Predator Priest Worked in Mn

SNAP Minnesota
August 14, 2013

Serial child molesting priest worked at churches in Tyler, Hector, & Green Valley

Victims are visiting his parish assignments to reach out to “others he’s hurt”

Self-help group urges anyone who ‘saw, suspected, or suffered clergy crimes’ to get help


At sidewalk news conferences, a clergy sex abuse victim will:

- disclose that a serial child molesting Catholic priest, Fr William Marks, worked at local churches,

- publicly urge anyone who saw, suspected or suffered his child sex crimes to step forward, and

- identify why a new law, Minnesota Child Victims Act, opens courthouse doors to victims and

their loving families previously denied healing, recovery and civil justice.


a) Hector Community Center, 130 S Main Street, Hector, MN

Thursday, August 15th at 10:00 a.m.

b) Outside the front entrance of St Dionysus, Tyler, MN

Thursday, August 15th at 3:00 p.m.

c) Outside the front entrance of St Clotilde, Green Valley, MN

Thursday, August 15th at 6:30 p.m.


A local man and long time Minnesota Director of a national support group called SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (,


In 1992-1994, four former altar boys filed civil lawsuits in Minnesota for their molestation as prepubescent kids. The notorious abusive priest, Fr. William "Bill" Marks, was the assigned priest at St. Dionysus, St. John's and St. Clotilde. The lawsuits accused Marks’s supervisors of knowing about Mark’s crimes, yet warning no one and putting children in harm's way at parishes and church events.








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