| Jimmy Savile "Satanic Sex Ring" Claim: Jim'll Fix It Star "Worshipped the Devil"
By Dominic Gover
International Business Times
January 12, 2013
[full report - Giving Victims a Voice: Joint Report into Sexual Allegations Made Against Jimmy Savile]
Jimmy Savile worshipped devil during sex abuse
Pervert Jimmy Savile sexually abused vulnerable girls during sinister black masses, it has been claimed.
The BBC star dressed in black robes during the rituals which allegedly took place in the basement of Stoke Mandeville hospital, in 1975.
Five years later, the Jim'll Fix It star supposedly took part in more satanic abuse at a plush London residence. A 21-year-old was reportedly forced to take part in an orgy in a room decked out with satanic symbols.
Disgraced Savile hid his face with a mask during the abuse, but was identified by the 12-year-old victim in the Stoke Mandeville case. She spotted his distinctive white hair sprouting from beneath the garments and recognised his voice.
She told therapist Valerie Sinason she was molested, raped and beaten during the twisted ceremony by Savile, who chanted "Ave Satanas" with other devil worshippers in the dark, candle-lit room.
Sinason told the Express what the unnamed victim said happened while she was being treated at Stoke Mandeville hospital, in Bucks. Savile raised millions for the hospital and had his own room there.
"She recalled being led into a room that was filled with candles on the lowest level of the hospital, somewhere that was not regularly used by staff. Several adults were there, including Jimmy Savile who, like the others, was wearing a robe and a mask," said Sinason.
"She recognised him because of his distinctive voice and the fact that his blond hair was protruding from the side of the mask. He was not the leader but he was seen as important because of his fame.
"She was molested, raped and beaten and heard words that sounded like 'Ave Satanas', a Latinised version of 'Hail Satan', being chanted. There was no mention of any other child being there and she cannot remember how long the attack lasted but she was left extremely frightened and shaken."
A second case of devil worshipping and sex abuse by Savile was reported to Sinason.
"The first part of the evening started off with an orgy, but half-way through some of the participants left," she told the Express.
"Along with other young women, the victim was shepherded to wait in another room before being brought back to find Savile in a master of ceremonies kind of role with a group wearing robes and masks. She too heard Latin chanting and instantly recognised satanist regalia.
"Although the girl was a young adult who was above the age of consent, she had suffered a history of sexual abuse and was extremely vulnerable," said Sinason.
No action was taken by police to investigate either claim.
No Stoke Mandeville hospital spokesman was available when contacted by IBTimes UK.