| Philly Archdiocese Reinstates Suspended Priest
NBC 10
October 15, 2012
The diocese said Monday that Archbishop Charles Chaput decided the Rev. Joseph DiGregorio is suitable for ministry.
The Archdiocese of Philadelphia has reinstated a priest placed on leave after a February 2011 grand jury report into child sexual abuse.
The diocese said Monday that Archbishop Charles Chaput decided the Rev. Joseph DiGregorio is suitable for ministry.
Church officials say an investigation found the 72-year-old DiGregorio violated The Standards of Ministerial Behaviors and Boundaries more than 40 years ago, but they did not say how.
They say there's compelling evidence that makes him suitable for ministry and that there's no evidence he poses a danger to children. He had been suspended after the grand jury report, but later said in a radio interview the allegations against him were "a lie.''
Archbishop Chaput made the following statement:
In making this decision I relied on the counsel of the Archdiocesan Review Board and the Multi-Disciplinary Team. The experience of these experts who have devoted their lives to addressing the societal evil of sexual abuse is critical to the work we do. All cases are unique and contain various factors that require careful consideration. This one was no exception.
Based on the facts of Father DiGregorio's case, a thorough external investigation, the fact that no other complaints were reported in an atmosphere where the public was largely aware of the situation, and that thorough clinical evaluations from competent outside authorities indicate he poses no danger to minors, I found him suitable for ministry.
Officials say there are nine administrative leave cases remaining, but details of those are not being announced Monday.