE POLL, in Jungle Watch (July 29, 2014)
- VIDEO: Hundreds Attend Prayer Service for Monsignor James, by Anela Buhain Carrera, Pacific News Center (July 29, 2014)
- Archdiocese confirms monsignor's removal was over finances, by Sabrina Salas Matanane, KUAM (July 29, 2014)
- Former Christian radio host John Balyo admits sex with boy, 12: 'I knew it was wrong', by John Agar, MLive (July 29, 2014)
- Ex-Radio Host Pleads In Child Porn Probe, in The WLNS (July 29, 2014)
- Ex-Christian radio host admits to raping boy, by John Hogan, WZZM (July 29, 2014)
- Balyo pleads guilty on federal charges, by Heather Walker, WOOD (July 29, 2014)
- GR Radio Pervert Balyo describes his crime in Federal Court, in The WOOD (July 29, 2014)
- CA- Child molesting Buddhist teacher dies, SNAP responds, by Joelle Casteix, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (July 29, 2014)
- Bishop Nyondo accused of abusing nine young girls pleads not guilty, in Lusaka Times (July 29, 2014)
- Pa. youth pastor allegedly performed sex acts with girl, 15, in church, by John Luciew, PennLive (July 29, 2014)
- He Would Tell Me, in Darkness to Light (July 29, 2014)
- SNAP’s clergy abuse victims mark 25 years and eye new targets, by David Gibson, ReligiNews Service (July 29, 2014)
- WA- Predator ex-priest dies, SNAP responds, by Barbara Dorris, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (July 29, 2014)
- David Peter Jaeger, in The Seattle Times (July 27, 2014)
- Cowboy Way Church pastor accused of molesting teen, in The WFAA (July 29, 2014)
- Cowboy Way Church pastor accused of molesting boy in 2000, by Deanna Boyd, Fort Worth Star-Telegram (July 29, 2014)
- Cowboy Way Church pastor arrested, by Matt Smith, Cleburne Times-Review (July 29, 2014)
- Women priests give $1,000 to shelter after Cincinnati archdiocese withdraws donation, by Nicholas Sciarappa, National Catholic Reporter (July 21, 2014)
- Trial set for former St. Patrick's bookkeeper accused of stealing from parish, by Rosie Mullaley, Advertiser (July 29, 2014)
- Church finances in shambles, by Gaynor Dumat-Ol Daleno, Pacific Daily News (July 30, 2014)
- Catholics criticize Apuron, sect, by Gaynor Dumat-Ol Daleno, Pacific Daily News (July 29, 2014)
- Wall Street Journal brainwash idiot Catholics for Pope Francis’s visit - to attend his Eucharist Satanic Mass & stupidly give millions of dollars to Vatican Mammon, by Paris Arrow, PopeCrimes& Vatican Evils. (July 29, 2014)
- Outside group wants to open bishop selection process to laity's voice, by Bill Dolan, NW Times (July 29, 2014)
- Papal delegation suspends ordinations in Paraguay diocese, in DFW Catholic (July 29, 2014)
July 30
- SA extradites German priest on sex abuse charges, by Sapa-Afp, Sowetan (July 30, 2014)
- How many men are paedophiles?, by Wesley Stephenso, BBC News (July 30, 2014)
- Alleged abusive priest serving in Lafayette, by Claire Taylor, Advocate (July 29, 2014)
- 'Date rape is bad..., by Sam Marsden And Stephanie Linning, Daily Mail (July 30, 2014)
- State can't ignore abuse at Kincora Boys Home under secret watch, in Belfast Telegraph (July 29, 2014)
- Ballarat teacher Scott Williams 'charismatic' before founding abusive cult: former student, by Fiona Henderson, Courier (July 29, 2014)
- Ex-deacon sentenced to prison for molesting girl, could get out in one year, in Idaho Statesman (July 29, 2014)
- Deacon sentenced to prison after claiming Satan made him have illegal contact with 12-year-old, in The KIVI (July 29, 2014)
- Former church deacon sentenced for lewd conduct, in Idaho State Journal (July 30, 2014)
- Satan-blaming church deacon gets rider in sex abuse case, by Katie Terhune, KTVB (July 29, 2014)
- An adequate response to child sexual abuse, by Andrew Hamilton, Eureka Street (July 30, 2014)
- Opferinitiative wirft Bistum Diffamierung von Missbrauchsopfern vor, in The Focus (July 30, 2014)
- ‘I didn’t believe it would produce any real result’ says son of abuse victim, by Patsy Mcgarry, Irish Times (July 30, 2014)
- Portion of investigation of Archbishop Nienstedt is complete, by Tony Kennedy, Star Tribune (July 29, 2014)
- Royal Commission to visit Geelong, in Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse (July 29, 2014)
- Forum for people with disability in Sydney, in Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse (July 30, 2014)
- Vatican suspends priestly ordinations in scandal-hit Paraguayan diocese, by Liz Dodd, Tablet (July 30, 2014)
- 'Singing priest' Tony Walsh loses appeal over abuse sentences, in RTE News (July 30, 2014)
- ID- Victims blast judge over child molester's light sentence, by David Clohessy, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (July 30, 2014)
- Welcome news from Paraguay, by Sylvia, Sylvia's Site (July 28, 2014)
- Former Zion pastor had troubled history in Va., by Valerie Russ, Philadelphia Daily News (July 30, 2014)
- MN- Archbishop to speak today, SNAP responds, by Frank Meuers, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (July 30, 2014)
- Milwaukee archdiocese owes millions in legal fees, on The Madison.com (July 30, 2014)
- Lafayette Diocese hit once again with allegations of abuse, in The IND (July 30, 2014)
- SA extradites Catholic priest to Germany, in Eyewitness News (July 30, 2014)
- Ex-Salem pastor pleads guilty to sexually assaulting child, will get prison term, by Alex Young, South Jersey Times (July 29, 2014)
- Attorney for priest charged in theft case cites 'jurisdictional issues', by Alexandra Chachkevitch, Chicago Tribune (July 30, 2014)
- Church deacon who blamed Satan for sex abuse may have jail time cut from 20 years to one, by David Edwards, Raw Story (July 30, 2014)
- Vatican intervenes to remove a priest in Paraguay accused of sex abuse in US, by Josephine Mckenna, ReligiNews Service (July 30, 2014)
- Archbishop Nienstedt won't resign, by Jean Hopfensperger, Star Tribune (July 30, 2014)
- Former priest and serial child abuser Tony Walsh fails in sentence appeals, in Irish Times (July 30, 2014)
- Vatican confirms suspension of ordinations in troubled Paraguay diocese, in Catholic Culture (July 30, 2014)
- Tough lessons lead to significant changes, by Archbishop John C. Nienstedt, Roman Catholic Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis - Catholic Spirit (July 30, 2014)
- Minnesota Archbishop John Nienstedt Says He Will Not Resign Despite Mishandled Sex Abuse Claims, in Huffington Post (July 30, 2014)
- Archbishop Nienstedt says he won't resign, vows to make changes, by Elizabeth Mohr, Pioneer Press (July 30, 2014)
- Vatican takes action in Paraguay diocese where accused Argentine priest was removed, by Nicole Winfield, TribTown (July 30, 2014)
- Fr Lombardi on the situation in Ciudad del Este, Paraguay, in Vatican Radio (July 30, 2014)
- Of three accused priests, one commits suicide, second admits molestation, by Claire Taylor, Advocate (July 30, 2014)
- Bangalore's nightmare continues as priest rapes minor at her home, in Hindustan Times (July 30, 2014)
- Archbishop Nienstedt: I will not resign., by Grant Gallicho, dotCommonweal (July 30, 2014)
- Rome- Vatican confirms predator priest is ousted, by David Clohessy, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (July 30, 2014)
- Bob Schwiderski releases map of accused Christian clerics in Minnesota, by Jesse Marx, City Pages (July 30, 2014)
- Diocese's Insurance Does Not Cover Abuse Claims, by Tim Hull, Courthouse News Service (July 30, 2014)
- Ordered to stand trial: Father James Dokos, accused of stealing from church in Wauwatosa, by Katie Delong, WITI (July 30, 2014)
- Nienstedt says he will continue as archbishop, in Minnesota Public Radio (July 30, 2014)
- St. Ann asks Vatican investigate Chaput; 'He’s gone too far', by Gema Maria Duarte, Bucks County Courier Times (July 30, 2014)
- Milwaukee church bankruptcy headed to mediation, by M.l. Johnson, Post-Crescent (July 30, 2014)
- Bankruptcy judge orders Milwaukee Archdiocese to pay attorney fees, by Bruce Vielmetti, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (July 30, 2014)
- Twin Cities Archbishop Nienstedt vows to 'continue serving as I have been called to do', by Brian Roewe, National Catholic Reporter (July 30, 2014)
- The Top Ten Suggestions for the Pope as He Starts to Plan His Fall 2015 Trip to Philadelphia, in Hamilton and Griffin on Rights (July 29, 2014)
- Archbishop Nienstedt: I will not resign. (Updated), by Grant Gallicho, dotCommonweal (July 30, 2014)
July 31
- Lawyers Seek Decades-old Church Records on Late St. Paul Priest Linked to Sex Abuse Scandals, by Marino Eccher, Insurance News Net (July 31, 2014)
- Attorneys Clash over Release of Church Documents, in Star Tribune (July 30, 2014)
- Diocese of Lafayette Defends Priest As Abuse Allegations Resurface, in KATC (July 31, 2014)
- Archbishop, under Fire over Abuse, Apologizes but Says He Won’t Resign, by Michael Paulson, New York Times (July 30, 2014)
- Pastor Opens up about the Childhood Sexual Abuse That Contributed to His Sex Addiction, in Huffington Post (July 31, 2014)
- Everyone Pays a High Price for Ministerial Misconduct, by Vicki Brown, Word&Way Associate (July 30, 2014)
- Churches, Denominations Bear Responsibility for Unethical Clergy, by Vicki Brown, Word & Way (July 30, 2014)
- "the Church Is Dragging Its Heels on Child Safety", by Sarah MacDonald, Irish Independent (July 31, 2014)
- The Hidden Problem of Abuse, in Ian Elliott (July 31, 2014)
- Accountability – for Whom?, in Ian Elliott (July 31, 2014)
- Keeping It Simple, in Ian Elliott (July 31, 2014)
- Nigeria: Police Arrest Woman, Pastor for Allegedly Killing Her Children, in allAfrica (July 31, 2014)
- Justice for Magdalenes Critique of Mcaleese Report Could Be Ready in Months, by Noel Baker, Irish Examiner (July 31, 2014)
- Family Drained Priest Abuse Victim's Settlement Accounts, by Beth Miller, News Journal (July 30, 2014)
- Priest Abuse Survivors Group Marks Milestone, by Meredith Somers, Washington Times (July 30, 2014)
- Francis Takes Action against Argentine Priest in Divisive Diocese, in Buenos Aires Herald (July 31, 2014)
- Archbishop Nienstedt Says He Won't Resign, in Fox 9 (July 31, 2014)
- Rabbinical Court Accuses Seminary Operator Elimelech Meisels of “unwanted Sexual Contact”, in Frum Follies (July 31, 2014)
- Israeli Beit Din Announces Removal of Meisels from His Seminaries and Gives Green Light for Attendance, in Frum Follies (July 31, 2014)
- Elimelech Meisels Still Listed As Pninim Staff, by Yerachmiel Lopin, Frum Follies (July 15, 2014)
- A Thin Line Separates Charisma from Manipulation: a Call for Meisels Examples, by Yerachmiel Lopin, Frum Follies (July 16, 2014)
- Htc Suspends Accreditation of Meisels’ Seminaries Threatening Cutoff of Governmental Financial Aid, by Yerachmiel Lopin, Frum Follies (July 17, 2014)
- Seminary Staff Made It Possible for Meisels to Abuse Students, by Yerachmiel Lopin, Frum Follies (July 30, 2014)
- Judge Rules Milwaukee Archdiocese Must Pay $1.35 Million in Legal Fees, by Marie Rohde, National Catholic Reporter (July 31, 2014)
- Leader at N.Y. Priest’s Nonprofit Network Faces Larceny Charge, in Chronicle of Philanthropy (July 31, 2014)
- Lafayette Diocese Defends Priest Accused of Pedophilia, in IND (July 31, 2014)
- Gay Issues Drive Attack on Nienstedt, in Catholic League (July 31, 2014)
- Ninth Circuit Says Diocese’s Insurance Did Not Cover Sex Abuse Claims, by Ann Anooshian, Metropolitan News-Enterprise (July 31, 2014)
- A Compendium of Www Postings on Meisels Scandal, in Frum Follies (July 31, 2014)
- No, You Can’t Have Your Cake and Eat It Too, in Kol B'Isha Erva (July 30, 2014)
- Changing Needs, Changing Names: Reform of Curia Is Vatican Tradition, by Cindy Wooden, National Catholic Reporter (July 31, 2014)
- Archbishop Nienstedt Sets Himself the Lowest of Bars, by Mark Silk, Spiritual Politics (July 31, 2014)
- Former Arctic Priest to Face Sex Charges in Alberta, in CTV (July 31, 2014)
- Archbishop Nienstedt Denies Allegations: ‘i Am Not Bigoted’, by Esme Murphy, CBS Minnesota (July 31, 2014)
- Lay Coalition Nominates Seven Clergy to Be New Twin Cities Archbishop, by Brian Roewe, National Catholic Reporter (July 31, 2014)
- Church Problems Detailed: Apuron Defends Actions, Parishioners Petition Vatican, by Gaynor Dumat-ol Daleno, Pacific Daily News (July 31, 2014)
- Archbishop Breaks His Silence, by Sabrina Salas Matanane, KUAM (July 31, 2014)
- Financial Reports and Financial Review, in Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Agana (July 30, 2014)
- Minnesota Child Victims Act Year One: Overall, by Mike Bryant, Legal Examiner (July 31, 2014)
- Nunavut Ex-priest Heads Back to Court, This Time in Alberta, in Nunatsiaq Obline (July 31, 2014)
- Archbishop John Nienstedt, by Tom Lyden, Fox 9 (August 1, 2014)
August 1
- Archbishop on Reporting Alleged Abuse: I Just Don’t Remember, by Jay Kolls, KSTP (August 1, 2014)
- Archbishop Nienstedt Says He Will Not Resign, by Jay Olstad, KARE (July 31, 2014)
- Jarrell May Ask Review Board for Advice on 1992 Abuse Allegation, by Claire Taylor, The Advertiser (July 31, 2014)
- Church Doesn’t Have Report Clearing Priest, by Billy Gunn, Bayou Buzz (July 30, 2014)
- Diocese May Send Sexual Abuse Allegation to Abuse Review Board, in KATC (July 31, 2014)
- Royal Commission Forum for Deaf and Hard of Hearing, in Royal Commission (August 1, 2014)
- Record Number of Submissions Received on Redress, in Royal Commission (August 1, 2014)
- Legal Fee Bill for Archdiocese of Milwaukee Must Be Paid, in JD Journal (August 1, 2014)
- All the News That’s Fit to Manufacture: Nyt’s Laurie Goodstein Provides Free P.r. for New Jeff Anderson Lawsuit and Touts Non-existent Campaign to Force St. Paul-minneapolis Archbishop’s Resignation, in Media Report (July 31, 2014)
- Vic Abuse Victim Says He Is "Scarred", in Sky News (July 31, 2014)
- Judge Says Settlement Money for Victim of Priest Sex Abuse Drained by Victim's Relatives, in Daily Reporter (July 31, 2014)
- A Priest, 88, Is Remanded in Custody for a 1970s Rape of a 12-year-old Boy, in Broken Rites (August 1, 2014)
- John Balyo Waives Preliminary Exam in Calhoun County, by John McNeill, WKZO (August 1, 2014)
- Minister’s Lawsuit Targets His Own Denomination over Sexual Abuse Allegations, in Kansas City Star (August 1, 2014)
- Sin and Virtue Meet in Thoroughly Catholic Story of "Calvary", by Sr. Rose Pacatte, National Catholic Reporter (August 1, 2014)
- A Cruel Twisting of a Child's Bravery, in Sunday World (August 1, 2014)
- Minnesota Public Radio News Team Digs into the "Why" of Scandal, in National Catholic Reporter (August 1, 2014)
- Survivor of Sexual Abuse Inspires Others to Speak up, by Bill Healy, WBEZ (August 1, 2014)
- Secrets Act Call over Abuse Inquiry, in Belfast Telegraph (August 1, 2014)
- Claims Mi5 Stopped Abuse Investigation in Belfast, in RTE News (August 1, 2014)
- Proof of Accused Priest's Innocence Non-existent, in IND (August 1, 2014)
- Sex Assault Charges Dismissed against Area Priest, by Terrie Morgan-besecker, The Times-Tribune (August 1, 2014)
- Charges against Priest Dismissed, in WNEP (August 1, 2014)
- Editorial: It's Time Nienstedt Resigns for the Church, by Tribune Opinion, West Central Tribune (August 1, 2014)
- Paraguay: Diocese Defends Bishop, Says Cardinal Ratzinger Recommended Accused Priest, in Catholic Culture (July 31, 2014)
- Support to Bishop Livieres, in Roman Catholic Diocese of Ciudad del Este (July 31, 2014)
- Amid Resignation Calls, Minn. Archbishop Says He Will Stay, in Catholic News Agency (August 1, 2014)
- Vatican Bank Denies New Chief Has Conflict of Interest, in GlobalPost (August 1, 2014)
- Charges Dismissed against Priest in Assault Case, in ABC 27 (August 1, 2014)
- Grand Blanc Priest Accused of Inappropriate Touching Enters Special Program, in MINBC News (August 1, 2014)
August 2
- Charges against Scranton Priest Dismissed, by Terrie Morgan-besecker, Citizens Voice (August 2, 2014)
- "No Purpose" in Releasing Names of Abusive Priests, by Claire Taylor, The Advertiser (August 1, 2014)
- Appeal Result Due Next Year, by Maria Herlihy, The Corkman (July 31, 2014)
- Chancery Court Removes Trustees from Sex-abuse Victim's Fund, in Delaware Law Weekly (August 1, 2014)
- Criminal Charges Dismissed against Father Philip Altavilla, in PA Homepage (August 2, 2014)
- "Calvary" Review: Film Offers No Redemption Despite Perfect Opportunity and Title, by Sami K. Martin, Christian Post (August 1, 2014)
- Chile Daily News Brief: August 1, 2014, in I Love Chile (August 1, 2014)
- Hoy Comienza Juicio En Contra Del Sacerdote John O" Reilly Por Presuntos Abusos Sexuales, by Constanza Cortes Miquel, La Tercera (August 1, 2014)
- Abogado Defensor : "John O'reilly No Es Karadima", in The Cooperativa (August 1, 2014)
- The Intertwined History of SNAP and NCR, by Dennis Coday, National Catholic Reporter (August 1, 2014)
- Cowboy Pastor Told Abuse Victim That He Was ‘relieving Stress’, by Deanna Boyd, Fort Worth Star-Telegram (August 1, 2014)
- When Sex Offenders Confess to Clergy: Three Mistaken Beliefs, by Boz Tchividjian, Religion News Service (August 1, 2014)
- Should Churches, Denominations Bear Responsibility for Unethical Clergy? Some Ethicists Say Yes., by Vicki Brown, Associated Baptist Press (August 1, 2014)
- Church Choirmaster Jailed for Six Years for Abusing Boys, by Neil Hunter, Northern Echo (August 2, 2014)
- Uprooting New Shoots in Paraguay, the Rude Diss, the St. Louis Proposal, and the Fault of Default., by Frank Walker, Pewsitter (August 2, 2014)
- In Remembering Bishop Donnelly, We Are Reminded of Our Imperfection, by Tk Barger, Toledo Blade (August 2, 2014)
- Archbishop Nienstedt Says Predecessor Assured Him Sex-abuse Complaints Were Resolved, in Catholic Culture (August 1, 2014)
- Book author surprised to receive letter from the Vatican, by Tina Comeau, Nova News Now (August 2, 2014)
- The Strange Silences of a Very Talkative Pope, by Sandro Magister, Chiesa (August 2, 2014)
- ‘Tortured’ city priest sends SOS to Vatican, by Yogesh Sadhwani End Bapu Deedwania, Mumbai Mirror (August 2, 2014)
- Sect 'cannot possess the seminary': Priest explains about Neocatechumenal Way, by Gaynor Dumat-Ol Daleno, Pacific Daily News (August 2, 2014)
- SNAP conference opens by looking back, looking ahead, by Brian Roewe, National Catholic Reporter (August 2, 2014)
August 3
- On Movies: Thrill of violence, soul of love, by Steven Rea, Philadelphia Inquirer (August 3, 2014)
- Former youth pastor found guilty on sexual battery charges, by Millard K. Ives, Daily Commercial (August 02, 2014)
- Protecting children in the place they should be safest, by Dick Peterson, World (August 02, 2014)
- Editorial counterpoint: Archdiocese is working to restore trust, Nienstedt says, by John C. Nienstedt, Star Tribune (August 01, 2014)
- Police investigate sex claims at Bishops, in The News 24 (August 3, 2014)
- Conway priest accused of sexual abuse, by Robert Zullo, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (August 3, 2014)
- At SNAP conference, debate emerges about what will Pope Francis do, by Brian Roewe, National Catholic Reporter (August 3, 2014)
August 4
- Former county priest accused of abuse, in New Castle News (August 4, 2014)
- Top Church Official Involved in Clergy Sex Abuse Hearing Set for Tomorrow, in The KAAL (August 03, 2014)
- Priest Placed On Administrative Leave Over Alleged Sex Abuse Claim, in CBS Pittsburgh (August 4, 2014)
- Bishop puts pastor on leave after ‘90s abuse claim, in The Trentonian (August 4, 2014)
- Beaver County priest facing sexual abuse allegations, in The WTAE (August 03, 2014)
- Dutel: Sex abuse allegations are false, by Katie De La Rosa, Advertiser (August 4, 2014)
- Beaver Co. priest accused of sexual abuse, placed on leave, in The WPXI (August 4, 2014)
- Bishop Michael Jarrell Sees No Reason To Release Names Of Sexually Abusive Priests, in The Inquisitr (August 03, 2014)
- Truth & reconciliation., by Grant Gallicho, dotCommonweal (August 03, 2014)
- Pittsburgh diocese suspends Beaver County priest during sex-abuse investigation, by Chris Fleisher, Tribune-Review (August 03, 2014)
- Maine Voices: Will the Pope Francis of last year please step to the forefront again?, by Bill Slavick, Portland Press Herald (August 4, 2014)
- Accused rabbi no longer active in Sharon temple, by Jennette Barnes, BostGlobe (August 03, 2014)
- Kincora: Westminster probe will see suspects 'shaking in their boots', by James Hanning, Belfast Telegraph (August 4, 2014)
- The lavish homes of American archbishops, by Daniel Burke, CNN (August 4, 2014)
- Still No Excuses For Those Who Defend The Society of Saint John, by Thomas A. Droleskey, Christ or Chaos (August 4, 2014)
- UPDATE: Priest Denies Sex Abuse Allegations, by Alex Labat, KATC (August 4, 2014)
- Vatican bank's TV investment loss showed cardinal's power, by Philip Pullella, Reuters (August 4, 2014)
- 'Bling Bishop' moves into luxury Bavarian flat, in The Local (August 4, 2014)
- Tebartz begnügt sich jetzt mit 180 Quadratmetern, in Die Welt (August 4, 2014)
- Pope reinstates priest involved with Sandinista politics, in Gazzetta del Sud (August 4, 2014)
- ‘Conformist’ younger clergy wary of Francis, Archbishop of Dublin warns, by Sarah Mac Donald, Tablet (August 4, 2014)
- Scituate parishioners to continue fight against sale of church, by Jessica Trufant, Wicked Local Scituate (August 4, 2014)
- Names of New Ulm Priests Accused of Sexual Misconduct to be Released, by Tim Sherno, KSTP (August 4, 2014)
- Newcastle solicitor says national agency needed to compensate child abuse victims, in ABC News (August 4, 2014)
- Church to Ask Pope to Probe Archdiocese $, by Laurel J. Sweet, Boston Herald (August 4, 2014)
- Parishioners Refuse to Allow Scituate Church to Close, by Christina Hager, CBS Boston (August 3, 2014)
- Cardinal O’malley Calls on Scituate Parishioners to End 10-year Vigil, by Jeremy C. Fox, Boston Globe (August 2, 2014)
- Priest Abuse Survivors Group Marks Milestone, by Francine Knowles, Chicago Sun-Times (August 2, 2014)
- Gander Priest under Rcmp Investigation, Relieved of Duties, in CBC News (August 4, 2014)
- New Ulm Diocese under Pressure to Release Names of Abusing Priests, by Jean Hopfensperger, Star Tribune (August 4, 2014)
- ‘trust Us,’ Said the Bishop, by Rod Dreher, American Conservative (August 4, 2014)
- Norwalk Pastor to Be Sentenced in Sexual Assault Case, by Greg Yee, The Press-Telegram (August 4, 2014)
- Outrage over Diocese Paying for Renovations to Former Bishop Ronald Mulkearns" Property, by Fiona Henderson, The Courier (August 5, 2014)
- Child Sex Abuse Inquiry Uncovers More Victims, by Michael Mckenna And Amanda Gearing, The Australian (August 5, 2014)
- Names of New Ulm Priests Accused of Sexual Misconduct Released, by Megan Stewart, KSTP (August 4, 2014)
- How Much House Should a Bishop Inhabit?, by Jennifer Fitz, Stocking the Corners (August 4, 2014)
- Accused Priest Uses Pulpit to Blame Victim, in The IND (August 4, 2014)
- Home Fit for an Archbishop ; $1.1 Million House Is at Assumption Seminary, in National Catholic Reporter (August 4, 2014)
- Scandals Causing More Germans to Leave Catholic Church, Cardinal Says, by Abe Levy, San Antonio Express-News (August 4, 2014)
- Conway Priest Placed on Leave after Abuse Allegations, by Kirstin Kennedy and Eric Poole, Times Online (August 4, 2014)
- Father Francis Garvey Deposition: New Ulm Priests Accused of Sexual Abuse Identified, in Jeff Anderson & Associates (August 4, 2014)
- Number of Priests Accused Child Sexual Abuse Triples, by Madeleine Baran, Minnesota Public Radio (August 4, 2014)
- Investigation Continues after Beaver Co. Priest Accused of Sexual Abuse, by Lynne Hayes-Freeland, CBS Pittsburgh (August 4, 2014)
- Just Because They Shout the Loudest, Doesn’t Mean They’re Right, by Joelle Casteix, Worthy Adversary (August 4, 2014)
- Pedophile's Transfer Angered Priest, by Dan Nienaber, Mankato Free Press (August 4, 2014)
- Bishop Reveals Make up of Advisory Panel on Child Abuse Response, in ABC News (August 4, 2014)
- Names of New Ulm Priests Accused of Sexual Misconduct Made Public, by Emily Gurnon, Pioneer Press (August 4, 2014)
August 5
- Former Bessemer priest under investigation, by Eric Poole, Ellwood City Ledger (August 5, 2014)
- In Twin Cities archdiocese, 103 priests accused of sex misconduct, by Emily Gurnon, Pioneer Press (August 04, 2014)
- Bishop: No new accusations of priest abuse since 1984, by Katie De La Rosa, Advertiser (August 04, 2014)
- Salvation Army supports voluntary child sexual abuse compensation plan, by Helen Davidson, Guardian (UK) (August 5, 2014)
- Home Release For Oklahoman Accused Of Misconduct, in CBS Houston (August 04, 2014)
- Assessing the Catholic Church's child abuse culpability, by Peter Kirkwood, Eureka Street (August 5, 2014)
- THE SCANDAL OF CALVARY, by Lauren Ely, First Things (August 5, 2014)
- ‘Monumental shift’ in Rome on clerical child sexual abuse issue, by Mark Vincent Healy, Irish Times (August 5, 2014)
- The Black Church and Sexual Assault, by Lori S. Robinson, Ebony (August 5, 2014)
- John Breunig: A diocese sets a new course, by John Breunig, News Times (August 04, 2014)
- Body to scrutinise 'abuse' probes, in Belfast Telegraph (August 5, 2014)
- Abuse survivor Louise O'Keefe seeks meeting with Taoiseach, by Conor Ryan, Irish Examiner (August 5, 2014)
- Defensa de sacerdote John O’Reilly cuestiona credibilidad de madre de las denunciantes, in The Bio Bio (August 5, 2014)
- On the Fatherhood of Bishops With Disposable Priests, by Fr. Gordon J. Macrae, These Stone Walls (July 30, 2014)
- Grand Blanc priest accused of inappropriate touching to enter assessment program, by Dominic Adams, MLive (August 5, 2014)
- Catholic church closures begin, by Gerry Braiden, Herald Scotland (August 5, 2014)
- UPDATE: Vatican delegate responds to letters from Guam, by Gaynor Dumat-Ol Daleno, Pacific Daily News (August 5, 2014)
- Theology and misconduct, by David Cramer, Jenny Howell, Paul Martens, And Jonathan Tran, Christian Century (August 04, 2014)
- Conflict with Vatican shadows upcoming LCWR assembly, by Thomas C. Fox, National Catholic Reporter (August 5, 2014)
- Anglican bishop apologises for 'hurt and sorrow' caused by child sex abuse, by David Ellery, Canberra Times (August 5, 2014)
- Lawyer pressures diocese to release names of priests accused of abuse, by Elizabeth Ahlin, Minnesota Lawyer (August 5, 2014)
- Priests' fate left to panel of seven, by Joanne Mccarthy, Newcastle Herald (August 5, 2014)
- Update: Priest denies abuse allegations during church service, in The KATC (August 5, 2014)
- Nienstedt’s Foes Fail Again, in Catholic League (August 5, 2014)
- Cnn’s Chiefs Live Lavishly, in Catholic League (August 5, 2014)
- How Canon Law Can Be Revised to Easily Eliminate Abusive Priests, by Nicholas Cafardi, U.S. Catholic (August 5, 2014)
- Authorities Investigating Allegation of Catholic Priest Abuse in Lawrence Co., by Jonathan Stroshine, WKBN (August 5, 2014)
- Elderly Nun Questioned for Abductions during Chilean Dictatorship, in Latin American Herald Tribune (August 5, 2014)
- Religiosa Declara Por Caso De Adopciones Ilegales En Hospital Barros Luco, in Purasnoticia (August 5, 2014)
- Monja De 93 Anos Declara Como Imputada En Caso Adopciones Ilegales En Dictadura, in El Dinamo (August 5, 2014)
- Pope Francis to Give Live Radio Interview on Argentine Station, in Catholic World News (August 5, 2014)
- Advertiser Misquotes Accused Priest, Issues Correction, in The IND (August 5, 2014)
- Dutel: Sex Abuse Allegations Are False, in The Advertiser (August 5, 2014)
- Wall Street Figured out That Income Inequality Is Bad for Wall Street, by David Edwards, Raw Story (August 5, 2014)
- Church of England Embroiled in Another Alleged Child Abuse Scandal, by Paul Peachey, The Independent (August 5, 2014)
- Bishop Quizzed over "Sex Assaults", in Daily Mail (August 5, 2014)
- Bishop of Gloucester Questioned over Indecent Assault Claims Days after Stepping down, by Jane Mathews, Express (August 5, 2014)
- Former Bishop of Gloucester Questioned over Indecent Assault Allegations, in The Heart (August 5, 2014)
- Bishop of Gloucester Questioned by Police over Indecent Assault Allegations, by Edward Malnick, and Keith Perry, Telegraph (August 5, 2014)
- Metropolitan Police Question Bishop of Gloucester Michael Perham over Historic Sex Abuse Allegations, in Gloucestershire Echo (August 5, 2014)
- Move to Fill Gap Left by Bishop of Gloucester, in Stroud News and Journal (August 5, 2014)
- Rt. Revd. Martyn Snow to Take over the Duties of the Bishop of Gloucester, by Maryam_Qaiser, Gloucester Citizen (August 5, 2014)
- Diocese of Gloucester Remains Tight-lipped over Bishop Michael Perham's Sudden Decision to Step down, in Gloucestershire Echo (August 5, 2014)
- Diocese of Gloucester Issues Statement on Bishop of Gloucester, in Gloucestershire Echo (August 5, 2014)
- Mystery Surrounds Why Bishop of Gloucester Has "Stepped Back" from His Role, in Gloucestershire Citizen (August 5, 2014)
- Bishop of Gloucester Resigns, by Daniel Chipperfield, The Gazette (August 5, 2014)
- Bishop of Gloucester to Stand down Immediately for "Personal Reasons", in Gloucestershire Echo (August 5, 2014)
- Bishop of Gloucester Questioned over Claims of Sexual Assault in 1980s, by The Guardian, Steven Morris and Ruth Gledhill (August 5, 2014)
- Bishop of Gloucester Quizzed by Police over Historic Indecent Assault Claims against a Woman and Girl, in The Gazette (August 5, 2014)
- Bishop of Gloucester Michael Perham Quizzed over Sex Assault Claims, on BBC News (August 5, 2014)
- Bishop of Gloucester Questioned over Historical Indecent Assault, by Alexandra Rucki, London Evening Standard (August 5, 2014)
- La. Supreme Court Questions "Seal of Confession", by Wilmer L. Todd, Tri-Parish Times (August 5, 2014)
- Priest Gets Standing Ovation in Church after Denying Sexual Abuse of a Child (video), by Michael Allen, Opposing Views (August 5, 2014)
- Archdiocese of Boston Uses Parish Funds to Repay Sexual Abuse Settlement Costs, in Boston Catholic Insider (August 5, 2014)
- Pope Benedict XVI Ok’d Abusive Priest in Paraguay, Local Bishop Says, by David Gibson, Religion News Service (August 5, 2014)
- Diocese Responds to New Priest Molestation List, by Dan Nienaber, Mankato Free Press (August 5, 2014)
- Former Pastor Seeks Hearing in Effort to Overturn Sentence, by Sarah Reese, NWI Times (August 5, 2014)
August 6
- UPDATE: Bishop of Gloucester Michael Perham questioned by Met police over historic sex abuse claims against a child, in Western Daily Press (August 05, 2014)
- Former priest David Rapson freed, new trial ordered, as sexual abuse convictions quashed, by Adam Cooper, WA Today (August 6, 2014)
- Alleged paedophile David Edwin Rapson ..., by Shannon Deery, Herald Sun (August 6, 2014)
- Parishes where accused priest served to be informed of sex abuse allegation, by Bill Zlatos, Tribune-Review (August 05, 2014)
- Attorney releases names of 8 'credibly accused' priests, in St. Cloud Times (August 6, 2014)
- Leslie Hittner: Is bishop listening to the right people?, by Leslie Hittner, Winona Daily News (August 6, 2014)
- An open letter to Rabbi Gutnick, in The J-Wire (August 6, 2014)
- New Square teacher wants trial to fight sex charges, by Steve Lieberman, Journal News (August 6, 2014)
- US Grand Jury Indicts Oklahoma Child Abuse Suspect, by Tim Talley, ABC News (August 05, 2014)
- Edmond man accused of sex crimes in Kenya to remain in federal custody, by Matt Dinger, NewsOK (August 05, 2014)
- Monsignor..., by Clynt Ridgell, Pacific News Center (August 05, 2014)
- Gander priest under investigation, in The Telegram (August 05, 2014)
- Vic priest has sex convictions quashed, in The SBS (August 6, 2014)
- VIDEO: Former BBMR Director ..., by Janela Buhain Carrera, Pacific News Center (August 6, 2014)
- Catholics refute archbishop's claims about church finances, by Jolene Toves, KUAM (August 6, 2014)
- Blogger publicly demands archbishop's resignation, by Ken Quintanilla, KUAM (August 6, 2014)
- Moving day for Monsignor James, by Jolene Toves, KUAM (August 05, 2014)
- Second Opinion: We still have immaculate conceptions, by Jacky Jones, Irish TimesJacky Jones (August 6, 2014)
- Kincora..., by Liam Clarke, Belfast Telegraph (August 6, 2014)
- Kincora: As this murky episode recedes..., by Liam Clarke, Belfast Telegraph (August 6, 2014)
- Monsignor: Archbishop's statements on finances 'absolutely wrong', by Gaynor Dumat-Ol Daleno, Pacific Daily News (August 6, 2014)
- Vic priest has sex convictions quashed, in The 9 News (August 6, 2014)
- Child abuse recommendations ignored, by Henrietta Cook, Jane Lee, Sydney Morning Herald (August 6, 2014)
- OK- Volunteer charged with child sex crimes to be kept in custody, SNAP responds, by David Clohessy, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (August 6, 2014)
- Bishop Stuart Robinson working to expose abuse by clergy, by David Ellery, Canberra Times (August 6, 2014)
- MN- Victims urge Pope to oust St. Paul archbishop, by David Clohessy, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (August 6, 2014)
- Springfield's Bishop Mitchell Rozanski..., by Anne-Gerard Flynn, MassLive (August 6, 2014)
- PRIEST NAMED FOR FIRST TIME AS A PEDOPHILE, in Road to Recovery (August 6, 2014)
- Local Pastor Accused In Teen Sex Assault Case Facing New Charges, by Harold Hayes, CBS Pittsburgh (August 6, 2014)
- Retired Windsor priest and sex offender dies, in The CTV (August 6, 2014)
- Clerical molesters and confreres dead, in Sylvia's Site (August 6, 2014)
- Urrutigoity: The Legal Filings, by Thomas A. Droleskey, Christ or Chaos (August 6, 2014)
- Abuse inquiry hearings to resume in Sydney, in Sky News (August 07, 2014)
- WATCH: Gay reporter questions archbishop accused of sexually harassing male priests, by Arturo Garcia, Raw Story (August 6, 2014)
- Tom Lyden grills Archbishop Nienstedt on his sexuality and anti-gay views [VIDEO], by Aaron Rupar, City Pages (August 04, 2014)
- Bishop talks about hobbies and his plans for the Diocese, by Laura Hutchinson, WWLP (August 6, 2014)
- Lake Charles priest sex abuse trial pending, by Claire Taylor, Advertiser (August 6, 2014)
- Trial of the Rev. Stan Archie reveals an enigma, by Mary Sanchez, Kansas City Star (August 05, 2014)
August 7
- Piskula Sentenced to Five Years in Prison, by Steve Vied, The Messenger-Inquirer (August 7, 2014)
- Establishment Clause Extended to Non-ordained Clergy Member, in Dennis J. Dozis, New York Law Journal (August 7, 2014)
- Missing Girls Forced into Flesh Trade, Priest Among Five Held, in The Hindu (August 7, 2014)
- MARIST Brothers Review Abuse Compo Cases, in 7 News (August 7, 2014)
- Catholic Diocese of El Paso Statement on Arrest of Diocesan School Board Member, by El Paso, KVIA (August 6, 2014)
- Member of El Paso Catholic Diocese School Board Arrested on Child Porn Charge, by Leonard Martinez, Darren Hunt, KVIA (August 7, 2014)
- El Paso Catholic Diocese School Board Member Arrested on Suspicion of Child Porn, by Aaron Martinez, El Paso Times (August 6, 2014)
- Neighbors Shocked at Catholic Diocese Employee's Child Porn Charges, by Crystal Price, Fox 14 (August 6, 2014)
- ‘glad He Is Gone,’ Says Victim As Pedophile Priest Hod Marshall Passes Away at 92, in Windsor Star (August 6, 2014)
- Pope's Finance Chief Talks Vatican Reform, by Francis X. Rocca, Catholic News Service (August 8, 2014)
- Dorset-born Bishop Michael Perham Quizzed over Alleged Historical Sex Abuse, by DavidBol, Blackmore Vale (August 6, 2014)
- Evangelicals Are Standing up to Their Own Sexist Leaders, by Amanda Marcotte, The Slate (August 7, 2014)
- Minister Accused of Sex Abuse with Children Could Face More Charges, by Mark Becker, WSOC (August 7, 2014)
- Christian Who Vowed to Abstain from Sex ‘raped Woman While She Slept’, Hull Crown Court Hears, in Hull Daily Mail (August 7, 2014)
- Vatican Diary / Reform of the Papacy, a Work in Progress, by Sandro Magister, Chiesa (August 7, 2014)
- Minnesota Public Radio’s ‘betrayed by Silence’: a New Low in Vengeance Journalism, by David Pierre, Media Report (August 7, 2014)
- Jury Deliberates in Sexual Exploitation Trial of the Rev. Stan Archie, by Mark Morris, Kansas City Star (August 7, 2014)
- Sex Abuse Victim Jennifer Herrick Seeking Damages from Former Parish Priest, in ABC News (August 7, 2014)
- Retired Priest Jailed, by Ashleigh Brown, 3AW (August 7, 2014)
- Vic Priest Jailed for Abusing Altar Boy, by Joel Cresswell, Daily Telegraph (August 7, 2014)
- Adulterous Priest Luonde Now Sues Anglican Church for Money, in Zambian Watchdog (August 7, 2014)
- Retired Priest James Henry Scannell Jailed for Assaulting Altar Boy 40 Years Ago, by Adam Cooper, The Age (August 7, 2014)
- Alleged Paedophile David Edwin Rapson to Be Freed after Court Ruling, by Shannon Deery, Herald Sun (August 7, 2014)
- A Priest Raped a Boy, Then Ordered the Boy to "Confess" the Rape and Keep It Secret, in Broken Rites (August 7, 2014)
- Western Ky Priest Is Sentenced, SNAP Responds, in SNAP (August 7, 2014)
- Indiegogo Campaign Helps Survivors Expand Support Groups, by Joelle Casteix, Worthy Adversary (August 7, 2014)
- Neighbors Shocked at Catholic Diocese Employee's Child Porn Charges, by Crystal Price, Fox 14 (August 7, 2014)
- Kaplan Muss Wegen Kinderpornografie Vor Gericht, in Die Welt (August 7, 2014)
- Bistum Soll Georg K. Zu Gestandnis Bewegen, in WZ (August 7, 2014)
- Board Takes Deacon's License, SNAP Seeks Answers, in SNAP (August 7, 2014)
- Catholic Journalist Takes on New Role ‘to Shape Coverage’, by Father Paul J. Tougas, Catholic Free Press (August 7, 2014)
- Predator Priest Passes Away, SNAP Responds, in SNAP (August 6, 2014)
- South Africa's Post-apartheid Commission a Way Forward for Church on Accountability, by Brian Roewe, National Catholic Reporter (August 7, 2014)
- Victims Blast Archbishop: Come Clean about Priest, in SNAP (August 7, 2014)
- Ex-priest to Be Sentenced for School District Misconduct, by Guillermo Contreras, San Antonio Express-News (August 7, 2014)
- Archdiocese: Sex Abuse Report on Deceased Priest Deemed Credible, in St. Louis Review (August 6, 2014)
- Predatory Preacher Is Guilty; SNAP Responds, in SNAP (August 7, 2014)
- Five Families Sue Meisels, Yarmish and Rabbi Gartner Demanding Refunds and Alleging Fraud, in Frum Follies (August 7, 2014)
- Parents Call Rabbi a Sexual Predato, by Jack Bouboushian, Courthouse News Service (August 7, 2014)
- Rev. Stan Archie’s Christian Fellowship Baptist Church Is Ordered to Pay $350,000 in Abuse Investigation, by Mark Morris, Kansas City Star (August 7, 2014)
- Stephen Colbert Tries to Outdo Fox News’ Ben Carson for Most Outlandish Ebola Panic, by David Ferguson, Raw Story (August 7, 2014)
- Sir Hugh Warns on Inquiry Resources, in Belfast Telegraph (August 7, 2014)
- Another St. L Predator Priest “outed”, in SNAP (August 7, 2014)
- Baptist Church Leader Arrested for Soliciting Dog Sex on Craigslist, by Jay Hathaway, Gawker (August 7, 2014)
- Task Force Arrests Man on Suspicion of Trying to Find Animals for Sex, in Colombia Tribune (August 6, 2014)
- Man Arrested on Suspicion of Attempting to Have Sex with Dog, in ABC 17 (August 6, 2014)
- Baptist Leader in Missouri Arrested for Seeking Sex with Animal, by Vicki Brown, Associated Baptist Press (August 7, 2014)
- El Paso Diocesan School Board Member Admits to Downloading Child Pornography, According to Affidavit, in KVIA (August 7, 2014)
- Residential School Records Should Be Destroyed after 15 Years: Court, by Colin Perkel, CTV (August 7, 2014)
- Seeing What Leaders Miss, by Christina Pazzanese, Harvard Gazette (August 7, 2014)
- Ex-priest’s Sex Pleas in Armidale Court, by Victoria Nugent, Armidale Express (August 8, 2014)
- Archbishop Ignored Warnings about Predator Priest; Recommended Wadeson to San Francisco Archdiocese, in Pacific News Center (August 7, 2014)
August 8
- Archbishop John Nienstedt Is CEO of Idiot Catholics and He Is Impotent to Re-produce Christ’s Flesh & Blood in Eucharist Satanic Mass in Minneapolis-st. Paul, in PopeCrimes& Vatican Evils. (August 7, 2014)
- Pedophile Former Priest's Death a Relief to His Victims, by Dave Battagello And Andrea Hill, The StarPhoenix (August 7, 2014)
- Former Deacon, Teacher in Mahoning County Loses Teaching License, in Vindicator (August 8, 2014)
- Introducing Frank Bruni and Ross Douthat As the Moviegoers, by Frank Bruni And Ross Douthat, New York Times (August 8, 2014)
- Retired Owensboro Priest Sentenced 5 Years, by Emily Busby, WFIE (August 8, 2014)
- ‘calvary’: a Decent Priest Hears from His Disaffected Flock, by Claudia Puig, Chicago Sun-Times (August 8, 2014)
- ‘calvary’ Presents a Dramatic Spin on Clergy Abuse, by Tom Russo, Boston Globe (August 8, 2014)
- Bishop ‘steps Back’ and Helps Police with Inquiries, by Madeleine Davies, Church Times (August 8, 2014)
- Letter from the Bishop of Tewkesbury, in Anglican Diocese of Gloucester (August 8, 2014)
- Yigo Mayor Dismayed at Media "Ambush" of Archbishop, by Janela Buhain Carrera, Pacific News Center (August 8, 2014)
- Jackson County Jury Splits Verdict in Church Case, in Daily Star-Journal (August 8, 2014)
- Chicago Religious Community Denies Sex Abuse Charges, by Willis Kern, Peoria Public Radio (August 8, 2014)
- Archbishop Silent during Slew of Church Controversies, by Jolene Toves, KUAM (August 8, 2014)
- Group Demands Archbishop Release Names of Accused Clergymen, by Jolene Toves, KUAM (August 8, 2014)
- Alleged Victim Plans to Sue Priest, by Terrie Morgan-besecker, Citizens Voice (August 8, 2014)
- Pedophile Lawsuit Filed by Sex Abuse Victim against Archdiocese Lingers in Newark, in News 12 (August 8, 2014)
- We Must Get to Kincora Truth, Says Kilclooney, by Sam McBride, News Letter (August 8, 2014)
- Papal Whodunit Lacks Teeth, by Roger Crane, West Australian (August 8, 2014)
- Diocese Claims Cleric Accused of Abuse Was Approved by Ratzinger, by Jon Stibbs, Isabel de Bertodano, The Tablet (August 8, 2014)
- Stakes Are High As Lcwr Heads into Annual Assembly, by Dan Stockman Dawn Cherie Araujo, National Catholic Reporter (August 8, 2014)
- ‘apuron Was Asked for Financial Statement in 2012’, in Marianas Variety (August 7, 2014)
- Holy Synod Issues Updated Background Check Guidelines, in Pokrov (August 7, 2014)
- Catholic Bishop Loses & Victim Wins; SNAP Responds, in SNAP (August 8, 2014)
- Catholic Church Needs to Grow, Not Shrink, by William R. Wineke, Channel 3000 (August 7, 2014)
- Class Suit Filed against Seminary & Beit Din Heads, in The Tzedek-Tzedek (August 8, 2014)
- Marist Sex Abuser Gregory Sutton May Have Been Tipped Off, Inquiry Hears, by Helen Davidson, The Guardian (August 7, 2014)
- Brookhaven Man Arrested for Sexually Touching a Child at a Church, by Danielle Avitable, WJTV (August 8, 2014)
- Marist Brothers Review Abuse Compo Cases, in Sky News (August 8, 2014)
- Klein Now Says He’s for Child Victims Act, by Shant Shahrigian, Riverdale Press (August 7, 2014)
- Chicago Letter Counters Israel: Students Can Drop Meisels Seminaries and Others Can Accept Them, in Frum Folllies (August 8, 2014)
- Assignment Record – Rev. James W. Plamondon, S.J., in BishopAccountability.org (August 8, 2014)
- Bishop Wilton Gregory Catching Fire, in Berger's Beat (August 8, 2014)
- Bishop Pledges 10% As Capital Campaign Begins, in Catholic Voice (August 8, 2014)
August 9
- Anglican Church Strips Former Archdeacon Peter Coote of Clergy Position over Sexual Abuse Allegations, in ABC News (August 9, 2014)
- Pedophile Priests Project Circles Mark Ruffalo, Michael Keaton for Cast, in Breitbart (August 9, 2014)
- Mark Ruffalo, Michael Keaton in Talks for Catholic Priest Sex Abuse Scandal Film, in Hollywood Reporter (August 9, 2014)
- Judge Declares Mistrial in Case of Pastor Charged with Sexual Battery, by Ashley Crockett And Mike Suriani, WREG (August 9, 2014)
- Family Sues Adventist Officials after Sexual Assault on Arlington Campus, by Max B. Baker, Fort Worth Star-Telegram (August 8, 2014)
- Indian School Survivor Alvin Dixon Spoke out for Truth, by Tom Hawthorn, Globe and Mail (August 8, 2014)
- Priest Says Church Must Clear the Air, by Monica Heary, The Leader (August 9, 2014)
- Church Leader Jerald Hill Suspected of Attempted Dog Sex, by David Moye, Huffington Post (August 9, 2014)
- The "Francis Effect': Three Voices, by Fr. Eddie Siebert, National Catholic Reporter (August 8, 2014)
- The Staying Power of Emotional Abuse, by Sabrina Hardy, Christianity Today (August 9, 2014)
- Magdalene Compensation Bill Falls Short, Says Survivors Group, in Breaking News (August 9, 2014)
- Magdalene Group Criticises Compensation Bill, by Conor Ryan, Irish Examiner (August 9, 2014)
- “important Services” Missing from Magdalene Survivors Redress Scheme, in Journal (August 9, 2014)
- Pope Francis, Ray Rice and the "F Word': How Faith Communities Can Help Trauma Victims Heal, by David Briggs, Huffington Post (August 9, 2014)
- Court Cracking down on Survivor Compensation Abuses, by Kathleen Martens, APTN (August 9, 2014)
- Francis and the Nuns: an Interview with Mary Gordon, by Patricia Miller, Religion Dispatches (August 8, 2014)
- Sex Offenders, Recidivism, and the Church, in Religion News Service (August 9, 2014)
- Assignment Record – Rev. John J. "Jack" Wood, S.J., in BishopAccountability.org (August 9, 2014)
- Assignment Record – Rev. Thomas J. Sullivan, s.j., on The BishopAccountability.org (August 9, 2014)
- Pope's paedophile priest catcher in NZ, by Steve Kilgallon, Stuff (August 08, 2014)
- Rise of culture wars has meant ignoring the common good, by Vinnie Rotondaro, National Catholic Reporter (August 9, 2014)
August 10
- Haselberger speech is Opus Dei Beast PR Stunt of the Day (in SNAP convention)., by Paris Arrow, PopeCrimes& Vatican Evils. (August 10, 2014)
- After two years as Buffalo bishop, challenges confront Malone, by Jay Tokasz, Buffalo News (August 09, 2014)
- Wagga Anglican church says sorry, by Ella Smith, Daily Advertiser (August 10, 2014)
- Anglican Church apologises to victims of abuse across Canberra and Goulburn, by Kathleen Dyett And Jonathon Gul, 7 News (August 10, 2014)
- Disabled woman sues priest for sexual abuse, in The ABC - PM (August 10, 2014)
- Sex abuse victim Jennifer Herrick seeking damages from former parish priest, by Lorna Knowles, ABC News (August 10, 2014)
- Disabled woman sues top priest, by Dan Box, Australian (August 10, 2014)
- Victim of sex beast priest tells of fury over Church’s handling of paedo attacks, by Marie Kierans, Irish Mirror (August 10, 2014)
- Spreading God's word: Bishop Scharfenberger busy in his new diocese role, by Meg Hagerty, Post-Star (August 10, 2014)
- Transparency is key to allow healing to begin, by Judy Bastien, Advertiser (August 10, 2014)
- Grudge Match: Msgr. Lynn Vs. D.A., by Ralph Cipriano, Big Trial (August 05, 2014)
- Broken Rites has helped a "Four Corners" TV program re church-abuse, in Broken Rites (August 10, 2014)
- George Pell opens up about his new role at the Vatican as 'God's Banker', by Colin Kruger, Brisbane Times (August 10, 2014)
- What Archbishop Martin Krebs needs from Guam: An appeal to all Victims of Catholic Clergy Sexual Abuse on Guam and Oceania, in Juan Malimungga (August 10, 2014)
- At last, Anglican Church sorry for decades of abuse, by Michael Mckenna, Australian (August 11, 2014)
- Independent Inquiry Concludes Investigations, in Archbishop of York (July 23, 2014)
- Brooklyn DA exposes hidden Orthodox sex cases, by Susan Edelman, New York Post (August 10, 2014)
- Msgr. Ray Hebert took time to make a difference, by Peter Finney Jr., ClariHerald - Roman Catholic Archdiocese of New Orleans (January 27, 2014)
- Archbishop tells of deep shame at church’s failure to stop abuse, by O’neill Crime, Times (August 10, 2014)
- U.S. nuns face shrinking numbers and tensions with the Vatican, by Michael Lipka, Pew Research Center (August 10, 2014)
- St. Louis Archdiocese Releases New Sex Abuse Allegations Against St. Louis Priest, by Lindsay Toler, Riverfront Times (August 10, 2014)
August 11
- Former head of St Gregory’s College Campbelltown Brother ..., by Ian Walker, Daily Telegraph (August 11, 2014)
- Secret Catholic Church report ..., by Quentin Mcdermott And Peter Cronau, 7 News (August 11, 2014)
- Anglican Church strips former archdeacon Peter Coote..., in The 7 News (August 11, 2014)
- Greg Kelley's girlfriend speaks with FOX 7 at 'Freedom Fest', in The Fox 7 (August 11, 2014)
- Priest steps aside in Diocese of Dromore over complaint, in BBC News (August 11, 2014)
- Newly discovered court records detail church sex-abuse crisis, in The KATC (August 11, 2014)
- WRITTEN OFF: Debt used by Vatican to finance religious films wiped clean, in Catholic Online (August 11, 2014)
- UMMMM, ANYONE KNOW WHY..., in Jungle Watch (August 11, 2014)
- OH- Victims challenge Youngstown bishop, by Judy Jones, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (August 11, 2014)
- Michigan nun to lead group of sisters at odds with Vatican overseers, by Patricia Montemurri, Detroit Free Press (August 11, 2014)
- Abuse Victims Blast OK City Church, in SNAP (August 11, 2014)
- Mother Upset after Sex Offender Attends Kids Church Event in Sw OKC, by Deanne Stein, News 9 (August 11, 2014)
- Support Organization for Missionary Kids Expands into Canada, by Craig Macartney, Christian Week (August 1, 2014)
- Mark Driscoll Removed from the Acts 29 Church Planting Network He Helped Found, by Sarah Pulliam Bailey, Religion News Service (August 8, 2014)
- The Priest Who Abused Girls at Confession - and How the Catholic Church Kept It Secret: Furious Families Demand the Truth about String of Child Sex Abuse Scandals, by Emily Crane, Daily Mail (August 11, 2014)
- Years Ago, He Was a Young Priest -- and Alleged Rapist, by Emily Gurnon, Pioneer Press (August 11, 2014)
- Priest File of Father Kenneth Lavan, in Jeff Anderson & Associates (August 11, 2014)
- Vatican Saved Priest Despite Abuse Finding, by Sarah Elks, The Australian (August 12, 2014)
- In the Name of the Law, by Quentin McDermott and Peter Cronau, ABC - Four Corners (August 11, 2014)
- New Memo Shows Archbishop Being Deceptive; SNAP Responds, in SNAP (August 11, 2014)
- El Paso Diocesan School Board Member Facing Child Porn Charge Granted Bond, by Darren Hunt, KVIA (August 11, 2014)
- Blaming, Shaming and Revictimizing Kids by Generations Church and the Fight for Gk, in Watch Keep (August 11, 2014)
- Incoming Roman Catholic Springfield Bishop on Gay Marriage: "God Made US Male and Female", by Anne-Gerard Flynn, The Republican (August 11, 2014)
- Investigation of Priest Allegations "Fruitless", by Claire Taylor, The Advertiser (August 11, 2014)
- Monsey Principal Arrested, Charges Remain Sealed, in Journal News (August 11, 2014)
- A Decade Later, Struggle for Accountability Within Lcwr on Abuse Continues, by David Clohessy, National Catholic Reporter (August 11, 2014)
- Pastor Charged with Sexual Crimes Makes First Court Appearance, by Samantha Galvez, WHSV (August 11, 2014)
- Valley Children's Pastor Arrested for Sex Crime, by Channing Frampton, WHSV (August 10, 2014)
- Durkan Backs Call for Kincora to Be Included in UK Child Abuse Investigation, in Derry Journal (August 11, 2014)
- Banished Catholic Priest Helps Abuse Survivors, by Adam Grannick, Daily Beast (August 11, 2014)
- Pope Francis Taking Sexual Abuse Seriously, by Josephine McKenna, District Chronicles (August 11, 2014)
- Sex Offender Attends Children's Church Event, Church Defends Him (video), in Opposing Views (August 11, 2014)
- Former Ascension Pastor Accused in Sexual Abuse Incident, by Ken Trainor, OakPark.com (August 12, 2014)
- THE Church's Style of Management, by Kevin O'Brien, Waiting for Godot to Leave (August 11, 2014)
- New Records Show Decades of Deceit; SNAP Responds, in SNAP (August 11, 2014)
- Priest Diagnosed with Sexuality Disorder in 1989 Continued in Ministry until 2013, by Megan Matthews, KSTP (August 11, 2014)
- Statement Regarding Kenneth Lavan, in Roman Catholic Archdiocese (August 11, 2014)
- New Documents Show Falsehoods in Nienstedt Testimony, by Madeleine Baran, Minnesota Public Radio (August 11, 2014)
- Bishop Mitchell Rozanski Will Serve Springfield Diocese Well, in The Republican (August 11, 2014)
- Murder of Sister Catherine Cesnik, in Baltimore Sun (August 11, 2014)
- The Murder of Sister Catherine Ann Cesnik; Maryland, 1969, in Open Salon (August 11, 2014)
- SR Catherine Ann Cesnik, 26, Baltimore, Nov 1969 -- Roman Catholic Nun Murdered, by Tom Nugent, Websleuths (August 11, 2014)
- Police Dig up Records Priest Ordered Buried, in BishopAccountability.org (August 10, 2014)
August 12
- Catholic Church spokesman questions sanctity of confessional when used by paedophile priests who admit abuse, by Quentin Mcdermott And Peter Cronau, Yahoo! News (August 12, 2014)
- If only The Church cared as much about pedophiles as porn stars, by Katie Halper, Raw Story (August 11, 2014)
- Priest Peter Searson found guilty of child sex abuse in Catholic Church internal hearing, by Aisha Dow, Age (August 11, 2014)
- Police: Gavriel Bodenheimer, rabbi and principal, arrested for sexual abuse, in The News 12 (August 12, 2014)
- What's Never Mentioned in the Sex Scandal Cases, by Kevin O'brien, Waiting for Godot to Leave (August 12, 2014)
- Melbourne's Jewish sex abuse scandal - what happened next, by Konrad Marshall, Age (August 10, 2014)
- Church in ‘leadership crisis’, by Neil Camilleri, Malta Independent (August 12, 2014)
- Church gives 'liberal' priest final chance, in The News (August 12, 2014)
- OPP clears priest of child porn allegations, in The CHCH (August 11, 2014)
- Call on bishops ‘to show in practice that they believe in Francis’, by Patsy Mcgarry, Irish Times (August 11, 2014)
- Actor Brendan Gleeson reveals he was molested by a Christian Brother in primary school, by Claire Healy, Irish Mirror (August 12, 2014)
- Brendan Gleeson: I was molested by Christian Brother, by John Breslin, Irish Examiner (August 12, 2014)
- Church’s shame over historic child abusers, in The Press (August 12, 2014)
- Parish priest, wife plead guilty to defrauding C.B.S. parish, by Rosie Mullaley, Telegram (August 12, 2014)
- Abuse inquiry to hear from child migrants, in News Letter (August 12, 2014)
- Historical Institutional Abuse Inquiry examines Australian migration, in BBC News (August 12, 2014)
- Inquiry looks at Australian migration, in The UTV (August 12, 2014)
- Historical Institutional Abuse Inquiry to focus on child migration programme, in Northern Ireland Historical Institutional Abuse Inquiry (August 12, 2014)
- Canada- Catholic official pleads guilty in child sex case, by David Clohessy, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (August 12, 2014)
- DA won't investigate clergy sex abuse claims, in The IND (August 12, 2014)
- Church ditches its abuse inquisitors, by Dan Box, Australian (August 13, 2014)
- Priest further bailed in fraud investigation, in Northern Echo (August 12, 2014)
- American Nuns Congregate As Standoff With Vatican Officials Continues, by Jason Berry, MintPress News (August 12, 2014)
- Catholic Church Recommends New Redress Scheme for Child Sex Abuse Victims, by Rachel Browne, Sydney Morning Herald (August 12, 2014)
- Judge Raises the Possibility of Prison for Syracuse Priest Accused of Child Porn, by Douglass Dowty, The Post-Standard (August 12, 2014)
- Taormina Archpriest Sacked by Bishop, in Malta Independent (August 12, 2014)
- Nienstedt’s Foes Getting Desperate, in Catholic League (August 12, 2014)
- Cedar Park Police Chief on the Greg Kelley Case, in Watch Keep (August 12, 2014)
- ‘forgotten’ Abuse Victim ‘let Down’ by Pope, by Andrew Quinn, Derry Journal (August 12, 2014)
- Redemptorist Order of Catholic Priests to Pay Sexual Abuse Victims $20m, in CBC News (August 12, 2014)
- Quebec Catholic Order Agrees to $20m Abuse Settlement, in Toronto Sun (August 12, 2014)
- Sexual Abuse Victims Reach Landmark $20-million Settlement with Quebec Religious Group, by Geoffrey Vendeville, Montreal Gazette (August 12, 2014)
- Flannery Heresy Case "Is Shaky", by Sarah MacDonald, Irish Independent (August 12, 2014)
- Monsey Rabbi Pleads Not Guilty to Sex Abuse of Boy, 7, by Steve Lieberman, Journal News (August 12, 2014)
- $20 Million Clergy Sex Settlement, in SNAP (August 12, 2014)
August 13
- Questions for DA On Priest Sex-Abuse Scandal, by Jim Hummel, KATC (August 13, 2014)
- Catholic church proposes new compensation scheme for sexual abuse victims, by Kate Stowell, Yahoo! News (August 13, 2014)
- Religious order to pay record sexual abuse settlement, by Ingrid Peritz, Globe and Mail (August 12, 2014)
- Bishop Mitchell Rozanski: Victims of church sexual abuse need to know it wasn't their fault, by Jim Kinney, Republican (August 12, 2014)
- Mitchell Rozanski Installed As Bishop Of Springfield Catholic Diocese, by Henry Epp, New England Public Radio (August 12, 2014)
- Catholic Church proposes govt operated redress scheme for child abuse victims, by Rachel Ford, Christian Today (August 13, 2014)
- Church victims compensation models debated, in The SBS (August 13, 2014)
- Catholic church backs national redress scheme for child sexual abuse victims, by Helen Davidson, Guardian (UK) (August 12, 2014)
- Child abuse denied by former National Farmers' Union officer and Captain of Braunton Boys Brigade, in North Devon Journal (August 13, 2014)
- Irish Catholicism's Two Abuse Crises, by David Carroll Cochran, Commonweal (August 12, 2014)
- SNAP sends letter to Youngstown bishop, in The Vindicator (August 13, 2014)
- Assignment Record – Msgr. John D. Fitzgerald, on The BishopAccountability.org (August 13, 2014)
- HOW SURVIVORS HAVE CHANGED HISTORY by Thomas P.Doyle, O.P., in Christian Catholicism (August 13, 2014)
- Priest stole babies for adoption - church, in The IOL (August 13, 2014)
- El duro informe contra el sacerdote Gerardo Joannon en caso adopciones ilegales, in The Chilevision (August 13, 2014)
- Chile- Group blasts Chilean bishops over baby theft by priest, by David Clohessy, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (August 13, 2014)
- TX- Victims applaud police chief in Greg Kelley case, by David Clohessy, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (August 13, 2014)
- TWITTER & FRAUD, by Berger, Berger's Beat (August 13, 2014)
- Orlando Catholic Diocese sued again over sexual abuse, by Jeff Kunerth, Orlando Sentinel (August 13, 2014)
- Sex abuse, coverup lawsuit filed against bishop, Diocese of Orlando, in The ClickOrlando (August 13, 2014)
- Lawsuit filed against Diocese of Orlando for alleged sex abuse by priest, in The WFTV (August 13, 2014)
- Nuns meeting in Nashville must confront sexual abuse of children by nuns, in Road to Recovery (August 13, 2014)
- Priest abuse victims demand Jarrell, Harson release names, by Claire Taylor, Advertiser (August 13, 2014)
- SNAP says names of 15 priests is needed to heal and protect children, in The KATC (August 13, 2014)
- Church child abuse victims' group SNAP takes on Poland, in The News (August 13, 2014)
- Sieć walcząca z pedofilią w Kościele zaczyna działać w Polsce, by Michał Wilgocki, Gazeta Wyborcza (August 12, 2014)
- Rome’s abuse prosecutor thanks media for keeping up pressure, by Katherine Backler, Tablet (August 13, 2014)
- Scandalizing John Howard Yoder, by David Cramer & Jenny Howell & Jonathan Tran & Paul Martens, Other Journal (July 07, 2014)
- FL- New child sexual abuse lawsuit filed, SNAP responds, by David Clohessy, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (August 13, 2014)
- Advocate welcomes new scheme to help child sex abuse victims, by Alex Hamer, Courier (August 14, 2014)
- Chilean order sends priest to Spain after link to stolen babies scandal, in Catholic Sentinel (August 13, 2014)
- Who Else Has Thompson Arrested?, in Frum Follies (August 13, 2014)
- Abuse Advocates Weigh In On Thompson, by Amy Sara Clark, Jewish Week (August 13, 2014)
- Chile- Where's investigation into Chile priest baby stealing?, by Barbara Dorris, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (August 13, 2014)
- Lawyers up in arms over church caps on sex abuse compensation, by Dan Box, Australian (August 14, 2014)
- Claim against Orlando Diocese alleges sex abuse by priest in 1970s, by Amanda Mckenzie, News 13 (August 13, 2014)
- Chilean priest who helped steal babies from unwed mothers will be moved to Spain, Catholic Church confirms, by Carol Kuruvilla, New York Daily News (August 13, 2014)
- Priest pleads guilty to endangering in Clifton Park, by Robert Gavin, Albany Times Union (August 13, 2014)
- Priest Accused of Having Physical Contact with 15-Year-Old Girl Pleads Guilty, in Time Warner Cable News (August 13, 2014)
- Area priest pleads guilty to inappropraite contact with minor, in The CBS 6 (August 13, 2014)
- Sinead O'Connor: 'I Find It Laughable That They're Talking About Revolutionizing The Church', by Antonia Blumberg, HuffingtPost (August 13, 2014)
August 14
- Niskayuna Priest Admits Sexual Contact with Teen While Serving As Youth Minister, in Niskayuna (August 14, 2014)
- Did Archbishop John Nienstedt Lie under Oath?, in Fox 9 (August 14, 2014)
- Diocese Paid $15.8 Million in Bankruptcy Fees, by Beth Miller, New Journal (August 14, 2014)
- Guilty Plea for Priest Accused of Endangering the Welfare of a Child, in Fox 23 (August 14, 2014)
- Latest Settlement Talks in Sex Abuse Case Fail, by Lisa Baumann, Ravalli Republic (August 14, 2014)
- Cult Leader Victor Barnard Possibly Spotted in Washington, by Shelby Capaci, Fox 9 (August 14, 2014)
- Music Teacher Facing Indecent Liberties Charge, in ABC 13 (August 14, 2014)
- Cloud Removed from Caledonia Pastor As Computer Porn Suspicions Prove False, by Michael Swan, Catholic Register (August 13, 2014)
- State Rests, Defense Calling Witnesses in Trial of Former Youth Minister, in KVUE (August 14, 2014)
- Leaders of Polygamous Sect in B.C. Charged Five Years after Failed Prosecutions, in Daily Courier (August 14, 2014)
- Justice Denied for Abused Children, in New York Times (August 13, 2014)
- Church Calls for National Victims Scheme, in Pro Bono (August 14, 2014)
- Former Md. Church Leader Sentenced for Child Sex Abuse, in WUSA (August 14, 2014)
- Book Row Priest "Booby-trapped Home" Amid Row about Eviction, in Herald Scotland (August 14, 2014)
- Sainte-anne-de-beaupre Redemptorists Pay $20 Million to Victims of Jp2 Army for Fear of Evidence on Complicity in Court and Ending of Its $1b Religious Tourism, by Paris Arrow, PopeCrimes& Vatican Evils. (August 14, 2014)
- “calvary” Star Brendan Gleeson Reveals He Was Abused by Christian Brothers, by Jane Walsh, Irish Central (August 14, 2014)
- "Maidens" Leader Victor Barnard Reportedly Spotted in Washington, in Pioneer Press (August 14, 2014)
- Brady's Exit Gives Church Here a Chance for a Fresh Start, by Michael Kelly, Irish Independent (August 14, 2014)
- Pope Likely to Approve Decision by Cardinal Sean Brady to Step down, by Sarah Macdonald , Belfast Telegraph (August 14, 2014)
- Cardinal Sean Brady Highly Regarded until Abuse Cover-up Scandal, by Sarah Macdonald, Belfast Telegraph (August 14, 2014)
- Diocese of Gallup Seeks More Time to Reach Deal with Victims, by Tom Corrigan, Dow Jones & Company (August 13, 2014)
- Priest Avoids Jail Time in Plea, by Robert Gavin, Albany Times Union (August 14, 2014)
- Priest Pleads Guilty to Endangering the Welfare of a Child, in Troy Record (August 14, 2014)
- Gitxsan First Nation Healers Urge Residential-school Survivors to Open up and Reflect, by Travis Lupick, Straight (August 13, 2014)
- Former Ascension Pastor Accused in Abuse Incident, by Ken Trainor, Oakpark.com (August 14, 2014)
- The Bump out and the Smush, by Dan Haley, Oakpark.com (August 12, 2014)
- Cardinal George Pell’s Mean Spirit in Dealings with Child Abuse Victims Lives on after His Transfer to Rome, by Terry Sweetman, The Courier-Mail (August 15, 2014)
- Wilm. Diocese Paid $16m in Bankruptcy Fees, in WDEL (August 14, 2014)
- Diocese of Wilmington Pays High Price for Bankruptcy, by Don Rush, Delmarva Public Radio (August 14, 2014)
- Attorney Who Sued Diocese Shows Support for Fr. Dutel, in KATC (August 14, 2014)
- Sinead O’connor’s “take Me to Church”, by Gene Veith, Blog of Veith (August 12, 2014)
- Ex-brooklyn Priest Sued for Child Sex Abuse, SNAP Responds, in SNAP (August 14, 2014)
- Church Leader to Be Sentenced in Child Sex Abuse Case, SNAP Responds, in SNAP (August 14, 2014)
- Lcwr Speakers: Failure to Listen Leads to Judgment, Cynicism, Fear, by Dan Stockman, National Catholic Reporte (August 13, 2014)
- Charlotte Ex-pastor Faces 26 More Sex Charges, by Steve Lyttle, Charlotte Observer (August 14, 2014)
- Minister Accused of Sex Assault Faces More Charges, by Tina Terry, WSOC (August 14, 2014)
- Judge Calls Former Church Youth Group Leader Nathaniel Morales a ‘cowardly Pervert’ before Sentencing Him to 40 Years in Prison, in WJLA (August 14, 2014)
- Tulsa Pastor Indicted for Embezzling More Than $900,000, by Richard Clark, Newson6 (August 14, 2014)
- Child Sex Abuser from Gaithersburg-area Sentenced to 40 Years in Prison, by Dan Morse, Washington Post (August 14, 2014)
- This Pope Means Business, by Shawn Tully, Fortune (August 14, 2014)
- Las Vegas Man, Part of Odd Church, Is Sentenced on Child Abuse, in SNAP (August 14, 2014)
- Former Pastor Faces Additional Charges, SNAP Responds, in SNAP (August 15, 2014)
- Arrestan a Cura Violador De Slp, in Vanguardia (August 14, 2014)
- Researchers Tell Faith Communities to Let Trauma Survivors Forgive in Their Own Time, by David Briggs, Christian Century (August 14, 2014)
- South African Police Confirm International Arrest Warrant for Fugitive Breslov Hasidic Rabbi, by Shmarya Rosenberg, Failed Messiah (August 14, 2014)
- International Arrest Warrant Issued against Fugitive Rabbi, by Chaim Levi, Ari Yashar, Arutz Sheva (August 14, 2014)
- Don't Mess with the Pope When It Comes to Money, by Jenn Gidman, Newser (August 14, 2014)
- Documents Surrounding Former Hastings Priest, Thomas Stitts, Released, by Chad Richardson, Hastings Star Gazette (August 14, 2014)
- Priest File of Father Thomas Stitts, in Jeff Anderson & Associates (August 14, 2014)
- 2nd Judge Upholds “first-ever” Breach Award of $1.1 Million to Victims, in SNAP (August 14, 2014)
- Judge Confirms That Kc Diocese Must Pay $1.1 Million in Breach of Contract Case, by Judy L. Thomas, The Kansas City Star (August 14, 2014)
- Judge Upholds Arbitration Award Involving the Diocese of Kansas City-st. Joseph, in Jeff Anderson & Associates (August 14, 2014)
- Two Parenting Must Reads, by Joelle Casteix, Worthy Adversary (August 14, 2014)
- The Curious Case of Carlos Urrutigoity, by Grant Gallicho, dotCommonweal (August 14, 2014)
- Lcwr Stupid Catholics Nuns Meet in Nashville but for 10 Years Now, They Refuse to Meet SNAP Demand to Reveal Their Abusive Nuns, by Paris Arrow, Pope Francis The Con-christ. (August 14, 2014)
- Why Predators Are Attracted to Careers in the Clergy, by Joe Navarro, Psychology Today (August 14, 2014)
- Fortune Magazine Praises Francis As an "Elite Manager" with an "Elite Managerial Skill Set", by Carl E. Olson, Catholic World Report (August 14, 2014)
- Judge Affirms $1.1 Million Award against Kansas City-st. Joseph Diocese in Abuse Case, in The Republic (August 14, 2014)
August 15
- Church Congregations Have Role in Healing Abuse Victims, by Neil Ormerod, Eureka Street (August 15, 2014)
- Cardinal Pell to Explain Abuse Response, in SBS (August 15, 2014)
- Abuse Victims Urge Pope to Let Cardinal Go Quickly, by Sarah McDonald, Irish Independent (August 15, 2014)
- File Released Shows Priest Admitted to Sexually Abusing Boys, by Cassie Hart, KSTP (August 15, 2014)
- Friday the Deadline to File Claims against Diocese of Stockton, in Stockton Record (August 14, 2014)
- Ex-deacon Convicted, Faces Term of 14 Years, by Robert Gavin, Albany Times Union (August 15, 2014)
- Evangelical Child Molester Sentenced to 40 Years, by Bob Allen, Associated Baptist Press (August 15, 2014)
- Pastor Facing Child Molestation Charges, in Lompoc Record (August 15, 2014)
- Bay Area Pastor Accused of Child Sex Abuse, by Kale Williams, SF Gate (August 14, 2014)
- Christian School Employee Arrested after Allegedly Molesting Kids at Church in Lancaster, by Tracy Bloom, KTLA (August 14, 2014)
- Christian School Employee Arrested in Molestations of 2 Children in Lancaster, in CBS Los Angeles (August 15, 2014)
- Lancaster: Desert Christian Teacher Suspected of Molestation, in SCV News (August 14, 2014)
- School Employee Accused of Molesting Children at Lancaster Church, by Stephen Ceasar, Los Angeles Times (August 14, 2014)
- Aust Abuse Policy Not Informed: Report, by Annette Blackwell, NT News (August 15, 2014)
- Clergy Sex Abuse Victim to Take Stand at Royal Commission’s Melbourne Hearings, by Alex White, Herald Sun (August 15, 2014)
- Surrogacy Is Still Available to Paedophiles. This Must Change – but How?, by Richard Ackland, The Guardian (August 14, 2014)
- Royal Commission Publishes Two Research Reports, in Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse (August 15, 2014)
- Salvation Army Dismisses Whistleblower, Marina Randall, Who Raised Concerns about Commissioner, by Sarah Dingle, ABC News (August 15, 2014)
- Clergyman: I Did Not Target Fellow Priest, in Herald Scotland (August 15, 2014)
- Cardinal Brady Offers Resignation, in Belfast Telegraph (August 15, 2014)
- Head of Ireland's Abuse-tainted Catholic Church Retires, in Yahoo! News (August 15, 2014)
- Cardinal Brady Offers Resignation As Catholic Leader, in News Letter (August 15, 2014)
- Cardinal Sean Brady Confirms Offering Resignation to Pope, by Irish Times, Genevieve Carbery (August 15, 2014)
- Cardinal Brady "Looking Forward" to Retirement, in The Anglo-Celt (August 15, 2014)
- Cardinal Brady Offers Resignation to Pope, in Tyrone Times (August 15, 2014)
- Cardinal Brady Confirms He Has Offered Resignation to Pope Francis, in Derry Journal (August 15, 2014)
- Cardinal Sean Brady Offers Resignation to Pope Francis, by Brynmor Pattison, Irish Mirror (August 15, 2014)
- Cardinal Sean Brady Has Offered to Resign As Primate of All Ireland, in The Journal (August 15, 2014)
- Cardinal Sean Brady: I Look Forward to the Day When My Resignation Will Be Accepted, by Denise Calnan, Irish Independent (August 15, 2014)
- Why Wait to Fire Priest?, by Gazette Editorial, Daily Gazette (August 15, 2014)
- Camp Counselor, 16, Sexually Abused Three Campers, Bergen Prosecutor Says, by James Kleimann, NJ.com (August 14, 2014)
- Ireland- Victims Urge Vigilance Regarding Brady's Resignation, in SNAP (August 15, 2014)
- Central Pennsylvania Bishop's Home Listed for $995,000, Money May Be Used for Sex Abuse Cases, in Daily Journal (August 15, 2014)
- Settlement Talk Set in Friar Abuse Suits, in Indiana Gazette (August 15, 2014)
- Judge Upholds “first-ever” Award against Diocese, in SNAP (August 15, 2014)
- Camp Counselor Arrested for Child Sexual Abuse, SNAP Responds, in SNAP (August 15, 2014)
- Camp Fires Teen Counselor Accused of Sexually Abusing 6-year-old Campers, by James Kleimann, NJ.com (August 15, 2014)
- Lcwr Assembly Draws One Demonstrator Protesting Handling of Abuse, by Dan Stockman, National Catholic Reporter (August 15, 2014)
- All Files Went to Rome, in Patrick J. Wall (August 15, 2014)
- International Experts Meet in London to Discuss “undue Influence” of Extremist Groups, in Advocates for Awareness of Watchtower Abuses (August 15, 2014)
- Fitzgerald's Accuser Tells Her Story of Pastor's Alleged Abuse, by Ken Trainor, Oakpark.com (August 15, 2014)
- SNAP Applauds Brave Kc Victims on Historic Win, in SNAP (August 15, 2014)
- Alvarado Pastor Arrested for Allegedly Sexually Abusing Second Teen, by Deanna Boyd, Fort Worth Star-Telegram (August 15, 2014)
- Ex-pastor Pleads Guilty to Sex Abuse Case, in Charleston Daily Mail (August 15, 2014)
- Phoenix Pastor Is Accused of Child Molestation, in Beaumont Enterprise (August 15, 2014)
- Phoenix Pastor Sexually Abused 2 Women, 2 Girls, in Arizona Republic (August 15, 2014)
- Phoenix Pastor Accused in 4 Sex Abuse Cases, by Breann Bierman, KPHO (August 15, 2014)
- Phoenix Pastor Arrested for Alleged Sex Crimes, in KTAR (August 15, 2014)
- SEX Abuse Survivor’s ‘hope for New Start’, by Claire O'Sullivan, Irish Examiner (August 15, 2014)
- Sister Elizabeth Johnson: ‘the Waste of Time on This Investigation Is Unconscionable’, by Heidi Hall, Religion News Service (August 16, 2014)
- Kc Diocese Must Pay $1.1m in Abuse Deal Breach, in Kansas City Business Journal (August 15, 2014)
- Cliff Richard Case: Police Receive New Information, by Vikram Dodd, The Guardian (August 15, 2014)
August 16
- Douglas County Ex-pastor to Undergo Psychosexual Evaluation, by Carl Willis, WSB (August 16, 2014)
- Norwalk Pastor, Suspected of Molesting 20 Women, Sentenced to 6 Years in Sexual-penetration Case, by Beatriz Valenzuela, The Press-Telegram (August 15, 2014)
- Mark Driscoll, Spiritual Abuse and Cultish Ministries, by Jennifer Leclaire, Charisma News (August 16, 2014)
- New Canaan, Woman Who Had Sexual Relationship with Minor, Avoids Jail Time, by Steve Kobak, The Hour (August 15, 2014)
- Second Victim Claims Abuse by Alvarado Pastor, in Cleburne Times-Review (August 15, 2014)
- Droppings from the Catholic Birdcage: "How Could a Catholic Priest with Such a History End up As Second in Command of a Diocese—in 2014?", by William D. Lindsey, The Bilgrimage (August 16, 2014)
- Johnson to Lcwr: Sisters Ahead of Hierarchy in Living Vatican II Renewal, by Dan Stockman, National Catholic Reporter (August 15, 2014)
- Some Pedophile Priests beyond Diocese's Reach, in The Advertiser (August 15, 2014)
- Truth about Fightforgk, in Truth About FightforGK (August 15, 2014)
- Royal Commission Proposal on Victim Compensation to Be Handed down Next Year, in SBS (August 16, 2014)
- SNAP at the 2014 SBC Annual Meeting, in Stop Baptist Predators (June 21, 2014)
- Assignment Record – Rev. Francis X. Nawn, S.J., in BishopAccountability.org (August 16, 2014)
- The Church Protected Father Vic Rubeo but Broken Rites Exposed This Cover-up, in Broken Rites (August 16, 2014)
- Cardinal Brady Is Hoping Pope Signs off on Resignation, by Cormac Mcquinn, Herald (August 16, 2014)
- Statement by Cardinal Sean Brady on Offering His Resignation As Archbishop of Armagh, in Irish Catholic Bishops' Conference (August 16, 2014)
- Former pastor of St. Catherine’s Parish, Cedar Grove, NJ, accused of sexual abuse, in Road to Recovery (August 16, 2014)
- The real reason for the Vatican's problem with LCWR, by Eugene Cullen Kennedy, National Catholic Reporter (August 15, 2014)
- ACTION COMICS #1, ARCH. ROBERT CARLSON..., by Berger, Berger's Beat (August 16, 2014)
- Email from Fight for GK leader: "Extremely Disappointed", by M. Dustin Brimberry, Watch Keep (August 16, 2014)
- Advocates for abuse victims say priest names should be revealed, by Claire Taylor, Ken Stickney, Advertiser (August 16, 2014)
August 17
- Cardinal Brady's resignation 'too little, too late', by John Spain, Irish Independent (August 17, 2014)
- Pell will appear before child abuse Royal Commission, in The SBS (August 17, 2014)
- Father Thomas Stitts may have confessed to sexually abusing boys before death, by Jesse Marx, City Pages (August 15, 2014)
- Thomas Stitts and the 40-year Minnesota “memory loss”, by Joelle Casteix, Worthy Adversary (August 16, 2014)
- Church employee arrested for molesting children at Sunday Service, by Carol Kuruvilla, New York Daily News (August 17, 2014)
- Shadow of Priest’s Abuse Over Author’s Grunt Sequel, by Mike Ledingham, Scoop (August 17, 2014)
- In Recent News (One Hand, Other Hand)..., by William D. Lindsey, Bilgrimage (August 17, 2014)
- Fr Joe Borg echoes claims of Church’s ‘leadership crisis’, in Malta Independent (August 17, 2014)
- Leadership of Church is in crisis – Fr Joe Borg, in Times of Malta (August 17, 2014)
- Brady resignation “too late” for abuse survivor, by Paul Hosford, Journal (August 17, 2014)
- Child abuse inquiry recommendations stalled, by Jane Lee, Age (August 17, 2014)
- New sex abuse case rocks church, by Cameron Houston And Chris Vedelago, Age (August 18, 2014)
- Sister Acts, by Nicholas Kristof, New York Times (August 17, 2014)
- Priest accused of molesting child in Elizabeth 50 years ago, by Bill Zlatos, Tribune-Review (August 17, 2014)
- Pastor’s Pen – August 10, 2014, in St. Ann Catholic Church (August 10, 2014)
- Allegation of abuse surfaces against former Pittsburgh priest, by Janice Crompton And Peter Smith, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (August 17, 2014)
- Priest placed on administrative leave over abuse claim, in Roman Catholic Diocese of Pittsburgh (August 12, 2014)
- Pell to speak to royal commission, in Sky News (August 17, 2014)
- Vatican Circus in SKorea..., by Paris Arrow, POPE FRANCISCON-Christ. (August 16, 2014)
- Sex charges for ex-St. Raphael teacher, by Charlie White, Courier-Journal (August 17, 2014)
- Former student alleges abuse by former St. Raphael teacher, coach, by John Paxton, WAVE (August 17, 2014)
- Ex-SWHS coach charged with sexual abuse, by Jeff Neal, Commonwealth Journal (August 17, 2014)
August 18
- Child sex abuse royal commission: Child abuse claims in Victoria cost Catholic Church $34m, inquiry hears, by Loretta Florance, Jean Edwards, ABC News (August 18, 2014)
- Victims want review into Catholic Church's Melbourne Response compensation claims, by Jane Lee And Cameron Houston, Age (August 18, 2014)
- Catholic church’s Melbourne Response under review for first time, by Melissa Davey, Guardian (UK) (August 17, 2014)
- Christine Foster ‘betrayed’ by George Pell abuse apology and church warning, by Pia Akerman, Australian (August 18, 2014)
- Sex abuse victims paid $17 million by Catholic Church, royal commission hears, by Shannon Deery, Herald Sun (August 18, 2014)
- Teaching credentials..., in Questions from a Ewe (August 18, 2014)
- Abuse victim felt he couldn't go to police, by Angus Livingston And Genevieve Gannon, 7 News (August 18, 2014)
- Child sex abuse royal commission..., by Louise Milligan, 7 News (August 18, 2014)
- Royal Commission witness testimony, by Jane Lee And Cameron Houston, Sydney Morning Herald (August 18, 2014)
- When the abused come to the royal commission, they don’t swear on the Bible, by David Marr, Guardian (UK) (August 18, 2014)
- Church response to Melbourne victims of child sexual abuse 'a betrayal', by Melissa Davey, Guardian (UK) (August 18, 2014)
- Victims speak out on Catholic Church's Melbourne Response, by Cameron Houston And Jane Lee, Sydney Morning Herald (August 18, 2014)
- Vic victim wants compassion from church, in The 9 News (August 18, 2014)
- Royal commission: Catholic Church urged to show 'moral compass' ahead of clergy sexual abuse hearings, in ABC News (August 18, 2014)
- Priests demand clarification from archbishop, by Sabrina Salas Matanane, KUAM (August 18, 2014)
- WA priest on trial for child sex offences, in WA Today (August 18, 2014)
- Former Catholic school teacher, football coach arrested on sex abuse charges, by Cory Pippin, WLKY (August 18, 2014)
- “Sacerdotes violadores abusan de su libertad”, by Rubén Pacheco, Pulso (August 18, 2014)
- Fordham Theologian Criticizes Church’s Investigation of Women’s Orders, by Charles Huckabee, Chronicle of Higher Education (August 18, 2014)
- Paedophile Peter Righton advised Home Office on policy, by Tom Bateman, BBC News (August 18, 2014)
- El arzobispo que fue procesado, by Por Diego Martínez, Pagina 12 (August 18, 2014)
- The church protected Fr Kevin O'Donnell for 50 years — and then it avoided paying proper compensation to victims, in Broken Rites (August 17, 2014)
- “Let a female speculate”: Full text of Sister Elizabeth Johnson’s LCWR talk, by David Gibson, ReligiNews Service (August 17, 2014)
- Former principal of Adass Israel School ..., by Shannon Deery, Herald Sun (August 18, 2014)
- Former Adass Israel School principal Malka Leifer faces extradition over alleged sex abuse, by Jewel Topsfield, Age (August 18, 2014)
- Israel to extradite suspected haredi sex abuser to Australia, by Sam Sokol, Jerusalem Post (August 18, 2014)
- Boston priest. 86, accused of Pennsylvania abuse, in The WTAE (August 18, 2014)
- Archdiocese Accused of 30-Year Coverup, by Victoria Prieskop, Courthouse News Service (August 18, 2014)
- Canada- Catholic official pleads guilty to child sex crimes, by David Clohessy, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (August 18, 2014)
- OH- Therapist hired by diocese loses license, by Judy Jones, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (August 18, 2014)
- SNAP Fundraising Drive: Please Consider Donating, by William D. Lindsey, Bilgrimage (August 18, 2014)
- Victims Condemn Pittsburgh Bishop for “11 Yrs of Secrecy”, in SNAP (August 18, 2014)
- Smyth Abuse Victim Disappointed at Cardinal Brady’s ‘retiring Naturally’, by Patsy McGarry, Irish Times (August 18, 2014)
- “black Town, White Power” in Ferguson, in Berger's Beat (August 18, 2014)
- DA Says Statute of Limitations Prevents Action against Accused Priest, by Bill Zlatos, The Tribune-Review (August 18, 2014)
- Church Politics : the Elephant Is Definitely in the Room, in Malta Independent (August 18, 2014)
- Abusive Priest's Past Employer on the Hook, by Jeff D. Gorman, Courthouse News Service (August 18, 2014)
- Victims Blast Ft. Worth Church in Abuse Case, in SNAP (August 15, 2014)
- Therapist Hired by Diocese Loses License, in SNAP (August 18, 2014)
- Judge Questions the Constitutionality of Hiv Law Used to Charge Cleveland Priest, by James F. McCarty, Plain Dealer (August 18, 2014)
- Boston Priest. 86, Accused of Pennsylvania Abuse, in Pottstown Mercury (August 18, 2014)
- "Ongoing Conversation with Church Leadership Is Key", by Dan Stockman, National Catholic Reporter (August 18, 2014)
- Alleged Sex Offender Priest Challenges Law; SNAP Responds, in SNAP (August 18, 2014)
- Teacher Faces Jail for Sexual Relationship with Teenage Student, by Andrew Thomson, The Age (August 19, 2014)
- Catholic Church Lawyer to Face Inquiry after Child Sex Abuse Victims" Criticism, by Melissa Davey, The Guardian (August 18, 2014)
- Trial Date Set for Pastor Accused of Sexual Abuse, in WIVB (August 18, 2014)
- 4 New Lawsuits Allege Sexual Abuse at Archdiocese of Santa Fe, by Blair Miller, KOB (August 18, 2014)
August 19
- Catholic..., by Shannon Deery, Herald Sun (August 19, 2014)
- Child sex abuse royal commission: Melbourne Response investigator 'encouraged' victims to see police, by Helen Vines, ABC News (August 19, 2014)
- Abuse victim told to sue Catholic Church, by Angus Livingston, 7 News (August 19, 2014)
- Group criticizes diocese's handling of accused priest, by Peter Smith, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (August 19, 2014)
- OPINION: Priests should quit parishes, by Bob O'toole, Newcastle Herald (August 18, 2014)
- Catholic Church's Melbourne Response commissioner ..., by Jane Lee And Cameron Houston, Age (August 19, 2014)
- Church lawyer told victims that police involvement would postpone process, by Melissa Davey, Guardian (UK) (August 19, 2014)
- Barrister picked by George Pell to investigate sex abuse gives evidence, by Melissa Davey, Guardian (UK) (August 19, 2014)
- Church commissioner: ‘independent’ from Melbourne archdiocese, by Pia Akerman, Australian (August 19, 2014)
- Child abuse victims may not be heard, in Echo Netdaily (August 19, 2014)
- The Role of Rabbis in Confronting Abuse in the Orthodox Community, by Harry Maryles, Emes Ve-Emunah (August 19, 2014)
- FACT CHECKER: SNAP Lies About Status of Priest To Create Media Hysteria, by David Pierre, TheMediaReport (August 19, 2014)
- Los Banos priest under investigation for alleged Web sex crimes, by Rob Parsons, Fresno Bee (August 18, 2014)
- Investigation of Diocesan Priest in Progress, by Teresa Dominguez, Roman Catholic Diocese of Fresno (August 18, 2014)
- Priest to face child abuse charges, in Times of Malta (August 19, 2014)
- Archbishop responds, by Sabrina Salas Matanane, KUAM (August 19, 2014)
- Pope Francis Tells Reporters: ‘Another Two Or Three Years, And God Will Take Me’, in The nquisitr (August 19, 2014)
- Abuse victims still calling after 18 years, by Angus Livingston, Courier-Mail (August 19, 2014)
- Independent Commissioner Peter O'Callaghan appears at Royal Commission, by Jane Lee, Cameron Houston, Sydney Morning Herald (August 19, 2014)
- Pope Francis says he has 'two or three years' to live and is open to retirement, in ydney Morning Herald (August 19, 2014)
- Cardinal should have gone ‘earlier’, in Dundalk Democrat (August 19, 2014)
- Priest accused ofabusing minors showsface to camerasafter court issues ban, in Malta Independent (August 19, 2014)
- Venice Diocese settles child sex abuse claim, in The 10 News (August 19, 2014)
- Young priest hides face..., in Times of Malta (August 19, 2014)
- Royal Commission to hold private sessions in Launceston, in Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse (August 19, 2014)
- Venice Diocese settles child sex abuse claim, in News-Press (August 19, 2014)
- Sexual Abuse & SNAP, by David H Lukenbill, Catholic Eye (August 19, 2014)
- Economic Impact of Child Abuse Profound, Says Esri, by Paul Cullen, Irish Times (August 15, 2014)
- ‘spotlight’ Script Tells the Story of Globe Series, by Mark Shanahan and Meredith Goldstein, Boston Globe (August 19, 2014)
- Priest in Child Abuse Case Released on Bail, by Daniel Mizzi, Malta Today (August 19, 2014)
- Victims Challenge Presbyterian Officials, in SNAP (August 19, 2014)
- Venice Diocese Settles Child Sex Abuse Claim, in The News-Press (August 19, 2014)
- Priest Rapes Eight-yr-old, Held, in Business Standard (August 19, 2014)
- Editor's Blog: Why Did Magistrate Ban the Press from Priest Case?, by Steve Mallia, Times of Malta (August 19, 2014)
- Priest Accused of Child Molestation Is Granted Bail in Gozo Court, in Gozo News (August 19, 2014)
- Clergy Sex Abuse Victims Urge Action from Bishop, in SNAP (August 19, 2014)
- Diocese of Venice Settles Sex Abuse Case in Fort Myers, in WGCU (August 18, 2014)
- New Documents Reveal Disturbing Details, in WINK News (August 19, 2014)
- Nm Archdiocese Accused of Thirty-year Cover-up, by Jay Nelson, Renegade Catholic (August 19, 2014)
- New Allegations against Former Fort Myers Catholic Priest, by George Solis, ABC 7 (August 19, 2014)
- Kansas City Is Still Waiting for the Bishop and Catholic Diocese to Do the Right Thing, in Kansas City Star (August 19, 2014)
August 20
- Gozitan priest charged with child abuse taught at government school, by Daniel Mizzi, Malta Today (August 20, 2014)
- Child sexual abuse royal commission: O'Callaghan advised abuse victims on strength of cases, by Peta Carlyon, Yahoo! News (August 20, 2014)
- Church commissioner admits giving archdiocese suggestions for abuse response, by Pia Akerman, Australian (August 20, 2014)
- It’s my sacred right to leave the Catholic Church, by Jp O'malley, Irish Examiner (August 20, 2014)
- Abuse compensation doesn't recognise harm: Church, in The SBS (August 20, 2014)
- Cliff Richard cancels his performance at cathedral charity concert, by Martin Williams, Guardian (UK) (August 19, 2014)
- KITWE BISHOP KILLS SELF, by Marilyn Rose And Rebecca Mushota, Times of Zambia (August 20, 2014)
- Damned if you do or don't defense, by Robert Gavin, Law Beat, Albany Times Union (August 19, 2014)
- State MP Frank Maguire slams Cardinal George Pell over church sex abuse evidence, by Matt Johnston, Herald Sun (August 20, 2014)
- MP calls for investigation into cluster of paedophile priests at Holy Family School in Doveton, by Quentin Mcdermott And Peter Cronau, ABC News (August 20, 2014)
- Review brings changes to toughen WA's child protection laws, by Leanne Nicholson, WA Today (August 20, 2014)
- Child institutions should be monitored by national organisation, says child abuse victim's mother, by Candice Marcus, 7 News (August 20, 2014)
- VALLEY PRIEST ACCUSED OF CHILD SEX CRIMES, by Corin Hoggard, ABC 30 (August 19, 2014)
- New sex abuse allegations against former Gray priest, in The WGME (August 19, 2014)
- Church's investigator grilled on independence, by Cameron Houston, Jane Lee, Sydney Morning Herald (August 20, 2014)
- Church ‘leadership crisis’ debate rages on, in Malta Independent (August 20, 2014)
- Los Banos priest under investigation moved out of area, by Rob Parsons, Modesto Bee (August 19, 2014)
- Updated | Police to appeal bail for Gozo priest charged with child abuse, by Daniel Mizzi, Malta Today (August 20, 2014)
- Priest abuse case: Police planning to appeal bail decision, in Times of Malta (August 20, 2014)
- Priest Charged With 7 Counts of Sexual Assault to Appear in Enfield Court, in NBC Connecticut (August 20, 2014)
- Gozo Bishop says hefollowed canon andcivil protocolin priest’s abuseof minors case, in Malta Independent (August 20, 2014)
- Priest abuse case..., in Times of Malta (August 20, 2014)
- Lawyer denies Catholic Church tried to protect itself, by Pia Akerma, Australian (August 21, 2014)
- Habla el polémico sacerdote Urrutigoity, in The ABC (August 20, 2014)
- CA- Priest accused of abuse moved to undisclosed location, SNAP responds, by Barbara Dorris, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (August 20, 2014)
- Padre Urrutigoity: "Si yo tuviera el problema de pedofilia que me atribuyen, no debiera servir como sacerdote", by José Manuel Vidal, ReligiDigital (August 20, 2014)
- Gozo bishop stands by ‘alleged’ victims of sexual abuse, in Malta Today (August 20, 2014)
- KANSAS CITY STAR TARGETS BISHOP FINN AGAIN, by Steve Paul, Catholic League (August 20, 2014)
- Archdiocese settles suit with man abused by priest as boy, by Shelby Capacio, Fox 9 (August 20, 2014)
- Priest Sex Abuse Victim Settles With Archdiocese, by Jennifer Mayerle, CBS Minnesota (August 20, 2014)
- Rodney Rodis Dies Behind Bars, in The Newsplex (August 20, 2014)
- Former priest dies as prisoner after embezzling from Louisa parishes, by Brandon Shulleeta, Richmond Times-Dispatch (August 20, 2014)
- Cardinal Pell to face royal commission, in Sky News (August 21, 2014)
- First clergy abuse settlement with archdiocese reached under new law, by Jean Hopfensperger, Star Tribune (August 20, 2014)
- Wendy Davis Calls For Eliminating Statute Of Limitations On Rape, by Shelley Kofler, KERA (August 20, 2014)
- Cardinal George Pell to give evidence at child sex abuse inquiry, in The Guardian (UK) (August 20, 2014)
August 21
- George Pell Tells Inquiry He Took Claims from Victims" Groups "with a Grain of Salt", by Melissa Davey, The Guardian (August 21, 2014)
- George Pell Defends Compensation Scheme As "Ahead of the Curve", by Melissa Davey, The Guardian (August 21, 2014)
- Abuse Victim Raps Majella O'donnell over Backing for Sir Cliff Richard, by Greg Harkin, Belfast Telegraph (August 21, 2014)
- Twin Cities Archdiocese, Priest Abuse Victim Settle; First Settlement under New Law, by Emily Gurnon, Pioneer Press (August 21, 2014)
- Parents of Schoolgirl Victims Upset by Lawyer’s Description of Abuse As ‘relatively Minor’, by Pia Akerman, The Australian (August 21, 2014)
- After 43 Years, Sexual Abuse Victim Settles with Archdiocese, by Todd Wilson, KAAL (August 21, 2014)
- Former Muscle Shoals Youth Minister Arrested in Texas on Rape, Sodomy Charges against Teen, by Jonathan Grass, AL.com (August 20, 2014)
- Royal Commission to Get More Time, in Echo Netdaily (August 19, 2014)
- Royal Commission : Cardinal George Pell "Never Anticipated" Number of Complaints Made to Catholic Church, by Freya Michie, Yahoo! News (August 21, 2014)
- Church's Lawyers Forced to Apologise, by Cameron Houston and Jane Lee, The Age (August 21, 2014)
- Fellow Church Member Indicted for Acts with Girl, in Toledo Blade (August 21, 2014)
- MOST Abuse Victims Come Forward As Adults, in 9 News (August 21, 2014)
- Gozo Bishop Tookactive Role in Priestlyabuse Investigation, in Malta Independent (August 21, 2014)
- Revealed: the Pope's War with the Vatican, by Damian Thompson, Spectator (August 21, 2014)
- Rare One-on-one Interview with Archdiocese Official, by Cassie Hart, KSTP (August 19, 2014)
- Settlement Reached in Clergy Abuse Case, in Houston Chronicle (August 21, 2014)
- Statement from Bishop Andrew Cozzens, by Jim Accurso, Roman Catholic Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis (August 20, 2014)
- CHURCH Victim Compo "Goes Backwards", in 9 News (August 21, 2014)
- Pell's Trucker Analogy "Ludicrous", by Angus Livingston And Danny Rose, West Australian (August 21, 2014)
- Pell "Tried to Help" Abuse Victims" Family, in Sky News (August 21, 2014)
- Pell Struggles with Compensation Calculations, in The Age (August 21, 2014)
- Cardinal Pell: Money "Never a Concern", by Pat Mitchell, 3AW (August 21, 2014)
- Vatican Refuses to Hand over Files on Priests to Abuse Royal Commission, in The Australian (August 21, 2014)
- Abuse Case Priest Barred from Contact with Minors, in Times of Malta (August 21, 2014)
- Former Priest David Rapson Granted Six-month Wait before Retrial, by Adam Cooper, The Age (August 21, 2014)
- Retired Priest-abuse Story, in The Sentinel (August 20, 2014)
- Ex-victorian Priest to Face 2015 Retrial, in SBS (August 21, 2014)
- Police Arrest a Christian Brother at Sydney Airport, in Broken Rites (August 21, 2014)
- Religious Brother Arrested for Goulburn Sex Offences, in Goulburn Post (August 21, 2014)
- Royal Commission : Cardinal George Pell "Never Anticipated" Number of Complaints Made to Catholic Church, by Freya Michie, ABC News (August 21, 2014)
- Cardinal George Pell Likens Church to Truck Company, in Sydney Morning Herald (August 21, 2014)
- The Curious Case of Carlos Urrutigoity (ii), by Grant Gallicho, dotComonweal (August 21, 2014)
- Former Detroit Archbishop Cardinal Edmund Szoka Has Died, by Jeff Wattrick, ClickonDetroit (August 21, 2014)
- The Vatican Refuses to Release Files of Australian Priests Accused of Abusing Children, in news.com.au (August 22, 2014)
- Catholic Church’s History of Sin Is Long, Says George Pell, by Pia Akerman, The Australian (August 22, 2014)
- Cardinal George Pell Backs Vatican over Dealings with Abuse Victims, by Shannon Deery, Herald Sun (August 21, 2014)
- Sexual Abuse Victims Want Their Voices Heard, by Rob Hulls, Brisbane Times (August 22, 2014)
- Archdiocese Clears Former Schaumburg Pastor of Abuse Allegation, by Eric Peterson, Daily Herald (August 21, 2014)
- Archbishop Sues Satanists for Return of Consecrated Host, by David Lee, Courthouse News Service (August 21, 2014)
- The Benefit of the Doubt, by Ken Trainor, Oakpark.com (August 19, 2014)
- Pell Compares Priests to Truckers As Victims Given Apologies, by Jane Lee, Sydney Morning Herald (August 21, 2014)
- Cardinal George Pell Asked to Swear on the Bible, by Tony Wright, Sydney Morning Herald (August 21, 2014)
- Ocaleni / Survivors, in Ocaleni (August 21, 2014)
- Former Youth Pastor Charged with Abuse, by Bob Allen, Associated Baptist Press (August 21, 2014)
- Muscle Shoals Police, Church Pastor Discuss Arrest of Former Youth Minister, by Claire Aiello And Carter Watkins, WHNT (August 21, 2014)
- Change Prompted by Previous Sex Abuse Case in Shoals Community, by Lauren Morrison, WAFF (August 21, 2014)
- Judge Upholds Order for Breach-of-terms Payment in Kansas City, by Brian Roewe, National Catholic Reporter (August 21, 2014)
- Sacerdote Se Declara Culpable Por Abuso Sexual, by Mariana Cobian, El Nuevo Dia (August 21, 2014)
- Puerto RICO Priest Pleads Guilty in Abuse Case, by San Juan, ABC News (August 21, 2014)
- Admitted Child Molesting Priest Dies, SNAP Responds, in SNAP (August 21, 2014)
- Video: Australia Royal Commission, Cardinal Pell ET Al Testimony Here Aug 2014, by Kay Ebeling, City of Angels (August 21, 2014)
- Diocese of Trenton Priest Charged with Engaging in Sexual Conduct with Teenage Boy, by Cristina Rojas, Times of Trenton (August 21, 2014)
- Point Pleasant Priest Arrested on Sex Abuse Charge, by Carol Gorga Williams, Asbury Park Press (August 22, 2014)
- A Statement by the Diocese of Trenton Concerning Alleged Sexual Abuse by Father Nilo S. Apura, in Roman Catholic Diocese of Trenton (August 21, 2014)
- South Jersey Priest Sexually Abused Teen Boy: Police, in CSNPhilly (August 21, 2014)
- New Jersey Priest Accused of Sexual Conduct with Teenage Boy, in CBS Philly (August 21, 2014)
- Priest Charged for Having Sexual Contact with Teenage Boy in Trenton, by Penny Ray, The Trentonian (August 21, 2014)
- Diocese of Trenton Priest Charged for Allegedly Engaging in Sexual Conduct with Teenager, by Krystal Knapp, Planet Princeton (August 21, 2014)
- Priest Charged for Engaging in Sexual Conduct with Teenager, in Mercer County Prosecutor (August 21, 2014)
- Priest Guilty of Assault on Teen, by Elle Farcic, West Australian (August 21, 2014)
- Catholic Priest Forced Young Boy into Sex Acts, Lawsuit Alleges, by Tony Spears, Sun News (August 21, 2014)
August 22
- Melbourne Response Reveals Considerations When Weighing up Abuse Payouts, by Jane Lee, Sydney Morning Herald (August 22, 2014)
- Santa Fe Archdiocese Faces More Sex Abuse Suits, by Olivier Uyttebrouck, ABQ Journal (August 22, 2014)
- Moral Responsibility a Drive-by Victim of Pell’s View of the Church, by Michael Salter, The Conversation (August 22, 2014)
- Child Sex Abuse Royal Commission: Victims Care More about Justice Than Money, Catholic Church Commissioner Says, in ABC News (August 22, 2014)
- Truckers Outraged by Cardinal George Pell's Sex Abuse Comparison, by Melissa Davey, The Guardian (August 22, 2014)
- Priest Who Abused Dozens of Boys Says He Was "Self-indulgent, Self-obsessive", in The Guardian (August 22, 2014)
- Archdiocese Settles Suit with Man Abused by Priest As Boy, in Fox 9 (August 22, 2014)
- Cardinal George Pell Insults Truck Drivers over Remarks at the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, in news.com.au (August 22, 2014)
- Melbourne Response Attaches Paedophile "Stigma', Investigator Says, by Jane Lee, The Age (August 22, 2014)
- PELL'S Comment Outrages Support Groups, in 7 News (August 22, 2014)
- Pedophile Priest John Sidney Denham Tells Court He Destroyed Lives, in The Australian (August 22, 2014)
- Point Pleasant Priest Faces Charge of Abusing Teen, in The Courier-Post (August 22, 2014)
- Chicago Archdiocese Removes Pastor from List of Accused Priests, by John Keilman, Chicago Tribune (August 22, 2014)
- Cardinal Pell Defends His Melbourne Response Compensation Scheme, in ABC (August 22, 2014)
- Attorney Says Abuse Suit against Cleared Priest "Is Alive", by Eric Peterson, Daily Herald (August 22, 2014)
- N.J. Priest Accused of Sex Abuse, by Emily Babay, Philly.Com (August 22, 2014)
- Bishop: Child Safety Crucial, in The Observer (August 22, 2014)
- South Mississippi Math Teacher Accused of Molesting Children since 1973, by Robin Fitzgerald And Patrick Ochs, Sun Herald (August 22, 2014)
- Mississippi Teacher Molested Teen Students While in Oregon, in Bend Bulletin (August 22, 2014)
- Outlining the Affidavit of Charges against William Richard Pryor, in Sun Herald (August 22, 2014)
- Former Teacher Admits to Engaging in Sex Acts with Eight Teenage Boys from 1973-2005, by Warren Kulo, GulfLive.com (August 21, 2014)
- Ex-teacher Charged with Sex Crimes in Gulfport, in WJTV (August 22, 2014)
- Affidavit Details Teacher's Shocking Molestation Confession, in WLOX (August 22, 2014)
- Top Vatican Figure under Fire for Child Abuse Comments, in Irish Independent (August 22, 2014)
- Ata Blasts Pell for Child Abuse Comparison, in Australian Trucking Association (August 22, 2014)
- Gleeson Defends Melbourne Reponse’s $17m Admin Cost, by Pia Akerman, The Australian (August 22, 2014)
- Vatican Refuses to Cooperate with Australian Child Abuse Commission, Calls It ‘unreasonable’, by Sounak Mukhopadhyay, International Business Times (August 22, 2014)
- Catholic Priest Glenn Humphreys Guilty of Indecent Assault on Teenage Boy between 1983-1986, in news.com.au (August 22, 2014)
- Rev. Michael Joseph Kelleher, Popular but Embattled Catholic Priest, Dies at 86, in Charlotte Observer (August 22, 2014)
- Abuse Victims Happy with Response: Church, in SBS (August 22, 2014)
- Royal Commission Publishes Submissions on Statutory Victims of Crime Compensation Schemes, in Royal Commission (August 22, 2014)
- Court Lifts Ban on Publication of Gozitan Priest Charged with Child Abuse, by Daniel Mizzi, Malta Today (August 22, 2014)
- Victims of Ex-catholic Priest Reveal Torment, by Joanne Mccarthy, Newcastle Herald (August 22, 2014)
- Court Lifts Ban on Priest's Name in Gozo Sex Abuse Case, in Times of Malta (August 22, 2014)
- Case of Abuseof Minorsin Gozo:court Overturnsban on Priest’sname, in Malta Independent (August 22, 2014)
- Archdiocese Wins Legal Row with Satanists As Consecrated Host Intended for Black Mass Is Returned, by Liz Dodd, The Tablet (August 22, 2014)
- 4 New Sex Abuse Lawsuits Filed against Catholic Archdiocese of Santa Fe, in Daily Journal (August 22, 2014)
- Church Commits Sin of Omission, in Herald Sun (August 22, 2014)
- Three Common Strategies Sexual Offenders Use to Discredit Child Witnesses, by Boz Tchividjian, Religion News Service (August 22, 2014)
- Travel Request from Alberta Priest Accused of Sexual Assault Rejected, in Lethbridge Herald (August 22, 2014)
- Vatican: SNAP Outraged at Pell "Trucking Co" Analogy, in Gazzetta del Sud (August 22, 2014)
- Sex Abuse Survivors Angered by Powerful Vatican Cardinal’s Testimony, by Josephine McKenna, Religion News Service (August 22, 2014)
- Friday, 22 August 2014, in Tzedek-Tzedek (August 22, 2014)
- Sex Abuse Lawyer Blasts Pell Comments, by Matt Neal, The Standard (August 23, 2014)
- Salem Attorney Who Represented Maclaren Sex-abuse Victims Receives 90-day Law Suspension, by Aimee Green, Oregonian (August 22, 2014)
- High Court Suspends Lawyer in Priest-abuse Case, in Houston Chronicle (August 22, 2014)
- Moron Cardinal Pell Equates Catholic Church to a Trucking Company Not Liable for Driver’s Rape on Hitchhiker – to Make Cc Not Liable for Jp2 Army, by Paris Arrow, PopeCrimes& Vatican Evils. (August 22, 2014)
- Jackson County Prosecutor Files Probation Status Report for Bishop Robert Finn, by Judy L. Thomas, Kansas City Star (August 22, 2014)
- Vatican Cleric’s Remarks on Child Abuse Spark Row, in Deccan Herald (August 22, 2014)
- Pell Is Opting for the Moral Low Road in Comparing the Church to Trucking, by David Marr, The Guardian (August 22, 2014)
- Pell Inflicts More Agony, in The Standard (August 23, 2014)
August 23
- Cardinal Retiring "As If He Has Done Nothing Wrong" - Boland, by Anne Campbell, The Argus (August 23, 2014)
- Seven Arrested in Kalispell Sex Sting, by Jackie Coffin, ABC Fox Montana (August 23, 2014)
- Six Local Men Arrested in Internet Sting, by Molly Priddy, Flathead Beacon (August 22, 2014)
- Suspended Catholic Priest Pleads Guilty to Child Exploitation Charges, in Imperial Valley News (August 22, 2014)
- OUR Bishops and Cardinals Just Keep on Truckin", by Kevin O'Brien, Waiting for Godot to Leave (August 23, 2014)
- Holy Cross Player Abuse Lawsuit Settled, by Thomas Caywood, Telegram & Gazette (August 23, 2014)
- Video: Australia Royal Commission, Cardinal Pell ET Al Testimony Here Aug 2014, by Kay Ebeling, City of Angeles (August 23, 2014)
- Fr Glenn Humphreys Is Convicted Re a Parish in Western Australia, in Broken Rites (August 23, 2014)
- De LA Cuadra Family Has Long Accused Pope Francis of Failing to Help, in Buenos Aires Herald (August 23, 2014)
- Orthodox Chancellor Posts on Clergy Sexual Misconduct Policy, SNAP Responds, in SNAP (August 23, 2014)
- Psalm 136, by Chancellor's Diary, Orthodox Church in America (August 23, 2014)
- Damien Thompson Hits His Thumb, by Michael Sean Winters, National Catholic Reporter (August 22, 2014)
- Australian Cardinal George Pell Offends Truckers with Sex Abuse Analogy, by Natasha Culzac, The Independent (August 23, 2014)
- How does George Pell sleep at night?, by Peter Fitzsimons, Sydney Morning Herald (August 24, 2014)
- Victor Barnard, 52, by John Walsh, CNN - Hunt with John Walsh (August 23, 2014)
- Whisked Away by the Vatican, by Laurie Goodstein, New York Times (August 23, 2014)
- Bishop deserves praise for protecting priets’ identities, in The Advertiser (August 23, 2014)
- Releasing priests’ names is a matter of public safety, in Daily World (August 23, 2014)
- Probation decision coming for KC Bishop Finn, in The KMBC (August 23, 2014)
August 24
- Gozo priest ‘touched a girlin front of her mother’, by Neil Camilleri, Malta Independent (August 24, 2014)
- Victim tells story of sex abuse by priest, by Mary Wozniak, News-Press (August 24, 2014)
- Documents suggest diocese may have known of sexual misconduct earlier, by Ken Stickneyk, Advertiser (August 23, 2014)
- uOttawa professor reflects on 'life lived in secrecy' after becoming a priest, by Andrew Nguyen, Ottawa Citizen (August 24, 2014)
- Erzbischof bezahlte Kindersex mit Medikamenten, by Constanze Reuscher, Die Welt (August 24, 2014)
- Protect the innocent: Release the names, in The Advertiser (August 23, 2014)
- Is local Church in crisis?, in Times of Malta (August 24, 2014)
- Irish seek truth behind babes’ unburied bones, by Kevin Cullen, Bostglobe (August 24, 2014)
- Vatican orders Sydney Archdiocese to reopen abuse inquiry, by Dan Box, Australian (August 25, 2014)
- Cardinal Pell drives further into failure, in The Age (August 25, 2014)
- George Pell's logic on child sex abuse is flawed, by Kieran Tapsell, Sydney Morning Herald (August 25, 2014)
- Cyprys Didn’t Even Stop His Sexual Assaults in Jail, in Frum Follies (August 24, 2014)
- Media Still Withholds Critical Information About Pope Francis, by Betty Clermont, Open Tabernacle: Here Comes Everybody (August 24, 2014)
- Archdiocese, sex abuse victims heading to mediation — again, by Annysa Johnson, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (August 24, 2014)
- Statements against ex-Sheriff Edward Bullock could weigh heavily in civil case, experts say, by Matthew Bultman, Express-Times (August 24, 2014)
August 25
- Court orders defilement case to be heard behind closed doors, in Times of Malta (August 25, 2014)
- Melbourne Response was caring and compassionate, archbishop tells inquiry, by Melissa Davey, Guardian (August 25, 2014)
- Catholic Church to review compensation ..., by Padraic Murphy, Herald Sun (August 25, 2014)
- Former judge Donnell Ryan to review church complaints scheme, by Rachel Baxendale, Australian (August 25, 2014)
- Catholic church could triple compensation for abuse victims, royal commission told, by Jane Lee, Age (August 25, 2014)
- Church must organize itself against pedophilia: Vaticanist, on Press TV (Iran) (August 25, 2014)
- Dogged journalist would not walk away from abuse victims, by Rachel Browne, Blayney Chronicle (August 25, 2014)
- Church says protecting kids a priority, in The 9 News (August 25, 2014)
- Church took 20 years to defrock paedophile priest, inquiry hears, by Cheryl Hall, ABC News (August 25, 2014)
- Church Melbourne abuse scheme 'caring', by Angus Livingston And Melissa Iaria, Sydney Morning Herald (August 25, 2014)
- Puerto Rico Catholic Priest pleads guilty to child exploitation, in Jamaica Observer (August 25, 2014)
- Breaking- Pninim Year Two Program Is Cancelled, in Frum Follies (August 25, 2014)
- Is there a schism in Guam's Catholic church?, by Sabrina Salas Matanane, KUAM (August 25, 2014)
- Former Catholic Brother accused of child sexual abuse fights NZ extradition order, by Dominique Schwartz And Giselle Wakatama, ABC News (August 25, 2014)
- Bernard McGrath, wanted over 250 child sex claims, challenges extradition, in The Guardian (August 25, 2014)
- Bernard McGrath faces 252 sex abuse charges, by Anna Pearson, Press (August 25, 2014)
- McGrath challenging extradition decision, in NZ City (August 25, 2014)
- Former BCA chief named to new archdiocese position, in Seattle PI (August 25, 2014)
- Archdiocese Names Judge Timothy J. O’Malley as Director of Ministerial Standards and Safe Environment, by Jim Accurso, Roman Catholic Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis (August 25, 2014)
- QOTD – Shame on You Rabbi Eidensohn For Undoing Your Lifetime’s Work, in Frum Follies (August 25, 2014)
- Seminary Scandal: A rambling and misleading slander by David Morris, in Daas Torah (August 25, 2014)
- Child death rate hit almost 70 percent at Cork mother and baby home, by Patrick Counihan, Irish Central (August 25, 2014)
- 68% of babies in Bessborough home died, by Conall ó Fátharta, Irish Examiner (August 25, 2014)
- Mother-and-baby homes: Ireland wants nothing but the truth, by Conall ó Fátharta, Irish Examiner (August 25, 2014)
- Church could treble abuse compensation, says finance chief, by Jane Lee And Cameron Houston, Age (August 25, 2014)
- "New York Times" pisze o byłym abp. Wesołowskim. Mieszkańcy Dominikany chcą procesu w kraju, in Wiadomosci (August 25, 2014)
- Nt Abuse Hearing to Be Held in September, in Sky News (August 25, 2014)
- Royal Commission to Hold Public Hearing into the Retta Dixon Home, in Royal Commission (August 25, 2014)
- Probation Decision Coming for Missouri Catholic Bishop, in KSPR (August 25, 2014)
- Ag, Police Appeal Priest Bail • Say Name Should Be Published, by Daniel Mizzi, Malta Today (August 21, 2014)
- The Mote in God’s Eye, in Malta Today (August 25, 2014)
- New Abuse Inquiry for Anglican Church, by Dan Box, The Australian (August 26, 2014)
- Cuyahoga County Judge Clears Way for Cleveland Priest to Stand Trial on Solicitation Charges, by James F. McCarty, Plain Dealer (August 25, 2014)
- Twin Cities Archdiocese Appoints Former Bca Chief to Clergy Abuse Oversight, by Jean Hopfensperger, Star Tribune (August 25, 2014)
- Evidence of Vatican Complicity in Sex-abuse Case Highlights Global Pattern Documented by the News, by Reese Dunklin, Dallas Morning (August 25, 2014)
- Vatican Must Jail Polish Archbishop Now; SNAP Responds, in SNAP (August 25, 2014)
- Priest Indicted for Alleged Thefts from Northboro Parish, by Elaine Thompson, Telegram & Gazette (August 25, 2014)
- Letter Calls upon Pope Francis to Investigate Kansas City Bishop, by Brian Roewe, National Catholic Reporter (August 25, 2014)
- Vatican Strips Diplomatic Immunity from Ex-envoy to Dominican Republic: AP, in Dominican Today (August 25, 2014)
- Vatican: Former Diplomat Who Abused Children Could Face Extradition, by David Gibson, National Catholic Reporter (August 25, 2014)
- Wesolowski's Sexual Victims Give Details to the Nyt, in Dominican Today (August 25, 2014)
- Vatican: Ex-envoy Can Be Tried by Dominican Court, by Nicole Winfield, ABC News (August 25, 2014)
- Polish Archbishop Appeals Defrocking for Sexual Abuse: Vatican, in Reuters (August 25, 2014)
- Could Laicized Archbishop, Former Papal Nuncio, Be Extradited to Face Abuse Charges?, in Catholic Culture (August 25, 2014)
- Statement of Fr. Federico Lombardi, Director of Holy See Press Office, in Response to Questions from Journalists Regarding Former Nuncio Jozef Wesolowski, in Vatican Information Service (August 25, 2014)
- Defrocked Diplomat May Become First Priest Accused of Sexual Abuse to Be Tried at the Vatican, by Michelle Boorstein, Washington Post (August 25, 2014)
- Priest Accused of Abusing Boys Loses Immunity, Will Be Tried by Dominican Courts, in Fox News Latino (August 25, 2014)
- Vatican Says Laicized Nuncio Could Stand Trial in Dominican Republic, by Francis X. Rocca, Catholic News Service (August 25, 2014)
- Court Assigns Public Defender in Former Vatican Envoy Pedophilia Case, in Dominican Today (August 13, 2014)
- Following Governor's Indictment, Apostolic Delegate to Puerto RICO Asks for Calm, by Liz Arelis Cruz Maisonave, Free Republic (August 25, 2014)
- An Apostolic "Inspection" Visit to Puerto RICO, by Andres Beltramo Alvarez, Vatican City (August 25, 2014)
- Former Vatican Ambassador to Face Abuse Claims, in New Zealand Herald (August 26, 2014)
- Archbishop Stripped of Diplomatic Immunity, in SNAP (August 25, 2014)
- To: School Parents and Alumni of Notre Dame Catholic School, Wichita, Texas, in Roman Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth (March 14, 2014)
- Church’s Moral Failure on Trial at the Royal Commission, by Kathleen McPhillips, The Conversation (August 25, 2014)
- Q&A with Man Selected to Investigate Clergy Abuse, in CBS Minnesota (August 25, 2014)
- Archbishop Hires Judge to Oversee Child Sex Abuse Claims, by Blake McCoy, KARE (August 25, 2014)
- Ex-diplomat for the Vatican Could Be Tried, by Laurie Goodstein, New York Times (August 25, 2014)
August 26
- Archbishop Denis Hart regrets hurt ..., by Padraic Murphy, Herald Sun (August 26, 2014)
- Former papal diplomat could face trial outside Vatican, in Deutsche Welle (August 26, 2014)
- Vatican denies cover-up over nuncio accused of sexual abuse, by Francis X Rocca, Catholic Herald (UK) (August 26, 2014)
- Ex-Vatican envoy may face sex-abuse charges in Dominican Republic, by Nicole Winfield, Portland Press Herald (August 26, 2014)
- Sex abuse royal commission: Melbourne Archbishop Denis Hart..., by Jean Edwards, 7 News (August 26, 2014)
- Child sexual abuse in Newcastle Anglican diocese in 1970s to be investigated by new police strike force, by Lucy Carter, ABC News (August 26, 2014)
- Archbishop Denis Hart's royal commission response sparks heated exchange, by Jane Lee And Cameron Houston, AgeAugust 26, 2014 (August 26, 2014)
- Catholic church too often sided with paedophile priests, archbishop admits, in The Guardian (August 25, 2014)
- Disgraced nuncio does not have immunity, Vatican counters, in Catholic World Report (August 25, 2014)
- The deaths had been going on for years...They were complacent about it, in Irish Examiner (August 26, 2014)
- Priest indicted in thefts at Northborough parish, by Travis Andersen, BostGlobeBy Travis Andersen | GLOBE STAFF AUGUST 26, 2014 (August 26, 2014)
- Former BCA head named to new Archdiocese role, in Fox 9 (August 26, 2014)
- More than 50 abuse claims filed against Gallup Diocese, by Elizabeth Hardin-Burrola, Gallup Independent (August 21, 2014)
- Police seek information on child sexual assaults, video, by Matthew Kelly, Newcastle Herald (August 26, 2014)
- Cuyahoga County judge OKs trial for priest with HIV, in The WKYC (August 26, 2014)
- Rising of the priests, by Ivan Fenech, Times of Malta (August 26, 2014)
- Abuse victim deserved support: archbishop, in 9 News (August 26, 2014)
- Pope Francis names Daniel Thomas as new bishop of Toledo in the U.S., in Vatican Radio (August 26, 2014)
- Roman Catholic Diocese of Toledo's new bishop named, by Tk Barger, Toledo Blade (August 26, 2014)
- Vatican: Ex-nuncio may be extradited over child abuse claims, in The News (August 26, 2014)
- Lombardi: Former Nuncio Wesolowski does not have diplomatic immunity, in Vatican Radio (August 26, 2014)
- Jimmy Savile allegations lead to NAPAC demand increase, in BBC News (August 26, 2014)
- Priest faces extradition over sex abuse claims, in BBC News (August 26, 2014)
- Legal advice sought by mothers who gave birth in mother and baby homes, by Pamela Duncan, Irish Times (August 26, 2014)
- Ayudante de iglesia denuncia a sacerdote por abuso sexual, by Por Carlos Arguedas C, La Nacion (August 26, 2014)
- Former nuncio Wesolowski accused of child abuse does not have diplomatic immunity any longer, by Andrea Tornielli, Vatican Insider (August 26, 2014)
- Royal commission on child sex abuse moves focus to Anglicans, by Joanne Mccarthy, Newcastle Herald (August 26, 2014)
- On a roll in the Holy Land, Legion compares Maciel to Magdalene, by Jason Berry, National Catholic Reporter (August 26, 2014)
- Archdiocese names new 'safe environment' leader, by Laura Yuen, Minnesota Public Radio (August 25, 2014)
- Katholische Kirche richtet Zentren für Missbrauchsopfer ein, in Weiner Zeitung (August 26, 2014)
- Ex-Nuntius legt Berufung gegen Entlassung ein, in Radio Vatikan (August 26, 2014)
- Anglican paedophile priests warnings 'ignored', by Joanne Mccarthy, Newcastle Herald (August 26, 2014)
- Tzedek Announces Impending Resignation of Founder and CEO Manny Waks, in Tzedek (August 26, 2014)
- Strong Reactions to Joanne Mccarthy on Abc's Australian Story, by Simon Walker, Newcastle Herald (August 26, 2014)
- Catholic Priest Living in Syracuse Pleads Guilty to Child Porn, Avoids Prison, by Douglass Dowty, Syracuse.com (August 26, 2014)
- High Priest of Shiva Temple Convicted of Bank Fraud in US, in India Today (August 26, 2014)
- Former Hindu Temple of Georgia Leader Convicted of Fraud, by Steve Visser, Atlanta Journal-Constitution (August 26, 2014)
- Mcdonnell Living with Priest Who Pleaded Guilty to Sex Crime, by Catherine Thompson, Talking Points Memo (August 26, 2014)
- Why Is Bill Donohue Defending +finn?, by Michael Sean, National Catholic Reporter (August 26, 2014)
- NO, Marcial Maciel Was Not like Mary Magdalene, at All, by Mollie Wilson O'Reilly, dotCommonweal (August 26, 2014)
- Will the Vatican Extradite Josef Wesolowski?, by Grant Gallicho, dotCommonweal (August 25, 2014)
- Dominican Republic May Seek Ex-vatican Envoy’s Extradition, by Josephine McKenna, Religion News Service (August 26, 2014)
- Dominguez Brito: Fue Justo Y Positivo Despojo Inmunidad a Wesolowski, by Ramon Cruz Benzan, El Jaya (August 26, 2014)
- Wesolowski Podra Ser Enjuiciado En Rep. Dominicana, by Nicole Winfield, El Nuevo Herald (August 26, 2014)
- St. Thomas More Teacher Arrested for Possession of Child Porn, by Heather Murschel, Black Hills Pioneer (August 21, 2014)
- Middle School Teacher Arrested on Child-pornography Charges, by Andrea J. Cook, Rapid City Journal (August 19, 2014)
- Former Middle School Teacher Indicted on Child Pornography Charges, by Don Jorgensen, Keloland (August 26, 2014)
- Former St. Thomas More Middle School Teacher Arrested for Child Pornography Possession, in Black Hills Fox (August 26, 2014)
- Priest Pleads Not Guilty to Theft Charge, by Alexandra Chachkevitch, Chicago Tribune (August 26, 2014)
- A Roman Catholic Priest Found Guilty of Sex Related Charges Earlier This Year Is Dead., in CKWS (August 26, 2014)
- Now He’s Dead, in Sylvia's Site (August 26, 2014)
- Priest Held for Sodomising 7-year-old, in Indian Express (August 26, 2014)
- Former Vatican Ambassador Jozef Wesolowski Could Face Trial over Alleged Sex Abuse after Losing Diplomatic Immunity, by Kashmira Gander, The Independent (August 26, 2014)
- Ramsey County Priest Abuse Trial Put Off; Winona Diocese Wants It Moved, by Emily Gurnon, Pioneer Press (August 26, 2014)
- Former Binghamton Priest Pleads Guilty to Child Porn Charges, in WICZ (August 26, 2014)
- Winona Diocese Appeals to Move Clergy Abuse Trial from Ramsey County, by Jean Hopfensperger, Star Tribune (August 26, 2014)
- Grifty Gov. Bob Mcdonnell Hanging out in Gay Priest’s Rectory, by Gary Legum, The Wonkette (August 26, 2014)
August 27
- Anglican bishop vows to support inquiry, by Nick Bielby, Maitland Mercury (August 26, 2014)
- Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church settles child sex abuse lawsuit out of court, by James Lynch, Q13 Fox (August 26, 2014)
- Lawsuit: Church Knew Abuser Ran Youth Program, in The WBOC (August 26, 2014)
- The ‘trucking company’ losing parishioners by the truckload: learn from the 4 big cultural failings of the Catholic Church, by Darren Hill, BRW (August 27, 2014)
- Oregon Men Suing Over Sex Abuse Say They Want Seventh Day Adventist Church To Change, in The OPB (August 27, 2014)
- Lawsuit accuses Seventh-day Adventist Church in 1970s of supporting convicted child molester's habit, by Aimee Green, Oregonian (August 26, 2014)
- Rotherham abuse report: protection is what matters, not blame, by Paul Vallely, Guardian (August 26, 2014)
- Brooklyn Judge Tosses Evidence ..., by Shmarya Rosenberg, Failed Messiah (August 27, 2014)
- Brooklyn judge cites recent Supreme Court ruling..., by Oren Yaniv, New York Daily News (August 26, 2014)
- Sex-abuse victim court photos inadmissible as evidence: judge, by Josh Saul, New York Post (August 27, 2014)
- Trial observer who took photo of victim in high-profile case wins motion to suppress phone search, by Martha Neil, ABA Journal (August 26, 2014)
- Judge Suppresses Images Found in Cellphone Search, by John Caher, New York Law Journal (August 27, 2014)
- UPDATE Teacher accused of molesting boys had no negative personnel reports, by Robin Fitzgerald And Lauren Walck, Sun Herald (August 26, 2014)
- FBI: More victims have come forward with molestation claims, by Michelle Lady, WLOX (August 27, 2014)
- The unpleasant truth is that the Archbishop’s time is over, by Frank Psaila, Malta Today (August 27, 2014)
- Turmoil in the Church, by Martin Scicluna, Times of Malta (August 27, 2014)
- Former Quinte area priest found dead, in Quinte News (August 27, 2014)
- Former Vatican envoy could be extradited to Dominican Republic, in Dominican Today (August 27, 2014)
- Priest dies while facing child-sex charges, in Broken Rites (August 27, 2014)
- Father Jack Gubbels died while police were seeking to interview him, in Broken Rites (August 27, 2014)
- República Dominicana podría juzgar ..., in The Univision (August 27, 2014)
- Dominican Republic presses sex abuse charges against defrocked nuncio, in The News (Poland) (August 27, 2014)
- FBI files link Christian TV’s Paul Crouch to Italian mob, Palestinian gun trafficking, by Scott Kaufman, Raw Story (August 27, 2014)
- FBI files reveal that Televangelist Paul Crouch had ties to ... well, everybody, in The MuckRock (August 27, 2014)
- Pastor's request for reduced sentence rejected, in The News Dispatch (August 27, 2014)
- Judge rejects Schaap bid for sentencing adjustment in sex case, by Teresa Auch Schultz, Post-Tribune (August 26, 2014)
- Judge denies Schaap's request to overturn 12-year prison sentence, by Jim Masters, NWI Times (August 27, 2014)
- Judge Rejects Reduced Sentence In Former Pastor’s Sex Case, in CBS Chicago (August 27, 2014)
- Former St. Bernadette pastor pleads not guilty to $240K theft, by Gary V. Murray, Telegram & Gazette (August 27, 2014)
- Inquiry takes on new Anglican abuse file, by Dan Box, Australian (August 28, 2014)
- Catholic priest and former children's home boss appear in court ..., by Steph Cockroft, Daily Mail (August 27, 2014)
- Former Hastings priest’s court appearance moved to Sept. 5, by Jane Lightbourn, Hastings Star Gazette (August 27, 2014)
- Revés para Grassi: ratifican que irá a juicio por malversación de fondos de la Fundación, by Sergio Farella, Infobae (August 27, 2014)
- Ahora juzgarán a Grassi por malversación de fondos de la Fundación, in The Minutouno (August 27, 2014)
- Rotherdam: Cowardice must never be an option, by Joelle Casteix, Worthy Adversary (August 27, 2014)
- Polish diplomat raises extradition for Vatican official accused of sex abuse, by Josephine Mckenna, ReligiNews Service (August 27, 2014)
- After Vatican removes immunity, Dominican court opens abuse case against ex-diplomat, in Daily Journal (August 27, 2014)
August 28
- Appeals’ Court Revokes Gozitan Priest’s Bail, Remands Him in Custody, by Matthew Agius, Malta Today (August 28, 2014)
- "Boundary Violation" Means No Grad School for Twin Cities Priest, by Emily Gurnon, Pioneer Press (August 27, 2014)
- The Seal Cannot Be Broken: Priestly Identity and the Sacrament of Confession, by Richard Umbers, Religion and Ethics (August 27, 2014)
- The People’s Bishop, in Toledo Blade (August 28, 2014)
- Nclr Representing Conversion Survivor Alleging Abuse, in Windy City Media Group (August 28, 2014)
- Man Claims Teacher Assaulted Him As "Ex-gay" Therapy, by Michelle Garcia, The Advocate (August 27, 2014)
- Police Probe If ... Pastor Molests Student during Prayer, in Jamaica Star (August 28, 2014)
- Shining a Light on Child Sexual Abuse, by Nick Lowles , Huffington Post (August 28, 2014)
- Child Sex Abuse Cover-up Institutionalized in Uk: Analyst, in Press TV (August 28, 2014)
- Virginia Youth Minister Arrested on Sex-abuse Charge out of Knox County, in The Herald-Leader (August 27, 2014)
- Youth Minister Indicted for Sex Abuse, in Harlan Daily (August 27, 2014)
- Orange County Lawsuit Alleges Sex Abuse by Jehovah's Witness Leader, by Eric Hartley, Orange County Register (August 27, 2014)
- Nc Man's Conviction of "Ritual Sex Abuse" Vacated, by Romando Dixson, WFMY (August 28, 2014)
- Ultra-orthodox Rabbi Accused in Sex Assault Suit, by Ron Grossman, Chicago Tribune (August 28, 2014)
- Bail Revoked for Gozitan Priest Accused of Chld Molestation, in Gozo News (August 28, 2014)
- Gozitan Priestcharged Withmolestation Tobe Kept Incustody Untilvictims Testify, in Malta Independent (August 28, 2014)
- Gozo Abuse Case Priest Loses Bail, in Times of Malta (August 28, 2014)
- Former St Mary's Cathedral College Principal Charged with Historical Child Abuse Offences, by Emma Partridge, Sydney Morning Herald (August 28, 2014)
- Philadelphia Priest, Teacher Convicted of Abuse Seek New Trial, by Ralph Cipriano, National Catholic Reporter (August 28, 2014)
- Pervert Catholic Priest Jailed for Nine Years after Decades of Preying on Schoolboys, in Daily Star (August 28, 2014)
- Deacon Alan Morris Jailed for School Sex Abuse, in BBC News (August 28, 2014)
- Schoolboy Was Whipped in Sex Abuse, in BBC News (August 28, 2014)
- Son of Manchester United Legend Tells of How He Was Sexually Abused by Pervert Teacher Alan Morris, by John Scheerhout, Manchester Evening News (August 28, 2014)
- Sick Teacher Who Had Fetish for Spanking Schoolboys Jailed over Decades of Abuse at Top Altrincham Catholic School, by Liam Geraghty, Mancunian Matters (August 28, 2014)
- Former Teacher and Church Deacon Jailed for Abusing Schoolboys, in Manchester Gazette (August 28, 2014)
- Convicted Predators Seek New Trial, SNAP Responds, in SNAP (August 28, 2014)
- Why the Times Identified and Photographed Teenagers in a Sex Abuse Article, by Margaret Sullivan, New York Times (August 28, 2014)
- Talking about Exile: Valuable Testimony from Tom Doyle and Ruth Krall, by William D. Lindsey, Bilgrimage (August 28, 2014)
- Robert “bobby” Price Criminal Hearing at 3:00 P.m. Today, in Seth H. Langston (August 28, 2014)
- Why Is Pope Francis Protecting a High-ranking Pedophile?, by Steve Russell, Indian County Today Media Network (August 28, 2014)
- Judges Slam Yeshiva University in $680 Million Abuse Case, by Paul Berger, Jewish Daily Forward (August 28, 2014)
- Kardinal Brandmuller: Begeisterung Um Papst Ist Oberflachlich, in kath.net (August 28, 2014)
- Legionaries of Christ Apologize for Maciel-magdalene Parallel, by Brian Roewe, National Catholic Reporter (August 28, 2014)
- Helena Diocese Seeks Bankruptcy Judge's Approval of Key Piece of Sex-abuse Settlement, by Matt Volz, The Republic (August 28, 2014)
- American Ultra-orthodox Charge Sexual Abuse at Israeli Seminaries, by Sam Sokol, Jerusalem Post (August 28, 2014)
- Youth Pastor Pleads Guilty in Sexual Abuse Charge, in SNAP (August 28, 2014)
- Former Concord Youth Pastor Sent to Prison for Molesting Boys in His Care, by David Whisenant, WBTV (August 28, 2014)
- Residential Schools Timeline, in Toronto Star (August 28, 2014)
- The Catholic Abuse Crisis: Three Recent Stories — Cardinal Pell (again) Infuriates Survivors, Bishop Finn up for Probation, Damning Report on Jozef Wesolowski , Former Apostolic Nuncio to Dominican Republic, by William D. Lindsey, Bilgrimage (August 28, 2014)
- ‘spotlight’ Movie Is Opus Dei Beast Pr Stunt Propaganda for the Vatican & Publicity for Boston Globe Catholic Website - to Salvage Vatican Titanic, by Paris Arrow, PopeCrimes& Vatican Evils. (August 28, 2014)
- Titusville Youth Pastor Arrested on Child Porn Charges, by Rick Neale, Florida Today (August 28, 2014)
- Fdle Arrests Titusville Man for Possession of Child Pornography, in Florida Department of Law Enforcement (August 28, 2014)
- Florida Youth Pastor Busted after His Computer Is Detected ‘sharing’ Child Porn, by David Edwards, Raw Story (August 28, 2014)
- Episcopal Diocese Fires Youth Pastor Accused of Keeping Child Pornography, by Kevin P. Connolly and Jeff Kunerth, Orlando Sentinel (August 28, 2014)
- Titusville Youth Pastor Arrested on Child Pornography Charges, in Fox 35 (August 28, 2014)
- Catholic Paper in Australia Refuses Mcaleese Advert, by Sarah MacDonald, Irish Independent (August 29, 2014)
- Catholic Paper Refuses Ad for Mcaleese Event, by Padraig Collins, Irish Times (August 28, 2014)
- Top Italian Bishop Nunzio Galantino Says Church Must Welcome "Unconventional Couples", by Josephine Mckenna, Huffington Post (August 28, 2014)
- Case of Defrocked Archbishop Set to Be Crucial Test for Vatican, by Paddy Agnew, Irish Times (August 29, 2014)
August 29
- Mm Marcial Maciel Piggyback Ride on Mary Magdalene in Galilee – to Save Face of Legion of Christ and Mm Billions of Dollars in Vatican Swiss Banks, by Paris Arrow, Pope Francis The Con-christ. (August 28, 2014)
- Neighbors Say Man Charged with Child Molestation Is a Pastor, by Katie Rufener, WREG (August 28, 2014)
- Neighbors Say Man Charged with Child Molestation Is a Pastor, by George Brown And Dennis Turner, WREG (August 28, 2014)
- Man Providing Day Care Services in Home Charged with Sexually Abusing a Child, by Michael Clark, MS News Now (August 28, 2014)
- Survivors Are Finally Being Listened To. the Commission on Child Abuse Is Doing a Great Job, by Helen Davidson, The Guardian (August 29, 2014)
- Touting for Abuse, by Christopher Akehurst, Spectator (August 22, 2014)
- Man Reveals Abuse He Suffered at Hands of Former Teacher and Church Deacon, by Claire Carter, Telegraph (August 29, 2014)
- Teacher Who Got Sexual Kicks from Chastising Pupils during 20-year Abuse Campaign Is Jailed, by Luke Traynor, The Mirror (August 29, 2014)
- Son of Manchester United Legend Willie Morgan Speaks out about Abuse at Hands of Pervert Teacher Alan Morris, by John Scheerhout, Mirror (August 28, 2014)
- Sex Crime Reports Are up by 11% in Northern Ireland after Jimmy Savile Case, by Chris Kilpatrick, Belfast Telegraph (August 29, 2014)
- Claims Made against Other Teachers, in Belfast Telegraph (August 28, 2014)
- More Complaints on Vic Christian Brother, in SBS (August 29, 2014)
- Spanish Appointment Tells Curia Heads: You Can Go Home Again, in John Thavis (August 29, 2014)
- Yeshiva's Sex-abuse Defense Raises Eyebrows, by Adam Klasfeld, Courthouse News Service (August 28, 2014)
- Lawyer Seeks to Reinstate Suit over Alleged Abuse Cover-up at Yeshiva High, by Benjamin Mueller, New York Times (August 28, 2014)
- Homeschool Leader Disavows ‘patriarchy’, by Daniel James Devine, World (August 28, 2014)
- Circuit Judges Challenge Timing of Sexual Abuse Claims, by Mark Hamblett, New York Law Journal (August 29, 2014)
- Catholic School Teacher Sex Abuse Case Adjourned, in The Chronicle (August 29, 2014)
- MANY Magdalene Women Spent Decades in Laundries, by Claire O'Sullivan, Irish Examiner (August 28, 2014)
- Pope Assumes Responsibility for Abuse, by Nicole Winfield, Daily Breeze (August 28, 2014)
- Pope Francis Isis Threat Denied by Vatican, but Security Tightens, by Nick Sanchez, Newsmax (August 29, 2014)
- Political Models for the Papacy, by Thomas Reese, National Catholic Reporter (August 29, 2014)
- Dominican Republic- Authorities Begin Criminal Proceedings against Archbishop, SNAP Responds, in SNAP (August 27, 2014)
- Na Dominikanie Ruszyla Sprawa Karna Abpa Wesolowskiego, in Newsweek (August 29, 2014)
- Pastor Denied Reduced Sentence, SNAP Responds, in SNAP (August 27, 2014)
- Dinn Sentenced to House Arrest Plus Counselling, in VOCM (August 28, 2014)
- Nature Tells US Celibacy Is Not Natural, the Catholic Church Should Listen, by Tom Elliott, Herald Sun (August 30, 2014)
- New Lawsuit Claims Church Knew about Molester, SNAP Responds, in SNAP (August 27, 2014)
- National Catholic Reporter Exercises Censorship Again: Jerry Slevin Reports Being Blocked from Commenting at NCR — without Any Explanation, by William D. Lindsey, Bilgrimage (August 29, 2014)
- Priest Guilty of Child Porn Avoids Prison Time, SNAP Responds, in SNAP (August 26, 2014)
- Diocese of Toledo Gets a New Bishop, SNAP Responds, in SNAP (August 26, 2014)
- Archbishop Stripped of Diplomatic Immunity, in SNAP (August 25, 2014)
- Victims Applaud Cuyahoga Judge, in SNAP (August 25, 2014)
- Archdiocese Names New Head of Child Safety Department, in SNAP (August 25, 2014)
- Christian Leader Denounces Duggar Family’s Patriarchal Movement As ‘truly Dangerous’, in Raw Story (August 29, 2014)
- Homeschool Advocate Michael Farris Responds to Sex Scandals of Homeschool Leaders Bill Gothard, Doug Phillips, by Napp Nazworth, Christian Post (August 29, 2014)
- A Line in the Sand, by Michael Farris, HSLDA (August 29, 2014)
- Ramsey County Judge Presiding over Priest Abuse Cases Named Trial Judge of Year, by Marino Eccher, Pioneer Press (August 29, 2014)
- Rev. Brendan O'donoghue, in Telegram & Gazette (August 29, 2014)
- Fighting for History: Uncovering the Truth of Residential Schools, by Tim Alamenciak, Toronto Star (August 29, 2014)
- Davis Priest Sentenced to Probation, 90 Days in Jail for Sex with Minor, by Sarah Dowling, Daily Democrat (August 29, 2014)
- The Curious Case of Carlos Urrutigoity (iii), by Grant Gallicho, dotCommonweal (August 29, 2014)
- Archbishop Speaks on Benavente Firing, by Gaynor Dumat-ol Daleno, Pacific Daily News (August 29, 2014)
- Helena Diocese to Ask for Approval of Insurance Settlement for Abuse Cases, by Tom Corrigan, Wall Street Journal (August 29, 2014)
- Choice of New Madrid Archbishop Marks New Course for Spain's Bishops, in Catholic News Agency (August 26, 2014)
August 30
- Money at the Heart of Church Response to Child Abuse Saga, by Tony Webber, Dubbo Photo News (August 30, 2014)
- Associate Pastor Breaks Silence on Abuse, in Toledo Blade (August 30, 2014)
- Texas Minister Charged in Assault, in Daily Tribune (August 30, 2014)
- Bastrop Youth Minister Charged with Sexual Assault, in KHOU (August 30, 2014)
- Bastrop Co. Youth Minister Charged with Sexual Assault of a Child, in KEYE (August 28, 2014)
- Bastrop Youth Minister Accused of Having Sex with Girl, 16, by Philip Jankowski, The American-Statesman (August 30, 2014)
- Charges Filed against Pastor Accused of Not Reporting Sex Abuse, in WESH (August 30, 2014)
- Troy Parish Gets New Pastor to Replace Priest Charged with Embezzlement, by Patricia Montemurri, Insurance News Net (August 30, 2014)
- Davis Priest Sentenced to Jail Time, Probation for Relationship with Teen, by Ron Jones, CBS Sacramento (August 30, 2014)
- Priest Held for Rape on Janmashtami, by Avantika Mehta, Hindustan Times (August 30, 2014)
- Catholic Church Needs to Beg for Our Forgiveness and Cardinal George Pell Should Be First in Line Says Angela Mollard, in Telegraph (August 29, 2014)
- The Sexual Exploitation of Children: What If Anything Is the Church Going to Do about It?, by Boz Tchividjian, Religion News Service - Rhymes with Religion (August 30, 2014)
- 186 Magdalene Survivors Now Receiving Redress Payments, by Noel Baker, Irish Examiner (August 29, 2014)
- Turning Blind Eye to Sex Abuse of Children Is Not a Rare Flaw, by Annabel Crabb, Sydney Morning Herald (August 31, 2014)
- Archdioscese of Detroit Finds Mount Clemens Priest "Negligent" in Duties by Delaying to Report Suspected Abuse, by Lauren Abdel-Razzaq, Detroit News (August 30, 2014)
- Resolution of the 2011 Incident at St. Peter Parish, by Joe Kohn, Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Detroit (August 30, 2014)
- Catholics, keep away, lest you hear what you ought not, by Damien Murphy, Sydney Morning Herald (August 31, 2014)
- By George: Cardinal sins in child protection, by Annabel Crabb, Age (August 31, 2014)
- Ultra-Orthodox Jews who moved from Canada to Guatemalan village ..., by Jenny Awford, Daily Mail (August 30, 2014)
- Motorcycle ride against child sexual abuse, by Maureen Martinez, Justice4PAKids (September 01, 2014)
- Florida youth pastor busted for sharing child pornography: cops, by Carol Kuruvilla, New York Daily News (August 28, 2014)
- Seven and eight year old girls raped by a priest in a temple in south Delhi, by Ellen Scott, Cosmopolitan UK (August 30, 2014)
- NI Historical Abuse Inquiry to hear from children sent to Australia, in RTE news (August 30, 2014)
- Are Catholics Wearying From Vatican Spin?, by Jerry Slevin, Christian Catholicism (August 30, 2014)
August 31
- Dominican court opens case on ex-Vatican official, in The Post and Courier (August 31, 2014)
- Evangelical Superstars and Why They Fall, by Roger E. Olson, Patheos (August 30, 2014)
- Rotherham is not an isolated incident, by Simon Danczuk, Telegraph (August 31, 2014)
- Bishop of Charlotte to preside at memorial Mass for priest accused of abuse, by Wesley Young, Winston-Salem Journal (August 31, 2014)
- Rezori | A fraud, a priest and a wife's tale of woe, by Azzo Rezori, CBC News (August 31, 2014)
- Janmashtami rape case: A fortnight on, 8-year-old victim still can't sleep, by Avantika Mehta, Hindustan Times (August 31, 2014)
- Female coaches at Catholic school ‘had sex with students for years’, by Brad Hamilton, New York Post (August 30, 2014)
- Report: Two female coaches at Moore Catholic High School accused of sexual relationships with students, by Mira Wassef, Staten Island Advance (August 30, 2014)
- MM Marcial Maciel piggyback ride on Mary Magdalene in Galilee – to save face of Legion of Christ and MM billions of dollars in Vatican Swiss Banks, by Paris Arrow, POPE FRANCISCON-Christ. (August 31, 2014)
- Mars Hill pastor terminated from position, by Alison Morrow And Alex Rozier, KING (August 31, 2014)
- Report: Wide-Ranging Criminal Indictment To Be Filed Against Former Haredi Chief Rabbi, by Shmarya Rosenberg, Failed Messiah (August 31, 2014)
- Rabbinical Court Judges Chastised For Making Deal With Haredi Fixer In Divorce Case, by Shmarya Rosenberg, Failed Messiah (August 31, 2014)
- Rabbinical court forces battered wife to meet husband, by Revital Hovel And Yair Ettinger, Haaretz (August 28, 2014)
- Posting About National Catholic Reporter's Censorship of Jerry Slevin: 847 (Now 1002) Reads and Counting, by William D. Lindsey, Bilgrimage (August 31, 2014)
- Abuse inquiry witness 'suicidal', in Belfast Telegraph (September 01, 2014)
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