Abuse Tracker 2012
Part 2: March to April 2012
On this page we offer cached copies of all the articles about the crisis blogged by Kathy Shaw on her indispensable Abuse Tracker.
March 2012
March 1
- Jury Complete in Priest Sex-abuse Case, in Philadelphia Daily News (March 1, 2012)
- Inquirer Editorial: Couldn't Shred the Truth, in Philadelphia Inquirer (March 1, 2012)
- Bishop Pfeifer to Visit Rome, Pope This Month, by Brian Bethel, Reporter News (February 29, 2012)
- Local Priest Had Contact with Children, but It Wasn’t Sexual, by Ross Farrow, Lodi News-Sentinel (March 1, 2012)
- 42 Children Rescued from Orphanage, in Deccan Herald (February 29, 2012)
- Ngo Officials Detained for Sexually Harassing Children, in Times of India (March 1, 2012)
- Hampton Park Volunteer Arrested for 26-year-old Sex Crime, by Andrew Moore, The Patch (March 1, 2012)
- Kamerbrede Steun Voor..., in VVD (March 1, 2012)
- Lawyers Get 12 Jurors and Screen Alternates for Clergy Sex Abuse Trial, in Philadelphia Inquirer (March 1, 2012)
- Witnesses Tell of Priest's Behavior around Kids, by Jennie Rodriguez-Moore, The Record (March 1, 2012)
- Overhaul to Protect Victorian Children at Risk, by John Ferguson, The Australian (February 29, 2012)
- Crossroads for Children, in The Age (March 1, 2012)
- Vulnerable Need Same Life Chances, by Paul McDonald, The Age (March 1, 2012)
- Pembroke Priest Accused of Assaulting Preteen Boys, Adult Man, by Kristi Soble with Lauren Davis, CFRA (February 29, 2012)
- Church of England Says Sorry for Child Abuse, in Irish Examiner (March 1, 2012)
- Ottawa Valley Priest Charged in Sex Assaults, by Chloe Fedio, Ottawa Citizen (March 1, 2012)
- Bangalore: 42 Kids Rescued, Priest Accused of Abusing Them, in DNA (March 1, 2012)
- Church of England "Sorry" for Child Abuse Cases in Schools, in Huffington Post (March 1, 2012)
- Irish Priest Convicted of Sexual Abuse for the Fourth Time - Victims Live with Nightmare, by Kerry O'Shea, IrishCentra (March 1, 2012)
- Abuse Victims Want Royal Commission into Church, in ABC News (March 1, 2012)
- Rete L'abuso Commenta IL Caso Lanfranchi, in Savona News (March 1, 2012)
- Wheeling Jesuit Says It's Cooperating with Feds, in The Intelligencer (March 1, 2012)
- Pedofilia, Richiesta Di Archiviazione Per L'ex Vescovo Lafranconi: Decisione Ai Primi Di Maggio, in IVG (March 1, 2012)
- Israeli Rabbi Arrested for Repeat Rape, on Press TV (March 1, 2012)
- Remand of Rabbi Suspected of Sexual Assault Extended, in YNet News (March 1, 2012)
- New Lawsuit Filed against Roman Catholic Diocese of Austin, in RushPR (March 1, 2012)
- Church 'sorry' for Years of Child Abuse by Clergy, in Yorkshire Post (March 1, 2012)
- Pastor Accused of Abuse, by Dave Wagner, WCNC (March 1, 2012)
- Al Jazeera Recruits SNAP and Bishopaccountability.org to Smear Catholic Church, by Dave Pierre, Media Report (March 1, 2012)
- 2012 Annual Report - Archdiocesan Finance Officer Report, by John F. Bierbaum, Catholic Spirit (March 1, 2012)
- Vatican Leadership Comes under Attack, by Marco Tosatti, Vatican City (March 1, 2012)
- Child Abuse Scandal Is Not Over, Says Dublin Archbishop, in CBS - 60 Minutes (March 1, 2012)
March 2
- Former Altar Boy Testifies He Punched Lockeford Priest, by Ross Farrow, Lodi News-Sentinel (March 2, 2012)
- Parish Youth Worker Jailed, in Maitland Mercury (March 2, 2012)
- Local Man Arrested on Sexual Abuse Charges, by Matt Armstrong, The Journal (March 2, 2012)
- Anger at Church As Worker Is Jailed over Abuse, in ABC Newcastle (March 2, 2012)
- Abingdon Minister Arrested on Child Sex Abuse Charges, by Kacie Breeding, Times News (March 2, 2012)
- Saginaw Bishop Should Be Investigated, Abuse Victims Group Says, by Niraj Warikoo, Detroit Free Press (March 2, 2012)
- Accounts of Residential Schools Continue, on CTV (March 2, 2012)
- Deposition of Snap's Clohessy Revealed! Clohessy Evades Questions and Subverts Court Order While Lawyers Shred Clohessy's Defense That SNAP Is a 'rape Crisis Center', by Dave Pierre, Media Report (March 2, 2012)
- Serial Paedophile Sentenced, by Sam Rigney, Newcastle Herald (March 2, 2012)
- News from around the Region, in Erie Times-News (March 2, 2012)
- Judge Replaced in Bigamy Trial of West Texas Sect Leader, in Fort Worth Star-Telegram (March 2, 2012)
- Kerk Compenseert Volwassen Misbruikslachtoffer, Vooral Zwakzinnigen, in AD (March 2, 2012)
- Nu Ook Compensatie Na Seksueel Misbruik Van Meerderjarigen, in RKnieuws (March 2, 2012)
- Ook Compensatie Voor Volwassen Misbruikslachtoffers, in L1 (March 2, 2012)
- Seksueel Misbruik Aanpakken, in SGP (March 2, 2012)
- John Doe 150 V. the Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon, by John Doe, Leagle (March 2, 2012)
- "papal Presidentialism" and the Idea of an Expanded Conclave, by Andrea Tornielli, Vatican Insider (March 2, 2012)
- Vatican, the Foreign Cardinals Oppose Bertone, by Andrea Tornielli, Vatican Insider (March 2, 2012)
- Moma-reporter: Die Kirche Und Ihre Missbrauchsopfer, in Das Erste (March 2, 2012)
- Ook Compensatie Voor Volwassen Slachtoffers Misbruik Katholieke Kerk, by Sandra Kagie, Omroep Brabant (March 2, 2012)
- "Misbruik Ondermijnt Zending Kerk", in RKnieuws (March 2, 2012)
- Anum Apapam Chiefs Order Fetish Priest to Leave the Town, in Peace FM (March 2, 2012)
- Aussie Purged As Global Head of Rebel Anglicans, by Verity Edwards, The Australian (March 3, 2012)
- Who's Going to Be the Fall Guy?, in Motley Monk (March 2, 2012)
- Mission Viejo Church Sex Case Thrown out, in The Patch (March 2, 2012)
- Minnesota SNAP March "hot Peppers" Support Meeting, in MN SNAP (March 2, 2012)
- Ex-college Student Sues over Sexual Roommate, in Boston Channel (March 2, 2012)
- Church in Ireland at a Breaking Point Says Archbishop Diarmuid Martin on "60 Minutes", by Bernie Malone, Irish Central (March 2, 2012)
- Winona Diocese Warns of Admitted Sex Abuser's Return to Rochester, by Christina Killion Valdez, The Post-Bulletin (March 2, 2012)
- Church's Regret at Paedophile Clergy, by Ben Parsons, The Argus (March 2, 2012)
- The Alienation of Catholic Women - and Men, by Thomas C. Fox, National Catholic Reporter (March 2, 2012)
- Vatican Leaks Scandal Rolls on, by John L Allen, National Catholic Reporter (March 2, 2012)
- Tettamanzi Al Papa: "ma IL Cardinale Parla a Nome Tuo?", in Il Fatto Quotidiano (March 2, 2012)
- Three Myths about the Church to Give up for Lent, by John L Allen, National Catholic Reporter (March 2, 2012)
- SNAP Is Grilled, by Jerry Berger, Berger's Beat (March 2, 2012)
- In the Circuit Court of Jackson County State of Missouri, in SNAP (March 2, 2012)
- SNAP Leader's Deposition Made Public, by Joshua J. McElwee, National Catholic Reporter (March 2, 2012)
- Archbishop of Dublin Reaffirms Statement on Sex Abuse Crisis Made in Milwaukee on "60 Minutes" This Sunday, by John Pilmaier, SNAP Wisconsin (March 2, 2012)
- Priest Charged with Patronizing a Prostitute, in NBC 10 (March 2, 2012)
- Philly Priest Charged with Soliciting Officer Posing As Prostitute in Undercover Police Sting, in The Republic (March 2, 2012)
- Priest Charged with Patronizing Prostitute, in Philadelphia Daily News (March 2, 2012)
March 3
- Three Witnesses Testify about Kelly Tickling, Roughhousing with Children, by Ross Farrow, Lodi News-Sentinel (March 3, 2012)
- Church Is at Breaking Point: Martin, by Stephen Rogers, Irish Examiner (March 3, 2012)
- Martin: Child Abuse Scandals Not Yet over, in Irish Examiner (March 3, 2012)
- Child Abuse Scandal Is Not Over, Says Dublin Archbishop, in RTE News (March 1, 2012)
- German Bishops' Leader Welcomes Progress in National Church Dialogue, in U.S. Catholic (March 2, 2012)
- Pädophiler Pfarrer: Kindesmissbrauch in Der Katholischen Kirche - Video - Spiegel, in Youtube (March 3, 2012)
- „hören Wir Endlich Auf, Dieselben Fehler Zu Machen!", on Radio Vatikan (February 9, 2012)
- Jungen Ohne Rechte – Missbrauch Und Zwangsprostitution in Pakistan, by Lea Mera, Menschenhandel Heute (March 3, 2012)
- Sex Charges against Pentecostal Bishop Were Filed Too Late, Judge Rules, by John Simerman, The Times-Picayune (March 2, 2012)
- Murray Joins Fight against Child Abuse, in Newsli (March 3, 2012)
- Priest Charged with Solicitation, in Courier Post (March 3, 2012)
- Priest Charged with Patronizing a Prostitute, in Philadelphia Inquirer (March 3, 2012)
- Inclusive 'Old Catholic Church' Community Formed in Saranac Lake, by Chris Knight, Adirondack Daily Enterprise (March 3, 2012)
- Local Priest Arrested for Picking up Prostitute, in My Fox Philly (March 2, 2012)
- Investigators Optimistic after Taking a New Look at 1998 Murder of Catholic Priest, by Rob Schultz, Wisconsin State Journal (March 3, 2012)
- Diarmuid Martin Claims Irish Catholicism at 'Breaking Point', by Henry McDonald, The Guardian (March 3, 2012)
- Pastor and Christian Education Professor Arrested for Child Porn and Guns, by David Badash, New Civil Rights Movement (March 3, 2012)
- Wheaton College Professor Arrested for Child Pornography, in Chronicle of Higher Education (March 3, 2012)
- Professor Charged for Child Porn Also Had 2 Pistols, 1,600 Rounds of Ammunition, by Charlotte Eriksen, The Patch (March 3, 2012)
- Wheaton College Professor Charged with Possessing Child Porn, by Clifford Ward and Michelle Manchir, Chicago Tribune (March 4, 2012)
- Charges: Christian Ed Professor Had Pics of Kids under 13, Unregistered Guns, by Dan Rozek, The Courier-News (March 3, 2012)
- Expert on Child Spirituality Arrested on Child Porn Charges, by Morgan Feddes, Christianity Today (March 2, 2012)
March 4
- Second Man Accuses Former Palma School Priest, by Virginia Hennessey, Monterey Herald (March 4, 2012)
- Palma High Molest Claims Face Deadline, by Virginia Hennessey, Monterey Herald (March 4, 2012)
- State Must Give Young Victims More Time to Come Forward, in Glens Falls Post-Star (March 4, 2012)
- Cullen Had Secret List, by Peter Hall and Matt Assad, Morning Call (March 4, 2012)
- Pastor Hit with Fiscal, Moral Questions, by Bob Smietana, The Tennessean (March 4, 2012)
- Memorial Event for Magdalene Women, in Irish Examiner (March 4, 2012)
- DAS to Bishop Hubbard: Tell US First, by Brendan J. Lyons, Albany Times Union (March 4, 2012)
- Wallowing in Misery, by Robert Nemeth, Worcester Telegram & Gazette (March 4, 2012)
- Berks Priest Removed from Assignment, by Gina Gasper, WFMZ (March 4, 2012)
- Former Our Lady of Perpetual Help Priest Had Inappropriate Relationship with 18-Year-Old, by Diocese Says, The Express-Times (March 4, 2012)
- Allentown Catholic Diocese Priest Removed, by Matt Assad, Morning Call (March 4, 2012)
- St. Ignatius Priest Removed from Assignment, in Reading Eagle (March 4, 2012)
- Colum Kenny: Kenny May Envy the Hero's Welcome Given to Cosgrave, in Irish Independent (March 4, 2012)
- The Archbishop of Dublin Challenges the Church, in CBS - 60 Minutes (March 4, 2012)
March 5
- Archbishop: Church Is at Breaking Point over Molesters, by Mary Papenfuss, The Newser (March 5, 2012)
- Editorial: Sexual Abuse, Political Abuse, in Albany Times Union (March 4, 2012)
- A Look at Morality, by Brian Holmes, Uwm Post (March 5, 2012)
- A Lesson in Empathy, by Jeremy Klaszus, Calgary Herald (March 5, 2012)
- Clergy Sex Victims Praise Mn Catholic Diocese, by Bob Schwiderski, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (March 2, 2012)
- 'Startling Revelation': Excerpts from the Philadelphia Priest Sex Abuse Case, by Peter Hall and Michael Duck, Morning Call (March 4, 2012)
- Clergy-Abuse Reporting under Fire from District Attorneys, by Brendan J. Lyons, Albany Times Union (March 5, 2012)
- Dark Time for Catholicism, by Barney Zwartz, Wa Today (March 6, 2012)
- Second Person Accusing Palma High School Priest, by Ayli Meyer, KION (March 5, 2012)
- Sexual Abuse of Children Crosses Faith Lines, by David Briggs, Association of Religion Data Archives (May 17, 2010)
- Former Deacon at St. Joseph's Removed As a Parish Priest, by Mary Ellen Alu, The Patch (March 5, 2012)
- Former Kingsport Priest's Hearing on Child Sex Abuse Convictions Postponed, by Kacie Breeding, The Times-News (March 5, 2012)
- Perp Walk for the Pope, by Catherine Morrisey-Ribeiro, Feminist Wire (March 5, 2012)
- Irland: "Missbrauchspravention Muss Weiter Gehen", in Radio Vatikan (March 5, 2012)
- Confessions to Clergy Not Always Private in Court Proceedings, by Andrea Lannom, State Journal (March 5, 2012)
- Archbishop Diarmuid Martin on 60 Minutes, by James Martin, America Magazine (March 5, 2012)
- Catholic Priest's Case Will Be Called Again in April, by Diane Crocker, Western Star (March 5, 2012)
- 10 Alternates Seated for Philly Priest-abuse Trial, in San Antonio Express-News (March 5, 2012)
- Jury Set in Clergy Sex Abuse Trial, by John P. Martin, Philadelphia Inquirer (March 5, 2012)
- Priest Removed after Alleged Inappropriate Relationship, by David Chang, NBC 10 (March 5, 2012)
March 6
- Fates of Suspended Priests Still in Limbo, by John P. Martin, Philadelphia Inquirer (March 6, 2012)
- LA Mesa's Pedophile Priest: How John Keith Went to Grave Denying Abuse, by Ken Stone and Annie Lane, The Patch (March 5, 2012)
- Not the Last Word on Sexual Abuse, in Albany Times Union (March 6, 2012)
- Hamilton County Schools Jrotc Leader, Deacon Charged in Sex Abuse, by Beth Burger, Times Free Press (March 6, 2012)
- Christian Brother Retiree Faces Sex-Abuse Allegations, by Tom Sharpe, Santa Fee New Mexican (March 5, 2012)
- Bishop Joseph Walker Could Face More Accusers in Sexual Abuse Lawsuit, by Luiza Oleszczuk, Christian Post (March 5, 2012)
- Jury Sworn in for Church Organist's Child Abuse Trial, in Western Daily Press (March 6, 2012)
- Church Transparency Key to Protecting Children, by David Cappo, Eureka Street (March 5, 2012)
- Weak Laws Pave Way for Child Sexual Abuse, in WPTV (March 5, 2012)
- Diocese Removes Priest Who Served Haven Parish, by Amy Marchiano, Republican & Herald (March 6, 2012)
- A Cardinal, by an Archbishop and a Funeral: a Year in the Philadelphia Archdiocese's Priest Child Abuse Scandal, by Gerald T. Slevin (March 6, 2012)
- SNAP Blasts Albany Bishop & Praises DAS, by Barbara Dorris, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (March 5, 2012)
- Director of County School Jrotc Program Faces Child Sex Charge, in The Chattanoogan (March 5, 2012)
- St. Jude Deacon Arrested for Sexual Assault on Five Year Old, in WRCB (March 6, 2012)
- Church Deacon Charged with Sexual Assault, in News Channel 9 (March 5, 2012)
- Golgotha: Abuses Soil the Name of the Church, by Giacomo Galeazzi, Vatican City (March 6, 2012)
- Priests Arrested in Eastbourne in Sex Abuse Inquiry, on BBC News (March 6, 2012)
- Retired Priests Arrested in Sussex Child Sex Probe, by Shane Croucher, International Business Times (March 6, 2012)
- Sussex Men Arrested after Church of England Abuse Probe, by Ben Parsons, The Argus (March 6, 2012)
- Missbrauch in Der Katholischen Kirche: Ein Gastbeitrag Vom Psychotherapeuten Leo Prothmann, in Salzburger Fenster (March 6, 2012)
- Unverjahrbarkeit: Altersgrenze Bei Zwolf Jahren, in Der Bund (March 6, 2012)
- Die Zeit Der Ausfluchte Und Der Verharmlosungen Ist Vorbei sexuelle Gewalt Gegen Madchen Und Jungen in Institutionen, in Readers Edition (March 6, 2012)
- Bischof Ackermann Und Ein Muhlstein, in Athiest Media Blog (March 6, 2012)
- He Could Have Been Stopped: Convicted Molester Volunteered at Palm City Church Youth Group, by ByMichael LaForgia, Palm Beach Post (March 5, 2012)
- Former Kinkora Priest Facing Sex Charges in Newfoundland Appears April 9, in Journal Pioneer (March 6, 2012)
- Man Held in Abuse Enquiry, in Crawley and Horley Observer (March 6, 2012)
- Former Church of England Priests Arrested over Alleged Sex Abuse, in The Guardian (March 6, 2012)
- Vijf Vragen Om Schadevergoeding Voor Seks in De Kerk Per Dag, in The Vandaag (March 6, 2012)
- Two Arrested in Anglican Child Abuse Investigation, in AFP (March 6, 2012)
- Breaking News: Two Eastbourne Men Arrested in Sex Abuse Inquiry, in Eastbourne Herald (March 6, 2012)
- Castration Vs. Isolation, in Patrick J. Wall (March 6, 2012)
- The Lessons of the Bishop Lahey Scandal, by John-Henry Westen, The Lifesite (March 6, 2012)
- Should Clergy Report Confessions of Child Abuse?, by Alex Hannaford, The Atlantic (March 6, 2012)
- 23 Philly Priests Still Suspended after 1 Year, in York Dispatch (March 6, 2012)
- Pastor Found Guilty of Abuse, by Bob Allen, Associated Baptist Press (March 6, 2012)
- SNAP Releases Transcript of Church Lawyers Grilling Director David Clohessy, by Nicholas Phillips, Riverfront Times (March 6, 2012)
- Trial Postponed for Towson-area Priest Charged with Indecent Exposure, in Baltimore Sun (March 6, 2012)
- Retired Priests Held over Sex Abuse, in Littlehampton Gazette (March 6, 2012)
- Immaculate Conception Priest's Trial Postponed, by Tyler Waldman, The Patch (March 6, 2012)
- Solicitor Fears Cover-up by Church on Abuse Case Priests, in The Pannone (March 6, 2012)
- Retired Eastbourne Priests Arrested over Historic Child Abuse Cases, in The Metro (March 6, 2012)
- SNAP Director Admits to Publishing False Information, by Michelle Bauman, Catholic News Agency (March 6, 2012)
- Witness Shares Details of Child Sex Abuse Charges, by John Madewell, News Channel 9 (March 6, 2012)
March 7
- Barkingside: Pensioner Arrested over Alleged Sexual Abuse, by Joe Curtis, The Guardian (March 7, 2012)
- Father of Plaintiff Testifies Son Told Him of Sexual Assault by Kelly, by Ross Farrow, Lodi News-Sentinel (March 7, 2012)
- Former Alabama Teacher Indicted on New Sex Abuse Counts Involving Girls, in The Republic (March 6, 2012)
- Somerset Church Organist Denies 'Seven Years of Sex Abuse' Claim, in Western Daily Press (March 7, 2012)
- Attorney for LDS Bishop Calls Mugshot Unconstitutional, by Geoff Liesik, KSL (March 6, 2012)
- Warning over Sex Abuse by Doctors, by Eilish O'Regan, Irish Independent (March 7, 2012)
- Religious and Educational Institutions Cover up Sexual Abuse of Children, in World News Report (March 7, 2012)
- Church Organist 'Befriended Then Sexually Abused Two Young Girls over Ten Years', by Emma Reynolds, Daily Mail (March 7, 2012)
- Former Somerset Church Organist 'Abused Girls', on BBC News (March 6, 2012)
- Church Organist Sexually Abused Two Girls, Court Hears, by Steven Morris, The Guardian (March 6, 2012)
- Markey Sex Abuse Bill Deserves a Vote, in Greenpoint Star (March 6, 2012)
- Nun Faces 87 Charges of Sex Abuse, in Irish Independent (March 7, 2012)
- Preliminary Sitting for Nun Facing 87 Sex Abuse Charges, in Irish Times (March 7, 2012)
- Vatican Diary / the Pope Confirms His Lieutenant in Italy, in The Chiesa (March 7, 2012)
- Justicia Estudia Dar Acceso a Los Archivos a Las Víctimas De Robo De Bebés, by Natalia Junquera, El Pais (March 6, 2012)
- Flasher " Priest" from Darlington Jailed for " Babestation-Girl Flirting", by Neil Hunter, Northern Echo (March 7, 2012)
- Suspended Sentence for Catholic Priest, by Marissa Calligeros, Brisbane Times (March 7, 2012)
- Qld Priest Asks Court to Forgive Porn Sins, by Christine Flatley, 9 News (March 7, 2012)
- Italian Corruption and Church Complicity Left a Murderer Free to Kill Again, by Alice Ross, Bureau of Investigative Journalism (March 7, 2012)
- Two Eastbourne Men Arrested in Sex Abuse Inquiry, in Eastbourne Herald (March 7, 2012)
- 'Misbruikcrisis Nog Niet Voorbij', in The Rknieuws (March 6, 2012)
- Fr Neil Joseph Byrne Helped to Train Australia's Catholic Priests, in Broken Rites (March 7, 2012)
- Indecent Assaults Alleged at an Australian Boarding School, in Broken Rites (February 17, 2012)
- The Church Protected This Priest Who Admitted Offences against Children, in Broken Rites (February 17, 2012)
- The View: Church at Breaking Point - Nuala O'Loan, in Irish Catholic (March 8, 2012)
- Dr Martin Should Not Despair - Mary Kenny, in Irish Catholic (March 8, 2012)
- Eastbourne's Robert Coles Bailed in Sex Abuse Inquiry, on BBC News (March 7, 2012)
- Sentencing of Nym Priest Postponed to Secure Funds, by Amanda Fries, The Observer-Dispatch (March 7, 2012)
- "There Is Goodness in This Person before You", by Marissa Calligeros, Brisbane Times (March 8, 2012)
- Anonymous Hackers Claim to Bring down Vatican Website, Site Inaccessible for Hours, by Nicole Winfield, Global Winnipeg (March 7, 2012)
- Call for Priest to Lose Oam, by Murray Nicholls, Western Advocate (March 8, 2012)
- Shutting down the Vatican...website, in Religion Dispatches (March 7, 2012)
- Anonymous Attacks Vatican.va, Panda Labs, by David Trifunov, Global Post (March 7, 2012)
- Hackers Take down Vatican Website, in Irish Times (March 7, 2012)
- Hackers Anonymous Target Vatican, in The Telegraph (March 7, 2012)
- Hackers Group Anonymous Take down Vatican Website, in Buenos Aires Herald (March 7, 2012)
- Vatican Website Taken down by Pro-abortion Hackers, in LifeSite News (March 7, 2012)
- Hackers from "Anonymous" Reportedly Block Vatican's Website, in Rome Reports (March 7, 2012)
- Church of England Priests Bailed in Sex Abuse Inquiry, on BBC News (March 7, 2012)
- Markey Brings Sex Abuse Bill Back to Albany, by Heather Senison, Queens Ledger (March 7, 2012)
- Moldova Chemical Castration for Convicted Pedophiles Legalized, by Corneliu Rusnac, Huffington Post (March 6, 2012)
- Vatican Website Succumbs to Online Attack, by Francis X. Rocca, Catholic News Service (March 7, 2012)
- Oscurato IL Sito Della Santa Sede. Chi E Stato Veramente?, in il Sussidiario (March 7, 2012)
- Attacco Di Anonymous Al Sito Vaticano, in Vatican Insider (March 8, 2012)
- We Are Dismayed, Inquiry Will Start Soon, Bishop of Como, in AGI (March 7, 2012)
- IL Vescovo "Don Marco Rimosso DA Ogni Incarico", in Corriere di Como (March 7, 2012)
- Abbadia Prete Arrestato Per Violenza Sessuale, in La Provincia di Lecco (March 7, 2012)
- Irish Visitation Results to Be Made Public Soon, in Catholic Culture (March 7, 2012)
- Vatican Reports Due Shortly, by Patsy Mcgarry, Irish Times (March 7, 2012)
- Lawyer: Vatican Overrules 13 Cleveland Closings, by Jay Lindsay, WRAL (March 7, 2012)
- Hackers Group Anonymous Take down Vatican Website, in MSNBC (March 7, 2012)
- Vatican.va Tango Down!, in Official Blog of Anonymous Italy (March 7, 2012)
- 'Anonymous' Takes down Vaticans Website, by Mike Fossum, Web Pro News (March 7, 2012)
- Hackers Claiming to Be from Anonymous Take out Vatican Site, by Jaikumar Vijayan, Computerworld (March 7, 2012)
- Pa. Coroner to Release Cause of Bevilacqua's Death, in Newsworks (March 7, 2012)
- Findings on Bevilacqua's Death to Be Released, by John P. Martin, Philadelphia Inquirer (March 7, 2012)
- Coroner to Release Bevilacqua's Death Cause, in My Fox Philly (March 7, 2012)
- Coroner to Release Cause of Cardinal's Death, on NBC 10 (March 7, 2012)
- Coroner to Release Findings in Bevilacqua Death Investigation, on WFMZ (March 7, 2012)
- Sex Charges Dismissed against Mohler Family, on KSHB (March 7, 2012)
- U.S. Tags Vatican As a Money Laundering Concern, in Toronto Star (March 7, 2012)
- Hindu Guru Swamiji Missing for One Year, on KVUE (March 7, 2012)
- Vatican Orders Cleveland Parishes Reopened, by Barbara Bradley Hagerty, NPR (March 7, 2012)
- Vatican Overrules 13 Cleveland Closings, on NBC 26 (March 7, 2012)
- Cleveland Catholic Church Closings Overturned by Vatican, in Plain Dealer (March 7, 2012)
- Vatican Overturns Decision of Cleveland Catholic Diocese to Close Local Parishes, by Julie Kent, Cleveland Leader (March 7, 2012)
- Parishioners Rejoice As Vatican Overrules Church Closings, on Fox 8 (March 7, 2012)
- Rome Reversal: Vatican Overrules 13 Cleveland Parish Closures, on WOIO (March 7, 2012)
- Former Youth Pastor Sentenced in Sex Abuse Case, on KCCI (March 7, 2012)
March 8
- Former Priests Are Released on Police Bail, in Eastbourne Herald (March 8, 2012)
- Father of Plaintiff Takes Stand, in Modesto Bee (March 7, 2012)
- Priest Julio Cesar Grassi to Remain under House Arrest, in Buenos Aires Herald (March 8, 2012)
- Dictaron LA Prision Domiciliaria Para Grassi, in La Voz de Cataratas (March 8, 2012)
- Prision Domiciliaria Para El Cura Grassi, in The Clarin (March 8, 2012)
- Suspended Sentence for Ex-pastor in Sex Abuse Case, in The World-Herald (March 7, 2012)
- Victims Upset with Predator's Sentence, by Gary Smollen, WOWT (March 8, 2012)
- Anonymous Hackers Bring down Vatican Website, by Gareth Morgan, V3 (March 8, 2012)
- Mohler Family Will Not Be Prosecuted for Sex Abuse Allegations, in God Discussion (March 8, 2012)
- All Charges against Mohler Family Are Dropped, by Donald Bradley and Judy Thomas, Kansas City Star (March 7, 2012)
- Vatican Website Back Online after Hacker Attack, on WHEC (March 8, 2012)
- Youth Pastor Sentenced; Verdict Has Many Frustrated, by Maureen Wurtz, KPTM (March 8, 2012)
- The Missing Children, by Suzy Thompson, FFWD (March 8, 2012)
- Survivors Furious at Bishops" Call to Pray for Abusers, by Colm Kelpie, Irish Independent (March 8, 2012)
- Bishops' Media Briefing 7 March 2012, in Irish Catholic Bishops' Conference (March 8, 2012)
- Spring 2012 General Meeting of the Irish Bishops' Conference, in Irish Catholic Bishops' Conference (March 8, 2012)
- Sex Charges Dismissed against Mohler Family, in KSHB (March 8, 2012)
- N.b. Village to Vote on Taking Priest's Name off Arena, in CBC News (March 8, 2012)
- Former Woodland Priest Accused of Molestation Has Hearing Friday, by Katherine Jarvis, Daily Democrat (March 8, 2012)
- Judge Dismisses Priest's Defamation Suit, by Tom Sharpe, New Mexican (March 8, 2012)
- St. James to Reopen?, by Colin McEwen, The Patch (March 8, 2012)
- Ohio: Vatican Tells Bishop to Reopen Some Churches, by Laurie Goodstein, New York Times (March 8, 2012)
- Parishioners Rejoice As Vatican Overrules Church Closings, in Fox 8 (March 7, 2012)
- Lakewood St. James Parishioners Celebrate Vatican Decision to Overturn Church Closing, by Carol Kovach, Plain Dealer (March 8, 2012)
- Poor Bill Donohue, by Mark Silk, Religion News Service - Spiritual Politics (March 7, 2012)
- Other Pontifical Acts, in Vatican Information Service (March 8, 2012)
- Vatican Investigated for Potential Money-laundering Activities, in Vatican Insider (March 8, 2012)
- Lajolo: "mgr. Vigano's Suspicions Are Wrong", in Vatican Insider (March 8, 2012)
- US List Vatican As Money Laundering Risk, in The Telegraph (March 8, 2012)
- Money Laundering Trail Leads down under, in Adelaide Now (March 9, 2012)
- Vatican on List of Potential Money-laundering Centers, in My Fox Phoenix (March 8, 2012)
- More Testimony of Priest Roughhousing Children in the 1980s, by Ross Farrow, Lodi News-Sentinel (March 8, 2012)
- Vatican Official Sees "Strategy of Confusion" behind Leaks Scandal, by John L. Allen, National Catholic Reporter (March 8, 2012)
- "dinge, Die Nachdenklich Stimmen", in Regensburg-Digital (March 8, 2012)
- Keine Lockerung Des Beichtgeheimnisses Bei Kindsmissbrauch, in Tages Woche (March 8, 2012)
- Querellante Del Caso Karadima Sobre Premio a Lavandero: "es Un Insulto a Las Victimas", in El Mostrador (March 8, 2012)
- Frate Accusato Di Abusi Su Minori: Nuovo Caso Don Seppia?, in Genova Oggi Notizie (March 8, 2012)
- U.S. Adds Vatican to Money-laundering "Concern" List, by Philip Pullella, Reuters (March 8, 2012)
- Vatican City Could Be Hub for Money Laundering, Says U.S., by Nick Pisa, Daily Mail (March 8, 2012)
- Coroner: Bevilacqua Died of Natural Causes, in WPVI (March 8, 2012)
- Coroner: Bevilacqua Died of Natural Causes, by John P. Martin, Philadelphia Inquirer (March 8, 2012)
- Clergy Sex Victims Applaud New Methodist Abuse Case, by Barbara Dorris, SNAP (March 8, 2012)
- Woman Files Multi-million Dollar Lawsuit, Claims Minister Molested Her for Years, by Rucks Russell, KHOU (March 8, 2012)
- Pope Names Portland Priest a Bishop; SNAP Responds, by Barbara Dorris, SNAP (March 8, 2012)
- Local Priest Named Baker Bishop, by Ed Langlois, Catholic Sentinel (March 8, 2012)
- Coroner: Philly Cardinal Died of Natural Causes, in ABC News (March 8, 2012)
- County Coroner: Bevilacqua Died of Natural Causes, by David Powell, The Patch (March 8, 2012)
- Bevilacqua Died from Natural Causes, in My Fox Philly (March 8, 2012)
- Coroner: Philly Cardinal Died of Natural Causes, by Patrick Walters, Associated Press (March 8, 2012)
- Italian Police Break up International Paedophile Network, in The Guardian (March 8, 2012)
- Eucharistic Congress Won't Ignore Abuse Scandal, Vatican Official Says, by Cindy Wooden, Catholic News Service (March 8, 2012)
- Coroner: Cardinal Bevilacqua Died of Natural Causes, by Brad Segall, CBS Philly (March 8, 2012)
- Meanest Men on Earth, by John Moynihan, The Patch (March 8, 2012)
- VATICAN Orders Cleveland Bishop to Reverse Church Closures, by Michael O'malley, Washington Post (March 8, 2012)
- Cleveland Bishop Pressed to Reopen Vatican Spared Churches, by Thomas J. Sheeran, The Advocate (March 8, 2012)
- Pope Posterizes Bishop Lennon; 13 Dead Churches Rejoice, by Erich Burnett, Cleveland Scene (March 8, 2012)
- Guilty Plea Expected for Former Lutheran Official in Child Porn Case, by Mike Johnson, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (March 8, 2012)
- Former Rolla Priest Accused of Sexual Abuse, by Shannon Beck, Rolla Daily News (March 8, 2012)
- Fake Twitter Message Announces Pope's Death, in New Zealand Herald (March 8, 2012)
- Rocking the Holy See, in The Economist (March 8, 2012)
- Timing Was Odd, but Cardinal Anthony Bevilacqua's Death Wasn't, by David Zucchino, Chicago Tribune (March 8, 2012)
- County Coroner: Cardinal Bevilacqua Died of Natural Causes, by Matthew Gambino, National Catholic Reporter (March 8, 2012)
- Former Lutheran Church Official Close to Plea Deal in Child Porn Case, by Ben Handelman, Fox 6 (March 8, 2012)
- Chaput Suspended Philly Priests Need Resolution, in York Dispatch (March 8, 2012)
- Archbishop Chaput's Weekly Column: Where We Are As a Church, Six Months Later, in Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Philadelphia (March 8, 2012)
March 9
- Priest on Carnal Abuse Charge Granted Bail, in Jamaica Observer (March 9, 2012)
- Ex-altar Boy Describes Abuse, by Jennie Rodriguez-Moore, Stockton Record (March 9, 2012)
- Bill Adds Time to Claim Child Sexual Abuse, by Jim Walsh, Courier-Post (March 9, 2012)
- Archdiocese's Review of Suspended Priests Nearing End, Chaput Says, by John P. Martin, Philadelphia Inquirer (March 9, 2012)
- Plaintiff Testifies in Abuse Lawsuit against Father Michael Kelly, by Ross Farrow, Lodi News-Sentinel (March 9, 2012)
- New Brunswick Village Divided over Vote to Remove Late Priest's Name from Arena, by Sarah Boesveld, National Post (March 9, 2012)
- Retired Priests Arrested, by Madeleine Davies, Church Times (March 9, 2012)
- Chaput: Suspended Philly Priests Need Resolution, but Trial Gag Order Could Limit News, in The Republic (March 9, 2012)
- Claims of Protecting Church Employees Accused of Abuse, by David Mance, KAPP (March 9, 2012)
- Wife Condemns Youth Pastor in Sex Crimes Case, on KETV (March 9, 2012)
- Former Lake George Pastor Charged with 15 Sex Abuse Crimes, on KSAX (March 8, 2012)
- Ex-council Leader Abused Teenager, in Rutland & Stamford Mercury (March 9, 2012)
- Presbyterian Church Will Apologize to Gambell Residents for Cultural Abuse, by Alex DeMarban, Alaska Dispatch (March 8, 2012)
- Lake George Pastor's Bail Set at $1 Million in Sex Case, in Bemidji Pioneer (March 9, 2012)
- Vatican Attacked, in National Catholic Register (March 9, 2012)
- Stichting Voor in Opspraak Geraakte Pastoor, in Limburgs Dagblad (March 9, 2012)
- Coroner Rules Bevilacqua Died of Natural Causes, by John P. Martin, Philadelphia Inquirer (March 9, 2012)
- Bevilacqua's Death Found to Have Been through Natural Causes, by Regina Medina, Philadelphia Daily News (March 9, 2012)
- Coroner: Cardinal Bevilacqua Died of Natural Causes, by Keith Phucas, Times Herald (March 9, 2012)
- David Quinn: the Vast Majority of Abuse Allegations Received Today Relate to Incidents That Date Back at Least 10 Years, Usually More, in Irish Independent (March 9, 2012)
- Contraception Debate Creates Internal Tensions in Catholic USCCB, by David Gibson, Huffington Post (March 9, 2012)
- SNAP Outs Two Predators in the Diocese of Yakima, by John Shuster, SNAP (March 9, 2012)
- Catholic Appeal Accountability, in Boston Catholic Insider (March 9, 2012)
- Most Say Catholic Church Ruling Doesn't Affect St. Mary, in Chronicle-Telegram (March 8, 2012)
- Vatican Overrules Bishop Who Closed 13 Parishes, by Michael O'Malley, Columbus Dispatch (March 9, 2012)
- Cleveland Bishop Pressed to Reopen Spared Churches, in Zanesville Times Recorder (March 9, 2012)
- Cleveland: Letter Takes Bishop Lennon to Task, by Eric Mansfield, WKYC (March 9, 2012)
- Vatican Reverses Cleveland Church Closings, by Paul Moses, dotCommonweal (March 8, 2012)
- VATICAN Decree Says Bishop Richard Lennon Failed to Follow Church Law in Closing St. Patrick's, by Michael O'Malley, Plain Dealer (March 9, 2012)
- "Stop Stalling" Call on Church Sex Abuse Probe, by Barney Zwartz, The Age (March 10, 2012)
- Unconscionable Treatment of Haitian Abuse Victims' Advocate by Lawyer for Jesuit Priest, by Robert M. Hoatson, Voice from the Desert (March 9, 2012)
- Woman Claims Years of Abuse by Houston Pastor, by Nik Rajkovic, KTRH (March 9, 2012)
- Church Must Better Explain Teaching on Sexuality, Pope Tells US Bishops, by Cindy Wooden, Catholic News Service (March 9, 2012)
- Priests' Arrests Follow Confidential Report into Church Sex Abuse, in Eastbourne Herald (March 9, 2012)
- VATICAN Orders Cleveland Bishop to Reverse Church Closures, by Michael O'Malley, Christian Century (March 9, 2012)
- The Mayan Calendar, Metaphysics and Predator Priests, on Blog Talk Radio (March 8, 2012)
- Paedophile Priest Jailed for Abuse of Boys, by Lisa Dowd, Sky News (March 8, 2012)
- Abuse Priest Branded 'shameless', in Shropshire Star (March 9, 2012)
- Abuse Priest Alexander Bede Walsh Jailed for 22 Years, on BBC News (March 9, 2012)
- Joel Hochmuth Pleads Guilty to Possession of Child Porn, by A.J. Bayatpour, Fox 6 (March 9, 2012)
- Ex-wels Communications Director Pleads Guilty to Possessing Child Pornography, by Sarah Millard , The Patch (March 9, 2012)
- Wilmington Diocese under Scrutiny, by Erin Quinn, The Review (March 5, 2012)
- Abuse Priest Alexander Bede Walsh Jailed for 22 Years, by Danielle Dwyer, The Independent (March 9, 2012)
- Former Wels Official Pleads Guilty to Porn Charge, in WISN (March 9, 2012)
- 9 Patres Missbrauchten Kinder Sexuell, in RP Online (March 9, 2012)
- Missbrauchs-lehrern Soll Schneller Kundigung Drohen, in The Welt (March 9, 2012)
- Davis Guggenheim, Frankie Muse Freeman, Rush - Again, in Berger's Beat (March 9, 2012)
- Vatican Seeks to Explain U.S. Money Laundering Tag, by Nicole Winfield, USA Today (March 9, 2012)
- Obama Admin List Vatican As "Potential Money-laundering Center", in Catholic Online (March 8, 2012)
March 10
- Priest Bede Walsh Jailed for 22 Years after Sex Attacks on Boys, in The Sentinel (March 10, 2012)
- Ex-priest on the Run, by David Jackson and Gary Marx, Chicago Tribune (March 10, 2012)
- "Shameless" Paedophile Staffordshire Priest Jailed for 22 Years, by Ben Hurst, Birmingham Mail (March 10, 2012)
- Priest Jailed for Sex Attacks on Children, in Oxford Times (March 10, 2012)
- Parishioners' Feedback on Antigonish Diocese Sought, in The Chronicle-Herald (March 10, 2012)
- Prosecutors Seek Trial for Finn and Diocese, by Mark Morris, Kansas City Star (March 10, 2012)
- Disgraced Pastor Says He's "Grieved", by Jane Sims, London Free Press (March 10, 2012)
- Man Sentenced to 24 Years in Prison for Sexual Assault of Boys, in Denver Post (March 10, 2012)
- The Silence of the Cloth under Siege, by Chrissie Foster, Canberra Times (March 10, 2012)
- Eindhoven Pakt Broeders Ereteken Af Wegens Ontucht, in Hartvannederland (March 10, 2012)
- Lucas Tells Pope of Young Catholics, by Christopher Burbach, The World-Herald (March 10, 2012)
- Papal Nuncio Faces Tough Visit to Diocese That Has No Bishop, by Eimear Ni Bhraonain, Irish Independent (March 10, 2012)
- Ontucht: Eindhoven Pakt Ereteken Af Van Broeders Van Liefde, by Jan de Vries, Omroep Brabant (March 10, 2012)
- Haarlemse Pastoor Schuldig Aan Seksueel Misbruik, in Haarlems Dagblad (March 10, 2012)
- CLEVELAND-AREA Catholic Churches That Won Vatican Appeals Should Reopen by Palm Sunday, Activist Says, by Michael O'Malley, Plain Dealer (March 10, 2012)
- Parishioners from Closed Catholic Churches Redefine Who They Are, by Maureen Kyle, WKYC (March 10, 2012)
- What Does It Take to Reopen Parish? Cleveland Catholics Are about to Find out, by Scott Alessi, U.S. Catholic (March 10, 2012)
- Diocese of Antigonish Asking for Help with Five Year Vision, in Cape Breton Post (March 10, 2012)
- Plaintiff Testifies Father Michael Kelly Caused Pain in Assault, by Ross Farrow, Lodi News-Sentinel (March 10, 2012)
- Letter to Bishop Brennan, Wexford Ireland, by Joey Piscitelli, Voice from the Desert (March 9, 2012)
- Fugitives from Justice: Roman Catholic Priests, by David Eads, Katie Nieland (March 11, 2012)
- Ex-Priest on the Run, by David Jackson and Gary Marx, Chicago Tribune (March 10, 2012)
- Former Wisconsin Lutheran Church Official Pleads Guilty to Child Porn Possession, by John Pilmaier, SNAP Wisconsin (March 10, 2012)
- Vatican Says It Is Complying with Anti Money Laundering Recommendations, in The Mercopress (March 10, 2012)
March 11
- Fugitive Catholic Priest Sought for Alleged Sexual Assault of Minor, by David Jackson, Gary Marx and Ritu Sarin (March 11, 2012)
- Man Suing Priest Details Alleged Abuse, by Jennie Rodriguez-Moore, The Record (March 11, 2012)
- Jackson Co. Prosecutors Want Case against Kansas City Bishop to Go to Trial, in The Republic (March 10, 2012)
- Ex-Pastor Accused in Northern Minnesota of Sex Abuse of Girl, 15, in Star Tribune (March 10, 2012)
- Speciale Dienst in De Hofkerk, in The Dichtbij (March 10, 2012)
- Cleveland: Sunday Prayer Service to Unite Church Members, in WKYC (March 10, 2012)
- A Parish Grows Amid the Abuse Scandal, by Jenna Russell, Boston Globe (March 11, 2012)
- Poland: the Church Settles Its Accounts, by Marek Lehnert, Vatican Insider (March 11, 2012)
- Number of Catholics Increases in the World, in Vatican Insider (March 5, 2012)
- Poll: Would You Return to St. James If It Reopened?, by Colin McEwen, The Patch (March 11, 2012)
- Chelmsley Wood Sex Abuse Victim Set to Sue Catholic Church after Ex Priest Alexander Bede Walsh Is Jailed, by Adam Aspinall, Sunday Mercury (March 11, 2012)
- The Bishop's Dilemma in Wake of Vatican Church-Closing Ruling: Editorial, in Plain Dealer (March 10, 2012)
- Catholics Prepare to Head Back to Closed Parishes, by Todd Meany, Fox 8 (March 11, 2012)
- Meet Timothy Cardinal Dolan, New York's Newest Comedian, by Vinnie Nauheimer, Minnesota SNAP (March 11, 2012)
- Bishop Says He Believes Abuse Allegations, in CBC News (March 11, 2012)
- Hope of Full Hearing on Child Abuse in Monash, by Tim Michell, Waverley Leader (March 12, 2012)
- " a New Reformation", by Voice from the Desert (March 12, 2012)
- Gaithersburg Catholic Priest Placed on Leave for 'Intimidating Behavior', by Michelle Boorstein, Washington Post (March 11, 2012)
- Priest Who Refused Communion to Lesbian Removed from Church, by Lou Chibbaro Jr, Washington Blade (March 11, 2012)
March 12
- Catholic Diocese to Require Child-Safety Training for All Volunteers, by Steven Spearie, State Journal-Register (March 11, 2012)
- Ex-Pastor Charged in Sex Abuse of Girl in Park Rapids, Minn., in Fox 9 (March 11, 2012)
- Warrant Issued for Former Chico Church Staff Member for Alleged Child Sex Abuse, by Ryan Olson, Chicago Enterprise-Record (March 10, 2012)
- Abuse Survivors Meet Catholic Primate, in UTV (March 12, 2012)
- Clock Ticking for Mount Cashel Victims, in VOCM (March 12, 2012)
- Seven Reasons Why Young Adults Quit Church, by Christian Piatt, The Patheos (March 11, 2012)
- Abuse Survivors to Seek Guarantee of Co-Operation on Inquiry from Cardinal, by Patsy McGarry, Irish Times (March 12, 2012)
- Weak Laws Pave Way for Child Sexual Abuse, by Michael Laforgia, The Northwestern (March 10, 2012)
- Christian Brothers Seeking Bankruptcy, in VOCM (March 10, 2012)
- Papal Nuncio's Low-Key Style Signals Change for the Church, by Eimear Ni Bhraonain, Irish Independent (March 12, 2012)
- After Two Decades Priest to Stand Trial for Alleged Molestation, by Paige Austin, The Patch (March 12, 2012)
- Cap-Pelé Residents Thank Bishop for Abuse Apology, in CBC News (March 12, 2012)
- Colombie: Un Prêtre Pédophile Condamné, in Le Figaro (March 3, 2012)
- Condenan a Sacerdote Colombiano Por Abuso Sexual De Cuatro Menores, in El Tiempo (March 2, 2012)
- Condenan a 33 Años De Cárcel a Sacerdote Que Abusó De Cuatro Niños En Cali, on Radio Santa Fe (March 3, 2012)
- Le National Refuse De Lever Le Secret De LA Confession Pour Les Abus Sexuels Sur Mineurs, in The Arcinfo (March 7, 2012)
- Childproof 25: Part I — Cardinal Dolan and the Next Generation Response to Sexual Molestation by Clergymen, in Child's Face (March 12, 2012)
- What Is Hidden, in Michael Divinney (March 12, 2012)
- U.s.: Priest Who Refused Communion to Lesbian Suspended, by Mauro Pianta, Vatican Insider (March 12, 2012)
- Vatican Website Hacked for a 2nd Time in Several Days, on CTV (March 12, 2012)
- Rome- Hacker Gang Anonymous Targets Vatican Again, on AGI (March 12, 2012)
- Mo. Prosecutor Want Bishop's Case to Go to Trial, on KMBC (March 12, 2012)
- Hackers Attack Vatican Website 2nd Time in Days, in Fox News (March 12, 2012)
- Former Orange County Priest Denis Lyons Facing Criminal Trial, by Jeff Anderson, Jeff Anderson & Associates (March 12, 2012)
- Cleveland Parishes Await Lennon's Response, by Brian Roewe, National Catholic Reporter (March 12, 2012)
- Suspending Fr. Guarnizo, by Michael Sean, National Catholic Reporter (March 12, 2012)
- Lawyers Move for Finn Case to Proceed, and David Clohessy's Deposition Released, by William D. Lindsey, The Bilgrimage (March 12, 2012)
- LDS Bishop Accepts Plea Deal for Failure to Report Abuse, by Jim Dalrymple, Daily Herald (March 12, 2012)
- Jim Mellett: Vatican Cover-ups Unfairly Tarnish Decent Priests and Nuns, by Jim Mellett, The News-Times (March 12, 2012)
March 13
- Cassatie Stelt Arrest Rond Operatie Kelk Uit, in De Standaard (March 13, 2012)
- Cap-Pelé Removes Ex-Priest's Name from Arena, in CBC News (March 13, 2012)
- Priest Sex Abuse Victims Dispute Judge's Observations, by Angelica Duria, Fox 6 (March 13, 2012)
- Note, by Kathy Shaw, in Abuse Tracker (March 13, 2012)
- Cardinal Law, by Father Rocky Hoffman, Catholic News Agency (March 13, 2012)
- Catholic Church Decides It Doesn't Need 'Altar Boy' Lawyers, Advocate Says; Victims Group Subpoenaed, by Debra Cassens Weiss, American Bar Association Journal (March 13, 2012)
- Werkgroep Mensenrechten in De Kerk Reageert Op Uitspraak Van Mieke Van Hecke, in The Knack (March 13, 2012)
- Cleveland Bishop Still Waiting for Word from Vatican, by Colette M. Jenkins, Akron Beacon Journal (March 13, 2012)
- Sex Offenders from Milwaukee Archdiocese Pose Child Safety Concerns, Say State and National Experts, in SNAP Wisconsin (March 13, 2012)
- Former Priest and Governor Arrested, in Bexhill-on-Sea Observer (March 13, 2012)
- Church Puts Legal Pressure on Abuse Victims' Group, by Laurie Goodstein, New York Times (March 12, 2012)
- Media Release, in National Survivor Advocates Coalition (March 13, 2012)
- Priest Facing Suspension - 18 Years Later, by John P. Martin, Philadelphia Inquirer (March 13, 2012)
- ARCHBISHOP Removes Delaware County Parish Priest over Concerns about His "Suitability", by David O'Reilly, Philadelphia Inquirer (March 13, 2012)
- Archdiocese of Philadelphia Can't Seem to Get Enough Controversy, by Tim Ronaldson, The Rittenhoused (March 13, 2012)
- Archdiocese: Pastor's Situation Being Examined, by Leslie Truluck, The Patch (March 13, 2012)
- Delco Priest Put on Leave, Diocese Says It Has Nothing to Do with Contact with Minors, by Shannon McDonald, The Newsworks (March 13, 2012)
- Philly-area Priest Ousted, No Child Sex Alleged, in Daily Local News (March 13, 2012)
- Pastor at St. Francis of Assisi in Springfield Is Placed on Leave, by Patti Mengers, Delaware County News Network (March 13, 2012)
- Fired Cfo of Philadelphia Archdiocese Charged in $900k Theft; Investigators Recoup $150k, in Washington Post (March 13, 2012)
- Judge: Confession, Warrant Admissible, by Anelia K. Dimitrova, Waverly Newspapers (March 13, 2012)
- Church Puts Legal Pressure on Abuse Victims' Group, in Another Old Woman (March 13, 2012)
- Catholic Church Files Case against Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests, in Ms. Magazine (March 13, 2012)
- Priest's Name Struck from Village Arena Following Sexual Abuse Allegations, by Richard J. Brennan, Toronto Star (March 13, 2012)
- "Eerst Moeten De Daders Vergiffenis Vragen", in Het Nieuwsblad (March 13, 2012)
- Haiti Sex Abuse Case Brings Freeport Subpoena, by David Harry, The Forecaster (March 13, 2012)
- Catholic Church Going after Those Meanie Victims of Rape and Abuse, in The Hotspyer (March 13, 2012)
- Hmh, P.a. Gains First Amendment Victory, by Arick Fudali, Herman Law (March 12, 2012)
- Catholic Bishops Still Morally Challenged in Sex Abuse Cases Statement of Now President Terry O'neill, in Young Feminists (March 13, 2012)
- SNAP Comes Undone, in Catholic League (March 13, 2012)
- Scandal Rocks Church, by Shannon Beck, Rolla Daily News (March 13, 2012)
- Leo Brown: Setting the Record Straight about the Catholic Priest Abuse Scandal, in KY Forward (March 13, 2012)
- Letter: Diocese Outlines Abuse Case Rules, by Kenneth Doyle, Albany Times Union (March 13, 2012)
- Removed Catholic Priest under Investigation, by Pamela Lehman and Matt Assad, Of The Morning Call (March 13, 2012)
- Bill Donohue: It's 'a Lot Less Expensive' to Fight Victims of Pedophile Priests, by Adam Peck, Think Progress (March 13, 2012)
- Barrington Woman Charged in Thefts from Phila. Archdiocese, by Jim Walsh, Courier-Post (March 13, 2012)
- Archdiocese's Statement on Embezzlement, in The Mercury (March 13, 2012)
- Ex-church Officer Surrenders, Accused of Stealing $900k, by Dave Warner, Chicago Tribune (March 13, 2012)
- Funny Anonymous Pedo-apologist Oc Catholic Rant of the Day!, by Gustavo Arellano, Orange County Weekly (March 13, 2012)
- Saint Margaret Mary Church Parishioners in South Euclid "Thank God" for Re-opening Announcement, by Jeff Piorkowski, The Plain Dealer (March 13, 2012)
- Letztes Lebenszeichen Der Todesstrafe Bei Mord Mit Sexuellem Missbrauch, in NZZ (March 12, 2012)
- DA Investigating Relationship Involving Removed Priest, by Will Lewis, WFMZ (March 13, 2012)
- SNAP Denounces Church Officials" Legal Hardball, by Becky Plumly, SNAP (March 13, 2012)
- Woman Assaulted by Priest Wins Court Ruling, SNAP Responds, by Barbara Dorris, SNAP (March 13, 2012)
March 14
- Retired Priest Bailed over Child Abuse Claims, in Crawley News (March 14, 2012)
- Priest Accused of Abuse Dies, in Irish Independent (March 14, 2012)
- Jeb Barrett: Catholic Church Playing Hardball, by Jeb Barrett, Daily Camera (March 14, 2012)
- German Church Dialogue Mulled, in Catholic Sentinel (March 13, 2012)
- N.Y. Archbishop Fights Child Abuse Legislation, by Dan Margolis, People's World (March 13, 2012)
- Fundamentalist Mormon Church Inundates Local Counties with Mailings, by Carolyn Lange, West Central Tribune (March 14, 2012)
- Three Czechs Tell Pope They Disapprove of Church Property Return, in Prague Daily Monitor (March 14, 2012)
- Dolan Calls Child Victims Act " Unjust" to Church, by Celeste Katz, New York Daily News (March 12, 2012)
- Cardinal Turns Other Cheek on Snub by Irish-American Lawmakers, by Ken Lovett, New York Daily News (March 12, 2012)
- Timothy Cardinal Dolan Meets with Governor Cuomo, by Taryn Fitsik, News 10 (March 13, 2012)
- Roger Vangheluwe, in De Morgen (March 13, 2012)
- Meldpunt Seksueel Misbruik Rkk, in Meldpunt Seksueel Misbruik Rkk (March 14, 2012)
- Action against Priest in Memo, by John P. Martin, Philadelphia Inquirer (March 14, 2012)
- SNAP Says Alleged Offenders Pose Public Safety Issue, by Laura Rodriguez, CBS 58 (March 13, 2012)
- Victims' Group Calls for Investigation of Unidentified Sex Offenders, in WISN (March 13, 2012)
- Wcasa Statement on Developments in Milwaukee Child Sex Assault Cases, in SNAP Wisconsin (March 14, 2012)
- 'Namen " Foute" Geestelijken Moeten Uit Straatbeeld', in Een Vandaag (March 13, 2012)
- NY Times Misleads Readers, Carries Water for SNAP, by Dave Pierre, Media Report (March 13, 2012)
- Hurting Victims' Advocates, in New York Times (March 13, 2012)
- SNAP President Barbara Blaine Asks You to Sign a Petition to Cardinal Timothy Dolan to Stop His Legal Bullying, in Voice from the Desert (March 14, 2012)
- The Monitor | SNAP and the Bishops: Shooting the Messenger | March 13, 2012, in Voice from the Desert (March 13, 2012)
- How Much Money Has the Church Got?, by Milena Kindziuk, Sunday Catholic Weekly (March 14, 2012)
- New Brunswick Priest's Name Stripped from Arena after Moncton Archdiocese Admits Abuses, by Sarah Boesveld, National Post (March 14, 2012)
- Parishioners React to Priest's Involvement in Abortion, by Dwayne Parker, WFMZ (March 14, 2012)
- Defense Lawyers Question Former Altar Boy's Allegations, by Ross Farrow, Lodi News-Sentinel (March 14, 2012)
- Vatican Scandal: Catholic Priest Abuses Indigenous Children in Alaska, in The Vimeo (June 29, 2011)
- Tentatively Turning a Corner, by Garry O'Sullivan, Irish Catholic (March 15, 2012)
- SNAP Pushes for Public Knowledge of Clergy Accused of Sex Abuse, in WTMJ (March 14, 2012)
- Priest-Abuse Advocacy Group under Legal Pressure in Church Suits, in Chronicle of Philanthropy (March 14, 2012)
- Bishops Should Only Hire Tough Lawyers, in Catholic League (March 14, 2012)
- USCCB and Bully Bill Getting Bad Press Re: Attempt to Break SNAP, by William D. Lindsey, The Bilgrimage (March 14, 2012)
- NY Times Reports on David Clohessy's Deposition, Bill Donohue Speaks of Bishops' Role in Bullying SNAP, by William D. Lindsey, The Bilgrimage (March 14, 2012)
- The Hierarchy Re-Abuses the Sex Abuse Victims, by Andrew Sullivan, Daily Beast - the Dish (March 13, 2012)
- Clark Co. Teacher Aide Arrested on Sex Charges, by Collette Wieland, KGW (March 14, 2012)
- King's Way Coach Appears on Sex Allegations, by Laura McVicker, The Columbian (March 14, 2012)
- King's Way Christian: Female Employee Fired after Allegations, by Carla Castaño, KION (March 14, 2012)
- Vancouver School Worker Accused of Sexual Relationship with Student, in KPTV (March 14, 2012)
- Clark County Deputies Arrest King's Way Christian School Employee on Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with a Student, by Kate Mather, The Oregonian (March 13, 2012)
- Snap, the Bishops and a Lesson in Ecclesiology, by Thomas P. Doyle, National Catholic Reporter (March 14, 2012)
- Bill Donahue's Catholic League Rapist Fr. Mcguire-Member # 60201, by Joey Piscitelli, The Alternet (March 13, 2012)
- " I Listen . . .", in Faith Trust Institute (March 13, 2012)
- Anonymous Hacker Torments Vatican in 2nd Site Attack: 'Luther Once Nailed 95 Theses to the Door', by Jacob Kleinman, International Business Times (March 13, 2012)
- Benedict Refuses to Meet Italian Victims of Jp2 Army John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army but Meets with Rare Cuban Crocodile, in Benedict XVI Ratzinger: God's Rottweiler (March 14, 2012)
- Vatican's Ruling about Closed Parishes Reaches Cleveland Bishop, by Colette M. Jenkins, Akron Beacon Journal (March 14, 2012)
- Bishop Lennon Says Diocese Has Received Vatican Decrees, by Dan Jovic, Fox 8 (March 14, 2012)
- Church 'Won't Hide Away' from Sex Abuse Inquiry, by Barney Zwartz, The Age (March 15, 2012)
- Prof. Oldenhuis: Rk-Kerk Draait Slachtoffers Misbruik Een Rad Voor Ogen, in Reformatorisch Dagblad (March 15, 2012)
- Priester Postuum Uit Ambt Gezet, in Het Goede Leven (March 14, 2012)
- Actions Speak Louder Than Words:, by Randy Ellison, Boys Don't Tell (March 13, 2012)
- Molestation Hearing for Former Woodland Priest Delayed until April, by Katherine Jarvis, Daily Democrat (March 14, 2012)
- Doyle to Remain Suspended from 'Public Ministry', in Fulton Sun (March 14, 2012)
March 15
- Plenty of Support for Accused Local Priest, by Rosa Salter Rodriguez, Journal Gazette (March 15, 2012)
- Lockeford Priest's Attorneys Focus on Dates, by Ross Farrow, The News-Sentinel (March 15, 2012)
- Clerical Abusers and the First Amendment, in New York Times (March 14, 2012)
- Defense Questions Plaintiff about Inconsistencies in Clergy Abuse Trial, by Ross Farrow, The News-Sentinel (March 15, 2012)
- Bishop Lennon Receives Vatican Decrees Regarding Closed Churches, in WKYC (March 15, 2012)
- CLEVELAND Catholic Diocese Receives Official Decrees from Vatican on Church Appeals, by Michael O'Malley, Plain Dealer (March 15, 2012)
- Bishop Lennon Receives Vatican Decrees, in WTAM (March 15, 2012)
- The Usual Suspects: NY Times, Dissident Priest Support Anti-catholic SNAP with Falsehoods, Attacks on Church, by Dave Pierre, Media Report (March 15, 2012)
- Child Welfare Group Pushes for Enforcement of Anti-child Porn Law, by Ina Alleco R. Silverio, The Bulatlat (March 15, 2012)
- Mormon Bishop Takes Deal in Failure to Report Child Abuse Case, by Aaron Falk, Salt Lake Tribune (March 15, 2012)
- Update: Fr. Brendan Doyle Suspended from Public Ministry, by Emily Allen, KOMU (March 15, 2012)
- Catholics Fight Church's Victims - Again, by Paul Canning, Care2 (March 15, 2012)
- Catholic Church Tired of Being "Whipping Boy" for That Whole Molesting Kids Thing, by Kaili Joy Gray, Daily Kos (March 15, 2012)
- Calls for Governmment Reparation for Magdalene Laundries Survivors, in The Journal (March 15, 2012)
- Common Sense Should Be Applied in Supervision on Sex Abuser Claims, by Mike Hayes, Googling God (March 15, 2012)
- Other Pontifical Acts, in Vatican Information Service (March 15, 2012)
- Wexford Saddened by Death of Fr. Sweetman, in Wexford People (March 14, 2012)
- Roman Catholic Church Attacks Sex Abuse Victims, in The Triablogue (March 15, 2012)
- Commission Wraps up Two-day Stop in Port Alberni with Aim of Healing Survivors, by Julia Caranci, Canada.com (March 15, 2012)
- Truth Can Bring Healing, by Alberni Valley, Times Colonist (March 15, 2012)
- Obama Admin Versus Vatican Bank. USA Government Lists Vatican As "Potential Money-laundering Center", by Paris Arrow, Pope Crimes & Vatican Evils... (March 15, 2012)
- New Child Sex Suit Filed Vs. Catholic Institution, by David Clohessy, SNAP (March 15, 2012)
- The Lower Depths, in Hunter at Random (March 15, 2012)
- Cleveland Diocese Gets Official Vatican Ruling: Reopen 13 Churches, in Columbus Dispatch (March 15, 2012)
- Former Parishioners of Saint Patrick Church in Cleveland to Hold Prayer Service Saturday, by Ken Prendergast, Plain Dealer (March 15, 2012)
- Cleveland Bishop to Mull Parish Reopenings While Celebrations Go Ahead, by Brian Roewe, National Catholic Reporter (March 15, 2012)
- Closed Churches Play the Waiting Game after Vatican Decision, by Erich Burnett, Cleveland Scene (March 15, 2012)
- Lawsuit: U.S. Pastor Runs Anti-gay Effort in Uganda, in USA Today (March 15, 2012)
- Uganda Group Sues U.S. Evangelist for Death Penalty Bill for Gays, by Larry Mcshane, New York Daily News (March 15, 2012)
- Gerald Funcheon: a Missing Priest Appears :., by Joelle Casteix, Worthy Adversary (March 14, 2012)
- Rick Santorum and the Politicization of Religion, by Steve Klingaman, Open Salon (March 15, 2012)
- Ugandan Group Sues Anti-gay Pastor in US, by David Smith, The Guardian (March 15, 2012)
- Ugandan Gay Rights Group Sues U.S. Evangelist, by Laurie Goodstein, New York Times (March 14, 2012)
- Uganda: Evangelist Sued in U.S. for Inciting Anti-gay Hatred, by Charundi Panagoda and Jim Lobe, The allAfrica (March 14, 2012)
- New York's Child Victims Act: What You Need to Know, by Victoria Bekiempis, Village Voice (March 15, 2012)
- Polens Bischofe Wollen Entschiedener Gegen Missbrauch Vorgehen, in kipa apic (March 15, 2012)
- Verurteiler Priester Zelebriert Messen, in SR Online (March 15, 2012)
- Ex-tater Als Seelsorger Eingesetzt, in Volksfreund (March 15, 2012)
- Kommentar Von Dr. Thomas Schnitzler, in Miss BiT (March 15, 2012)
- Missbrauchs-priester: Rheinboller Fuhlen Sich Nicht Ausreichend Informiert, in Rhein Zeitung (March 15, 2012)
- Bijzonder Hoogleraar Rug Haalt Uit Naar Rk-kerk, in RKnieuws (March 15, 2012)
- The Celtic Diablo: Reverend Brendan Smyth O.prae, in Patrick J. Wall (March 15, 2012)
- Sussex Abuse Probe Priest Remained School Governor, on BBC News (March 15, 2012)
- CLEVELAND Bishop Has 60 Days to Appeal Church Closures, by Michael O'malley, Washington Post (March 15, 2012)
- Former Sacramento Coach Faces New Civil Suit, by Sam Cohen, Fox 40 (March 15, 2012)
- Judge Rules against Archdiocese in St. Stanislaus Case, by Joseph Kenny, St. Louis Review (March 15, 2012)
- Kapellari Fears Clerical Split, in Austrian Independent (March 16, 2012)
- Father Guarnizo Takes on Cardinal Wuerl, by Michael Sean Winters, National Catholic Reporter (March 15, 2012)
- Gaithersburg Priest Defends Decision to Deny Lesbian Communion, by Michelle Boorstein, Washington Post (March 15, 2012)
- The Betrayal of Father Guarnizo, by Phil Lawler, Catholic Culture (March 15, 2012)
- Former Parishioners of Saint Patrick Church in Cleveland to Hold Prayer Service Saturday, by Ken Prendergast, Plain Dealer (March 15, 2012)
- Victims Object to Pedophile Priest's Burial in Full Vestments, by Annysa Johnson, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (March 15, 2012)
- Defending SNAP, by Dennis Coday, National Catholic Reporter (March 15, 2012)
March 16
- Victims of Abuse Tell Their Stories to Truth and Reconciliation Commission in Duncan, by Judith Lavoie, Vancouver Sun (March 16, 2012)
- Monsignor Takes Stand during Trial of Priest, by Bee News Services, Modesto Bee (March 15, 2012)
- Former Winona Priest Accused of Sexual Abuse Barred from All Diocese Parishes and Schools, in Winona Daily News (March 16, 2012)
- Desperate Catholic Church Targets Victims of Pedophile Priests, by Bridgette P. LaVictoire, Lez Get Real (March 16, 2012)
- Verbal Jousting Monopolizes Father Michael Kelly Trial, by Katie Nelson, Lodi News-Sentinel (March 16, 2012)
- Diocese of Montana and Ursuline Sisters Lawsuit, by Kristin Price, Beartooth NBC (March 15, 2012)
- Church Organist Nigel Parkin Cleared of Most Serious Offences, in Somerset County Gazette (March 16, 2012)
- St. Marys Name Restored, by Ron Vidika, Morning Journal (March 16, 2012)
- Church Members Want Their Parishes Restored, in WTAM (March 16, 2012)
- Parishioners Urge Bishop Richard Lennon to Quickly Reopen Closed Catholic Churches in Greater Cleveland, by Pat Galbincea, Plain Dealer (March 16, 2012)
- Churches Ask Bishop to Comply with Vatican Decree, by Deb Lee, newsnet5 (March 16, 2012)
- "It Was Never a School - It Was a Jail", by Judith Lavoie, Times Colonist (March 16, 2012)
- Residential School Testimony Continues in Cowichan Valley, on YouTube (March 16, 2012)
- Vatican Diary / Resignation of the Pope. Theory and Practice, in The Chiesa (March 16, 2012)
- Sacto 911: Civil Lawsuit Filed against Christian Brothers High, Former Coach, by Cathy Locke, Modesto Bee (March 15, 2012)
- CA Cogic Lawsuit Alleges Unusual Sex Demands by Pastor, in Gay Christian Movement Watch (March 16, 2012)
- Bishops "Helped Sway" Komen to Anti-planned Parenthood Policy, in Daily Kos (March 16, 2012)
- Catholic Bishops Pressured Komen over Planned Parenthood, by David Morgan, Reuters (March 15, 2012)
- Reform Advocate Says Catholic Church "Eroding," Calls for Changes, by Victoria Macchi, Naples Daily News (March 15, 2012)
- Archdiocese Honors Pedophile Priest with Full Burial Tribute, in SNAP Wisconsin (March 16, 2012)
- "Roaming Catholic" Good with Verdict on St. Stanislaus Church, by John Hoffmann, The Patch (March 16, 2012)
- Former Winona Priest Accused of Assaulting Boys Barred from Diocese, in The Republic (March 16, 2012)
- Globe Columnist Brian Mcgrory Wins Journalism Award; Recognized for Helping Late Priest Clear His Name and 'cutting to the Core of Mitt Romney', by Colin A. Young, Boston Globe (March 16, 2012)
- Accused Fort Wayne Priest Receives Online Support, in NECN (March 16, 2012)
- Pope Benedict Expected to Address Eucharistic Congress at Croke Park, Dublin, by Antoinette Kelly, Irish Centra (March 16, 2012)
- Why Are SNAP Files Secret in the First Place?, by Kay Ebeling, City of Angels (March 16, 2012)
- "Gay Mafia" in Polish Church, Claims Controversial Priest, in The News (March 16, 2012)
- When the Jurist Loses Prudence, Goliath Hammers David, by Vinnie Nauheimer, Minnesota SNAP (March 16, 2012)
- Verdachtigter Pater Verlasst DAS Stift Kremsmunster, in The Nachrichten (March 16, 2012)
- Priester Soll Minderjahrige Missbraucht Haben, in SWR (March 16, 2012)
- Putting the "bully" in the Religious Bully Pulpit, by Joelle Casteix, Worthy Adversary (March 15, 2012)
- Catholic Church Takes SNAP to Court over E-mail Records, in Republic of Gilead (March 16, 2012)
- Vatican Opens Rare Criminal Probe into Leaks, by Philip Pullella, Reuters (March 16, 2012)
- Mgr. Becciu Announces Full Scale Inquiry into Disloyal Poison-pen Letter Writers, in Vatican Insider (March 16, 2012)
- Vati-leaks. No Enquiry to Find the 'poison-pen Writers', by Marco Tosatti, Vatican Insider (March 16, 2012)
- SNAP Milwaukee Letter to Archbishop Listecki on the Burial Honors Given to Pedophile Priest, in SNAP Wisconsin (March 16, 2012)
- $2 Billion and Counting, by Frank Dingle, Minnesota SNAP (March 16, 2012)
- Why Did Priest Stay As Chair of Governors Despite Police Arrest?, in Eastbourne Herald (March 16, 2012)
- Bishop Urges Change in "Church Teaching Concerning All Sexual Relationships", by Jerry Filteau, National Catholic Reporter (March 16, 2012)
- Pastor Sentenced for Sex with Teen, by Maggie Avants, The Patch (March 16, 2012)
- Geen Strafrechtelijk Onderzoek Bisdom Rotterdam, in RTV Rijnmond (March 16, 2012)
- Oud-ravensteiner Zoekt Slachtoffers Seksueel Misbruik Rector Verhoof, in The Arena (March 16, 2012)
- Church's Lawyers Have SNAP in Their Sights, by Kathryn Joyce, Religion Dispatches (March 16, 2012)
March 17
- Faithful Become Slow to Confess, in The News-Press (March 17, 2012)
- Group Slams Accused Priest's Burial in Vestments, by Annysa Johnson, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (March 16, 2012)
- Correction: Uganda Gay Rights Lawsuit Story, in San Luis Obispo Tribune (March 16, 2012)
- Forced Castrations Reportedly Found in Roman Catholic Care, on Radio Netherlands (March 16, 2012)
- Archdiocese Suspends Top Attorney, by John P. Martin, Philadelphia Inquirer (March 17, 2012)
- Boulder Hill Man Faces New Sexual Abuse Charges, by Andre Salles, The Patch (March 17, 2012)
- Religion a Key Issue As Illinois Republicans Go to Polls, by Manya A. Brachear, Chicago Tribune (March 18, 2012)
- Jongens Binnen R.-k. Kerk Gecastreerd Wegens Homoseksueel Gedrag, by Joep Dohmen, NRC Handelsblad (March 17, 2012)
- Cleveland Catholic Diocese Kicks off Annual Fundraising Campaign, in WOIO (March 17, 2012)
- Vatican: Lorain Church Can Retain Name, by Brad Dicken, The Chronicle-Telegram (March 17, 2012)
- Christian Priest Wanted by Interpol Arrested in Tamil Nadu, in Deccan Herald (March 17, 2012)
- Retired Prelate Returns to Where He Got His Start, in Albany Times Union (March 17, 2012)
- Gedwongen Castratie Rk-misbruikslachtoffers, on Radio Nederland (March 17, 2012)
- 'Kerk Castreerde Jongens Om Homoseksuele Gevoelens', in RTL (March 17, 2012)
- Parlementair Onderzoek Dichterbij Na Onthulling Castraties Binnen Kerk, by Joep Dohmen, Nrc Handelsblad (March 17, 2012)
- 'In Veghel Werden Jongens Gecastreerd', in ED (March 17, 2012)
- Eucharist Feeds " Dysfunction, Disconnection, Elitism...narcissism" of Benedict Xvi Therefore, Ireland Must Not " Invite" Pope to Eucharistic Congress, by Paris Arrow, Pope Crimes & Vatican Evils... (March 17, 2012)
- 'Weeskinderen Gecastreerd in Rk-Internaat', in Dagblad Noorden (March 17, 2012)
- 'Eijk Draait Slachtoffers Misbruik Rad Voor Ogen', in The Trouw (March 17, 2012)
- 'Kerk Castreerde Misbruikte Jongen', in Omroep Gelderland (March 17, 2012)
- Stockton Diocese Officials Testify; Father Michael Kelly May Take the Stand Tuesday, by Ross Farrow, Lodi News-Sentinel (March 17, 2012)
- Victims Call for Catholic Castration Inquiry, on Radio Netherlands (March 17, 2012)
- Niederländische Kirche Ließ Offenbar Jungen Kastrieren, in Financial Times (March 17, 2012)
- Der Vatikan Sucht Den Verräter, in Nzz SCHWEIZ (March 17, 2012)
- Tn Cops Arrest Priest Charged with Minor's Rape in US, in Hindustan Times (March 17, 2012)
- Fugitive Catholic Priest Arrested in Tamil Nadu, in Twocircles (March 17, 2012)
- Child Abuse: Christian Priest Wanted by Interpol Arrested, in Asian Age (March 17, 2012)
- Defiant St. Louis Church Wins Archdiocese Suit, by Malcolm Gay, New York Times (March 17, 2012)
- Court Sides with St. Stanislaus in Dispute with Archdiocese, by Tim Townsend, St. Louis Post-Dispatch (March 16, 2012)
- St. Stanislaus ruling stirs hot debate; Carlson vows fight to Supreme Court, by Tim Townsend, St. Louis Post-Dispatch (March 17, 2012)
- Judge Settles Nasty Church Spat, by Joe Harris, Courthouse News Service (March 16, 2012)
- A Lost Son, by Michael Clancy, Arizona Republic (March 17, 2012)
- Priest, Facing Sexual Abuse Charges, Taken to Delhi, in Times of India (March 17, 2012)
- Question for Catholic Centrists: How Will You Address Your Role in Alienation of Catholics from Church, by William D. Lindsey, The Bilgrimage (March 17, 2012)
- Ark. Woman's Lawsuit against Diocese to Continue, in San Antonio Express-News (March 17, 2012)
- Vatican Overturns Closures of Ethnic Churches in Cleveland, by Ralph Vartabedian, Myrtle Beach Sun (March 17, 2012)
March 18
- Parlementair Onderzoek Dichterbij Na Onthulling Castraties Binnen Kerk, by Joep Dohmen, Nrc Handelsblad (March 17, 2012)
- St. Patrick's Day Hit with Lucky Bit O' Weather WITH VIDEO, by Rachel Jackson, The News-Herald (March 17, 2012)
- Archdiocese Removes Priest from Ministry Due to Report of Sexual Assault of a Minor, by John Pilmaier, SNAP Wisconsin (March 17, 2012)
- Ex-Austin Temple Member Who Accused Swami in Sex Case Emerges from Shadows, by Eric Dexheimer, The American-Statesman (March 17, 2012)
- Perfumed Pontiff Validation of Ratzingers Delusionary History?, by Joey Piscitelli, The Alternet (March 17, 2012)
- Misconduct Leads to Pastor's Resignation, by Paul Tennant, The Eagle-Tribune (March 18, 2012)
- Fugitive Priest Arrested in Tamil Nadu, in Msn News (March 18, 2012)
- Priest Accused in Minnesota Rapes Is Arrested in India, by Kevin Giles, Star Tribune (March 18, 2012)
- Midland Man Held on a Charge of Sexual Assault of a Child, in Midland Reporter-Telegram (March 17, 2012)
- 'Meer Seksueel Misbruik Door Fraters Van Leo-Gesticht in Borculo', in De Gelderlander (March 18, 2012)
- Call for Australian Government Apology over Adoptions, by Ann Marie Foley, Cinews (March 5, 2012)
- New Apology Call, by Paul Dobbyn, Catholic Leader (March 11, 2012)
- Vatican Reversal of Cleveland Church Closings Getting National Attention, by Michael O'Malley, Plain Dealer (March 18, 2012)
- Irish Movement Visiting Rome Presses Government to Re-Open Embassy to the Holy See, by Gerard O'Connell, Vatican Insider (March 18, 2012)
- When the Jurist Loses Prudence, Goliath Hammers David, by Vinnie Nauheimer, Minnesota SNAP (March 19, 2012)
- Katholischer Missbrauchsbeauftragter Schont Pädophile, by Bischof Ackermann, The Spiegel (March 18, 2012)
- Missbrauchsbeauftragter Beschäftigt Pädophile Priester, in The Sueddeutsche (March 18, 2012)
- Schwere Vorwürfe Gegen Früheren Dechanten, in Saarbrucker Zeitung (March 17, 2012)
- Pope Sets up Criminal Investigation into Vatican Leaks, by Nick Squires, The Telegraph (March 18, 2012)
- Pope to Take on Drug Cartels, in Courier Mail (March 18, 2012)
- Full Text: Holy See Press Office Statement on Cooperation with European Financial Authorities, on Vatican Radio (March 18, 2012)
- Mn Priest Accused of Sexual Assault Jailed in India, in WCCO (March 18, 2012)
- Pedofilia, Rete L'Abuso in Protesta Silenziosa Alla Processione Di Savona, in IVG (March 18, 2012)
- Cardinal Dolan Is Not the Prince of New Yorkall Roads No Longer Lead to Rome, by Paris Arrow, Pope Crimes & Vatican Evils...benedict XVI Ratzinger Crimes against Humanity at the Hague (March 18, 2012)
- A Passionate Persona Forged in a Brutal Defeat, by Katharine Q. Seelye, New York Times (March 16, 2012)
- Minnesota Woman Relieved Greenbush Priest She Says Sexually Attacked Her at 14 Arrested in India, by Stephen J. Lee, Grand Forks Herald (March 18, 2012)
- Geschokte Reacties Op Castratie, in NOS (March 17, 2012)
- Kamer Wil Opnieuw Praten over Misbruik Kerk, inn Destem (March 17, 2012)
- Interpol Arrests Priest Accused in Mn Sex Assault in India, in Fox 9 (March 18, 2012)
March 19
- Priest Accused of Abuse Arrested, by Babu Thomas, Christian Today (March 19, 2012)
- Archdiocese Asserts Privilege against Subpoena in Priest Sex-Abuse Case, by Amaris Elliott-Engel, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (March 19, 2012)
- Waukesha Priest Put on Leave after Sexual Assault Allegation, by Meg Jones, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (March 18, 2012)
- Fugitive Catholic Priest Arrested in India, by Bridgette P. Lavictoire, Lez Get Real (March 18, 2012)
- Catholic Church Now Trying to Silence Victims' Support Group, in The Star-Ledger (March 19, 2012)
- 'Inspectie Wist Van Castraties in Jaren '50', in De Telegraaf (March 19, 2012)
- Dutch Health Inspectorate Knew about 1950s Forced Castrations, on Radio Netherlands (March 19, 2012)
- Meer Castratiegevallen in Sint Josephziekenhuis in Veghel, in Omroep Brabant (March 19, 2012)
- Horrorkloster Kremsmünster, by Emil Bobi, The Profil (March 19, 2012)
- Kremsmünster - vernichtungslager Für Kinderseelen", in The Nachrichten (March 19, 2012)
- Klagen Wegen Sexueller Belästigung: Jesuiten in Den USA Gehen Bankrott, in Berner Zeitung (March 18, 2012)
- Sängerkrieg: Pfarrer Entlässt Kirchenchor, in The Idea (March 18, 2012)
- Statue at Palisades Park Church Vandalized, by Justo Bautista, The Record (March 18, 2012)
- Kamer Wil Debat Castraties Rk-Kerk, in Depers (March 18, 2012)
- Wanted Priest Arrested in India, in Praetoria News (March 19, 2012)
- Nun Charged over 40 Year Baby Kidnapping Scandal, in Herald Sun (March 17, 2012)
- España: Una Monja Denunciada Por El Robo De Bebés, in Apporea (March 18, 2012)
- Monja Acusada Por Detención Ilegal Por El Caso De Los Niños Robados, in RTVE (March 16, 2012)
- LA Fiscalía Vuelve a Denunciar a LA Monja Sor María Gómez Valvuena Por El Robo De Niños, by MarÍa JosÉ Esteso Poves, LA Republica (March 16, 2012)
- Prosecutors Charge Catholic Nun in Alleged Stolen Baby Scheme at Madrid Hospitals, by Leon Watson, Daily Mail (March 17, 2012)
- Waukesha Co. Priest on Leave, under Investigation, in Sheboygan Press (March 19, 2012)
- Vatican Announces Investigations into Document Leaks, by Cindy Wooden, Catholic News Service (March 19, 2012)
- Sussex Churchgoers Urged to Be on Lookout for Abuse, in The Argus (March 19, 2012)
- inspectie Wist Van Castraties in Jaren '50", in Reformatorisch Dagblad (March 19, 2012)
- Nederlandse Homoseksuele Kinderen Werden Gecastreerd, in The Vandaag (March 19, 2012)
- Joep Dohmen: 'Jongen in De Jaren '50 Gecastreerd in Veghel', in Den Bosch Dichtbij (March 19, 2012)
- Inspectie Wist Van Castratie Zwakzinnigen, in Powned (March 19, 2012)
- Missbrauchsopfer Bitten Kirche Zur Kasse - Mehr Als 50 Anträge, in Usinger Anzeiger (March 19, 2012)
- Missbrauch: Neue Klage Gegen DAS Kloster Mehrerau, in Die Presse (March 19, 2012)
- The Bishops Get Tough, in The Doggerelo (March 19, 2012)
- Sex-Abuse Suit against Archdiocese Rejected by Top Court, by Bob Drummond, The Bloomberg (March 19, 2012)
- Ministry of Finance Soon to Come. the Vatican Gets Its Act Together, by Giacomo Galeazzi, Vatican Insider (March 19, 2012)
- The First Person Indicted in Spain's Huge Baby-Snatching Investigation Is an 80-Year-Old Nun, in Business Insider (March 17, 2012)
- Nun Accused of Baby Snatching, in Irish Times (March 17, 2012)
- Reminder to Former Indian Residential School Students That the Independent Assessment Process Application Deadline Is September 19, 2012, in Market Watch (March 19, 2012)
- Catholic Church Reportedly Castrated Young Boys to "Cure" Their Homosexuality, by Jonathan Higbee, Instinct Magazine (March 19, 2012)
- St. Scholastica Catholic Church Pastor Gerald Riva Resigns, by Dave Heitz, MySuburbanLife (March 19, 2012)
- Anonymous Attack Vatican Website and Its "Paedophile Conspiracy of Silence", by Gianluca Mezzofiore, International Business Times (March 19, 2012)
- Vatican Bank Account Closed at JP Morgan, Image May Be Hurt, by Philip Pullella and Lisa Jucca, Huffington Post (March 19, 2012)
- 9th Circuit Affirms Dismissal of Late Abuse Claim against Oregon Archdiocese, in Thomson Reuters News & Insight (March 19, 2012)
- Supreme Court Refuses Church-state Case Involving Child Sex Abuse by Clergy, by Warren Richey, Christian Science Monitor (March 19, 2012)
- Snap: New US Supreme Court Decision Hurts Clergy Sex Victims, by Barbara Dorris, SNAP (March 19, 2012)
- Time for the Truth about Catholic Sex Abuse in the Netherlands, on Radio Netherlands (March 19, 2012)
- Philly Priests Lay out Defense before Rape Trial, by Maryclaire Dale, Sacramento Bee (March 19, 2012)
- Accused Priest, Jeyapaul, in Custody in India, in Crookston Daily Times (March 19, 2012)
- Blue-eyed Devil: Clergy Should Be Held to Higher Standard, Punished Accordingly, by Nicholas Pierce, Daily Isureveille (March 19, 2012)
- Dutch Roman Catholic Church "Castrated at Least 10 Boys", by Bruno Waterfield, The Telegraph (March 19, 2012)
- From Oregon to Uganda: a "lively" Legal Debate on Gays, Sex, and Christianity, by Joseph Hellweg, Africa Report (March 19, 2012)
- After 7 Years, Fugitive Priest Arrested in India, by David Jackson and Gary Marx, WGN (March 19, 2012)
- Supreme Court Affirms Church-state Lines, in Catholic League (March 19, 2012)
- Abuse Claim against Archdiocese Denied, in Catholic Sentinel (March 19, 2012)
- Vatican Is Focusing on the Wrong Problem, SNAP Says, by Barbara Blaine, SNAP (March 19, 2012)
- Lawyer-client Privilege Bars Release of Some Documents, Philadelphia Archdiocese Says, in Catholic Culture (March 19, 2012)
- Doctor Sues U of M, Mike Huckabee Heading for Limbaugh's Turf, Omar Sharif, Jr. out of the Closet, St. Stan's Rev. Marek Bozek, in Berger's Beat (March 19, 2012)
- Archdiocese of Philadelphia Places Gc on Administrative Leave, by Gina Passarella and Shannon Green, Corporate Counsel (March 20, 2012)
- Lawsuit to Allege Sexual Misconduct at Delbarton, by Abbott Koloff, The Record (March 19, 2012)
- Priests' Lawyers Want to Air Alleged Victims' Past, by Mensah M. Dean, Philadelphia Daily News (March 19, 2012)
- Ex-greenbush Priest Appears in Indian Court, by Stephen J. Lee, Grand Forks Herald (March 19, 2012)
- Waukesha County Priest on Leave, under Investigation, in Channel 3000 (March 19, 2012)
- U.S. Supreme Court Declines to Hear Child Abuse Case Dismissed on Church-state Grounds, in Baptist Joint Committee (March 19, 2012)
- Dutch Roman Catholic Church Castrated Boys As "Treatment" for Homosexuality, by Laura Hibbard, Huffington Post (March 19, 2012)
March 20
- Catholic Church Reportedly Castrated Boys Who Reported Priest Sex Abuse, in The Americablog (March 19, 2012)
- Priest on the Lam in Assault of Minnesota Girl Arrested in India, by David Jackson and Gary Marx, Chicago Tribune (March 20, 2012)
- Wisconsin Priest Put on Leave after Sexual Abuse Allegations Surface, by Bridgette P. Lavictoire, Lez Get Real (March 19, 2012)
- Helena Diocese, Alleged Sexual Abuse Victims Agree to Mediation, by Matt Volz, The Missoulian (March 19, 2012)
- Sexual Abuse Lawsuit Planned against 2 Former Delbarton School Monks, Complaint Says, by Kevin Manahan, The Star-Ledger (March 20, 2012)
- Dutch Roman Catholic Church 'Castrated at Least 10 Boys', by Bruno Waterfield, Irish Independent (March 20, 2012)
- Dutch Mps All for Debate on Castration Claims, in Calgary Herald (March 20, 2012)
- Column Another Red Herring in the Culture War, by Marcia Meoli, Holland Sentinel (March 20, 2012)
- Forced Castrations Reportedly Found in Roman Catholic Care, on Capital Fm (March 20, 2012)
- Child Abuse: Not Just a Catholic Church Problem, by Paul Canning, The Care2 (March 19, 2012)
- Many Kinds of Catholic, by Frank Bruni, New York Times (March 19, 2012)
- Archdiocese Fights to Keep 12 Documents out of Lynn Trial, by John P. Martin, Philadelphia Inquirer (March 19, 2012)
- Vatican Visitors to Publish Report on Church Child Abuse, in The Journal (March 20, 2012)
- Vatican Diary / Priests against Celibacy. Austria's Rerun, in The Chiesa (March 20, 2012)
- Vatican to Publish Report on Child Abuse, in RTE News (March 20, 2012)
- Church to Publish Abuse Report, in Irish Times (March 20, 2012)
- Vatican to Report on Irish Child Abuse Scandals, on BBC News (March 20, 2012)
- Vatican Abuse Report to Be Published Later, in Irish Examiner (March 20, 2012)
- Wyoming Diocese, Church, Deacon Deny Sexual Relation Allegations, by Tom Morton, Billings Gazette (March 19, 2012)
- missliche" Anstellung, by Christian Füller, The Taz (March 19, 2012)
- Onderzoeksrechter Wim De Troy Stopt Met Operatie Kelk, in The Knack (March 20, 2012)
- 'Standing Silent' Follows Uncovering of Sexual Abuse in Baltimore's Orthodox Jewish Community, in Washington Post (March 20, 2012)
- Vatican Bank Faces Fresh Controversy, in The Telegraph (March 19, 2012)
- Trierer Bischof Weist Kritik Zurück Und Hört Auf Sie, in The Volksfreund (March 19, 2012)
- Fast Facts, by Dave Pierre, Themediareport (March 20, 2012)
- Wim De Troy Stapt Uit Operatie Kelk, in Gazet Van Antwerpen (March 20, 2012)
- Operatie Kelk Neemt Honderd Dossiers Van Geestelijken in Beslag, in De Morgen (January 24, 2012)
- Onderzoeksrechter De Troy Stopt Met Operatie Kelk, in De Standaard (March 20, 2012)
- Ex-Täter Als Seelsorger Eingesetzt, in The Volksfreund (March 13, 2012)
- Mediation Effort Fails in Roman Catholic Diocese of Green Bay Sexual Abuse Lawsuit, in The Post-Crescent (March 19, 2012)
- Report Expected to Recommend Reducing Irish Dioceses, in Newstalk (March 20, 2012)
- Summary of the Findings of the Apostolic Visitation in Ireland, in Vatican Information Service - Bolletino (March 20, 2012)
- Prosecutors Plan to Show 'Diocese-Wide Policy' in Priest Sex Abuse Case, by Tony Hanson, CBS Philly (March 20, 2012)
- Burgemeester Houdt Vertrouwen in Commissie-Deetman, in De Gelderlander (March 20, 2012)
- Mumbai Priest Sodomised Men after Promising Jobs in Dubai, in IBN (March 20, 2012)
- Summary of the Findings of the Apostolic Visitation in Ireland, on Vatican Radio (March 20, 2012)
- Vatican: Irish Church Making Progress Protectiong Kids from Pedophiles after Years of Scandal, in Washington Post (March 20, 2012)
- Archdiocese Names New Archbishop of Baltimore, in WBAL (March 20, 2012)
- Archbishop Lori to Lead Baltimore Archdiocese, by Jennifer Williams, Catholic Review (March 20, 2012)
- Baxenden Vicar Suspended over Boy Assault Claim, in Lancashire Telegraph (March 20, 2012)
- Catholic Church Abuse: Castration 'Nothing Unusual', in Dutch News (March 20, 2012)
- Vatican Report Advises Church Changes, in Irish Examiner (March 20, 2012)
- Vatican Advises Changes to Child Protection Measures, in Irish Times (March 20, 2012)
- Tuam Archbishop Describes Vatican Report As Positive, in Galway News (March 20, 2012)
- Irish Catholic Bishops " Make Heartfelt Pleas for Forgiveness", in The Journal (March 20, 2012)
- Vatican Report Condemns Abuse, Praises Recovery Efforts, in The Newstalk (March 20, 2012)
- Vatican Urges Church to Listen to Victims, in RTE News (March 20, 2012)
- Vatican Visitors Propose Church Reforms to Deal with Abuse Fallout, in The Journal (March 20, 2012)
- New Pastor Announced for St. Joseph's Church, by Jd Watson, The Patch (March 20, 2012)
- Pope Names New Archbishop of Baltimore, in WJZ (March 20, 2012)
- Outspoken Bishop to Take Helm of Archdiocese of Baltimore, by Dean Jones, Baltimore Sun (March 20, 2012)
- Dutch Catholic Church Castrated 10 Boys in the 1950s in Effort to Purge Homosexuality, by Jill Reilly, Daily Mail (March 20, 2012)
- Ackermanns Frechheit, by Matthias Katsch, taz (March 20, 2012)
- Ende Der Parallelgesellschaft, by Christian Fuller, Taz (March 20, 2012)
- Abt Kassian Lauterer Blieb Trotz Missbrauchs Untatig, in Skydaddy's Blog (March 20, 2012)
- Ermittlungsrichter Im Kirchenskandal Gibt Auf, in Deredactie (March 20, 2012)
- Padophile Priester: England Fandet Danach, Deutschland Peppelt Sie, in Moment Mal (March 20, 2012)
- Hilfen Fur Missbrauchsopfer Lassen Auf Sich Warten, in Braunschweiger Zeitung (March 20, 2012)
- Debatte Um Die "Null-toleranz", in The Katholisch (March 20, 2012)
- A Call to Cardinal Dolan to Stop Endangering Lgbt Youth, by Carl Siciliano, Huffington Post (March 20, 2012)
- Priesters in De Stress Door Werkdruk En Besmeurd Imago, in de Volkskrant (March 20, 2012)
- Note Concerning the Results of the Apostolic Visitation to Ireland, in Vatican Information Service (March 20, 2012)
- Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith Has a New Domain: Www.doctrinafidei.va, in Vatican Information Service (March 20, 2012)
- Riunione Santa Sede-moneyval Su Antiriciclaccio, in VIS (March 20, 2012)
- Lori Named Baltimore Archbishop, in CT Post (March 20, 2012)
- Other Pontifical Acts, in Vatican Information Service (March 20, 2012)
- "Pain and Shame" in Vatican Report, on UTV (March 20, 2012)
- Bishops Welcome summary of the Findings of the Apostolic Visitation in Ireland, in Irish Catholic Bishops' Conference (March 20, 2012)
- Vatican Praises Steps Taken to Protect Children by Irish Church, in Fox News (March 20, 2012)
- Bishop Lori to Baltimore, Vatican Publishes Irish Visitation Report, by Edward Pentin, National Catholic Register (March 20, 2012)
- Vatican: Irish Catholic Trainee Priests Should Attend Child Protection Classes, by Henry McDonald, The Guardian (March 20, 2012)
- New Bishop for Diocese of Pensacola-tallahassee Diocese, in Fox 10 (March 20, 2012)
- Clergy Sex Victims Blast New Baltimore Archbishop, by David Clohessy, SNAP (March 20, 2012)
- The Results of the Visitation of the Irish Church Ordered by the Pope, in Vatican Insider (March 20, 2012)
- Anonymous War against the Vatican, in Vatican Insider (March 20, 2012)
- Lori Named Archbishop in Baltimore; New Bishops Named in Illinois, Florida, in National Catholic Reporter (March 20, 2012)
- Exhibit Eight in Msgr. Lynn Trial: Evil, by Susan Matthews, Catholics4Change (March 20, 2012)
- Abuse Report Advises Church Changes, in New Ross Standard (March 20, 2012)
- Vatican Bank Faces Fresh Money-laundering Scandal As JP Morgan Closes Account, by Oliver Tree, International Business Times (March 20, 2012)
- Sexual Abuse in NYC Schools, by Bill Donohue, Catholic League (March 20, 2012)
- Milwaukee Native, Lake Geneva Priest Named Illinois Bishop, by Annysa Johnson, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (March 20, 2012)
- Vatican Recommends Irish Church Changes, SNAP Responds, by Barbara Dorris, SNAP (March 20, 2012)
- Cmsm Announces Transition in Leadership, in Conference of Major Superiors of Men (March 20, 2012)
- SNAP Responds to Promotion of Fr. Thomas Smolich, by Barbara Dorris, SNAP (March 20, 2012)
- Factbox-irish Church Sexual Abuse Reports, in Chicago Tribune (March 20, 2012)
- Vatican Inquiry Finds Progress in Irish Abuse Scandal, by Rachel Donadio, New York Times (March 20, 2012)
- Victims" Group Criticises Vatican, by Charlie Taylor, Irish Times (March 20, 2012)
- Snapping Back at SNAP, in The Freethinker (March 20, 2012)
- Jpmorgan and the Vatican Bank, in Catholic League (March 20, 2012)
- Bishops" Religious Freedom Chair Named New Archbishop of Baltimore, by Benjamin Mann, Catholic News Agency (March 20, 2012)
- BILLBOARDS in Cleveland Send a Message to Bishop Lennon, by Colleen O'Neill, WTAM (March 20, 2012)
- Vatican Is disgusted by the Abuse and the open Wounds Left in the Catholic Community, by Bernie Malone, Irish Central (March 20, 2012)
- One in Four Founder O'gorman: Vatican Still in Denial, in Breaking News (March 20, 2012)
- Vatican Accused over Abuse Cover-up, in Belfast Telegraph (March 20, 2012)
- Irish Church Leaders Negligent over Abuse:vatican, by Philip Pullella, The Reuters (March 20, 2012)
- Eau De Pope; Scents, Sense and Nonsense, by Vinnie Nauheimer, Minnesota SNAP (March 20, 2012)
- A Legacy of Pain, by Frank Bruni, New York Times (March 20, 2012)
- Child Protection Guidelines Being Finalised, in RTE News (March 20, 2012)
- Why Targeting SNAP Is a Bad Idea ..., by Bryan Cones, U.S. Catholic (March 20, 2012)
- Bridgeport Bishop William Lori Named Archbishop of Baltimore, by Daniela Altimari, Jean Marbella, Mary Gail Hare , Hartford Courant (March 20, 2012)
- Suit Claims Delbarton Monks Abused Teens, by Phil Garber, Observer-Tribune (March 20, 2012)
- Vatican Issues Report on Irish Church Child Abuse Investigation, in Los Angeles Times (March 20, 2012)
- Vatican Accused over Abuse Cover-up, in Irish Examiner (March 20, 2012)
- JP Morgan Chase Closes Vatican Bank Account, by Tom Gallagher, National Catholic Reporter (March 20, 2012)
- Brothers Sue Delbarton over Alleged Sexual Abuse, by Michael Daigle, The Patch (March 20, 2012)
- Lawsuit against Green Bay Diocese Moving Forward; Case Involves Infamous Child Predator John Patrick Feeney, in SNAP Wisconsin (March 20, 2012)
- Green Bay Bishop David Ricken Named As Defendent in Federal Lawsuit, in SNAP Wisconsin (March 20, 2012)
March 21
- Survivors of Clergy Abuse to Meet, by Bronislaus B. Kush, Telegram & Gazette (March 21, 2012)
- Clergy: Lori Will Be Missed, by Anne M. Amatoand and Martin B. Cassidy, Stamford Advocate (March 20, 2012)
- Del. Bill Targets Teachers Sex Abuse, in WHTM (March 21, 2012)
- 'It Never Happened,' Priest Says, by Jennie Rodriguez-Moore, The Record (March 21, 2012)
- Pope Mexico Trip Clouded by Documents That Show Vatican Knew of Legion Founder's Abuse, in Washington Post (March 21, 2012)
- Caso Maciel Ensombrece Visita Del Papa, by Gardenia Mendoza Aguilar, LA Opinion (March 20, 2012)
- Pederastia Y Política Se Cruzan En Agenda Del Papa En México, in The Terra (March 19, 2012)
- Revelarán Documentos Sobre Posible Encubrimiento a Maciel, by E. Eduardo Castillo Y Nicole Winfield, El Diario De Yucatan (March 19, 2012)
- Legion Victim's Book Details Papal Knowledge, in Times Live (March 21, 2012)
- 2 Sue Delbarton over Alleged Sex Abuse, in Press of Atlantic City (March 21, 2012)
- Brothers Suing Delbarton School, Claiming They Were Abused by Monks, by Abbott Koloff, Daily Record (March 20, 2012)
- Catholic Priest from Kalispell Parish Accused of Possessing Child Porn, by Tristan Scott, The Missoulian (March 20, 2012)
- Priest Charged for Child Porn, by Jesse Davis, Daily Inter Lake (March 20, 2012)
- Lori Draws Mostly Plaudits for His 10-Year Tenure, by Anne M. Amato, Ct Post (March 20, 2012)
- Church Leaders Talk Child Sex Abuse, Just Days after Boy Was Allegedly Molested, by Jen Kastner, The Newswest9 (March 21, 2012)
- Church Leaders Conclude Abuse Scandals Eroded Trust in Clergy, by Carl O'Brien, Irish Times (March 21, 2012)
- Document Vital for 'Journey of Renewal', by Charlie Taylor, Irish Times (March 21, 2012)
- 'Cloistered Life' Not on Agenda for Students, by Patsy McGarry, Irish Times (March 21, 2012)
- Report 'Almost Farcical' in Places, by Charlie Taylor, Paul Cullen and Lorna Siggins (March 21, 2012)
- Early Indications That Summary Would Be Primarily Pastoral in Nature, by Patsy McGarry, Irish Times (March 21, 2012)
- Detailed Reports for Holy See Eyes Only, in Irish Times (March 21, 2012)
- Brady Says Church Had Looked at Changing Dioceses, by Patsy McGarry, Irish Times (March 21, 2012)
- Irish Victims Say Vatican Still Denies Cover-Up Role, in Times of Malta (March 21, 2012)
- Documentado: Encubrieron Comportamiento Criminal De Marcial Maciel, by Bernardo Barranco V., The Proceso (March 17, 2012)
- Dutch Boys and Young Men Who Accused Priests of Sexual Abuse in the '50s Were Surgically Castrated 'To Get Rid of Homosexuality,' Journalist Finds, by David Boroff, New York Daily News (March 21, 2012)
- Vatican Admits Sex Abuse 'Shame', by Patsy McGarry, Irish Times (March 21, 2012)
- Visitation Criticised for Not Addressing Vatican Role in Abuse Cover-Ups, in The Journal (March 21, 2012)
- Irish Catholic Bishops " Make Heartfelt Pleas for Forgiveness", in The Journal (March 21, 2012)
- Vatican Visitors Propose Church Reforms to Deal with Abuse Fallout, in The Journal (March 21, 2012)
- Corsicana Youth Minister Arrested for Alleged Sexual Assault, by Jonathan Betz, KHOU (March 21, 2012)
- Trainees 'Should Be Separated from Other Students', by Paul Melia and Colm Kelpie, Irish Independent (March 21, 2012)
- Vatican Accused over Failure to Explain Its Role in Cover-Up, by Colm Kelpie, Paul Melia and Fionnan Sheahan (March 21, 2012)
- New Revelations, New Trial, New Phone Calls?, by Lindsay Whitehurst, Salt Lake Tribune (March 20, 2012)
- Priest Takes Stand, Insists Sex Abuse Incidents Didn't Happen, by Jennie Rodriguez-Moore, Modesto Bee (March 20, 2012)
- Vatican Bank Struggles to Be Cleansed of Past Sins, by Pierre Briançon, The Reuters (March 21, 2012)
- Roep Deetman Op Als Getuige Rk-Misbruik, on Radio Nederland (March 21, 2012)
- De Troy Treedt Terug: De Aankondiging Van Een Voorspelde Moord, in Apache News Lab (March 21, 2012)
- Vatican Report Is 'Window Dressing', Say Abuse Victims, by Claire O'Sullivan, Irish Examiner (March 21, 2012)
- Child Abuse Bill to Go before Mass. House, by Milton J. Valencia, Boston Globe (March 21, 2012)
- Child Sex Victims Fight Time Limits, by Christine Lee, WWLP (March 14, 2012)
- Sex Abuse Survivor Says State Should Eliminate Deadline on Prosecuting Child Molesters, by Sacha Pfeiffer, WBUR (March 20, 2012)
- Let's Give Justice Time, by Kevin Cullen, Boston Globe (March 20, 2012)
- In De Vs Luistert De Kerk Wél Naar Slachtoffers Van Misbruik, in The Trouw (March 20, 2012)
- Watchdog to Consider Primetime Defamation of Ahascragh Priest, in Galway News (March 21, 2012)
- Kelly Takes Stand, Strongly Denies Charges against Him, by Ross Farrow, Lodi News-Sentinel (March 21, 2012)
- Antoine Bodar over Stress Bij Priesters., in Pauw & Witteman (March 21, 2012)
- kein Guantanamo Für Kirchliche Täter", by Claudia Keller, Der Tagesspiegel (March 20, 2012)
- Wie Der Bischof Sich Verteidigt, by Matthias Drobinski, in The Sueddeutsche (March 20, 2012)
- Mt Priest Charged with Possessing Child Porn, in Coshocton Tribune (March 21, 2012)
- Pope to Axe Irish Bishops Accused of Sex Abuse against Minors, by Giacomo Galeazzi, Vatican Insider (March 21, 2012)
- Ministerie Wist Niets Van Castraties Kerk, in The Kerknieuws (March 21, 2012)
- State House News -- House Leader Sees Momentum behind Child Sex Abuse Bill, by Colleen Quinn, Wicked Local Weymouth (March 15, 2012)
- Jesuit Leader's Roommate Molests Disabled Boy, by Tom McGregor, Dallas Blog (March 21, 2012)
- Belleville Diocese Settles 3 Sexual Abuse Lawsuits, by George Pawlaczyk, News-Democrat (March 21, 2012)
- Snap's Defenders Show True Colors, in Catholic League (March 21, 2012)
- Catholic Church Accused of 'Bullying' Organization Representing Clergy Sex Abuse Victims, by Luiza Oleszczuk, Christian Post (March 21, 2012)
- Visitation Criticised for Not Addressing Vatican Role in Abuse Cover-Ups, in Club Bible (March 21, 2012)
- Belleville Diocese Settles Priest Abuse Lawsuits, by Brian Kelly, KMOX (March 21, 2012)
- Silva Redigonda, Providing Pastoral Psychotherapy, in Silva Redigonda (March 21, 2012)
- Archbishop Chaput Addresses Financial Transparency, in Catholics4change (March 21, 2012)
- Archbishop Chaput Forms Pastoral Council, in Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Philadelphia (March 21, 2012)
- Why the Irish Church Must Fumigate Its Seminaries, by Mark Dooley, Daily Mail (March 21, 2012)
- Anonymous Hacks Christian Websites in Mexico: " Pope Is Not Welcome, out Out!!!!!", by Jacob Kleinman, International Business Times (March 21, 2012)
- Self-Anointed Monk Arrested, by Dennis Magee, Wcf Courier (March 21, 2012)
- Dutch Catholic Church Is Accused of Castrating Boys, by Eyder Peralta, NPR (March 21, 2012)
- Dutch Parliament to Investigate Church Castration Reports, in Voice of America (March 21, 2012)
- Mps Call for Inquiry into Catholic Castrations, in Gulf News (March 22, 2012)
- Vatican 'Shamed' by Irish Sex Scandal, Asks Victims for Forgiveness, by Luiza Oleszczuk, Christian Post (March 21, 2012)
- Römisch-Katholische Kirche Unter Kastrationsverdacht, by Peter Mühlbauer, The Heise (March 21, 2012)
- " Vom Pastor Zum Psychiater Und Dann Zum Chirurgen", in The Welt (March 20, 2012)
- Trotz Kritik Von Der Kirchenbasis, by Ludger Fittkau, The Dradio (March 20, 2012)
- Kremsmünster: Alles Nur Sex & Crime?, in The Nachrichten (March 22, 2012)
- We Shouldn't Blame the Catholic Church for the Shocking Dutch Castrations before We Know All the Facts, by Tim Stanley, The Telegraph (March 21, 2012)
- " Hare, Hunter, Field" Castration for Deviancy, in The Getreligion (March 21, 2012)
March 22
- Garda Ombudsman to Investigate Sex Abuse Complaints, in The Journal (March 22, 2012)
- Belleville Diocese Settles Sex Abuse Suits Three More Cases Involve Priests, Minors, by George Pawlaczyk , Belleville News-Democrat (March 22, 2012)
- Kalispell Priest Faces Sexual Abuse of Children Charges, by Dax VanFossen, KAJ (March 22, 2012)
- Montana Catholic Priest Accused of Possessing Child Pornography, by Bridgette P. LaVictoire, Lez Get Real (March 21, 2012)
- Kalispell Priest Faces Child Porn Charge, by Scott Zoltan, NBC Montana (March 22, 2012)
- Activists in Mexico Want to Be Heard by the Pope, by Emilio Godoy, IPS (March 22, 2012)
- Watchdog to Study Abuse Complaint, by Genevieve Carbery, Irish Times (March 22, 2012)
- Lamb Addresses Church, by Janet Jacobs Corsicana, Daily Sun (March 22, 2012)
- Abuse Charges Test Chile's Catholic Faithful, in The Aljazeera (March 22, 2012)
- Mexico Gears up for Pope Benedict Xvi's First Visit, by Tracy Wilkinson, Chicago Tribune (March 22, 2012)
- CHILD Sex Abuse Not a Matter of Theology, Says Gilmore, by Marie O'halloran, Irish Times (March 22, 2012)
- Papal Impropriety: the Dark Secrets of the Vatican Bank, by David Smith, Economy Watch (March 22, 2012)
- Irish Church Found to Be Negligent over Sex Abuse, in Christian Today (March 22, 2012)
- Accuser's Past Opened in Priest's Child Sex-abuse Trial, in Philadelphia Inquirer (March 22, 2012)
- Losheim Und Wadern, in The MissBit (March 22, 2012)
- Staack a Winner in Legal, Civic Arenas, by Pat Kinney, WCF Courier (March 22, 2012)
- Vatican Embarrassed by Account Closure, by Marlene Y. Satter, Advisor One (March 22, 2012)
- Media Uses Flimsy dutch Castration Story to Smack Catholic Church, by Dave Pierre, Media Report (March 22, 2012)
- The Popes Visit to Mexico Deepens Assault on the Secular State, by Rafael Azul, World Socialist Web Site (March 21, 2012)
- Bishops" "Religious Liberty" Point Man Gets a Promotion, by David Gibson, National Catholic Reporter (March 22, 2012)
- Dolan Quotes Donohue on Snap, Calling Leader a "Con Artist", by Joshua J. McElwee, National Catholic Reporter (March 22, 2012)
- Catholic League Reports on SNAP Deposition, by Timothy Dolan, Roman Catholic Archdiocese of New York (March 22, 2012)
- Maciel's Ghost Stalks Benedict in Mexico, by Michael Sean Winters, National Catholic Reporter (March 22, 2012)
- Questions for the Oce and Ocyp, in Catholics 4 Change (March 22, 2012)
- Diocese Reform to Involve Community, by Claire OSullivan, Irish Examiner (March 22, 2012)
- Bishop Testifies in Priest Abuse Case, in The Record (March 22, 2012)
- Lockeford Priest Remains Steadfast in His Rejection of Sex Assault Allegations, by Ross Farrow, Modesto Bee (March 22, 2012)
- Gardai under Investigation over Handling of Sex Abuse Complaints, by Tom Brady, Irish Independent (March 22, 2012)
- Real Men Seek Justice, by Mark V. Serrano, Power Trip (March 22, 2012)
- BC Football Player Faces Charge, by Bob Hohler, Boston Globe (March 22, 2012)
- Dutch Castration Scandal: How Journalists Broke the Story, by Robert Chesal, Daily Beast (March 22, 2012)
- Dolan and Donohue Again: Religious Bullies Joined at the Hip Continue to Attack SNAP, by William D. Lindsey, The Bilgrimage (March 21, 2012)
- Incestuous Priest Awaits DNA Results, by Thabisile Khoza, New Age (March 22, 2012)
- Sexueller Missbrauch in Der Moschee, by Harald Jung, Augsburger Allgemeine (March 22, 2012)
- Die Mibbrauchs Doppelmoral Der Medien, in Kreuz.net (March 22, 2012)
- Advocates for Clergy Sex Abuse Victims to Gather at Twin Cities Archdiocese Chancery, by Rose French, Star Tribune (March 22, 2012)
- Pope Appoints Controversial German Bishop to Vatican, in The Province (March 22, 2012)
- Ex-bischof Mixa Wird Papst-berater, in Frankfurter Rundschau (March 22, 2012)
- Other Pontifical Acts, in Vatican Information Service (March 21, 2012)
- Mixa Wird Berater Des Papstes, in Sueddeutsche (March 22, 2012)
- Neue Aufgabe Fur Mixa, by Vatikan Mitglied, Augsburger Allgemeine (March 22, 2012)
- "Zero-tolerance" Bishop Accused of Leniency, by Anna Loll, Der Spiegel (March 22, 2012)
- Pope Names Bishop Once Accused of Improprieties to Vatican Council, by Carol Glatz, Catholic News Service (March 22, 2012)
- Nieuwe Functie Voor Omstreden Bisschop, in Pow Ned (March 22, 2012)
- Onderzoeksrapport Commissie Deetman Te Downloaden, by Karin Kamp, Omroep Brabant (March 22, 2012)
- Maciels Shadow Hangs over the Pope's Trip to Mexico, by Andres Beltramo Alvarez, Vatican Insider (March 22, 2012)
- Benedict Xvis Mission, by Giacomo Galeazzi, Vatican Insider (March 22, 2012)
- Melding Van Seksueel Misbruik in Parochie St. Martinus in Giesbeek, in de Gelderlander (March 22, 2012)
- Vatican Ends Probe of Clergy Abuse in Ireland, by Alessandro Speciale, National Catholic Reporter (March 22, 2012)
- New Structures in Archdiocese of Philadelphia, by Tom Roberts, National Catholic Reporter (March 22, 2012)
- "Paus Verliest Contact Met De Basis", in IPS (March 22, 2012)
- Priest to Stand Trial for Alleged Sexual Assaults, on BBC News (March 22, 2012)
- Spirit of Giving? Boston Archdiocese Defends Six-figure Salaries for Top Church Employees, by James Eng, MSNBC (March 22, 2012)
- BISHOP Patrick Walsh Defends Handling of Sex Abuse Case, by Julian O'Neill, BBC Newsline (March 22, 2012)
- 1 Defendant Pleads Guilty in Philadelphia Priest Sex Abuse Scandal, by Tony Hanson, CBS Philly (March 22, 2012)
- Ex-priest Pleads Guilty in Phila. Archdiocese Sex Abuse Case, in WPVI (March 22, 2012)
- Defrocked Priest Pleads Guilty to Abusing Altar Boy, by John Martin, Philadelphia Inquirer (March 22, 2012)
- Priest to Stand Trial for Alleged Sex Assaults, in Derry Journal (March 22, 2012)
- An Ex-philly Priest Pleads Guilty to Abuse; SNAP Responds, by Barbara Blaine, SNAP (March 22, 2012)
- Statement from Megan Peterson about the Arrest of Jeyapaul, by Megan Remi, SNAP (March 22, 2012)
- SNAP Responds to Promotion of Controversial Bishop, by Joelle Casteix, SNAP (March 22, 2012)
- Ex-priest Pleads Guilty to Sex-abuse Charge, by Maryclaire Dale, My Fox Phoenix (March 22, 2012)
- Last Chance for Possible Abuse Victims at Montebello Catholic School, by Elizabeth Hsing-Huei Chou, EGP (March 22, 2012)
- Priest Takes Guilty Plea in Abuse Case, in My Fox Philly (March 22, 2012)
- Ex-philly Priest Pleads Guilty to Sex-abuse Charge, by Maryclaire Dale, Associated Press (March 22, 2012)
- Regional Spotlight: the Coach and the Cardinal, by Rod Napier, Philly.com (March 22, 2012)
- Kein Verzicht Auf Die Einrede Der Verjahrung, in netzwerkB (March 22, 2012)
- Taterschutz Vor Opferschutz, in netzwerkB (March 22, 2012)
- Play about Clergy Abuse Retells Cambridge Playwright's Story, by Brock Parker, Boston Globe (March 22, 2012)
- De-frocked Priest Pleads Guilty Ahead of Philadelphia Pedophilia Trial, by Dave Warner, WNEP (March 22, 2012)
- Priest in Landmark US Pedophile Trial Pleads Guilty, in AFP (March 22, 2012)
- Following the Money from the White House, by Tom Gallagher, National Catholic Reporter (March 22, 2012)
- Despite "Tensions," Catholics and Administration Working Together, by Joshua J. McElwee, National Catholic Reporter (March 22, 2012)
- Cloyne Investigation - Time for the Truth to Be Uncovered, in Irish Examiner (March 22, 2012)
- When Everyone Is Wrong, Blame the Catholics, by Phil Lawler, Catholic Culture (March 22, 2012)
- Bronx Pastor Accused of Rape, Sex Assault, in NBC New York (March 22, 2012)
- Pervy Bronx Pastor Accused of Raping Second Teen, Starting When She Was 14, by Kevin Deutsch and John Doyle, New York Daily News (March 22, 2012)
- Bronx Pastor Michael Clare Accused of Raping Teenager...again, by James King, Village Voice (March 22, 2012)
March 23
- Mexican Abuse Victims Want to Meet Pope, in Edmonton Journal (March 23, 2012)
- Harvard Psychiatrist Denounces Repressed Memory Claim in Michael Kelly Trial, in Lodi News-Sentinel (March 23, 2012)
- First Catholic Paedophile Cover-up Trial Set to Start, in City Press (March 23, 2012)
- Defrocked Phila. Priest Pleads Guilty to Sex Abuse Just before Trial Is to Start, by John P. Martin, Philadelphia Inquire (March 23, 2012)
- Ex-priest Gets 2 1/2-5 Year Term, by Julie Shaw, Philadelphia Daily News (March 23, 2012)
- Crookston Diocese Official Speaks about Priests Arrest in India on Minnesota Sexual Assault Charges, by Stephen J. Lee, Grand Forks Herald (March 23, 2012)
- Former Phila. Priest Pleads Guilty to Sex-abuse Charge, by Amaris Elliott-Engel, Legal Intelligencer (March 23, 2012)
- Abuse Victims Want to Take Claims to Pope, in MSN (March 23, 2012)
- it Will Be a Relief for the Victims, by Maria Tracey, Cork News (March 23, 2012)
- Former Priest Admits Charges, by Peter Loftus, Wall Street Journal (March 23, 2012)
- Retired Garda Criticises Vatican Report on Child Sex Abuse, in Donegal Democrat (March 23, 2012)
- An Historic Turning Point for Reforming Statutes of Limitations for Child Sex Abuse:, by Marci A. Hamilton, The Verdict (March 23, 2012)
- Bronx Minister Charged in 2nd Teen Rape Case, in Journal News (March 23, 2012)
- Youth Pastor Charged with Sexual Exploitation, in Ottawa Citizen (March 23, 2012)
- Former Lake George, Minn., Pastor's Bail Set at $1 Million in Sex Abuse Case, in Grand Forks Herald (March 23, 2012)
- Bronx Pastor Charged with Sex Assaults, by Carolina Leid, WABC (March 23, 2012)
- Ottawa Youth Pastor Faces Sexual Exploitation Charges, in CBC News (March 23, 2012)
- Tolerant Dutch Shocked by Accusations the Church Forced Castrations, by Leo Cendrowicz, Time (March 23, 2012)
- News Flash! Conservative Bishop Opposed Abuse!, in GetReligion (March 23, 2012)
- Giddy up and Wagons Ho!, in National Survivor Advocates Coalition (March 23, 2012)
- Vatican's Empty Gesture Is Betrayal of Abused Children, by Eamonn McCann, Belfast Telegraph (March 23, 2012)
- POPE Slams "Evil" of Mexico Drug Gangs, in 7 News (March 23, 2012)
- Clerical Sex Abuse Saga Clouds Papal Visit to Mexico and Cuba, by Paddy Agnew, Irish Times (March 23, 2012)
- Plaintiff's Sex Abuse Memories Disputed, by Jennie Rodriguez-Moore, The Record (March 23, 2012)
- Boys and Men Healing Film Screenings at Penn State, on PR.com (March 23, 2012)
- Supreme Court Decisions Renew Interest in Petition Fighting Convicted Child Rapist's Release, by Tricia Bishop, Baltimore Sun (March 23, 2012)
- Churchs Lawyers Have SNAP in Their Sights, Global Online Pedophile Network, in Stop Child Abuse (March 23, 2012)
- Vatican Fails Understanding of Human Sexuality, in when religion fails (March 23, 2012)
- Vergeten Onrecht, in Kralenspel (March 23, 2012)
- Abuse in Dutch Catholic Care: More Evidence, in Radio Netherlands (March 23, 2012)
- Praying, Waiting for St. James, by Colin McEwen, The Patch (March 23, 2012)
- 2 Catholic Schools in S. Phila. Appeal Closure to Vatican, by Regina Medina, Philadelphia Daily News (March 23, 2012)
- Abuse Victims Seek to Take Claims to Pope in Mexico, in ABS-CBN (March 23, 2012)
- Heads Should Roll over Priest Libel -- Tv3 Chief, by Ken Sweeney, Irish Independent (March 23, 2012)
- Confirmation Avery Tells the Truth, by Susan Matthews, Catholics4Change (March 23, 2012)
- Religions-lehrer Missbraucht Madchen Im Schwimmbad, by Astrid Sievert, The Bild (March 23, 2012)
- 400.000 Euro an Missbrauchsopfer Gezahlt, in kirchensite (March 23, 2012)
- Salzgitter: Padophiler Priester Nach Kirchlicher Definition nicht Padophil, in Skydaddy's Blog (March 23, 2012)
- Vorwurfe Deutlich Zuruckgegangen, in Rhoenpuls (March 23, 2012)
- Theology of Priesthood behind Sex Abuse Crisis, by Vincent Browne, Irish Times (March 21, 2012)
- "Paus Verliest Contact Met De Basis", in MO (March 23, 2012)
- paus Moet in Mexico Problemen Onder Ogen Zien, in Reformatorisch Dagblad (March 23, 2012)
- Alleen De Slachtoffers Mogen Kerk Aanspreken Op De Daden, by Eric Fennis, The Trouw (March 23, 2012)
- Gotham's Cowardly Lion, in Saundrs & Walker (March 23, 2012)
- Attacking SNAP a Bad Move, in Saunders & Walker (March 23, 2012)
- Ex-altar Boy Files $5 Million Sex Abuse Lawsuit against Miami Archdiocese, by Julia Bagg, NBC Miami (March 23, 2012)
- Former Priest Living in Duson Accused of Molesting Boy While in Priesthood, in KATC (March 23, 2012)
- Former Galesburg Abbey Owner Arrested on Seven Felony Counts, by Jennifer Wheeler, Register-Mail (March 23, 2012)
- Lawyers Seek Delay in Clergy Sex Abuse Trial, by John P. Martin, Philadelphia Inquirer (March 23, 2012)
- SNAP Statement on Accused Predator Priest Arrest, in KATC (March 23, 2012)
- Former Priest Living in Duson Arrested, in The Advertiser (March 23, 2012)
- Defense in Philadelphia Priest Sex Abuse Case Wants New Jury, by Tony Hanson, CBS Philly (March 23, 2012)
- Cardinal Confirms New Aggressive Strategy against Abuse Victims, by Kristine Ward, National Catholic Reporter (March 23, 2012)
- Mack Performs "Conversations with My Molester" at His Church, by Andy Metzger, Wicked Local Cambridge (March 23, 2012)
- Former Priest Pleads Guilty to Molesting Boy, by Vik Jolly nd Larry Welborn, Orange County Register (March 23, 2012)
- Polish Author, Abuse Victim, Questions Bishops" Zero-tolerance Stance, in U.S. Catholic (March 23, 2012)
- Philly Monsignor Seeks New Jury after Co-defendant Priests Guilty Plea; Trial Starts Monday, in Washington Post (March 23, 2012)
- Catholic Blog Releases Archdiocese List of Priests Alleged of Misconduct, by James Myers, The Patch (March 23, 2012)
- Goliath-bully Bill Donohue Attacks David & SNAP & Jp2 Army Victims: a Compilation. Being Anti-catholic Is Necessary for Justice, Protection of Children, Women, the Poor, by Paris Arrow, Pope Crimes & Vatican Evils... (March 23, 2012)
- Unusual Study Asks Former Catholics Why They Left Church, by Jerry Filteau, National Catholic Reporter (March 23, 2012)
- Former Orange County Priest Pleads Guilty, Victims Respond, by Joelle Casteix, SNAP (March 23, 2012)
- New Maciel Revelations on the Heels of Papal Visit to Mexico Underscore Need for Accountability at the Very Top of the Roman Catholic Church, by Pam Spees, firedoglake (March 23, 2012)
- Maciels Shadow, in Catholic Sensibility (March 23, 2012)
- Leisure World Priest Admits to Molesting Boy in Church Rectory, in The Patch (March 23, 2012)
- Diocese of Lake Charles Issues Statement about Alleged Former Priest Sex Abuse, in KATC (March 23, 2012)
- Former Priest Arrested, Neighbors Say They Had "Suspicions", in KATC (March 23, 2012)
- Dolan and Donohue Working Together to Attack Victims of Clergy Sexual Assault, in SNAP Wisconsin (March 23, 2012)
- The Pope in Mexico and Cuba, by John L Allen, National Catholic Reporter (March 23, 2012)
- Abuse Victim Secretly Records Accused Priests confession, by Michael Day, The Independent (March 23, 2012)
- Acireale: Denuncia Un Prete Pedofilo a 20 Anni Dai Maltrattamenti, in romatg24 (March 23, 2012)
March 24
- A Decade Ago, Priest Abuse Story Rocked Salem, by Tom Dalton, Salem News (March 24, 2012)
- Landmark Priest Sex Trial Begins, in Windsor Star (March 24, 2012)
- Alleged Second Sex Abuse Victim's Testimony Not Allowed, by Jennie Rodriguez-Moore, The Record (March 24, 2012)
- Retired Priest Pleads Guilty to Molesting Boy at Costa Mesa Church, in Los Angeles Times (March 24, 2012)
- Former Priest Charged with Rape, by Brandon Kane, The Advertiser (March 24, 2012)
- Former Priest Arrested on Sexual Battery Charges, in KLFY (March 24, 2012)
- Church Leadership, Public Gather to Discuss Sexual Abuse Prevention, by Sara Higgins, Midland Reporter-Telegram (March 24, 2012)
- Enumclaw Assistant Church Pastor Charged with Raping a Child, by Dana Rebik, Q13 Fox (March 24, 2012)
- Dueling Experts Testify about Concept of repressed Memory at Michael Kelly Trial, by Ross Farrow, Lodi News-Sentinel (March 24, 2012)
- FLDS Trials: Jury to See Yfz Ranch Evidence, by Matthew Waller, San Angelo Standard-Times (March 24, 2012)
- Defense Asks for New Jury in Philadelphia Archdiocese Trial, by Dave Warner, Chicago Tribune (March 24, 2012)
- Defense in Philadelphia Priest Sex Abuse Case Wants New Jury, by Tony Hanson, CBS Philly (March 24, 2012)
- Sister Christine Schenk Leads Discussion to Share with Bishop, by Lillian Guevara-Castro, Gainesville Sun (March 24, 2012)
- Angeklagte Fühlt Sich Wegen Beziehung Zum Pfarrer Gemobbt, in The Sueddeutsche (March 23, 2012)
- Ratzinger Altered Canon Law to Soften Maciel Punishment, Book Argues, by Jason Berry, National Catholic Reporter (March 24, 2012)
- LA Voluntad De No Saber, in LA Voluntad De No Sabor (March 25, 2012)
- Rechaza Víctima De Pederastia Tener Interés En Encuentro Con El Papa, in LA Cronica De Hoy (March 23, 2012)
- Ratzinger Y Juan Pablo Sí Supieron De Abusos De Maciel: Documentos, by Bernardo Barranco, El Diario (March 19, 2012)
- Revelarán Documentos Sobre Posible Encubrimiento a Maciel, in El Financiero (March 19, 2012)
- 'Rol Marijnen in Misbruikzaak Groter', in The Kerknieuws (March 23, 2012)
- Pope to Meet Mexican President Saturday, in Voice of America (March 24, 2012)
- Private Jets, 13 Mansions and a $100,000 Mobile Home Just for the Dogs: Televangelists 'Defrauded Tens of Million of Dollars from Christian Network', by Nina Golgowski, Daily Mail (March 23, 2012)
- The Family Feud Comes As the Network Weathers a Steep Drop in Donations, in WFMY (March 23, 2012)
- Giesbeekse Pastoor Leeft Niet Meer, in De Gelderlander (March 24, 2012)
- Mexico Abuse Victims Denounce Vatican As Pope Benedict XVI Visits, in Los Angeles Times (March 24, 2012)
- Former Priest Arrested for Sexual Battery, in NECN (March 24, 2012)
- Víctimas De Maciel Exigen Al Papa Ofrezca Disculpas, by Pedro Domínguez, The Milenio (March 24, 2012)
- Condenan Silencio De Benedicto XVI Ante Pederastia, in Tabasco Hoy (March 24, 2012)
- Víctimas De Abuso Sexual Cuestionan Que El Papa No Se Reúna Con Ellos, by Guillermo Cruz, CNN (March 24, 2012)
- Las Víctimas De Maciel Acusan Al Papa De Ocultar El Escándalo, by Luis Prados León, El Pais (March 24, 2012)
- y Cardenal De Guadalajara Lo Defiende: " Ha Actuado Con Realismo Y Energía", Dice , in The Proceso (March 24, 2012)
- Pontifice ira a la historia si admite que oculto casos de pederastia: expertos, by Carolina Gómez, Arturo Cano Y Carlos García (March 24, 2012)
March 25
- Victims of Sexual Abuse by Catholic Priests Not Allowed to See Pope Benedict XVI, by Alejandro Martínez-Cabrera, El Paso Times (March 25, 2012)
- Book Accuses Vatican of Hiding Sexual Abuse, in Denver Channel (March 24, 2012)
- Crookston Diocese Speaks about Priest Charges, by Stephen J. Lee, In-Forum (March 24, 2012)
- Women to Reshape Child Protection Policy for Kc Diocese, by Mark Morris, Kansas City Star (March 24, 2012)
- Pope in Mexico Asked to Admit Church at Fault in Sex Abuse Cases, in Latin American Herald Tribune (March 25, 2012)
- Abuse Allegations Cloud Pope Visit to Mexico, in ABS-CBN (March 25, 2012)
- Mexican Priest Abuse Scandals Cast Shadow on Pope's Visit, by Mica Rosenberg and Philip Pullella, The Reuters (March 25, 2012)
- Amended Suit Alleges New Abuses at Kansas School, in Casper Star-Tribune (March 24, 2012)
- In Mexico, Tens of Thousands Gather before Pope Benedict's Mass, by Tracy Wilkinson and Michael Robinson Chavez, Boston Herald (March 25, 2012)
- Piden Al Papa Que Reconozca El Encubrimiento Vaticano Del Caso Maciel, in The Periodista (March 25, 2012)
- Lombardi: Ni Juan Pablo II Ni Benedicto XVI Fueron " Encubridores Del Padre Marcial Maciel", in The Periodista (March 25, 2012)
- Honores Y Reproches Al Papa En Su Visita a México, in LA Voz (March 25, 2012)
- Presentan Libro Sobre El Padre Marcial Maciel, in The Pulso (March 25, 2012)
- Demandan Víctimas Justicia, by Luis Meza, A.M. (March 25, 2012)
- Salen a LA Luz Archivos Secretos De El Vaticano Sobre Pederastia, in The Informador (March 25, 2012)
- Los Abusos Del Padre Maciel Ensombrecen Visita De Papa a México, in The Que (March 25, 2012)
- Ningún Papa Encubrió a Mexicano Maciel: Vocero Del Vaticano, by E. Eduardo Castillo Y Adriana Gomez Licon, El Diario De Yucatan (March 25, 2012)
- El Papa Se Reúne Con Víctimas Del 'Narco' Pero No Con Las De Abusos Sexuales, by Jacobo G. García, El Mundo (March 25, 2012)
- Injustos Señalamientos Hacia Benedicto Xvi: Vaticano, by Andrés Beltramo Álvarez, Sdp Noticias (March 25, 2012)
- Self-Proclaimed Catholic Priest Facing Felony Charges in Knox County, in WGIL (March 24, 2012)
- With Church Abuse Trial Set to Open, Tensions Abound, by John P. Martin, Philadelphia Inquirer (March 25, 2012)
- Issue of Church's Role in Child Sex Abuse Surfaces in Pope's Mexico Visit, in Hispanically Speaking News (March 25, 2012)
- Stakes Are High for Church As 'Failure to Report' Case Unfolds against Kansas City Bishop, in Washington Post (March 25, 2012)
- In Pa. Abuse Trial, a Window into Church Practices, by Maryclaire Dale, Associated Press (March 25, 2012)
- " Yo, Sacerdote, Pecador, Os Pido Perdon", in El Pais (March 24, 2012)
- Father of Men Who Filed Sexual Abuse Lawsuit against Delbarton Says Monks Betrayed His Trust, by Kevin Manahan, The Star-Ledger (March 25, 2012)
- Pope Calls on Adults to Protect Children As Abuse Row Rages, in Daily Nation (March 25, 2012)
- Stiftsleitung Von Kremsmünster Schützte Pädophilen Mitbruder, by Markus Rohrhofer, Der Standard (March 25, 2012)
- Las Víctimas De Maciel Acusan Al Papa De Ocultar El Escándalo, by Luis Prados León, The International (March 24, 2012)
- Churchgoers Pray for All Parties in Child Luring Case, on CTV (March 25, 2012)
- Tribunais Julgam 14 Crimes De Abusos Sexuais Com Jovens De Lar DA Igreja, in The Publico (March 17, 2012)
- Bispo Do Porto: Era Inevitável Fechar Oficinas De S. José, in DN (March 23, 2012)
- Crimes De Agressão Sexual Em Lar DA Igreja Vão a Tribunal, in Diario De Noticias (March 17, 2012)
- Sex Abuse Book Mars Mexico Pope Visit, in Youtube (March 25, 2012)
- Popes Have Worked for 'Truth and Transparency, ' Fr. Lombardi Affirms, in Catholic News Agency (March 25, 2012)
- Monsignor's Coverup Trial Set to Open, by Peter Loftus, Wall Street Journal (March 25, 2012)
- Philadelphia Priest Abuse Trial to Draw Plenty of Attention, by Ross Levitt and Susan Candiotti, CNN (March 25, 2012)
- Catholics Celebrate Vatican Ruling on Closings with Special Mass at St. Colman Parish, by Evelyn Theiss, Plain Dealer (March 25, 2012)
- The Olé Pope: Benedict Dons a Mexican Sombrero As He Preaches Mass to 30,000, in The Telegraph (March 25, 2012)
- México: Acusan Al Papa De Ignorar Denuncias Sobre Abuso Sexual, in Observador Global (March 25, 2012)
- LA Pederastia Que El Papa No Quiere Ver, in Critica Politica (March 25, 2012)
- Respuesta Del Vaticano: Ningún Papa Encubrió a Mexicano Maciel, by E. Eduardo Castillo Y Adriana Gomez Licon, Orlando Sentinel (March 25, 2012)
- Víctimas De Marcial Maciel Cuestionan Al Papa En México, in LA Nacion (March 25, 2012)
- Víctimas De Maciel En México Acusan a De Benedicto XVI De Haber Tapado Los Abusos, in El Plural (March 26, 2012)
- C4c Commentor Quoted in Cnn Justice Coverage, by Susan Matthews, The Catholics4change (March 25, 2012)
March 26
- Opening Arguments Scheduled Today in Philadelphia Clergy Sex Abuse Case, by Peter Hall, Morning Call (March 26, 2012)
- Trial Begins for Catholic Church Official Charged with Reassigning Abusive Priests, by Elizabeth Fiedler, The Newsworks (March 26, 2012)
- Opening Statements in Clergy Sex Abuse Trial Set to Begin Today, by Tony Hanson, CBS Philly (March 26, 2012)
- Unusual Catholic Church Abuse Case to Go to Trial in Philadelphia, in God Discussion (March 26, 2012)
- A Lingering Legacy of Secrecy, in News-Democrat (March 26, 2012)
- Judge to Rule on Delaying Priest Sex Trial, in UPI (March 26, 2012)
- Landmark Philly Priest-Abuse Trial Starts Monday, in St. Louis Post-Dispatch (March 26, 2012)
- Alison O'Connor: Church Tells the Betrayed Laity to Get Back in Line, in Irish Independent (March 26, 2012)
- Cleveland: Special Mass at St. Colman's Church, by Pamela Osborne, WKYC (March 25, 2012)
- Maaike Cafmeyer over Vangheluwe : " Schrok Niet Toen Hij Ontmaskerd Werd, in The Knack (March 26, 2012)
- De Wonderjaren Van Maaike Cafmeyer, in The Humo (March 26, 2012)
- Landmark Priest Sex Abuse Trial Begins, by Kevin Spak, The Newser (March 26, 2012)
- Evangelicals Rise in Latin America, by Chris Arsenault, The Aljazeera (March 26, 2012)
- Benedict XVI Attacks the Bishops Conniving with the Drug Lords and the Paedophile Maciel, by Giacomo Galeazzi, Vatican Insider (March 26, 2012)
- Start of Landmark Philly Priest Abuse Case Delayed, by Maryclaire Dale, KTAR (March 26, 2012)
- Reported Sexual Assault at Notre Dame Campus Leaves More Questions Than Answers, by Melinda Henneberger, National Catholic Reporter (March 26, 2012)
- Judge to Rule on Bid to Delay Priests' Trial, by John P. Martin, Philadelphia Inquirer (March 26, 2012)
- Archbishop Chaput's War on Obama Is Bad for Philadelphia, by Joel Mathis, Philly Post (March 26, 2012)
- Landmark Philly Priest Sex Abuse Case Begins, by Maryclaire Dale, KSRO (March 26, 2012)
- vertuschung Statt Aufklärung Von Missbrauchsfällen in Der Katholischen Kirche", in The Wochenblatt (March 25, 2012)
- Neue Vorwurfe Gegen Missbrauchsbeauftragten Der Deutschen Bischofskonferenz, in The Bospace (March 26, 2012)
- Papst Ruft Mexiko Zur Beilegung Seiner Konflikte Auf, in The Spin (March 26, 2012)
- OPFER Beschuldigen Papst, on N-TV (March 25, 2012)
- Tater, Opfer Und Null Toleranz, in Anmerkungen donec venias (March 23, 2012)
- Landmark US Church Sex Abuse Case Begins; Monsignor, Priest Plead Not Guilty, in Global News (March 26, 2012)
- Prosecutors: Philly Archdiocese Protected Predator Priests, Reputation More Than Kids" Safety, by Maryclaire Dale, Newser (March 26, 2012)
- First US Catholic Pedophile Cover-up Trial Opens, by Daniel Kelley, AFP (March 26, 2012)
- Judge Moving Forward with Clergy Abuse Trial, by Susan Matthews, Catholics4Change (March 26, 2012)
- Monsignors Role at Issue As Trial Opens, by John P. Martin, Philadelphia Inquirer (March 26, 2012)
- American Monsignor Tried on Paedophilia Charges, in Vatican Insider (March 26, 2012)
- Sex Abuse Trial Opens for Archdiocese Official, Priest, by Sarah Hoye, Local 10 (March 26, 2012)
- Tragedies beyond Belief, in The Algemeiner (March 26, 2012)
- Bishop Listecki to Preside at Mass of Atonement, by Annysa Johnson, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (March 26, 2012)
- Former Dominican Sees Church's Demise As Blessing in Disguise, by Jamie L Manson, National Catholic Reporter (March 26, 2012)
- First U.S. Catholic Pedophile Cover-up Trial Opens, by Daniel Kelley, Canada.com (March 26, 2012)
- Atty: Monsignor "Won't Run" from Pa. Church Abuse, by Maryclaire Dale, KTAR (March 26, 2012)
- Priest Indicted on Charges of Child Pornography, Theft from Fitchburg Parish, by Gary V. Murray, Telegram & Gazette Staff (March 26, 2012)
- Sex Abuse Trial Opens for Archdiocese Official, Priest, by Sarah Hoye, CNN (March 26, 2012)
- So Much for it Was a Thing of the Past: Active Clergy Criminal Cases, in Patrick J. Wall (March 26, 2012)
- Church Abuse Shatters Dad's Faith, by Melissa Cunningham, Maroondah Weekly (March 27, 2012)
- For Church Leaders Who Covered up Sex Abuse, It Is Time to Face the Music, by Scott Alessi, U.S. Catholic (March 26, 2012)
- Philadelphia Ex-priest Admits Abuse; Lawsuits Settled, Filed, in Catholic News Service (March 26, 2012)
- Church Official Concealed Abuse Allegations, Prosecutor Said, by Peter Loftus, Wall Street Journal (March 26, 2012)
- Archbishop Chaput Will Not Be Silenced, in Catholic League (March 26, 2012)
- Director of Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests Pays a Visit, by Susan Campbell, Hartford Courant (March 26, 2012)
- If the Catholic Church Is Going to Put Pressure on Snap, by Susan Campbell, Hartford Courant (March 26, 2012)
- Church Official Called "Keeper of Secrets" in U.S. Abuse Case, by Dave Warner, Reuters (March 27, 2012)
- Landmark Sexual-abuse Trial: Monsignor Called "Keeper of Secrets", by David Zucchino, Los Angeles Times (March 26, 2012)
- Landmark Catholic Priest Abuse Trial Begins in Philadelphia, in msnbc (March 26, 2012)
- Landmark US Church Sex Abuse Case Begins, in Times of India (March 26, 2012)
- De Ballenbus Kwam Elke Vrijdag Langs, in Historisch Nieuwsblad (March 26, 2012)
- Ruim 8000 Gesprekken Via Hotline Misbruik, in Reformatorisch Dagblad (March 26, 2012)
- Trial of Highest Ranking Church Official Opens in Philadelphia, in Press TV (March 26, 2012)
- Not in Kansas Anymore, in Philadelphia Inquirer (March 26, 2012)
- Can Monsignor Lynn Get a Fair Trial?, by Eric Walter, Newsworks (March 26, 2012)
- Complete Coverage: Philadelphia Archdiocese Child Sex Abuse Scandal, in Newsworks (March 26, 2012)
March 27
- Priests' Child Sex-Abuse Trial Gets Started, by John P. Martin, Philadelphia Inquirer (March 27, 2012)
- Monica Yant Kinney: Clergy Sex-Abuse Trial Takes a Sharply Sanitized Turn, by Monica Yant Kinney, Philadelphia Inquirer (March 27, 2012)
- Monsignor's Role at Issue As Trial Opens, in Philadelphia Inquirer (March 27, 2012)
- Secret Files Show Church Doubted Victims, Shielded Abusers, Court Told, by Maryclaire Dale, The Chronicle-Herald (March 27, 2012)
- U.S. Priest on Trial over Alleged Abuse Coverup, in Calgary Herald (March 27, 2012)
- Representative of Mexican Priest's Victims Reproaches Pope for Ignoring Them, in Latin American Herald Tribune (March 27, 2012)
- Kansas City Judge to Hear Motions to Dismiss in Case against Roman Catholic Bishop, in Washington Post (March 27, 2012)
- Church " Mentor" under Investigation for Molesting Children 3/26/12, by Shannon Murray, CBS 7 (March 26, 2012)
- Vatican Report Attempts Mere Excuse Not Explanation, by Tom Doyle, Irish Times (March 27, 2012)
- Former Fitchburg Priest Indicted on Child-Porn, Theft Charges, in Sentinel & Enterprise (March 27, 2012)
- *exclusive Report* Philadelphia Abuse Accuser Has Extensive Criminal Record of Fraud and Filing False Police Reports, by Dave Pierre, Media Report (March 26, 2012)
- Was Msgr. Lynn Protecting Children or Church?, by Susan Matthews, The Catholics4change (March 27, 2012)
- Proces ex-aartsbisschop die pedofiele priesters beschermde van start in VS, by Ellen Provoost, HLN (March 26, 2012)
- Senior Priest on Trial, by Erik Eckholm and Jon Hurdle, Columbus Dispatch (March 27, 2012)
- Ahascragh Priest Defamation Findings to Be Made Public, in Galway Bay Fm (March 27, 2012)
- Why the Trial in Philadelphia Is So Significant, by David Clohessy, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (March 26, 2012)
- A Little More Reading with Today's Piece, by Susan Campbell, Hartford Courant (March 27, 2012)
- Kein Ablassbrief Für Pädophile Priester, by Marie-Thérèse Harasim, Spree Wild (March 26, 2012)
- Herr, Schmeiß Pr-Berater Vom Himmel: Die Kirche Und Der Sex, by Julian Islinger, Blaue Narzisse (March 27, 2012)
- Hoher Us-Geistlicher Soll Missbrauch Gedeckt Haben, in Sueddeutsche (March 27, 2012)
- Records Show Monsignor Misled Parishioners, by John P. Martin, Philadelphia Inquirer (March 27, 2012)
- Memo: Philly Parish Misled about Pastor's Leave, by Maryclaire Dale, WRAL (March 27, 2012)
- Amended Suit Alleges New Abuses at Kansas School, on Trib.com (March 24, 2012)
- Former Fitchburg Priest Indicted on Porn Charges, in Boston Herald (March 27, 2012)
- Slidell Pastor Convicted of Sex Crimes, by Claire Galofaro, The Times-Picayune (March 27, 2012)
- Rooms-katholieke Kerk Spanje Werft Priesters Onder Werklozen, in Reformatorisch Dagblad (March 27, 2012)
- NCR Endorses Call for a New Sexual Ethic, in National Catholic Reporter (March 27, 2012)
- The Prosecutor's Opening Statement: Whispers in the Dark, by Ralph Cipriano, Philadelphia Priest Abuse Blog (March 27, 2012)
- Prosecutors Trace Paper Trail of Guilt in Philadelphia Priest Sex Abuse Trial, by Tony Hanson, CBS Philly (March 27, 2012)
- Ex-priest Facing Gross Indecency Charges, in New Ross Standard (March 27, 2012)
- Accused Former Priest to Be in Court Today, by Ashley Withers, American Press (March 27, 2012)
- State House News -- Deleo Sees Path for "Constitutionally Correct" Child Abuse Bill, by Kyle Cheney, Wicked Local Pembroke (March 27, 2012)
- Case against the Church Only after Appeal Victim, by Christian Peregin, Times of Malta (March 27, 2012)
- Los Gatos Priest Beating Case Trial Still Pending Due to Scheduling, by Sheila Sanchez, Patch (March 27, 2012)
- Bishop to Hold Mass for Clergy Abuse Victims, in Bangor Daily News (March 27, 2012)
- Ruling Expected Next Week in Case against Bishop, by Mark Morris, Kansas City Star (March 27, 2012)
- Alleged Priest & Former Abbey Owner Posts Bail, in WGIL (March 27, 2012)
- Ex-priest Hires Lawyer to Fend off 25-year-old Sex Charges, by Theresa Schmidt, KPLC (March 27, 2012)
- Memo: Philly Parish Misled about Pastor's Leave, by Maryclaire Dale, Associated Press (March 27, 2012)
- Monsignor Distances Self from Indicted Child Abusers, by Reuben Kramer , Courthouse News Service (March 27, 2012)
- Juror Ill, Clergy Sex Trial Postponed, by Ross Farrow, Lodi News-Sentinel (March 27, 2012)
- "Iedere Katholiek Is Medeplichtig Aan Psychisch Leed", in de Volkskrant (March 27, 2012)
- Prosecutors: Monsignor Misled Parishioners about Abuse Accusations, by John P. Martin, Philadelphia Inquirer (March 27, 2012)
- Producer Threatens L.A. Jewish Film Fest over Rejection of Sex-abuse Documentary, by Ben Harris, JTA (March 27, 2012)
March 28
- Maine Bishop Holds Day of Prayer for Abuse Victims, in NECN (March 28, 2012)
- Both Sides Point to Key Evidence in Priest Abuse Case, by Tony Hanson, CBS Philly (March 28, 2012)
- US Catholic Bishop Had No 'Duty' to Report Child Abuse-Lawyer, by Carey Gillam, Chicago Tribune (March 27, 2012)
- The Avery Files", by Ralph Cipriano, Philadelphia Priest Abuse Trial Blog (March 27, 2012)
- The Sins of the Past Evidence of " Prior Bad Acts" by the Archdiocese May Be a Daily Issue, by Ralph Cipriano, Philadelphia Priest Abuse Trial Blog (March 28, 2012)
- Catholic Diocese to Hold Day of Prayer, Penance for Abuse Victims, by Dennis Hoey, The Portland Press Herald (March 28, 2012)
- Bishop's Lawyer Files Motion to Dismiss, by Justin Schmidt, KCTV (March 28, 2012)
- Church Is Approaching Breaking Point, by Brian Whelan, New Ross Standard (March 27, 2012)
- Pennsylvania Church Kidnaps Teens..., in Huffington Post (March 27, 2012)
- New Polygamy Charges Coming in Canada?, by Lindsay Whitehurst, Salt Lake Tribune (March 27, 2012)
- Glück: Gesellschaftlicher Bedeutungsverlust Der Kirche, in The Kirchensite (March 27, 2012)
- Woodridge Priest Retires after Word of '92 Arrest Gets out, by Brian Slodysko, Chicago Tribune (March 27, 2012)
- Complaint Details Charges against Alleged Monk, by Dennis Magee, Wcf Courier (March 27, 2012)
- Missouri Judge Hears Motions in Case against Bishop, by Bill Draper, Morning Sentinel (March 28, 2012)
- Es Geschah in Der Kirche, by Uta Keseling, Berliner Morgenpost (March 28, 2012)
- Convicted Priest Faces More Lawsuits, in CBC News (March 28, 2012)
- Missbrauchsbeauftragter Kämpft Gegen DAS Vergessen, by Miriam Hollstein, The Welt (March 27, 2012)
- Priests Call for Abuse Inquiry, by Barney Zwartz, The Age (March 29, 2012)
- Ex-Priest Faces Eight Charges of Gross Indecency, in Wexford People (March 28, 2012)
- Another Civil Lawsuit Filed against Diocese of Orange and Pedo-Priest It Protected, Denis Lyons, by Gustavo Arellano, Orange County Weekly (March 28, 2012)
- Zwolle Gaat Op De Knieën, in Friesch Dagblad (March 28, 2012)
- Parents Say School Had Kids Write to Child Molester, by Cameron Langford, Courthouse News Service (March 28, 2012)
- Parents Say School Failed to Protect Children in Inmate Pen-Pal Project, by Ryan Korsgard, Click2houston (March 27, 2012)
- War on Catholics, by Mark Silk, Religion News Service - Spiritual Politics (March 28, 2012)
- Blog Covers Priest Abuse Trial, by Susan Matthews, The Catholics4change (March 28, 2012)
- Witness Recalls Being Stalked by Priest, by John P. Martin, Philadelphia Inquirer (March 28, 2012)
- Bishop Finn Bobs and Weaves, by David Gibson, Dotcommonweal (March 28, 2012)
- Bishop in Ohio Says No Decision Yet on Re-Opening Cleveland Diocese Churches Spared by Vatican, in The Republic (March 28, 2012)
- Pa Trial: Priests Struggled with 'Sexual Sobriety', by Maryclaire Dale, Seattle Times (March 28, 2012)
- Group Calls on Hospital to Find Victims of Abuse, in WFSB (March 28, 2012)
- Press Release, in Voice from the Desert (March 28, 2012)
- Damaging Evidence Presented in Clergy Sex Abuse Trial, by Tony Hanson, CBS Philly (March 28, 2012)
- Controversy Erupts around 'Standing Silent' Documentary, by Emily Wax, Washington Post (March 28, 2012)
- Vom Acker Und Dem Ackermännchen, in The European (March 28, 2012)
- Nouveau Scandale De Prêtres Pédophiles En Allemagne, by Frédéric Lemaître, Le Monde (March 19, 2012)
- Bistum Bekommt Problem Mit Pädophilen Priestern Nicht in Den Griff, in The Volksfreund (March 28, 2012)
- Pädophiler Priester Hielt Messe Mit Kommunionkindern, in Saarbrucker Zeitung (March 29, 2012)
- Pädophiler Priester Feierte Gottesdienst Mit Kindern, in SWR (March 28, 2012)
- Bishop: Total Re-Examination of Catholic Faith, Culture Needed, by Joshua J. McElwee, National Catholic Reporter (March 28, 2012)
- Priest Finds Porn, Lewd Letter in Rectory, in Maryclaire Dale (March 28, 2012)
- Pa Trial: Priests Struggled with 'Sexual Sobriety', by Maryclaire Dale, Sun News (March 28, 2012)
- Abuse Victim Testifies in Philadelphia Church Trial, by Dave Warner, Ri Npr (March 28, 2012)
- Philadelphia Priest Sex Abuse Trial: Rev. Francis Trauger Stalked Boy, Witness Says, by Michael McLaughlin, Huffington Post (March 28, 2012)
- Victims of Sexual Abuse Step Forward, Encourage Others to Follow Suit, by Laurel Myers, Sudbury Northern Life (March 28, 2012)
- Another Lay Review Board Thrown under the Bus ..., by Joelle Casteix, Worthy Adversary (March 28, 2012)
- Grand Jury Indicts Fr. Dongor, in Telegram & Gazette (March 28, 2012)
- Altar Boy Stalked by Pedophile Priest, by Ralph Cipriano, Philadelphia Priest Abuse Trial Blog (March 28, 2012)
- Diocese Clams up As Questions Remain on Status of Gerald Riva Investigation, Priest Polici, by David Heitz, Woodbridge Reporter (March 28, 2012)
- Lawyers Appeal for Other Sudbury Victims of Father Marshall to Come Forward, in Sudbury Star (March 29, 2012)
- Clergy Call for Inquiry into Sexual Abuse Claims, by Alison Caldwell, ABC News (March 29, 2012)
- Archdiocese Priest Writes Love Letter to Seventh-Grade Boy, by Ralph Cipriano, Philadelphia Priest Abuse Trial Blog (March 28, 2012)
- Victim's Father Determined to Break Cycle of Abuse in Brooklyn's Hasidic, Orthodox Communities,in CBS New York (March 28, 2012)
March 29
- Priest's S&m Vid Fetish Kept Secret from Pastor, by John P. Martin & Joseph A. Slobodzian, Philadelphia Inquirer (March 29, 2012)
- New England Dispatches, in Portland Press Herald (March 29, 2012)
- Former Palma Student Alleges Abuse by Priest; Documents Show History of Suspicions about Teacher, by Julia Reynolds, Santa Cruz Sentinel (March 29, 2012)
- Bishop Sends Letter to Parishes Regarding Status of Vatican Decrees, in Roman Catholic Diocese of Cleveland (March 29, 2012)
- Lawsuits Launched against Jailed Priest, by Emily Senger, CTV (March 28, 2012)
- Abuse Support Urges Church Do More to Help Victims, in WPRO (March 29, 2012)
- Latest Maryland and Delaware News, Sports, Business and Entertainment, in ABC 27 (March 29, 2012)
- Walkersville Man Gets 4 Years for Child Sex Abuse, by Cara R. Anthony, News-Post (March 29, 2012)
- Judge: Pastor Covered by Privilege, by Dani Carlson, WOOD (March 29, 2012)
- Judge: Minister OK to Not Report Suspected Abuse, in CBS Detroit (March 29, 2012)
- Judge Upholds Lower Courts Decision in Clergy - Penitent Privilege Case, in Ionia Sentinel-Standard (March 29, 2012)
- Paedophiles "Groom" Children for Sex Online in Just Eight Minutes, by Andrew Hough, Irish Independent (March 29, 2012)
- Cleveland Bishop Analyzing Vatican Rulings on Church Closings, by Colette Jenkins, Akron Beacon Journal (March 29, 2012)
- Cleveland Parishes Still Empty, Diocese Leader Responds, by Jennifer Jordan, Fox 8 (March 29, 2012)
- CATHOLIC Bishop Richard Lennon Still Weighing Whether to Appeal Vatican Decrees on Cleveland Church Closures, by Michael O'Malley, Plain Dealer (March 29, 2012)
- Bishop Lennon Says He's Not Yet Made a Decision on Reopening Churches, by Julie Kent, Cleveland Leader (March 29, 2012)
- Philly Abuse Case Flip-flop? Serious Doubt Emerges in Charges against Accused Priests, by Dave Pierre, Media Report (March 29, 2012)
- As Listecki Seeks to atone This Week, His Lawyers Will Fight Victims Next Week to Stop Release of Explosive New Testimony, in SNAP Wisconsin (March 29, 2012)
- Bishops in the Dock, by Andrew Walsh, Religion in the News (March 29, 2012)
- Glaubwurdigkeit Hinterfragen, in domradio (March 29, 2012)
- Padophiler Pfarrer Feiert Gottesdienst Mit Kindern, in Welt (March 29, 2012)
- Wenn Kloster Mauern, by Jutta Berger, Der Standard (March 29, 2012)
- Aufklarung Auf Katholisch, by Anna Loll und Peter Wensierski, The Spiegel (March 29, 2012)
- Movilh: El Obispo De Santiago Visita Pedofilos, Pero No Tuvo Palabras Para Daniel Zamudio, in Cooperativa (March 29, 2012)
- Predator Priest Kept in Philly Archdiocese, by Maryclaire Dale, NBC 10 (March 29, 2012)
- A Tale of Two Bishops, in Catholic Sensibility (March 29, 2012)
- Woman: at 13, "Helpless and Trapped" at $5 Rectory Job with Philly Priest Who Fondled Her, by Maryclaire Dale, Daily Reporter (March 29, 2012)
- "Priest Snatched My Baby but I Never Stopped Searching", by Myles Buchanan, Bray People (March 29, 2012)
- Victims Call on Listecki to Atone in Court As Well As Special Mass, in Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (March 29, 2012)
- Former St. Marys Principal Father Marshall Faces More Legal Action, by Mike Verdone, Sault Star (March 29, 2012)
- Oakland Priest Abuse Ruling Makes Lawsuits throughout California More Difficult, by Howard Mintz, Contra Costa Times (March 29, 2012)
- Prosecutors of Philadelphia Priests Raise Decades of Buried Abuse Cases, by Tony Hanson, CBS Philly (March 29, 2012)
- Witness Recalls Gropings by Priest in Her Teen Years, by Joseph A. Slobodzian, Philadelphia Inquirer (March 29, 2012)
- REPORT: Miss. Bar Filing Complaint against AG Hood, by John O'brien, Legal Newsline (March 29, 2012)
- Blight in the Vineyard, and Clergy Sex Abuse: Some Initial Thoughts Provoked by John Immels Book, in Paul's Passing Thoughts (March 29, 2012)
- Silence and Self-rule: Brooklyn's Orthodox Child Abuse Cover-up, by Zoe Blackler, The Guardian (March 29, 2012)
- Ballarat Sex Abuse Victims Welcome Inquiry Calls, by Tom Mcilroy, The Courier (March 30, 2012)
- Faithless Ireland, by Christine McCarthy McMorris, Religion in the News (March 29, 2012)
- "Ein Tater-schutzsystem", in SR (March 29, 2012)
- Texas Court Dismisses Warren Jeffs Appeal, by Lindsay Whitehurst, Salt Lake Tribune (March 29, 2012)
- Pinoy Priest Indicted on Child Porn Charges, by Joseph Pimentel, Asian Journal (March 29, 2012)
- State Supreme Court Rejects Brothers Bid to Sue Bishop over Alleged Abuse, in KTVU (March 29, 2012)
- Sex Abuse Victims Angry over Inquiry Calls, in ABC South West Victoria (March 29, 2012)
- National Catholic Reporter Vs. Catholic Church, in Catholic League (March 29, 2012)
- Priest Apologizes for Trying to Raise Funds for Accused Sex Abuser, in CBS Boston (March 29, 2012)
- Northampton County Grand Jury to Investigate Three Homicide Cases, by Nicole Radzievich, Morning Call (March 29, 2012)
- Catholic Diocese of Portland Says Audit Finds It in Compliance with Child Protection Policies, in Bangor Daily News (March 29, 2012)
- Vatican Leaks Raise Questions over Finances, by Sylvia Poggioli, NPR (March 29, 2012)
- 1in6 Thursday: What Does Supportive Look Like?, in Joyful Heart Foundation (March 29, 2012)
- High Court Says Family Can't Sue Oakland Bishop for Alleged Sexual Abuse by Hayward Priest in 1970s, in Patch (March 29, 2012)
- Group Calls for All Priest-abuse Documents to Be Released, by Myra Sanchick, Fox 6 (March 29, 2012)
- Court Upholds Time Limit for Clergy Abuse Claims, in San Francisco Chronicle (March 29, 2012)
- Courts Deal Blow to Sex Abuse Victims: Victims Respond, by Joelle Casteix, SNAP (March 29, 2012)
- Sex Abuse: Top Catholic Priest Calls for Inquiry on Assaults, by Mandy Squires, Geelong Advertiser (March 29, 2012)
- Pedophile Priest Fondles 13-year-old Girl in Rectory, by Ralph Cipriano, Philadelphia Priest Abuse Trial Blog (March 29, 2012)
- Court Rules Brothers Can't Sue Bishop for Alleged Sexual Abuse, in San Francisco Appeal (March 29, 2012)
- Collar "a Difficult Symbol" for Cork Priests, in Cork News (March 29, 2012)
- Evergreen Priest in Child Sex Abuse Case Granted Continuance, in KAJ (March 29, 2012)
March 30
- 'Molested Brothers Waited Too Long', by Lisa Leff, Pretoria News (March 30, 2012)
- Wife Takes Stand in Priest Sex Abuse Trial, by Ross Farrow, Modesto Bee (March 30, 2012)
- Priest's Arraignment Has Been Delayed, in Daily Inter Lake (March 30, 2012)
- Church Apologizes for Bulletin Priest 'ad', by Richard Weir, Boston Herald (March 30, 2012)
- Rev. Francis H. Kelley's Fund Request for Alleged Abuser Draws Ire, by Steve Annear, Metro (March 30, 2012)
- Landmark Clergy-abuse Case Hears Evidence in Philadelphia, in Adelaide Now (March 30, 2012)
- Traditional Background Checks of Bus Drivers Won't Stop Child Molesters from Driving Kids to School, by Jacksonville Beach, PR Web (March 30, 2012)
- Texas Court Dismisses Appeal of FLDS Leader Jeffs, in KHOU (March 30, 2012)
- The Vatican Is a 'cold House' for Liberal Catholics, by Kevin Hegarty, Mayo News (March 30, 2012)
- Brooklyn DA Condemned for Not Prosecuting More Hasidic, Orthodox Jewish Sex Abusers, in CBS New York (March 30, 2012)
- Exclusive: Letter from Haredi "Gadol" Rabbi Chaim Pinchos Scheinberg Says Notorious Pedophile Innocent, in Failed Messiah (March 30, 2012)
- Rep. Bishop Shares Childhood Trauma with Council, by Jan Ransom, Philadelphia Daily News (March 30, 2012)
- City Council Passes Bill on Sex-abuse Measures, in Philadelphia Daily News (March 30, 2012)
- Sex Abuse Victims Lose California Appellate Ruling, by Joey Piscitelli, AlterNet (March 29, 2012)
- Marist Brothers Ex-pupils Finally Obtain Justice, in Broken Rites (March 30, 2012)
- Sex, Lies, and Videotaped Depositions, in TBogg (March 14, 2012)
- Beasley Firm Sponsors Philadelphia Priest Abuse Trial Blog by Ralph Cipriano, in Digital Journal (March 30, 2012)
- Castres Pour Les Punir De Leur Homosexualite !, by Marco Bertolini, myeurop (March 30, 2012)
- Lawsuit Alleges Crosier Priest Accused of Molesting Student in 1980s, by Sunita Vijayan, Salinas Californian (March 30, 2012)
- The Signals Switch, in National Survivor Advocates Coalition (March 30, 2012)
- SNAP Wi Letter to Archbishop Listecki on Unsealing Weakland, Sklba Depositions; Mass of Atonement, in SNAP Wisconsin (March 30, 2012)
- Catholic Church Abuses Sex Abuse Victims, in The Revealer (March 30, 2012)
- Rep. Gene O'flaherty, in Chelsea Record (March 30, 2012)
- Quarry V. Doe 1, in The Leagle (March 30, 2012)
- Release of Sex Abuse Depositions and Records Would Not Identify Victims, by John Pilmaier, SNAP Wisconsin (March 30, 2012)
- Del. Priest Who Stole from Parishioner Sentenced, in Wausau Daily Herald (March 30, 2012)
- 22news Infocus: the Catholic Church, by Jessica Stanley, WWLP (March 29, 2012)
- 'standing Silent' Silenced in L.A., by Ben Harris, New Jersey Jewish Standard (March 30, 2012)
- Benedict's Gentle Debunk of Clericalism, by John L Allen Jr, National Catholic Reporter (March 14, 2012)
- Los Gatos Priest Beating Case Trial Now on Schedule for May, by Sheila Sanchez, The Patch (March 30, 2012)
- Uberblick Uber Die Missbrauchsfalle in Diozesen Und Orden - Soweit Sie Von Der Kirche Oder Der Presse Offentlich Gemacht Wurden, in Wir Sind Kirche (March 30, 2012)
- Offener Brief an Bischof Dr. Ackermann Und an Alle Deutschen Kardinale, Erzbischofe Und Bischofe, in Wir Sind Kirche (March 30, 2012)
- Parents in Shock As Priest Displays Gay Porn Images, by Clodagh Sheehy, The Herald (March 30, 2012)
- 7 Reasons Catholics Leave Church (in Trenton, #1 Is Sex Abuse Crisis), by Dan Merica, CNN (March 30, 2012)
- Online Sexual Predators Only Need Eight Minutes, by Patrick Noaker, Child Protection News (March 30, 2012)
- Cardinal Tim Dolan Is Bringing Disgraced Cardinal Justin Rigali of Philadelphia to St. Patrick's Cathedral to Preach on Holy Thursday; Snap's David Clohessy Comments, in Voice from the Desert (March 30, 2012)
- Deetman Geen Twijfel over Rapport, in NOS (March 30, 2012)
- Donor Group Saw Expansion under Retiring Longtime Leader, by Jerry Filteau, National Catholic Reporter (March 28, 2012)
- Deetman Verwerpt Kritiek Op Misbruikrapport, in Nu (March 30, 2012)
- Deetman Eist Rectificatie Van Nrc, in The Trouw (March 30, 2012)
- Deetman Verwerpt Kritiek Op Misbruikrapport, in Reformatorisch Dagblad (March 30, 2012)
- Deetman Hield Geen Informatie Achter, in Omroep Gelderland (March 30, 2012)
- Archbishop Chaput Will Have None of Your Lukewarm Catholicism, by Richard Rys, Philly Post (March 30, 2012)
- Spiritans Religious Order to Be Audited on Sex Abuse, by PATSY McGARRY, Irish Times (March 31, 2012)
- Notification of Upcoming Safeguarding Review for the Irish Spiritan Province, in The Spiritans (March 30, 2012)
- Cleveland Parishes File Motions in Rome Demanding Their Churches Reopen, by Brian Roewe, National Catholic Reporter (March 30, 2012)
March 31
- Monsignor at Roslindale's Sacred Heart Apologizes after Soliciting Donations for Accused Priest, by Todd Feathers, Wicked Local correspondent (March 30, 2012)
- Clerical Abuse Survivors Asked: Has the Church Supported You?, in The Journal (March 28, 2012)
- Former Nuns Autobiography to Expose Catholic Churchs Crisis in Kerala, in Times of India (March 30, 2012)
- When the Archbishop Met the President, by James Taranto, Wall Street Journal (March 30, 2012)
- Male Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse Subject of Film at Wmu, by Andy Robins, WMUK (March 30, 2012)
- FLDS Leader Given Maximum Sentence by Texas Jury on Bigamy Counts, by Matthew Waller, KCSG (March 30, 2012)
- Deetman Geen Informatie Verzwegen, in Omroep Gelderland (March 31, 2012)
- Commissie Deetman: Castratie Los Van Misbruik Rkk, by Joep Dohmen, NRC Handelsblad (March 31, 2012)
- Vertuschung Von Missbrauchsfallen Im Bistum Trier, in netzwerkB (March 31, 2012)
- Church Calendar : 3-31, in Toledo Blade (March 31, 2012)
- Rabbi Arrested, Roommate Wanted on Child Porn Charges in Passaic, by Marlene Naanes And Nick Clunn, The Record (March 30, 2012)
- Argentinian Rabbi Arrested in Passaic on Child Porn Charges, in The Star-Ledger (March 30, 2012)
- Rcmp Renews Polygamy Investigation into Bountiful, in Globe and Mail (March 30, 2012)
- Perversion of Power When Mourning Never Comes, by Mary Gail Frawley-O'dea, Voice from the Desert (February 23, 2012)
- " the Black and White Code of Silence Is Broken", by Robert M. Hoatson, Voice from the Desert (March 30, 2012)
- Update on Abuse Survivor's Hunger Strike for Justice at College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Ma, in Voice from the Desert (March 29, 2012)
- Pa. Trial Shows Church Abuse Allegations Strategy, by Maryclaire Dale, ABC News (March 31, 2012)
- Pa. Trial Shows Church Abuse Allegations Strategy, in NPR (March 31, 2012)
- Detective: Lynn Worried about Hierarchy, Not Victims, by Ralph Cipriano, Philadelphia Priest Abuse Trial Blog (March 30, 2012)
- Monsignor Lynn and the Duty to Prevent Child Abuse, by Max Kennerly, Philadelphia Priest Abuse Trial Blog (March 30, 2012)
- Lake George Minister's History of Sexual Abuse Elsewhere Follows Him, by Sarah Smith, Park Rapids Enterprise (March 31, 2012)
- Priest Returns to Duties after Complaint Is Stood down, in Breaking News (March 31, 2012)
- Mike Tyson According to Bert Sugar, Mizzou's Bill McCartney, Cardinal Justin Rigali to St. Patrick's by Jerry Berger, Berger's Beat (March 30, 2012)
- It Is Necessary to Revise the Moral of Sexuality, Says Bishop Robinson, by Maria Teresa Pontara Pederiva, Vatican Insider (March 30, 2012)
April 2012
April 1
- Workshop on Child Safety at Embattled Sandwich Camp, by George Brennan, Cape Cod Times (April 1, 2012)
- High Court Applies Statute of Limitations in California Abuse Suit, in Catholic News Agency (April 1, 2012)
- Most Priests Prone to Call of Flesh, Says Kerala Nun, by Jose Kurian, Deccan Chronicle (March 31, 2012)
- Priests' Trial Opens with Lurid Tales, by John P. Martin, Philadelphia Inquirer (April 1, 2012)
- Monica Yant Kinney: Dysfunction Among the Vicars of Christ, by Monica Yant Kinney, Philadelphia Inquirer (April 1, 2012)
- Polish Church's Survival an Underdog Tale, by Paul Grondahl, Albany Times Union (March 31, 2012)
- Trenton Diocese Poll Seeks 'Sheep' Who've Strayed, by Erin Duffy, Times of Trenton (April 1, 2012)
- Hc Upholds 7-Yr Jail Term to Priest for Raping Girl in Temple, in Hindustan Times (April 1, 2012)
- The Depths of Depravity Revealed As Priests' Trial Opens, by Susan Matthews, The Catholics4change (April 1, 2012)
- Kerk Verbiedt Castratie Al Eeuwen, in The Trouw (March 19, 2012)
- Help Victims Carry Their Cross and Pray for Church: Join US Good Friday at Steps of Cathedral, by Susan Matthews, The Catholics4change (April 1, 2012)
- Happy April Fools Day?, by Joey Piscitelli, Alternet (April 1, 2012)
- The List Minnesota Bishops Do Not Want You to See, in Minnesota SNAP (April 2, 2012)
- St. Stanislaus Reopens for Palm Sunday Mass, by Tammy Daniels, Iberkshires (April 1, 2012)
- Clergy Sex Abuse Support Group Formed, by Elizabeth Hardin-Burrola, Gallup Independent (March 26, 2012)
- Priest Cleared of Abuse Allegation, in Irish Times (April 2, 2012)
April 2
- Archbishop, Anglicare Chief Welcome Cummins Report, in Anglican Diocese of Melbourne (April 2, 2012)
- Abuse Victim Welcomes Notice of Audit by Spiritans, by Patsy McGarry, Irish Times (April 2, 2012)
- Archbishop Hart Reaffirms the Church's Position on a Public Inquiry, by Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne (March 30, 2012)
- Vatican Diary / the Holy Office at the Click of a Mouse, in The Chiesa (April 2, 2012)
- A Monsignor Goes on Trial, in New York Times (April 1, 2012)
- St. Stanislaus Kostka Reopens Among Community Support, by Cherise Leclerc, CBS 3 (April 2, 2012)
- St. Stan's Has Joyous Rebirth on Palm Sunday, by Derek Gentile, Berkshire Eagle (April 2, 2012)
- Passion Sunday: We Crucify Him Updated, in Followed by Glory ... (April 1, 2012)
- Holy Spirits, in Austrian Independent (April 2, 2012)
- Priest in 'Indecent Images' Row at Primary School in Pomeroy, in BBC News (April 2, 2012)
- Tyrone Parents Shocked As Priest Accidentally Airs Gay Porn during Presentation, by Kerry O'Shea, Irish Central (April 2, 2012)
- Archdiocese Investigating Report of 'Inappropriate Imagery' Shown at Primary School, in The Journal (April 2, 2012)
- Why Pretend the Catholic Church Is Anything but an International Child-Molesting Cartel?, in End Times News (April 2, 2012)
- Persbericht Mea Culpa, in Bert Smeets (April 2, 2012)
- Lotgenotengroepen Spreken Steun Uit Voor De Commissie Deetman., in The Rknieuws (April 2, 2012)
- 'Ook Rol Psychiatrie Bij Misbruik Bekijken', in De Telegraaf (April 2, 2012)
- Other Pontifical Acts, in Vatican Information Service (April 2, 2012)
- Priest Martin McVeigh 'Accidentally Showed Gay Porn' during Primary School Presentation, by Lucy Sherriff, Huffington Post (April 2, 2012)
- Priest Probed over Indecent Images, on UTV (April 2, 2012)
- Pa. Trial: Priest Joked about Abusing 3 Boys in Week, Another Priest Called camp Prowler, in Washington Post (April 2, 2012)
- Ptsd Genes Uncovered by Ucla Study, in Technology Update News (April 2, 2012)
- Klokk Wil Meer Onderzoek Misbruik Kerk, in The Kerknieuws (April 2, 2012)
- Klokk: Ook Rol Psychiatrie Onderzoeken, in L1 (April 2, 2012)
- Klokk Vraagt Overheidsonderzoek Rol Psychiatrie Bij Kerkelijk Misbruik, in Reformatorisch Dagblad (April 2, 2012)
- Philadelphia Priest Charged with Endangering Children Was Protecting Them, Defense Says, by Tony Hanson, CBS Philly (April 2, 2012)
- Gerald T. Slevin, Open Appeal to Reporters at the Philadelphia Inquirer: a Time of Truth about Child Abuse, in The Bilgrimage (April 2, 2012)
- Kanakuk Staff Member Arrested on Sex Charges, in Turner Report (April 2, 2012)
- Ex-staff Member at Kanakuk Kamps Is Accused of Abusing 3 Campers, Ages 9, 10, 12, by Jay Scherder, KY3 News (April 2, 2012)
- Pa. Trial: Priest Joked of Abusing 3 Boys in Week, by Maryclaire Dale, The Olympian (April 2, 2012)
- Theres Much Finger Pointing in Catholic Churchs Child Sex-abuse Trial, in Daily Local News (April 2, 2012)
- Secret Church Documents Presented at Clergy Trial, by John P. Martin, Philadelphia Inquirer (April 2, 2012)
- RTE Awaits Bai Sanction over Libel, by Ronan Mcgreevy, Irish Times (April 2, 2012)
- Ex-calcasieu Priest Faces Additional Sex Charges, by E'lyn Taylor, KPLC (April 2, 2012)
- Matthew Fox Talks Obedience and Courage, Young Adults and the Church, by Jamie L Manson, National Catholic Reporter (April 2, 2012)
- Accused Priest to Appeal Verdict on Breached Seal of Confession, by Annysa Johnson, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (April 2, 2012)
- Pa. Trial: Priest Joked of Abusing 3 Boys in Week, by Maryclaire Dale, Atlanta Journal-Constitution (April 2, 2012)
- Lawyers Spar over Archdiocese's Secret Archive Files, by Ralph Cipriano, Philadelphia Priest Abuse Trial Blog (April 2, 2012)
- Tight Control, Few Explanations in Courtroom 304, by Ralph Cipriano , Philadelphia Priest Abuse Trial Blog (April 2, 2012)
- Jason Berry Wins Ire Book Award, in Fund for Investigative Journalism (April 2, 2012)
- Police to Ask US to Hand over Ex-teacher, by Jewel Topsfield, The Age (April 3, 2012)
- Australia Seeks Extradition of Molester, by Paul Berger, Jewish Daily Forward (April 2, 2012)
- Update: Priest Child Abuse Trial So Far, by Kristen Byrne, My Fox Philly (April 2, 2012)
- Cpso Re-arrests Former Priest on More Charges of Sexual Battery, Rape, in Sulfur Daily News (April 2, 2012)
April 3
- Pinoy Ex-Priest Ordered Extradited to US for Sex Abuse Raps, by Mark Merueñas, Gma News (April 3, 2012)
- Priest Arrested Again after Another Alleged Victim Comes Forward, by Shawn Kline, KATC (April 2, 2012)
- Sexual Abuse Slowly Coming out of the Dark, Says Journalist Linden Macintyre, by Michele Young, Kamloops Daily News (April 2, 2012)
- Defrocked Priest Heads to Prison, by David Chang and Maryclaire Dale, NBC 10 (April 2, 2012)
- New Internal Probe for Swedish 'Sex Pastor', in The Local (April 3, 2012)
- Ndictment of Fitchburg Pastor Shocks Church Members, by Paula J. Owen, Telegram & Gazette (April 3, 2012)
- Hague 'Court of Last Resort, ' SNAP Chief Says, by David Yonke, Toledo Blade (April 3, 2012)
- Medford Ex-Rector Accused of Sex Abuse, by Michael Rezendes, Boston Globe (April 3, 2012)
- Operatie Kelk: Huiszoekingen 2010 Nietig, Cassatie Verfijnt, in The Knack (April 3, 2012)
- Honoring the Tragically Flawed Is Tragically Flawed, by Joelle Casteix, Worthy Adversary (April 2, 2012)
- Secret Church Documents Presented at Clergy Trial, by John P. Martin, Philadelphia Inquirer (April 2, 2012)
- 'I Had Sex with Three Boys in a Week': Staggering 'Joke of Priest Accused of Abusing Children for Years', by Damien Gayle, Daily Mail (April 3, 2012)
- Prosecutors Detail Long History of Alleged Abuse by Priests, by Tony Hanson, CBS Philly (April 3, 2012)
- CA Allows Extradition of Filipino Priest Accused of Sexual Molestation in US, by Tetch Torres, Inquirer (April 3, 2012)
- Irish Church Launches Probe after Priest Inadvertently Shows Gay Porn during Meeting, by Amrutha Gayathri, International Business Times (April 3, 2012)
- 'Ook Rol Psychiatrie Bij Misbruik Bekijken', in The Skipr (April 2, 2012)
- Deetman Verwerpt Kritiek Op Misbruikrapport, in The Kerknieuws (April 2, 2012)
- Operatie Kelk in Handen Van Deken Brusselse Onderzoeksrechters, in The Zita (April 2, 2012)
- Nieuwe Onderzoeksrechter in Operatie Kelk, in The Rknieuws (April 2, 2012)
- Nsac Saalutes Jason Berry's Ire, by Kristine Ward, National Survivor Advocates Coalition (April 3, 2012)
- Taking a Side in a Boston Irish Row Kevin Cullen's Attack on Eugene O'Flaherty, by Larry Donnelly, Irish Central (March 30, 2012)
- Priest Allegedly Bragged about Having Sex with Boys, in WFMZ (April 3, 2012)
- Cardinal Launches Investigation into Priest's Porn Presentation to Parishioners, by Cathy Hayes, Irish Central (April 3, 2012)
- Church Vs International Law Debated, in WUPW (April 3, 2012)
- Daily Grinder: Priest Abuse Case Gets Sicker, by Randy Lobasso, Philadelphia Weekly - Daily Grinder (April 3, 2012)
- CA Allows Extradition of Ex-Pinoy Priest to US to Face Sexual Molestation Raps, by Perfecto T. Raymundo Jr., Zambo Times (April 3, 2012)
- RtÉ's Head of News Steps down, by Ronan McGreevy, Irish Times (April 3, 2012)
- Pinoy Priest to Be Extradited to US for Child Sex Abuse, by Ina Reformina, ABS-CBN (April 3, 2012)
- RtÉ Given Report on Libelling of Priest, by Ronan McGreevy, Irish Times (April 3, 2012)
- RtÉ Md of News & Current Affairs Ed Mulhall Retires, Changes to Current Affairs Announced, RTE News (April 3, 2012)
- Current Affairs Show Taken off Air, in Leinster Express (April 2, 2012)
- Prime Time Investigates Axed Following Watchdog Report, in Irish Independent (April 3, 2012)
- Rte's News Head Retires; Current Affairs Editor Resigns, in Breaking News (April 3, 2012)
- RTE Decides to Axe Prime Time Investigates, in The Journal (April 3, 2012)
- Roman Catholic Church Investigating How Porn Slideshow Ended up at First Communion Class, by Nina Mandell, New York Daily News (April 3, 2012)
- Jury Hears Dozens of Memos from Philly Archdiocese, in ABC News (April 3, 2012)
- SNAP Responds to Extradition of Former Fargo Priest, by David Clohessy, SNAP (April 3, 2012)
- Statement Regarding Fr. Dennis Gray, by Barbara Blaine, SNAP (April 3, 2012)
- SNAP Blasts Diocese of Great Falls, by Judy Jones, SNAP (April 3, 2012)
- Jury Hears Dozens of Memos from Philly Archdiocese, by Joann Loviglio, San Luis Obispo Tribune (April 3, 2012)
- Irish Priest Accidentally Shows Gay Porn, by Katie Toth, Religion Dispatches (April 3, 2012)
- Admitted Abusive Priest Warned to Stay low Key, by John P. Martin, Philadelphia Inquirer (April 3, 2012)
- RTE Head Retires Following Mission to Prey Investigation, in Galway Bay FM (April 3, 2012)
- Parents Demand Apology from Priest after Explicit Image Incident, in Tyrone Times (April 4, 2012)
- Diocese Settles Sex Abuse Case against Former Dover Priest for $265g, by Abbott Koloff, Daily Record (April 3, 2012)
- Extradition of Pinoy Priest to US over Sexual Raps Approved, by Edu Punay, Philippine Star (April 3, 2012)
- Legionaries Will Sell New York Formation Center, in Catholic News Agency (April 3, 2012)
- A Brief Therapy Heals Trauma in Children, by Jane E. Brody, New York Times (April 3, 2012)
- Resignations and Retirements at RTE Ahead of Libel Report, by Henry McDonald, The Guardian (April 3, 2012)
- Accused Former Priest Facing 140 Additional Charges, by Ashley Withers, American Press (April 3, 2012)
- Kansas City Abuse Case Decision Expected to Center on "Mandated Reporter" Statute, by Joshua J. McElwee, National Catholic Reporter (April 3, 2012)
April 4
- New Questions over A-G's Link to Embattled Priest, by Tim Palmer, 702 ABC Sydney (April 4, 2012)
- Outagamie County Jury to Hear Case against Diocese, by Jim Collar, Green Bay Press-Gazette (April 3, 2012)
- Another Kerala Nun to Publish a Tell-All Book on Convent Life, by Kk John, Christian Today (April 4, 2012)
- Diocese Urged to Update Priest Sex-Abuse Data, by David Yonke, Toledo Blade (April 4, 2012)
- Filipino Priest Accused of Sexual Abuse to Be Extradited to US, in Sun.star (April 4, 2012)
- Former Fargo Priest Ordered Extradited from Philippines, by Stephen J. Lee, Grand Forks Herald (April 3, 2012)
- Group Questions Use of Off-Duty Police in Sex Abuse Investigation, by Susan Olp, Billings Gazette (April 3, 2012)
- Jurors Told That Church Put off Abuse Complaints, by Jon Hurdle, New York Times (April 3, 2012)
- The Archdiocese's " Charitable Concern" for a Sex Abuse Victim, by Ralph Cipriano, Philadelphia Priest Abuse Trial Blog (April 3, 2012)
- SNAP Calls for Public Disclosure from Toledo Diocese, by Erin Kelly, WTOL (April 4, 2012)
- Former Grace Church Pastor Accused of Sexual Abuse in Medford, by Nicholas Iovino, Wicked Local Medford (April 3, 2012)
- Atonement Requires Revealing the Truth, by Peter Isely and James Connell, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (April 3, 2012)
- Lynnwood Church Leader Charged in Teen Sex Case, by Diana Hefley, The Herald (April 4, 2012)
- The Right Way to Listen to Victims of Child Sexual Abuse, in Prweb (April 4, 2012)
- Child Sex Offence Every 20 Minutes, by Anthony France, The Sun (April 4, 2012)
- Maine Roman Catholic Priest Takes Leave of Absence during Attorney General's Investigation, in The Republic (April 4, 2012)
- Facing Allegations, by Maine Priest Takes Leave, Portland Press Herald (April 4, 2012)
- Ft. Kent Priest on Leave during Investigation, in WMTW (April 4, 2012)
- Fort Kent Priest Steps down during Attorney General's Investigation, by Dawn Gagnon, Bangor Daily News (April 3, 2012)
- Apnewsbreak: $4.5m Spent on Texas FLDS Prosecution, by Paul J. Weber, Associated Press (April 4, 2012)
- Police Seek Kramer Extradition from US, by Adam Kamien, Australian Jewish News (April 4, 2012)
- Spain's Stolen Baby Scandal Gets Its First Day in Court, by Wendy Gillis, Toronto Star (April 4, 2012)
- Una Niña Robada Afirma Que LA Monja Implicada " Lo VA a Pagar Arriba", by Antonio M. YagÜe, El Periodico (April 4, 2012)
- sor María Me Dijo Que Me Quitaba LA Niña Por Adúltera, by Declara Una Madrileña, El Correo (April 4, 2012)
- Slachtoffers: Deetman Hield Niets Achter, in The Trouw (April 3, 2012)
- Out of Ireland a Call That Could Lead to Justice, by Kristine Ward, National Survivor Advocates Coalition (April 4, 2012)
- We Need Your Support at Cathedral This Good Friday from 11 A.m. to Noon., by Susan Matthews, The Catholics4change (April 4, 2012)
- Deetman: Castratie Harreveld Niet Uit Onderzoeksrapport Gehouden, in De Gelderlander (April 4, 2012)
- Deetman Ontkent Verzwijgen Castraties, in NOS (April 4, 2012)
- Vatican Accused of Cover-Up over Teenage Girl's Mysterious Disappearance, by Nick Squires, The Telegraph (April 3, 2012)
- Agenda Veiligheid En Justitie, in Tweede Kamer Der Staten-Generaal (April 4, 2012)
- Action Alert: Important Bankruptcy Court Hearing Thursday April 5th, in SNAP Wisconsin (April 3, 2012)
- Icb History 101: the Irish Christian Brothers and the Permanent Stain of Child Sex Abuse, in Patrick J. Wall (April 4, 2012)
- Trial of Willaim Lynn: a Compilation. Philadelphia Jp2 Army - John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army, by Paris Arrow, Pope Crimes & Vatican Evils...benedict XVI Ratzinger Crimes against Humanity at the Hague (April 3, 2012)
- Operatie Kelk: Huiszoekingen 2010 Nietig, Cassatie Verfijnt, in The Knack (April 3, 2012)
- Priester: Seks Met Drie Jongetjes Is Zwaar, in Powned (April 3, 2012)
- Accuser Expected to Testify at Philly Priest Trial, by Joann Loviglio, Morning Call (April 4, 2012)
- Reynolds Solicitor Critical of RtÉ, by Ronan McGreevy and Paul Cullen, Irish Times (April 4, 2012)
- RTE Journalism Guidelines INTERIM EDITION, in RTE (April 5, 2012)
- Key Actions and Changes, in RTE (April 5, 2012)
- Editorial Board to Vet Investigative Programmes, by Ronan McGreevy, Irish Times (April 4, 2012)
- The Price of RtÉ's Catastrophic Mistake, by Paul Cullen, Irish Times (November 26, 2011)
- Further Upheaval Expected at RtÉ over Reynolds Libel Affair, by Paul Cullen and Ronan McGreevy, Irish Times (April 4, 2012)
- Reynolds Solicitor Dismisses 'Prime Time' Changes As 'Probably Cosmetic', in Breaking News (April 4, 2012)
- Solictor of Ahascragh Priest Questions RTE Plan, in Galway Bay Fm (April 4, 2012)
- " in the Vatican There Are Those Who Know Where Emanuela Orlandi Is but Will Not Talk", by Giacomo Galeazzi, Vatican Insider (April 3, 2012)
- Opstelten: Castratie in Jaren '60 Soms Aanvaardbaar, in The Parool (April 3, 2012)
- Bisschoppenconferentie En Knr Schrijven Brief Aan Minister, in The Rknieuws (April 3, 2012)
- Operatie Kelk: Cassatie Verbreekt Laatste Arrest Deels, in The Vandaag (April 3, 2012)
- Kamer Wil Nieuw Onderzoek Naar Kindermisbruik in Nederland, by Annemarie Coevert, Nrc Handelsblad (April 4, 2012)
- Kerk Volgt Adviezen Deetman Strak Op, in Katholiek Nieuwsblad (April 3, 2012)
- Geen Nieuwe Informatie over Castratie, in NZG (April 4, 2012)
- Defamed Priest Not Consulted by Bai, in Grantham Journal (April 3, 2012)
- Gerald Slevin, Open Appeal to Philadelphia Inquirer Reporters Ii: the Philadelphia Archdiocese Priests Child Abuse Trial, the Pope, Secrecy, Santorum and the Upcoming Pennsylvania Primary, in The Bilgrimage (April 4, 2012)
- Deetman: Geen Reputaties Beschermd, in Reformatorisch Dagblad (April 4, 2012)
- Deetman Aangeslagen Door Kritiek, in The Trouw (April 4, 2012)
- Children Welcome at Good Friday Prayer Service at Steps of Cathedral, in The Catholics4change (April 4, 2012)
- Kramer's Attorney Questions Indictment, in J-Wire (April 4, 2012)
- Kanakuk Risk Management Director to Tell Cape Cod Camp How to Protect Children from Predators, by Turner Report (April 4, 2012)
- " Boys and Men Healing" Documentary about Impact of Child Sexual Abuse, by Maria Bryant, The Collegian (April 4, 2012)
- Kamer Houdt Vertrouwen in Deetman, in The Nieuws (April 4, 2012)
- Alum: Delbarton Sex Abuse Scandal Is Heartbreaking, by Bob McHugh, The Star-Ledger (April 4, 2012)
- Former Local Priest in Lewd Pictures Scandal, in Drogheda Independent (April 4, 2012)
- Smith Accused of Bias in Priest Sex Case, in Sydney Morning Herald (April 5, 2012)
- Sex Victims Urge Clergy to Read Letter at Easter, by Barney Zwartz, The Age (April 5, 2012)
- Philadelphia Priest Trial: 'Sexual Predator' LED Former Marine to Drugs, Suicide Attempt, Man Claims, by Joann Loviglio, Huffington Post (April 4, 2012)
- Gripping Testimony from Former Altar Boy in Philadelphia Priest Sex Abuse Trial, by Steve Tawa, CBS Philly (April 4, 2012)
- Sixteen Years after Alleged Abuse, Tearful Witness Faces Priest at Philadelphia Trial, by Elizabeth Fiedler, The Newsworks (April 4, 2012)
- Tearful Witness Describes Assault by Priest, by John P. Martin, Philadelphia Inquirer (April 4, 2012)
- Sexueller Missbrauch: Kirchenleiter Bitten Um Vergebung, in The Idea (April 4, 2012)
- Hildesheim - Durch Die Hölle Gegangen, by Stefan Branahl, Hildesheimer Allgemeine Zeitung (April 2, 2012)
- ich Fühle Mich Seitdem Emotional Behindert", in Saarbrucker Zeitung (February 25, 2010)
- Leitartikel Kirche: Verantwortung Bleibt, in Sudwest Presse (April 4, 2012)
- Ex-Coach Must Register As Sex Offender for 'Sexting' with Student, by Heather Rawlyk, Maryland Gazette (April 4, 2012)
- Victims Want Dolan to Disinvite Philly Cardinal, by David Clohessy, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (April 4, 2012)
- Thornwood Legion of Christ to Sell Land, by Robert Michelin, Daily Pleasantville (April 5, 2012)
- From Principal to Pastor: How a Sex Offender Ministered, by Sarah Smith, Park Rapids Enterprises (April 4, 2012)
- Parishioners Supporting St. John Valley Priest in Wake of Unspecified Allegations, by Julia Bayly, Bangor Daily News (April 4, 2012)
- Priest Gets 7-Yr Rigorous Imprisonment for Rape, by Conference of Religious India Bulletin (April 4, 2012)
- Pastoor Noemt Namen Aanklagers Om Misbruik, in The Klokk (April 4, 2012)
- Pastoor Noemt Namen Aanklagers Om Misbruik, in Limburgs Dagblad (April 5, 2012)
- Procedurekwestie Operatie Kelk Gaat Voort, in The Deredactie (April 3, 2012)
- Amnestiedebat Vandaag Verder, on TV Blik (April 4, 2012)
- Vatican Accused of Aiding in Thirty Year Old Disappearance of Girl, by Bridgette P. Lavictoire, Lez Get Real (April 4, 2012)
- Key Prosecution Witness Has Meltdown, by Ralph Cipriano, Philadelphia Priest Abuse Trial Blog (April 4, 2012)
- Ex-Chief's Part in RtÉ Libel Case Defended, by Paul Cullen, Irish Times (April 5, 2012)
April 5
- Church Looks to a Future with Fewer Priests, by Morven McLean, The Swissinfo (April 5, 2012)
- A-g "Lacked Judgment" in Priest Comments, in West Australian (April 5, 2012)
- Former North Dakota Priest to Be Extradited from the Philippines, in Bismark Tribune (April 5, 2012)
- Judge to Weigh Unsealing Archdiocese Records, by Annysa Johnson, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (April 5, 2012)
- Former Area Priest Returning to US to Face Molestation Charges, in WDAY (April 4, 2012)
- Witness Says Philadelphia Priest Raped Him at Age 14, by Sarah Hoye, Local 10 (April 5, 2012)
- Update: Accuser Gives Emotional Testimony, in Fox Philly (April 5, 2012)
- Catholic Priests Urged to Support Independent Inquiry into Church Sex Abuse, in ABC News (April 5, 2012)
- Jserra Acted as It Should" in Teacher's Sex-abuse Case, Report Says, by Frank Shyong, Orange County Register (April 5, 2012)
- Corona: Pastor, Two Others Charged in Abuse Case, in The Press-Enterprise (April 5, 2012)
- More People Required to Report Abuse, by Ty Tagami, Atlanta Journal-Constitution (April 5, 2012)
- Rally Seeks End to Statute of Limitations in Child Sex Assault Cases, by Charles Thompson, The Patriot-News (April 5, 2012)
- California Pastor Pleads Not Guilty in Torture of 13-year-old Boy, in Fox News (April 5, 2012)
- Pastor, Two Others Accused of Torturing Boy As Discipline, in Los Angeles Times (April 5, 2012)
- Corona Pastor Pleads Not Guilty in Alleged Torture of 13-year-old Boy, by Irene Moore, NBC Southern California (April 5, 2012)
- Group Home Director Jailed in Abuse Incident, in Irene Moore (April 5, 2012)
- Corona Pastor, 2 Men Arrested for Allegedly Torturing 13-year-old Boy, by John Gregory and Rob McMillan, KABC (April 5, 2012)
- Former Marine Testifies about Alleged Sex Abuse by Priest, by Dave Warner, WTAQ (April 4, 2012)
- Witness Details Clerical Terror, by John P. Martin, Philadelphia Inquirer (April 5, 2012)
- Accuser Describes Attack by Priest in Pennsylvania, by Jon Hurdle, New York Times (April 5, 2012)
- Accuser Holds up Well on Witness Stand at Clergy Sex Abuse Trial, by Monica Yant Kinney, Philadelphia Inquirer (April 5, 2012)
- Roman Catholic Diocese Assigns Priest to Replace Priest on Leave of Absence, by Dennis Hoey, Portland Press Herald (April 5, 2012)
- Substitutes Named While Ft. Kent Priest Investigated, in WMTW (April 5, 2012)
- Victims and Creditors in Archdiocesan Bankruptcy Want New Abuse Testimony Unsealed, in SNAP Wisconsin (April 5, 2012)
- Pope Benedict XVI Slams Rebel Priests over Celibacy, Women Clerics, in The Australian (April 5, 2012)
- Pope Slams Rebels over Celibacy and Women Priests, in Times of Malta (April 5, 2012)
- Group Calls for All Priest-abuse Documents to Be Released, by Angelica Duria, Fox 6 (April 5, 2012)
- Irish Broadcaster RTE Seeks to "Rebuild Trust" after Libel Episode, by Paul McNally, The Journalism (April 5, 2012)
- Pope Leads Easter Rituals, Slams Reformists" Calls to Ordain Women, in Monsters and Critics (April 5, 2012)
- Irish National Broadcaster Undergoes Major Changes - RTE Reports on Libel Case and Redundancies, by Paddy Clancy, Irish Central (April 5, 2012)
- RTE Chiefs Are Given Report on Libel Fiasco, by Edel Kennedy, Irish Independent (April 5, 2012)
- Closing Arguments Today in Father Michael Kelly Civil Trial, in Lodi News-Sentinel (April 5, 2012)
- Traduzione in Lingua Inglese, in Vatican Information Service (April 5, 2012)
- Deetman: Bijna Emotioneel, in NOS (April 5, 2012)
- De Voortzetting Van Het Debat over Het Eindrapport Van De Commissie-deetman over Seksueel Misbruik Binnen De Katholieke Kerk, 15 Februari 2012, in Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal (April 5, 2012)
- Deetman: Castratie Is Niet Bewezen, in Omroep Gelderlander (April 5, 2012)
- Deetman Geemotioneerd Door Kritiek, in de Gelderlander (April 5, 2012)
- Kamer Wil Nieuw Onderzoek Naar Kindermisbruik in Nederland, by Annemarie Coevert, NRC Handelsblad (April 5, 2012)
- Bankruptcy Judge Reviews Milwaukee Archdiocese Case, in WHBL (April 5, 2012)
- Pope Denounces Dissident Priests on Celibacy, in Oklahoman (April 5, 2012)
- Priests Accuser Returns to the Stand, Spars with Defense Attorney in Pa. Clergy Abuse Trial, in Washington Post (April 5, 2012)
- Lawsuits Allege Sex Abuse by Ex-cathedral Principal, by Diana Washington Valdez, El Paso Times (April 5, 2012)
- O'farrell Defends A-g over Alleged Abuse Comments, in ABC Illawarra (April 5, 2012)
- Kamer Zet in Op Nieuw Onderzoek Kindermisbruik, in Politiek (April 5, 2012)
- De Brief! Pedopriester Intimideert Slachtoffers, in GeenStijl (April 5, 2012)
- Waarom Amerikaanse Katholieken De Kerk Verlaten, in RKnieuws (April 5, 2012)
- Pope Denounces Dissident Priests on Celibacy, by Nicole Winfield, Star News (April 5, 2012)
- Judge Won't Dismiss Charge against Missouri Bishop, by Bill Draper, Bellingham Herald (April 5, 2012)
- Judge Rules to Keep Depositions in Priest Abuse Cases Sealed, by Ben Handelman, Fox 6 (April 5, 2012)
- In Court, Priests Lawyer Suggests Witness Was Jealous, by John P. Martin, Philadelphia Inquirer (April 5, 2012)
- Vatican Investigating Irish Priest over Liberal Views, in RTE News (April 5, 2012)
- Secretive Bai May Not Reveal Probe Details, by Kevin Doyle, Herald (April 5, 2012)
- Court Denies Catholic Bishops Request to Dismiss Charges, by Michelle Pekarsky, Fox 4 (April 5, 2012)
- Jackson County Trial against Bishop, Catholic Diocese to Proceed, Judge Rules, in Kansas City Star (April 5, 2012)
- Judge Rules to Let Trial Proceed for Bishop, Kc Catholic Diocese, by Laura McCallister, KCTV (April 5, 2012)
- Judge Orders Kansas City Bishop to Stand Trial in Abuse Case, by Joshua J. McElwee, National Catholic Reporter (April 5, 2012)
- Benefit Reading of Vatican Falls Will Be Presented in May; Casting Announced, by Andrew Gans, The Playbill (April 5, 2012)
- Het (charme) Offensief Van Pastoor Jan S., in Bert Smeets (April 5, 2012)
- Pope Tells Dissident Priests Exactly What They Can Do with Their Anti-celibacy Ideas, in Perth Now (April 5, 2012)
- Opinie - Operatie Kelk Breekt Misbruik-slachtoffers Zuur Op, in ED (April 5, 2012)
- Sex Abuse Inquiry: Ballarat Bishop Says No to Letter, by Tom Mcilroy, The Courier (April 5, 2012)
- Cardinal Dolans Gamble, by Vinnie Nauheimer, Minnesota SNAP (April 5, 2012)
- Kirche Muss Sich Ihrer Verantwortung Fur Den Opferschutz Stellen, in The Zartbitter (April 5, 2012)
- Missbrauch: Bischof Weist Kritik Zuruck, in Saarbrucker Zeitung (April 5, 2012)
- Missbrauch Im Stift - Gutachten Belastet Verdachtigen Pater, in The Nachrichten (April 5, 2012)
- Irish Priest under Vatican Investigation for Liberal Views, by Michael Kelly, Irish Catholic (April 5, 2012)
- Northeast Ohio: Are Some Churches Reopening?, by Dave Summers, WKYC (April 5, 2012)
- Lawyer Spars with Priest's Accuser in Pa. Trial, by Joann Loviglio, Sun News (April 5, 2012)
- Judge Will Not Release Depositions on Church Abuse, in WISN (April 5, 2012)
- Judge Orders Church Depositions to Remain Sealed, by Marge Pitrof, Milwaukee Public Radio (April 5, 2012)
- Judge Won't Unseal Documents in Milwaukee Archdiocesan Bankruptcy Case, by Annysa Johnson, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (April 5, 2012)
- Milwaukee Bankruptcy Judges Unprecedented Decision Significantly Harms Archdiocese, Even More Than Victims of Clergy Abuse, in SNAP Wisconsin (April 5, 2012)
- Bishop Finn Goes to Trial, SNAP Responds, by David Clohessy, SNAP (April 5, 2012)
- Ratzinger Advocates Dialogue Not Sanctions for rebel Austrian Priests, by Alessandro Speciale, Vatican Insider (April 5, 2012)
- Disobedience Is Not a Way to Renew the Church, Pope Tells Dissident Priests, by Andrea Tornielli, Vatican Insider (April 5, 2012)
April 6
- Attorneys Try to Win over Jury As Michael Kelly Civil Trial Closes, by Ross Farrow, Lodi News-Sentinel (April 6, 2012)
- Attorneys Have Final Say in Trial of Priest, by Jennie Rodriguez-Moore, Stockton Record (April 6, 2012)
- Prosecution Witness Sticks to Story, by Ralph Cipriano, Philadelphia Priest Abuse Trial Blog (April 6, 2012)
- Lawsuit Alleges Sex Abuse by Former Cathedral Principal, in KFOX 14 (April 6, 2012)
- Judge Refuses to Drop Charges against U.S. Catholic Bishop, by Carey Gillam, WSBT (April 6, 2012)
- Lawyer Spars with Priest's Accuser in Pa. Trial, by Joann Loviglio, San Antonio Express-News (April 6, 2012)
- Man Abused As Altar Boy Dies in Ohio, by Phil Ray, Altoona Mirror (April 6, 2012)
- Corona: Pastor in Child Abuse Case Was in Youth Safety Group, by Leslie Parrilla, Press Enterprise (April 6, 2012)
- Shamed Ex-council Chief Sent down for Sex Abuse, in Tewkesbury Admag (April 6, 2012)
- Pope Condemns European Priests Calling for Disobedience, in Journal of Turkish Weekly (April 6, 2012)
- Man Convicted of Rape, Sex Abuse Involving Young Girls, in Gadsden Times (April 6, 2012)
- Gadsden Man Convicted of Rape and Child Sexual Abuse, by Brianne Britzius, Fpx 6 (April 6, 2012)
- Gadsden Man Convicted of Rape and Sex Abuse, in CBS 42 (April 6, 2012)
- Juan Carlos Cruz: Clamo a Dios Por Cambios En Cupula De LA Iglesia Catolica, in The Cooperativa (April 6, 2012)
- CATHOLICS in Massachusetts Celebrate Reopening of Church While Cleveland Parishioners Wait, by Michael O'Malley, Plain Dealer (April 6, 2012)
- liberal Priest under Vatican Investigation, by Claire OSullivan, Irish Examiner (April 6, 2012)
- Vatican Moves to Quell Internal Dissenting Voices, by Patsy McGarry, Irish Times (April 6, 2012)
- Diocese and Bishop Are Still on the Hook, by Joe Harris, Courthouse News Service (April 6, 2012)
- Vatican Announces Silencing of Irish Liberal Priest Father Tony Flannery, by Antoinette Kelly, Irish Central (April 6, 2012)
- Pope Defrocks Kenyan Priest Who Got Married, in Africa Review (April 6, 2012)
- Defamed Priest Denied Access to Report on RTE, by Colm Kelpie, Irish Independent (April 6, 2012)
- Confraternity of Catholic Clergy Say No to Colleagues in Austria and Yes to Pope in Rome, by John Trigilio, Christian News Wire (April 6, 2012)
- Pomeroy Priest Image Scandal Rumbles on, in Mid-Ulster Mail (April 6, 2012)
- A Response from a Member to the News about Tony Flannery, in Association of Catholic Priests (April 6, 2012)
- Aanbiedingsbrief Bij Antwoorden Op Kamervragen over Belastingheffing Op Smartengeld, in Rijksoverheid (April 6, 2012)
- Slachtoffers Nederlandse Pedopriesters Krijgen Geld, in Zita (April 6, 2012)
- Eerste Slachtoffers Van Seksueel Misbruik Kerk Krijgen Geld in Nederland, in HLN (April 6, 2012)
- Geld Voor Misbruikslachtoffers, in Hart Van Nederland (April 6, 2012)
- Vergoeding Voor Eerste Misbruikslachtoffers Kerk, in Fok Nieuws (April 6, 2012)
- Compensatiecommisie Behandelt 86 Aanvragen, in RKnieuws (April 6, 2012)
- Jan S. Klaagt Bisdom Roermond Aan, in Kerknieuws (April 6, 2012)
- Eerste Misbruikslachtoffers Kerk Krijgen Geld, in Kerknieuws (April 6, 2012)
- Victima De Karadima Se Suma a Criticas Contra Ezzati Por No Visitar a Daniel Zamudio, in Emol (April 6, 2012)
- Court: Bishop Finn Is Required to Report Child Abuse, by Yael T. Abouhalkah, Kansas City Star (April 6, 2012)
- RTE-ROW Priest Is Left in Dark over Bai Probe, by Alan O'Keeffe, Herald (April 6, 2012)
- Preachers" Initiative Head Happy about Popes Reaction, in Austrian Independent (April 6, 2012)
- Der Standard-kommentar: "Fast Eine Selbstkritik Des Papstes" Von Alexandra Foderl-schmid, in APA OTS (April 6, 2012)
- Osterreich: angenehm Uberrascht, in Radio Vatikan (April 6, 2012)
- Creepy Crawler Ex-phoenix Priest George Bredemann Dies in Prison, by Paul Rubin, Phoenix New Times (April 6, 2012)
- Father Joe, by Terry Greene, Phoenix New Times (April 6, 2012)
- Pedophile Priest Dies in Prison, in Arizona Republic (April 6, 2012)
- Cardinal Dolan - "Stop the Legal Bullying!", in SNAP (April 6, 2012)
- Warren Jeffs Issues New Revelation, Gets Prison Phone Privileges Back, by Ben Winslow, Fox 13 (April 6, 2012)
- There's No "Normal" Way for a Clergy Abuse or Sexual Assault Victim to Act, in Philadelphia Priest Abuse Trial Blog (April 6, 2012)
- Hopkins Found Guilty, in Bartlesville Radio (April 6, 2012)
- Pawhuska Preacher Convicted of Sex Abuse, Molestation, by Louise Red Corn, Tulsa World (April 6, 2012)
- Putting the Good in Good Friday, by Susan Matthews, Catholics4Change (April 6, 2012)
- Investigation of Fort Kent Priest Has Nothing to Do with Sexual Impropriety, Attorney General Confirms, by Julia Bayly, Bangor Daily News (April 6, 2012)
- Gesprek Klokk En Contactgroep Voor Slachtoffers Kerkelijk Kindermisbruik, in RKnieuws (April 6, 2012)
- Drukke Paasdagen Voor Kardinaal Eijk, in Kerknieuws (April 5, 2012)
- RTE Faces 200,000 Fine over Priest Libel, by Paul Cullen, Irish Times (April 7, 2012)
- Second Cleric Seeks Report in Defamation Case, by Paul Cullen, Irish Times (April 6, 2012)
- Pope Chides Catholics Who Query Key Beliefs, by Paddy Agnew , Irish Times (April 7, 2012)
- Jury in Clergy Abuse Case Begins Deliberations, by Ross Farrow, Lodi News-Sentinel (April 6, 2012)
- Breaking News: Jury Says Fr. Michael Kelly Abused Victim, by Joelle Casteix, Worthy Adversary (April 6, 2012)
- Father Michael Kelly Held Liable on All Charges in Civil Trial, in Lodi News-Sentinel (April 6, 2012)
- Jury Finds Priest Molested Former Student (updated 6:50 P.m.), in The Record (April 6, 2012)
April 7
- Father Michael Kelly Speaks to Supporters in Lockeford, by Maggie Creamer and Lauren Nelson, Lodi News-Sentinel (April 7, 2012)
- Stockton Diocese Priest Convicted of Child Molestation, in News 10 (April 7, 2012)
- Silenced Priest Receives Global Support, by Claire OSullivan and Jimmy Woulfe, Irish Examiner (April 7, 2012)
- Jury Finds Priest Liable for Abuse, by Jordan Guinn, Stockton Record (April 7, 2012)
- School Handled Sexual Misconduct Accusations "Appropriately," of Dana Point Resident and Teacher Panel Says, by Penny Arevalo, The Patch (April 7, 2012)
- First Damages for Church Sex Abuse Victims, in Expatica (April 7, 2012)
- Archbishop Diarmuid Martin: Teachings of Jesus Should Not Be Suppressed by Fear, by Diarmuid Martin, Irish Independent (April 7, 2012)
- Broadcaster's Bias Illustrated by Its Need for Guidelines, by David Quinn, Irish Independent (April 7, 2012)
- Orders May Have Given up School Ownership but Ethos Remains, by Neil Maddox, Irish Independent (April 7, 2012)
- RTE Guilty of Appalling Errors but "Left-leaning" Accusation Is Wrong, in Irish Independent (April 7, 2012)
- Cleveland-area Catholics Pushing for Church Reopenings Hope Bishop Richard Lennon Sees the Signs: Michael K. Mcintyre's Tipoff, by Michael K. McIntyre, Plain Dealer (April 7, 2012)
- Cleveland Area Churches Unlikely to Reopen by Easter, in Fox 8 (April 7, 2012)
- 10 Millionen Menschen Sind Betroffen Beschwerde Jetzt Unterschreiben , in netsworkB (April 7, 2012)
- Ungehorsam: Schonborn Fordert Rucknahme Des Aufrufs, in The Nachrichten (April 7, 2012)
- Fr Reynolds: Please Don't Sack Any RTE Staff over My Libel Case, by Caroline Crawford, Irish Independent (April 7, 2012)
- Church Accused of Using Fbi-style Tactics to Watch and Silence Priests, by David Raleigh and Colm Kelpie, Irish Independent (April 7, 2012)
- Flannery Urged End to Celibacy Rule, by Colm Kelpie, Irish Independent (April 7, 2012)
- Minister Says Orders Can't Pay Their Share of 1.5bn Abuse Bill, by Katherine Donnelly, Irish Independent (April 7, 2012)
- Final Bill Far Higher Than First Anticipated, by Katherine Donnelly, Irish Independent (April 7, 2012)
- Proposed Exclusion Will Hurt the Most Vulnerable, by Sally Mulready, Irish Independent (April 7, 2012)
- Strong Reaction to Silencing of Clerics, by Patsy McGarry, Irish Times (April 7, 2012)
- Lay Organisations Criticise Vatican Investigation, in RTE News (April 7, 2012)
- Hoover FBI Tactics Used against Irish Priests by Vatican, Claims Superior, by Jane Walsh, Irish Central (April 7, 2012)
- Victima De Karadima Pide Urgentes Cambios En LA Cupula De LA Iglesia Chilena, in El Mostrador (April 7, 2012)
- Ruling on Testimony Doesn't Help Victims, in Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (April 7, 2012)
- Judge Will Keep Archdiocese Bankruptcy Docs Sealed, Calling Them "Scandalous", in WHBL (April 7, 2012)
- Los Gatos Priest Beating Case Trial Date Now Changed to June, by Sheila Sanchez, The Patch (April 8, 2012)
- Sexual Misconduct Not Part of Maine Priest Probe, in San Antonio Express-News (April 7, 2012)
- Pope Chastises Rogue Priests, by Edward Pentin, Newsmax (April 6, 2012)
- Man Abused by Priest Found Dead in Ohio Home, in Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (April 7, 2012)
- Found: Missing Minnesota Newspaper Articles Clergy Sexual Abuse, in Minnsota SNAP (April 8, 2012)
- Woelki: keine Frau Fürs Priesteramt", in Westdeutsche Zeitung (April 6, 2012)
- Priest Wants No Sackings for RTE Libel, by Jane Last, The Herald (April 7, 2012)
- RtÉ Facing 200,000 Bai Fine over Fr Kevin Reynolds Libel, in The Journal (April 7, 2012)
- " Getrouwde Mannen Mogen Priester Worden", in The Deredactie (April 7, 2012)
- Rkk: Interview Met Frans Houben over Zijn Glasmonument, in KLOKK (April 4, 2012)
- Ezzati Admite Que Se Evalúa Disolver Unión Sacerdotal De El Bosque, by Sebastián Labrín, LA Tercera (April 7, 2012)
- Diskussion Um Missbrauchs-Leitlinien, in ARD (April 7, 2012)
- Editorial: April 6, 2012 -- Bishop Finn Case, in KMBC (April 6, 2012)
- Bischof Stefan Ackermann Beharrt Auf Verjährung Aber Vertraulich, by Helmut Jacob, Readers Edition (April 7, 2012)
- Sen. Claire McCaskill, Priest Visits Mobster, by Jerry Berger, Berger's Beat (April 7, 2012)
- Hypocrite Benedict Silenced Outspoken Priest Fr Tony Flannery a Compilation but He Does Not Silence Cardinal Bernard Law and Jp2 Army John Paul II Pedophile Priests, by Paris Arrow, Pope Crimes & Vatican Evils...benedict XVI Ratzinger Crimes against Humanity at the Hague (April 7, 2012)
- Ratzinger Advocates Dialogue Not Sanctions for " Rebel" Austrian Priests, by Alessandro Speciale, Vatican Insider (April 5, 2012)
April 8
- Nobody Expected the Return of the Inquisition, by Dan Buckley, Irish Examiner (April 7, 2012)
- Father Bernard Lynch: 'The Vatican Has Told Them to Get Rid of Me', by Peter Stanford, The Independent (April 8, 2012)
- It's up to All of US to Bear Witness to History, by Maxine Matilpi, Times Colonist (April 8, 2012)
- Priest Who Backed Taoiseach on Abuse Related to Top Fg Strategist, by Jerome Reilly, Sunday Independent (April 8, 2012)
- Parishioners of Closed Churches Gather for Easter Prayer Service, in Fox 8 (April 7, 2012)
- St. Pat's Parishioners Hold Vigil outside, in WKYC (April 7, 2012)
- Parishioners Continue Easter Tradition, by Sy Becker, WWLP (April 8, 2012)
- Churches Miss Jesus' Messages, by Dianne Williamson, Telegram & Gazette (April 8, 2012)
- A Catholic's Easter Lament: Dogmatic, Tone-Deaf Bishops, by Joel Connelly, Seattle Pi (April 7, 2012)
- Verpleger Misbruikt Tientallen Jongens, in De Morgen (April 4, 2012)
- NY Catholic Quits Board over Cardinal's Gay Stance, by Verena Dobnik, Boston Globe (April 7, 2012)
- Belgische Bisschop Wil Getrouwde Priesters, in The Kerknieuws (April 7, 2012)
- Gedenkbeeld Voor Slachtoffers Van Seksueel Misbruik, in The Nieuws (April 7, 2012)
- Beeld in Brugse Sint-Salvatorskathedraal Moet Herinneren Aan Seksueel Misbruik, in The Knack (April 7, 2012)
- Beeldje Herdenkt Slachtoffers Seksueel Misbruik, in Rknieuws (April 8, 2012)
- Marc V. Wist Met Brazilië Zijn Jachtgebied Goed Te Kiezen, by Maarten Rabaey, De Morgen (April 4, 2012)
- I Wed Aged Five... in the UK, by Anila Baig, The Sun (April 8, 2012)
- Ex-Bookkeeper Gets Diversion in Embezzlement Case, by Leanne Rogers, Observer & Eccentric (April 8, 2012)
- Baby Ritual Labelled Barbaric, in The Australian (April 9, 2012)
- What Would Jesus Do at the Masters?, by Maureen Dowd, The New York Times (April 7, 2012)
- Convicted Hunter Priest to Retire, by Joanne McCarthy, The Newcastle Herald (April 9, 2012)
- Cleveland Catholics Call on Bishop Richard Lennon to Reopen Closed Churches, in WTAM (April 8, 2012)
- St. Casimir Congregation Holding out Hope Church Will Reopen, by Kristin Byrne, Newsnet5 (April 8, 2012)
- Homosexual Boys Once Castrated in Holland, on Youtube (April 8, 2012)
- Griffin: an Amazing Journey of Forgiveness, in Wicked Local Cambridge (April 8, 2012)
April 9
- Jewish Film Festival in Hot Water over Sex-Abuse Doco, in Ynet News (April 9, 2012)
- Theologian Claims There Is 'Ominous Divide' in Church, by Patsy McGarry, Irish Times (April 9, 2012)
- Fr Flannery May Not Be Burned at the Stake but the Censure Itself Is Frightening, by Terry Prone, Irish Examiner (April 9, 2012)
- Church Resurrection?: Easter Sunday Services Held outside, in WOIO (April 9, 2012)
- An Open Letter to Prof. Josef Ratzinger, Pope Benedict XVI, in The Catholica (April 9, 2012)
- Landmark Church Sex Abuse Trial Set to Resume in Philadelphia, in The Republic (April 9, 2012)
- Priest to Make Court Appearance, in VOCM (April 9, 2012)
- Quincy Congregation Celebrates Easter Mass without Priest, in Fox 25 (April 9, 2012)
- Cleveland Bishop Richard Lennon Celebrates Easter with Mass; No Hint about Closed Churches, by Michael O'Malley, Plain Dealer (April 9, 2012)
- Ex-Pastor in Court Today for Sex Charges, by Sarah Smith, Grand Forks Herald (April 9, 2012)
- Rome's Intervention Is a Sign of Fear Peter McVerry, in Association of Catholic Priests (April 9, 2012)
- We Cannot Lose Heart, Writes Seamus Ahearne, in Association of Catholic Priests (April 8, 2012)
- Schedule for " Towards an Assembly of the Irish Catholic Church", in Association of Catholic Priests (April 8, 2012)
- Prosecutors Seek to Prove Archdiocesan Conspiracy, by Brian Roewe, National Catholic Reporter (April 9, 2012)
- Priests Warn Vatican over Gag Move, in Belfast Telegraph (April 9, 2012)
- De Circel Is Rond, in Bert Smeets (April 9, 2012)
- In Philadelphia, a Church at the Crossroads, by Rocco Palmo, National Catholic Reporter (April 9, 2012)
- Las Vegas Performer Dies, in CBS Las Vegas (April 9, 2012)
- Irish Priest Who Supported Prime Minister's Vatican Criticism Related to Fine Gael Party Strategist, by Dara Kelly, Irish Central (April 9, 2012)
- Former Priest to Face More Charges in Sex Abuse Case, in CBC News (April 9, 2012)
- Monday, April 9, 2012 in Grace Notes (April 9, 2012)
- Testimony Emotional, Combative at Philadelphia Priests" Ongoing Trial, in Catholic Sentinel (April 9, 2012)
- More Sex-related Charges Expected against Catholic Priest, in The Telegram (April 9, 2012)
- Proteste Gegen Bischof Ackermann - Missbrauchsopfer Demonstrieren Vor Dem Trier Dom, in EPD (April 9, 2012)
- Bischof Will Einsatz Padophiler Priester Jetzt Erschweren, in Saarbrucker Zeitung (April 9, 2012)
- Deutsche Priester Am Ende Ihrer Krafte, in The Welt (April 9, 2012)
- Judge Refuses to Drop Charges against U.S. Catholic Bishop, by Carey Gillam, Reuters (April 9, 2012)
- Time for Spring Cleaning, by Susan Matthews, Catholics4Change (April 9, 2012)
- Nun: I Was Fired for Reporting Priest's Dirty Mags, in Sacramento Bee (April 9, 2012)
- Irish Priests" Association Disturbed That Vatican Investigates Founder, by Michael Kelly, U.S. Catholic (April 9, 2012)
- Acp Expresses Solidarity with Fr Tony Flannery, in Association of Catholic Priests (April 9, 2012)
- Tony Butler Laments the silencing of Tony Flannery, in Association of Catholic Priests (April 9, 2012)
- Former Tracy Priest Loses Civil Trial, by Maggie Creamer and Lauren Nelson, Tracy Press (April 9, 2012)
- Catholic School Coach Wants Trial in Sex Case, by Mensah M. Dean, Philadelphia Daily News (April 9, 2012)
- Witness Says She Was Told Not to Ask Questions about Priest, by Joseph A. Slobodzian, Philadelphia Inquirer (April 9, 2012)
- Days of Reckoning for the Philadelphia Archdiocese, by Anthea Butler, Religion Dispatches (April 9, 2012)
- Listecki Honors Milwaukee Bishop Who LED Cover up of Child Sex Crimes, by John Pilmaier, SNAP Wisconsin (April 9, 2012)
- Kardinaal Eijk Onthult Monument Tegen Misbruik, in The Tubantia (April 9, 2012)
- SNAP Responds to Trial of Catholic School Coach in Philly, by David Clohessy, SNAP (April 9, 2012)
- Catholic High School Baseball Coach Opts for Trial on Sex Crimes Charges, by Shannon McDonald, The Newsworks (April 9, 2012)
- Time to Free Church from Clammy Grip of Clericalism, by Kevin Hegarty, Irish Times (April 9, 2012)
April 10
- " He Considers His Life Over", in California Catholic Daily (April 10, 2012)
- Priest Finding Support, by Jennie Rodriguez-Moore, The Record (April 10, 2012)
- Priest Alleged to Have Made Hush Payments to Sex Abuse Victims, by Ralph Cipriano, Philadelphia Priest Abuse Trial Blog (April 9, 2012)
- Reporting Priest's Porn Got Her Axed, Jury Told, by Joseph A. Slobodzian, Philadelphia Inquirer (April 10, 2012)
- Pennsylvania: Nun Testifies about Being Fired, by Jon Hurdle, New York Times (April 9, 2012)
- Osage County Preacher Convicted of Sexual Abuse of Teenage Girl, by Sheila Stogsdill, The Oklahoman (April 10, 2012)
- Kritiker-Gastbeitrag: Kirche Misst Mit Zweierlei Maß, in Rhein-Zeitung (April 10, 2012)
- Missbrauch: Stummer Protest Gegen Bischof Ackermann, in The Rhein-Zeitung (April 10, 2012)
- Missbrauch Auch an Ahrensburger Gymnasium?, by Christoph Heinzle, NDR (April 10, 2012)
- Considering the Victims of a Sexual-Misconduct Nightmare, by Clyde Haberman, New York Times (April 9, 2012)
- Church Preparing Historic Handover of Primary Schools, by Katherine Donnelly, Irish Independent (April 10, 2012)
- Sister Testifies of Order to Keep Quiet, by Joseph A. Slobodzian and John P. Martin, Philadelphia Inquirer (April 10, 2012)
- Het Werkte En Het Was Goedkoop, in The Trouw (April 9, 2012)
- Mn SNAP Monthly Support Meeting, in Minnesota SNAP (May 19, 2010)
- Thornwood Legion Site Vacancy Leaves Window Open to Possibilities, by Robert Michelin, Daily Pleasantville (April 10, 2012)
- Concern at Vatican 'Silencing' of Irish Priest, by Shane Harrison, BBC News (April 10, 2012)
- Vatican Gag Order under Fire from 800 Priests, by Colm Kelpie, Irish Independent (April 10, 2012)
- Priests' Body 'Disturbed' about Vatican Censure of Flannery, in Irish Times (April 10, 2012)
- The Philadelphia Abuse Trial: Media Ignores Key Accuser's Criminal Past, by Dave Pierre, Themediareport (April 9, 2012)
- Leaked Priest Defamation Report 'Finds RTE Unfair', in BBC News (April 10, 2012)
- Prime Time Criticised by Bai, by Patsy McGarry and Carl O'Brien, Irish Times (April 10, 2012)
- Failure of Editorial Controls Allowed Programme to Freewheel to Disaster, by Patsy McGarry, Irish Times (April 10, 2012)
- Report Cites a Groupthink Atmosphere of Unchallenged Assumptions, by Carl O'Brien, Irish Times (April 10, 2012)
- Timeline: Mission to Prey, in The Irish Times (April 10, 2012)
- Powerful Association of Irish Priests Warns Vatican over " Heresy Hunting", by Antoinette Kelly, Irish Central (April 10, 2012)
- Nun Testifies She Was Fired for Reporting Montco Priest's Explicit Magazines, by Joann Loviglio, Morning Call (April 9, 2012)
- Priest's Case Postponed, in VOCM (April 10, 2012)
- Journalism Standards Criticised in Mission to Prey Bai Report, in Galway Bay Fm (April 10, 2012)
- RtÉ Declines to Comment on Bai Inquiry Reports, in Breaking News (April 10, 2012)
- Glazen Doopkleedje Tegen Misbruik in Kerk, by Arne Franck, Het Nieuwsblad (April 10, 2012)
- Important Deadline Approaching in Canada's Indian Residential School Settlement, in Digital Journal (April 10, 2012)
- Judge Keeps Charges against Catholic Bishop Who Didn't Report Porno-Priest, in Jd Journal (April 10, 2012)
- Associations of Irish Priests " Disturbed" by Silencing of One of Its Founders, by Gerard O'Connell, Vatican Insider (April 10, 2012)
- Defamed Priest 'Not out for Blood' over RTE Programme, by Alan O'Keeffe, The Herald (April 10, 2012)
- Bai Claims Ignorance on Source of Leaked Documents, in Galway Bay Fm (April 10, 2012)
- RTE Makes Limited Comment on Investigation in Wake of Leaks to Irish Times, in Galway Bay Fm (April 10, 2012)
- Bai to Review Leaking of Prime Time Investigates Report, in RTE News (April 10, 2012)
- Convicted Pa. Priest Remained Clergyman for Years, in NPR (April 10, 2012)
- John Manly Defeats Another Pedophile Priest in a California Courtroom, by R. Scott Moxley, Orange County Weekly (April 10, 2012)
- Boy, 13, "Beaten, Whipped and Forced to Dig His Own Grave As Punishment on Orders of the Family Pastor", by Paul Thompson, Daily Mail (April 10, 2012)
- Pastoor Jan Schafraad Van De Koepelkerk Zweert Dat Hij Onschuldig Is, in Maastricht Dichtbij (April 10, 2012)
- Witness, 56, Says Priest Fondled Her When She Was 12, by Joseph A. Slobodzian, Philadelphia Inquirer (April 10, 2012)
- Convicted Pa. Priest Wasn't Defrocked for Years, in CBS News (April 10, 2012)
- Where Failure Is Rewarded, by John Plender, Times Literary Supplement (April 10, 2012)
- Sex Abuse Victims Urge Bishop to rein In Parishioners, by David Clohessy, SNAP (April 10, 2012)
- SNAP Responds to Conviction of Pastor in OK, by Barbara Dorris, SNAP (April 10, 2012)
- Civil Jury guilty of Sexual Assault:father Michael Kelly Removed from Ministry, by Dennis Rocha, Bilingual Weekly (April 10, 2012)
- SNAP under Assault, by Bill White, Morning Call (April 10, 2012)
- Bishops Praise Themselves on Child Sex Abuse Again, SNAP Responds, by Barbara Dorris, SNAP (April 10, 2012)
- Abuse Scandal Continues to Take Toll on US Church, in NECN (April 10, 2012)
- Child Protection Audits Find Nearly All Dioceses Compliant, in United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (April 10, 2012)
- Child Protection Audits Find Nearly All Dioceses Compliant, in United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (April 10, 2012)
- Recommendations from the 2011 Audit Period, in United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (April 10, 2012)
- U.S. Catholic Church Says Child Abuse Cases Rose in 2011, by Andrew Stern, NewsMax (April 10, 2012)
- Former Priest Robert Hoatson Launches Himself and His Cause into the Spotlight Amid Bernie Fine Scandal, by Emily Kulkus, The Post-Standard (April 10, 2012)
- Number of Priests Accused of Sexually Abusing Children..., in BishopAccountability.org (April 10, 2012)
- Total Number of Newly Accused Clerics in 2011 Greater Than Number of Newly Ordained Priests, by Peter Isely, SNAP Wisconsin (April 10, 2012)
- Silenced Priest Told to Reflect on Situation , by Patsy McGarry and Paddy Agnew, Irish Times (April 11, 2012)
- BROADCAST Body to Investigate Leak Source, by Marie O'Halloran, Irish Times (April 11, 2012)
- Philly Abuse Trial Hears Testimony about Priest Caught with Porn, by Brian Roewe, National Catholic Reporter (April 10, 2012)
- US Bishops Report on Child Abuse Allegations, Costs for 2011, by Nancy Frazier O'Brien, U.S. Catholic (April 10, 2012)
- Cardinal Bevilacqua Helps out Priest Who Loves Kiddie Porn, by Ralph Cipriano, Philadelphia Priest Abuse Trial Blog (April 10, 2012)
- Victims Group Blasts NYC Cardinal Dolan over New Report, by David Clohessy, SNAP (April 10, 2012)
- U.S. Catholic Church Says Child Abuse Cases Rose in 2011, by Andrew Stern, Chicago Tribune (April 10, 2012)
April 11
- Settlements Reached in Clergy Sex Abuse Cases, by Lisa Wangsness, Boston Globe (April 11, 2012)
- Sex Abuse Cases Settled by Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston, in WWLP (April 11, 2012)
- Priest Molested Me, Woman Says, by Joseph A. Slobodzian, Philadelphia Inquirer (April 11, 2012)
- Philadelphia Catholic Priest Trial: the Cardinal, the Clergy and Kiddie Porn, by Ralph Cipriano, Philadelphia Priest Abuse Trial Blog (April 10, 2012)
- What's Next for Former Valley Priest Kelly after Verdict?, by Ross Farrow, Modesto Bee (April 11, 2012)
- Lawsuits against Diocese of Monterey Affected by California Supreme Court Ruling, by Virginia Hennessey, Monterey County Herald (April 10, 2012)
- Report Finds Few Abuse Allegations against Catholic Clergy in 2011, in Catholic News Agency (April 11, 2012)
- Cases of Child Sexual Abuse in US Rise in 2011: Church Audit, in Press TV (April 11, 2012)
- Operatie Kelk: " Het Laatste Nieuws Serveert Opgewarmde Kost", in The Knack (April 11, 2012)
- Veertig Brieven Die Seksueel Misbruik Melden Gevonden Bij Danneels, in De Standaard (April 11, 2012)
- " Danneels Wist Meer over Omvang Misbruik in Kerk", in Gazet Van Antwerpen (April 11, 2012)
- Danneels Verzweeg Seksueel Misbruik Stelselmatig, in De Volkskrant (April 11, 2012)
- Veertig Brieven Die Seksueel Misbruik Melden Gevonden Bij Danneels, in Het Nieuwsblad (April 11, 2012)
- " Danneels Stopte Zeker 40 Meldingen Van Seksueel Misbruik in Doofpot", by Steven Alen, De Morgen (April 11, 2012)
- " Danneels Stopte Zeker 40 Meldingen Van Seksueel Misbruik in Doofpot", by Steven Alen, HLN (April 11, 2012)
- Danneels Heeft Niets Toe Te Voegen Aan 'Oude' Aantijgingen", by Hanne Adriaen, HLN (April 11, 2012)
- Bischof Ackermann " Entpflichtet" Zwei Pädophile Priester, in The Rhein-Zeitung (April 11, 2012)
- Priester Zeigte Sich Selbst an, in The Rhein-Zeitung (April 10, 2012)
- Aangifte Tegen Simonis Geseponeerd, in The Nu (April 11, 2012)
- New Witnesses Come Forward in Moti Elon Trial, by Yaakov Lappin, Jerusalem Post (April 10, 2012)
- Spain's Baby-Snatching Scandal Focuses on Nun's Alleged Role, in Daily Beast (April 11, 2012)
- Beschrijving, in Bol.com (April 11, 2012)
- Slachtoffer Misbruik Maakt Kunstwerk Voor Kerk, in The Eo (April 10, 2012)
- Danneels Verzweeg Seksueel Misbruik Stelselmatig, in The Trouw (April 11, 2012)
- Galway Priest 'Silenced', by Marie Madden, Galway Independent (April 11, 2012)
- RTE Claim Priest Accuser Understood Questioning, by Edel Kennedy, Irish Independent (April 11, 2012)
- Prime Time Report Tars All Ourcurrent Affairs: RTE Insiders, by Colm Kelpie, Irish Independent (April 11, 2012)
- How the Scandal and Investigation Unfolded, in Irish Independent (April 11, 2012)
- Main Findings, in Irish Independent (April 11, 2012)
- 'Keep It Quiet': the Family That Covered up Sex Abuse, by Elaine Thelen, BBC News (April 10, 2012)
- Healing Sexual Wounds, by Matt C. Abbott, Renew America (April 11, 2012)
- Den Kopf Immer Tiefer Im Sand, in The Taz (April 10, 2012)
- Sex Abuse Claim against Former Brockton Priest Settled, in Patriot Ledger (April 11, 2012)
- Reynolds Case 'Shouldn't Have Happened' - Rabbitte, in Breaking News (April 11, 2012)
- Rabbitte Has Not Seen Bai Report, by Luke Cassidy, Irish Times (April 11, 2012)
- Fr Kevin Reynolds: 'I Just Want to Move On', in Longford Leader (April 11, 2012)
- Looking Back and Forth in Anger: Catholic Outrage, Defections, over Abuse Scandal, by David Briggs, Association of Religion Data Archives (February 29, 2012)
- Vatican Upbraided Irish Priest for Reformist Views: Report, in Straits Times (April 11, 2012)
- More Boston Predators' Names Exposed; SNAP Responds, by David Clohessy, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (April 11, 2012)
- Child Sex Case V. Catholic Cleric Who Worked in NJ Settles, by David Clohessy, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (April 11, 2012)
- Obedience to Law or to Scripture?, by Phyllis Zagano, National Catholic Reporter (April 11, 2012)
- April 16 Arraignment Set for Former Kanakuk Staffer on Felony Sex Charges, in Turner Report (April 10, 2012)
- New Garabedian List, in Bishopaccountability.org (April 11, 2012)
- Secret Files Detailed in Philadelphia Priest Trial, in Beaver County Times (April 12, 2012)
- Former N.d. Priest Sentenced for Ripping off Paralyzed Man, in Grand Forks Herald (April 11, 2012)
- Ex-Rte Chief Blasts Team in Prime Time Priest Debacle, by Alan O'Keeffe, The Herald (April 12, 2012)
- Why the Pope Is Right to Gag Fr Trendy, by Mark Dooley, Daily Mail (April 11, 2012)
- Judge Keeps Charges against Catholic Bishop Who Didn't Report Porno-Priest, in Directors and Officers Liability (April 10, 2012)
- Child Sex Abuse Case Settled against Priest Living in Wisconsin, by John Pilmaier, SNAP Wisconsin (April 11, 2012)
- Clergy Sex Victims Lose Ruling, but Case Moves Forward, by David Clohessy, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (April 11, 2012)
- Milwaukee Judge Keeps Depositions Sealed, Says Release Won't Advance Bankruptcy, by Maryangela Layman Roman, National Catholic Reporter (April 11, 2012)
- Church Settles Dozens of Clergy Sex Abuse Claims, in Boston Channel (April 11, 2012)
- Focus at Philadelphia Priests' Sex Abuse Trial: Who Was in Charge?, by Tony Hanson, CBS Philly (April 12, 2012)
- New Victims Surface in Alleged Molestation by Former Fort Lauderdale Pastor, by Erika Pesantes, Orlando Sentinel (April 11, 2012)
- Diocese of Charleston to Hold Special Mass for Child Abuse Prevention Month, in WCBD (April 11, 2012)
- Vatican Silences Father Flannery, by Barbie Latza Nadeau, Daily Best (April 11, 2012)
- Embattled Clergy Sex-Abuse Survivors Submit New Evidence to International Criminal Court, by Dorothee Benz, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (April 12, 2012)
- Former Baseball Coach Testifies: Saw Priest Massage Boy's Back, by John P. Martin and Joseph A. Slobodzian, Philadelphia Inquirer (April 11, 2012)
- Next Phase of Ex-Priest's Sex Abuse Trial Delayed, in Modesto Bee (April 12, 2012)
- 99.98% of Priests Are Innocent, in Catholic League (April 11, 2012)
- Nearly All US Dioceses' Abuse Policies Found to Comply with Charter, by Nancy Frazier O'Brien, Catholic News Service (April 11, 2012)
- Mass. Attorney Releases 6 Accused Clerics' Names, by Jay Lindsay, Coshocton Tribune (April 11, 2012)
- US Priests Accused in 700 Sex Cases in 2011: Report, in Times of India (April 12, 2012)
- Mother of Alleged Abuse Victim Testifies at Trial, by Joann Loviglio, Atlanta Journal-Constitution (April 11, 2012)
- Boston Archdiocese Reaches Settlements in Sex Abuse Cases, in NECN (April 11, 2012)
- Misbruik Kostte Kerk Vs Bijna 2 Miljard, in The Parool (April 11, 2012)
- Embattled Clergy Sex-Abuse Survivors Submit New Evidence to International Criminal Court, in Veterans News Now (April 11, 2012)
- Former Baptist Camp Director Pleads Guilty to Sex Crime, by Bob Allen, Associated Baptist Press (April 10, 2012)
- Belgische Kardinaal Danneels Stopte Seksueel Misbruik in De Doofpot, by Monique Smits, Welingelichte Kringen (April 11, 2012)
- Disciplining Dissent, in Irish Times (April 12, 2012)
- Priest Group Brands Vatican Silencing of Athenry Cleric As 'Unfair, by Martina Nee, Galway Advertiser (April 12, 2012)
April 12
- Trial Begins in Role of Diocese in Sex Case, in The Record (April 12, 2012)
- US Priests Accused in 700 Sex Cases in 2011 Report, in The Spyghana (April 12, 2012)
- Former Marist House Priest Is on Sex Abuse List, by Julia Spitz, MetroWest Daily News (April 12, 2012)
- Family of Cleric in RTE Abuse Claim Seeks New Probe, by Edel Kennedy, Irish Independent (April 12, 2012)
- Priests Jury Is Told How a Complaint Was Scorned, by Jon Hurdle, New York Times (April 12, 2012)
- Mother of Alleged Rape Victim Says She'll Never Know What Happened between Her Son and Her Priest, by Ralph Cipriano, Philadelphia Priest Abuse Trial Blog (April 12, 2012)
- $2.1 Billion since 2004, in California Catholic Daily (April 12, 2012)
- New Charges That Belgian Cardinal Danneels Knew of Abuse Complaints Years Ago, in Catholic Culture (April 12, 2012)
- Catholics in Favour of Women Priests, in TV3 (April 12, 2012)
- Cleric Objects to Vaticans diktat Culture, by Dan Buckley, Irish Examiner (April 12, 2012)
- Contemporary Catholic Perspectives Revealed in Acp Survey, in Association of Catholic Priests (April 12, 2012)
- The Priest, the Boy & That Night, by John P. Martin & Joseph A. Slobodzian, Philadelphia Inquirer (April 12, 2012)
- Mother Talks about Her Sons Alleged Abuse at Priest Trial, by Tony Hanson, CBS Philly (April 12, 2012)
- Geen Vervolging Kardinaal Simonis, in NOS (April 12, 2012)
- Aangifte Tegen Simonis Geseponeerd, in ED (April 12, 2012)
- Davenport Column: Church Change Is Illusive, by Gene Davenport, Jackson Sun (April 12, 2012)
- Priests in Plummet As Crisis Looms, in Kilkenny People (April 12, 2012)
- Vatican to Outspoken Priest: Spend 6 Weeks in Prayer, by Rob Quinn, The Newser (April 12, 2012)
- Fellow Priests Support Galway Redemptorist Silenced over Stance on Sex Abuse Scandal, by Bernie Ni Fhlatharta, Connacht Tribune (April 12, 2012)
- "CATHOLIC Spring" Uprising Prediction for Ireland over Dissenting Priest Father Flannery, by James O'Shea, Irish Central (April 12, 2012)
- Kardinaal Simonis Niet Vervolgd Voor Meineed, in The Metro (April 12, 2012)
- SNAP Opposes Weakening of Sex-offender Registry, by Barbara Dorris, SNAP (April 11, 2012)
- Is Ireland Still Catholic?, in Vatican Insider (April 12, 2012)
- Vatican Sent No Diktat on rebel Parish Priests, Schonborn s Spokesman Says, by Alessandro Speciale, Vatican City (April 12, 2012)
- Der Offene Brief Im Wortlaut, by Herr Kardinal!, Die Presse (April 12, 2012)
- Kardinaal Simonis Niet Vervolgd Voor Meineed, in HRC Handelsblad (April 12, 2012)
- Attorney Releases Name of Accused Andover Priest, by Brendan Lewis, The Patch (April 12, 2012)
- Catholics "Want Married Priests", in Bourne Local (April 12, 2012)
- Priests Defend Rebel Silenced by Vatican, by Michael Lavery, The Herald (April 12, 2012)
- Grand Rapids Diocese Unveils Major Plan to Merge, Cluster, Close Catholic Churches, by Heidi Fenton, MLive.com (April 12, 2012)
- Diocese of Grand Rapids Shares Vision, Process, Recommendations of our Faith, Our Future Pastoral Plan, in Diocese of Grand Rapids (April 12, 2012)
- Expert: Church Could Have Probed Abuse Reports, by Maryclaire Dale, York Dispatch (April 12, 2012)
- Fr Tony Flannerys Silencing by Vatican Causes New Damage to Catholic Church, in Irish Central (April 12, 2012)
- Parket Geeft Geen Commentaar over Operatie Kelk, in hbvl (April 12, 2012)
- Lavocat Du Cardinal Danneels Recuse Les Accusations Contre Son Client, in La Croix (April 12, 2012)
- Priests "Treated like Imbeciles", in The Kerryman (April 12, 2012)
- Almost Nine in 10 Catholics in Ireland Want Priests to Be Allowed to Marry, by Henry McDonald, The Guardian (April 12, 2012)
- Lawyer-priest: Bishops Had Duty to Pursue Sex Abuse Claims, by Joseph A. Slobodzian, Philadelphia Inquirer (April 12, 2012)
- Church Teachings "Irrelevant" to Most, by Patsy Mcgarry, Irish Times (April 12, 2012)
- Majority of Irish Catholics Favour Married and Women Priests, in RTE News (April 12, 2012)
- Expert: Church Can Investigate Sex-abuse Reports, in CBS (April 12, 2012)
- Rev. Lane Named in Settlement with Man Claiming Sexual Abuse, by Tom Mulvoy and Bill Forry, Dorchester Reporter (April 12, 2012)
- Savona, Oggi L'udienza Di Opposizione Allarchiviazione Per Mons. Dante Lafranconi, in Savona News (April 12, 2012)
- Protect Your Kids from Sex Abuse: Free Seminar at Upper Main Line Ymca, by Susan Matthews, Catholics4Change (April 12, 2012)
- Rooms-katholieke Kerk Vs Registreerde 600 Misbruikklachten in 2011, in Reformatorisch Dagblad (April 12, 2012)
- Seksueel Misbruik En De Gevolgen, in Eindhoven Dichtbij (April 12, 2012)
- Heinemann-preis Der Spd Fur Jesuiten-pater Mertes, in Themen (April 12, 2012)
- Advocaat Danneels: "Opgewarmde Kost", in Het Nieuwsblad (April 12, 2012)
- Church's Suicide Victims, by Nick McKenzie, Richard Baker and Jane Lee, The Age (April 13, 2012)
- Spanish Nun Accused of Stealing Babies in Another Forced Adoption Scandal, by Cristina Fuentes-Cantillana, National Post (April 12, 2012)
- "the Sirico Brief" Makes News Again - Controversial Priest to Address Catholic Men's Conference, by Randy Engel, Renew America (April 12, 2012)
- Dolan: Most Sexual Abuse Allegations "Way in the Past", in Rough Sects (April 12, 2012)
- Celebrating a Decade of Keeping Children Safe, in St. Louis Review (April 11, 2012)
- New York - First on Vin: without Fanfare, Nys Clarifies Child Abuse Reporting Regulations; Requires Yeshivas to Report, in Voz Iz Neias (April 12, 2012)
- Rome Prosecutors Link Vatican Cleric to 29-year Mystery of Missing Girl, by John Hooper, The Guardian (April 12, 2012)
- 80-year-old Spanish Nun Faces Charges in Massive Baby-stealing Ring, by Philip Caulfield, New York Daily News (April 12, 2012)
- Elderly Nun Accused of Baby Snatching As Part of Spanish Hospitals Trafficking Ring, by David Baker, Daily Mail (April 12, 2012)
- Spain Nun in Court over Babies "Stolen" under Franco, on BBC News (April 12, 2012)
- Convicted Sex Offender Becomes Preacher, by David Clohessy, SNAP (April 12, 2012)
- Thither & Yon, in Berger's Beat (April 12, 2012)
- LA Monja Acusada Del Robo De Bebes Se Niega a Declarar Ante El Juez, by Natalia Junquera, El Pais (April 12, 2012)
- Expert: Shredding Priest List "Obstruction Cubed", in One News Now (April 12, 2012)
- Former Priest Grecco Released; Whereabouts Unknown, by Maryanne Firth, Dunnville Tribune (April 12, 2012)
- Chilean Diocese to Investigate Alleged Sex Abuse of Former Seminarian, in Catholic News Agency (April 12, 2012)
- Obispado De Valparaiso Entrego Declaracion Por Denuncia De Ex Seminarista, in Login.cl (April 12, 2012)
- Obispado De Valparaiso Responde a Acusaciones Sobre Abusos Sexuales, in ACI Prensa (April 11, 2012)
- Martinez Local Joey Piscitelli Book Signing at White Rabbit Boutique, in The Patch (April 12, 2012)
- Inquiry into Gay Images in Doubt after Theft of Laptop, by Conor Lally, Irish Times (April 13, 2012)
- Priest Enters Not Guilty Plea to Molestation Counts, in Sacramento Bee (April 12, 2012)
April 13
- Coroner to Investigate Sex Abuse Deaths, by Mike Hedge, 7 News (April 13, 2012)
- New Calls for Inquiry into Church 'Abuse', in SBS (April 13, 2012)
- Calls for Inquiry into 'Priests' Sexual Abuse', in SBS (April 13, 2012)
- Catholics 'Want Married Priests', in Gibralta Chronicle (April 13, 2012)
- Canon Law Expert: Cardinal Bevilacqua Obstructed Justice, by Ralph Cipriano, Philadelphia Priest Abuse Trial Blog (April 12, 2012)
- Bevilacqua Is Assailed, in Philadelphia Daily News (April 13, 2012)
- Accused Priest Had Been Evaluated, by Jennie Rodriguez-Moore, The Record (April 13, 2012)
- New Calls for Inquiry on Church Abuse, in The Telegraph (April 13, 2012)
- Canon Law Expert..., in Washington Post (April 13, 2012)
- Give Child Sex Abuse Victims More Time to Report, Foundation to Abolish Child Sex Abuse Urges, by Matthew Kemeny, The Patriot-News (April 12, 2012)
- Police Prepare Coronial Brief on Catholic Church Abuse Suicides, in ABC News (April 13, 2012)
- A Nun's Story, by Gautaman Bhaskaran, Free Malaysia News (April 13, 2012)
- Church's Suicide Victims, by Nick McKenzie, Richard Baker and Jane Lee (April 13, 2012)
- 3 Named to Archdiocese's Sex-Abuse Panel, by David O'Reilly, Philadelphia Inquirer (April 12, 2012)
- Traditional Catholicism Is Winning, by Anne Hendershott and Christopher White, Wall Street Journal (April 13, 2012)
- Premier Hints at Inquiry into Church Sex Abuse, in ABC News (April 13, 2012)
- Ballarat Church Abuse Suicide Probe Widens, in The Courier (April 13, 2012)
- Archbishop Denies Church Abuse Cover-Up, in 9 News (April 13, 2012)
- Witness: Bevilacqua Broke Civil and Church Laws, by John P. Martin and Joseph A. Slobodzian, Philadelphia Inquirer (April 13, 2012)
- Church Youth Leader Abused Two Children, in Stv (April 13, 2012)
- Orthodoxy Challenged - Rome Facing a Turbulent Congregation, in Irish Examiner (April 13, 2012)
- Texas Students Pen Pals with Suspected Molester, in Lubbock Avalanche-Journal (April 13, 2012)
- Fresh Calls for Vic Clergy Abuse Inquiry, in Sky News (April 13, 2012)
- Police to Pass 'Abuse' Death Details to Coroner, by Henrietta Cook and Maris Beck, The Age (April 13, 2012)
- 'We Will Be an Endangered Species', in Cork News (April 13, 2012)
- Gerald T. Slevin, Philly Priest Child Abuse Trial and U.S. Bishops Standard Operating Procedures, in The Bilgrimage (April 13, 2012)
- Association Seeking More Dialogue in Church 'Not Dissenting Priests', by Patsy McGarry, Irish Times (April 13, 2012)
- Spain Opens Court Inquiry on Newborn Abductions, by Raphael Minder, New York Times (April 12, 2012)
- Gambling Vegas Priest Due in Texas Federal Prison, in KTVN (April 13, 2012)
- Philadelphia Priest Trial: Mother of Abuse Victim Stayed Friendly with Accused Reverend James Brennan, by Joann Loviglio, Huffington Post (April 11, 2012)
- Results of the Struggle against Child Abuse in the U.s.a., in Vatican Information Service (April 13, 2012)
- Religious Order in Bankruptcy Has Ties to Several Local High Schools, by Lauren Fitzpatrick, Chcago Sun-Times (April 12, 2012)
- Palma Bought Properties from Christian Brothers Affiliate, by Julia Reynolds, Monterey Herald (April 12, 2012)
- Sec Complaint Alleges That Ponzi Scheme Targeted Church Members, by Shelia M. Poole, Atlanta Journal-Constitution (April 13, 2012)
- Catholic Diocese Acknowledges Janitor Abused Boy at Albany School, by Brendan J. Lyons, Albany Times Union (April 13, 2012)
- Patrick Wall: Catholic Church Abuses, by Agenda Steve Paikin, Youtube (Jun 16, 2010)
- Iglesia Designa Promotor De Justicia Para Investigar Denuncia De Ex Seminarista, in The Puranoticia (April 10, 2012)
- Cardinal Dolan's Verdun Strategy for SNAP, by Frank Cocozzelli, Talk to Action (April 12, 2012)
- Was the Visitation Just Another Holy Show? Sean O Conaill, by Sean O'Conaill, Association of Catholic Priests (April 12, 2012)
- Benedict XVI Reveals He Would Prefer an Italian Pope over a Foreign One, by Andrea Tornielli, Vatican Insider (April 12, 2012)
- Dissenting Priest Accuses Schönborn of Showing Disobedience Too, by Andrea Tornielli, Vatican Insider (April 13, 2012)
- 'Aangifte Tegen Simonis Niet Serieus Genomen', in RTL (April 13, 2012)
- Het Schandaal Van Kerkelijk ..., in Bert Smeets (April 13, 2012)
- Prosecutor: Youth Pastor Turned Boys into " Sex Slaves", by Bob Norman, Local 10 (April 13, 2012)
- No Bail for Broward Youth Pastor Charged with Molestation, by Rafael A. Olmeda, Orlando Sentinel (April 12, 2012)
- Question of the Day: Does Grand Rapids Diocese Restructuring Mean the Catholic Church Should Allow Female Priests, Clergy to Marry?, in Garret Ellison, Mlive (April 13, 2012)
- Stockton Diocese Accused of Cover-Up in Michael Kelly Case, by Ross Farrow, Lodi News-Sentinel (April 13, 2012)
- Supporter of Priest Tries to Sway Jury, by Jennie Rodriguez-Moore, Modesto Bee (April 12, 2012)
- Spanish Government to Set up Stolen Babies Database, in New York Daily News (April 13, 2012)
- " Sor María Me Dijo Que LA Cría Era De Una Madre Joven Sin Posibles", in Canal Sur (April 13, 2012)
- Sex Abuse Claim against Former Brockton Priest Settled, in Wicked Local (April 13, 2012)
- Seksueel Misbruik in Oldenzaalse Antoniusparochie, in The Tubantia (April 13, 2012)
- Nieuwe Onderzoeksvragen, in Bert Smeets (April 13, 2012)
- Gisteren Schreef ..., in Bert Smeets (April 13, 2012)
- Irish Survey: Gap between Church Teaching, Self-identified Catholics, by Michael Kelly, Catholic News Service (April 13, 2012)
- In Child Sexual Abuse, Strangers Aren't the Greatest Danger, in Newswise (April 13, 2012)
- SNAP Blasts Parishioner for Tampering with Jury for a Second Time, by David Clohessy, SNAP (April 13, 2012)
- Dem Papst Entgleiten Die Zugel, in The Stern (April 13, 2012)
- "Orientierung" Am 15. April: Missbrauch Im Kloster-internat, in APA OTS (April 13, 2012)
- Konfrontation Mit Dem Eigenen Trieb, by Julia Juttner, The Spiegel (April 13, 2012)
- Suicides Linked to Clergy's "Sex Abuse", by Nick Mckenzie, Richard Baker, Josh Gordon , Blacktown Sun (April 13, 2012)
- Lawyer Calls for "'parishioners Revolt'", by Siobhan Morris, CKTB (April 13, 2012)
- Qualifying the Wsj's Conclusions about Vocations, by Tom Roberts, National Catholic Reporter (April 13, 2012)
- No Charges in Cape Breton Priest's Case, in CBC News (April 13, 2012)
- Police Drop Investigation of Fr. Abbass, in Cape Breton Post (April 13, 2012)
- Has the Catholic Hierarchy Really Committed to Root out Abusive Priests?, in Kansas City Star (April 13, 2012)
- Crown Seeks Jail Sentence for Former Guelph Priest, in Guelph Mercury (April 13, 2012)
- Police Drop Probe into Complaint against C.b. Priest, by Eva Hoare, The Chroncile-Herald (April 13, 2012)
- Police Clear Priest of Any Wrongdoing, in The Metro (April 13, 2012)
- Arzobispado De Santiago Anuncia Cierre Canonico De LA Union Sacerdotal, Organizacion Liderada Por Fernando Karadima, in La Tercera (April 13, 2012)
April 14
- Vatican Chastises Irish Priest for Liberal Views, in Edmonton Journal (April 13, 2012)
- A Sad, Lonely Death, by Peter Collins, The Standard (April 14, 2012)
- Church Child Molesters" Tragic Legacy in South-west, by Peter Collins, The Standard (April 14, 2012)
- Church Has "Nothing to Hide" on Abuse Inquiry, by Chip Le Grand and Pia Akerman, The Australian (April 14, 2012)
- Parent Complaints Put Kelly under Church Board Review in 2003, by Jennie Rodriguez-Moore, Modesto Bee (April 14, 2012)
- Catholic Diocese to Offer Special Mass for Healing of Child Sexual Abuse, in Post and Courier (April 14, 2012)
- The Truth Deserves a Commission, by Judy Courtin, WAToday (April 14, 2012)
- The Vatican and the Faithful, in Irish Times (April 14, 2012)
- Irish Catholics Rejecting Church Doctrine, by David McKittrick, The Independent (April 14, 2012)
- Rebecca Musser, Former Polygamist Sect Wife, Speaks out, by Nina Mandell, New York Daily News (April 13, 2012)
- Church Must Listen or It Won't Have a Prayer, in The Herald (April 13, 2012)
- B.C. Chief Weeps during Residential Schools Speech, by Dirk Meissnet, CTV (April 13, 2012)
- Reynolds Libel Case Woman: They Got Me Wrong, by Edel Kennedy, Irish Independent (April 14, 2012)
- Calls for Royal Commission into Catholic Church, by Hamish Fitzsimmons, ABC News (April 14, 2012)
- Nenagh Priest at Odds with the Vatican, by Peter Gleeson, Nenagh Guardian (April 14, 2012)
- The Irish Association of Catholic Priests Should Stop Using Vatican II to Justify Its Defiance of Papal Teaching: Some of US Know What the Council Actually Said, by William Oddie, Catholic Herald (April 14, 2012)
- Our Mother of Consolation Parish Forum On Sexual Abuse This Wed., in Catholics4Change (April 14, 2012)
- Appeal to Archdiocese to Speak to Parents Who Saw inappropriate Images, in Tyrone Times (April 14, 2012)
- Former Carbondale Priest Investigated for Alleged Sex Abuse of Minor, in The Times-Tribune (April 14, 2012)
- Carbondale Priest Accused of Sexual Misconduct, Diocese Says, in Abington Journal (April 14, 2012)
- Cases of Disgraced Priest, Ex-lawyer Highlight Problem Gambling Issue, by Richard N. Velotta, Las Vegas Sun (April 14, 2012)
- "I Love Being a Priest but I Hope Celibacy Rule Will Be Lifted", by Breda Heffernan, Irish Independent (April 14, 2012)
- Kerry Priests React to Tony Flannery News, in Association of Catholic Priests (April 14, 2012)
- Tony Flannery Can Wear the Holy Office-imposed Silentium Badge with Pride, in Association of Catholic Priests (April 14, 2012)
- Nothing about Young People in Acp Survey?, in Association of Catholic Priests (April 14, 2012)
- Scranton Diocese: Priest Accused of Sexual Misconduct in Wayne County, in Pocono Record (April 14, 2012)
- Group Screens Male Sex Abuse Survivor Documentary, Offers Training at Penn State, in WJAC (April 14, 2012)
- Iglesia Chilena Pone Fin a LA Pia Union De Karadima, in Religion Digital (April 14, 2012)
- Sexueller Missbrauch Thema Zur Heilig-rock-wallfahrt, in domradio (April 14, 2012)
- Spain Nun in Court over Babies Stolen under Franco, in News that Matters (April 14, 2012)
- Pedofilia. 2011, Clero Cattolico USA Accusato Di 700 Abusi Sessuali, in da Piazzetta Comunista (April 14, 2012)
- Spain's Stolen-babies Scandal: Empty Graves and a Silent Nun, by Lisa Abend, The Time (April 13, 2012)
- Vatican: No Secrets in Girl's "83 Disappearance, in Fox News (April 14, 2012)
- huge Support for Silenced Priest Fr Tony Flannery in Limerick, by Alan Owens, Limerick Leader (April 14, 2012)
- Ex-msha Chief, Wheeling Jesuit University Accused of Fraud, in Pittsburgh Tribune-Review (April 14, 2012)
- Mcateer, Wju under Fire: Probe Reportedly Focuses on Diversion of Fed Funds, in The Intelligencer (April 14, 2012)
- Mine Expert, Wheeling Jesuit Investigated for Misue of Federal Grants, by Vicki Smith, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (April 14, 2012)
- Growing Catholic Resistance to Bishops" Crusades, by Peter Montgomery, Religion Dispatches (April 14, 2012)
- Bishops Put on Alert As Catholics Reject Key Church Laws, by Colm Kelpie, Irish Independent (April 14, 2012)
- David Quinn: the Beliefs of the Church Are Not Going to Change by Poll, in Irish Independent (April 13, 2012)
- Martina Devlin: We Need a Vatican Spring, in Irish Independent (April 13, 2012)
- Jeers for Spanish Nun in Baby Kidnapping Case, in Times of Malta (April 14, 2012)
- Investigators Allege Wheeling Jesuit VP Unlawfully Diverted Federal Funds; No Charges Filed, by Philip Stahl, WTOV (April 14, 2012)
- Most of the Time but Not Every Time Our Courts Get It Right , by Joelle Casteix, Worthy Adversary (April 14, 2012)
- Shatter Backtracks on Collusion of State in Laundries, by Conall O Fatharta, Irish Examiner (April 14, 2012)
- Priest Faces New Claims, in Albany Times Union (April 14, 2012)
- Priest in Greene County on Leave, Accused of Abuse, in WRGB (April 14, 2012)
- Baloney, David Quinn: the Beliefs of the Church Are Not Going to Change by Poll...but the Pope Apologizes Centuries Later for Pope Crimes and Vatican Evils, by Paris Arrow, Pope Crimes & Vatican Evils... (April 14, 2012)
- Jewish Food from the Dark Side: Leslie Harris, in Berger's Beat (April 14, 2012)
- Statement Regarding Reverend Russell E. Motsay, in Roman Catholic Diocese of Scranton (April 14, 2012)
- The Clan of the Red Beanie Stalks Mlk, Sanity, by Charles P. Pierce, Politics Blog (April 14, 2012)
- Seksueel Misbruik Kapelaan Slaat in Oldenzaal in Als Een Bom, in The Tubantia (April 14, 2012)
April 15
- Colum Kenny: Christ Himself Preached That the Truth Will Set US Free, in Sunday Independent (April 15, 2012)
- Priest Faces New Claims, by Bryan Fitzgerald, Albany Times Union (April 14, 2012)
- Wju Fraud Allegations Detailed, in The Intelligencer (April 15, 2012)
- Vatican: No Secrets in Girl's '83 Disappearance, in The Mainichi (April 15, 2012)
- Fr Lombardi Sj Issues Note on Disappearance Case, on Vatican Radio (April 14, 2012)
- Emer O'Kelly: Catholic Church Remains Biggest Child in Playground, in Sunday Independent (April 15, 2012)
- Acadiana Ex-Da Stansbury Dies, by Robert Stewart, The Advocate (April 15, 2012)
- Cleveland: Closed Parishes Hold Strategy Meeting, by Dick Russ, WKYC (April 15, 2012)
- Ex-Msha Chief, Spokesman for Ubb Disaster Accused of Fraud, by Jessie Shafer, WOWK (April 15, 2012)
- Priest Says Vatican Control of Irish Catholic Church Is Crushing, in Irish Central (April 13, 2012)
- Pope Marks Milestones Amid Signs of Frailty, Succession Talk, by Philip Pullella, The Reuters (April 15, 2012)
- Dass Sie Mich Wieder Zu Packen Kriegen, in Frankfurter Allgemeine (April 14, 2012)
- Zum Geburtstag Des Papstes: Ein Prominenter Spanischer Theologe Wird Verurteilt, by Christian Modehn, Religions Philosophischer (April 15, 2012)
- Dublin Mass Goers to Be Asked to Bankroll Church's Growing Debts, by Patrick Counihan, Irish Central (April 15, 2012)
- Torres Queiruga Defiende Que Su Teología " Es Ortodoxa Y Moderada", in Europa Press (April 16, 2012)
- For the Jesuits, a Long Road to Accountability, by Michael Rezendes, Boston Globe (April 15, 2012)
- A Tuam Priest Reacts to the Treatment of Fr Tony Flannery, by Pat Donnellan, Association of Catholic Priests (April 14, 2012)
- What Has the Church to Say about Justice Within the Church?, by Gerry Hefferan, Association of Catholic Priests (April 14, 2012)
- Retired LA Cardinal Mahony to Testify in Clergy Sex Abuse Case, by Barbara Dorris, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (April 13, 2012)
- Austria: Martha's Mass Risks Excommunication, by Giacomo Galeazzi, Vatican Insider (April 14, 2012)
- Independent Catholic Media Vital to Renewal - Garry O'Sullivan, in Irish Catholic (April 12, 2012)
- Greene County Priest Accused of Sex Abuse, in YNN (April 14, 2012)
- Rite of Sodomy - Vol III, by Randy Engel, New Engel Publishing (April 16, 2012)
- Vatican Says It Has 'No Secrets' in Case of Missing Teenager, by Josephine McKenna, The Telegraph (April 16, 2012)
- Greene County Priest Placed on Administrative Leave, by Ken Goldfarb, Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany (April 14, 2012)
- Philly Archdiocese to Merge 12 Parishes into 5, Citing Declining Attendance, Priest Shortage, in The Republic (April 15, 2012)
- Archdiocese Announces Initial Round of Parish Mergers Resulting from Pastoral Planning Initiative, in Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Philadelphia (April 15, 2012)
- Parochiebestuur Betreurt En Veroordeelt Seksueel Misbruik in Oldenzaal, in The Tubantia (April 15, 2012)
- At Mass, Catholics Learn of Parish Closings, by David O'Reilly, Philadelphia Inquirer (April 15, 2012)
- Philadelphia Archdiocese to Merge 12 Parishes into 5, by Pat Loeb, CBS Philly (April 15, 2012)
- Archdiocese Announces More Parish Mergers, in NBC 10 (April 15, 2012)
- [update] Spiegel-Online-Panorama: Bischof Ackermann - Katholischer Missbrauchsbeauftragter Schont Pädophile, in K13 (March 18, 2012)
- Parishioners React to Sex Abuse Allegations, by Dave Bohman, WNEP (April 15, 2012)
- Karadima Recibió $60 Millones Como Herencia De Una Ex Feligresa, in The Publimetro (April 15, 2012)
April 16
- NY Priest on Leave; Abuse Claims Investigated, in San Antonio Express-News (April 16, 2012)
- Priests' Group Rallies behind Cleric Silenced by Hierarchy, by Luke Byrne, Irish Independent (April 16, 2012)
- Breaking News: Greene County Priest Placed on Administrative Leave, in Daily Mail (April 15, 2012)
- Limerick Councillor's Backing for under Fire Priest, by Nick Rabbitts, Limerick Leader (April 16, 2012)
- Abuse Trial Testimony Cries for Reform, in Philadelphia Inquirer (April 16, 2012)
- Years Later, School May Alert Parents to Abuse, by Michael Rezendes, Boston Globe (April 16, 2012)
- Very Little Room for Dissent, in Irish Independent (April 16, 2012)
- Platteville Parish May Have to Close School, in Channel 3000 (April 16, 2012)
- Sex Charges against Ex-Pastor Stir Online Controversy for Minnesota Missouri Synod Lutherans, by Sarah Smith, Grand Forks Herald (April 15, 2012)
- Reporter's Notebook: Did Mom's Testimony Help or Hurt Son's Case?, by Ralph Cipriano, Philadelphia Priest Abuse Trial Blog (April 15, 2012)
- A Transitional Papacy?, in Vatican Insider (April 13, 2012)
- For the Jesuits, a Long Road to Accountability, by Michael Rezendes, Boston Globe (April 15, 2012)
- Fr. Lombardi Editorial: Anniversaries, in News.va (April 14, 2012)
- Jury Convicts Webster Groves Attorney, Clergyman of $52 Million Ponzi Scheme, in The 7th Space (April 16, 2012)
- Archdiocese to Close Three Manayunk Parishes in July, by Matthew Grady, The Newsworks (April 15, 2012)
- Philly Archdiocese Says More Study Needed on Phoenixville Parish Merger, in The Mercury (April 16, 2012)
- Archdiocese to Merge Parishes in Northwest Philly, Chester County, by Shannon McDonald, The Newsworks (April 16, 2012)
- Collateral Attack on Survivor Advocates Shouldn't Be Allowed in Missouri, by Mike Bryant, Injury Board Blog Network (April 16, 2012)
- Gerald T. Slevin, Update--Criminal Charges of Vatican Child Abuse Cover-Up, by William D. Lindsey, The Bilgrimage (April 16, 2012)
- Local Priest on Leave; Abuse Claims Investigated, in WNYT (April 16, 2012)
- Alleged Abuse Victim Tells of Efforts to Remove Priest, by Joseph A. Slobodzian, Philadelphia Inquirer (April 16, 2012)
- A Full and Proper Inquiry Needed into Church Abuse, in The Courier (April 17, 2012)
- Ex-priest Testifies to Alleged Abuse by Pastor, in Fox News (April 16, 2012)
- Court Won't Hear Appeal over Ministerial Exception, in Sacramento Bee (April 16, 2012)
- Missbrauch: 40 Beschuldigte Priester Noch Im Amt?, in Die Presse (April 16, 2012)
- Plattform Betroffener Kirchlicher Gewalt: 40 Tater Im Amt, in ORF (April 16, 2012)
- Aufklarer-pater Klaus Mertes Sj Erhielt burgerpreis Von Der Spd, in Christliches Forum (April 16, 2012)
- Priests, Faithful "Want" Abuse Inquiry, by Jane Lee and Barney Zwartz, The Age (April 16, 2012)
- Ex-priest Testifies He Was Sexually Abused by a Priest in High School, by Maryclaire Dale, NBC 10 (April 16, 2012)
- More Victims Say Abusive Philadelphia Priests Were Protected by Higher-ups, by Tony Hanson, CBS Philly (April 16, 2012)
- Radical Disobedience: Why Roman Catholics Won't Heed the Pontiff's Call for Radical Obedience, by Michelle Somerville, Huffington Post (April 14, 2012)
- Canon Gordon Rideout Rearrested after New Child Abuse Allegations, on BBC News (April 16, 2012)
- The Jesus of an Impoverished Theology, by Shayne Looper, Weekly Citizen (April 16, 2012)
- Wineke: Roman Catholic Bishops Playing Hardball, by Bill Wineke, Channel 3000 (April 16, 2012)
- Priest Suspended after Abuse Allegation, by Josh Wengler, Wayne Independent (April 16, 2012)
April 17
- Priest Bailed over Alleged Child Sex Abuse in Barkingside Re-Arrested over Fresh Claims, by Zjan Shirinian, London 24 (April 17, 2012)
- Six Agonizingly Long, Damningly Silent, Seconds, by Derryn Hinch, 3AW (April 17, 2012)
- Archbishop Denies Any Cover-Ups, in 3AW (April 17, 2012)
- Priest Returns to Ireland, by Jennie Rodriguez-Moore, The Record (April 17, 2012)
- Prosecution Puts the Archdiocese of Philadelphia on Trial, by Ralph Cipriano, Philadelphia Priest Abuse Trial Blog (April 17, 2012)
- Barkingside: Retired Priest Rearrested after Fresh Child Abuse Allegations, by Joe Curtis, The Guardian (April 17, 2012)
- Priest: I Told Officials about Perv, by John P. Martin, Philadelphia Inquirer (April 17, 2012)
- State Government Starts Investigation into Child Sexual Abuse, by Tim Michell, Waverley Leader (April 17, 2012)
- Vic Govt under Fire over Church Inquiry, by Melissa Jenkins and Melissa Iaria, The Age (April 17, 2012)
- Priest Flies to Ireland on Eve of Testimony in Sex-Abuse Trial, by Sue Nowicki, Bellingham Herald (April 17, 2012)
- Update: Prosecution Brings in More Victim Testimonies, by Kristen Byrne, My Fox Philly (April 17, 2012)
- Crisis of Problem Catholic Priests Is Far from over, by Mary Sanchez, Kansas City Star (April 16, 2012)
- Diocese: Priest in Middle of Suit Flees Country, in KCRA (April 16, 2012)
- Father Doyle Explains It All, by Joseph Slobodzian, Philadelphia Inquirer (April 16, 2012)
- Former Youth Pastor Arrested on Sexual Assault Charges, by Scott Rogers, News Star (April 16, 2012)
- Waks Welcomes Religious Abuse Enquiry, in The J-Wire (April 17, 2012)
- Ki Moet Opnieuw Oordelen over Verwijdering Stukken Uit Operatie Kelk, in The Knack (April 04, 2012)
- Italian Police Probe Vatican, Mafia Links in Teen's Disappearance 30 Years Ago, by Barbie Latza Nadeau, Daily Beast (April 17, 2012)
- Eganville Priest Given Conditional Sentence for Indecent Assault, by Laura Armstrong, Ottawa Citizen (April 16, 2012)
- Stockton Priest Found Guilty of Molestation Flees to Ireland, in News 10 (April 17, 2012)
- Father Michael Kelly's Letter to Bishop Stephen Blaire, in Lodi News-Sentinel (April 16, 2012)
- Priest Accused of Molestation Leaves for Ireland, by Ian McDonald, Fox 40 (April 16, 2012)
- Text of Rev. Michael Kelly Letter to Bishop Stephen Blaire, by Michael Kelly, Modesto Bee (April 16, 2012)
- Lockeford Priest Held Liable of Sexual Assault in Civil Suit Flees to Ireland, in CBS 13 (April 16, 2012)
- Victoria Launches Child Abuse Inquiry, in ABC - PM (April 17, 2012)
- Vic Govt under Fire over Church Inquiry, in Sky News (April 17, 2012)
- Inquiry to Examine Handling of Sex Abuse Complaints, by Alison Savage, 774 ABC Melbourne (April 17, 2012)
- Baillieu Bows to Pressure on Church Sex-Abuse Probe, by Josh Gordon, The Age (April 17, 2012)
- State Government Inquiry on Sexual Abuse Suicide Link in Religious Organisations Not Far Enough, Says Group, by Ashley Gardiner, Herald Sun (April 17, 2012)
- Victoria to Hold Wide-Ranging Inquiry into Church Sex Abuse Cases, by John Ferguson, The Australian (April 17, 2012)
- Catholic Church Vows to Cooperate with Child Sex Abuse Inquiry, by John Ferguson, The Australian (April 17, 2012)
- Clear up Wju Charges Swiftly, in The Intelligencer (April 17, 2012)
- Catholic Abuse Audit Shows Current Accusations Are down Again, but Media Highlights Decades-Old Claims, by Dave Pierre, Media Report (April 11, 2012)
- Boston Globe Little Concerned with Child Abuse Unless It's in the Catholic Church, by Dave Pierre, Media Report (April 16, 2012)
- Support for Priest on Vatican Censure, by Patsy McGarry, Irish Times (April 17, 2012)
- Sean Fagan a Friend Speaks out, in Association of Catholic Priests (April 16, 2012)
- A Redemptorist Writes from Brazil to Support Tony, in Association of Catholic Priests (April 16, 2012)
- Sechs Jahre Haft Für Pfarrer Wegen Missbrauchs, in MSN (April 16, 2012)
- An Ihren Taten Sollt Ihr Sie Erkennen, in Humanistischer Pressedienst (April 17, 2012)
- Aufklärung Auf Katholisch, by Martin Kaltenbrunner, Der Standard (March 25, 2012)
- Wenn Klöster Mauern, by Jutta Berger, Der Standard (March 28, 2012)
- Missbrauch: 40 Priester Noch Im Amt?, in Betroffen (April 16, 2012)
- Missbrauch Mit Missbrauch?, by Dietmar Neuwirth, Die Presse (April 16, 2012)
- Klasnic-Kommission: Acht Millionen Euro Hilfe Zuerkannt, in Die Presse (April 17, 2012)
- Hoy Comenzó Asamblea Plenaria De Obispos De Conferencia Episcopal, by Joelle Casteix, Worthy Adversary (April 16, 2012)
- Nathan Stansbury: 1934 - 2012, by Leslie Turk, The Ind (April 16, 2012)
- Catholic Priest Accused in Abuse Suit Returns to Ireland, by Sue Nowicki, Modesto Bee (April 16, 2012)
- Bishop: 'It's Time for Peace and Unity', by Ted Achladis, Fox 8 (April 17, 2012)
- Bishop Richard Lennon to Hold 10 A.m. News Conference on Church Closings, by Michael Sangiacomo, Plain Dealer (April 17, 2012)
- Bishop Lennon to Address Vatican Decrees This Morning, by Amanda Barren, WKYC (April 17, 2012)
- Bishop Richard Lennon to Make Major Announcement Regarding Future of Cleveland Churches, by Carrie Nagorka, Newsnet5 (April 17, 2012)
- Cleveland's Catholic Leader to Address Vatican Decrees, by Carmen Angelo, WTAM (April 17, 2012)
- Second Irish Priest Silenced by Church As Anger Grows over Gagging Attempts, by Patrick Counihan, Irishcentral (April 17, 2012)
- Stockton Diocese Priest Found Guilty of Molestation Flees to Ireland, by C. Johnson, News10 (April 16, 2012)
- Victorian Government Announces Church Abuse Inquiry, by James Bennett, ABC - 7.30 (April 17, 2012)
- Avoidance in Child Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church, in The Tango (April 17, 2012)
- Cleveland Bishop to Reopen 12 Closed Parishes, by Thomas J. Sheeran, ABC News (April 17, 2012)
- Bishop Lennon Announces Plans to Reopen 12 Closed Catholic Parishes, by Joel Hammond, Crain's Cleveland Business (April 17, 2012)
- Cleveland: Bishop to Reopen Closed Churches, in WKYC (April 17, 2012)
- "It's Time for Peace and Unity in the Diocese of Cleveland" - Updated with Video, in Roman Catholic Diocese of Cleveland (April 17, 2012)
- Cleveland Bishop to Reopen 12 Closed Parishes, in Times Reporter (April 17, 2012)
- Bishop Lennon Will Not Appeal Vatican Decree, Churches to Reopen, in Fox 8 (April 17, 2012)
- BISHOP Richard Lennon Says He Will Reopen 12 Churches That Won Vatican Appeal, by Michael O'Malley, Plain Dealer (April 16, 2012)
- Bishop Decides to Reopen 12 Catholic Churches; 2 in Akron, by Colette M. Jenkins, Akron Beacon Journal (April 17, 2012)
- State Inquiry to Lift the Lid on Religious Sex Assaults, by Josh Gordon, Barney Zwartz, Sydney Morning Herald (April 18, 2012)
- Garfield Priest on Leave after Child Sex Abuse Allegation, by Ann Rodgers, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (April 17, 2012)
- John Langworthy Criminal Trial in Mississippi, in Watch Keep (April 17, 2012)
- Osterreich: Distanz Vom Ungehorsam Erwartet, on Radio Vatikan (April 17, 2012)
- Vatikan Will Nicht Mit Pfarrerinitiative Reden, in Kurier (April 17, 2012)
- Vatikan Lehnt Direkten Dialog Mit Pfarrerinitiative Ab, in der Standard (April 17, 2012)
- Church Inquiry "Not Enough", by Josh Gordon and Barney Zwartz, The Age (April 18, 2012)
- 1993 Pt. 5 - Phil Donahue Show: Catholic Priest Sexual Abuse of Children and Adolescents, on YouTube (April 17, 2012)
- Stockton Priest Flees to Ireland, in KMJ News (April 17, 2012)
- Stockton-area Priest Flees Country Amid Sexual Misconduct Trial, in Los Angeles Times (April 17, 2012)
- Priest Found Liable for Abuse Flees Country, in Fresno Bee (April 17, 2012)
- Mother Can't Forget the Day She Lost Her "Beautiful Boy", by Jo Chandler, WA Today (April 17, 2012)
- Priest-abuse Jury Hears about Bizarre Passion Play, by Maryclaire Dale, Boston Globe (April 17, 2012)
- Priest Accused of Sexually Abusing Minor, in WTAE (April 17, 2012)
- Priest Relieved by Results of Police Investigation, in Cape Breton Post (April 17, 2012)
- Dissent over Clergy Child Sex Probe, in The Standard (April 17, 2012)
- Judge Sends Kelly Jury Home for the Day, in The Record (April 17, 2012)
- Michael Kelly, Pedo-priest Recently Tried by Newport Beach Lawyer John Manly, Now on the Run from Justice, by Gustavo Arellano, Orange County Weekly (April 17, 2012)
- New Quiz for Eastbourne Abuse Case Cleric, in The Argus (April 17, 2012)
- Missbrauch: Vom Tater- Zum Opferschutz, in Wiener Zeitung (April 17, 2012)
- Victim's Group Remembers Stansbury, in KATC (April 17, 2012)
- Priest Expresses Relief As Police Drop Case, in Metro (April 17, 2012)
- Colorado Charges Added against Ex-pastor Facing Sex-abuse Trial in Kentucky, in The Courier-Journal (April 17, 2012)
- Bishop Zubik's Letter to Parishioners, in WTAE (April 17, 2012)
- Local Priest Placed on Leave Amidst Sexual Abuse Allegations, in WPXI (April 17, 2012)
- SNAP Urges Bishops to Warn Their Flock about Fr. Kelly, by David Clohessy, SNAP (April 17, 2012)
- Garfield Priest Accused of Sexual Abuse, in CBS Pittsburgh (April 17, 2012)
- SNAP Remembers Nathan Stansbury, by Barbara Dorris, SNAP (April 17, 2012)
- D.A. Struggles to Get Church Judge to Testify at Priest Trial, by Joseph A. Slobodzian and Michael Matza, Philadelphia Inquirer (April 17, 2012)
- Irish Priest Michael Kelly Flees California after Guilty Verdict in Sexual Abuse Case, in RTE News (April 17, 2012)
- Priest Returning from US Denies Abuse Allegations, by Genevieve Carbery, Irish Times (April 17, 2012)
April 18
- Irish Priest Found Guilty of Sex Abuse Leaves States, by David Richardson, Inside Ireland (April 18, 2012)
- Philly Da: Wva Diocese Balks at Sending Priest, in The Graffiti (April 18, 2012)
- City Priest Taken out of Ministry Amid '60s Abuse Claim, by Ann Rodgers, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (April 18, 2012)
- Ex-Priest Arrested in Abuse Probe, in Rutland & Stamford Mercury (April 17, 2012)
- Irish Priest in Sex Abuse Lawsuit Flees California, by Edel O'Connell, Irish Independent (April 18, 2012)
- Ballarat Bishop, Abuse Survivor Welcome Inquiry into Sexual Abuse by Priests, in ABC Ballarat (April 18, 2012)
- Update: Former Henderson Youth Pastor Arrested on Colorado Charges, by Beth Smith, The Gleaner (April 17, 2012)
- Priest Prosecutors Can't Get Church Judge As Witness, by Joseph A. Slobodzian and Michael Matza, Philadelphia Inquirer (April 18, 2012)
- Child Sex Abuse Case Being Investigated in Northeast, in WJLA (April 17, 2012)
- Ngos to Be Included in Victorian Sexual Abuse Inquiry, in Pro Bono News (April 17, 2012)
- Editorial: Abuse Inquiry, at Long Last, in Geelong Advertiser (April 18, 2012)
- Inquiry Launched into Child Abuse, by Anthea Cannon, Geelong Advertiser (April 18, 2012)
- Austrian Church Panel Awards $10.5m to Abuse Victims, in The News (April 18, 2012)
- Norcal Priest on Trial for Sexual Abuse Flees Country, in KGO (April 17, 2012)
- Jurors Hear about Perverted Passion Play, by Ralph Cipriano, Philadelphia Priest Abuse Trial Blog (April 17, 2012)
- Sunday School Teacher Guilty of Sex with Teen Boy, in WKRC (April 17, 2012)
- Unexpected Departure Puts Priest's Trial on Hold, by Roger Phillips, The Record (April 18, 2012)
- Archiefstukken over Misbruik Kerk Opgedoken, in Limburgs Dagblad (April 18, 2012)
- Child Sex Priest Flees Trial Home to Ireland, in Irish Sun (April 18, 2012)
- Church Not in Communion with Changed Beliefs of Irish Catholics, by Colette Browne, Irish Examiner (April 18, 2012)
- Término De LA Unión Sacerdotal, in LA Tercera (April 18, 2012)
- Cleveland Parishes Celebrate Reopening Decision, by Kevin Niedermier and M.l. Schultze, WKSU (April 17, 2012)
- 12 Churches Revived, but Challenges Remain: Editorial, in Plain Dealer (April 17, 2012)
- Prayer Service Celebrates Reopening of Catholic Churches in Cleveland, by Deb Lee, Newsnet5 (April 18, 2012)
- Cleveland Bishop: " I Will Not Appeal the Decrees to the Apostolic Signatura", by Brian Roewe, National Catholic Reporter (April 17, 2012)
- Cleveland Residents React to 12 Catholic Churches Reopening, by Melissa Reid, Fox 8 (April 17, 2012)
- Curia Is Stifling Debate on Church Reform, Says Silenced Priest, by Patsy McGarry, Irish Times (April 18, 2012)
- Pope Has Consistently Come down on Dissent Within the Church like a Hammer, by Patsy McGarry, Irish Times (April 18, 2012)
- An Open Letter to the Acp from Pittsburg, in Association of Catholic Priests (April 17, 2012)
- Witness Links West Virginia Bishop to Priest Abuse, by Tony Hanson, CBS Philly (April 18, 2012)
- Local Priest Sought to Testify in Clergy-Abuse Case, by Ashley Mullins, WTRF (April 18, 2012)
- Priest Flees to Ireland after Civil Jury Finds Him Guilty of Child Sex Abuse- Video, by Patrick Counihan, Irish Central (April 18, 2012)
- Updated | Appeals Court Throws out Ag's Appeal to Find Defrocked Priest Guilty of Rape, by Jurgen Balzan, Malta Today (April 18, 2012)
- Appeal over Priest's Acquittal in Rape Case Dismissed, in Times of Malta (April 18, 2012)
- Priest 'Relieved' Allegations Resolved, by Michael Gorman, The Chronicle-Herald (April 18, 2012)
- Garfield Priest under Investigation, by Michael Hasch, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review (April 18, 2012)
- Oostenrijkse Kerk Vergoedt Slachtoffers Misbruik, in De Redactie (April 17, 2012)
- Acht Miljoen Euro Voor 613 Slachtoffers Seksueel Misbruik, in The Rknieuws (April 18, 2012)
- 'Kerk Reageert Te Traag Op Klachten Misbruik', in The West (April 18, 2012)
- Witness in Priest Abuse Trial: 'An Emptiness Where My Soul Should Be', in The Mercury (April 18, 2012)
- Philly Priest Sex Abuse Case: Witness Alleges 'Rotation' of Molestation of Boys, by Tony Hanson, CBS Philly (April 18, 2012)
- State Must Intervene When Sin Is Also Crime, by Martin Mckenzie-Murray, The Age (April 19, 2012)
- Abbott Backs Child Sex Abuse Inquiry, by John Ferguson, The Australian (April 19, 2012)
- Clear the Air over Child Abuse, in The Australian (April 19, 2012)
- Push for Sexual Assaults Inquiry, by Esther Han, Sydney Morning Herald (April 19, 2012)
- Short-Changed by Money and Politics, by Josh Gordon, The Age (April 19, 2012)
- Don't Single out Church over Abuse: Abbott, in ABC News (April 18, 2012)
- Why I'M Raising $4,000 for My Fringe Play Altarcations, in Steve Julian (April 18, 2012)
- USCCB Addresses Ryan Budget, USCCB Cheerleaders Respond, by William D. Lindsey, The Bilgrimage (April 18, 2012)
- SNAP Blasts Retired Cardinal for Avoiding Trial, by David Clohessy, SNAP Blasts Retired Cardinal for Avoiding Trial (April 17, 2012)
- Víctimas De Karadima Le Responden a Arzobispo Ezzati: " Los Casos De Abuso Sexual No Se Superan Con Una Declaración", by Miguel Ortiz, LA Segunda (April 18, 2012)
- To Screen or Not to Screen, by Naomi Pfefferman, Jewish Journal (April 18, 2012)
- Church Sex Abuse Inquiry Won't Do Justice: Victims, by Barney Zwartz, The Age (April 19, 2012)
- LA Chiesa Contro LA Pedofilia, by Bruno Persano, LA Repubblica (April 19, 2012)
- Repressed Memory Case Tramples Sex Abuser Priest, by Joey Piscitelli, Oped News (April 18, 2012)
- Kerk Drong Bij Chirurgen Aan Op Castratie Homo's, by Joep Dohmen, Nrc Handelsblad (April 18, 2012)
- Rüge Für Rebellische Pfarrer in Österreich, by Elisabeth Zoll, The Tagblatt (April 18, 2012)
- Unter Dem Petersdom: " Wir Sind Gefährdet", by Hans Rauscher, Der Standard (April 17, 2012)
- Vatikan Will Keinen Direkten Dialog Mit Der ungehorsamen" Pfarrer-Initiative, in The Nachrichten (April 19, 2012)
- Marriage to a Survivor Is No Picnic or My Advice to Russell Brand and Katy Perry, by Virginia Jones, The Garden of Roses: Stories of Abuse and Healing (April 18, 2012)
- Witness Implicates a Bishop in Sex Abuse Scandal, by Joseph A. Slobodzian, Philadelphia Inquirer (April 18, 2012)
- Philadelphia Media: Bishop Bransfield Implicated in Sex Abuse Scandal, by Amy Wadas, WTRF (April 19, 2012)
- Vatican Orders Crackdown on US Nun Association, by Rachel Zoll, Sacramento Bee (April 18, 2012)
- Bishop against Gay Marriage Tapped to Reform Lcwr, by Jamie L Manson, National Catholic Reporter (April 18, 2012)
- Vatican Names Archbishop Sartain to Lead Renewal of Lcwr, in United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (April 18, 2012)
- Congregatio Pro Doctrina Fidei, in Congregation for the Doctine of the Faith (April 19, 2012)
- Statement of Cardinal William Levada ..., in Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (April 19, 2012)
- Citing Doctrinal Problems, Vatican Announces Reforms of US Nuns' Group, by Francis X. Rocca, Catholic News Service (April 19, 2012)
- Virginia Priest Who Headed Child Protection Office Is Accused of Abuse, by Michelle Boorstein, Washington Post (April 18, 2012)
- Terry Specht, Arlington Priest, Accused of Sexually Abusing Young Man, in WJLA (April 18, 2012)
- Priest Placed on Leave, in Roman Catholic Diocese of Arlington (April 18, 2012)
- Late Brookline Friar Accused of Sex Abuse, by Teddy Applebaum, Wicked Local Brookline (April 18, 2012)
- Witness: Priest Said W.va. Bishop Once Abused Teen, by Maryclaire Dale, Boston Globe (April 18, 2012)
- Bishop Bransfield Mentioned in Testimony, in Metronews (April 18, 2012)
- Witness: Priest Said W.va. Bishop Once Abused Teen, in Beaver County Times (April 18, 2012)
- Fairfax County Priest Accused of Sexual Misconduct Put on Leave, in NBC Washington (April 18, 2012)
- W.va. Catholics React to Bishop Abuse Allegations, in NECN (April 18, 2012)
- Fairfax County Priest Accused of Sexual Misconduct with Underage Boy in 1990′s, in CBS Dc (April 18, 2012)
- Vatican Taps Seattle Archbishop for Reform Effort, SNAP Responds, by David Clohessy, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (April 18, 2012)
- SNAP Blasts Bishop for Obstructing Criminal Trial, by David Clohessy, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (April 18, 2012)
- Diocese Calls US Clergy Abuse Trial a 'Circus', by Maryclaire Dale, WSLS (April 18, 2012)
- Civil Trial Continues, Even without Fleeing Priest, in KCRA (April 18, 2012)
- Do I Detect a Disconnect?, by Joelle Casteix, Worthy Adversary (April 18, 2012)
- Wheeling Jesuit President: 2008 Independent Review Found No Problem in Federal Grant Billings, in Washington Post (April 19, 2012)
- W.va. College Says outside Review Found No Fraud, in CBS News (April 18, 2012)
- Wju Officials Say They Have Provided an Investigation Report to U.S. Attorney, by D.k. Wright, WTRF (April 19, 2012)
- LA Archdiocese Sued for Alleged Abuse Cover-Up, in CBS Los Angeles (April 18, 2012)
April 19
- FORMER Priest Jailed over Child Sex, in 7 News (April 19, 2012)
- Jurors Can Weigh Priest's Departure in Abuse Case, by Jennie Rodriguez-Moore, The Record (April 19, 2012)
- "Callous" Priest Jailed for Child Sex in Australia, in Sun Daily (April 19, 2012)
- Rev. Terry W. Specht of Arlington, Va. Diocese, Placed on Leave Pending Investigation of Sexual Misconduct Allegation, in WUSA (April 19, 2012)
- Witnesses Tie W.va. Bishop to Abuse Trial, by Heather Ziegler, News and Sentinel (April 19, 2012)
- Irish Priest Who Fled US after Sex Abuse Finding Protests Innocence, by Eimear Ni Bhraonain, Irish Independent (April 19, 2012)
- Priest Jailed 5 Years for Sex Assaults on Young Girls, in Herald Sun (April 19, 2012)
- New Info: W.va. Bishop Speaks out against Sexual Abuse Allegations, in WSAZ (April 19, 2012)
- Lawsuit Filed against LA Archdiocese after Allegations of Sexual Abuse, by Ashley Myers-Turner with Paige Osburn, KPCC (April 19, 2012)
- Arlington Priest Once in Charge of Child Protection Investigated, by Meredith Somers, Washington Times (April 18, 2012)
- Priest, Former Head of Child Protection Office and Principal, Accused of Abuse, by Ella Desrosiers, Imperfect Parent (April 19, 2012)
- Arlington Priest on Leave after Sexual Misconduct Allegation, in Washington Examiner (April 19, 2012)
- Priest Trial Witness Cites Report on W.va. Bishop, by Joseph A. Slobodzian, Philadelphia Inquirer (April 19, 2012)
- Solicitor Demands Inquiry into Abuse at St William's Care Home for Boys, in Hull Daily Mail (April 19, 2012)
- The Catholic Bishops Lobby against Legislation to Protect Children, by Marci A. Hamilton, The Verdict (April 19, 2012)
- Child Sex Abuse Inquiry to Aid Healing: Taylor, by Neelima Choahan, The Courier (April 19, 2012)
- 19 Child Sex Charges Filed against Ex-steamboat Teacher, Pastor, by Matt Stensland, Craig Daily Press (April 19, 2012)
- Austrian Catholic Church to Compensate Victims of Sexual Abuse, in New Europe (April 19, 2012)
- Pressure Grows for Inquiry into Church-ordered Castrations, in Radio Netherlands (April 19, 2012)
- A LA Carte Church Menu Off!, in Southern Star (April 19, 2012)
- Vatican Process to Examine Theologians Does Not Respect Persons, in Association of Catholic Priests (April 19, 2012)
- Sexual Abuse Cover-up Calls for Board Expulsion, by Heights Editorial Board, The Heights (April 19, 2012)
- Church's Litany of Deadly Sins, in Northern Rivers Echo (April 18, 2012)
- Lawyers Want National Church Abuse Inquiry, in SBS (April 19, 2012)
- Former Mildura Police Officer Says a Parliamentary Inquiry into Clergy Abuse Is Not Equipped to Deal with the Issue, in ABC Central Victoria (April 19, 2012)
- L.A. Archdiocese, Ex-teacher Sued by Former Student, by Jerome Campbell, Annenberg TV News (April 19, 2012)
- Vatican Orders Crackdown on "Radical" Nuns in the US, on BBC News (April 19, 2012)
- New Vatican Job for Archbishop Sartain: Make Nuns Toe the Line, by Joel Connelly, Seattle PI (April 19, 2012)
- Vatican Reprimands a Group of U.S. Nuns and Plans Changes, by Laurie Goodstein, New York Times (April 18, 2012)
- Vatican Names Delegate to Reform US Women Religious Conference, in Vatican Radio (April 19, 2012)
- Blair to Help Lead Reform of Group for U.S. Nuns, by David Yonke, Toledo Blade (April 19, 2012)
- Vatican Busts Nuns for Focusing on Poverty - Says They Should Target Gay Marriage, Abortion, in The Telegraph (April 19, 2012)
- It Ain't Easy Being a Woman Today: Lcwr to Be "Renewed" by USCCB and Cdf, by Meghan Murphy-Gill, U.S. Catholic (April 19, 2012)
- Wv Bishop Should Openly Address Abuse Allegations against Him, by Judy Jones, SNAP (April 18, 2012)
- Caso Karadima: Dura Respuesta De Victimas a Ezzati Quien Dio El Tema Por "Cerrado", in Publimetro (April 19, 2012)
- Father Brian Joseph Spillane, Australia, in Broken Rites (April 18, 2012)
- How the Church Protected Father Paul David Ryan and One Victim Committed Suicide, in Broken Rites (April 19, 2012)
- Public Inquiry Needed: How the Melbourne Archdiocese Covered up for Father Pickering, Allowing Him to Escape, in Broken Rites (April 19, 2012)
- A Boystown Ex-pupil Receives a Settlement Many Years Later, in Broken Rites (April 19, 2012)
- The Church Protected This Priest Who Admitted Offences against Children, in Broken Rites (April 19, 2012)
- DAS Bistum Regensburg Und Die Missbrauchsfalle, in BR (April 19, 2012)
- "Mussen Noch Viel Strenger Sein", in News (April 19, 2012)
- "Sie Wurden Leute Am Scheiterhaufen Verbrennen", by Stefan Hayden, der Standard (April 19, 2012)
- Bishop's Name, Allegations Surface in Philly Trial, in WTOV (April 19, 2012)
- The Ultimatum to Lcwr, by Maureen Fiedle, National Catholic Reporter (April 19, 2012)
- SNAP Fires Back at Lawyers Requesting Documents, by Joshua J. McElwee, National Catholic Reporter (April 19, 2012)
- Archiefstukken over Misbruik in Kerk Opgedoken in Nederland, in De Morgen (April 18, 2012)
- Saddened to See Boston College Mishandle Clergy Sex Abuse Issue, by Kristen Grieco Elworthy, BishopAccountability.org (April 19, 2012)
- The Vatican, Fr. Flannery, the Hierarchical Clerical Culture, Joseph Goebbels, in Jennie Guzman (April 18, 2012)
- Court: Priestly Abuse - AG Loses Appeal on Rape Ruling, in Malta Independent (April 19, 2012)
- Priest Rape Case Error Could Have Been Fixed, in Times of Malta (April 19, 2012)
- Irish Church at the Crossroads: Reform or Bust, in Belfast Telegraph (April 19, 2012)
- Priest Gets Probation for Stealing from Diocese, by Paula Reed Ward, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (April 19, 2012)
- Bishop of W.va. Catholic Diocese Accused of Abuse, in Charleston Daily Mail (April 19, 2012)
- A Priest Accused - but Is He Innocent of the Sexual Abuse Charges against Him? "Repressed Memories" Is Only Direct Evidence against Father Michael Kelly, by Patrick Roberts, Irish Central (April 19, 2012)
- Updated: Pl Sees Political Responsibility in Former Priest's Acquittal Due to Technicality, in Times of Malta (April 19, 2012)
- Priest "a Violent Bully and Coward", by David Marr, Sydney Morning Herald (April 20, 2012)
- Lcwr "Stunned" by Vatican's Latest Move, by Joshua J. McElwee, National Catholic Reporter (April 19, 2012)
- Coming Together for Prayer and Support, in St. Brendan Parish (April 19, 2012)
- Former Joliet Bishop Appointed to Keep Nuns Group in Line with Doctrine, in CBS Chicago (April 18, 2012)
- Ministry Defends Attorney General's Independence over Pl Criticism of Low Staffing, in Malta Today (April 19, 2012)
- Ins Genick Gewichst, in Regensburg-Digital (April 18, 2012)
- Die Kirche Entschadigt Missbrauchsopfer, in De Redactie (April 19, 2012)
- ich Habe DAS Kleid Von Jesus Gesehen., in The MissBit (April 19, 2012)
- Gesprek Met De Vaste Commissie Voor Veiligheid En Justitie, in RKnieuws (April 19, 2012)
- A Statement from Bishop Michael J. Bransfield, in Roman Catholic Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston (April 19, 2012)
- Witness Priest Said W.va. Bishop Once Abused Teen, by Heather Ziegler, The Intelligencer (April 19, 2012)
- Wheeling-charleston Bishop: "I Have Never Sexually Abused Anyone", in WTOV (April 19, 2012)
- Bransfield Denies Abuse Allegations, in Parkersburg News and Sentinel (April 19, 2012)
- Monsignor: Abuse Investigation Fell through Cracks, by Maryclaire Dale, ABC News (April 20, 2012)
- Disconnect, Pt 2: Subpoenas Are for the Little People, by Joelle Casteix, Worthy Adversary (April 19, 2012)
- I Address You with a Heavy Heart, by Reverend John J. Connolly, Dorchester Reporter (April 19, 2012)
- A Good, Honorable, Trustworthy Man, by Lauren OBrien, Dorchester Reporter (April 19, 2012)
- Salina Priest Accused of Sexual Battery, by Rebecca White, KWCH (April 19, 2012)
- Salina Priest Accused of Sex Crime, in KSALL (April 18, 2012)
- W.va. Bishop Denies Abuse Allegations, by John Raby, Lebanon Daily News (April 19, 2012)
- Rev. Schaeffer Steps down from Boston College Board Amid Criticism of His Role in Sex Abuse Case, by Michael Rezendes, Boston Globe (April 19, 2012)
- Bishop Denies Sex Abuse Charge Aired in Court, by Joseph A. Slobodzian, Philadelphia Inquirer (April 19, 2012)
- Today: Bishop Bransfield Denies Sexual Abuse Accusations, by Jared Hunt, Charleston Daily Mail (April 19, 2012)
- SNAP Blasts Wv Bishop's Abuse Denial, by David Clohessy, SNAP (April 19, 2012)
- Clergy Sex Victims Win Decision, by David Clohessy, SNAP (April 19, 2012)
- Seppia, Sentenza IL 3 Maggio, in Il Seccolo XIX (April 19, 2012)
- Pedofilia: Don Seppia; Postale, Forse File Porno Erano Pop up, in AGI (April 19, 2012)
- Don Seppia - Al Vaglio Foto E Video Sul Suo Pc, Slitta LA Sentenza, in Genova Oggi Notizie (April 19, 2012)
- Vatican Condemns American Nuns for Liberal Stances, by Dario Thuburn, AFP (April 19, 2012)
- Child Sex Abuse in the Church: Alliance Demands Full Inquiry, by Jerome Taylor, The Independent (April 19, 2012)
- Wburbc Board Member Resigns Amid Allegations of Priest Abuse Cover-up, by Deborah Becker, WBUR (April 19, 2012)
- Lcwr Statement from Presidency on Cdf Doctrinal Assessment, in Leadership Conference of Women Religious (April 19, 2012)
- BC Trustee Criticized for Priest Supervision Quits, in My Fox Boston (April 19, 2012)
- Bond Set for Former Pastor on Sexual Assault, Burglary Charges, in News Star (April 19, 2012)
- Bishop Denies Abuse Allegations, in My Fox Philly (April 19, 2012)
- The Catholic Church Is in Deep Crisis. Nessan Vaughan, in Association of Catholic Priests (April 19, 2012)
- Options Facing Lcwr Stark, Canon Lawyers Say, by Joshua J. McElwee, National Catholic Reporter (April 19, 2012)
April 20
- Bishop Denies Witness" Abuse Allegations, by Joseph A. Slobodzian and John P. Martin, Philadelphia Inquirer (April 20, 2012)
- Open Letter to Archbishop Telesphore Mpundu, in Zambian Watchdog (April 19, 2012)
- Priest Pleads Innocent to Felony Charge, in Daily Inter Lake (April 19, 2012)
- Msgr. Lynn on Sex Abuse Investigation: "the Case Fell through the Cracks", by Ralph Cipriano, Philadelphia Priest Abuse Trial Blog (April 19, 2012)
- Flathead Priest Pleads Not Guilty to Sexual Abuse of Children, in KTVQ (April 19, 2012)
- Bishop Denies Testimony Alleging He Abused Youth, by Jon Hurdle, New York Times (April 19, 2012)
- Leading Article: Churches Have Still to Purge the Stain of Child Abuse, in The Independent (April 20, 2012)
- Not Guilty Plea for Kalispell Priest, in NBC Montana (April 20, 2012)
- BC Trustee Steps down Amid Accusations of Priest Abuse Cover-up, by Melanie Graham, The Patch (April 19, 2012)
- Baltimore Pastor Convicted of Sexual Assault on Girl, by Ella Desrosiers, Imperfect Parent (April 20, 2012)
- Pastor Convicted in Teen Sex Abuse, in WMAR (April 20, 2012)
- Pastor Convicted of Sexually Abusing a Teen Girl, by Tricia Bishop, Baltimore Sun (April 20, 2012)
- American Nuns, Conscience and the Vatican, in New York Times (April 20, 2012)
- Victorian Abuse Inquiry Must Be Just the Start, by Cathy Kezelman, WA Today (April 20, 2012)
- Man Arrested for Child Sex Abuse at Dc Daycare Center, in My Fox DC (April 20, 2012)
- Sex Abuse Inquiry Will Find the Catholic Church Has Been Fair, by Archbishop Denis Hart, The Age (April 20, 2012)
- Group LED by W. Pa. Nun Criticized by Vatican, by Rossilynne Skena, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review (April 20, 2012)
- Vatican Criticizes Nuns" Stance on Social Issues, by Melissa Block, WWNO (April 20, 2012)
- The Instructive Timing of the Crackdown on Nuns, by Melinda Henneberger, Washington Post (April 20, 2012)
- Nuns Gone Wild! Vatican Chastises American Sisters, by Barbie Latza Nadeau, Daily Beast (April 20, 2012)
- Een Meerderheid Van De Tweede Kamer ..., in Bert Smeets (April 20, 2012)
- Gesprek Met De Vaste Commissie Voor Veiligheid En Justitie, in RKnieuws (April 20, 2012)
- Geachte Heer Smeets, in Bert Smeets (April 20, 2012)
- Former Priest Pleads Guilty to Sex Abuse, on UTV (April 20, 2012)
- David Quinn: Outspoken Clergy Must Be Clear on Endgame, in Irish Independent (April 20, 2012)
- Diozese Rottenburg Weist Vorwurfe Zuruck, in Neckar-Chronic (April 20, 2012)
- Verjahrungsfristen Im Deutschen Zivilrecht Versto?en Gegen Menschenrechte, in netzwerkB (April 20, 2012)
- A Touch of Crass, in Anglocat on the Prowl (April 15, 2012)
- An Ex-priests Take on Vatican Action against Nuns, by Cheryl Tucker, News Tribune (April 20, 2012)
- Kansas Revokes License of Teacher Accused of Delaying Child Abuse Report, in Kansas City Star (April 20, 2012)
- Vatican Crackdown: U.S. Nuns Chastised for Questioning Church, by Michael Muskal, Los Angeles Times (April 20, 2012)
- Rev. Michael G. Murtha, in BishopAccountability.org (April 20, 2012)
- Gunning for the Nuns, by Michele Madigan Somerville, Indie Theology (April 20, 2012)
- Former Priest Pleads Guilty to Sexual Abuse Charges, in RTE News (April 20, 2012)
- Parishioners Rally behind Priest Embroiled in Images Scandal, in Tyrone Times (April 20, 2012)
- Rape Case Could Have Been Revised, Says Pl, by Francesca Vella, Malta Independent (April 20, 2012)
- Pl Blames a Lack of Staff for Rape Charge Mistake, in Times of Malta (April 20, 2012)
- Janitor Given Life Sentence in Death of NJ Priest, in New Jersey Herald (April 20, 2012)
- Parish Defends Late Priest Accused of Abuse, by Lisa Wangsness, Boston Globe (April 20, 2012)
- Misunderstanding the Opinion Poll, in Association of Catholic Priests (April 20, 2012)
- SNAP Calls for Ouster of Loyola Board Member, by Barbara Blaine, SNAP (April 20, 2012)
- Judge to Rule Friday on Quirk Subpoena, by John Mccabe, The Intelligencer (April 20, 2012)
- SNAP Responds to Arrest of Priest in Kansas, by David Clohessy, SNAP (April 20, 2012)
- Press Release Regarding Allegations against Father Allen Scheer, in Roman Catholic Diocese of Salina (April 20, 2012)
- Parents to Be Told Results of Pomeroy Priest Investigation This Week, in Mid-Ulster Mail (April 20, 2012)
- W.va. Monsignor Must Testify in Pa. Abuse Trial, in WTRF (April 20, 2012)
- Judge Rules Quirk Must Testify, by John Mccabe, The Intelligencer (April 20, 2012)
- NEW Questions about Father Michael Kelly's Guilt or Innocence -- Case Seen As Similar to Story of Priest Accused in the Movie "Doubt", by Niall O'Dowd, Irish Central (April 20, 2012)
- Teacher Loses Her License for Failing to Report Abuse, SNAP Responds, by Barbara Blaine, SNAP (April 20, 2012)
- Kanakuk Counselor Charged with Sex Crimes Posts $100,000 Bond, in Turner Report (April 20, 2012)
- Church Judge Ordered to Testify a Priests Trial, by Joseph A. Slobodzian and John P. Martin, Philadelphia Inquirer (April 20, 2012)
- Gerald T. Slevin, Philly Abuse Trial: More Hbo Than Msnbc?, in The Bilgrimage (April 20, 2012)
- Stockton Diocese Settles; Victim Comes Forward, in Modesto Bee (April 20, 2012)
- Statement from Bishop Stephen E. Blaire, in Roman Catholic Diocese of Stockton (April 20, 2012)
- Parishioner Takes Church Case Straight to Vatican, in NPR (April 19, 2012)
- Former Charleston Nuns Criticize Pope's Crackdown on Women's Groups, by Paul J. Nyden, Charleston Gazette (April 20, 2012)
- W. Va. Priest Will Testify at Trial of Philadelphia Priest Accused of Sex Abuse, by Tony Hanson, CBS Philly (April 20, 2012)
- Pastor Prepared to Admit Sexual Abuse, by Dennis Magee, KCRG (April 20, 2012)
- Cardinal Says Vatican Bank Meeting Reassured US Donors, by Cindy Wooden, Catholic News Service (April 20, 2012)
- Cardinal Wuerl Visits Institute for Works of Religion - the "Vatican Bank", in Vatican Radio (April 20, 2012)
- Stockton Diocese Agrees to Pay $3.75 Million to Settle Sex Abuse Case, in CBS 13 (April 20, 2012)
- Janitor Gets Life for Murder of NJ Priest, in WPVI (April 20, 2012)
- Salina Priest Pleads Not Guilty to Sexual Battery, in KAKE (April 20, 2012)
- Custodian Convicted of Killing Chatham Priest Is Sentenced to Life in Prison, by Alexi Friedman, The Star-Ledger (April 20, 2012)
- Beaumont Diocese Named in Sexual Abuse Case, in Beaumont Enterprise (April 20, 2012)
- Chilean Archbishop Shuts down Priestly Union, in Catholic News Agency (April 20, 2012)
- Priest in "Indecent Images" Row in Pomeroy Exonerated, on BBC News (April 20, 2012)
- Catholic Priest Set for Trial on Sexual Battery Charge, in Salina Journal (April 20, 2012)
- Tribute to Murdered Chatham Priest on Monday, by Peggy Wright, The Record (April 20, 2012)
- Stockton Diocese Settles Abuse Case for $3.75m, in Sacramento Bee (April 20, 2012)
- Stockton Diocese Settles for $3.75m in Priest Molest Case, by Paul Janes, News 10 (April 20, 2012)
- Beaumont Diocese Sued over Priest Who Allegedly Abused Teen in 1976, by Craig Malisow, Houston Press (April 20, 2012)
- Spaanse Gegevensbank Moet Geroofde Baby's Helpen Terugvinden, in IPS (April 20, 2012)
- Priest Accused of Fondling Woman Pleads Guilty, in News 10 (April 20, 2012)
- SNAP Ordered to Hand over Wide Range of Abuse Documents, by Joshua J. McElwee, National Catholic Reporter (April 20, 2012)
April 21
- Diocese Settles Civil Suit for $3.75 Million, by Jennie Rodriguez-Moore, The Record (April 21, 2012)
- West Virginia Judge Orders Priest to Testify in Philadelphia Abuse Trial, by Joseph A. Slobodzian, Philadelphia Inquirer (April 21, 2012)
- Kalispell Priest Pleads Not Guilty to Child Porn Charge, by Molly Priddy, Flathead Beacon (April 21, 2012)
- Abuse Victims Group Ordered to Turn over Files to Lawyers Representing Accused Priests, by Mark Morris, Kansas City Star (April 21, 2012)
- Is Awareness of Abuse Now an Essential "Stake" in Catholic Identity?, by Tom Beaudoin, America Magazine (April 21, 2012)
- W.va. Monsignor Must Testify in Pa. Abuse Trial, in The GoErie (April 21, 2012)
- A Chance to Heal Unholy Wounds, by Bronwyn Pike, WA Today (April 21, 2012)
- Cardinal Wuerl Visits Institute for Works of Religion, in Vatican Radio (April 21, 2012)
- Lombardi, Church Offers Child Protection Service to Everyone, in AGI (April 20, 2012)
- MOVING beyond the Church? the Cdf and the Lcwr, by Wilson O'Reilly, Commonweal (April 21, 2012)
- Group to Hold Vigil against Vaticans Silencing of Liberal Priests, by Claire OSullivan, Irish Examiner (April 21, 2012)
- LIBERAL Jolt Has Positive Role to Play in Church, by Breda O'Brien, Irish Times (April 21, 2012)
- Additional Molestation Charges Brought against Former Fort Lauderdale Pastor, in Orlando Sentinel (April 21, 2012)
- Youth Pastor Arrested on Six New Charges, by Karen Franklin, NBC Miami (April 21, 2012)
- Delbarton Monk Facing Sexual Misconduct Allegations Leaves Local Abbey, by Kevin Manahan, The Star-Ledger (April 21, 2012)
- Judge Rules Quirk Must Testify, by John Mccabe, The Intelligencer (April 21, 2012)
- SNAP Amends Complaint Filed with Hague Court, in Toledo Blade (April 21, 2012)
- Stockton Diocese to Pay 3.7 Million for Fr. Kelly Abuse Suit, by Joey Piscitelli, The AlterNet (April 21, 2012)
- Priest Pleads Guilty to Groping Woman, Gets 3 Years Probation, by Greg Moran, U-T San Diego (April 21, 2012)
- Church Janitor Gets Life in Prison for Fatally Stabbing Chatham Priest, by Alexi Friedman, The Star-Ledger (April 21, 2012)
- Priest Gay Porn Investigation Ongoing, on UTV (April 21, 2012)
- Meeting over Indecent Images at Communion "Inconclusive", in Breaking News (April 21, 2012)
- United States: Communities Appeal to the Vatican for the Return of Their Priests, by Giacomo Galeazzi, Vatican Insider (April 21, 2012)
- Philadelphia Priest Abuse Trial a Test Case for Catholic Church, by Sarah Hoye, CNN (April 21, 2012)
- Priest Takes Leave after Indecent Pictures Accidentally Shown in Public, in RTE News (April 21, 2012)
- Hunger Strike for Justice That Began March 25, 2012 in Boston Was Temporarily Suspended on Thursday, April 19, 2012, in Voice from the Desert (April 21, 2012)
- Meine Grausame Kindheit, by Leopold Federmair, Der Standard (April 20, 2012)
- Der Gute Ruf, in Innsalzach (April 21, 2012)
- Niederträchtig, Irreführend Und Unehrlich, in The Kreuz (April 19, 2012)
- Fehlstart Einer Volksinitiative, in NZZ (April 20, 2012)
- Verurteilter Kinderschänder Steht Hinter Volksinitiative Gegen Sex-Koffer, in Aargauer Zeitung (April 20, 2012)
- Sister Simone Campbell Fires Back at Vatican Criticism, by Alana Horowitz, Huffington Post (April 21, 2012)
- Pa. Priest Trial Painful, Poignant for Catholics, in Maryclaire Dale (April 21, 2012)
April 22
- A Reliable Safety Net for Children, in Sun Chronicle (April 22, 2012)
- California High Court Reviews Two Child Sexual Abuse Cases, in Digital Journal (April 22, 2012)
- Clerical Sexual Abuse Case - Correcting Charge Sheet Would Have Been Too Risky, Insists Ag's Office, by Francesca Vella, Malta Independent (April 22, 2012)
- Ousted Priest at Center of Abuse Trial, by John P. Martin and Joseph A. Slobodzian, Philadelphia Inquirer (April 22, 2012)
- Missouri Judge Orders SNAP to Give Documents to Church, in St. Louis Post-Dispatch (April 22, 2012)
- Sprague Abuse Case Must Create Community Conversation, in The Statesman-Journal (April 22, 2012)
- Vigilance, Not Fear, Best Approach to Prevention of Youth Sexual Abuse, by Mike Butts, Idaho Press-Tribune (April 22, 2012)
- Town Hall: Church Has Learned to Protect Children POLL, by Wayne Laugesen, The Gazette (April 21, 2012)
- Sisters of Mercy, Devotion and Dismay, by Steve Lopez, Los Angeles Times (April 21, 2012)
- Victims Owed a National Inquiry, by Paul Daley, The Age (April 22, 2012)
- Lombardi: the Pope's Eighth Year, on Vatican Radio (April 21, 2012)
- Monica Yant Kinney: Vatican's Rebuke of Nuns Ignores Their Good Works, by Monica Yant Kinney, Philadelphia Inquirer (April 22, 2012)
- Church Demands a Full Apology for D'Arcy's F-Word Accusation, by Jerome Reilly, Irish Independent (April 22, 2012)
- Pope's Ire Aimed at Wrong Target, by Joan Vennochi, Boston Globe (April 22, 2012)
- California Parish to Pay out $3.75 Million in Settlement for Irish Priest, by Dara Kelly, Irish Central (April 22, 2012)
- Rape Victim Tells of His Numbness As Priest Is Cleared, by Ariadne Massa, Times of Malta (April 22, 2012)
- Porno Priest Keeps His Job, by Ryan Miller, Irish Sun (April 22, 2012)
- Further Meeting to Be Held about Gay Porn Display at Primary School, in Sunday Independent (April 22, 2012)
- Gilmore Is Adamant -- Embassy in Vatican Will Not Reopen, by Willie Kealy, Sunday Independent (April 22, 2012)
- Bishop: Presumed Innocent, in The Gazette-Mail (April 21, 2012)
- Irish Bishops' Palaces Are Exempt from Homes Charge, by Ken Foxe, Daily Mail (April 21, 2012)
- American Nuns Stunned by Vatican Accusation of 'Radical Feminism, ' Crackdown, by Michelle Boorstein and Elizabeth Tenety, Washington Post (April 21, 2012)
- 'Homo's Groter Gevaar Voor Seksueel Misbruik', in The Rknieuws (April 21, 2012)
- Confusion over Status of Holy Communion Gay Porn Parish Priest in Tyrone, by Dara Kelly, Irish Central (April 22, 2012)
- " Feiten Ongestraft 2 Jaar Na Ontslag Vangheluwe", in HLN (April 22, 2012)
- Archbishop and Friend to Ask Slipper to Step down As Priest, by Rebecca Puddy, The Australian (April 23, 2012)
- Dear Archbishop: More Contrition, Please, Less Deflection, by Bill Farr, Brisbane Times (April 23, 2012)
- Slipper Crisis Rocks Julia Gillard As Speaker Peter Slipper Steps Aside, by David Crowe, The Australian (April 23, 2012)
- A Scandal the Government Needed like Hole in the Head, by Miranda Devine, Sunday Telegraph (April 22, 2012)
- Law: Rectifying a Glaring Anomaly, in Malta Independent (April 21, 2012)
- After Reorganizing South Jersey Parishes, Galante's Tenure May Be Cut Short, by David O'Reilly, Philadelphia Inquirer (April 22, 2012)
- Bishop's Aide Must Testify in Abuse Trial, by John McCabe, News and Sentinel (April 21, 2012)
- Archdiocese of Milwaukee Bankruptcy Comes with Troubling Numbers, by Mike Bryant, Injury Board Blog Network (April 22, 2012)
- Sisters of Mercy, Devotion -- and Dismay, by Thomas C. Fox, National Catholic Reporter (April 21, 2012)
- Silent Vigil outside the Apostolic Nunciature: April 29th, in Association of Catholic Priests (April 21, 2012)
- American Nuns Contest Vatican's Accusations, in The Rome (April 21, 2012)
- Esse Est Percipi, in Bert Smeets (April 22, 2012)
- Ook Ik Ben Slachtoffer ..., in Bert Smeets (April 22, 2012)
- Prijs Voor 'Ongehoorzame' Priesters, in Rknieuws (April 22, 2012)
- Pfarrer-Initiative Erhielt Herbert-Haag-Preis 2012, in Kathweb (April 22, 2012)
- Witnesses Give Details of Alleged Rape and Sex Abuse by Chief Monk, by Emma Wallace, Sunday Leader (April 23, 2012)
- Unlocking the Culture of Clergy Sex Abuse, in Eureka Street (April 22, 2012)
- Vatican Attacks American Nuns: a Compilation. USA Nuns Live Gospel, Serve the Poor and Sick...while Benedict XVI Lives in Luxury Out-Of-Touch-With-Reality in Vatican Bank Tower, by Paris Arrow, Pope Crimes & Vatican Evils... (April 22, 2012)
- Australia's Speaker AND Ordained PRIEST Hit by Sexual Harassment Claims, by Roger Maynard, The Independent (April 23, 2012)
- Catholic War on Women Targets the Nuns, by Bridgette P. Lavictoire, Lez Get Real (April 22, 2012)
- Priest Absconds to Ireland, by Patsy McGarry, Irish Times (April 23, 2012)
- Priest at Centre of Gay Images Storm Granted Temporary Leave, by Gerry Moriarty, Irish Times (April 23, 2012)
April 23
- Too Much for Him to Take, in California Catholic Daily (April 23, 2012)
- Accused Priest's Diocese Pays Victim $3.75m, by Stephen Rogers, Irish Examiner (April 23, 2012)
- Bishop of Hull: 'We'll Help Inquiry into Clergy Abuse', in Hull Daily Mail (April 23, 2012)
- Why Did the Stockton Diocese Pay $3.75 Million to Settle Clergy Abuse of Children?, by Tim Lennon, Bay Citizen (April 22, 2012)
- Editorial: So-Called N.J. 'Child Protection Act' Has Deceptive, Fatal Flaw, in Times of Trenton (April 23, 2012)
- Push to Widen Sex Abuse Inquiry, by Jane Lee, The Age (April 23, 2012)
- 'Catholics and the New Age', by Matt C. Abbott, Renew America (April 23, 2012)
- Women Still Have a Ways to Go, by Jerry Large, Seattle Times (April 22, 2012)
- Other Pontifical Acts, in Vatican Information Service (April 23, 2012)
- Preis Für Helmut Schüller, in The News (April 23, 2012)
- Schüller Schreibt Papst, in The News (April 23, 2012)
- 'Paus Laat Seksueel Misbruik Ongestraft Voortwoekeren', in The Kerknieuws (April 23, 2012)
- Ein Brief an Den Papst, in Non (April 23, 2012)
- Bistümer Wehren Sich Gegen Aufarbeitung Des Missbrauchsskandals Durch DAS Kriminologische Forschungsinstitut Niedersachsen, in The Spiegel (April 22, 2012)
- Follow Up: SNAP Deposition Round 2, in Anglocat on the Prowl (April 22, 2012)
- Dear Mom and Dad, I'M Not a Catholic Anymore, in Gone Mild (April 23, 2012)
- St. Margaret Appeals Bishop Lennon's Closure to the Vatican, in WOIO (April 23, 2012)
- Author Says Women's Conference Should Return to Authentic Religious Life, by Michelle Bauman, Catholic News Agency (April 23, 2012)
- Priest: Tweet If You Love Nuns, As Sisters Face Critique, by Cathy Lynn Grossman, USA Today (April 23, 2012)
- What the Cardinal Knew, or How to Hoover a Pedophile, by Ralph Cipriano, Philadelphia Priest Abuse Trial Blog (April 23, 2012)
- Bishops Resisting Diocesan Shake-Up, by Michael Kelly, Irish Catholic (April 1, 2012)
- When Peter and Paul Disagree, by Garry O'Sullivan, Irish Catholic (April 19, 2012)
- Guess Who the Vatican Is Picking on Now , by Sandy Hingston, Philadelphia Magazine (April 23, 2012)
- Bullying Bishops: Reformers of the Reform, in Another Voice (April 22, 2012)
- Peter Could Still Be Parish Priest: Primate, by Jared Owens, The Australian (April 24, 2012)
- Govt to Support Slipper Return, in Sky News (April 23, 2012)
- Australia PM Defends Scandal-Hit Speaker's Appointment, in Asia One (April 23, 2012)
- Trial Priest Told of Attempted Seminary Gang Rape, by Maryclaire Dale, New Jersey Herald (April 23, 2012)
- Lucia Grillo Joins Impetus Ensemble's Vatican Falls Cast, in Broadway World (April 23, 2012)
- Eric Justin Toth FBI Most Wanted: Stop Child Pornography to End Child Sexual Abuse, in Washington Times (April 23, 2012)
- Catholic Priest Denies Child Sex Allegations, by Joanne Mccarthy, Newcastle Herald (April 23, 2012)
- Another Closed Catholic Church Plans Vatican Appeal, by Ted Achladis, Fox 8 (April 23, 2012)
- Katholischer Psychologe: Schwule Sind Eher Kinderschander, in Queer (April 23, 2012)
- Rev. Terry W. Specht, in BishopAccountability.org (April 23, 2012)
- Legislatively Speaking Child Abuse Prevention, by Senator Lena C. Taylor, Milwaukee Courier (April 23, 2012)
- More Shocking Testimony in Philadelphia Priest Sex Abuse Case, by Tony Hanson, CBS Philly (April 23, 2012)
- Priest: Seminarians Tried to Gang Rape Me, by Maryclaire Dale, NBC 10 (April 23, 2012)
- Guilty Former Priest a Focus of Child-abuse Trial, by John P. Martin, Philadelphia Inquirer (April 23, 2012)
- Week Five Begins in the Philly Abuse Trial, by Brian Roewe, National Catholic Reporter (April 23, 2012)
- Vatican: New Transparency Laws Have Now Been Made Official, by Andrea Tornielli, Vatican Insider (April 23, 2012)
- SNAP to Appeal, by Jerry Berger, Berger's Beat (April 23, 2012)
- Vatican Critics Get Loopy, in Catholic League (April 23, 2012)
- German Jesuit Sees Causality between Homosexuality and Abuse, in Eponymous Flower (April 23, 2012)
- Sent from the Confessional to Be Castrated, in Catholic Church Conservation (April 23, 2012)
- Correction: Priest Abuse-trial Story, in 13 News (April 23, 2012)
- Trial: Priest Told of Attempted Seminary Gang Rape, by Maryclaire Dale, Palm Beach Post (April 23, 2012)
- Victims" Attorney Appeals Ruling on Sealed Testimony of Bishops, by Annysa Johnson, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (April 23, 2012)
- Brennan and Lynn - High Profile Philadelphia Catholic Abuse Trial Ongoing, in Catholic Online (April 23, 2012)
- Child Abuse: Parliamentary Inquiry Welcomed, by Melissa Cunningham, Maroondah Weekly (April 23, 2012)
- Cardinal Mahony Dodges Again, by Phil Lawler, Catholic Culture (April 23, 2012)
- Three Groups Want Jesuit to Resign from Position on College Board, by Barbara Blaine, SNAP (April 23, 2012)
- The Roman Burden, by Dick Gross, Brisbane Times (April 23, 2012)
- Vatican Reprimand of U.S. Nuns Divides Faithful, by Neal Conan, NPR (April 23, 2012)
- Priest's Guilty Plea Throws Wrinkle into Philadelphia Sexual Abuse Trial, by Sarah Hoye, CNN (April 23, 2012)
- Will Father Avery Be Hauled Back to Court in a Jump Suit?, by Ralph Cipriano, Philadelphia Priest Abuse Trial Blog (April 23, 2012)
April 24
- Delbarton Monk Accused of Sex Abuse Allegations Passes 2 Lie Detector Tests, Lawyer Says, by Kevin Manahan, The Star-Ledger (April 24, 2012)
- Guilty Former Priest a Focus of Child-Abuse Trial, by John P. Martin, Philadelphia Inquirer (April 23, 2012)
- Judge Grants Brothers Pretrial Date Delay, by Beth Smith, The Gleaner (April 23, 2012)
- Scientologist Cleared of Sex Abuse Cover-Up Charges, by Paul Bibby, Launceston Times (April 24, 2012)
- Senior Church of Scientology Member Cleared of Sex Abuse 'Coaching', in The Australian (April 24, 2012)
- Prosecutors Drop Charges against Scientologist, by Jamelle Wells, ABC Ilawarra (April 24, 2012)
- Charges Dropped for Scientologist, by Janet Fife-Yeomans, Daily Telegraph (April 24, 2012)
- Let's Remember What Peter Slipper Is Charged With, and What He Is Not, by Lenore Taylor, Sydney Morning Herald (April 24, 2012)
- Pat Cuneo: So Who's Really Betraying Catholic Church?, by Pat Cuneo, Erie Times-News (April 24, 2012)
- Catholic Church's Crackdown on Poverty-Fighting Nuns All about Dogma, in The Star-Ledger (April 24, 2012)
- Is the Church Corrupt?, by Anthony M. Stevens-Arroyo, Washington Post (April 23, 2012)
- Priest Denies Indecent Assault, in Derry Journal (April 24, 2012)
- Pembroke Priest Facing New Charges, by Josh Pringle, CFRA (April 24, 2012)
- Gesprek Bisdombestuur En Rector over De Priesteropleiding, in Rknieuws (April 23, 2012)
- Church Should Not Ignore Signs of the Times and Turn Its Back on World, by SeÁn Freyne, Irish Times (April 24, 2012)
- Murdered Priest Honored in Crime Victims Ceremony, by Laura Silvius, The Patch (April 24, 2012)
- Priest Again Appeals Murder Conviction, by David Yonke, Toledo Blade (April 24, 2012)
- Lcwr: a Radical Obedience to the Voice of God in Our Time, by Jamie L Manson, National Catholic Reporter (April 23, 2012)
- Lawyer Says Priest Pleaded Guilty to End Case, by Greg Moran, U-T San Diego (April 24, 2012)
- Tyrone Priest at Center of Porn Scandal Granted Leave by Cardinal Sean Brady, by Antoinette Kelly, Irish Central (April 24, 2012)
- Catholic Church to Pay $3.75m in Kelly Claim, in Union Democrat (April 23, 2012)
- Bevilacqua May Have Leveraged Pedophiles for Pr, by Susan Matthews, The Catholics4change (April 24, 2012)
- Lcwr Earthquake Snaps Tensions Present since Vatican II, by Tom Roberts, National Catholic Reporter (April 24, 2012)
- Ohio Priest Files Another Appeal in Nun's Killing, in Ohio News Network (April 24, 2012)
- Catholic Sceptics Get Swiss Accolade, in Austrian Independent (April 24, 2012)
- Who Will Watch the Watchmen of America's Women Religious?, by Eugene Cullen Kennedy, National Catholic Reporter (April 24, 2012)
- Brooklyn D.A. Explains His Refusal to Name Orthodox Sex Abuse Suspects, by Audrey Ference, The L Magazine (April 24, 2012)
- Latin American Religious Recall Tough Decisions, Emphasis on Dialogue, by Ezra Fieser, Catholic News Service (April 24, 2012)
- Mobilize: Support Our Catholic Sisters, by Dennis Coday, National Catholic Reporter (April 24, 2012)
- Archbishop Sartain Praises Women Religious As "Great Gift" to the Church (720), in National Catholic Register (April 24, 2012)
- Why Go after the Nuns?, by Mark Silk, Religion News Service (April 24, 2012)
- Compensatiecommissie Benoemd En Compensatieregeling Van Kracht, in Melding Hulp Klacht Schade (April 24, 2012)
- Records: Archdiocese Ignored Warnings about powder Keg Pedophile, by John P. Martin, Philadelphia Inquirer (April 24, 2012)
- Documents: Accused Pa. Priest Kept in Parishes, by Maryclaire Dale, Evening Sun (April 24, 2012)
- Datenleck in Der Klasnic-kommission, by Markus Rohrhofer, der Standard (April 24, 2012)
- Voice of the Faithful Takes Nuns Side, in Voice of the Faithful (April 24, 2012)
- A Catholic war on Women, by Sally Quinn, Washington Post (April 24, 2012)
- Doctrinal Assessment of the Lcwr: Safeguarding the Integrity of Consecrated Life (2776), by Mother Mary Assumpta Long, National Catholic Register (April 24, 2012)
- Wineke: Catholic Church Reasserting Control of Nuns Underlies Hypocrisy, by Bill Wineke, hannel 3000 (April 24, 2012)
- Sally Quinns War on Catholics, in Catholic League (April 24, 2012)
- Bishop Michael J. Bransfield, in BishopAccountability.org (April 24, 2012)
- Abuse Case Dates Suggest Brooklyn DA Is Cooking Numbers for Kol Tzedek Hotline, by Hella Winston, Jewish Week (April 24, 2012)
- Datalek Bij Oostenrijkse Klasnic-commissie, by Roel Verschueren, Klokk (April 24, 2012)
- Documents: Accused Pa. Priest Kept in Parishes, in Beaver County Times (April 24, 2012)
- Slipper a Complex Man of Faith, Says Church Head, by Alison Caldwell, 7 News (April 24, 2012)
- Catholics4change Supporting Victims at Trial Tomorrow, by Susan Matthews, Catholics4Change (April 24, 2012)
- Local Priest under Investigation for Sexual Abuse, in Fox 23 (April 24, 2012)
- Couple: Priest Abused Sons for Years, by Bryan Fitzgerald, Albany Times Union (April 24, 2012)
- Will Father Avery Return to Court in a Jump Suit, Part 2, by Ralph Cipriano, Philadelphia Priest Abuse Trial Blog (April 24, 2012)
- Records: Archdiocese Ignored Warnings about powder Keg Pedophile, in Philadelphia Inquirer (April 24, 2012)
- Child Advocate Quits Parish after Discovery of "Restricted" Priest, by Patsy Mcgarry, Irish Times (April 24, 2012)
- Suit: Ex-altar Boy Claims Priest Molested Him in 80s, in Southtown Star (April 24, 2012)
- Update: Victim of Guilty Former Priest Set to Testify, by Kristen Byrne, My Fox Philly (April 24, 2012)
- Slipper Told to Step Aside from Church Job, in West Australian (April 24, 2012)
April 25
- Judge Orders SNAP to Turn over Abuse Records, in Catholic News Agency (April 25, 2012)
- Cardinal Bevilacqua Appointed a Known Pedophile As Assistant Pastor, by Ralph Cipriano, Philadelphia Priest Abuse Trial Blog (April 25, 2012)
- How to Properly Spank a Nun, by Mark Morford, San Francisco Chronicle (April 25, 2012)
- Closed NY Catholic Church Rectory Being Auctioned, in WCAX (April 25, 2012)
- Lawsuit: Mt. Greenwood Parish Altar Boy Claims Abuse in 1980s, by Andy Grimm, Chicago Tribune (April 24, 2012)
- Vatican Diary / New Senators in the Curia. a Ranking, in The Chiesa (April 25, 2012)
- Sarasota Bishop Found Guilty of Sexual Battery on a Child, in ABC 7 (April 25, 2012)
- Sarasota Ministry Worker Convicted of Child Sex Charges, Police Say, in TBO (April 24, 2012)
- Paprocki on Panel to Review Nuns' Leadership Group, by Steven Spearie, State Journal-Register (April 25, 2012)
- Brooklyn DA Won't Release Names of Orthodox Jewish Sex Offenders, by John Del Signore, The Gothamist (April 24, 2012)
- Journalists Tout Dissident Nuns and Rehash Decades-Old Scandals to Bash Catholic Church Again, in Media Report (April 24, 2012)
- Priest Takes Temporary Leave of Absence As Porn Row Rumbles on, in Tyrone Times (April 25, 2012)
- From Trauma to Transformation - St Joseph's Home Looks to a Brighter Future, by Gabriel Schembri, The Malta (April 25, 2012)
- 'Shattered' Peter Slipper Asked to Stand Aside As Priest, in News.com.au (April 25, 2012)
- Philly Church Official Facing Triple Accuser, by Maryclaire Dale, WTRF (April 25, 2012)
- Slipper Shattered by Allegations, in Sky News (April 25, 2012)
- Death of Voice of the Martyrs Director May Be Suicide, in Christian Today (April 25, 2012)
- Vom Director's Death, Allegations a Sad Shock, by Mike Miller, Peoria Journal-Star (April 25, 2012)
- Archbishop of Dublin Diarmuid Martin Says It Is 'Difficult' for Bishops to Pass on Information, in RTE News (April 25, 2012)
- Note from the Secretariat of State, in Vatican Information Service (April 25, 2012)
- nicht Die Ganze Wahrheit", in The Taz (April 25, 2012)
- Martin 'Regret' over Resignation, by Steven Carroll and Patsy McGarry, Irish Times (April 25, 2012)
- Failure to Report Child Sex Abuse to Be Criminal Offence, by Carl O'Brien, Irish Times (April 25, 2012)
- Vatican: Cardinal Herranz to Chair " Commission" on Leaked Documents, in The Rome (April 25, 2012)
- Pope's Commission into Leaks Holds First Meeting, in Jakarta Post (April 25, 2012)
- Pope Orders Cardinals to Investigate Vatican Leaks, by Philip Pullella, Trustlaw (April 25, 2012)
- Spring Cleaning behind These Stone Walls, and News from the Front, by Fr. Gordon J. Macrae, These Stone Walls (April 25, 2012)
- Fr. Macrae's Appeal, in Catholic League - Catalyst (April 16, 2012)
- 49-Year Old Doctor Testifies about Priest Abuse, by Maryclaire Dale, Daily Times (April 25, 2012)
- Victim Describes Sex Abuse by Philadelphia Priest Previously Named As Pedophile, by Tony Hanson, CBS Philly (April 25, 2012)
- Accuser at Heart of Pa. Clergy-Abuse Case on Stand, in Fox News (April 25, 2012)
- Ex-Altar Boys Testify of Sex Assaults by Priest, by John P. Martin, Philadelphia Inquirer (April 25, 2012)
- Having the Sisters' Back, by Jim Wallis, Huffington Post (April 25, 2012)
- Italy to Crack Open Mobster's Tomb in Bowels of Rome Church As Part of Search for Missing Girl, in National Post (April 25, 2012)
- Updated: Haitian Community Leader Arraigned in Child Sexual Assault Case, by Karen Florin, The Day (April 25, 2012)
- Police: Taftville Man Had Sex with 12-Year-Old, by Fled to Haiti, by Alison Shea (April 25, 2012)
- " Aufruf Zum Ungehorsam" Kein Thema Bei Mannheimer Katholikentag, in The Kathweb (April 25, 2012)
- New Trial Ordered for Baruch Lebovits, by Aprilanne Agostino, Failed Messiah (April 25, 2012)
- Kirchenopfer Klagt Klasnic-Kommission an, in The Betroffen (April 25, 2012)
- Stellungnahme, by Michael Fuchs, Bistum Regensburg (April 20, 2012)
- Nur DAS Völlig Alltägliche...., in Tammoxsche Gedanken - II (April 25, 2012)
- Tom White, Voice of the Martyrs: Dealing with Serious Sin and Pain, by Lydia's Corner, Wartburg Watch (April 25, 2012)
- Slipper Should Step Down: Archbishop, by Adam Carroll, News Mail (April 26, 2012)
- The Vatican and the Lcwr, by Phyllis Zagano, National Catholic Reporter (April 25, 2012)
- Lcwr to Meet in May Regarding Vatican Order, by Joshua J. McElwee, National Catholic Reporter (April 25, 2012)
- Lcwr: Why Are We Not Surprised?, by Robert McClory, National Catholic Reporter (April 24, 2012)
- When Did Nuns Become the Bad Guys?, by Joe Ferullo, National Catholic Reporter (April 23, 2012)
April 26
- Two Testify in Pillar of Priest Abuse Case, by John P. Martin and Joseph A. Slobodzian, Philadelphia Inquirer (April 26, 2012)
- Priests: We Wont Break Seal of Confession to Report Sex Abuse, by Michael Brennan, Irish Independent (April 26, 2012)
- Sex Abuse Victims Recalled at Millstone Memorial Dedication in Mendham, by Lorraine Ash, The Record (April 29, 2012)
- No Return to the Courtroom for Father Avery, by Ralph Cipriano, Philadelphia Priest Abuse Trial Blog (April 26, 2012)
- 5 Yrs Jail If You Hide Perv Priests, by Myles Mcentee, Irish Sun (April 26, 2012)
- Priest Told to Leave Post after Gardai Get New Case Details, by Paul Melia, Irish Independent (April 26, 2012)
- 2 Abuse Victims Testify at Church Officials Trial, by Jon Hurdle, New York Times (April 26, 2012)
- Ri Priest Defrocked after Abuse Claims, by Dan Carpenter, WPRI (April 26, 2012)
- Diocese Defrocks Woonsocket Priest, by Russ Olivo, Woonsocket Call (April 25, 2012)
- Former Altar Boy Testifies of Sexual Abuse at Trial of Two Philadelphia Priests, by Sarah Hoye, CNN (April 26, 2012)
- Victim of Defrocked Priest Testifies of Sexual Abuse and Addiction, by Kristen Byrne, My Fox Philly (April 26, 2012)
- Martin Faced Huge Legal Pressure on Restricted Priest, by Steven Carroll, Irish Times (April 26, 2012)
- ONUS on Priests to Report Offences Unclear, by Carl O'Brien, Irish Times (April 26, 2012)
- Priest Will Defy Law on Reporting Sexual Abuse, in The Build (April 26, 2012)
- Increase in Demand at Rape Crisis Centre, by Declan Magee, Donegal Democrat (April 26, 2012)
- Church on Trial: Priest Ordered 10 Year Old Altar Boy to Perform Striptease, by David Badash, New Civil Rights Movement (April 26, 2012)
- Irish Priests Say They Will Disobey New Confession Box Law on Child Abuse, by Patrick Counihan, IrishCentral (April 26, 2012)
- We Are All Nuns, by Mary E. Hunt, Religion Dispatches (April 26, 2012)
- Exaltar Boy Testifies about Sexual Abuse by Philadelphia Priests, by Dave Warner, The Reuters (April 25, 2012)
- Priests Must Report Child Abuse Confessions or Face Jail, in Belfast Telegraph (April 26, 2012)
- Ri Priest Defrocked on Sexual Misconduct Claims, in Providence Journal (April 26, 2012)
- Warren Jeffs Appeals Conviction, Threatens Gods Wrath If Hes Not Freed, by Ben Winslow, Fox 13 (April 25, 2012)
- Read Warren Jeffs Revelations to Texas High Court, by Lindsay Whitehurst, Salt Lake Tribune (April 26, 2012)
- Two Former Cardinal Hayes High School Students Detail Alleged Sex Abuse, by Ellyn Marks, WPIX (April 26, 2012)
- Rev. Thomas E. Ericksen, in BishopAccountability.org (April 26, 2012)
- Objection Overruled: Lynn Lacks Counsel That Counts, by Susan Matthews, Catholics4Change (April 26, 2012)
- Family Assails Priest, Diocese, by W. T. Eckert, Daily Mail (April 26, 2012)
- Greene County Priest Faces New Sex Abuse Charges, by Lissa Harris, Watershed Post (April 26, 2012)
- Wheeling Jesuit University Authorizes Release of Special Counsel Report, by Andrea Lannom, State Journal (April 26, 2012)
- W.va. College Says outside Review Found No Fraud, by Vicki Smith, The MORGANTOWN (April 26, 2012)
- Oordelen over Het Verleden Met De Normen Van Nu?, in The Trouw (April 25, 2012)
- Fr Brian Darcy Censured by Vatican, by Patsy Mcgarry and Sarah McDonald, Irish Times (April 26, 2012)
- Priest Quits Brebeuf Board Amid Controversy, in TheIndyChannel (April 26, 2012)
- The Associated Pressexboston College Trustee Quits 3 More Boards, in WBUR (April 26, 2012)
- Fr. Schaeffer Steps down from Board of Trustees, in Boston College Chronicle (April 25, 2012)
- Vatican Laments Irish Dissent, Silences Priests, by Michael Kelly, National Catholic Reporter (April 26, 2012)
- Let Vicki Do Talkin, Bishop Do the Walkin, by Margery Eagan, Boston Herald (April 26, 2012)
- Excumbrian Vicar Faces Child Sex Charges, in News & Star (April 26, 2012)
- Exvicar Ronald Johns Charged with Child Sex Offences, in BBC News (April 26, 2012)
- Former Cumbrian Vicar Charged with Sex Offences, in itv (April 26, 2012)
- Woonsocket Priest Defrocked for Sexual Misconduct Allegation, by Rob Borkowski, The Patch (April 26, 2012)
- Fr. Brian Darcy Is 6th Irish Priest silenced by Vatican, by Ciaran Hanna, Inside Ireland (April 26, 2012)
- Liberal Priest Censured by Vatican, in Larne Times (April 26, 2012)
- The Bishops Speak for the Church, in Catholic League (April 26, 2012)
- Fr Brian D'Arcy Censured by Vatican, in Irish Catholic (April 27, 2012)
- NY Mills Priests Sentencing Postponed to Sell Florida Condo, by Rocco Laduca, The Observer-Dispatch (April 26, 2012)
- Silencing Our Way out of Trouble: Shutting down Reform by Shutting up an Irish Priest and American Sisters, by Bryan Cones, U.S. Catholic (April 26, 2012)
- The Monsters Among Us: Child Sex Abusers in Our Midst, in Christianity Today (April 25, 2012)
- Pope Tries to Get His Own House in Order, by John L. Allen, National Catholic Reporter (April 26, 2012)
- Pope Calls in Opus Dei Troubleshooter to Uncover Source of Vatican Leaks, by Tom Kington, The Guardian (April 26, 2012)
- Compromised Inquiry into Church Sex Crimes Disrespects Victims, by Judy Courtin, The Conversation (April 26, 2012)
- Kloster Stellt Glaubwurdigkeit Von Klager Infrage, in voralberg (April 26, 2012)
- Irland: Beichtgeheimnis Aushebeln, in Radio Vatikan (April 26, 2012)
- Advocates Call for Online Registry of Priests Accused of Sexual Abuse in Maine, by Seth Koenig, Bangor Daily News (April 26, 2012)
- Ri Bishop Keeps Silent about Child Sex Report Vs. Priest, by David Clohessy, SNAP (April 26, 2012)
- Fr Brian Darcy disappointed after Being Gagged by Vatican Censor for 14 Months, by Garry O'Sullivan and Mark Hilliard, Irish Independent (April 27, 2012)
- Lcwr Annual Assembly to Go Forward, by Joshua J. McElwee, National Catholic Reporter (April 26, 2012)
- DPP Appeals Paedophile Priest Sentence, in ABC Newcastle (April 26, 2012)
- Archdiocese Files New Round of Objections to Block Sex Abuse Claims, by Annysa Johnson, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (April 26, 2012)
- Todo El Tiempo El Padre Karadima Andaba Agarrandole El Poto a Los Jovenes, in mdz (April 26, 2012)
- Landmark Church Sex Abuse Case Ends Testimony, by Elaine Quijano, CBS Evening News (April 26, 2012)
- Fr Darcy Fifth Priest Censured by Vatican, by Patsy Mcgarry, Irish Times (April 27, 2012)
- Judge Orders SNAP to Turn over Abuse Records, in Catholic News Agency (April 25, 2012)
- SNAP Responds to Removal of Fr. Schaeffer from Indianapolis School Board, by David Clohessy, SNAP (April 26, 2012)
- Man Says He Held Secret for 30 Years, in Turn to 10 (April 26, 2012)
April 27
- Garry Osullivan: Muzzling of the Churchs Liberal Wing Is Bizarre, in Irish Independent (April 27, 2012)
- Shatter Row over Priest Libel Drags on, by Mark Hilliard and Fionnan Sheahan, Irish Independent (April 27, 2012)
- At Trial, Following a Defrocked Priest's 25-Year Trail, by John P. Martin, Philadelphia Inquirer (April 26, 2012)
- 2 Men Claim Previously Accused Priests Molested Them, in Southtown Star (April 27, 2012)
- Victim Testifies in Child Sexual Abuse Trial of Pa Catholic Monsignor, by Bridgette P. Lavictoire, Lez Get Real (April 26, 2012)
- Monsignor Lynn Takes the Witness Stand, by Ralph Cipriano, Philadelphia Priest Abuse Trial Blog (April 26, 2012)
- Waco Religious Commune Accused of Masking Abuse, by Brett Shipp, WFAA (April 26, 2012)
- Bring out the Religious Knuckle-Rappers, by Cokie and Steven Roberts, Slidell Sentry (April 27, 2012)
- Closed Minds Closed Doors, by Bishop John, Bishop John McCarthy (April 27, 2012)
- Walking the (catholic) Plank, in Sarah O'Leary (April 27, 2012)
- U.S. Nuns Group Deserves Support, by Brian Cahill, San Francisco Chronicle (April 27, 2012)
- Fr Brian D'Arcy 'Disappointed' after Being Gagged by Vatican Censor for 14 Months, by Garry O'Sullivan and Mark Hilliard, Irish Independent (April 27, 2012)
- Fr Brian D'Arcy: My Pain over Vatican Censure, by Deric Henderson, Irish Independent (April 27, 2012)
- St. Mary's Rectory Auctioned; Bidder Pays $97,900, by Elizabeth Doran, The Post-Standard (April 27, 2012)
- Nuns Deny New Guinea Claims, by Verity Edwards, The Australian (April 24, 2012)
- The Silencing of Fr Brian D'Arcy, in Irish Independent (April 27, 2012)
- Prosecutors: Predator Priest Served for 30 Years Despite Abuse Allegations, by Tony Hanson, CBS Philly (April 27, 2012)
- Charge Sheet Error Leads to Acquittal, in Malta Independent (April 27, 2012)
- McVerry Criticises Vatican Censure of D'Arcy, in Breaking News (April 27, 2012)
- Irish Bishop Reaffirms Seal of Confession Amid Legal Controversy, in Catholic News Agency (April 27, 2012)
- Diocese Rejects Ex-Bonita Springs Pastor's Resignation, by Lindsay Downey, The News-Press (April 26, 2012)
- Sex Claim Priests Lose Holy Orders Bid, in Big Pond News (April 27, 2012)
- Former Newcastle Anglican Dean Loses Appeal, by Joanne McCarthy, Newcastle Herald (April 27, 2012)
- Fr Brian D'Arcy: My Pain over Vatican Censure, by Deric Henderson, Irish Independent (April 27, 2012)
- Gerald T. Slevin, by Philly Predator Priests & Papal Politics, in The Bilgrimage (April 27, 2012)
- Biechtgeheim Op De Helling, in Rknieuws (April 26, 2012)
- Pedophile across from Playground Send Thank You to Philly Diocese, by Susan Matthews, The Catholics4change (April 27, 2012)
- Inquisition Unleashed to Weed out Vatican Leakers, by Tom Kington, Brisbane Times (April 28, 2012)
- The Good Sisters, by Kristine Ward, National Survivor Advocates Coalition (April 28, 2012)
- Bishops Crack down on Nuns: Decisions from a Parallel Universe, by Susan Matthews, The Catholics4change (April 27, 2012)
- Víctima De Karadima Responde a Medina: " Una Vez Más Demuestra LA Crueldad Que Lo Caracteriza", by Angélica Baeza Palavecino, LA Tercera (April 27, 2012)
- Celebrity Priest Fr Brian D'Arcy Is Latest to Be Censored by the Vatican, by Patrick Counihan, Irish Central (April 27, 2012)
- Notes on the Lcwr Overhaul, by John L Allen Jr, National Catholic Reporter (April 27, 2012)
- Fr Brian Represents US Better Than the Vatican, in The Herald (April 27, 2012)
- Fr D'Arcy Hits Back over Year of Vatican Censure, by Niall O'Connor, The Herald (April 27, 2012)
- Fr D'Arcy Will Continue to Speak out on Church Issues, in BBC News (April 27, 2012)
- New Suit against Former St. Louis Psychologist Filed, by SNAP Responds, by Barbara Dorris (April 27, 2012)
- Hearing Set for Ex-Priest Seeking to Have Sexual Conduct, Rape Convictions Overturned, by Kacie Breeding, The Times-News (April 27, 2012)
- Mother Teresa's Confessor in Prison, by Jerry Berger, Berger's Beat (April 27, 2012)
- Prolific Predator Priest Lives by Playground, SNAP Calls for Action, by Barbara Dorris, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (April 27, 2012)
- Quelle: Deutsche Bischofskonferenz, in Schafsbrief (April 26, 2012)
- Kloster Will Für Missbrauch Nicht Haften, by Jutta Berger, Der Standard (April 26, 2012)
- Wie Hieß Der Wiener Mißbrauchs-Kardinal Noch Einmal?, in The Kreuz (April 26, 2012)
- Irland: Bei Missbrauch Soll Beichtgeheimnis Ausgesetzt Werden, in ORF (April 27, 2012)
- Dolan Returns to the Milwaukee Archdiocese As Catholics Learn More about His Cover up of Clergy Sex Crimes, by John Pilmaier, SNAP Wisconsin (April 27, 2012)
- Struggles of St. Francis, by Thomas B Scheffey, Connecticut Law Tribune (April 30, 2012)
- Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church, in Santa Clara University (April 27, 2012)
- Dolan to Return Saturday to Lead Mass at Holy Hill, by Annysa Johnson, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (April 27, 2012)
- In L.A. Clergy Abuse Cases, the Wheels of Justice Move Slowly, by Gale Holland, Los Angeles Times (April 28, 2012)
April 28
- Diocese Assails Latest Charge against Cairo Priest, by W. T. Eckert, Daily Mail (April 28, 2012)
- Priest's Future in Doubt, by Joanne McCarthy, Newcastle Herald (April 28, 2012)
- New Book Inspires Readers to Find Strength Amidst Hardship, in Pr Web (April 28, 2012)
- Pastor's 'Spell' Finally Broken, by Jane Sims, London Free Press (April 27, 2012)
- Statement from Homestead Heritage to Wfaa, by and Wfaa's Response, WFAA (April 27, 2012)
- Waco Spiritual Leader: 'Use Force' to Discipline Children, by Brett Shipp, WFAA (April 28, 2012)
- " Jesus Christ" and Warren Jeffs Co-Author a Letter Asking for Jeffs to Be Released from Prison, by Matthew Hendley, Phoenix New Times (April 27, 2012)
- Gagged Priest Speaks out over Vatican Censor, by Greg Harkin, Irish Independent (April 28, 2012)
- Alison O'Connor: Fr D'Arcy Is Victim of Mafioso Treatment by Vatican Bullyboys, by Alison O'Connor, Irish Independent (April 28, 2012)
- Lawyers in Milwaukee Archdiocese Bankruptcy Case Seek Mediator, by Annysa Johnson, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (April 27, 2012)
- Priester Krijgt 7 Jaar Cel Voor Verkrachting Misdienaar, in Rknieuws (April 28, 2012)
- Le Père Jacky Hoarau Condamné à Huit Ans De Prison, by Jérôme Talpin, The Clicanoo (April 28, 2012)
- Un Prêtre Séropositif Condamné Pour Des Viols, in Le Bien Public (April 28, 2012)
- Affaire Jacky Hoarau : Les Paroissiens Veulent Tourner LA Page, in The Linfo (April 27, 2012)
- Human Rights Museology and the National Museum of Australia's Inside: Life in Children's Homes and Institutions, in Care Leavers Australia Network (April 28, 2012)
- Helmut Schüller: Ein Pfarrer Gegen Den Vatikan, in The Profil (April 28, 2012)
- Pope Asks US Donors to Pray for Religious Freedom, by Cindy Wooden, The Pilot (April 27, 2012)
- Sur L'île De LA Réunion, Un Prêtre Comparaît Pour Viols Présumés Sur Mineur, in LA Croix (April 26, 2012)
- Le Procès Du Père Jacky Hoarau Devient Celui De L'Église, by Jérôme Talpin, The Clicanoo (April 27, 2012)
- Shroud of Silence over Priest Sex Images Scandal, in News Letter (April 28, 2012)
- Austria: What Happens When a Bishop Wants to Retire, by Giacomo Galeazzi, Vatican Insider (April 28, 2012)
- Dublin, Vigil outside Nunciature to Protest Silencing of Irish Protest, Vatican Insider (April 28, 2012)
- Dissent: Neo-Clericalism and the Faith of the Ordinary People, by Andrea Tornielli, Vatican Insider (April 25, 2012)
- Three Old Cardinals in Sherlock Holmes' Shoes, by Andrea Tornielli, Vatican Insider (April 26, 2012)
- Why Fr Brian D'Arcy Is Still His Own Man, in The Herald (April 28, 2012)
- Fr Brian D'Arcy: Vatican Must Take Some Blame for Abuse, in Irish Independent (April 28, 2012)
- Kloster Will Für Missbrauch Nicht Haften, in Volksbegehren Gegan Kirchenprivilegien (April 27, 2012)
- Fr Brian D'Arcy Denies Questioning Catholic Doctrine, in RTE News (April 28, 2012)
- Reünie Op Seminarie Rolduc Kerkrade, in L1 (April 28, 2012)
- When Things Get Tough for the Clergy, Bash the Nuns, in Philly Burbs (April 28, 2012)
- Two Miscarriages of Justice, in Malta Independent (April 28, 2012)
- Why Fr Brian D'Arcy Is Still His Own Man, in The Herald (April 28, 2012)
- Censured Priest Warns over Secrecy, in Press Association (April 28, 2012)
- U.S. Nuns Face Vatican Rebuke for " Radical Feminism" in Stances on Church Teachings, by Social Justice, Democracy Now (April 27, 2012)
- 'A Slow Death' or New Life? Grand Rapids Diocese Restructuring Plan Questioned by Some in Church, by Heidi Fenton, Mlive (April 29, 2012)
- Issues for Discussion at U.S. Bishop's Conference 1995, by Desmond O'Donnell, Association of Catholic Priests (April 28, 2012)
- Silent Vigil outside Papal Nuncio's Residence, in Association of Catholic Priests (April 28, 2012)
- Bishop Morlino Warns Dissenters to Stop or Else, by Doug Erickson, Wisconsin State Journal (April 28, 2012)
- Bishops Play Church Queens As Pawns, by Maureen Dowd, New York Times (April 28, 2012)
April 29
- Censured Priest Warns over Secrecy, in Irish Times (April 29, 2012)
- Kelly: North Jersey Catholic Church Restores Memorial to Abuse Victims, by Mike Kelly, The Record (April 29, 2012)
- Break with Rome Isnt End of World, in Irish Independent (April 29, 2012)
- A Pilgrimage with a Purpose, by Bishop Edward J. Burns, Juneau Empire (April 29, 2012)
- Millstone Memorial Rededication (4/28/12), in The Record (April 29, 2012)
- Sex Abuse Victim: I Felt Betrayed, by Ralph Cipriano, Philadelphia Priest Abuse Trial Blog (April 26, 2012)
- Has the Real Ratzinger Come out to Play?, by John L. Allen Jr., National Catholic Reporter (April 29, 2012)
- Bearing down on the Sisters, by Rina Jimenez-David, The Inquirer (April 29, 2012)
- Vaticans Gag on Fr Darcy Breaks Bbcs Guidelines, by Jerome Reilly, Irish Independent (April 29, 2012)
- Hypocrite Benedict Silenced Fr Tony Flannery a Compilation but He Does Not Silence Cardinal Bernard Law and Jp2 Army John Paul II Pedophile Priests, in Pope Crimes & Vatican Evils... (April 29, 2012)
- Dialogue Within the Church: Marcolm Reville, in Association of Catholic Priests (April 29, 2012)
- Rabbis Reprieve, by Jose Martinez, New York Post (April 29, 2012)
- Orthodox Child Sex Abuse Suspects Exempt from Public Disclosure Rules, by Paul Berger, The Haaretz (April 29, 2012)
- Court Nixes Conviction of Brooklyn Rabbi on Sexabuse Charges, by Oren Yaniv, New York Daily News (April 29, 2012)
- Priest Apologises over Gay Porn, in Irish Times (April 29, 2012)
- Father Martin Mcveigh in Indecent Images Row Issues Statement, in BBC News (April 29, 2012)
- Catholic Priest Apologises for Displaying Indecent Images, in RTE News (April 29, 2012)
- Porn Scandal Priest to Leave Area, in Ballymoney and Moyle Times (April 29, 2012)
- The Shame of the Catholic Church, on BBC (April 29, 2012)
- Jimmy Mcphillips on the Censoring of Brian Darcy., in Association of Catholic Priests (April 29, 2012)
- 200 Attend Vigil at Papal Nuncios Residence in Support of Censured Priests, in RTE News (April 29, 2012)
- Priest on Administrative Leave, Allegation of Sexual Abuse, in WOWT (April 29, 2012)
- Omaha Priest Accused of Sexual Abuse 40 Years Later, in WETV (April 30, 2012)
- Fr. Frank Dvorak, by Pastor, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish (April 29, 2012)
April 30
- Wellwishers Flock to Dr Brian Darcys Mass As He Makes Light of terrible Weekend, by Greg Harkin, Irish Independent (April 30, 2012)
- Omaha Priest Accused of Sexual Abuse, in KHAS (April 30, 2012)
- Omaha Priest on Leave Amid Abuse Allegation, by Susan Szalewski, Omaha World-Herald (April 30, 2012)
- Sex Cases Prompt New School Rules in N.J., by Colleen Diskin, Daily Journal (April 30, 2012)
- Former Norfolk Priest on Leave Amid Sexual Abuse Allegation, in KCAU (April 30, 2012)
- Church Must Serve, in Irish Independent (April 30, 2012)
- Vatican Diary / the Holy Office Puts the American Sisters in the Corner, in Chiesa (April 30, 2012)
- Brooklyn DA Plays Sexabuse Politics, by Michael Lesher, New York Post (April 30, 2012)
- Vatican Accepted One Billion Lire to Bury Crime Boss in Basilica Next to Former Popes, by Michael Day, The Independent (April 30, 2012)
- Caso De Pedis, dalla Vedova Alla Curia 1 Mld Di Lire Per LA Sepoltura, in Blitz Quotidiano (April 30, 2012)
- Oneonone Interview with Cardinal Timothy Dolan, by Ted Perry, Fox 6 (April 30, 2012)
- Priest: Slideshow Sex Snaps Werent Mine, by Barry Moran, Irish Sun (April 30, 2012)
- PROTESTERS Speak out in Anger at Silencing of Priests by Vatican, by Edel O'Connell, Irish Independent (April 30, 2012)
- Hundreds Protest at Papal Nunciature against Censuring of Priests by Vatican, by Olivia Kelly, Irish Times (April 30, 2012)
- Bullying the Nuns, by Garry Wills, New York Review of Books (April 30, 2012)
- For a Year Now, Austrian Catholics Debate Obedience, in Christa Pongratz-Lippitt (April 30, 2012)
- New York Times Columnists Support the Nuns, Tell Bishops to Back off, in Scarecrow Monday (April 30, 2012)
- Mendham Clergy Sex Abuse Memorial Rededicated in Show of Support, by Phil Garber, Observer-Tribune (April 30, 2012)
- $336M Child Protection Boost in Vic Budget, on 9 News (April 30, 2012)
- Wir Halten Also Fest:, in MissBiT (April 30, 2012)
- Geistlicher Muss in Den Ruhestand, in BR (April 30, 2012)
- Bamberg: Kirchengericht Verurteilt Fruheren Personalchef, on domradio (April 30, 2012)
- Missbrauch: Priester Muss in Ruhestand, in Mittel Bayerische (April 30, 2012)
- DUBLIN, Hundreds Participate in Vigil outside Holy Sees Nunciature, by Gerard O'Connell, Vatican Insider (April 30, 2012)
- Programme for Gathering on Monday 7 May Is Published, in Association of Catholic Priests (April 30, 2012)
- Documentary to Shine Spotlight on Abuse, by Michelle Nic Phaidin, Donegal Democrat (April 30, 2012)
- Archdiocese Says Allegations against Roslindale Priest Were Found to Be Unsubstantiated, by Martin Finucane, Boston Globe (April 30, 2012)
- Allegation against Roslindale Priest Unsubstantiated, in Boston Herald (April 30, 2012)
- April 30, 2012 a Statement of the Archdiocese of Boston Regarding Rev. John M. Mendicoa, in Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston (April 30, 2012)
- Nuns and Priests Wear Gags As They Protest against Vatican Censorship, by Patrick Counihan, Irish Central (April 30, 2012)
- Church Bashers Rally for Nuns, in Catholic League (April 30, 2012)
- Voice of the Victims: Sex Abuse Survivors and the Church, by Michelle Van Loon, Christianity Today (April 30, 2012)
- A False Claim to Divine Morality: Sex, Lies and Pedophiles, by Jeff Schweitzer, Huffington Post (April 30, 2012)
- Billy Little: Pastor and Pyschologist Accused of Dusty Sex Scandal, by Chad Garrison, Riverfront Times (April 30, 2012)
- Pa. Accuser Unleashes Fury at Catholic Church, by Maryclaire Dale, Lebanon Daily News (April 30, 2012)
- Omaha Priest Accused of Sexual Abuse 40 Years Later, in WETV (April 30, 2012)
- Prosecutors: Look to Philly, by Mari Passananti, Little Grape (April 30, 2012)
- Hypocrite Benedict Silenced Fr Tony Flannery a Compilation but He Does Not Silence Cardinal Bernard Law and Jp2 Army John Paul II Pedophile Priests, by Paris Arrow, Pope Crimes & Vatican Evils... (April 30, 2012)
- List of 130 accused Minnesota abusive clerics, church staff, nuns to be provided, in National Survivor Advocates Coaliton (April 30, 2012)
- SNAP Applauds Ruling in St. Louis County, by Barbara Dorris, SNAP (April 30, 2012)
- A Counterculture of Catholic Monks, by James Carroll, Boston Globe (April 30, 2012)
- Philadelphia Child Sex Abuse Trial Revisits 2008 Church Probe of Accused Priest, by Tony Hanson, CBS Philly (April 30, 2012)
- Priest Admitted Letting Teen Watch Porn, Sharing Bed with Him, by John P. Martin and Joseph A. Slobdzian (April 30, 2012)
- Pa. Witness Unleashes Fury at Catholic Church, by Maryclaire Dale, KSRO (April 30, 2012)
- Quirk Testifies in Priest Abuse Trial, in The Intelligencer (April 30, 2012)
- Sex Abuse Allegations Unfounded against Former St. Marys Priest, Archdiocese Says , by Jennifer Brown Bonniwell, Wicked Local Winchester (April 30, 2012)
- Father Kelly Facing Criminal Charges?, by B.J. Hansen, MyMotherLode (April 30, 2012)
- Update on Father Kelly Investigation, by Chris Hewitt, Calaveras County Sheriff's Office (April 30, 2012)
- Alleged Priest Pleads Not Guilty to Theft Charges, in WGIL (April 30, 2012)
- Teresa Stone Pleads Guilty to Conspiring Husbands Murder, Could Face 10 Years behind Bars, in KSHB (April 30, 2012)
- Appeals Court Orders New Trial for Brooklyn Rabbi, in Reuters (April 30, 2012)
- Former Pastor Gets 26 Years for Child Sex Abuse, by Greg Hambrick, Patch (April 30, 2012)
- Former Goose Creek Pastor Pleads Guilty to Sexually Abusing Child, Gets 26 Years in Prison, by Allyson Bird, Post and Courier (April 30, 2012)
- Rome Vs. the Sisters, by Marian Ronan, Religion Dispatches (April 30, 2012)
- Priest Jailed over Maid Sex Attacks, in New Zimbabwe (April 30, 2012)
- Clergy Sexual Abuse Ten Years Later: a May 11 Conference at Santa Clara University Explores the Status of Reform, in Market Watch (April 30, 2012)
- Kanunnik Veroordeeld Voor Seksueel Misbruik, in RKnieuws (April 30, 2012)
- Priesterrat: Missbrauchsfalle Rasch Klaren, in inFranken (April 30, 2012)
- Missbrauchsopfer Sollte Schweigen, in Focus (April 30, 2012)
- Accuser in Philadelphia Priest Trial Withdrew 1 Complaint against Reverend James Brennan, by Maryclaire Dale, Huffington Post (April 30, 2012)
- VATICAN Loud on Liberals but Silent on Abuse, by Fintan O'toole, Irish Times (May 1, 2012)
- Church in Need of New Direction to Avoid Drift Towards Oblivion, by Brendan Hoban, Irish Times (May 1, 2012)
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